Oatmeal Sandwich Cookies with Creamy Peanut Butter Filling


I do this thing that I know… I KNOW… is completely annoying. ย I know it’s annoying, because I sometimes annoy myself doing it.

I make voices for things.

I make voices for… sometimes…everything.

Stray cat scampering across the street? ย Squirrel running up a tree? ย Shopping cart abandoned in the middle of the parking lot…? ย I make voices for them. ย They’re generally child-like with a hint of surly irreverence. ย Ok… to be real… every voice is my (spot-on) impersonation of Ericย Cartman from South Park.

My kitten. ย My friend’s cat. ย My neighbors dog. ย …. all the same voice, usually making astute observations about how cute and fluffy they are.

I know this is a problem, and I know I’m powerless to stop it.

I tell you all this because I gave voice to these cookies. ย I gave voice to them… I ate dang near all of them… and then I hid the rest of the cookies near the back of the fridge in hopes of selfishly consuming them later.

To be fair… the cookies told me to do it. ย That’s my story. ย Sticking to it.


Oatmeal cookies start with good and simple things. ย Oats! ย Easy. ย Brown sugar! ย Sweeeet. ย Spices! ย Gotta have cinnamon.

I would be some sort of dolt if I didn’t mention the butter left out of this picture. ย Butter makes nearly everything better x 6. (Math.)


Pecan studded cookie batter. ย Ooooh this is just the beginning.

This is a small batch of cookie dough. ย We’re making small cookies because we’re going to fill them with more butter and sugar (and peanut butter!), then layer another cookie onto the situation. ย Let’s just go easy. ย A small batch of dough is all we need to make about 2 dozen sandwich cookies.


The dough is rolled by the heaping teaspoonful.

These cookies look larger than a teaspoon don’t they?

I should have put down a quarter so you could see the scale…

I love the quarter scale technique. ย When I figured out what that scaling technique was all about… I thought I was some sort of genius… I was 22.



One of the most difficult parts of this recipe is removing the cookies from the oven and not eating a warm cookie directly off the sheet.

We need even numbers! ย This is a sandwich cookie situation.

Sure… you could eat two warm cookies off the baking sheet. ย Be real. ย If you’ve rationalized eating two warm cookies… what’s to stop you from eating five? ย Slippery slope. ย Veeerrryyy slippery.


Hey Peanut Butter… you’re looking pretty nice with some sun sheen on you. ย You’re showing off… it’s cool.


Smooth peanut butter is combined with butter, powdered sugar, and milk. ย Surely a dash of vanilla extract and salt can’t hurt.

If, in addition to a cookie sandwich filling, you see it fitting to call this a) dinner, b) a face mask, or c) boyfriend material… I get it. ย I do.


Sandwichย these little darlings! ย Aaaand get going going gone!

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty. ย These cookies are bonkers good. ย Of course they’re bonkers good…. I mean, come on.

The oatmeal cookies are caramel-y and chewy soft. ย The peanut butter filling is creamynuttysweet (that’s a new word). ย With their powers combined… these cookies are no-brainer pleasure bites (that’s a new thing).

I like to individually wrap these cookies and store them in the fridge. ย Actually.. I like to individually wrap these cookies and hide them in the back of my fridge so no one knows they’re tucked away. ย The cookies are extra chewy and the peanut butter filling won’t smoooosh out the sides if the cookies are served slightly chilled. ย Pro tip.

Oatmeal Sandwich Cookies with Creamy Peanut Butter Filling

makes about 2 dozen small sandwich cookies

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For the Cookies:

1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened

1 cup brown sugar, packed

1 large egg

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 1/4 cups uncooked old-fashioned oats

1 cup all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1/2 cup chopped pecans

For the Filling:

3 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature

1/2 cup smooth peanut butter

1 cup powdered sugar

3-4 tablespoons milk

Place racks in the center and upper third of the oven and preheat oven to 350 degrees F. ย Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside.

Beat the sugar and butter in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. ย Beat until creamy, about 3 to 4 minutes. ย Add egg and beat on medium speed for about 1 minute. ย Add the vanilla extract and beat until blended.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the oats, flour, baking powder, baking soda, spices, and salt. ย Add the dry ingredients to the butter and egg mixture slowly beating on low speed until just incorporated. ย Stir in the pecans last.

The cookies will be small, so portion about 1 heaping teaspoon of cookie dough into your hand. ย Roll into a ball and place on the prepared cookie sheet. ย Keep cookies about 1 1/2-inch apart on the baking sheet. ย If the cookie dough begins to stick to your hands as you’re making dough balls, rinse your hands and portion the dough with just slightly damp hands.

Bake for 10 to 13 minutes or until theyโ€™ve reached your desired doneness. ย I like mine a little underdone and cook them for 10 minutes. ย Allow to cool on the cookie sheet for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

To prepare the filling, place butter, peanut butter, and powdered sugar in the bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. ย Beat on medium speed, drizzling in vanilla extract. ย Scrape down the bowl as necessary. ย Add milk one tablespoon at a time until you’ve reached your desired consistency. ย The filling should be easily spreadable.

When cookies are completely cool, flip over and spread half of the cookie bottoms with peanut butter filling. ย Top with a similar size cookie. ย Wrap individually and store in the refrigerator. ย Cookies are best served slightly chilled. ย Cookies last, wrapped in the fridge, for about 5 days. ย 

All Comments

I Made This


222 Responses

  1. Forgot to add the flour (just one of those days) and ended up crushing up the flat mess and folding it into a large bowl of ice cream, (just on of those days). Any who, you’re great, and on my second attempt, after a nap, I nailed it and hid the final product from my permanent roommates/family.

  2. Just made these and had a neighbor stop by to borrow something as I was sandwiching them together. He said, and I quote, “These are what wet dreams are made of!” And yes, my husband was in the room…. They are best friends…. And I am now working on batch two, since they polished batch one off.

  3. I made these for a holiday party this weekend and they were a HUGE hit – gone in less than 15 minutes from when I set them on the table. I think that is a new record! Thanks JTB :)

  4. I just made these and they turned out HUGE! So, I took a small mason jar to cut them out into more manageable size shapes while they were still warm. They’re delicious!

  5. Seriously, how can you go wrong with something as multifunctional as a cookie that stands in as dinner, a face mask and a boyfriend? I think all women (or men who like face masks and other men) can basically live happily ever after. The end.

  6. hi joy! first i have to tell you i have been obsessed with your cooking forever now…holy moly. second, these were AMAZING. granted, im a little late to the game, i know, but i think i made up for it by making them, eating them, and then proceeding to immediately make them again. the second time i added mini chocolate chips instead of the pecans…incredible. you’re my fave!

  7. Just made these and, after inhaling about six or seven immediately out of the oven, I decided to experiment with Nutella in place of peanut butter. I can’t speak to the success of the pb filling, but even with half the amount of sugar it was deeelicious.

  8. I just made these and swapped in cookie butter for the peanut butter filling. They are amazing!!

  9. Yum! Ever thought of doing something like this with Biscoff spread? Or anything with that stuff? You can add it to almost anything (except maybe cabbage) and it tastes amazing.

  10. Pingback: Julie Doodles
  11. hey Joy, just made these cookies and they were absolutely fantastic. I think you might have missed out the vanilla extract for the filling in the ingredient list, and perhaps a recommendation for those that use natural un-salted peanut butter to add salt to the filling as well? I was thinking there was something missing to the filling before I realised my pb had no salt added haha
    Stay cool!

  12. I’ve just come across your website today, and these look incredible – I can’t wait to try them. Only query is: what’s powdered sugar? The same as icing sugar?

  13. hey ms. joy, i haven’t read my google reader in a long time so this is the first time i’ve seen the redesign, love the new site! and this recipe looks divine! i think i know what ill be making for my Relay for Life fundraiser in June! yahoo.

  14. Hi, Joy. I made these… but I didn’t have parchment paper and the cookies stuck horribly. I greased a nonstick baking sheet, but still – must buy the paper. Those few I was able to pry off in one piece were made into sandwiches (PB filling helped hold them together), and those that came off in pieces went in my belly. All were delicious.

    For the filling, I left out the butter because I don’t like the taste of butter and PB mixed together (have learned from homemade PB cups). It totally works, though. I’ve also used your filling between oatmeal-chocolate chip cookies – fabulous. I am a big fan of you!

  15. I just made these :) It made 38 cookies and turned out great!
    I only needed 1 tablespoon of milk in the frosting, and my wet and dry ingredients ended up not incorporating very well, I think I needed more wet, for whatever reason. Maybe I used a medium egg instead or large or something.
    Anyway, dee-liscious! Thanks!

  16. Made these tonight (but substituted banana for egg and smart balance/almond milk for the dairy). So good. Favorite blog, hands down.

  17. I know that you don’t need to be told your business, but I have to say this. Wasting peanut butter and washing dishes both make me sad, and this will help with both.
    To measure peanut butter: put 1/2 cup water in the Pyrex measuring cup. Add peanut butter until the water level is 1/2 cup more than the amount you need. Pour out the water. Voila! The correct amount in an unsticky cup, and it just comes right out. No scraping. Less photogenic though :(

  18. I speak for everything I see too. Everything. I’m currently in an area with a whole lot of street dogs doing a whole lot of puppy dog things. My travel partner may be annoyed but I’ve just embraced it.

    They also lack anything remotely similar to what you’ve made here. I’m dying.

  19. Made these last night – just added chocolate chips to the cookies at my husband’s request – delicious!

  20. I just made these with my son, who practically lives off of peanut butter. They were a huge hit with all three kids…and my husband and I will have our fair share when the kids go to bed tonight. Thanks for the awesome recipe. Oh, I substituted the pecans for mini chocolate chips, its easier for my 1.5 year old to eat. God bless!

  21. Thanks so much for the recipe! I hate to be the one to ask what could have gone wrong, but my cookies didn’t flatten in the oven and came out poofy. Still yummy, but any ideas, please?

  22. This is the second entry I read on your blog right after the one I read after googling how to take care of your cast iron. The second I finished reading that you made voices for everything and how spot-on your Cartman impression is, I knew that we would be the best of friends in this vast world wide web of internets. The voices I make vary, but recently it has evolved into this retarded Grover-like slur. Looking forward to try your recipes and creep your past entries ;)

  23. These cookies are cooking downstairs as we speak. The scent is currently rounding the footpaths in the twilight of Griffith Park. It is delightful. Additionally today bananas were going bad. They were forced into this batter and made a banana bread aroma which is nothing but epic.

    If you continue to upload delicious recipes on your blog here i may never get through the cookbook. Additionally, my roommates love what you’ve done to me.


  24. I made these yesterday! They were a hit: so yummy! They are now individually wrapped in the fridge for my husband and I to enjoy for the next few days. We might even share some.

  25. These look amazing! What is your opinion on quick oats vs. old fashioned oats? Would either work in this recipe?

  26. These were just what I was craving. Thank you so much. I love that they do down like real food- one is enough!

  27. I made these cookies on Thursday, and by Sunday my boyfriend had eaten every last one of them :) They were amazing. The only thing I can’t figure out is why they didn’t flatten out…mine were a lot rounder on top when they finished cooking. Any suggestions??

  28. Cartman voices and cookie sandwiches! Get out of my head!!
    I’m making this gluten free for the roommates. Are nestle chocolate chips gluten free? Either way, they’re goin in

  29. these cookies are fantastic. the perfect marriage of oatmeal cookies and peanut butter cookies. ugh, so good!
    i found the icing a tad too sweet for my liking so i added another few tablespoons of peanut butter to the icing to balance it back out. next time i’ll probably start with 1/2 cup of sugar and go from there.

    thanks for giving me a new cookie to obsess over! and congrats on the cookbook success!

  30. fantastic cookies. You know they are good when someone asks for the recipe.
    I did modify them slightly as I didn’t have any nutmeg or pecans and for the filling I used a mix of cream cheese and crunchy peanut butter. Final touch was a drizzle of dark chocolate.

    Must buy your cookbook as I’ve not seen a recipe I didn’t like on here…..

  31. Just waiting for the cookies to cool to make these into sandwiches, and noticed that you didn’t mention how much vanilla to add to the filling, and whether to switch the trays in the oven mid-way through.

    I did switch them, with good results, and I added maybe 1/2 tsp of vanilla to the filling. So far, so good!

  32. Silly Joy…you have to make an odd number ON PURPOSE so there’s one to eat with the extra filling! Just made your chocolate peanut butter whoopie pies tonight and they are to die for. My family and I are so so happy :D

  33. I LOVE that you show the pictures of each step, it really helps and make sets the blog apart from others. Plus, the cookies look amazing!

  34. Joy, I made these today and am embarrassingly stuffed. Did what you said not to do (ate cookies straight from oven — didn’t stop at one, two, or even three…). Thanks for making my Sunday extra special with these cookies :)

  35. O.M.G.
    Tomorrow I’m baking cookies. Tomorrow, I’m baking THESE cookies. I’d make them right now, but I’m out of butter.

    Also, my cats have voices courtesy of me and my husband. And all other cats too.

  36. it’s ok, i make voices too. and so does my hubby. only our voices always end up being some sort of strange eastern-european accent.

    it makes you special!

  37. Oh. My. Joy.

    These are cooling as I type. I may have eaten one just out of the oven with a little of the filling spread on top. I might need to have another. Happy Sunday goodness.

  38. Can you discuss how you store your ingredients? For instance…. should an opened bag of chocolate chips be put in fridge? What about nuts? How long will frozen coconut flakes last? I dint bake as much as you do and Im worried about storing things! Thanks!!

    1. I bake a lot – hope this helps

      chocolate chips – will be fine in the cupboard/pantry unless you live somewhere very warm where they’ll be melty in which case put them in the fridge or freezer
      coconut flakes – keep on a countertop or in their packaging for months. I’ve never frozen them but would expect freezing would extend their shelf life by around 3 months vs the expiry date on the packet
      nuts – can be stored in their package or a jar on the countertop. I’ve never had nuts long enough that they’ve gone bad and I’ve had them for up to a year before

  39. Love this post – laughed out loud multiple times… thanks Joy!

    Also, SO exciting – just saw you in the most recent Sunset Magazine – way to go :)

  40. I do this too! I had a wiemeraner (dog) I gave her a kind of goofy voice! I recently met my neighbor who owns two wiemeraners and I shared the voice with him and he and his wife gave their two dogs the same voice!! Lol!! Soo cute and sandwich cookies are the best!

  41. Don’t worry, every dog I meet has a voice. Except I give them all different voices…which means I actually have to think about it…which maybe makes me worse than you. :p

  42. These look so delightful and my husband would love these! And hey, I thought the quarter scale thing is genius! I’m 28, and I’ve never thought of that :)

  43. I modified these to be gluten free and they were wonderful. My kids loved them. Great snack to have before or after a workout, or track meet, or softball game…etc.

  44. These look stinkin’ fantastic! And definitely adaptable for my crazy vegan-ness.

    By the way, I checked out your cookbook from the library yesterday – pure love! It’s awesome to the extreme!

  45. So many things you post I immediately want to wait and then remember that sweet recipes from you + only my boyfriend and I in the house = us eating an entire batch of cookies within an hour. These just look too good though. My life has been so much better since the discovery of sweetened peanut butter, Australia isn’t big on it.

  46. OH wow ! i love these. i made them last night and it is seriously everything i was looking for in a cookie! i am in love! i substituted some of the ingredients as i was super eager to make them and didnt have time to go to the shop but i recommend these to everyone and that they bake up a batch immediately! another gorgeous recipe thank you Joy. I wish amazon would hurry up and deliver your book so i can bake more! love it! xxx

  47. Oh my gosh, I read the first few lines and immediately cracked up. I make voices for everything too!
    Apparently I reuse the same ones though, my family has started giving each voice a name. Like always, I love reading your blog posts and I need maybe five of these cookies…like now.

  48. oh my, the cookies on their own look absolutely fabulous!
    oats, pecans, brown sugar, perfect!

    thanks for the entertaining post joy, loved it

  49. Joy, Thank you for being you, and for sharing your amazing writing and baking skills with us! Your posts totally make my day better, and when I finish this semester of graduate school, I am seriously going on a Joy-the-Baker baking marathon and diving into your cookbook. (I quite literally drooled when it arrived.) OK, that’s all from me. Just wanted you to know that you’re awesome!

  50. Unreal! I didn’t think my favorite cookie in the entire world–oatmeal–could get any better. AND now all those haters of the oatmeal or oatmeal raisin cookie will be eating their words!…Which I hope will get stuck to the roofs of their mouths thanks to the PB. Perfect.

  51. One thing I’ve learned in life– there are sound effects people and non-sound effects people. Sound effects people are funnier :)

    Making these cookies this weekend as “study snacks.” Because they have peanut butter in them they can be considered “brain food,” right?? Prolly not, but oh we’ll, I’m going to make them anyways!

  52. It’s good to know there is someone else out there who makes up voices! My husband and I have given our dogs voices (one sounds quite similar to Butters from South Park!!). We try our best not to let the dogs talk when we’re in public, but sometimes it just slips out. Thanks for the hilarious post and for the recipe – this will be the weekly treat for my office next week. :)

  53. I’m literally drooling over these! I don’t make voices for things…..but I do tend to make my food dance when I’m excited about it. It’s sort of a little dance from plate to mouth as it travels on my fork. I’ve done it since high school…..it made me super popular. ;)

  54. I haven’t made cookies in so long and you’ve got my mouthwatering now for these. And I’m not the biggest peanut butter fan. Definitely think that this might have to be a weekend project for the little ones and I!

  55. Oh my goodness, those cookies look amazing. I love peanut butter and I always try to sneak peanut butter in everything. I need to give this recipe a try. Thanks for posting.

  56. My husband and I totally do that with our dogs! We have developed really elaborate voices for them and back stories… the whole deal.

    I’m totally making these cookies… tonight! They look great!

  57. I am completely smitten with your blog. Supremely addictive writing. As an homage to your awesomeness, I featured your red velvet cupcakes in one of my first blog posts, and hopefully will have a happy little copy of your book on my shelves tomorrow (… that is if they know of Joy the Baker in the grey Isles of England).

  58. Voices for everything? I do it all the time. It’s only natural. :3 And THESE COOKIES! Could it get any better? Creamy, crunchy, ooey, gooey, chilled, yumminess!!

  59. Is it okay to call them dinner AND boyfriend material? Because if peanut butter’s in it, I could totally take it for both.

  60. These look absolutely delicious! I wonder what they’d taste like with Biscoff spread instead of the peanut butter; that might be a yummy combination. Anyway, I’ll have to make these A.S.A.P.!

  61. Okay, these cookies look fabulous. I mean FABULOUS. And I’m allergic to peanuts. So I’m going to see if I can’t make a version with another nut butter. In fact, the Nutella idea sounds great (and since there may be peanut in Nutella, I’ll be using homemade. Oh my…

  62. I LOVE THAT YOU MAKE VOICES FOR EVERYTHING! My husband and I do that ALL the time~especially with our cats, lol.

    And what a beautiful recipe!! You have 2 of my fave things on here–PB and oatmeal cookie…0_0

  63. I just made a similar cookie from Two Peas and Their Pod last weekend. One of my boyfriend’s friends ate one and immediately announced that he was falling in love with me because of it. Haha. I’m totally on this cookie bandwagon.

  64. Wow, so these are like homemade pirate cookies! I have a very prego friend who would love these cookies. I am going to be the bestest BFF ever!

  65. My gosh, lady, you and my boyfriend would be like two peas in a pod making sound affects and voices for everything. It’d be like a weird voice/sound fest. It’s the little things in life that keep your day interesting and fun, so I can sympathize with your quirk…and the cartman voice….that’s just cool! Your cookies look awesome. I love peanut butter. I love peanut butter. No really, your peanut buttery oatmeal sandwich cookies look perfect for me any day of the week. Have a great weekend, missy!

  66. Delicious!

    I totally feel you on the voices thing. My sister and I do a voice whenever we talk to each other; the voice’s name is Chaz. It’s basically Napolean Dynamite if he were a rich surfer-boy. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY WE COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER. Through Chaz. Very weird.

  67. Ahh ha haa!! I just about peed my pants reading this post! Hilarious…and way too relatable, as I too make Cartman voices for animals, objects, etc. You’ve convinced me to make these cookie sandwiches for dinner tonight. Also, agreed with so many commenters that your book, while uber-delicious, is highly dangerous for my wasitline. Love it anyway…in moderation! Thanks for making me laugh today!

  68. Ooooooh. I just made a big ole batch of horchata and was looking for something to dip in a glass of it… What could be better than peanut butter filled cookies?!?!?!

    Joy – you are seriously the awesomest. If I lived any closer I’d be over with horchata in a flash.

  69. God you make me laugh. I might even be tempted to throw some nutella between some of the cookies and have a lucky dip into the fridge to see which came out- chocolate or peanut- who knows! It’s all too exciting!

  70. These look amazing. What do you think about adding chocolate chips to the oatmeal cookies? I really want to add chocolate chips to this recipe. Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with peanut butter is basically perfection.

    I also have voices for everything. My oversized hound dog has the best voice in the world and we have entire conversations with each other. If anyone ever filmed us, I would be immediately be deemed crazy.

    1. I think that’s what I’m going to do, as well. It’s a well documented fact that chocolate and peanut butter get along together like cold fingers and a mitten. (Sorry for the unseasonal simile…the Midwest is getting slammed with a “Ha! and you thought it was Spring!” cold-snap. Actually had a fire going in the fireplace this morning. Perfect weather to bake, I suppose!)

  71. I’m totally into this.

    Side note: I just got a hedgehog the other day. She has a bum foot in the back and arthritis in a front paw. So… she kinda walks funny. Her name is Miss Weeble (because weebles wobble but they don’t fall over… heh… okay, not as funny when I type it out). Omgi’mgettingofftrack.

    The point is… I have given her a voice. Even though she’s only 1 year old, she wounds like a cross between Jessica Tandy from Driving Miss Daisy and my 80 year old childhood babysitter. Also, I refuse to say her name without pronouncing it “Mish Weeblsh” (add in the *slight* shakiness when you say it).

    Okay. I’m done. I’ve shared.

    Now I’m going to go bake something. Have a great day, Joy!


  72. What’s the quarter trick? I want to learn the quarter scale trick!

    These cookies look oh so amazing. I haven’t had an oatmeal cookie in ages. Now I want one. And I want that peanut butter filling. Peanut butter is the key to my soul. I love it!

  73. these look amazing! I do the voice too, and sometimes I sing it. It’s probably really annoying, but I thinks it’s too funny to quit….so keep it up!

  74. I almost fell out of my chair. I do the voice too, the exact same one. For everything. It started as my pug’s voice, now EVERYthing seems to have that voice in my head.

  75. Can I just say, I’m really glad you didn’t put raisins in these oatmeal cookies. I hate raisins in oatmeal cookies!! I much prefer chocolate chips (which might be a nice addition to these lovely little treats…).

  76. I can’t wait to make these – Ben and Jerry move over – it looks like my new boyfriend is coming to town. Silly voices make life soooo much more fun and interesting! Please show them to us on the podcast!

  77. Seriously, when have they actually lasted 5 days? I’ll bet they can last 10, and they were just gone in 5! They would be in my house anyway!

  78. These look absolutely delicious and I can’t wait to try them. And your book just arrived by post, so that’s Friday night sorted – reading and planning. So excited, thank you very much. Lots of love xxx

  79. Can I just tell you how much this made me laugh? I definitely use that same Cartman voice – except I do it when reiterating what someone annoying said… most especially when my husband says something ridiculous and I tell it back to my friends. What is it about that voice that’s so appropriate for things? lol

    PS Butter + Peanut Butter = Love. I’m sure you knew that already, but just in case :)

  80. I haven’t quite made it to the voice stage yet, but I give names to literally everything. Any critter that walks across my patio gets a name–stray cats, raccoons, groundhogs, a chipmunk named Dale Jr.. And it’s not just living creatures. Most of the inanimate objects in my life have names too. Maybe I should listen to them to see what their voices sound like.

  81. I am with you on the voices, Joy. Making my dog “talk” is high on the list of great-ways-to-spend-time. I especially love listing off her favorite things: “I like tennis balls. I like peanut butter.” etc, etc. Although she loves peanut butter, I’ll be keeping all these cookies for the human variety in our household. :) She’s going to be very disappointed.

  82. It’s a well known fact that cookies talk to people – I find they often whisper to me from the cupboard. At least that’s my excuse, and I’m sticking to it :-)

  83. All your peanut butter treats are killing me! I have two daughters allergic to peanut butter and cannot bake such yumminess. And soy nut butter is not the same – but I may just try since these look extremely tasty. (although I have asked for your peanut butter cake for my birthday – am i a bad mother?)

  84. First off, these look and sound amazing (even if thy have the voice of Cartman). Secondly, I give voice to everything as well. I make my pug have the voice of Goofy and everything else kind of has a voice pretty similar to Marcel the Shell!

  85. Mmm, these look incredible! I kind of want to eat the peanut butter filling by the spoonful. I have a goofy story about using objects to show scale in photos. One time in college, a friend and I spotted a tarantula in a parking lot just outside our dorm (we were right up against a mountain in Utah). I’ve seen maybe three tarantulas out and about in my life so I wanted to take a picture of it, but I didn’t think anyone would be able to tell how HUGE it was. So I brilliantly tossed my car keys next to it for the photo. Only then did I realize I would have to put my hand near the tarantula to get my keys back. There was a lot of squealing involved that day!

  86. oh good god. it really is the apocalypse!
    I am going to promise myself I will only make these if I am going to bring them to an event where it will be awkward if I consume the entire plate myself!

  87. Ha! We’re not alone with the ‘voices’ then! At least they’re not ‘inside our heads’ though! My husband and I have adopted some mannerisms when it comes to voices… for each other, our bunny, and random things here and there. Now oatmeal cookies, that’s a new one. :-) They look delicious, and I’m curious about the first shot; I don’t see toothpicks or a skewer helping them stack so high… it must be pure stacking talent. Impressive! ;-)

  88. I can imagine that not many of these would even make it to the oven.

    i definitely give voices to everything and they all sound like south park characters. get’s very confusing between talking to people and inanimate objects.

  89. Hi Joy! These cookies look extremly yummy. Do you think the amount of sugar in the filling could be reduced? Although I know that when eating cookies this should not be a question, but still, I am trying to use less sugar… What is your opinion? :-) Thanks!

  90. I just made oatmeal cookies Monday afternoon, but I wasn’t brilliant enough to think of an extra something to make them more than just cookies! Man, oh man, I think I’m in love with the peanut butter filling here and since I have about 20 more cookies left, that’s probably what’s going to happen.

  91. Do you give them genders too or is that just something I do? Sandwich cookies are the best, not least because it’s a very easy way to justify eating double the amount of cookie. Love the pictures in this post too.

  92. Well, we all know what I’m baking this weekend, don’t we! ;-)
    The fact that the children are out all weekend at various activities has nothing to do with it. Honestly!

  93. My sisters and I all have the (some might say) annoying habit of singing things to inanimate items and dogs. My magnum opus was when I sang a song to my dog that rhymed “likes walks” with “smells like socks”. We have all also been known to sing songs to food items about how we are going to eat them.

  94. If these cookies even made it to my fridge they definitely wouldn’t last long in there. Anything involving peanut butter disappears pretty fast in my world. Thanks Joy!

  95. I put stuff in the back of the fridge too in hopes that I don’t eat them but it never pans out the way I want it to. Then I wonder how I gained 10 pounds in the last month.

    These oatmeal sandwich cookies look amazing. It’s been on my bucket list for quite some time and I will most definitely make it soon. Thanks for the inspiration, Joy! :)

    Oh and I’d love to hear your Eric Cartman voice.

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