Risotto Rice Pudding with brown sugar and vanilla



hello. ย hey.

so. ย i made this rice pudding, then i stood in my kitchen and ate it from the pot with a tiny spoon. ย a really tiny spoon.

i just stood there and ate half the batch.

i discovered then, that this recipe should just be called The Milk and Stir.

or What To Make When You’re Having a Weird Day and You Need to Eat Something Warm, and Sweet, and Starchy… and You Wish You Could Just Sit Around All Day, But You Can’t…. So You Just Stand in Your Kitchen and Eat This Pudding Like It’s Nobody’s Business… Cause It’s Totally Nobody’s Business.

Ok. ย The Milk and Stir is catchier.






Have you ever made rice pudding with risotto rice?

It’s luxurious. ย Risotto (Arborio) rice is different from long grain, white rice. ย It’s more starchy and cooks into a creamy texture. ย The cooking method is different too! ย Instead of simmering rice in water, small amounts of liquid are added too cooking rice. ย The rice slowly absorbs the liquid as you stand over the stove and stir. ย Stir Stir Stir… for about fifteen minutes. ย It’s actually the perfect amount of time to zone out and solve the problems that have caused you to stress out and make rice pudding in the first place… but maybe that’s just me.

I like to cook this rice pudding up into a looser texture by adding more milk. ย The rice is so starchy that it really thickens, especially when cold.

Oh! ย This dessert also has brown sugar, cinnamon, allspice, and vanilla bean. ย It’s sweet, starchy, and the rice has just the slightest toothsome bite.

You best believe I’ve made rice pudding before. ย If you don’t have Arborio rice, how about Jasmine Rice Pudding or Brown Rice Pudding? ย I’ve got you covered.

Oh. ย I almost forgot. ย I love you. ย I mean that.

Risotto Rice Pudding with brown sugar and vanilla

makes about 4 cups, and 4 servings.. unless you’re me… then it’s only one serving.

Print this Recipe!

2 tablespoon unsalted butter

1 cup Arborio rice

3 1/2 to 4 cups milk (I used 2%milk)

1/4 cup brown sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

large pinch allspice

1 vanilla bean, split and scraped (we use the seeds only for this dish) (or 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract)

blackberries (or any berries) for topping

In a medium saucepan, over low heat, scald 4 cups of milk. ย Bring the milk to just under boiling, turn off the flame and let it rest.

In a large saucepan, over low heat, melt the butter. ย Add the rice grains and stir to coat. ย Ladle in just enough hot milk to cover the rice. ย Stir (with an awesome wooden spoon, if you have one) over the low flame. ย The rice will begin to absorb the milk. ย When the milk is almost fully absorbed, ladle in more hot milk. ย Stir until absorbed. ย Continue this process, standing over the stove, stirring milky rice. ย Taste the rice as you near the end of the milk. ย You may only need 3 1/2 cups instead of 4. ย  As you add the last bit of milk, also incorporate the sugar, salt, spices, and scraped vanilla beans. ย Stir well to combine.

Stir over low heat until the milk is gone and the rice is tender, with just a hint of a toothsome bite. ย This took me about 15 minutes.

I like this rice pudding slightly loose. ย If you want it thicker, continue to cook it for a bit longer. ย Serve warm or cold, with fresh berries or without.

Rice pudding will last, in an airtight container in the refrigerator, for up to 4 days. ย Good luck with that.

All Comments

I Made This


201 Responses

  1. I made this rice pudding today using carnaroli rice instead of the Arborio and it went just as the recipe said it would. Pudding was great and it was all I could do to not eat it all. Thank you for the recipe.

  2. I cooked this today for my rice-pudding-obsessed husband. Can’t wait until he gets home to try. Like others, 15 minutes is not long enough. I knew this going in since risotto is known to take a while with much stirring. The taste is perfect!

  3. What a bloody long process! 15 minutes my foot, more like 45 continuous stirring that I just gave up and let the rice be hard. Won’t be trying this receive again

  4. This recipe was delicious… Just wanted to follow up with an addition – after the pudding is chilled (Assuming you didn’t devour it all hot,) form it into small patties, dust with corn starch, and pan sear in hot coconut oil. Crunch outside, creamy inside, who could argue with that goodness?

  5. I’m going to be the voice of dissent here and say that this recipe didn’t turn out for me AT ALL. I spent at least 30 minutes adding milk and stirring, adding milk and stirring. The rice never cooked completely and I ran out of milk. I tried cooking a little longer to see if the rice would cook more, and ended up with cement! Not to mention the amount of vanilla was overpowering. I had to throw it all away. Waste of good milk. I made Dave Leiberman’s Arborio Rice Pudding from The Food Network and came up with edible rice pudding without all the ridiculous stirring.

  6. Dear Joy,

    I made this rice pudding tonight & it is beautiful. I ate quite a bit while standing at the stove. I also made caramelized figs & topped some of the rice pudding with those.

    I solved all my problems while I did the stir stir stir… there’s nothing quite like losing yourself in a pot of creamy goodness.

    Anyway… I love you, too & I mean it!

  7. I tried making this on Sunday and failed miserably! I doubled the recipe since I was making this for a pot luck. Two cups of arborio, 10 cups of scalded milk and three hours of ladling and stirring later my rice still had too much bite! I think my mistake was having the heat on low as the recipe suggested – I think this caused my milk to evaporate before it could be absorbed. I might have just made that up. But I ran out of milk and patience and was too embarrassed to share this with my friends. My husband refused to let me toss it (men! they don’t understand the shame of a failed cooking attempt) and is at this very moment trying to pawn off my undercooked risotto rice pudding to his coworkers! He said if they don’t like it (which they won’t, because who would?!) he’ll say he made it. Right. They’ll believe that.

    For those that want to learn from my mistakes – if I ever attempt this again I would keep the heat on medium and not spend so much time stirring. The stirring is to “scrub” the starch off the rice to give the risotto the creamy texture we’ve all come to love and expect. However, after much research it seems you can achieve this creaminess by stirring every once in a while and also swirling the pan occasionally. This is according to Alton Brown and he knows his stuff. Save your arms. And sanity.

  8. I have to say, I am not a huge rice pudding fan, it has something to do with the texture. Then a few years ago, my sister-in-law’s friend made it and brought it to a BBQ and there was something different about hers. I have asked several times for my sister-in-law to get the recipe but she hasn’t ever come through. The other night when I made risotto I realized that risotto rice pudding is probably what she made and the rich creamy texture was why I liked it. I googled for a recipe and found yours and all I can say is “WOW”! I made a half batch the other night just to make sure I liked it and tonight I am making another batch because I am addicted!

  9. Good lord is all I can say, this pudding is to die for, then come back and eat some more. Really great with fresh blackberries.

  10. Hi,
    Looks really delicious!
    I’d like to serve this as dessert to a sunday lunch. Think I can make this ahead, or would I have to be stirring while the rest of the family is at the table?

  11. thanks so much you truly saved my bacon the recipe is fab so much better than the way i was taught in college

  12. This recipe failed me completely and horribly. I was standing and stirring over the stove for more than half an hour and the rice was still hard. I kept on stirring and adding more milk and it turned into this solid unpalatable mess. I will not be making this again.

    1. Yeah, 15 minutes over low heat on my electric stove was definitely not enough time to cook the rice through. I ended up heating and stirring for over half an hour. The result was still tasty and edible, though. Next time I’ll try using medium heat.

      1. I make risotto with arborio rice all the time and love rice pudding too, so will need to try this! Re 15 minutes not being long enough, yeah I’d expect that to be the case. Arborio (and other risotto rices) suck up tonnes of moisture and then very suddenly become saturated – which is why you’re meant to add a bit at a time (although in the initial stages you can add moisture fairly liberally). The arborio I buy recommends 22-25 minutes cooking time, but when I’m making risotto I always find a lower heat for 35-40 minutes is more like it. I expect it’ll be the same for this.

  13. I made this for breakfast today, its beyond yummy :-) Like you say – it goes very quickly! Thank you x

  14. Found your website a couple of days ago and have already made 2 recipes :)
    This rice pudding is amazing, served it with fresh strawberries… and the “easy cinnamon roll muffins” were a big hit as well!

  15. I can not find arborio rice, but lots of the store here in Paradise, carry sweet rice, the grain looks a lot like the arborio rice, are they the same.?????????

  16. I made this this morning and it’s already half gone. This is insanely good! I can’t wait to try out some other recipes from you.

  17. Okay, I made this last night. SERIOUSLY AMAZING. I tweaked the spices a little bit, and used fresh blueberries instead of blackberries and it was super crazy delicious. I liked it much, much better warm than cold though. It was so comforting on a rainy night! Thanks for passing the idea along!

  18. Hi JOY!!! Love this recipe, looks yummy. I’m Mexican so we make it the “Mexican way” haha it’s good, but I’m going to try this! I have a question though I’d like to make it for some friends & 1 of them only drinks soy milk- do you think it’ll be just as good? Let me know if you read this.

    Thanks for your time & help:)

  19. I made this for Dad’s Day for Mom. She loved it! Thanks Joy!

    BTW I did have to cook my rice a bit longer than you, almost 40 minutes, but worth it. And I considered that amount of stirring the trade off for so many tastes!

  20. Marina / Joy,
    i had the same problem — i ended up cooking the rice for almost an hour and it still wasn’t cooked…was my temp too low (low-ish, like “2 or 3” on my gas burner)? did i not put in enough milk (i added all 4 cups!)? the flavor was spot on, but the rice itself wasn’t soft like it should have been….oh well…thanks for the idea!

    1. Hi Jen (ha!),

      I was about to make this but then read some of the comments about how the rice was still hard after almost an hour. I did some google searches, and found a similar recipe: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/dave-lieberman/arborio-rice-pudding-recipe/index.html

      The recipe is similar to Joy’s, except the method is a little different in that he first boiled the rice in water for 15 minutes before moving onto combining with milk. I read on a different website that there’s something about the milk that slows the cooking process of the rice even longer than water. So I combined both recipes (the rice cooking from Dave/the brown sugar from Joy) and the rice turned out soft and yummy. Hope this helps!

      1. Also I took an advice from the comments of a reader on the foodnetwork blog, and she suggested keeping the lid closed during that 15 minutes of cooking in water. I think that helped a lot too!

  21. Hi Joy,
    How are you?
    I tried this recipe today, but I donยดt know why the rice dindnยดt cook, I stir for about 40 minutes but still the rice was raw! Maybe you know what I did wrong… The taste was perfect, but the rice….
    Thanks a lot!

  22. Joy! Thank you for this recipe because:

    I still visit your site all the time because you are so gosh darn cute but…
    I’ve been diagnosed with celiac disease and in mourning for baked goods…
    And you’ve answered my prayers with a delicious easy, GF dessert. Going to make this with my sis today!

    PS do you think I could make this with another kind of milk? Almond? Soy? What do you think?

  23. I love you back. No, really.
    Back in my India, it has a name. Payasam.
    Pa like pa, ya like ya, sam like sUm.

  24. I’m a recent college grad and just moved into my first “real” place … this is the first thing I made in my new kitchen! Can’t wait to taste it tomorrow.

  25. Joy, Oh my goodness.

    I just made the best risotto i’ve ever made a few nights ago, and i just magically found a full box of arborio rice in the cupboard!!!

    i am so happy. this is amazing.
    this is what i’ve needed hahaha!

    i’m really excited to make this, it looks fantastic!

  26. I have never made rice pudding (or real risotto for that matter) before but that looks so darned comforting… and yeah, I totally get the whole relaxation/contemplation thing that comes from stirring a pot on the stove for extended periods of time. That’s good stuff there!

  27. Joy! This looks awesome. One question:

    What does it mean to scald milk? I don’t know that I’ve ever done that before.

  28. This looks delicious! Perfect for the winter weather in Australia at the moment and one of those “Yes I Know I Should Be Sitting At The Table Like a Grown Up But Right Now Life is Making Me Crazy and I Just Want to Eat This Whole Thing Standing Over the Sink” kind of days.

    1. Kristin – I made this with the Silk brand “Pure Coconut” milk (the kind in the 1/2 gallon) and it came out great :)

  29. I made the rice pudding but the rice turned out too hard and chewy. At the end of the cooking time, when all the milk had been absorbed, the rice was still quite hard. I continued to cook the rice for quite a while longer (about 30 extra minutes), adding more milk as necessary to keep it from getting too thick, but at the end the rice was still too chewy. I hate some of it, and the flavor was great, but the texture of the rice was really not something I could serve to other people. Any ideas why this happened?

  30. Ooooo. The last time I made rice pudding it involved sticky rice and coconut milk and brown sugar and I was sure nothing could compare. But. But. This sounds amazing. So I will have to try it.

  31. Love it! I made it with unsweetened vanilla almond milk and it was creamy and delicious. A good vegan alternative (if you leave out the butter as well).

  32. okay, now i’m lost. because i really, really wanted to make some muffins, but i saw this post and i gave up. because i REALLY, REALLY love rice. and milk. and cinnamon. and berries too, ugh.
    love you, made my day! :)

  33. Sounds and looks lovely! This is similar to a traditional Norwegian dish called grรธt (yes, there is a foreign letter in there which you might not be able to see on your screen), which I eat on an almost weekly basis. My stirring muscles are very well developed.

  34. Oh dear. I’m afraid that I would be just like you, Joy, and eat the whole thing by myself in one sitting. Rice pudding is incredible and I cannot possibly understand why noone in this family likes it. Oh well, all the more for me. ;-)

  35. i LOVE rice pudding! here in NYC there is a little shop called ‘rice to riches’ and they have all sorts of different flavors….its pretty rad, for sure. i am also addicted to the little kozy shack cups you can get in the grocery store. this looks delish…great idea for a light (ish) summer dessert. thank you!

  36. Hey. I stumbled upon you. And love this site. Love your recipes and the way you approach life. Very very excited to continue reading (and listening!) Also, in regards to Facebook stalking of yourself (from the latest podcast), been there, done that. Lol :) Thanks!!

  37. I’m totally enamored with you. Your blog, your writing, your photos, your food. You are just so damn cute. :) So, thank you for bringing a little extra joy to my life with each and every post. You’re so good at what you do. Just know that. I think you do, but don’t be afraid to remind yourself that you’re awesome because you totally are.

    Also, I made your granola recently, and I included it in a little post on my blog. Thought I’d share.

  38. My husband says THANK YOU! He loves rice pudding, but I have never made it – never had the inclination as I don’t really care for it. But reading this yesterday, realizing that I had all the ingredients on hand and some problems to ponder, I thought I would give it a shot. Suprised him with it for dessert and even I thought it was delicious.

  39. I often have the “What To Make When Youโ€™re Having a Weird Day and You Need to Eat Something Warm, and Sweet, and Starchy” day and just sit around thinking about what I should and should not have -and before I know it, hours have passed. Now I can spend those hours making the milk and stir (and eating it!). I never thought of risotto rice as an option, but it’s such a great idea!

  40. yummy.

    i usually just add a very little bit of brown sugar (my mom used a big spoon full of honey) and put cinnamon and sugar on top. And sometimes eat it together with applesauce. But I’ll give the spiced version a try.

    What I was wondering: Is there no such milk-rice-rice in the US? Because here every shop sells the regular long grain rice and the round grain rice (not risotto rice but really milk rice-rice).

    Oh. When I said “milk rice” /”Milchreis” I meant rice pudding. Stumbling upon words.. (Stupid germa girl..)

  41. You are too cute. I can’t help but giggle out loud, because I totally understand your thought process. I made a giant pan of blueberry crumb bars this morning and had a weird night at work… I definitely just stood in my kitchen cutting bars into cubes, cubes into slices, and slices into slivers, and let them melt in my mouth. It’s soothing, and weird. Love you too :)

  42. Joy, I’ve had SUCH a stressful day. I thought I’d click over to your site because it usually lightens my mood, cheers me up. This post totally did the job. Thank you!

  43. So….my Dad loves raisins…what do you think about adding some golden raisins to this recipe or would the brown sugar over power it?

  44. I love you. I mean that. my great aunt used to make the worlds best rice pudding and I have come close to matching it…..but this may even beat her recipe. Can’t wait to try this 1 serving recipe!
    elle why

  45. I had a rough day, so this is exactly what I needed. I just made this for dinner (yes, I’m eating rice pudding for dinner). It’s SO good! I customized it by using almond milk instead of regular milk and added rum soaked raisins.

  46. I just wanted to stop by and say I appreciate you! I always feel like I have a kindred spirit when I read your blog. And it doesn’t hurt that you fill my kitchen with the most amazing smells and delicious concoctions. Yeah, I like that part to.

  47. Hi Joy,

    I wanted to comment and tell you how much I am loving the podcasts with you and Tracy. I’m one of those “lurkers” that Tracy mentioned. I’ve been reading both your blogs for months now, but haven’t commented before now. I listen to the podcasts while I cook on Sundays, and they always keep me entertain. Please continue!


  48. I’m smiling right now. When I read the title I thought “mmmm I gonna love this, but none of my family will eat it” . Then I read that you ate half of it yourself just standing at the kitchen sink. Hmmm, I think I know what I’m going to be doing for the next half hour! Thanks!

  49. Wow, that sounds really tasty and I know I’ve got some arborio rice… and someone mentioned it for breakfast. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

    Also, really enjoying your podcasts.

  50. I love this! Have not made it yet…but love it already! I didn’t need to go to the store tomorrow, but I do now!!!
    I have been enjoying your daily blog every night! You make me laugh and inspire me to get a bit funkier in the kitchen! Thanks so much and keep it coming!

  51. In Norway we call this rice porridge, and we prepare it in a slightly different way. We use special porridge rice, which is a lot like sushi rice or risotto rice. This is cooked with milk, a touch of salt and perhaps a bit of vanilla until it thickens, and it’s served with cinnamon, sugar and a teaspoon of butter on top. (some people even like to put raisins on theirs)

    Oh and we have it for dinner. As a main course. ;)

    On Christmas Eve this is a traditional lunch. The tradition is to hide an almond in the porridge, and whoever finds the almond wins a prize!

  52. Finally. I bought a boatload (almost literally) of arborio rice a couple months back, and I’ve been trying to find a recipe that was worth making. I’ve gotten so tired of risotto (and this should never, EVER happen)…so this will be a fantastically sweet change.

    thank you!

  53. Dear Joy The Baker,
    I call your blog the warm fuzzy, hug a day blog full of awesomeness
    I love you
    (totally platonic in a “lets drink some plum wine and call up boys while we eat this pudding” kind of love)

  54. Eating things with tiny spoons is like my part-time job. I don’t feel the same way about tiny forks, just tiny spoons. They make me savor whatever I am eating and truly stop and enjoy it. (Or at least that is the theory!) And by the looks of it, this is just the kind of goodness that my tiny spoon would like to help me savor! This looks awesome!

  55. In Puerto Rico we make our rice pudding with coconut milk, spices such as cinnamon, cloves and ginger and add raisins, which I don’t care for much. Yours sounds delicious and I will try to incorporate a bit of the two when I make it! The thing about your recipe that I find really awesome is that there’s no need to pre-soak the rice! Thanks, this looks absolutely delicious! Must buy Arborio rice :)

  56. someone said ‘you had me at toothsome’……but that was like one of the last things you said. took a long time until you had them, i guess.

    anyways….beautiful picture!

  57. Hi Joy,

    First off, I love you too! Monday I really wanted to make rice pudding, but gave up when I realized I only had 1% milk. Instead, I mad your amazing Lemon meringue cookies! I cook for my D&D group every Monday (yes, I am double nerdy) and the guys could not wait for the cookies to set in the freezer. They vanished in 60 seconds. Thanks :)

    I now have proper milk and will be making rice pudding this evening.

  58. looks unbelievable – i can’t wait to try it! i too, have a husband who LOVES rice pudding, so he’ll be especially excited! my family is syrian and they make it with a splash of rose water (which i personally can’t stand) and slivered almonds, but i thought i’d throw the idea your way anyway!

  59. I love arborino rice. Really in any form, honestly. I love risotto and this rice pudding definitely looks decadant and delightfully delicious.

    I agree about the tiny spoon. All pudding tastes better from tiny spoons. I have baby spoons around specifically for this task.

  60. I have made risotto rice pudding and it is UNREAL. Perfect acceptable to eat half a pot while standing over it. Although, I’d prefer it cold before devouring the entire batch. But I won’t judge if you eat it warm.

  61. Love this. I usually associate rice pudding with summer so I won’t be making this for awhile, but it looks so supple and rich. It reminds me of a chai rice pudding I make and LOVE.

  62. Joy …. YOU ARE KILLING ME!
    But somehow I’m still alive and managing to lose weight although every week I make at least one of your recipes. This one is for my Sunday free day!

  63. Oh my goodness…not only does this look good, but I JUST REALIZED most risotto is gluten free. Praise God in heaven!!!! Thanks Joy :)

  64. I have to admit I’ve never cooked risotto. I always thought of it as something on the food network that only those people could master. However, this looks yummy enough to entice me to give it a try. I’ll let u know how it goes.

  65. I thought Ina Garten’s rum raisin rice pudding was the Holy Grail of rice puddings (yes I have stood over the pot and eaten almost the entire thing), but now I have got to try it with arborio rice.

  66. Joy (or any reader more spice-savvy than myself)–

    Any suggestions to sub for allspice? I have cloves, nutmeg, and ginger… I definitely don’t trust myself when it comes to spices, my own custom combinations are always a nightmare for the palate.

    Oh, and BTW, risotto rice pudding? You’re a friggin’ genius.

    1. Hey Sally,
      Use a tiny bit of all three. Go easy as each one is strong and has it’s own distinct aroma and flavor. Allspice also is strong. Just use a pinch of each one at a time and stir, smell and taste. Stop when it get’s to your liking. It will taste much like it smells. Allspice and cinnamon reminds me of what pumpkin pie tastes like, without the pumpkin. Start with the cinnamon and vanilla and adjust from there.
      Hope that helps.

  67. Ohmigosh that looks amazing! I love cooking risotto, lets me ponder life for a while without feeling lazy or getting bored haha :)

  68. I hope your day gets better with the addition of arborio rice pudding! The Milk & Stir sounds like a perfect de-stress method, and anything with cinnamon is the perfect thing to eat. Thanks for sharing… I’m saving this recipe for my own “rainy” day!

    You are loved.

  69. I’ve never liked rice pudding…until I made it with arborio rice that is. It made ALL the difference, and I totally fell in love with it! Eating it from the pot is definitely the right thing to do! :)

  70. I make it all the time with risotto rice because it’s the easiest to find here in Italy :) And I really like it, creamy and not too thick, warm with cinammon and maple syrup or honey and a sliced banana on top. It’s lovely, and it’s one of my favorite brakfasts. But I want to try this version, too, in a rainy day when all I want is music and rice pudding :)

  71. Your recipes are so original and I love reading your thoughtful posts:) How is being 30? It’s my turn to cross that line come August and I’m a bit nervous. Everyone says it’s the best yet though!

  72. Well dang…… I’ve already hit the grocery store today….and alas do not have aborio rice on hand. Looks like it will go on the list for my next shopping exploration……Rice pudding must wait…… I must wait…… bummer.

  73. Ah la la do I love this.
    I love a dessert that is creamy and smooth.
    I love anything with cinnamon in it.
    I love a dish that gives an excuse to space out.

    Perfect. Thank you for the milk & stir inspiration.

  74. I love what you said! “It’s the perfect amount of time to zone out and solve your problems…” so true! That’s the best part of stress baking/cooking, something drives you to the brink and the baking allows you to clear your head!

    I’m not a huge fan of rice pudding but this certainly does look yummy!

  75. My husband used to make aborio rice pudding when he was doing all the cooking. I’m going to have to make this for breakfast. Yes.

  76. I’ve never made rice pudding with risotto rice. That sounds awesome. I looooove rice pudding and I usually make it with brown rice(one time I added cooked wheat berries, yum!) but I may make an exception to try a serving of this. And by a serving I mean the whole recipe because I can’t help myself either :D

  77. um, can I just skip work today and go home to make this right now? i love rice pudding & for whatever reason never considered making it risotto style. yum!
    on a semi-related side note… I am absolutely loving the new podcasts, even if I have to control my giggling since I’m listening to them at the office. Keep it up :)

  78. Hey Joy-
    I love rice pudding…done right of course. : ) Being Norwegian it is in my blood to like it. : ) I have never made it with arborio rice I will have to try this out soon! Hey Joy do you have Alice Medrich’s cookbook Chewy Gooey Crispy Crunchy Melt-in-your-mouth Cookies? If you don’t, you should! I just got it a few weeks ago and really love her creative takes on cookies, plus she has some really great and short gluten free recipes. Check it out…plus I am giving one away on my blog… : ) Peace out

  79. You’re loved too Joy! Rice pudding is yummy…never thought to make it with Arborio rice. If you’re still in a rice mood, sweet and warm sticky rice with a scoop of coconut ice cream on top is delightful. The combination of temperatures and textures is exciting.

  80. Wow…this is dangerous for someone in need of comfort food. I might be joining you in that 1-2 servings from this recipe instead of the intended 4 (:

    Wish I could get almond milk and some of the other gorgeously delicious sounding things people have mentioned in their comments here in Ukraine, sadly, no luck.

  81. I spent all day fighting the urge to make rice pudding yesterday (I even still have a browser window with your brown rice pudding recipe minimized on my laptop.) I keep telling myself it’s summer and bikini season. Then I get back from the gym and you have posted a rice pudding recipe that sounds absolutely perfect. Clearly, this is a sign that I need to stop fighting my craving and just make it already.

    By the way… totally with you on the portions thing. This recipe is a single-serving in my book.

  82. You would not be surprised at an English person saying a) they were brought up on milk puddings b) they adore rice pudding…and I do…very much. It’s a great pudding for these testing economic times too. Easy to make as you have on the stove, also something you can put in the oven at the same time as a casserole. My Mother would never dream of putting the oven on for one item only.
    The blackberries look like caviar in a strange kind of way! Nice kind of way.

  83. I will make this with almond milk – if I used the sweetened kind (which I normally don’t) then I wouldn’t have to add as much sugar. I know that’s not entirely the point but me & sugar don’t get along so well these days so a girl has to make adjustments.

  84. I love rice pudding! Like, love, love, love rice pudding! Especially when its warm and right from the pan – oh my is it good. Thanks for the recipe!

  85. This looks delicious. I’ve actually never had rice pudding before, but I just might have to give it a try. I also have a bounty of tapioca pearls needing to be used, but I’ve never made tapioca before either. Have a good recipe for that?

  86. I make the majority of my rice pudding with arborio but without using the risotto add-a-little-milk-at-a-time method and it always turns out great. I’ll have to try this method and see if it is any different.

  87. I’ve never had rice pudding before. Reason being is because it scares me, I think it’s the look of the rice along with a creamy consistancy. I don’t really know, but you make it look so pretty :)

  88. Love this post and the first photo. Just lovely. Those blackberries are giantic! I always forget about rice pudding. Reminds me of going to my babysitters after school…although I remember that her pudding would end up being used as a weapon with my sister.
    Thanks for sharing.

  89. Rice pudding is a total comfort food. Risotto is a brilliant idea, so creamy! I have a mild tendency to sot in the kitchen and eat hovering over the store, forgetting to stop. It is totally normal in my book.

  90. This looks delicious and I have milk that I don’t want to go bad. This and banana pudding should solve my milk problems and dessert for the rest of the week.

  91. This is absolutely amazing Joy! But then again, anything that has a vanilla bean generally is.

    Do you happen to have any recipe that involves caramelized white chocolate? I once saw it on Food Network and it’s quite interesting.

  92. Absolutely brilliant. I have some Arborio rice in my pantry I have to use… and when I take my mother out for Indian food we both skip the free dessert and go to town on the rice pudding they have out. They usually add peanuts so they boil and get soft – I may try that with this for a different texture. Either way, nice recipe. You never disappoint.

  93. I have never had rice pudding…never seemed very appealing…it appears to have a weird texture, which I’m not sure if I could get over or not. But this might just make me try it. Can someone just tell me if it is chunky lol or like oatmeal texture. I realize I am insane…thank you!

  94. I hardly ever eat rice pudding, but I remember my mom made it when we were kids and I just adore it! Yours sounds (and looks) lovely! Thanks.

  95. Allspice and cinnamon – that’s enough to interest me! I’d up that 2% milk to whole milk for sure, though:)

    I’ve never made a rice pudding, I also may never have eaten one. This was the impetus I needed to change that!

  96. I don’t even like rice pudding but that looks and sounds delicious!

    Definitely going to make this for my Fiancรฉ (He loves rice pudding).

    Starry xx

  97. I am so going to make this for my grandmother! Her 85th birthday is coming up, and I bet she would love this for a birthday breakfast. Thank you!

  98. I love making this kind of rice pudding…love arborio rice. Here’s a little twist you might like. Instead of milk, use almond milk with a little whole milk or half and half. Tastes so good!! BTW…read you blog everyday and you make me laugh!!

  99. Hey Joy,
    I’m from India and I read your blog religiously. Can you believe it? You have a loyal reader in India! I just love it. Over here, nobody really bakes at home. But I’m getting my own place soon and plan to get an awesome oven!
    Oh also, rice pudding is India’s favorite dessert. We add loads of nuts and saffron to it, but I will try to make it like this too!


  100. I have just seen this recipe, stood up like a zombie, walked into the kitchen and cooked this for my breakfast.
    Oh my gosh.
    I used nutmeg and vanilla and it is out of this world.
    Thanks Joy!

  101. Dear Joy
    I might have to go a bit Julie and Julia on your ass. I don’t know why I only discovered you a week ago but at least i did.
    I have been fantasizing for years about how to turn my favourite meal (anything risotto) into my future favourite dessert and now i have a clear plan instead of a wild dream that involved condensed milk… Which probably wouldn’t be too much of a bad thing.
    Tonight i have a date with a pot and a spoon! Woop!

  102. I recently made and posted about brown rice pudding that I made using coconut milk, lots of vanilla, cinny, sugar and it was sooo good. Nothing like coconut milk to just add that extra flavor.

    Or blackberries. Or a real vanilla bean.

    Beautiful recipe, Joy!

  103. Love rice pudding! I always make the spanish version: arroz con leche. And I could bathe in it!
    In Germany we can buy a rice which is similar to risotto rice and which is called rice pudding rice. So this is what I use, obviously ;).

  104. Wai-wai-wait: do you mean you normally make rice pudding with normal rice, like long grain, white rice? That’s wild! I’ve never heard of that! Does it work? (Well, surely, it must.) I can imagine that risotto rice works like pudding rice – I must try that :) My favourite rice pudding is when you mix it with red berries then bake it in the oven. So good! Then again, I come from a country of rice pudding fanatics (England), so I’m practically genetically engineered to love it.

  105. Well, I hate risotto, but I love pudding. Especially VANILLA pudding:) And cinnamon…and I just love your blog;) Thank U very much for thic recipe, I’ll stop hating arborio rice for sure:)

  106. I live in New Zealand and its getting realy cold here,especially in the mornings! I will definitly be making this for breakfast in the close future.

  107. I woke up this morning with only one thing on my mind: rice pudding. And here’s your post. Wow! Thanks for reading my mind and providing me with the recipe to put this delicious looking rice pudding out of my mind right into my belly :D

  108. I am obsessed with rice pudding and have been making it a bit recently. Must try the arborio rice version – mine is sitting in the cupboard for risotto.
    lovely photos too

  109. Risotto is one of my favourite things in the world to make. There’s something about the act of just standing at a stove and stirring, stirring, stirring that is so calming. When the end result is something that looks so sweet and creamy and spicy, I can imagine that this effect is doubled. Thanks Joy and we love you too.

  110. YUM! This looks delicious. I work at a cafe` that serves Coconut Rice Porridge/Pudding. It is my favourite thing on the menu. This looks like it might trump it! I’ll have to try it and soon.

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