S’mores Icebox Candy Bars

S'mores Icebox Candy Bars

I’m putting on an orange leotard tomorrow.  An orange leotard.

I’m also putting on bright blue leggings tomorrow.. and white leg warmers… and sweat bands.

I’m going to encourage the big, puffy, curly hair that I spend most days trying to tame.  Yes, there will be blue eye shadow.

I’m going to step out in the world tomorrow as an 80’s aerobics instructor.  The only little hitch?  That I actually have to step out of the house in a skin tight orange leotard and skin tight blue leggings.  Oooh lordy.  Whose idea was it to take the Halloween celebration beyond my solo living room dance parties?  Yeeps!

Ironically, the only thing making me feel better about my very bright and very tight 80’s debut are these S’mores Icebox Candy Bars.  There are fifteen in a batch and I’ve worked through four just writing this post.  Send help.  Orange leotard, people…. send help.

S'mores Icebox Candy Bars

S'mores Icebox Candy Bars

I love a good, down-and-dirty dessert.  This is that treat.  All the goodness of s’mores, crumbled up then pressed together and refrigerated.  I sliced these little darlings into small bars, wrapped them in wax paper… and now I’m eating them like a mad woman.  No baking.  No fuss and sure to be gone in a flash.

S'mores Icebox Candy Bars

S'mores Icebox Candy Bars

S’mores Icebox Candy Bars

adapted from The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook

makes 15 bars

Print this Recipe!

3 sticks plus 2 tablespoons unsalted butter

3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

3/4 cup light corn syrup

pinch of salt

1 14-ounce box graham crackers, lightly crumbled

2 big handfuls of mini marshmallows, plus a handful more for sprinkling on top

Line a 9×13-inch baking sheep with parchment paper, set aside.

In a large bowl, crumble the graham crackers into large chunks.  Add two handfuls of mini marshmallows and set aside.

In a medium saucepan over medium heat, melt butter together butter, cocoa, corn syrup and a pinch of salt.  Stir and heat until smooth.  Once melted, let chocolate mixture cool for 5 minutes.

Pour chocolate mixture over graham crackers and marshmallows.  Stir so that all of the graham crackers are moistened by the chocolate mixture.  Dump into lined baking pan, and a few more marshmallows on top and press down with the back of a spoon.  Cover the top with another sheet of parchment and press with your fingers.  Let cool on the counter for 30 minutes, then place in the fridge to solidify for a few hours or overnight.  Cut into bars.  Wrap individually and store in the fridge.

S'mores Icebox Candy Bars

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I Made This


93 Responses

  1. I made these but must offer an alternative that I found much tastier. Instead of butter/cocoa powder, just melt dark chocolate. Add that to the crackers with the marshmallows, stir heartily, place in pan, extra marshmallows on top and then place in the oven at 375 for 15 minutes or until the marshmallows on top are golden brown.

    I found this variation tasted closer to original s’mores and had better texture.

  2. heralding, from Hidden Hills, California I want to tell you, I like this post. However, it is funny how I ended up on your blog. I searched for double decker bus on Google and ended up on your website. I must say I do like your site and will check back soon. But I need to find the limo I was originally looking for first. Have a wonderful day! ciao.

  3. Just made these. Just ate these. Ate Too many to tell the people whose house I was supposed to bring them to that “the recipe just didn’t made as many as I thought it would.” So now I need a backup, and I’m holding you responsible.

  4. i’ve tried a similar recipe just without the marshmallows..but this too seems like a great one..will have to try it out soon!! thanks for sharing!

  5. My friend baked these for a social event and they were DIVINE! I asked her where she got the recipe, and she said “where I get all the good ones.” Of course, I immediately knew who she was referring to. :)

  6. These were so good! I thirded (is that a word?) the recipe, used Teddy Grahams instead of graham crackers, added 2 Hershey bars (broken up) and used a 9×5 bread pan. I also reserved some of each of the grahams, marshmallows, and Hershey bars to press into the top. Still made 12 brownie-sized bars, which made me feel much better about the butter-to-bar ratio that so many people are concerned about :)

  7. These were good, but I didn’t like the cocoa. I think next time I will use 1 1/2 cups of chocolate chips and 1 1/2 cups of melted butter.

  8. I made two batches of these tonight. Kept 1 batch for our family and gave one batch to some neighbors who just moved in. Delicious! I substituted 1 stick of butter for 1/2 cup of crunchy peanut butter….really good!

  9. don’t listen to the butter haters. these are soooo heavenly delicious. my husband took half the batch to work and they were gone in about 15 minutes. we actually managed to hang on to the other half for a couple of days. need i say i’m working the elliptical now? so worth it, though.

  10. I just wanted to say that last night I made your pumpkin butternut squash soup recipe and it was to die for! Took a few hours to do all that cutting, cooking and what not, but I also managed to whip up an apple crisp while the pumpkin/squash were baking so it was a double whammy in the kitchen last night. TWO FABULOUS fall dishes for our tummies. Thanks for the great recipe!

  11. OMG that is one brilliant Halloween costume (I’ll be assuming here that it IS only a Halloween costume). I love it and I too want to see a photo!

    Love s’mores, the only reason I stayed in Girl Scouts and these bars look too scrumptious!

  12. I agree with Emily — the math on the tablespoons of butter per candy bar is scary! They look pretty yummy though…

  13. these remind me of my favorite dessert: graham crackers and pudding! just layer graham crackers with not-yet-set chocolate pudding (lasagna style) and let it sit in the fridge for a day or 2. the crackers absorb some of the pudding and soften up… so tasty! it was my mom’s weekday quick and easy dessert.

  14. Looks yummy to my tummy!
    Question though, how long do they last until they go bad? Thinking about doing this for Christmas gifts!

  15. I’d also LOVE to see photos of your costume. But as for the recipe, did you really mean THREE sticks of butter? Between 15 bars? My belly aches just thinking about that.

  16. These sound lovely.I’ve been wanting to make homemade marshmallows again lately, which puts me in a very smores state of mind.

    And yes, please post costume pics.

  17. Orange leotard? I assume as you’re going as the spokesperson for “Get in Shape, Girl”. Please tell me you remember those weird 80s teenager workout videos.

    Marshmallows freak me out, but I may have to push those feelings down for the greater good of my Comedy Central co-workers. They’ll hump them, I know it.


    p.s. my l’il bro is in LA this weekend for halloween festivities. If you see my identical twin, be sure to say hi.

  18. These look exactly like the pic in the cookbook! Well, actually, yours look even BETTER!

    You are my hero…

    I’m going to be Julia Child for Halloween!!!! I can’t wait!

    Some other cute food related costume ideas:
    -a chocolate moose/mousse
    -a deviled egg (egg outfit with devil horns, etc.)
    -gum that has been stepped on (dress in all pink + pink wig and wear a shoe on your head)


    I bet these would be equally delish with cinnamon toast crunch rather than the graham crackers!

    The leotard sounds delightful. You are going to make people Jealous. With a capital J!!!

  20. First time commenter who generally enjoys your blog, but come on, soaking a box of graham crackers in 3 sticks of butter and corn syrup? I love to bake and go through many pounds of butter myslef, but even to me this is just a little too excessive.

  21. This is perfect because I have no oven right now, but I really want to make yummy treats for some friends! I’ll make them soon! Thanks, Joy, and happy Halloween! Rock the leotard.

  22. These sound AMAZING! sadly, I will probably not be making them because I want to avoid the tummy ache after eating them all myself within an hour…
    once I have a partner in crime these are getting made!
    I’m hoping to see a picture, great costume idea!

  23. Oh man, I forgot about these! I used to make this with Golden Grahams instead of the graham crackers. :) Yum! I’m inspired!

    I wish you luck with the leotard. oy

  24. This is my kind of dessert! If you are feeling shy about the leotard, you could always put on an oversized, off the shoulder sweateshirt and be Flashdance! I have dressed as this for too many years…………..

  25. i’m sure you’re going to rock the costume. i feel like we should do a compilation of food bloggers halloween costume edition. then we can all cope together :)

  26. Alright! I’ve got everything to make me a batch of these bad boys! Love it…thanks!

    Good luck with your orange leo and blue leggings! Happy Friday!

  27. Love the costume idea. How fun and comfy. Will have to try the smores. They sounds amazing, as do all of your recipes.

  28. You’re a braver soul than I am! I would love to see pictures, too.

    Really, though? 3 sticks of butter for 15 cookies??? Your bars look smaller than only 15 cookies for a 13×9 pan, or are my eyes really going that bad!

  29. This looks amazing, even though these days, I wish I had to turn my oven on. All I’ve been cooking lately are stews and cakes. Good luck with your outfit, you are one brave woman!

  30. I’m going to make these with my two sons this weekend! They have been learning their way around a kitchen since they could stand on a stool. My eldest made lasagna from scratch at 4yrs old. (yep, I helped, but not that much honestly) I love my boys and don’t want them to have to marry the first thing that comes along so they can have someone take care of them. :p

    Smores has a special place in our hearts…so this is super appreciated! Oh, and those leotards…don’t do it! Have a friend over, eat the smores, drink plenty of wine, and laugh your leotarded buns off in private. Trust me, Halloweiner hangovers can’t be good. Most people never live them down. lol.

  31. Good LAWD woman! That is amazing! We will be wearing very similar costumes for Halloween. I’m going to be the Flashdance girl, cause she’s a maaaaaaaaniac! But my colors will be more toned down than yours. Wow. You’ve got guts for reals. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

  32. They look great, Joy! I can’t have dairy; do you think they would turn out okay if I used margarine instead of butter?

  33. Hi Joy
    Discovered your website a few days ago and must admit I am hooked! This is amongst one of the many recipes I am going to try out this weekend.
    Could you give me some advice on what I could use as a substitute for light corn syrup? Would maple syrup work? Or plain old home-made sugar syrup could do the trick too?
    Thanks for sharing your passion with us!

  34. The only thing missing with your leotards is, “Let’s Get Physical” song..! Three sticks of BUTTER..??!!! OMG…sounds yummmmy!!

  35. your talkin’ my language…s’mores bars that is…recipe looks great!thanks.
    happy halloween…hope we get to see pix!!!
    richard simmons around to escort you?

    1. Last year my fiend was an 80s aerobic instructor and I was Richard Simmons. My shorts weren’t nearly short enough though!

  36. Considering I just spent the past 3 1/2 hours making sorbet the old school way (without a machine) I am really diggin’ this low maintenance recipe. You’re awesome Joy, and I’m positive you will look ultra cool in your orange leotard. Happy Halloween!

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