Buttermilk Pancake Mix Presents


I’ll just come right out and say it: ย I’m an excellent houseguest.

I usually come with an edible treat that usually involves butter and sugar. ย Heck… I’ll even bring a pink box of doughnuts and champagne if the mood strikes me.

If I don’t have anything edible in tow, rest assured that I come bearing The Gift of the Dance… meaning that I’ll shake my groove thing all over the house (this may or may not involve a cartwheel or two).

My most recent houseguest happyplace is this homemade pancake mix. ย Naturally, it has dark chocolate chips in it. ย All that’s required is that there be an egg, butter, and buttermilk in the house.

If you let me sleep over… I’ll probably even make these for you. ย If you feed me mimosas, I might even do the dishes.

Can I come over?


I found some old diner-style sugar shakers to hold the pancake mix. ย I totally found these suckers at the dollar store. ย So many bizarre treasures at the dollar store. ย I decorated the jars simply with some brown packing paper and twine.

The handwritten recipe is included.

Inspire breakfast!


I love what’s happening here.

I love when gifts are edible… and cheap, but still awesome.


I love when I have an excuse to use my Anthropologie (totally inaccurate and just for show) measuring cups.


Everything in a jar. ย Scoop it and spoon it.

Scoop it and Spoon it should totally be and R&B song. ย You know I’m right.


ย When I’m feeling fancy, I bring a stick of butter, an egg, and a jar of buttermilk as a part of my houseguest gift… but those are really just perks. ย If you show up with chocolate and the promise of breakfast, you’re winning for sure.

Buttermilk Chocolate Chip Pancake Mix: ย Gifting Pancake Mix for two

makes about 12 small pancakes, enough for two

Print this Recipe!

1 tablespoon granulated sugar

1/2 vanilla bean, seeds scraped

1/2 cup all-purpose flour

1/2 cup whole wheat flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/4 cup dark chocolate chips

In a small bowl, combine sugar and vanilla bean. ย Use your fingers to work the vanilla bean into the sugar, creating a vanilla scented and speckled sugar. ย Add flours, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon and whisk to combine.

Spoon dry mixture into a small jar. ย Top with chocolate chips. ย Cover jar with lid and decorate with a bow.

Create a small instruction card for the pancakes.

To Make Pancakes:

Pour contents of this jar into a medium bowl. ย Add:

1 large egg

1 cup buttermilk

2 tablespoons butter, melted and cooled.

Whisk well to incorporate. ย Heat a griddle pan over medium heat. ย Grease with butter. ย Spoon 2 tablespoons of batter onto the hot griddle. ย Flip once. ย Cook until golden brown and cooked through. ย Serve with maple syrup.

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I Made This


96 Responses

  1. Just found your site and love it. But felt I had to leave a note of suggestion here, as vanilla beans can be expensive…if making this, don’t throw out the vanilla bean ‘skin/pod’ once you’ve removed the seeds…place this is a jar of sugar (add the skins every time you use vanilla beans to that same jar) to make an inexpensive jar of vanilla sugar – its inexpensive as you were just going to throw those skins/pods away. I hate throwing anything out that could be used to create something wonderful…if I buy something I want to get as much use from it as possible. If you only have half a bean pod available and don’t feel it’s enough to add to the sugar, pop it in a bag and put in the freezer til you feel you have enough skins/pods to add to a jar of sugar, but truly even a little makes such a huge difference and is great for all your baking, for adding to coffee or herbal tea, and so much more. Just give the jar a shake whenever you remember to, to help distribute it and you’ll be pleased with the end results. As you use the sugar, just add fresh sugar to it, so the vanilla skins/pods just keep on flavouring that vanilla! =)

  2. I’m getting ready for my annual “East Coast New Years in the West” party (where we celebrate here in CA at 9 pm since we all have young kids). It’s an appetizer potluck party. I’m thinking this year, I’ll send folks home with this as a New Year’s gift. What’s better than not having to come up with New Year’s Day breakfast after a night out, particularly when we’ll be keeping the kids up past their bed times?! Thanks for this great idea!

  3. ahh “shave your groove thing” is still killing me. I had to re-read this post just to giggle a little. Love it. Love you. Love your food. :)

  4. Love this website! I could double this, right? Six small pancakes just wouldn’t fly where I would be a houseguest! hee hee. . .

  5. This sounds so delightful that I don’t think I would be able to assemble the ingredients for a gift. Definitely going to have to try these myself…and then maybe consider making gift jars. =)

  6. You Are MORE Than Welcome To Come Over ANY Time!!!
    I think these little baby’s would be perfect little stocking stuffers… (o:

  7. Hey Joy :). Would totally love you to come to Seattle area and be my houseguest. I love mimosas…hehe. Happy Monday!

    PS – raining in Seattle area today, so maybe August would be a good time to visit :o!

  8. have you thought of using buttermilk powder in the mix? then you would only need an egg, butter, and water (or milk) to make your mix. I prefer the powder because I never use the whole carton of buttermilk fast enough, but maybe that’s just me. :)

  9. I seriously think we would be best friends if we lived in the same continent. Breakfast is the best meal of the day and if you brought these over – serious win!

  10. “Scoop It and Spoon It should totally be the next R&B song.” And this, Joy, is why I read your blog. Love it!

  11. I love this idea..always looking for little thank you gifts for teachers and friends. You are welcome at my house anytime! It would be awesome for my daughter (and the rest of the family) to meet a girl who does what she loves and isn’t afraid to shake her groove. Thank you and I am off to make blueberry maple syrup.

  12. Wonderful! What a fun and lovely gift. I think this is a great idea. On a side note, I have those same measuring cups. They’re….inaccurate…?

  13. This DIY gift is so thoughtful AND delicious! It makes a wonderful pancake so easy and the little jar is just adorable! Aren’t you just the sweetest friend showing up with a pretty jar of yum and an armful of buttermilk and butter. You’re welcome at my place anytime, sister!

  14. Joy! You just made my day. Breakfast is my absolute favorite meal and I love the idea of giving “breakfast” as a thank you gift. I can’t wait to whip out a batch of this pancake mix…and probably do a little dance in the kitchen at the same time :) xo

  15. Oh you make me laugh! I love it!

    No matter what the day is like I love knowing I can come over here and read something that makes the world seem like a good place to live and I always get inspired to get in the kitchen, even after a 13 hour day! xoxo

  16. Joy! I must confess it: i love you.
    and your recipes.
    and your spirit in life.
    that being said, can i use normal milk instead of buttermilk in this recipe? i just can’t find it in my country…
    thank you!

    1. I realized it has been quite a while since this was posted, but thought you might still see it- you can make a simple buttermilk substitute using white vinegar or lemon juice and milk. Put a table spoon of either white vinegar or lemon juice in a measuring cup then fill rest of the way to a cup with milk. Let it sit five mins and use! Yay.

  17. I’m writing Scoop It and Spoon It in my head right now… it has a really sexy beat. Also thanks for this idea- I’m young and broke and you’ve always got the best tips for me!

  18. I definitely read the title of this post as buttermilk pancake presents (as in 20th century fox presents) and was all – where is the pancake movie. But pancake mix is to give to people you dig is just as exciting! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Hi Joy! Such a good idea! One quick question…do you add the vanilla bean seeds to the sugar or just the empty bean? I was thinking that the seeds would make the dry ingridients too wet, just wondering :) Thanks!!!

  20. Love this idea for gifts, but to also have on hand as I have frequent guest staying the night. And most importantly, a hungry almost 3 year old! Do you know how long the shelf life is?
    Love your sight and your raspberry lemon rolls! What delicious mess they were to make.

  21. you are coridally invited to come and stay. England isn’t too far for you is it? I’ll provide the champagne, you do the cooking. deal?

  22. I’m just guessing here…..but I think you meant to say “SHAKE your groove thing”…..not “shave”….

  23. What a great idea! I sometimes fantasize that I am the creative person you are. Then I wake up and realize that I don’t have any craft scissors. How come I don’t have any craft scissors? That doesn’t seem right.

  24. You can come stay at my house and bring this. I wouldn’t mind. What a great idea! It makes me want to run out and get some beautiful jars for baking.

  25. dear joy,
    i don’t know you personally, but we have the same name (well, joye is my middle name to be precise). and although your blog is about 1,000 times better than mine… we have similar areas of focus, a mixture of food, seriously too deep thoughts and every day quirky life. i love it. therefore, although i know you not… i welcome you anytime you are in central virginia to bring me pancake mix and be my houseguest. i mean it.
    in any case, i will make this recipe myself the next time our little.big family are house guests. i’ll need to tripple it. ;) hooray.

  26. What a great idea. It would also be a great idea for kids to bring to a sleepover. What mom wouldn’t love it if the child that they were hosting for a sleepover came with breakfast in tow? I know I would love it and I would invite that kid over more often!


  27. Such a happy post. You would be the best guest and these would be perfect.
    I like dollar stores too you can find such good stuff there.
    I think this would be a great time to make pancakes

  28. You just answered a question I’ve asked myself on more than one occasion: Are those pretty little measuring cups you find at Anthropologie actually real measuring cups? Now I know.

  29. I am adamant on giving gifts that are edible! They are so fun!
    Last year for Christmas I did a similar idea, but with hot cocoa.
    Fabulous! I love it and can’t wait to do this one for next year!

  30. Love this idea! It’s so much better than the classic cookie recipe in a jar. Have you tried peanut butter on your pancakes? It’s been our family way of eating buttermilk pancakes since forever, and with dark chocolate – yummmm.

  31. Hi! You’ve just shaved your groove thing all over my place as I’m eating your pancakes right now ;) And that wasn’t easy as I live in Poland ;) It’s 11.30am here – the best time for lazy Saturday’s breakfast. Thanks for the recipe.

  32. What an awesome gift this would be…great idea.

    And I have almost bought those Anthro measuring cups many times but suspected they weren’t accurate. Cuteness usually trumps practicality…shoes, clothes, etc but not in baking. Darn. Because they’re so cute!

  33. As sweet and delicious the peaches with the dollop of yoghurt I just had for breakfast were – I want these pancakes! Have a plan for Sunday morning…

  34. I love making pancakes for houseguests! What a great idea to turn up with your own mix ready to go. Last time I was a house guest I turned up with a jar of homemade granola but pancakes would definitely steal the show. Thanks Joy!

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