Peanut Butter Pecan Biscotti


My life is so orderly.  Most afternoons I make up a pot of coffee, whip up some cookies, take out my fancy napkins and invite a friend over for coffee.

Nothing is ever out of place.  My hair is always shiny and perfect.  My lipstick never wears off.  I could totally walk down a read carpet… like, now.

My dishes wash and dry themselves… and hop right back in the cupboard where they belong.


Occasionally there are crumbs, but I keep them contained to my lined baking sheets.

Everything is easy and perfect.  You should see just how neat and tidy my closet is. Too good to be true.

And I don’t have to pay taxes…

… oh man… if only that were true.


In real life, no one is coming over for coffee and cookies.  Nope.

I’ll drink the coffee… I’ll eat the cookies… I’ll push the cat away as soon as he realizes there are cookies on the table for him to lick.

My dishes don’t do themselves.  They can’t.  They have no conscience.


Perfect is dumb.  I’m totally over it.

Can I tell you about these Peanut Butter Biscotti?

I love biscotti a certain way.   No teeth shattering crunch.  Lots of flavor.  A little bit of soft cookie give.  Is that too much to ask?

These peanut butter biscotti totally fit the bill.  They’re sugar topped and twice baked , but still have a some softness.  Pecans don’t bake up into teeth breaking monsters… that’s why I like them.

Here’s what I want you to know:  these cookie dippin’ sticks are good.  If your instinct is to add chocolate… we are best friends.


Peanut Butter Pecan Biscotti

Makes: about 2 1/2 dozen biscotti

Print this Recipe!

4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, softened

1/3 cup natural peanut butter

1 cup granulated sugar

1 large egg

1 large egg yolk (save the egg white for the egg wash)

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup pecans

egg wash and 1 tablespoon of milk for egg wash

sugar for topping

Place a rack in the center and upper third of the oven and preheat to 325 degrees F.  Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside.

In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder and salt.  Set aside.

In the bowl of an electric stand mixer fit with a paddle attachment, beat together butter, peanut butter and sugar.  Beat until well incorporated and slightly fluffy in texture.  About 3 minutes.  Stop the mixer, scrape down the bowl and add egg and egg yolk.  Beat on medium speed until well blended, about 2 minutes.  Add the dry ingredients, all at once to the peanut butter mixture and beat on low speed until just incorporated.  Stop mixer.  Add pecans and remove the bowl from the mixer.  Finish incorporating ingredients with a spatula.  Dough will be slightly dry.  That’s ok.

Divide the batter between the two baking sheets and shape dough into two logs about 8-inches long and 1 1/2-inches wide.  Brush with egg wash and sprinkle generously with granulated sugar.

Bake on alternating racks for 15 minutes.  Switch baking racks and  bake for another 15 to 20 minutes, until golden brown and cooked through.  Remove from the oven and allow to cool on the baking pans until cool enough to handle, but still soft.  Use a serrated knife to slice biscotti about 1-inch thick.  Place cut side down on the baking sheet and bake for another 10 to 15 minutes.  Remove from the oven and allow to cool.

Biscotti will last, in an airtight container at room temperature, for up to 10 days.

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I Made This


198 Responses

  1. I am a biscotti connoisseur/experimenter. After seeing your Peanut Butter/Pecan Biscotti recipe, I am making my list of groceries to make this for the Thanksgiving Holidays.. I will probably add chocolate mini-chips, too. Thank you for your stylin’ blog.

  2. I rolled Nutella into these biscotti. A lot of it. This recipe is amazing and it brought two of my favourite childhood things together-thank you!

  3. I’m really nervous about my first craft show tomorrow, so I made these to calm my nerves, and- they smell and taste amazing!!! I added mini chocolate chips (because mini things are adorable, and chocolate because, well, because chocolate). You make the whirling tornado of creepy wing-ed insects in my belly feel a little less hectic, with magical foodstuffs and fun reading. Thank you!

  4. Great biscotti!! I made one big log and substituted dry roasted peanuts for the pecans and added chocolate chips…..soooooo good!

  5. WOW!!! These are the best biscotti I’ve ever had! I substituted honey roasted peanuts for the pecans, and used raw turbinado sugar for topping. I’ll definitely be making these again soon. Maybe I’ll add some dark chocolate chunks next time.

  6. These biscotti are amazing!!! It turned them vegan with flax substituting the egg, earth balance for the butter, maple sugar for the sugar and ww pastry flour for the flour and they were still awesome! Thanks so much for the recipe. :-)

  7. Pingback: What It Is
  8. These are excellent! Texture is perfect–some give in the centre and chewy. I replaced the pecans with chocolate chips. There were groans of ecstacy from all.

  9. I made these last night and they were fantastic! I had to get them out of my house (so I didn’t eat them all in one sitting) so I brought most of them to work with me this morning. Word of mouth spread fast and an hour later there are only crumbs left.

    Oh, and a half-dipped mine in semi sweet chocolate! I highly recommend it :)

  10. These look amazing, and I’m definitely with you on biscotti that aren’t super crunchy.

    I made the fig biscotti a year or two ago from Smitten Kitchen and misread the recipe and doubled the amount of butter. They were the softest, richest biscotti I had ever tasted. I can only imagine the peanut butter and butter mixture would have a similar effect. Yum!

  11. Joy, you make me laugh! I agree.. your hysterical.
    I print out all your recipes, the make me drool over my keyboard, often…

  12. Hold the phone.

    You live in LA?! Looks like we’re neighbors. How could I not know that until today????

    Book-marking your biscotti. Because they’re probably going to be better than the boxes of Girl Scout peanut butter cookies I bought today. :P


    P.S. Agreed. Perfect days are overrated.

  13. Totally delicious, I dunked mine at one end in melted 70% cocoa chocolate, mmm. Only problem was my sausages of dough were pretty wide and thin by the end of the baking time, any good reason for that?

  14. Okay, so my life is anything but perfect. I have four kids between 3 and 11 who I homeschool. Four kids in the house (mostly) all the time. So you can try to imagine (but really you can’t!). Anyway, I made these today (with chocolate chips of course). They are no where near as pretty as yours, but super yummy, so who cares right? Thanks for another great recipe!

  15. Haha, this post is adorable. I love the zoomed out photo of the biscotti. They look absolutely delicious, I can’t wait to try them. I just love your blog by the way. It’s my go to place when I’m craving something sweet and you never disappoint!

  16. Mmmm yum! I’ve never heard of peanut butter in biscotti, but now that you’ve posted this recipe- it seems like an absolute no brainer. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Joy, you are hysterical! If you wanted, you could someone over every day of the week for coffee and cookies. There are no shortage of readers that would absolutely love to spend an hour in the afternoon chatting with you. We’d even wash while you dried and put away the dishes. I am going to try making these biscotti. I tried to make biscotti once and they were hard and crunchy. Not my idea of a biscotti at all.

  18. Dear Joy. I write this to propose a (best)friendship despite the unfortunate fact of our never having met, and living in different time zones. I think those are mere details to be worked out… First and foremost, my first thought when I read this was, chocolate. My next thought was coffee bits but bittersweet chocolate came first. Secondly, I’m perfect too. I never forget to drink water, I never forget to put eggs in what I’m baking (and remember after it’s all mixed up and doesn’t feel right), and I sure as hell never forget to call the landlord before 5pm about that leak. Because there is no leak. Because I live in a perfect apartment. So what do you say?


  19. Joy, you are killing me here. Now all I want to do is make fun food and read posts in your blog. (And have world peace and a playdate.) Thanks for sharing. :)

  20. I haven’t made biscotti in a hundred years. Ok, well, I’m not really that old, but you know what I mean. Sounds delish. May I add to the chorus of fans who adore the photo of the “real” kitchen scene, including Mr. Half-a-Cat and assorted other flotsam? So fun and real and that’s why we like you.

  21. Peanut butter and pecans, our favorites! We’re are definitely going to try your recipe this weekend.
    By the way, check out our blog, we’re new on the food blogsphere and we’d like to have your opinion about it.

    See you soon,


  22. Oh, Joy! I have everything in the house to make these. Guess what my afternoon will be! Minus the friends coming for coffee, though, cuz I’m not sharing. :)

  23. Dear Joy,
    I baked them. And they’re soooo yummy!
    I thought I had everything at home, but I forgot the pecans and used pine nuts instead. Which are great, actually. And I added chocolate!
    Would you take a look at my blog? Because of course, I had to post those yummy little ones!

  24. I just printed the recipe! How did you know? My first inclination would be to add chocolate. I completely agree with your assessment of the perfect biscotti texture. I like mine to have a little give. No jawbreakers for me.

  25. I love the pomegranete banner. I love that you change the banner with the season. I love pomegranates! Argggh!!Im gushing now so I should stop. I clearly dont know how to play it cool…

  26. For WEEKS now my mom and I have been saying how much we want to try baking biscotti but haven’t been able to decide on a flavor combo. Presenting this. Will report back.

  27. Looks yummy and I love the new pomegranate banner! It’s Valentine-y without being over the top sickenly cute.

    I like adding -y to words.

  28. 1.) I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with a huge jar of peanut butter.
    2.) I’ve been wanting to bake biscotti because I haven’t done it in a while.
    3.) I found out my baby likes to eat biscotti.
    4.) I found the perfect recipe.

    Thanks, Joy! You’re the awesomest!

  29. Haha, you had me at half a cat. I often marvel that my food photos look so clean and fresh when in actuality, my kitchen is covered in splatters and flour, my dog steals bites of cookies when I’m not looking, and I’m a frizzy mess with last night’s mascara under my eyes. Oh well!

  30. Chocolate – definitely dipping in chocolate. It’s going to snow (again) tomorrow and looks like there will be two days I’m working from this week. Yup, doing some baking before I get to work. Clearing the table, making my coffee and snaking on these perfect biscotti.
    Thank you!

  31. Read post and made these with my non-napping 3 year old this afternoon. Guess what mama’s having with her hot cocoa tonight? Best to you!

  32. I was reading this story, thinking to myself; I wish I lived closer to Joy, I’d invite myself over for coffee; how nice would that be to have someone invite me over for coffee, at least once a week. I’d like that. Then I kept reading …. now I am in stitches. I feel the same way. I work from home 2 days a week and am always thinking, that I wish there was someone who could come over to play but unfortunately, they all have “real” jobs. Great post.

    As well I love the idea of peanut butter biscotti – I have made biscotti a few times but never thought of adding peanut butter. My wheels are turning now ……. thanks for the kick in the creative department!

  33. I just discovered your blog and I must say, I love your writing! You have such a great voice. I look forward to making these with some chocolate chips thrown in :]

  34. I have never been altogether convinced about biscotti; I am totally with you about the texture sometimes being waaaay too crunchy and tooth-breakingly hard. These sound so perfect; I am a *huge* peanut butter addict and I have a feeling these are gonna convert me to biscotti!

  35. HIYA! (Big wave all the way from New Zealand). Loving this recipe – I too hate teeth chipping headache inducing jaw aching biscotti. But I doooo love good biscotti, especially with a cuppa good coffee (i.e. not instant!). And loving your blog and humour – I’m in total agreement…perfect IS dumb. Perfect is passe and so yesterday! Me thinks organised (or deliberate) chaos is now, its in and well, just perfect. Thanks for the recipe! :-)))

  36. Joy! I have to admit, sometimes I come to your blog simply for some encouragement! But these biscotti also look wonderful :)

  37. Dear Joy,

    I read your blog regularly, and as I was about to google a peanut butter biscotti recipe, I thought, “I should probably check to see what Joy has on her plate today.” And behold… peanut butter biscotti. Thank you for being so in sync with my belly (that sounds weird).

  38. Thanks for a wonderful recipe Joy. I made these today but with almond butter and chocolate chips. My kids pick the nuts and make a mess. Made it egg less though since I don’t eat eggs. It came out awesome.

  39. Ah! Good ol’ peanut butter!
    Well I’s love to come over for a cup of coffee and these cookies!
    But life can be so hectic! Always rushing from one thing to the other! Thanks there are recipes to comfort us!

  40. Joy – these look super yummy!

    Question – do you think pecan bits and chunky peanut butter will work? These are the options at home and the recipe doesn’t specify type of peanut butter (besides natural)…

    P.S. – Totally going to dip these in melted chocolate (also have swirled chocolate and peanut butter chips… Perfect use!)

  41. FONTS!!! TEXT!!! you DO NOT want to see what’s in the entire frame of my photos…dust bunnies, kid socks, cheerios on the floor and my dirty ass phone.

  42. I feel the same way about biscotti…I don’t want them to be teeth shattering either, but they usually tend to be. I also don’t usually tend to think the flavors are particularly appealing. But peanut butter? That is definitely a biscotti I can get behind! Thanks…can’t wait to try them.

  43. The wider shot just shows what a good eye for a composition you have, Joy. It’s knowing what to leave out that counts as much! You’re cool. and Funny. Thanks for all the hard work you must put in to make this blog seem so naturally easy and fun. Hilarious post.

  44. I love making biscotti and this recipe looks yummy. We are expecting yet another couple of snow storms here in Boston this week so I will be hold up inside, baking thises treats. Thanks, Joy!

      1. I’m late opening my email and was popping over to say congrats on the Jamie Oliver props too!! Hope it brings you heaping spoonfuls of new subscribers!!

  45. i have a peanut butter problem. this might change my problem to an addiction. i’m willing to become an addict for these biscotti. and yes, dipping them in chocolate only seems fair.

  46. That was a hilarious blog post! I love the labels in the “reveal” photo, LOL. Erm, I may have to try this biscotti recipe, too… I don’t think I’ve attempted something like that since high school. Sounds yummy!

  47. Biscotti is one of my favorite things to bake – and this recipe sounds great! And I totally agree…I hate when biscotti is hard as a rock. There has to be some chew to it too : )

  48. Hooray for softer biscotti! I don’t drink coffee but I love biscotti and have never understood why they have to be hard as rocks. I’m totally going to make these. Now the only question is to add chocolate chunks TO the biscotti or to dunk those suckers and coat them in chocolate. I think I’ll have to conduct a study.

  49. I’m on a PB kick, and this recipe is perfect. I just finished making your peanut butter pretzel stick brownies and they were DELISH!! I baked them yesterday and I don’t know how ;) but half of them are missing! I swear it wasn’t me… really!!
    Thanks for the new recipe Joy, you’re awesome!

  50. This kind of Biscotti are soooo delicious…and perfect!! And your photos are wonderful! I love your blog and now that i’ve found it I’ll always follow you! :-)

  51. I love love LOVE the pic with the whole scene of the remote and your legs and the half a cat! Its so funny and real and cute. Thats why I love your blog – every so often you let us see the real life, non-perfect stuff that makes you human :)

  52. I woke up to -29 this morning so thank you for giving me a smile before I have to go start my car…I hope!
    Will search your blog for a nice warm soup recipe and search the cupboards for a wayward jar of peanut butter! Thanks as always Joy!

  53. These look amazing! I love the soft biscotti when I’m just looking for something to cure a sugar craving! Though I do also love the really hard biscotti, too, because I am a huge fan of dipping them in a cup of coffee until they soften up and eating them that way. What a perfect flavor combination you have!

  54. I just have to say, you are absolutely hilarious. I really enjoy reading your blog posts. :) One day, I’ll cook/bake something you post about, but until then, I’ll just live vicariously through your photos and laugh while I read your hilarious prose. :)

  55. I am so excited to make these, I love biscotti and haven’t made them since I helped my mom as a kid. I’m out in the middle of the Atlantic on a research boat… but when I get back, these are top on my cookies-to-make list.

  56. ahaha when I saw your first picture with the bowl of PB, I was like “I want to drink that” and then you said the same thing in your other photo! Nice.

  57. Oh yeah. I’m so making this recipe. I’m not even going to consider if US measures are the same as Oz ones – who cares!
    …choc chips would be the go…dark ones…drool

  58. But THIS is perfect. I’m going to make these biscotti! Tomorrow! Finally, I’m going to try out one of your recipes because there’s no ingredient I have to look for in the store to see if we even have that in this country. I have everything at home! And they look perfect. And I can finally bake something with peanut butter because I’m the only one who eats it and the jar never gets empty. Thank you so much!

  59. I make hazelnut biscotti once a year for Xmas. My mother-in-law gives me the hazelnuts and its her recipe but they’ll shatter your teeth(I think that is even how she lost some of hers). The secret is to dip them in wine for a few good seconds and let the wine soften them up- then they are heaven! These look good too although I think I might even throw in some chocolate in my mother-in-laws hazelnut biscotti recipe and whip up a batch for her.

  60. Your cat eats cookies too? LOL! :) Many years ago when I had a cat I’d feed him Lima beans and carrots from my vegetable soup. Those were his favorites…besides the water in the canned tuna, ice cream, and milk, of course. :) Cookies…nah…mine was never interested. Other than the ice cream, he didn’t have much of a sweet tooth. Definitely didn’t take after me. :)

    Your biscotti sounds quite yummy! I’m sure I’d love it. I’ve never made biscotti before. I’ll have to try it sometime. :)

  61. Peanut butter in anything is great to me. These biscotti are divine!!! Thank you thank you for this recipe!! I was contemplating all day what I could make for my neighbor for his birthday tomorrow. Something easy and with things I have stocked so I didn’t have to go to the store. This was the answer I was looking for! It was like you read my mind! And now my house is warm and smelling of peanut butter mmmm….

  62. Dishes that wash themselves? We share the same dream! In the meantime, I’ll have to try those scrumptious looking biscotti… with chocolate chips (non-optional).

  63. Alright, so 2 things:

    1. The labeled picture? Fabulous. I want it all, sans the ass coasters. I have enough ass back there to make my own coasters.

    2. How do you make your coffee in the french press? I just got one, and have tried a few different proportions, but haven’t yet found the combo that really jives with me.

    Thanks! I look forward to your updates in Google Reader, they’re the best.

  64. Oh my gosh, i melted dark chocolate to go with these because I wanted it to taste like a reeses biscotti and I wanted an excuse to eat chocolate and peanut butter for breakfast! I love your recipes! :D

  65. Love it…so true. Good is good enough. And in the case of those peanut butter biscotti, it looks like good enough is DELICIOUS. Thanks for the recipe.

  66. Tomorrow will be cold. The perfect day to make these. :)
    You do have perfect timing for delivering tasty cookie recipes into my inbox.

    That’s a win. Thanks!

  67. Soft biscotti? The woman after my own heart. And I’d totally believe your dishes wash themselves, something tells me you have that effect on inanimate objects.

  68. Yes, let’s all add dark chocolate to this biscotti! Nothing else could make this any better.

    And Joy, kudos for your diligent dish(washing) doing.

  69. Oh, Joy – these look delicious, but I am an impoverished student, and, as such, cannot afford an electric mixer! :( do you know if it’s possible to make these without one? They’d fill an “extended essay” hole, for sure.
    Love and more love,

      1. Oh lush! I think you’ve made me the happiest student in London! Haha, will have to get him indoors to work it though – I have the upper arm strength of a piece of overcooked spaghetti..!
        p.s your blog is amazing! :)

  70. You are a peanut butter super freak! Me too. I’ve never been thrilled about biscotti, but the non-teeth shattering somewhat soft cookie kind with peanut butter and pecans sounds abnormally appealing to me.

  71. These look so good. I want to make them now but I can’t because it is late and I don’t have the ingredients, but tomorrow is another day :) By the way, French press coffee totally the way to go, love it!

  72. Mah FIRST question was: where’s the chocolate??? These are RIGHT up my alley. Pecans are quite possibly my favorite nut. and I just looooove peanut butter. :)

  73. I would say with a little addition of dark chocolate chunks that is pretty close to perfect. Perfect is relative. Your posts are incredible. You rock!

  74. Yeah for those of us who aren’t a Martha!!!! My Aunt Bonnie use to make the best cakes. Dad would say “Bonnie’s cakes look like Hell but taste like Heaven.” and isn’t that what it’s all about?

  75. You have a cat. You have cookies. Life looks perfect to me.
    These looks great. I love Biscotti when its baked well enough to dump in a hot beverage but not too hard enough to munch on. Peanut butter and pecans also sounds like a great combo

  76. your half a cat is too cute! ;)

    biscotti has been on my to-bake list for a while but i think i’ve been avoiding it b/c of the teeth-breaking possibility… i can’t wait to try these now that i know my teeth are safe!

  77. I love reading your words and seeing your photos (especially of your kitty) and once I translate the ingredients to Aussie measurements, I’ve never had one of your recipes let me down. Thanks again, you really do bring Joy to my baking!
    Jenni, Brisbane

  78. I thought I was the only one that liked a slightly soft center in biscotti. It is perfection.

    Perfection is something to aspire to, not be! You would bore yourself, and us.

    I love making biscotti and have never heard of peanut butter before. Yum.

  79. YUM! this looks so deliciouos. i’m currently living with a host family in portugal— to the point, i haven’t been able to cook the kinda food i like. i am living vicariously through you. bah what i would give for these and some tea.

  80. I read “Peanut Butter Pecan Biscotti” and immediately scrolled down to the recipe to find the chocolate. I was about to be horribly offended that chocolate had been omitted until I actually took the time to read your entire post. I’m officially a jerk, and I apologize for not realizing that you would never leave chocolate out in the cold like that.

  81. perfect is overrated. perfect is boring. and often, sometimes, the perfect exterior belies some sort of interior crazy. not in a good way. i like coffee with the cat. you can come over for coffee if you’re ever in Portland. we just got a Chemex – makes great coffee. orange cats live here too. and now, I think i have to ditch my plans of productivity for the night and bake biscotti. damn you and your peanut butter. and believe me – there will be crumbs. you rock!

  82. Joy, your perfect- perfectly normal… in a weird kiltered abnormal sort of way..
    but seriously, biscotti that doesn’t break the teeth? mmm heavenly. I personally LOVE biscotti and RUSKS- South Aftican type biscotti. I married a South African, turned Canadian man, and he always wants me to bake up some ‘rusks’ for him… just like his momma.. I think he will love these (but seriously who cares!? I’ll eat them…with Chocoalte… I always seem to make all my biscotti chocolate covered.. like chocolate mint biscotti.. but seriously who cares!

  83. Joy, it’s like you read my mind; I’ve been craving biscotti like you wouldn’t believe. Add peanut butter to the mix and I’m basically on my way to the kitchen right now to bake these. I’d also like to say that that plate in the first picture is absolutely gorgeous, as are most of the things you put on this blog. If you wouldn’t mind sharing, where in the world did you get it? Thank you!

  84. I love biscotti(and I’ve never got to make Peanut Butter Biscotti before!) and I love joy the baker…and really, what respectable baker DOESN’T have piles of cookbooks scattered on the floor? I trip over mine every morning when I crawl outta bed. True fact.
    cathy b.

  85. You are hilarious! I love it. I popped on over from a link on Elana’sPantry website.
    Your photos are gorgeous too, well done. I’m now gonna go and “meet” you!
    Debbie from New Zealand xx

  86. Never made biscotti before but by looking at your pictures and the fact that they are peanut butter flavor I might venture and give it a try this week. Love your blog by the way :-)

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