Coffee Bacon Sandwiches


You guys! ย Um… everything is seriously BONKERS right now!

a) there’s coffee on my bacon.

b) there’s a TON of you at my first book signing.

c) ย i’m out in the world wearing a blazer and pretending that I’m not shy.

And things have only just begun to get crazy. ย I’m about to get crazy (and totally wear a blazer) in a city near you!

But first, Coffee Bacon… yet another recipe from the Joy the Baker Cookbook, and one of the best sandwiches I’ve ever shoved into my face.


Here’s a peek at my very first book signing! ย Whoa, dudes. ย Standing room only? ย How is this a thing that’s even possible!?

Thank you for coming out. ย Thanks for all the hugs and laughs. ย I’ll post more of your smiling faces soon!


Bacon is good. ย Bacon certainly doesn’t need any help from little ol’ me.

But. ย Well. ย Why not give it a little face-lift just for fun?

I mixed together ground coffee beans, brown sugar, molasses, chili powder, and a bit of water, and created a loose paste.

You know how bacon comes in a package layered and staggered? ย I poured the coffee mixture over the staggered bacon and let it marinate for a few hours. ย After some time, I removed the bacon from the fridge, and removed just some of the coffee marinade. ย I baked it up crisp… and it’s almost sandwich time!


This fancy-ish sandwich would not be complete without a homemade spread.

Goat cheese is the start. ย I placed goat cheese in a bowl and mashed it together with dates, lemon zest, lemon juice, and chili flakes. ย Mashing requires just a bowl, a fork, and a good amount of pressure. ย Totally technical. ย I know.


Here’s what’s happening here:

a) lightly buttered and toasted bread.

b) fresh spinach.

c) bright, tangy, and sweet goat cheese spread. ย The sweetness is a nice compliment to the salty bacon.

d) coffee bacon! ย If you’re not excited about this… if you’re still looking at me with a strange face, let me explain. ย Coffee marinated bacon doesn’t bake up with a strong coffee flavor. ย The coffee bakes out a bit and lends a depth and richness to the coffee. ย Molasses give the bacon some deep sweetness, and chili powder adds some quality kick. ย If you’re skeptical… I totally get it. ย I just think t hat smashing breakfast items together is cool. ย Give it a try. ย I really do think you’ll be surprised!

whiteonrice+joy (1)

I’m out in the world being weird with my cookbook, White on Rice Couple, Cristina Ferrera, and Kitchen Aid. ย I don’t even want to tell you:

a) how many carbs I have to consume to eat my way out of shyness.

b) ย how truly excited I am to meet you out in the world.

c) ย just how much I want you to make coffee bacon, because you might think me creepy.

photo from

Coffee Bacon Sandwiches

makes 8 pieces of bacon and enough spread 4 sandwiches

coffee bacon recipe from Joy the Baker Cookbook

Print this Recipe!

For the Bacon:

8 slices uncooked bacon

1/4 cup freshly ground coffee

1/4 teaspoon chili powder

2 tablespoons packed brown sugar

2 tablespoons molasses

1 tablespoon water

For the Spread:

4 ounces goat cheese

4 medjool dates, pitted and coarsely chopped

1 tablespoon lemon zest

2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

For the Sandwich:

fresh baby spinach leaves

crusty, toasted bread

Lay cascading bacon slices atop one another so that the fat is on top. ย Place bacon on top of a piece of plastic wrap or brown butcher paper.

In a small bowl, stir together ground coffee, chili powder, brown sugar, molasses, and water. ย Spread the mixture on top of the bacon slices, pressing with the back of a spoon. ย The coffee topping will only be on the top, fatted rim of the bacon. ย Wrap the bacon and coffee in the plastic wrap or butcher paper and place in the fridge. You may want to put the mixture in a large sealable back to prevent any leaking. ย  Let sit for 2 hours of overnight.

When ready to bake, place a rack in the center of the oven and preheat oven to 375 degrees F. ย Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and pay separate bacon slices on the paper in a single layer. ย If you prefer, you can wipe some of the ground coffee marinade off before baking. ย The majority of the coffee will only be on the top layer of the bacon slice.

Bake until browned and crisp, 14 to 17 minutes, or until bacon has reached your desired crispiness. ย Remove from the oven, allow to drain on a piece of paper towel and assemble goat cheese spread.

To make the Spread: ย In a medium bowl, place goat cheese, pitted dates, lemon zest, lemon juice, olive oil and red pepper flakes. ย Use a fork to mash the ingredients together. ย Mash until well incorporated. ย Add a touch more lemon juice or olive oil to reach your desired consistency.

Spread goat cheese mixture on buttered and toasted bread. ย Top with coffee bacon and fresh spinach. ย Serve immediately.

All Comments

I Made This


190 Responses

  1. My husband thinks that this recipe is the best thing I’ve ever cooked. I also used mascarpone instead of goat cheese (because we already had some in the fridge), forgot to inclue the dates, and marinaded for about 5 minutes instead of the suggested two hours. It was incredible. Like hands down the best thing I’ve eaten this month.

  2. Pingback: circumfession
  3. This looks so amazing! However, I’m not a huge fan of goat cheese. Do you recommend another type to use? Thanks!

  4. Pingback: Mojito Bars
  5. I’m cooking for one here, and I’m wondering how long the bacon will keep after cooking. Can’t wait to make them!!!

  6. Somehow you packed just about every food I love into one sandwich, bless you for putting this together! Just re-found your blog and I’m so happy to have done so!

  7. Pingback: Tasty Tuesday «
  8. I made this last night for the family and they were devoured…luckily, I saved back some bacon for my breakfast and lunch today. So good, can’t wait to make it again for guests.

  9. I made this sandwich this weekend. Actually the bacon was the very first thing from the cookbook I made. (I was limited to one thing a day by my hubby in order to preserve our waistlines.) I must tell you it was the most amazing combination of flavors. Over the course of our Saturday, my husband and I finished a loaf of bread and the entire package of bacon. We then used the last bit of spread swirled into mac and cheese.

    Thank you for having amazing recipes and I can’t wait to meet you in Chicago.

  10. OH. MY. WORD. I love your cookbook… and…sniffle… I know I’ll never meet you because I’m stuck in the Northwoods of upper Wisconsin,,, NOBODY ever comes here. But I know your book is going to set some kind of record for sales. Seriously. I only JUST discovered you (thank Ree Drummond) and couldn’t be happier to have done so! And don’t sweat being shy. Seriously. So am I. But I was in sales for 30 years and was at the absolute top of my gig and nobody ever knew how much I was “putting on my people face”. So go get’ ’em, Joy!!

  11. I would love to print out the Coffee Bacon sandwich recipe, but I’ve tried every way possible, and nothing prints. Has anyone else had this problem?

  12. I’ve been making a variation of this. Adding sweetness, coffee and even cocoa to meat give it a rich flavor. People never notice that the flavor is “coffee” or “chocolate”. I’ve always thrown a dash of brown sugar into my bacon while cooking.

    The sandwich I make is also very similar, including using goat cheese, except I used basil instead of the spinach (and obviously not so much).

  13. So nice to meet you today at your Huntington Beach book signing! My daughter was happy to meet a ‘real baker’ and I enjoyed learning about your Aunt Dee Dee too. Thank you for retaking my photos again and again. I swear I’m not a weirdo, just a bonafied blinker! It takes me a while to get my Picts right… Please thank Michael for wanting to get me the perfect picture. Please forward to my email whenever you can.

  14. I just got your cookbook in the mail and I am so excited. It is absolutely gorgeous! You did such a beautiful job. Can’t wait to start baking some of these delicious items!

  15. Joy! I stumbled on your blog right before your book release. Can I just say HOW EXCITED I WAS when I found out that you were releasing a book!?!? Can’t wait to be locked in my kitchen exploring new recipes! :) thanks again!

  16. Judging by the amount of goat cheese spread I’ve eaten with a spoon, I’d say that these sandwiches will be a success. :-) Thank you for your brilliance, Joy!

  17. Joy-

    I got your cookbook in the mail 2 days ago and I’ve really been enjoying reading through all of your notes at the beginning of the recipes (my dad puts molasses on waffles also, too weird!). I’ve already tried the Chocolate Peanut Butter Whoopie pies. They were de-lish!

    I cannot wait to see you and Tracy in Seattle!

  18. Joy, you’re adorable (blazer and all). I’m excited to see you when you come to St. Louis. Thanks as always for your wit and warmth…and delicious recipes of course. Happy travels!

  19. Dear Joy,
    Your cookbook arrived Friday…I went off to the ballet, but all I could think about
    as I watched Giselle (very sad) was your cookbook awaiting me on my kitchen
    counter and that made me very happy!

  20. Joy , I am so happy for you, I knew that your book signings would go above and beyond what you ever imagined.
    God Bless You! , Iam sure He’s mighty proud :)

  21. Three days with your book and I have had the Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies, Banana Rum Cake and the Vanilla Bean Snickerdoodles. All have been amazing! If you add a book tour stop in the south I will be there!

  22. i am utterly overcome by this recipe. it’s as if you took all of my favorite things and put them together in the best way to create the ultimate good thing. i am not supposed to be eating sugar, pork, wheat, or dairy right now, but eff it, man. i’m making a hundred of these.

  23. Just got your cookbook today! It was waiting for me when I got home from work! What a great surprise to come home to! I love it and can’t wait to make EVERYTHING in it! You rock! I don’t know where to begin!

  24. JOY.

    Honestly………..could you possibly get ANY more brillz?! First off…you had me at Bacon. No wait. Coffee. No…maybe it was the spinach? No- defs goat cheese…all combo’d in what could possibly be the most beautiful sandwich creation, ever. I am SO excited to try out this recipe I’m bursting with energy just thinking about it!!! Weekend, hurry up pls!

    Congrats on the book- if only you could make your way up to Canada! We all love you up here too!

  25. Pingback: Joy Part 2
  26. I got my book yesterday and gave you a shout out on my FB wall so everyone could see the glorious thing!!! I SOOOOO wish you were coming to AZ but I will live…maybe. :)


  27. First, congratulations on your book. When are you coming to South Florida?
    I’m working on a proposal for a rather unique cookbook, but that’s another story.
    Your Bacon-Coffee Sandwich started my creative juices running. If Mexican cooks can use chocolate to enrich sauces, why not coffee?

    To take it one step further, I use a spicy rub prior to grilling ribs and turkey. It contains whatever combination of spices and herbs I can throw together to mimic blackening spice. I’m going to try adding some coffee, either instant or espresso, to the rub. I’ll report on the results. (Luckily, I live in Miami and I can barbecue year round.)

    Good luck with the book.

  28. BTW, Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park (Kirkland/Kenmore – near Seattle) Washington, is a fantastic book-signing spot. Pioneer Woman was there when her first cookbook came out (hint, hint)…

  29. Three of my very favorite words, all in one title. You can’t imagine how fast I clicked on the post-link. Will be making these tomorrow. On Dr. Seuss’s birthday… very appropriate to make something a little crazy and a lot fabulous!

    Thank you!!

  30. A woman with a cookbook and a recipe for coffee bacon is my kind of heroine. So, you can’t be a creepy. I have just discovered your website (I know, where have I been?). Can’t wait to get a copy of your book in my hot little hands.

  31. You’re not creepy. At least, if you are then I am too. To whit: I have had a really bad couple of days and I’ve been taking your cookbook with me to innappropriate places, like my nursing school classes, as if it were a security blanket. My classmate Kathy, who is a vegetarian, and I are totally going to bake Vegan Chocolate Avocado Cupcakes in a few weeks to celebrate passing our finals.

    Also, I’m currently eating cream of wheat with local honey and non-local strawberries right now. And it’s midnight here in Ohio. Strange. I am a creeper.

  32. Congrats on the start of your book tour! You are a bona fide superstar. You deserve all of this attention, praise, etc. and more. Can’t wait to have you autograph my copy of your lovely cookbook this weekend at Omnivore Books in S.F.!

  33. Just received my pre-ordered cookbook in the mail yesterday. LOVE IT and am making a few recipes this weekend for a girls movie night! Love your blog and wishing you much happiness and success so you write another book!

  34. I can’t even tell you how excited I am about this. We are already in love with brown sugar bacon waffles, and coffee, and goat cheese – and you have somehow managed to put them all in one sandwich! GENIUS!!!

  35. Happy your book signing was a success! Knew it would be.
    Lovin’ that blazer. You’re totally rocking it.

  36. Girl. You’ve just united two of my favorite things and made my brain explode. Coffee. Bacon. Whoa.

    Also, so fun to hear the podcast after your first signing. Amazing, really. Big love!

  37. I just downloaded your book and can’t put it down!!!! Your book will be THE Birthday present for my friends. Lots of luck in everthing in your life :)

  38. Congrats Joy! I bought your cookbook yesterday and oh my lanta, nearly drooled over the coffee bacon, I love how you are pairing it with goat cheese…my fave! I made your lavender lemon bars, will post on my blog soon. I sent the rest to work with my dad and from what I hear, his co-workers literally fell over they were so dang good!

  39. I just received my copy of your cookbook–it’s amazing! I want to start making one of everything right now. Thank you so much for your voice, your passion, and your intention behind your recipes. Love it!

  40. I can NOT wait until you stop by the east coast! Still crossing my fingers that you can make Boston work out, but there may be a way for me to make it to New York. Thanks for showing me how to use the coffee bacon! (My cooking challenge has coffee as the ingredient for the week.)

  41. Yay, Joy! I knew you’d have tons of visitors!
    I don’t know you and yet am so proud of you!

    Love the coffee bacon idea sounds delightful!

  42. This is on my to do list when I saw it in the book! In fact I bought the bacon today to make it at the weekend, seriously cant wait. I’ve put coffee on brisket and ribs before and it works :)
    Take care..

  43. I actually just took a class on how to make bacon (starting from a chunk of pork belly + salt and sugar and spices). It turns out it’s actually super super easy. And I asked the guy teaching the class if he had ever tried making coffee-cured bacon. He said he hadn’t but that it should be possible. I’m glad to hear that the flavor combo works, and now maybe I’ll try out putting the coffee flavor in at the very beginning…

  44. Oh Joy!
    I totally got your book from Amazon a day too late. I didn’t see you at Vromans. Boooo! But when I did get your book (the day after your Pasadena visit), the first thing I did was tear open the package and handed it to my grandma (you know I must love her if I gave it to her to see before I had even leafed through it). But as soon as she saw it she called me the devil. You see, it’s lent season and she has given up coffee, bread and chocolate. Why she wants to be Jesus is beyond me. When she handed it back to me an hour later she said and I quote “oh my goodness that was good and delicious.” Then I tore through it myself of couse. Later my dog even drooled on it a little. Needless to say, he slept outside last night. Congatulations, Joy!

  45. Congratulations! I mean here you were talking about a few people showing up, when clearly having to be nervous in front of zillions of people is much MUCH better. Oh- and I love your lace top in that last picture. See you on Saturday!

  46. As a new follower I was so bummed to find out you were coming to my local bookstore and I couldn’t make it. I’m near Vromans all the time, but had a previous engagement. So I’m really happy you have tons of other fans in Pasadena and got a really, warm welcome!

    Question: What does a person pretending not to be shy talk about in front of a crowd? Lol!

  47. Congrats on the book tour!

    I might have to try coffee bacon! I made your Simple Vegan Chocolate Cake with coffee twice already…I had to “borrow” a cup of coffee from the office since we’re not coffee drinkers.

  48. Joy

    You are absolutely fabulous & I love your blog, book & passion!
    If your EVER in Europe….
    Please come to France ( I have recently moved from Jersey, UK to France…with my whisk)
    More than welcome to come by & talk, eat & exchange great things.
    The best of biggest luck with your new book (not that you need it).
    Much Love & Best wishes

    1. Jenna,

      I totally understand! It’s not that I don’t like it, but I can really take it or leave. I honestly have no idea what all the fuss is about.

  49. Looks like I’ll be making another trip to the grocery store…

    I don’t think coffee-bacon is weird. I think it’s genius. Perhaps I will make this on Saturday when my copy of the JtB cookbook arrives and munch on it while I flip through and drool over everything else.

  50. my girlfriend and i were sitting on the floor at b&n last night drooling over your book – especially the coffee bacon! gorgeous book, btw. we’l be at your signing on saturday and are so looking forward to meeting you! congratulations and much continued success you clever girl.

  51. Girl, can I tell you your outfit is amazing in that picture?! Where are the blazer and top from? You’re rocking it.

  52. Anxiously awaiting for my copy from Amazon to arrive. This recipe sounds soooooooooo yummy! Can’t wait to give it a try! Hope you’ll be traveling to LI, NY for tour. Would love to attend booksigning and hear you speak…. Ciao !

  53. My husband is the master of the breakfast “man-wich”, but it always involves fried eggs, which I can’t eat, so I get left out of the fun. But this? I see my own breakfast sandwich future here. It looks crazy good.

    Also, yay book signings!

  54. Hold on a second whoa. If the sheer beauty of your book hasn’t sold me already that sandwich just did. I’m running to Amazon post haste!

  55. LOOK at all those PEOPLE!!! How WONDERFUL!!!!!!
    I saw that bacon, and I just thought it was SO incredible!
    Love your mind, Joy!
    I know people will be flocking to your book signings! Go get ’em, girl!!
    Did I overdo it on the exclamation points this morning? ;-)

  56. this looks seriously delicious. i love anything that has “marinated” bacon, and i’m always ready to sprinkle some brown sugar or maple syrup onto bacon before cooking it…but coffee!? that’s just ingenious i think. The sandwich looks amazing overall; need to try this soon!

    can’t wait for your book tour stop in New York!!!!! my copy just came in the mail!!!!!

  57. Ok its totally funny that the lady in the middle of that first picture is taking a picture of you taking her picture. Also, carb courage – I’ll have to try that! Congrats on all your blazered fun and success. I am DYING waiting for my cookbook to arrive! Pre-ordered months ago and it won’t arrive until tomorrow! So lame, but fun anticipating.

  58. I love everything about this sandwich. Husband would love it more!

    p.s. Florida really needs you to come for a book signing. Near Tampa or Orlando would be cool. K thanks!

  59. As I live in Europe I will have to wait until the end of the month to be able to buy your new book, it’s been on my wish list for months now, I’m so looking forward to finally getting it!
    You all are so lucky!

  60. Wow, Joy! This looks amazing!

    Btw, a blazer sounds perf for a book signing. Wish you were coming down to (Tampa) Florida… Have a wonderful trip!

  61. Hey Joy,
    Wish I could say that in person but you slighted the South. I know we have Paula but we love y’ll too. Come visit us soon even though you messin’ with our biscuits. Don’t tell anyone down here but they are mighty fine eating. Charlotte is waiting for you.

  62. …You girl, are ah-dorable! (((hug))) Congrat’s on your cookbook too! :o)

    …Coffee & Bacon goes together like PB & J. Seriously. This sounds delish!

    …Thank you for the recipe and enjoy the fame – you deserve it you know. ;o)


  63. Mmm! My Hubsy will love this. I make your food and my popularity around here grows ;D thanks! Super excited for you to sign my book next week!!! Yay!
    Have fun

  64. Your book signing looks like it was so much fun! What an adventure. I wish wish wish you were coming somewhere close by. I’ll just have to wait for your next one!
    This coffee bacon is so inventive – i think, right? Maybe I’ve just been living under a rock. Whatever – it looks yummy. Way to combine two fave things!! I want this sandwich for lunch today!

  65. I looked at this title and thought, she has got to be kidding…
    Now I am going to see if there is any bacon in my freezer

    I looks like a a few more people than the 15 – 20 you were hoping for.

  66. My cookbook arrived from Amazon on publication day, and it is awesome! The recipes sound amazing, and the book is gorgeous. Thanks, Joy, for giving me LOTS of ideas to try in my kitchen. So glad I found your blog and now have your cookbook. What a ride you’re on. Congratulations!

  67. First I thought “what?!”, and then after the marinating thing I thought “yeees!”. This sounds so strange fantastic!
    I’m excited for you and you book and your tour, that’s all so great. Unfortuntely you are not coming to Germany for a book tour, are you ;)? But I will definitely get your book.
    Love your site, Lena

  68. Your tour sounds like such a blast! As for these coffee sandwiches, I’m pretty dubious, but because it’s you I trust you and I think I’m going to have to give them a try :-)

  69. I love a multitasking breakfast. More caffeine please. I’ve got a banana bread with coffee in it that gives me the same kind of joy (pst- great blazer. You look fabulous).

  70. Joy – I love, love, LOVE this! Coffee? Good! Goat cheese? Good! Bacon? Amazing! Why not combine them all for maximum deliciousness. I’m going to try this tomorrow! And don’t worry about the carbs that are helping you through the day. We’ve all been there at one time or another. Best wishes for the rest of your book tour!

  71. Go Joy! And you were worried about people showing up…

    Also, I want to create the world’s greatest breakfast sandwich with this bacon, the mushroom & onion biscuits, and a perfectly friend egg. Perfection? dunzo

  72. I just got done editing pics from the event today and will be posting tomorrow. It was fabulous talking to you, watching you in action, the inscription that you wrote in my book is going to be my guiding light…

    And the cupcake with pink sprinkles and that marshmallow frosting MADE my 5 year olds day. Ok, it made her month. That frosting is…like…the best.stuff.ever. And your book, ok, best cookbook ever and I’m only like 10 pages into it. The cooking/kitchen tips just in the intro, right there, worth the price of admission, folks!

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