The Ultimate Club Sandwich


Let’s just get this humble-brag out of the way now:  I’m REALLY good at making sandwiches.  It’s mostly just about piling delicious things onto fresh bread.  It’s not really rocket surgery.

Making a sandwich for someone is dang important.  A good sandwich can’t be faked. Avocado must be ripe.  Bacon must be crisp.  Produce must be fresh and cheese must be perfectly melty.

It’s a science… but it’s not a science at all.  It’s just a sandwich, but it’s important.

Can we just talk about sandwiches?  K. Thanks.


I call this sandwich The Ultimate Club because it’s totally top-shelf.

We’ve got crisp Black Forest Bacon, whole grain mustard, ripe tomatoes, baby spinach, roasted turkey, and ripe avocado.  Wait.. did I mention melty Brie Cheese!?  Yea… it’s serious.


Mustard is smeared.  Brie and turkey are piled generously.


Flavor layering, featuring BACON!

Bacon should probably be on every sandwich ever, including this Peanut Butter Pickle Sandwich.  Yea… I went there.


Only two things could make this sandwich better:  avocado and grilling.  We’re going to make both happen.  Duh!


By now you may know that I have a serious obsession with outrageous sandwiches.  I’ve made Spinach and Artichoke Grilled Cheese, French Onion Soup Sandwiches, and Pepper Jack Spicy Grilled Cheese.   Seriously delicious.  like whoa.

This Ultimate Club is easily one of my new favorites.  It has everything a good lunch sandwich should have and it feels like a total treat!  Served with fresh cherries, potato chips, and a Dr. Pepper… come on.  Get in my life, for real.

The Ultimate Club Sandwich

makes 1 sandwich

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2 slices good bread

whole grain mustard

Brie cheese, rind and all

thinly sliced roasted turkey

2 slices crisp cooked bacon

sliced tomato

baby spinach leaves

ripe avocado, sliced

butter for grilling

You know how to make a killer sandwich.  You don’t need any help from me.  But… while we’re here, let’s just spell this out.

Spread two slices of bread with whole grain mustard.  Top one of the bread slices with a bit of Brie cheese (rind and all).  Top the Brie bread with a bit of fresh baby spinach leaves and a few tomato slices.  On the other slice of mustard covered bread, add roasted turkey slices.  Top with cooked bacon and sliced avocados.

Smash the two slices of bread together.

In a medium saute pan, melt a bit of butter over medium heat.  Grill sandwich until golden on each side.  Serve warm.  It’s yummy.  

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I Made This


98 Responses

  1. I don’t like putting the mustard onto the bread cus I find it becomes soggy therefore I tend to spread the mustard once I have the spinach leaves and turkey laid out. I find this helps keep it fresh for a weekday work lunch!

  2. Hey, Joy.

    Thank you so much for this sandwich recipe. I love club sandwiches and very often order them in cafes or restaurants.

    But after reading your post – I thought “why not to make it myself?”


    Barbara Dixon

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  4. I totally agree but would have to say I think I’d be better at making sandwiches than you..I know it’s a bold statement but seriously it’s kinda science, from the bread which is really important to how you season each layer. Yup I’m prettttyyy good at making sandwiches. Let’s open a sandwich truck!!

  5. Not only are you really good at making sandwiches, but you also are a pro at cooking bacon. Seriously, that is mouth watering bacon perfection!

  6. I couldn’t have picked a better day to visit your blog. I LOVE MAKING SANDWICHES! I sometimes think I ought just to get a job in an upmarket Subway or something …
    It really is time I tried some new combinations – this post has really inspired me :) Thank you

  7. sandwiches are by far, without a doubt, my favorite food, so I always love when you post about them [three days “on toast” made me love this blog and you more than I already did – fantastic posts!!!]

    I’m baking a cake for my grandmother’s upcoming birthday – a simple white cake & buttercream icing. what is a creative way I could decorate the cake? thank you Joy!

  8. We had this for lunch this weekend (with a couple small variations due to ingredient availability) and it was SO GOOD. My husband even asked where I got the idea for this sandwich! :) Thanks for yet another fantastic sandwich – I love good sandwiches (especially when cheese is melted in perfect creamy gooeyness around the other luscious ingredients!)!

  9. but is that really a “humble brag”? ;) I see that used everywhere now (thanks Henry Alford), but it’s almost always missing the “humble/woe is me/fake complaining” element, and just ends up being a sarcastic brag (which has its own humor, but still…).

    “My hand may fall off from making all these delicious sandwiches”–now that might be more appropos! :)

  10. Hi Joy! I just wanted to leave you a comment to say that I find your blog (pictures, writings, YOU) incredibly inspiring! Everything you make looks so delicious, and even though I eat mostly vegan food, I enjoy popping by to read your posts. Keep up the great work!

  11. I really really really want this so bad. I have a thing with sandwiches…even those as simple as peanut butter and brie or jam. This one is so incredibly tempting. frustrated that I can’t get a bite right this moment.

  12. This is a perfect sandwich. My favorite thing about it, is that it isn’t multiple layers. Essentially it’s just right amount of sandwich. Well done!

  13. That looks yummy , too bad that here in Brazil is crazy difficult to find a nice bacon and don’t even get me started on the cheese! I love sandwiches they are so practical and delicious. But I think it’s just a matter of nice and fresh ingredients! Your blog is the best!

  14. Joy, you make me dream with your sandwiches ! First the peanut butter one and now this one ! You are killing me, I am so hungry now !

  15. I’m hungry a sandwich with salt chips and iced coke! Well I can say that I almost any sandwich NEEDS beacon, and the avocado is a nice twist.

  16. BLT’s are my fav sandwiches with the addition of my fav cheese,brie, spinach, and avocado plus mustard——How can I lose? Can’t wait to try this! Thank you for all your enthusiasm and creativity with food!!! It’s infectious!

  17. My husband’s favorite food is “sandwiches”. Doesn’t matter which. If it’s between two slices of bread it qualifies. I need to up my sandwich making for sure. This sandwich looks incredible, but the bacon especially.

  18. “Rocket surgery” creates the best image in my head! I envy your sammich-making skills. Along with salads, they’re the one thing I feel like my brain doesn’t smoosh together wonderfully most of the time. This club looks delicious!

  19. Your club sandwich picture is making my mouth water! I’m not even a fan of bacon, but the avocados and tomatoes look yummy! Great photography!

    And congratulation on winning Saveur’s Best Baking and Desserts Blog!

  20. Sandwiches! YEAH! I could eat two or three of these and not break a sweat, especially considering that amazing-looking bacon. :) And who doesn’t need more avocado in their sandwiches and/or mouth? I ask you.

  21. I think you’d enjoy my kitchen in Maine, we have an seemingly limitless supply of local bacon at breakfast. Whatever the guests don’t eat, we stash in the kitchen for all bacon-snacking, and sandwich-stacking purposes!

  22. I love a good sandwich. I think it comes from the days of the comic strip Blondie – remember Dagwood would make those tall sandwiches?

    And I didn’t think Dr. Pepper was found anywhere but Texas! Are you a closet Texan. I do love an ice cold D.P.

    I have finally bookmarked your blog. I would read it intermittently, but now you will be on my daily rotation!

  23. Sandwiches really are one of the perfect foods. Also, melted Brie and mustard is such a great combination. I love to do both on a big hunk of baguette. Yum, yum, yum.

  24. I first read this post at 3am, having been unable to fall asleep. Afterwards, I fell into a deep slumber and dreamt happily of creating ultimate sandwiches. Thanks, Joy!

  25. I am checking out the spinach and artichoke grilled cheese directly upon hitting ‘submit’. Yum.

    I love a good Club sandwich and this one is sublime. Avocado? Melted brie? Yes and yes please! And you did the bacon just how I like it. Hungry.

    And I know I say it every time I comment, but dang girl, you are so so good at the food photography thing. I studied food photography and my stuff can’t touch yours. Your use of light – shoot…it’s inspiring.

  26. I could eat this sandwich everyday, twice a day. Is there anything better than a sandwich? And with the chips and tall glass of whatever that is, omg. Perfect!

  27. These look absolutely scrumptious….anything with avocados…or bread….or bacon (I feel like homer simpson when he thinks about doughnuts haha) count me in!

  28. This looks AMAZING. I’m a big fan of sandwiches in general, but go ahead and sign me up for anything involving both bacon and avacado.

  29. So when can we expect a sandwich cookbook? :) Love this recipe. I never make good sandwich’s, lol. Thanks!

  30. We serve a Club at our restaurant – classic 3 toast, white or rye, mayo, roasted chicken, bacon…the tomatoes are cold but previously baked.
    Make a balsamic simple syrup = equal balsamic to sugar, bring to a quick boil and done – bottle and keeps in the fridge for a couple of months.
    Slice the tomatoes place on a parchment covered cookie tray.
    Salt and pepper, drizzle(can’t believe I just used that word) with cooled balsamic syrup. Bake 325-350 approx 12 minutes just until the skin slightly wrinkles or pushes in to touch. Cool on tray in fridge. The tomates stay firm, can easily be stacked between parchment paper in a container for a week. These are addictive, you will find multiple uses for them – they make a grill cheese sing and yes avocadoes love them!

    1. Try cooking bacon in the oven – turns out perfect every time! Lay bacon slices on a rack on a baking sheet. Put in a 375 deg preheated oven. Bake until it’s cooked the way you like it. I always us thick sliced, it seems to cook up nice and flat and even…

  31. The sandwich looks amaze balls, not rocket science, but amaze balls nonetheless. Shame a massive ad for McDonald’s (eh) is on your blog… I know these things can’t be helped

  32. Eurgh I drooled too much. This looks like the most perfect sandwich. I’m 13 weeks pregnant and brie is off the menu…I’ve never wanted brie more. I’m bookmarking this for when the baby comes and it’s party time with a wheel of brie!

  33. I think there has to be a order you place things in sandwich so they all stay nice and crisp. Always lettuce and tomato in the middle with the protective layer of meat or cheese to keep in place. The the crispy bacon always on the top because who doesn’t love crispy bacon?

    I could go for these right now.. Maybe even put a fried egg on it just for extra fare. Lovely post joy

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