10 Real-Talk Blog Tips Part II

on blogging

Two years ago I revealed some blogging truths in something called  10 Real-Talk Blog Tips.  There’s a lot we don’t talk about when it comes to the business of blogging because we want to make things look easy… you know, like all of us bloggers wake up with perfect cat-eye makeup and Bundt cakes that slide effortlessly out of the pan every single time.  Truth is, it’s messy and haphazard.  Some of us have editorial calendars and secret staff photographers.  Others of us just fly by the seat of our pants and super stress out when tax time comes around.  It’s a mixed bag.  

If you’re a new blogger, aspiring blogger, or frustrated blogger, allow me to offer you a different perspective:  it’s not all cat-eye, DIY, and stacked cookies (although sometimes it is, and that’s cool too).

(Another) 10 Real-Talk Blog Tips

One:  It’s easy, ooooh so easy, to feel like you can’t keep up with the blogging world.  Some bloggers offer up new content every few days.  Some bloggers post every single day.  Some bloggers have three kids, are learning a new language, and post multiple times a day.  It’s easy to feel like the Internet is screaming ahead of you.  I understand.  It’s overwhelming.  My advice:  go at your own pace!  You’re the boss of you.  Set a loose posting schedule that works for you, and try hard to reach those goals.  Push yourself, but be kind to yourself.  Both feel really good.

Two:  A new trend in food photography involves downloading loads of super cute fonts and creating awesome text treatments over pretty pictures of stacked  pancakes and glazed doughnuts.  It’s totally a thing.  It’s totally pretty.  Here’s the deal:  it’s ok if you don’t put text on your pictures.  

Someone had to say it.  

Just because it’s a trend doesn’t mean it’s right for your blog.  Every time I consider a trend, I think back to the time I got a short bobbed haircut because it was all the rage in junior high.  The result?  Frizzy triangle hair.  Trends can be a trap.  And yes… I am FOREVER talking about my various hair traumas.

Three:  There are all sorts of ways to rank and rate blogs.  Ignore Ignore Ignore!   Sites like Alexa will rank your blog in terms of traffic, link backs, and God knows what else.  Don’t pay any mind to Internet rankings.  Do what you do, and keep doing it better and better.  Be your own barometer.

on blogging

Four:  In the same way that Internet ranking sites are an easy way to compare blog standings, it’s also really easy to visually compare our blogs.  It’s the Everyone Looks So Cute and It’s Totally Annoying Syndrome.  I know this well.  It’s so easy to get sucked into the gorgeous work of our peers.  It’s also easy to let admiration turn into jealous-reading.  Comparison is a nasty beast.  Its partner Self Loating, is an absolutely useless animal.  Beat those back.  Remember:  No one is better at doing you, than YOU!  Sure… tons of people on the Internet are great bakers with rad food photography… but NO ONE can talk about curly bangs with the passion that I can.  Truth.

Five:  Build communities.  It’s like having a clique in high school, except it’s on the Internet and it’s full of nice and supportive girls.  I’ve found that reaching out to people on Twitter is actually important to the life of my site.  It allows me to connect with people in a faster and more personal way than simply replying to blog comments.  I can also tweet people that I admire.  I think that might be how I became friends with Emily from Cupcakes and Cashmere… I may or may not have hounded her on Twitter.  Note:  I’m not suggesting you hound people.  I’m just saying…

In that same vein, Pinterest and Instagram are excellent ways to connect and gain inspiration.  Make friends with people of like minds and similar taste.  Pretty pictures always get the wheels moving.

Six:   Collaboration is the future!  Seek out people you admire, dream up a way to work together and reach out!  Maybe that means adding contributors to your blog.  Maybe that means starting a blog with a Twitter friend who is as obsessed with doughnuts as you are.  Maybe that means partnering on a seasonal post.  Dream it up and make it go!

Seven:  The the dialup tone we used to have to endure to log onto America Online?  Remember the constant floppy disk downloads and counting Internet minute usage?  Don’t even get me started on chatrooms… oh man.  The Internet is always changing.  We can’t expect it to stay the same, and we can’t expect to stay static on the Internet.    Right now Pinterest is on fire, but not so long ago, Twitter was the new hot thing?  With everything always changing around us, it’s important to stay current, but also important to make incorporate the newness in a way that feels authentic to our work.

Eight:  Let’s make a deal to one another.  Let’s always get better.  Let’s learn new camera  tricks.  Let’s try recipes that might sound tricky.  Let’s always post content that we’re supremely proud of.

on blogging

Nine:    It can’t all be about cookies and doughnuts.  Getting out off the computer and out of the kitchen is essential to creating a full blog.  It doesn’t have to be about an extravagant trip, sometimes just bike ride and sunset is all you need to recharge and find inspiration.  Live a good life.  It makes for a good blog.

Ten:  No one wants to be completely alone on their blog.  That’s what our diaries are for.  Super secrets.  Support is a big part of the blogging community.  Reading other people’s work.  Admiring photography.  Repin.  Retweet.  Like. Comment.  High-five.  It’s all a part of the support game.  So… Let’s support each other.

Here’s a thing we should do.  If you’d like, you should leave a comment on this post with a link to your blog (if you’re into that sort of thing) in the body of the comment.  Then take a few minutes to click around to other links you find in the comment section.  You might find some new favorite blog people.  Let’s do!

xo joy

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I Made This


696 Responses

  1. Thanks for this. I particularly needed to hear the part about reaching out. Not my strong suit.

    Thanks for sharing! It is easy to get caught up in the comparison game, but way more fun to pat people on the back for their great work.

  2. Written so beautifully! This was such an inspiration, I needed to hear ALL of that today. Some of it sounds like tough love but everything is empowering, like blogging and building a community are possible. I’ve been getting disheartened a little bit, so thank you for that.

  3. I Just LOVED reading this. I was listening to a podcast on Food Blogger Pro and one of the guests mentioned your quote about living a good life. I’m totally quoting you in my newsletter this week and linking back to this article. Thank you for that fresh and wonderful perspective. Oh and my blog: natashaskitchen.com

  4. This is what I call Real Talk! Thank you for writing and sharing this piece of precious info.
    I’ve recently entered into the blogging world and I’m trying my best to juggle everything which is being a challenge, no doubt.
    My blog is about the best of Portugal now. From Portugal to the world. It includes Travel, Food & Lifestyle. Here it goes the link: http://www.quintessentialportugal.com

    Thanks you!

  5. Thanks for this informational post. It was self imposed and it really helped to put me into the perspective that I CAN do this. I can relate the envious-jealousy-monster that comes out every now and then and wants to squash my dreams of having my little blog be what it is.. ME. You seem sincere and true and I like that! I shall poke around your site some more as I just discovered it!!! xo – H

  6. I am about to post the third recipe to my blog, so I think that it is safe to say that I am very much in the baby stage. But hey, every How To list tells me to get out there and promote my blog from the start, so here I am!

    I’m still working on my style (it seems that I say “but” and “so” quite a lot… welp…) but it’s getting there, it’s getting there! Come visit me, I would be so thrilled!


  7. Joy, very inspiring post! This particularly resonated with me: “Live a good life. It makes for a good blog.”

    I am a new blogger, and am already seeing how big the challenges can be. It’s nice to find some encouragement in the thick of it!


  8. Well, after reading a bunch of comments, I can see that a lot of us needed your super encouraging post! I started my blog not long ago, and it’s already not all fun and games and cooking. I had no idea how much behind the scenes work it would take, and I know I’m only scratching the surface so far. I’ve been an admirer and eater of your food for awhile now, and I’m going to keep your tips in mind as I try to improve each day and enjoy the process! Thanks!

  9. I recently found your site and have totally fallen in love! Thank you for all the posts you put up, such as the Baking 101 information, and of course, this post! I feel so much more relaxed thanks to your words of wisdom!

    I recently started my site at http://www.freshlybakedsweets.blogspot.com and I hope it continues to thrive!

  10. Thanks for the tips Joy, been on and off blogging for quite some time now. I love the part where in we must promise ourselves to get better! :)

  11. I loved this !! Your points all ‘hit home’ – especially the one about taking a bike ride or getting out ’cause all we do & see affects our blog! When I post I often mention that I ‘goofed’ again and other comments in that vein, which I believe helps followers to understand even the best of cooks ‘goof’ – and those ‘goofs’ are often fixable! I also really liked that you mentioned loving our blogs for what they are and not to compare them (at least not too often) to other more popular or better photographed blogs. Here’s the link to my blog!
    https://myyellowfarmhouse.com/ LOVE YOUR BLOG !!

  12. Sometimes you’re feeling lost or deflated and really just need a boost of confidence to get yourself back up and keep plugging away at what you love. Thank you so much for this insightful and inspirational post. It makes me realize that I’m not alone in how I feel and getting discouraged sometimes is normal. It’s just a part of the game! And if we keep going after what we love, it will work out in the end.

    If you all are a fan of quinoa, then come check out my site! I’d love to hear what you think :)


  13. Thank you for the tips. I admit getting sucked into a few of those. I’m working on getting out and away from the computer and kitchen more without feeling guilty. It’s funny, when I do get away, I feel so recharged and wonder why I don’t do it more often.


  14. I’ve read your 10 tips and agreed with all…. We should enjoy our blog and put in it what we are and what we love… The rest is just trends that will vanish someday…
    I love your blog because is very casual, light, with no pretension and also is Joy in all of it!!

  15. Awesome post! I especially love the tip about getting better. Even though not all of us can become overnight success stories, when we strive to become better each day, we can look back and see what a long way we have come.

  16. Totally overdue comment, but the first time I read this I did not have a blog. Now I do, and this was very reassuring. After just one week I was feeling completely overwhelmed, especially as I started seeing the food blogs I’ve followed for so long as competition, and felt I could only fail.

    This post helps ease that feeling of failure, and for that I want to thank you!

    Also, great blogs in the comments!

  17. I love what you said: “Just because it’s a trend doesn’t mean it’s right for your blog.” In real life, we all struggle against the inclination to keep up with the Jones’s. It’s a wonderful reminder that we don’t need to do that in our blog lives, too. Keep keepin’ it real :) Love your work!

  18. I’ve been trying to get back in the groove of updating my long-neglected food blog, https://healthfulrecipes.org – and I so needed to read this. There are so many great food blogs out there with amazing photography to go with their great recipes so it’s very intimidating for people who aren’t looking so pro. Thanks for the great post and the inspiration!

  19. I really liked your honest, from the heart style of writing! I’m new at this, and I’ve read lots of tips on what to do and what not to do. But you sound very down to earth.


  20. I really liked your honest, from the heart style of writing! I’m new at this, and I’ve read lots of tips on what to do and what not to do. But you sound very grounded, and you seem to truly love connecting with others. I love your pics, even without writing on them! I’m a sucker for warm, cozy photos of baking or any other cooking. It just seems like home. Thanks for the extra inspiration.


  21. Great tips, Joy. The support and friendship is my favorite part of the blogging community. And the tip about getting out of the kitchen to go adventuring is really something I lose sight of sometimes. You opened my eyes that I should experiment more!

    Check out my blog if you like!

  22. I went back and read the first part of this blog and then read this one, and I’m glad I did :) I’m just getting back into the blogging world after many attempts…So far, So good. I think I have finally broken free of all the blog standards out there and started writing about what I truly love. Thanks for sharing this and inspiring the rest of us to KEEP GOING!

  23. Lovely post !! Especially for a newby ! Having no Idea what people will think of my blog, but I am excited about finding out xx Your blog is so gorgeous x

  24. Thanks for making an advice article really fun to read! You’re point about not getting wrapped up in comparisons is good. I started my blog for me, and to share my travels/photography with my family, but then I got addicted to the stats and I just want more, more, more!

  25. I’ve had a blog crisis of late — been at it for five years and had some successes, but felt stifled by my own decision to stick to a single style that was no longer inspiring me to post and write about travel.

    Anyhow, I found my way here looking for tips and this post was such a wonderful reminder that it’s okay to adapt and evolve, and stay true to creating the best I can, even if that is different than what I have in the past.

    In short, thanks! :)

  26. great practical tips for the rest of us in the shadows of the blogosphere =)

    i’m over a year into my blog and i am just now figuring out how to properly use my dslr. i thought that should be squared away first, but community building definitely goes hand in hand. thanks!!

  27. Hey there. Good points! I feel like a failure at times when I blog and like i’m just typing to hear my type away on the keys. I want feedback and comments to my post that I’d do anything to get it basically. which may seem wrong.

    I follow people, I read the blogs from top to bottom, and i comment. I would think people would return the favor. What’s the point in just reading and not commenting? Someone said well if it’s nothing i can relate to I dont comment.

    Heck someone could post about buying a gun or having a gun. I cant relate to it b/c i dont buy guys nor do i own one but still I’d comment rather it was nice post and have a nice day. or something around that.

    Now a days please want to make money off their blog and off their bloggers which I think is pure bullshit! excuse my french but it’s the truth and that’s what I do. I speak the truth and speak my mind and that’s another thing why people dont comment. they are scared I may bite their heads off. Hell they may need it. LOL

    have a great weekend. Would love to hear from you.

  28. i may be a month late on this post but i’ve been following your blog for a while now and it’s awesome, you’re awesome – thanks for being so awesome and supportive. i’ve been enjoying your cookbook for a while now too. both (your blog and cookbook) are inspiration. i started an online bakery and blog a couple of months ago and would love for you and anyone to check it out and send me your input. i’ve thought about making the site strictly a blog but the original idea was to use my kitchen as a bakery. with each day that passes, i’ve found i’m just as passionate about food blogging as i am about baking. anyways hope to hear from you guys soon! https://www.littleplumpig.com.

  29. This is wonderful! Thank you so much for this very sage advice. I’m still new to the blogging world (not yet at my year anniversary) and I absolutely love doing it. I love writing. I love snapping photos. I love reading comments and making my own. But, I get anxious about it, too. I definitely fall trap to the comparison syndrome. This list helped me take a few deep breaths and relax about it all (at least for the time being!).


    – Shannon @ moveeatcreate.wordpress.com

  30. Great post! I haven’t been to your site in a little while and I have to say… your pictures are getting SO AWESOME. High five.

  31. ” Live a good life. It makes for a good blog.”

    Best piece of advice I’ve ever read. All of this was good. But that line? It stopped me cold, and I stared at it a long time. Good words. Thank you.

  32. Yes! There’s way too much pressure to follow like sheep with the latest blogging trend, and I often see people get depressed (or even angry) when they feel their blog gets less attention that someone else’s.
    Well you know what, it’s meant to be for fun, isn’t it? I mean, isn’t that why we do it? If not, then what’s the point?
    I am often told I should stick to one thing, as the broad range of my content doesn’t pull as many people in. But I don’t want to only post restaurant reviews or guides on making chutney or even home cooking recipes. I want to do all of them, plus anything else that takes my fancy too!
    Anything food-related that interests me! Sometimes I know it’s not going to be a popular post but I love it and want to share it anyway, so I DO!
    And so, I still enjoy the whole thing.
    Yes, I’m only human, sometimes I covet more comments and attention, but I’m grateful for the visits I do get, the kind people who leave a comment of encouragement of reaction.
    It’s ALL GOOD!


  33. thank u Joy, it is as if u read my mind! How this blogging world can be so infuriatingly competitive at times…!
    my blog: http://www.thecookingdoctor.co.uk

    I try to take good pictures, post good recipes ( instead of recycling from others) , write for real magazine yet its so difficult to get people to come by..why oh why!!

    But ur word of wisdom is inspiring, just as sometimes I feel like quitting this whole ‘gang thing’..

  34. Hi Joy,
    Now this was refreshing! I feel so overwhelmed at times being new to the blogging world and this was nice to hear. Support one another! Yes! Keep rockin!

  35. i’ve been off for 3 months – felt uninspired, busy, uninterested. there’s always a constant murmur of wanting to blog. its hard when there ARE so many other outlets, instagram, vine, twitter, pinterest, etc. but this is awesome. esp. #10 – support. it warms my heart to read all these comments and see folks really rallying to support each other. thanks for doing as you do, joy. you’re an amazing inspiration! here’s to getting back on the horse…that’s the right analogy i think.

  36. Hi! I am super excited to discover all these awesome blogs. Thanks for creating a space to share.

    http://the dizzy mom.blogspot.com

    Great tips by the way. It’s all about doing something that makes you feel creative and fullfilled. Doing so will inspire others.

  37. Love it, Joy! Especially the part about not getting overwhelmed by the speed of the internet because it’s so easy to be.
    Heading over to read your first post on the subject now and to find some new blog friends in the comments!
    Bex @ VeganSparkles.com

  38. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts about the real life behind this crazy blogging thing we do. Posts like these are so terribly comforting for new bloggers like me. You can find me doing what I love – being a vegetarian dietitian and writing about eating – at http://www.veggirlrd.com.

  39. very nice tips/ advices. I started to blog first for me, and then for others. but is really nice when you see you have one more follower, one new comment.

  40. Thanks for the little extra encouragement! I have recently started a blog and its something I am pretty proud of, but there is always room for improvement.. But i guess its early days and this is the beauty of something which is constantly a work in progress, right? Annie :)

  41. Hi Joy!
    First of all, your blog is Awesomely inspiring for new bloggers like me. I started writing blog in 2011 but I don’t post many blogs that often, may be once in a year. HAHAHA!! It means I have only few post and that’s true. I always think that I will write my recipes in blog but something or the other come to my mind and I change my ideas. After looking at other prity blogs I feel like Its very difficult to create such a beautiful blog with prity pics and all in short time. Some times I check my own blog to see if anybody commented on it or not. This is a bitter truth but ya I do it number of times :( !! But you really inspired me on writing often for myself and then for others :) You have also given a good advice about being social and I will definitely implement that soon :)
    I am adding a link of my blog, if get a chance take a look at it. If there is anything like suggestions or comments then I would like to know about it :)


  42. Phew! Over 600 comments? I don’t know if anyone will check my little corner in the internet, but please feel welcome to come by and say hello!


    I really appreciate this post. I blog mostly for friends and family, but sometimes I want to reach out to more people, you know, like strangers (whoa!). Haha. It can definitely get overwhelming, but in the end. Feel confident about your posts, let them always reflect you, stay positive, and maybe teach someone something new whether is DIY, historical fact, recipes, or a new/old etsy seller that might become your new favorite shop. Thanks for writing about this!

  43. Thank you for posting this, Joy. I have greatly enjoyed reading your blog and recipes. This is a blog I started and want to keep going.


    It’s about all things biscuits and helps me stay connected to my Southern roots while I live in Arizona. I have neglected it for over a year. But you and my friends are inspiring and encouraging me to get back to it and keep it going.

  44. What a great post! Thanks so much for this. Note to self: reread when feeling blue

    https://www.katesshortandsweets.com/ is my baby. If you’d like to stop by, I’d love to hear what you have to say. It’s mainly a baking blog, with an emphasis on vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, and dairy free recipes.

  45. Joy, thank you for this!

    I always so enjoy your wisdom and your wit. I just recently started blogging again, after about 7 months off because of a new (first) house and busy-ness at work/making some art, and I’m so happy to be back at it! (I’m also back to reading/catching up on my favorite blogs… and finding some new favorites.)

    I’m at: http://www.cucinagirl.com.

    And I totally get it about the curly bangs. Hope about straightening your bangs with a curling iron while the rest of your hair is still super curly? Super cool.

  46. I haven’t taken the plunge yet, but I am very close to jumping into the world of blogging. Thanks for the “real-talk.” I’m nervous about finding the time to blog, but your post reinforced the fact that I have to go at my own pace and do this for me! Thanks!

  47. I totally started blogging because i had stumbled on your blog and it’s one of the reasons I’ve kept it up. There have been many many many many times I’ve wanted to throw in the towel and say f-it, but I haven’t! Thanks for posting these rules, it makes me feel way better!! My blog is http://www.savorystiletto.com and while it isn’t updated every day (or every week) I’m getting back into it:)

  48. As a new blogger this was so inspiring, I love your ethos and your food….oh my god! I’m still learning how to photograph food and you have given me so many new ideas – thank you! xx

  49. When I’m getting super caught up in how amazing everyone else’s blogs are, I check out their first few posts. It usually reminds me that everyone has to start somewhere.

  50. thank you for such a great post! my husband sent it to me since i just recently started my own blog… it is very confusing at first because you don’t know what you’re doing (or at least, i don’t) and for now, i’m just trying to do what i like… i don’t know if it will ever get off the ground and actually become something major, but as long as i enjoy doing it, i’ll keep posting. BTW, not to sound like a stalker, but i absolutely love your podcasts with tracy, they are so hilarious and entertaining and i feel like i’m just hanging out with some great girlfriends whenever i listen :) keep the great work coming! xo

  51. Thank you for finally putting this out there! I stress about my photos, my content, my recipes, everything! Since I just started my blog in September, I’m still learning my way around the blogging world. I look at some of my favorite blogs, like yours, and get so jealous of the photos, equipment, and original recipes. It’s really easy to get discouraged, especially when there’s millions of other baking/cooking blogs out there. It’s wonderfully heartwarming to know that even the best bloggers have to try hard and don’t always get it right. I really appreciate the little pep talk :)


  52. Totally loved this! Thanks Joy!

    I feel like the blog world has totally changed since the first day I started blogging in 2007 and I’ve completely lost touch of it all! I left it (to die..) for quite some time and trying to get back into it now is utterly daunting! This is a nice reminder of why I started in the beginning! :)

    Way to go with everything you and thanks for still inspiring us!

  53. So inspirational as always. Thanks for the encouragement. It’s a lot harder than some people think to keep up with a blog and to stay inspired and motivated. My issue is, people don’t seem to care until I don’t post in a while but they don’t leave comments to let me know they’re out there.

  54. This was so good to read. I just started a food blog in January and have been overwhelmed by all the amazing blogs, the speed if people’s posts and all the different tools. It’s reassuring to hear these words of advice.


  55. I’m a food blogger and a web designer who works with a lot of blogging clients. There is a mad obsession with internet rankings and stats amongst them. And often at the expense of content. I feel like I’m constantly preaching “focus on your content, write good content, create great content etc etc”. Truth is, if you do that, your rankings will go up and people will find you. If it’s once a day, once a week, once a month, people will find you. Loved this post Joy – I’m just going to direct clients to it from now on – you said everything I tell them every day!

  56. I launched a new blog this year and these tips (and your previous 10 tips) were exactly what I needed to read today. It is so easy to get overwhelmed looking at what everyone else is doing and lose track of why I want to do this and how I want to do it for myself. And your iPhone photos! I’ve been tripping myself up with using the big camera and getting bogged down in downloading/editing/resizing. I’m just going to use my iPhone for a while. Thanks for that tip!

  57. Joy, I keep coming back to this post and the one you wrote two years ago on the same topic. The more I read these, the more I understand that if I’m not having fun and loving it, then I’m wasting my time. And also life isn’t any fun if you’re not loving what you’re doing. So thanks for this.

  58. Thank you so much for this post! I have been in the planning stages of my blog for months but i just get so intimidated..there are so many amazing blogs out there (especially yours)…This was just the advice i needed.Thank you so much.

  59. Great post! I really enjoy blogging, even if it is only my parents who are reading it. lol
    I’ve been enjoying your blog for sometime. I’ve had my eye on your cookbook too. My 17-year old daughter has recently gone from no interest in being in the kitchen to baking lemon bars and other goodies. I’m like, “Who ARE you?” I’m thinking your book would be perfect for her. :-)
    Happy blogging!

  60. These are such great tips! Thanks for this – it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed or like you are the only blogger feeling frustrated sometimes. I love reading these types of posts because it reminds me that blogging frustrations are completely normal. You have a great point of view!
    Isn’t That Charming.

  61. Loving this post!

    You are sharing from very practical tips, and I like practical people, see where I’m going on with this :-)

    Have a wonderful weekend


  62. I don’t know you, but I could kiss you right now after reading this. I just started my blog 4 months ago and have recently been feeling pretty lousy about the whole thing! I love cooking, trying to figure out that darn camera and writing, but promoting the site has been painfully difficult and gaining new followers, even more so. You give great advise and paint a very realistic picture. I needed to read this today…you are awesome!

  63. Thanks for the blogger encouragement. I’ve been blogging for a long time, and most of the time am happy with my audience of ones of people…occasionally tens of people! LOL

    I started blogging when I donated my liver to a friend with cancer. https://pjdhuerta.blogspot.com/2006/01/here-are-my-sister-and-i-after-her-all.html
    Then I continued through breast cancer, a right radical mastectomy and chemotherapy. https://pjdhuerta.blogspot.com/2006/08/here-i-am-day-after-surgery-with-my.html

    Now, it’s pending retirement that’s on my mind: https://pjdhuerta.blogspot.com/2013/02/whos-ready-for-retirement.html

    Life does change…. In 8 short years I am amazed when I read the older blogs. Time marches on!

  64. Love your outlook on blogging, Joy! And thanks so much for being the one to say, “its OK to not have fonts on photos”. I always feel the pressure to “keep up” with blogging trends and this is one trend that I’ve told myself I need to stop self-judging and trying to DO IT ALL. Just be myself, and have fun.

    Hope I get to hug it out with you, someday.


  65. Hi Joy, I´m Angeles from Argentina( im a baker as well, with a degree and all!!). I love how you´re so honest about bloggin,ang how sometimes you talk about money issues cause it always seems like bloggers are to cool to pay the rent!(I also like your pictures and stuff but who doesnt!)

    this is my blog, i do it just for fun, but i readed all your tips anyway, <3


    love from the south!

  66. Yes, yes, and yes! Love this! I started a collaborative blog a year ago which hasn’t taken off, but I’m going to keep at it. These amazing women are all busy, but I think we can still do something amazing together. I’m still blogging – http://www.midwestlotus.com and I still enjoy it.

    I just recently found your blog and love it!

  67. Oh, this is just a lovely idea. I cook hot dinner at hotdinnerhappyhome.blogspot.com. Pull up a chair, there’s always room at the table…

  68. I love this post! Stay true to yourself and aspire to always be better. Yes! And if we all followed the current trends we would all be the same…,and boring. I love seeing everyone’s unique style – that’s half the fun! Great post, Joy.

  69. Joy!!Thanks for all of your tips. I am just starting out in blogging on an established website and want to do it right, the first time. I set the bar high but anticipate a few struggles along the way. If you or any fellow bloggers or food lovers have any tips for me come check out Zinter Brown’s amazing Taste Creations and share a few laughs with me as I blog about my crazy life at https://www.zinterbrown.com/blog/ ! Hope to chat with you soon!

  70. Thanks, Joy. Sometimes I need to be reminded that it’s ok to take a breather, and that it’s ok to post whatever I feel like. It is my site after all. :) Now if I could only remember to have my camera nearby while I’m cooking, I’d have more posts to work with! :)

  71. I am very late on this one, but I had to write to thank you. I felt very lonely on my blog lately and yes I started to compare and felt lame… I feel a bit better and will try harder this community. Who knows it might pay in the end!

  72. I love blogs and I love reading alot of them! I have been blogging for quite sometime but do not have the readers. I have a couple of faithful followers other than myself. I would love to see more bloggers come and check out my blog. It is not as fun and fancy but I try!!!

  73. I’m so glad I’ve stumbled upon your blog. Your top ten tips are invaluable, reassuring and encouraging. It’s heartening to read instead of those harrassing ‘top ten tips on how to monetize your blog!’

    Am looking forward to checking out the bloggers who have commented on here and if you like random, aimless blogs come say hi at http://www.theviolentfemme.com x

  74. This is so lovely. Thank you!

    I will add a link to my blog here at the bottom of the pile :) It’s called BEANS.



  75. I just started reading your lovely blog. This was an extremely helpful article. I’ve been struggling with writer’s block lately and it inspired me to get back into my own writing.

  76. Super advice, Joy! Thanks! :)
    I started blogging about 6 months ago when my current state of underemployment finally helped me realize that I needed a place to be creative. I blog over at Small World Supper Club – a place where I explore the intersections of vegetarian cooking, building community, and meaningful conversation. Here’s to both being kind to and challenging ourselves!

  77. I love this and love how I just found you through Pinterest. Yeay. I am Rama from Freshly Grown. My story kind of goes like this…I got cancer at 19 and it changed my life and the way I look at food, so much so that now at 31 I have realized that this is what I want to be when I grow up. I launched FG last August and enrolled in Holistic Nutrition school last month in January. I blog about food, nutrition, food industry stuff, sometimes personal posts here and there and I love it. Come find me and welcome ahead of time. Cheers! -Rama

    I cannot wait to see what you all are up to, so many talented, fabulous people and creative people out there.



  78. Oh my goodness I LOVE this! I started blogging 18 months ago and wonder several times a week if I should keep doing it. So thanks for the encouragement!
    My husband was the one who talked me into blogging to share how we eat well on a budget. It’s been so fun (well frustrating at times too) but the best part is connecting with people and helping them.

  79. Thanks for this! The community of the blogging world is one of my favorite things about this corner of the internet. Girls supporting girls is a must!

  80. Joy,
    You are so rad! Here is the breakdown of why I read your blog:
    35% – amazing food
    35% – pep talks about accepting and loving yourself
    20% – your realness and sense of humor
    10% – your kitty
    Keep on keepin’ on.

  81. These tips couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I just started my blog 9 months ago and I’m supremely proud of what I’ve been able to accomplish in that time. I’ve made things that really challenged myself, I’m learning more about my camera and photography every day and most importantly, I’ve met so many incredibly readers and bloggers. Even still, I constantly feel like I’m not keeping up. That everyone’s doing bigger and better things. That I’m barely scratching the surface. Thanks for this list, Joy. I bake ‘n wax lyrical over at https://gottagetbaked.com

  82. Nice to have a little reminder like this Joy, it can be hard! I am all about the collab though – especially translating that into real life! It’s amazing what you can do. Heartbreak Pie (www.heartbreakpie.com) is my NZ based blog of food, life and general banter. I talk too much about getting drunk and embarrassing myself, and eating kebabs at 3am., but I’m getting better at that! Thanks again.

  83. Great advice, and thank you! I love your blog and so many others I see out there. I am just getting started and will be taking a photography class to learn to use my new camera in a month or so. My blog is mostly about healthy baking although I include decadent treats sometimes too. I also include my disasters as well as my successes. Adventures In Baking.

  84. Oh, Joy. No truer words were spoken; live a good life. It makes for a good blog. Bless you.

    If anyone fancies vicarious gadding about the world and recipes inspired by things like a growing baby bump and the Oscars Best Pictures, I’ll see you soon… x

  85. Thank you! I’ve starting a new blog and even though I know this stuff, it’s kind of overwhelming and you forget.

    Totally put words on my pictures though, it’s how I roll.

  86. Oh Joy.. I absolutely love this post! Especially the part about trends.. when I first started my blog, I was putting the title of my recipes in different fonts on my photos because I read that people re-pin those photos more on Pinterest, but I just hated it. I think some people can pull it off awesomely, but it just didn’t fit the feel of my site and I let it go hoping that my photography will speak for itself on Pinterest. Awesome real talk. And YES to supporting each other.. I need to do more of that.. I don’t often comment on blogs, but am going to try harder to do it and to let people know when they’ve inspired me. Go you for doing just that! ; )

  87. Great post! Thanks for pulling back the curtain to expose the “Great Oz”! :) Love your dry wit and less-is-more writing style—always brings a grin. Have made many of your recipes with great success, and the fam has clamoured for more. The book? Awesomeness bound. Just keep coming back for more more more! My blog is more crafty/naturey and brimming with ponderous musings. Still evolving, and very low-key. Just the way I like it…..bettybricolage.blogspot.com. Stop in for a cuppa!

  88. I love what you said about Living a good life makes for a good blog. I often feel that way! I get so busy doing fun things that I don’t have enough time to blog them. Sometimes when I’m being boring I have to invent things to blog about. Its way better the first way.

  89. Joy, this is wonderful! I’ve been blogging for a couple months now about my little adventure through infertility and baby making but also have a recurring post called “what I cooked while trying” where I talk about what I baked and cooked each cycle. It’s one part too-much-information, one part eating-my-feelings (or better yet “the copious consumption of chocolate”). In any case, I’ve found tons of inspiration right here on your blog (my husband asks for your peanut butter chocolate chip cookies on the regular) and I think these tips are helpful no matter what you’re blogging about. So thanks!

  90. Great information Joy; I see too often the hurry scurry effort that so many bloggers feel compelled to do to keep up; to compete. I prefer not to compete at all and my mantra to any success is to do it my way, whatever that is and always remember, ‘Be the tortoise.’ That hare learned the hard way!

    I’ve been sharing recipes online for almost 18 years; as long as I keep that desire as my personal focus for the reason for blogging, it’s easy to not get caught up in the ‘business’ of blogging; that would not make it fun for me at all!

  91. Mahalo Joy! I started my blog a few months ago when I moved from Honolulu to California as a way to share with family the goings on in my neck of the woods. Loved the tips, I like your style!

  92. I love that there is such a beautiful and supportive community of food bloggers out there. It’s scary sometimes, but it’s just so wonderful when everyone gets to learn from and work with each other. :)

  93. Sometimes I feel like I’m growing up by blogging and living in this online world. And since I’m going to turn 50 this year, that’s a mouth full of honesty. I agree –blogging can be frustrating and intimidating. I’ve experienced a lot of the self-loathing that you talked about, but ohhhhhh wow, when it’s good it’s very, very good. There’s nothing better than the feeling of baring your soul online and feeling the love of this extended food blogging family. I also love reaching out and being a slice of the giant, comforting community pie. Making others feel good about what they’re posting, baking, crafting and thinking is part of the magic that helps me.

  94. I JUST started blogging last week. I have precisely TWO posts so far. I am flying by the seat of my pants with so much to learn. Last night I could not sleep because the blog brain was RUNNING! Your post is what I just exactly what I needed to hear. Lot to learn, but there is time. It’s not a race. Thank you. And I love Joy the Baker podcast with Tracy! Thanks for that as well.


  95. First, thanks to Bridget (Bake at 350) who Tweeted about this post so that I could find it and second, thanks to you for these important reminders!

    I blog for myself and for my family… However, I am grateful for the friendships and learning, not to mention the prizes I’ve gained along the way. Blogging is like anything else invited into my life – It must be fun, offer some sort of return on my effort, (even if it’s only to lift my own spirits by reminding me of awaits me at home while I’m at work) and above all, it must be on my own terms. So far, nearly six years in, my blog continues to feed me more than I feed it. It excites me and inspires me in no way any other hobby has; therefore, I keep on!


  96. amen. I used to have a food blog and I tried WAY too hard to be cute and trendy and keep up with everyone else, and ended up kindof hating it. I live in Taiwan now, have a new blog: ink + adventure and try my best to be authentic in what I post. I definitely had a bigger following with cake pops and cookies, but I’d rather have people read my blog for ME.

    keep doing what you do. can’t wait to check out some of these other blogs.

  97. Pingback: Bean Bytes 25
  98. Thanks for this, Ms. Joy. As many others have already said, this is really refreshing to hear. And I can’t even begin to tell you how impeccable your timing is! I am going to spend the next couple of weeks poking around your site looking for new inspiration.

    In the meantime, here is my site if anybody wants to drop by: at http://www.80twenty.ca.

  99. Great advise! It’s so easy to compare yourself!


    about fun, life, being a mama, and livin’ in up in San Francisco ;)

  100. Not only is your advice awesome (thanks, lady!), but the crazy abundance of blogs created and tended by your readers is astounding and humbling.
    Beautiful stuff. (And yes, I have one too: thepretzelproject.wordpress.com)

  101. These are excellent tips, Joy. Even though I’ve been blogging for a while, it’s still refreshing to take a step back, read your how-to tips, and remember what I’m doing this for. I never started my blog for rankings or popularity, but it’s too easy to get caught up in the numbers. And all the pretty out there? Goodness. Sure is easy to get dragged down into the comparison pit of hell.

    So, thanks, Joy. Great post.

    Oh – and my blog is http://www.merrygourmet.com.

  102. I love this! Thanks for inspiring me again. Last post was a month ago. Now maybe having a goal of once a week will get me started and I will go from there. I felt overwhelmed having to post as often as other blogs and not being able to keep up.

    I am so down to check out all these new blogs and hope some stop by mine.

    It’s about cupcakes, photos, my daily life. Mostly lots of pictures though. High res, low res, instagram all the way!



    PS: Totally checking out that cocktail blog right now!

  103. I love this Joy! And look at all the comments. I am slowly starting to blog (hopefully) more consistently here: https://natchb.blogspot.com/ but it’s all about thoughts and stuff. I love cooking/baking and I love fashion and crafting (and once had a craft blog… and then once had a fashion blog…) but I don’t think that is the kind of blog that is right for me anymore, though I have a feeling I might post about these things sometimes. I just want to write and hopefully add some pretty pictures that I take along with more of the little doodles/computer graphics I started to make.

    Anyway, off to do some blog exploring from the comments! :)

  104. this post was super helpful. the 10 tips, much like your recipes and style, are laid-back and doable. many times i wake up in a panic thinking about a post i am working on and what kind of shots i want to take that day. i hope tomorrow i wake up with a calmer head and remember to, like you said, ‘go at my own pace.’ thank you, joy!


  105. I can completely agree with many of your points – I definitely think collaboration is the future and it’s really important to remember that. Not only in the blogging sense but for careers too!

  106. What perfect timing. After some encouragement from friends, I decided to try my hand (again) at my long-abandoned blog (2 years, 2 first entry attempts, 0 continuity).
    This post is encouraging and you’re always an inspiration! Love your recipes, your down-to-earth style of writing and overall fabulousness.
    Thank you :)

  107. Joy, you are a rockstar. I love these tips and I loved them the last time you did them. I have been a fan of your blog for-ev-ver and you’re one of the reasons I started blogging in the first place. And THANK YOU for being the one to say these things, many of which a lot of us think, but don’t say

    my blog is http://www.pineappleandcoconut.com

    Mostly recipes, healthy and not so healthy, our major kitchen remodel we are in the middle of and some other random stuff!

  108. Loved the call out for text over food photos – I find myself up really late and in a time-crunch already and can’t imagine setting the precedent of adding text… yet. This post and your first one you linked to reminded me that I originally started just to keep friends and family up to speed on my life – I’ve been blessed by gaining a following and meeting some kick-butt ladies along the way!
    <3 JE

  109. As always, thanks for writing!

    I write my blog just for myself, I think it might come off as incredibly boring to anyone else. ;) I do it for me, I figured a little corner of the cyber space world where I can rant and document my life couldn’t hurt. But seriously, I write a lot about juicing/smoothies and what’s been going on lately. It’s a lot of word vomit.

    themusingsofmarion.blogspot.com–read it, don’t read it, doesn’t matter. It’s there.

    thanks again!


  110. Joy!

    You and Tracy inspired me to learn WordPress and launch my new blog. Thanks for keeping the energy alive with every single one of your posts, but especially this one. You guys are maj.


  111. I sincerely like these tips, simply because they are focusing on ME, on YOU, on the BLOGGER and what we need to do to feel good about ourselves and our blogs. Not ‘how to reach x number of readers’. Not ‘how to be the most popular blog around’.

    The truth is that most of us are doing this (blogging) on our free time, and we don’t get paid to do it so: let’s enjoy it, and let’s not stress out about it.

  112. Hi Joy! I’ve been following your blog for about a year and just recently decided to start my own blog. Thank you so much for posting these tips. It’s so comforting knowing that everyone goes through the same troubles at the beginning. Thanks for always sharing the most wonderful recipes!!

    -Allison, thebakingyear.wordpress.com

  113. Joy! Thank you so much! You always find the right words. Your tips make me feel so much better.

    Glad that you are a such a kind and sweet person. Not everyone would do it like you do it all the time. It’s AWESOME!


  114. You are such an inspiration Joy! Your way of living and looking at life really inspires me. And I loved the idea with posting websites in the comments, I visited looked at a of them and found many very interesting!

  115. Thanks for all the tips Joy! As a new blogger, these tips are really helpful in keeping me motivated and improving my site. My blog “Skin Deep” is not one about food, but it talks about looking past the surface of those with disabilities and getting to know them for who they truly are on the inside. Check out my site: https://nidhivchandra.tumblr.com/ and “like” my Facebook page if you enjoy reading my blog: https://www.facebook.com/skindeeppage

  116. I completely agree with everything you just said and love how passionate you are about being yourself while blogging–couldn’t have said it better! And I especially loved the comparison part. Comparison is definitely a nasty beast.

  117. Okay, okay…maybe it’s just time to Tweet already!
    I get on the blog horse, fall off, and get back on again…right now, I’m back on, but am overwhelmed by the idea of actually promoting my blog. It has evolved from being fiber-specific (like, forever ago) to being a safe and comfy place to share about all sorts of things, including baking and homeschooling and poetry about my favorite hammock…and now, as I begin the journey into Freelance Writing and Photography Land, I want people to actually find it. Twitter, huh? I may try it, and probably sort of stalk you a little. :)

  118. Thank you for your inspired thoughts Joy!

    I started blogging for some pretty weird reasons. For instance, I’m a pastor’s wife so I usually hosting or bringing some kind of food to some shindig or another. People would ask for recipes and I would forget to give them out and I figured if they were in one place that would make it easier. Then I had 2 kids in 17 months, lost my job due to budget cuts and was kinda going nutso! My hubby suggested that I cook/bake/blog for cathartic reasons and as a way to feel like I’m still have adult conversation. Not sure about the “adult” part, but I have enjoyed blogging. However, finding time, not comparing etc. is always an issue.

    Keep up the wicked writing and recipes.



  119. So this is a totally random comment, but I promise, blog-related. I was flipping through my mail earlier this week, and as I was looking at the Kroger mailing I received, lo and behold – there’s one of my favorite food bloggers (okay, life bloggers) featured there with a delicious-sounding recipe for chocolate beet cake. It was a fun, “wait a second” kind of moment!

    Anyways – thanks for always inspiring me to try new things in my cooking! =)

  120. Joy, this is such an awesome post! I seriously love when you do posts with tips or general life advice. You’re the best real talker! I love that you did this too, so much lovely blog sharing going on, and cool new blogs to discover!
    My blog is at http://www.francesbaker.com.au
    It is definitely in need of some love, I have bloggers block!!

  121. Awesome tips! Authenticity is where it’s at, and I think people forget about that when comparing their blog to others. Love your advice on, “No one is better at doing you, than YOU!” Simple but, it’s important to remember. :D

  122. Love these tips, Joy. I’m a sporadic blogger, more so since having a baby, but check me out over at curlygirlpress.wordpress.com – I started this blog-baby to put myself out there and make some more friends, come on over and say Hi. = )

  123. Thanks so much for this! I am just thinking about growing my blog and am in love with the online community. So many great blogs out there! I could sit down with a cup of coffee and read for hours! Thank you for being such a blog inspiration! (I blog about married life, my dog, being an RN, my new house, and the occasional recipe at Life, Baker Style https://lorribaker.blogspot.com)

  124. These are amazing tips – very inspirational for new bloggers like me (www.theculinarycapers.com), and a great reminder to put some perspective on what we do.

  125. Hi Joy!
    First, can I just blather like everyone else and say that you are an inspiration? The cookies, the cute curly bob-, the wry sense of humor– It’s all fabulous. Your cream cheese poundcake is now my most requested baked item. I just started my blog after years of thinking I couldn’t do it. I am at https://ordinarygoodfortune.blogspot.com/ . Your encouraging tips are an example of what I love about the internet world right now: a lot of helpful support and not so much of the ugly high school girls competetive spirit that can really wreck a nerdy girl’s day. Thanks for doing what you do– and for the poundcake!

  126. Silly iPad, don’t think my reply sent :( my friend and I love you Joy, and will probably get off our bums and write a joint blogpost like we’ve been threatening to for so long!
    My friend writes about being an eccentric English woman at:

    And I write about things that bemuse and amuse me, with the sarcasm and cynicism that only us bitter British can muster:
    And its sister-blog

    Thanks for the inspiration, Four for you JoytheBaker, you go JoytheBaker

  127. Joy,

    Thank you for your meta-blogging blog post. I started blogging bout my cooking over a year ago and I am surprised that I am still at it. I don’t have a clear idea of what I want the blog to be or who my audience is. But I keep at it because of the satisfaction it brings me and because I think it improves my cooking. My blog is at https://sundaydinnerfortwo.blogspot.com


  128. Thank you Joy for always keepin’ it real. I love that we can always count on that from you.
    My blog is https://www.happyfoodhealthylife.com – it’s somewhere between a food/self-improvement/healthy-living/disordered-eating recovery blog… Thanks for giving us this opportunity. I’m looking forward to finding other new blogs to read!

  129. Joy, this post is a stellar example of why I return to your blag again and again. I love reading what you write and each time you post you make me smile. I love to smile, and laugh, ergo…(yay, I got to use ‘ergo’ today). Thanks for all the joy you spread. Your parents really knew what’s what when they named you.
    I write at http://www.cheekychilli.com. Your post got me to stop some of my stressing out over not being able to post often enough.

  130. I SO appreciate these tips and real-talk! I have been blogging for about 6 months now and sometimes feel so lost in the maze of what to do and what not to do. I’ve been following your blog for a little while now and I LOVE it! I always look forward to reading it. Thanks for sharing!

    My website is https://recipeornot.wordpress.com.

  131. Hi Joy,
    I totally agree with everything you said. Well written with good emotion. I really think collaboration is the key. Thats why I built Salty Fig to collaborate and help people who are not bloggers find out about all the fabulous food bloggers. I invite you to check it out http://www.saltyfig.com.

  132. This is probably the best set of tips I have read anywhere about blogging, ever. Ever. These tips are the reason why I find your blog so great to read. I have read articles and blog posts about “10 top blogging mistakes” or “how you are killing your blog” (which end up making me feel like yuck) and the most beneficial, hands down best advice I have ever seen is, “Live a good life” because your joie de vivre will come out no matter what and will make that lemon cake or whatever so much more interesting to write about and read about, because you love it. Excellent post. Thanks!

  133. I really love reading posts like this. I love hearing about how bloggers started out and learned or stumbled upon tips, tricks, and advice. And it’s always nice to be reminded that all the successful blogs were small once and had to start somewhere. Sometimes I forget that and posts like this always make me feel better. :)

  134. This is beautiful. Beautiful words of wisdom, beautiful inspiration, beautiful direction! I can’t tell you how many times your blog has inspired me to blog more or try brave scary recipes or post something that’s not actually about food. I can’t wait to add all of these blogs to my google reader! I seriously love the blogging community so much. I tell my non-blogger friends about it all the time, and take about you guys like I know you. Pretty sure they think I’m a little crazy, but it’s such a supportive, creative group of people, bloggers!

    Mine is https://www.kasiaskitchen.com/. It’s mostly food, a lot of baking, a little real life, a good bit of healthy, some weight loss journey.

    I just love the thought of all of us being us! Blogging what we want to blog and being true to ourselves. And we like it! I like all of you for being you and know my readers like me for being me. Beautiful!

  135. This is SO AWESOME. From the pro-tip aspect obviously, but also from the fact that I can emphatically relate to triangle bobs and curly bangs. Almost to the point where my curly bang passion could POSSIBLY rival yours, Joy. Almost. Thanks for adding this goodness to my day :)

  136. Thanks for these great tips and words of encouragement. I know I have a hard time keeping up with my tiny blog every week, and its nice to have someone like yourself (with experience, knowledge and success) to help root for the little guy out there! Here’s my quirky, little blog:

  137. Great post, thank you. It’s easy to lose perspective on what’s important. This is a good reminder to by yourself and keep it fun.

    Since you’ve invited us to list our blogs, here goes! https://RambleCrunch.com is my blog about travel, food, & raising a kid while traveling the world full-time.

    Can’t wait to discover some new favorite blogs here in the comments.


  138. Still trying to find my voice in a blog, but having fun trying! Im super low traffic, but get psyched every time someone new likes something. Its nice to be reminded that the point of my blog is for me to communicate and share, not necessarily have tons of readers.


  139. I don’t know if you’ll read this comment in the hundreds you’ve already had on this post, but I just pretend you will:)

    Thank you. Thank you so much for this post, it came at exactly the right moment. I’ve been blogging for about 1,5 years now and although I truly love it (meeting new people, the creativity, working and creating…it really changed my life), I sometimes doubt if it’s all worth it. If I’ve been working for hours on a post, picture and editing and I get zero comments, that’s hard. I also believe that it’s more difficult to truly get involved in this community for me as a non-US resident, living in that “far away” Europe. Although I remind myself I’m not positing for the likes from others, but from my own passion. And I know silent readers do appreciate it as well. But there is nothing like an e-mail from Australia from someone who tells me her whole family now often makes one of my recipes. It’s those messages that reassure me to keep going with doing what I love.

    And it’s this post that I needed as a reminder. Thank you, Joy! I’m gonna follow you on Twitter NOW!

  140. Thanks for the inspiration Joy! Somehow from across the country you can know exactly what a girl needs to read to start off her work day Friday right. Thanks for blogging and thanks for the advice!

  141. Great tutorial! What i’m dying to know is who has staff photographers on their site?
    If anyone cares to check out https://www.beanilla.com/blog I am taking up your offer on sharing our site.
    A bit of advice to all the bloggers out there, do what you love and do it well, promote your self and take risks. You never know when your dream opportunity may come along!

  142. =) Way to practice what you preach, Joy. High five-ing by asking us to share our blogs. NICE!

    biobabbler.blogspot.com is me–I’m a major nature fan, former Park Ranger, currently a conservation biologist/writer & editor, so my photo-heavy blog is pretty much a peek into that whole biology thing, with a bias toward wildlife and rockin’ clouds. But I also like teeny, tiny bugs, wacky mushrooms I can’t quite ID, wind storms, anything that reminds me of how amazing this planet truly is.

    Happily, I live in the boonies (near Yosemite), so I get to see lots of cool stuff on my property (bobcat yesterday, & last summer chased a mountain lion away from my chickens while wielding a swiffer), + share whatever I ogle when I travel or do fieldwork. I also occasionally blog about my veggie garden, if the ground squirrels haven’t eaten it. =)

  143. You are a true inspiration as a blogger Joy! Your willingness to be open about your life gave me enough strength to do the same at my blog.


    Where I write about my life adventures, especially about overcoming bullying and coming to love oneself with all our flaws. Also about the awesomeness of getting to work at a zoo.

  144. I love this idea, even though I’m sure it’s going to RUIN my productivity for today… too many amazing blogs and not enough time!
    I totally agree that life is about more than cookies, which is one of the reasons I have yet to find a good posting schedule. Between work, planning a wedding from 5000 miles away, and promoting my first book, my poor baking blog (https://linzersinlondon.blogspot.com) has been neglected far too often. But you’ve inspired me to bump it back up the priorities list, so thank you for that!
    Maybe I’ll even go write a post right now… after I check out at least 15 new blogs from your comments section, that is.

  145. Thank you for telling me I don’t have to put hand-writing over my photos. Or obsess about analytics. Or post every day (which makes me not post at all.) THANK. YOU! It’s so easy to get distracted by what others are doing. Thanks for the simple reminders of how to stay on my own bloggy path.

  146. you are pure magic :) i’ve been struggling to feel like i’m up to scratch lately and this post was precisely what i needed to read. i blog at
    it’s full of food, photos and illustrations and i’ve only recently found my blogging stride again. never change joy! x

  147. You were right when you advised to go at our own pace. Sometimes I panicked at the thought of not being able to post for over a week or a month.

    I also tend to focus on page ranks and ended up being jealous on other blogs that instantly became a hit.

    I have two blogs. They’re about two of my favorite things to do. One is traveling and baking.

    https://straypusiket.com – my travels
    https://pusiketstray.blogspot.com – all about baking

  148. sweetmaddy.wordpress.com

    I’m always excited to find new blogs, and hope people will be excited to check mine out! I live in Paris so I write about that, some sweet and savory recipes, and just general life talk. :)

  149. I usually visit your blog but nerver left a comment. I loved the post!! very encouraging!!
    I have a blog. I just started it, and it’s in spanish. I know I have tons of things to learn. But I love learning and I really enjoy what I do :)
    Here is the link https://cocinadeaisha.blogspot.nl/
    I will give a look to the blog links posted… but you have 337 comments!! so it will take a while :)
    Have a nice day!

  150. Hi!

    I don’t know if my comment registered as I can’t find it in the sea, but I just had to make sure to tell you thank you for encouraging me! I do tend to be a little too terrified of strangers- I just don’t see why they would want to talk to little old me. But I will be making an effort from now on:


    Thank you!!

  151. Hi joy! I really enjoyed reading this post! and how generous of you to ask people to leave their site on your blog…

    Hope someday you have the time to take a look at my food blog. I would love to know what you think.

    Writing to you all the way from India.
    God Bless
    (fledgling blogger taking flight)

  152. Joy, you’re my superhero! When you posted the first real-talk blog tips I read it again & again. I love that you said that we should use whatever camera we are comfortable with. Ever since then, my pictures have gotten better!

    Anyway, I’m usually the silent admirer but I was compelled to say thank you. Keep inspiring!

    The vanilla bean

  153. love this, joy! my favorite part is live a good life, it makes a good blog. so true. when i admire blogs, what i’m really admiring is my perception of that person’s life. so really, the only thing to do is to live a good life! and everything else follows.

    my blog is http://www.icyviolets.com :)

  154. Thank you for the invitation Joy (:
    Thank you for your sincerity.
    Thank you for your encouragement.
    Thank you for sharing so much of your sweets.
    Thank you for your awesome cookbook.
    Thank you for teaching me basic baking skills.
    And most of all thank you for your kind soul.

  155. Oh Joy this is just what everybody needs most especially those who are just starting out. I love your blog and your recipes :). Keep it up and if you have the time try checking out my blog http://www.bakemymeal.com Feel free to drop me a hello. One of the few things I love about blog is that it brings together people from different parts of the world and you just narrowed down the distance with just this post:)


  156. Thank you for this! I’ve been both anxious and a bit down this week from comparing myself and my blog to others. I’ve read this post (and the first part) several times today and it has really grounded me.

    I’m doing what I love. So I made Tracy’s espresso glazed donuts, ate one and now I intend to carry on.

    You are an inspiration. xx

  157. Thanks for the tips :)

    My friend and I just started our blog and we spent a bit of time coming up with a schedule, seeing what we like, etc to make sure that it remained fun for us and that we are able to be kind to ourselves and enjoy the process. It’s only two weeks old but so far so good. I used to avoid Twitter but now I am tweeting and you know what, I sort of like it:)


    PS: Your blog is adorable

  158. Thank you for the advice! I’m a new blogger and kinda scared to tell people I have a blog! Silly I know!
    Sounds like being your self and not comparing is key!

  159. This post makes me feel more normal. I have always strived to walk to the beat if my own drum, but sometimes the blogging world gets the best of me. Especially the feeling of keeping up.

    Live a good life. It makes for a good blog. — best quote ever.

  160. Thanks so much, Joy! I just started blogging for myself (I’ve written nature/wildlife blogs for a couple of businesses), and I’m still trying to figure things out. PS- I registered for your cookbook for my wedding. One of my bridesmaids tried to steal it. :)

  161. such a good blog post. Thank you for sharing cuz I surely needed that. Love your blog, have your book :-). Your writing style makes me feel like you could totally be my friend! I will keep these in mind when writing next time. Thanks!
    ~M https://sewplaysew.wordpress.com/

  162. ? i love this post – much needed advice for this new wanna-be food blogger. :) you’re the best joy! and i will most definitely be checking out some new blogs today from these comments! ?

  163. I just started my blog literally a few weeks ago. This was really great to read, especially because I don’t have a personal facebook or twitter in an attempt to simplify my life. I’m also really not that cutesy– it’s nice to feel like I can use social media tools to reach out to people, but I should do what’s right for me and my blog :)

  164. I love this. I love the positivity it oozes, but mostly for the forgiveness. I love your blog because of your humanity, for the way you rant on about things that have nothing to do with the particular recipe you’re posting and wax poetic about donuts or red velvet ______.

  165. So many well spoken tips and real (blog) life tips Joy. :) The text on pictures – I can’t bring myself to do it. The constant pressure to ALWAYS be on my blog and ALWAYS blogging. That’s hard to do with a full time job. My blog is my second full time job and it consumes me! But I love every second of it. I wish there was more time in the day and that I didn’t put so much pressure on myself. And thank you for reminding me to live a good (real) life, which will enhance my blog life for sure. :)

    Sally @ https://www.sallysbakingaddiction.com

  166. Thanks so much for this. I often have to remind myself not to compare myself to other bloggers and just use my own voice. I started off blogging by trying to be so picture perfect before realizing that my life isn’t perfect. I have a lot of struggles and was trying so hard to hide them when I decided to just let go and post about them. It was both liberating and scary but has been a real blessing that I decided to open up. Turns out lots of people have similar struggles and has actually helped me develop my own voice!

  167. OK, when people see my blog they’re gonna say, “What is a girl on an autoimmune healing diet doing on Joy the Baker’s sugar-loving website?” Well, I became a fan of Joy back when I still ate sugar, and I can count on Joy to rotate in healthy meals I can still eat (like the amazing broccoli salad featured recently.) I also just love visiting with my favorite blogger personalities, and Joy is one of them. So here’s my link, and if you know anyone with an autoimmune disease, tell them to check it out. Food doesn’t just nourish, it can also heal: https://www.phoenixhelix.com/

    PS. Thanks for the blogging tips Joy. You’re always spot-on!

  168. Ah, I love this post! I am late to the blogging bandwagon, but if I have no other readers/commenters but my family, the fact that they love what I write and how I tell my family’s stories through food makes me happy (see my punchki/paczki post for evidence–and Joy, you need to look into making these if for no other reason than I think you would love the word!).

    A question for fellow food bloggers–how on earth do you deal with taking pictures in anything resembling decent light when you work a day job? This time of year, that only leaves me the weekends to do any cooking projects–and when I have a burger recipe or a bread with three rises that I can’t start before noon–how do you do it??

    My Homespun Home is my blog and I’m excited to find other food bloggers from around Chicago!

  169. I love the love/support fest that’s happening in the comments here. I’m going to visit SO MANY new blogs :) You can find me at lucyshow.wordpress.com

  170. I love this. I have been off and on blogging while juggling motherhood, college, a part-time job and doing the running man. Yes, I love to write and be in blog-o-blogger world. Here’s my gig https://iloveyoudisgusting.wordpress.com/who-is-that-girl/
    but it always gets challenging when things get major chaotic. BUT… we have to just keep on keepin’ on. Like this video says… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28KobNbbI2s. Thanks for being a Rockstar and inspiration, Joy.

  171. i am super bad at commenting on others’ blogs (granted, i’m super bad at keeping up with my own) and i’ve missed the connection. i’ve missed the interaction with people i admire/am inspired by. so thank you for the reminder to be a bit more active in the community aspect.
    keep your game tight, sister.

  172. Thanks Joy! I put loads of effort into my blog and sometimes feel I don’t get much out of it.

    If you like my blog please do follow!

    Deirdre @ thekitschcook.blogspot.com

  173. After 4+ years of blogging (at https://www.thedailyspud.com ) with its ups, downs and more than occasional zig-zags, it’s lovely to hear someone tell it like it really is. ‘Be your own barometer’ is probably one of the best pieces of blogging advice you can give (even if I did initially read it as ‘be your own bartender’ – which might also be good advice, at least at the start of the evening anyway!).

  174. I love these tips! I think it is so important for us all to support each other. Not saying, I don’t look at others’ blogs and say, “I wish I could do that,” or, “I wish I had that,” but I try to do that less often and be grateful for my own little successes each day!



  175. I have fallen prey to many of these. The biggest one I struggle with is why keep blogging when there are so many similar sites out there that seem way better than mine? A nasty mindset, I know. Thank you for this, you rock. :)

  176. Joy, this is the best blog post I have read in ages. I feel like what I read is exactly what I keep telling myself every day, it is truly inspiring, merci beaucoup!!
    My blog is http://www.cremedecitron.com , I’m a little Frenchie in Ireland mainly photographing (as a job) and blogging for my love of food.

  177. I appreciate this, and you, Joy! Blogging, for me, is more of a way to process my thoughts and reflect on stuff (hilarious, crazy, awesome, difficult) that happens in my life — while sharing it with friends and whoever wants to join in. And it’s okay! I can do/write/post what I want and if I’m happy, then perfect.

  178. Joy The Baker, you are so cool. I’m inspired by you daily through all your portals and by feeling like your and Tracy’s bff through the podcast. Thanks for being so real and easing the pressure of life. I find my blog to be a stress-reliever and somewhere I can host my creative energy and reflect back on how things grow and change. http://www.toallmyfans.com // keep on keeping on, everyone! XO.

  179. Joy, I love you. I just simply love you, and I’m not really sure what else to say to that except Thank you.

    And I would give a link to my blog, but for some reason I am not able to type any sort of link and have my post show… so yeah :P

    Happy Valentine’s Day! <3

  180. I started reading this blog for the recipes and stayed cause, Joy, you are so likeable.

    I just started my blog, which currently only has posts about a recent trip to Africa, but hope to chronicle life a little better in the future. Thanks for the encouragement about trying not to compare!

  181. Wonderful tips! I’ve been blogging for just under a year and I could really use some of these tips as I try to figure out what to do next with the blog. I’ll have to agree that the support and community of the blog world is one of the best things about it. I love hearing from my blog friends and reading their thoughts as well.

    If you like homemade cooking, yoga and living a overall happy life, feel free to visit me at http://www.consciouskitchenblog.com. Can’t wait to meet some of you!

  182. You’re just a big sweetheart. every time I read your blog I like you more and more. What great advice!! All we can do is be ourselves, anything beside that takes way too much work! :) Have a great day!

  183. you are seriously an inspriation. I actually just posted about my experience making your vegan chocolate chocolate chip cookies. I know you’re not vegan but I’m debating making a go of it and these cookies make me belive it’s possible :)

    love the idea of community building, can’t wait to check out the blogs of ofther joy the baker people!


  184. Such an honest and thoughtful post! I hope you dont mind me quoting you for an upcoming post I have…. will include links and high-fives of course. :)

  185. I only just started and it’s really hard to avoid comparing my own newbie stuff to all the awesome blogs in these comments. Comparing myself to others is my biggest problem in life – for example, I quit gymnastics when I was nine because a) I wasn’t as good as the pros after like three or four whole YEARS of training! and b) they told me I was getting too tall for the uneven parallel bars.

    Lost in the Dessert is on tumblr because I was already familiar with the site, there’s a way for people to submit recipes and comments for publication, and because so many of my friends had tumblr accounts, so it was easy for them to follow it.

  186. Joy – your blog is an inspiration! It is the first place I look when I’m in need of some foodieness (is that not a word?!)

    My blog, Sustainable Food Revolution is about eating local, seasonal food, a few pictures, and general foodie action. Please check it out.


    Thanks guys :)

  187. Oh, Joy. JOY! You make me feel so normal for not being so normal, and I totally appreciate it! Thanks for sharing your wisdom. “Let’s all support each other.” TRUTH.

    Enjoy your day!

  188. This. I love absolutely everything about this. As a self-taught (or mom-taught) baker I love inspiring people to make things I make. As a recent transplant to Washington, DC with few friends and serious homesickness for my old living space in New York City, starting a blog has filled a void and I love posting new recipes, life musings, and basically rambling about my life. I always look forward to your real-life writing style. Oh. And the pies. I love the pies.

  189. I only blog when I travel, but I love being able to send a link to my stories and photos that I can’t share directly with my friends around the world!

  190. Great words of wisdom. I also have a blog that suffers from infrequent updates and desire of greatness. The truth is I just don’t put the time in it to make it a great blog. At the end of the day I rather play with my little son or go out.
    Even so I can’t let it go so it is still there and I make plans for it. Maybe I should write some goals and keep trying.

    My blog is http://www.quintaurbana.wordpress.com – It is in PORTUGUESE!

  191. This post was so inspiring and eye-opener! Thank you for speaking outloud the simple truths to overcome our blogging barriers & fears! Very well said! Every single word!

  192. Great post. I don’t write about food (unless you consider me writing about eating too much chocolate a food blog), but the same concept applies, I thinking, to all bloggers and their work.

    I’m finally starting to work on cultivating a community and not only has it increased readership, it has made blogging WAY more fun and meaningful.

  193. I so appreciate your words of wisdom, coming from an pro like you! Your honesty is so refreshing and I love the combination of instagram/dslr photography you feature. I often look at other people’s “styled” food shots and wonder how I’ll ever keep up with them! Thank you thank you for keeping it real, as always.


  194. Hi!

    I love the recipes on this blog. Um, chocolate chip cookie dough balls? I’m pretty sure I and my friends have gained a composite of about 38 pounds purely from that recipe. Thank you!

    I’m not nearly as prolific/impressive/lovely pictured as many other blogs, but I can be found at anoldfashionedgirlinanewfangledworld.blogspot.com

  195. you are literally just one of the most sincere and awesome people on the interwebs, joy. i always love your recipes, but even moreso (if possible), you writing always leaves me feeling better about myself and my day in general. thank you for all of this—so wonderful.

    i blog @ https://bgjournals.com/
    looking forward to browsing others’ on here :)

  196. I have been clicking around here a while, and it astounds me to see how many bloggers there are out there. I get despondent most days cause I can’t see loads of traffic going to my blog… but knowing there is such a big community out there is awesome!

    Here’s to us! The little bloggers in the huge sea of internet.


  197. Thanks for this Joy! I know that I feel overwhelmed by this interweb and need more community. I love your blog, podcast, and the relationship you and Tracy have that you share with all of us!!

  198. Keep the tips coming! And I always like browsing through the comments here and finding new bloggers.

    For a girl who’s fairly new in the kitchen and learning to cook with her boyfriend, check out alittlesaffron.com

  199. That was such an inspiring post Joy! I’ve been following you blog for quite some time now, even though I don’t have an oven at my home…please pity me (baking is not very popular in China) :(

    I also have a blog where I write about my experiences here in Beijing https://adventurousayala.tumblr.com/ It’s in German but maybe there is a fellow German Joy-the-Baker-reader somewhere out there ;)

  200. As a new food blogger, this is exactly what I needed to read. I underestimated how hard and time consuming blogging actually is, and how much pressure there is. It’s good to read that one of my favourite blogs thinks this is normal. Such an inspiring post, thank you.


  201. That is a very nice write-up! thank you so much for the tips, I barely manage to stay active on my blog managing work, home, a little pre-schooler and this hobby of mine…

  202. Amen sister, amen!


    I am so excited to see the amazing work of your talented readers, such a great idea. Thanks sweet Joy :)

  203. I felt as if you were writing to me today. Sometimes you just have to give yourself permission to be yourself, rather than aspiring to be someone else. Maybe I should write about that!

  204. I love your tips. Usually I hate these posts because I read about all the stuff I’m getting wrong. I should have known yours would be different- bravo! xo

  205. Thank you so much for this. I felt pretty uninspired with my blog lately, comparing it to so many other wonderful blogs out there, but now I am inspired again to just write about whatever I want. Flowers today, treat yourself!

  206. Joy!

    I love your blog in general, but most of all I love your happy, easy going attitude! I too have a food blog, and I reached the stage where it’s adapt or die. I’d like to think I have some good stuff up there, but I’m struggling to grow my readership, and feeling totally behind the times. It seems like everyone is 10 steps ahead sometimes. It’s important to remember that I do this cause I love it, and that keeps me going.

    I’m a total perfectionist, and I’m working on letting that go. I have sooo many recipes that I haven’t shared cause I hate the pictures, etc. Plus, I have a complex about my silly blog name. It seemed like a good idea at the time….lol


  207. Thanks Joy for this lovely post! Such great advice that I really appreciated and needed to hear. The toughest part and the best part about blogging is trying to figure it all out. But one this is for sure, we are all in this crazy mess together : ) You are awesome! xo



  208. I have met so many wonderful friends from blogging and the Internet, it’s a great post to remind us of all the good things that can be derived from this place.

  209. Hi Joy! Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom. As I am in the “fresh meat” category of blogging, I always appreciate when a blogger I look up to shares a few tips here and there!

  210. I am in!

    If you like curries and simple cakes and cookie recipes, my site is the place to go!

    I am so glad I came across some of your sites in here.

  211. Even though we are not real-life friends, reading your blog and listening to your podcast always makes me feel like you are a friend. As a fellow baker and blogger, I appreciate your support, encouragement and advice!

  212. this post gives me life!!! i follow your blog incessantly and i just started mine this new year! its very rust and bone and my pictures are not artsy, but i have a good following via my large friend group- but i do hope someday it will expand and be pretty!


  213. My friend and I started a blog together awhile ago, but I always get uncomfortable when thinking about “promoting” it. Even though it’s great to write things that someone other than your boyfriend’s mother and your co-blog-writer reads, promoting the blog sort of feels like I only care about getting anyone and everyone to read it. Although I’m sure most of it is in my own head, it keeps me from spreading the word. Thanks for “real-talking” these kinds of things!

  214. Thanks Joy!! I have been wanting to start a blog for a long time but haven’t been able to find the time. I work full time from home and have two little ones so free time is nonexistent. I obsessed about a name for a long time, this post may just be the nudge I need and I love your thoughts about collaboration.

  215. Perfect timing with these tips Joy! I have just loved going through all the comments checking out the blogs & finding some new ones to add to the good ol’ Google Reader. I’m working out the kinks and trying to love all of the learning that comes with making my own blog better bit by bit. I blog at bysarahrae.com.

  216. Thanks for an inspiring post! It’s great to hear that other bloggers have the same thoughts and frustrations! Can’t wait to check out some of the other bloggers that follow Joy the Baker. I’ve mentioned you a few times on my blog and I love how unique your posts are! Just started following you on Instagram and I”m having fun “hounding” your pics :)

  217. i would add to this list: “don’t work for the internet, make the internet work for you” – it really is just a THING that we are all connected to and that can be beautiful, but let’s not let it run away with our lives.

    love these tips, joy! i’m at dearabbyleigh.com and today we talked about dressing for the day we want to have, not the one that’s trying to have us.

  218. Joy. I would have to say yoiu are probably the first blog I ever started following, and that was only about 6 months ago. I was so behind on the times and now I have started my own blog on sustainable food nutrition. Its just a baby, but I have a link to your page from mine. Keep inspiring! http://www.theconsciousdietitian.com xx

  219. Joy, you are one of the inspiring bloggers I have looked up to from day one, all your tips are so true!

    Thanks once again for being a great blog teacher!

  220. Thank you for this! I just started blogging again at the beginning of the year. I had taken a long break after my son was born. You have motivated me to try to be more engaging with fellow bloggers and readers.

  221. Such a great blog post. Thanks for sharing. It is so easy to get lost in ‘building numbers’ and ‘how did she do xyz or get abc’. My word for 2013 is collaboration (yes I am on that trend – although I haven’t blogged about my word) and I am really hoping to build an even more amazing community of lovely people. I’m lucky that I have already started this and met some amazing ladies.

    Keep up the good work and high five!

  222. Thanks for posting this Joy! I started a lifestyle blog a few months ago and it’s hard to not compare myself to others who have been at it for a lot longer than me. I really appreciate when a popular blogger (YOU!) can keep it real and remind us little bloggers (ME!) that what you see is not always what you get and to not to get so overwhelmed. You’re pretty cool and stuff ;)

  223. Thanks so much for this great post, Joy! I ran a blog about eco entertaining/keeping a green home back in 2009-2011. I was blessed — it was quite successful, but then life got in the way and I had to let it go (frowny face). I made a New Year’s resolution this year to get back into blogging (this time with an emphasis on food) — it is CRAZY how much stuff has changed in so short a time! Your post was super inspiring! Thanks for taking the time to write/share it! Keep doing what you do!

  224. Oh wow… I really, really, REALLY needed to read this today. Thank you for being honest and getting down to the gritty bits with us readers. So helpful.

  225. Great tips and great idea! I do love the feeling of community and found myself here because it’s been a while since i got around to comment on the blogs I love. Also, I saw your Mardi Gras pictures on Instagram! I was there, too. My husband rides Endymion and it’s always a process but so much fun!!! Glad you enjoyed it. Headed to eat crawfish now…just can’t get enough!!!

  226. I’m a latecomer to the blogging world. I started because of my love for healthy food and photography and my desire to share that love in a creative format. I appreciate your tips.

  227. “it’s ok if you don’t put text on your pictures” <– THANK YOU.

    I love posts like these, and this, no text in photos, is the best part of this! (well, the best part is community and collaboration – I love it!).

    someone recently said they tested their "text" photos with "non text" photos – each received the same amount of Pinterest love. yes, there are a few who really do the text well, but… it's all over the place now, and now I think my "text free" photos are what stand out ;)


  228. Thank you for your tips! I especially appreciate #4 as I start blogging again. I also love that you suggested leaving links to our blogs in the comments! I enjoy sharing my blog and finding new ones!


  229. Wow, found this post retweeted and I’m so glad I found it! For some reason the food blog community seems more competitive to me than the travel blog community I’m a part of. Anyone more in the know than me want to shed some light on it for me?

    And if anyone wants to take a look, I’m at http://www.cubiclethrowdown.com and am off to visit some of you now!

  230. Even though I’m comment #108, I’m still gonna write, because my favorite part of your post was about not getting discouraged! I have found some of my favorite blogs in the comment sections of others..maybe some you will enjoy mine!

    Hope you like! Cheers to us all!

  231. Thanks for the great reminders! It’s easy to get sucked in and feel like you need to post, post, post! Quality over quantity!

    I write a vegan recipe blog—Fried Dandelions. Check it out at frieddandelions.com


  232. joy, my dear, i don’t have a blog, but i just want to say THANK YOU for being you. you answered my question on the podcast a while back, i’m the rural juror working at a college in the cornfield. anywho, taking the time to answer my question and addressing ME made me feel less lonely and so grateful. i’ve gotten in the groove here, so thank you for your advice (seriously – we had a killer election party that sealed the deal with a lot of co-worker friendships). just wanted to tell you that i really, really appreciate the honest way you write. just keeping doing you girl, discovering this blog (and shutterbean’s) were gemstones in my 2012.

    you rule. keep going. lots of love from ohio.


  233. Thank you, Joy. I really enjoy visiting here. It’s good to know so many of us love food and want to cook, bake, talk, write about it! I’ve already clicked away at some of the cool blogs listed here.

    I started my baking blog because baking relaxes me and it’s such a great feeling to make something from scratch. I’m also addicted to chocolate! : ) I love to write and it’s been fun “documenting” the stuff that I try out in the kitchen. I’m at http://www.playingwithflour.blogspot.com

  234. Thank you. Thank you for keeping it real. Thank you for reminding folks that it’s not about how one ‘measures up’ or ‘keeping up with the {food blogging} Jone’s. Eat, cook, bake & blog to your own beat bloggers. Most importantly, keep it genuine. :)

  235. Reading your encouraging words, makes me think that I actually CAN do this food blogging thing I’ve set out to do. It’s so easy to just give up and believe that I will never be as good as I want to be or have enough time to get there. You are truly an inspiration, so thank you! ?

  236. I love this simple, straight-forward advice. I’m in the process of starting my own blog, and it is ideas like these that help shape my vision of my blog future!

  237. Preach it! Sometimes, I love how personally invested I am in my blog. But that also means I have the tendency to wallow in pits of paranoid self-consciousness if I have an off-day or if I don’t get the kind of response I was hoping for on a post. Thanks for keeping it real and helping all of us with young food blogs that we’re not in this alone!

  238. What a sweet post! I couldn’t agree more with everything you say, and it’s such a big relief to see that even you, one of the biggest and coolest food bloggers out there still can feel slightly intimidated by browsing other great blogs. Cherreoh girl!

  239. Great tips Joy! My blog is probably a bit lost and unloved, I always feel like I have nothing of any interest or value to say, it is mostly just some odd craft bits, doodles, bad pics of dinner, and the odd book review. I totally need to do number 9! However, I do love looking back over my own posts, just because there are so many memories, and I always come away feeling really grateful for life and all the little things :)


  240. Hi Joy

    Great post, thanks for all the tips.
    I have been a secret admirer for a while and have started my own blog inspired by people like you.
    I have recently tried your recipe for the Orange and Cranberry Coffee Cake and plan to post about it on my blog soon (greenteaandcookies.wordpress.com).

    And having bangs myself I really get your hair traumas…

  241. this was one of the best “blogging tip” posts I’ve ever read–so genuine, and right on target. you have such a voice when you write. i always feel like i’m reading a note from a close girlfriend whenever i read your posts!

    i blog over at les petites joies (hybove.blogspot.com). i try to focus on capturing all of the little joys in daily life, and for me this means a whole lot of food, dates, and tiny adventures. blogging has proven to be a great way to stay positive and creative while in law school, and i love being a part of the “blogging world”–there are so many impressive ladies online!

  242. Joy,
    Thanks so much for this post today. I’ve been feeling all over the place about blogging the last couple of weeks, and this was grounding and… hopeful for future blogging. I equally enjoyed your first 10 Real-Talk Tips, as well. Thanks for doing what you love; it’s admirable.

  243. Thanks for another insightful and inspirational post about blogging! It is so much fun, and there are always new things to learn and new friends to make!

    Right, I write about my life in Paris at

    Fear not, there are English translations in the bottom of each post. At the moment I have a contest going, so this is kind of awkward timing (if we were at a come-as-you-are party right now, my blog and I would be wearing something inappropriate).

    Another thing that feels kind of embarrassing right now, but should probably be mentioned: This morning I sent a few lines to the editor of an online magazine that I write for. She had asked all the contributors to recommend one blog each, and I chose none other that yours. Speaking of “Let’s support eachother”… Maybe there are some new, Norwegian readers coming your way.

    You are super, Joy! All the best from Paris!

  244. You got me at tip one. I’m a novice blogger who writes in my mother tongue (spanish) and the blogosphere in my language is just starting to take off, but i haven’t had the time to translate my words into english so i can reach more people, mostly because i’ve found TONS of interesting, inspiring, cute and everything blogs and i can’t keep up with them!
    So i’ll take MY time and set my limits.
    Anyhow, the other 9 tips got me too :)

          1. Thanks Natalia!!! I hope you njoy the recipes…. And that is so sweet of you to mot only check out my blog but follow too… :)

  245. Thanks for the oh so wise words Joy. As a newbie blogger, this couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. I particularly love eight and nine and will try extra hard to stick to those.

    Here’s my contribution: abiteofhistory.com

  246. What a treat it was to read your words today. Thanks for your ever-inspiring, ever-honest contribution to the community of bloggers. My twin sister and I (www.ataleoftwins.com) are always, always loving your blog, writing, and the sweet creations that come along with it.

  247. i love this one: “live a good life. it makes for a good blog.” so true. and one of my main goals for myself and my blog this year. authenticity is so important, yet so easy to forget.

    here’s me: https://hooleywithaz.com. stuff has been semi-deep lately because of the loss of an important person in my life, but lots of times there is a lot of silly on there!

  248. Joy, I really enjoyed this post. I just love what you said about stepping away from the computer and kitchen… “Live a good life. It makes for a good blog.” Definitely sticking that quote up on the fridge!

    My blog is luckybakes, and I’m looking forward to clicking around on some other blogs in these comments!

  249. I love the idea of not following trends! That is so refreshing! I actually love the whole list. Also, I wonder if you have feedback on the use of original photography, and, if so, do you have camera tips!!! Thank you!!!

  250. ERMAHGAD, I’ve been looking for the archived post for a while. Ok, I haven’t been looking that hard but I rememberd you wrote it and that is the important thing!

    I’m taking a social media marketing class and used you as an example of a successful business person using social media. You’re an inspiration!

    Thanks for posting this…and being awesome.

  251. Love this, Joy. I remember the first day i launched my blog, (https://kitchencartel.net/) I posted on your Facebook Wall to let you know what an inspiration you are to so many of us and how I was so inspired that I started a blog of my own. The amazing part? You actually responded to my comment with well wishes and a smile. You truly made my day :) Thanks for being you!

  252. thank you thank you thank you for all your tips!
    my blog is only a couple months old, but I try and make delicious things and talk about the life of a college really honestly. :)

    1. Imen! I love your blog and have been following it for a while now – it makes me smile every time it’s on my reader. Thank you for sharing the beauty!

  253. Such a great idea Joy! Thanks for sharing your tips and always being real, it’s very inspiring. I turned your chocolate beet cake into pink velvet cupcakes this year to hand out on Valentine’s Day.
    Smiles from Vancouver, Lauren.

    for the curious & the creative

  254. What a helpful list, Joy. I found myself nodding in agreement with so many of your points, and cringing with embarrassment at some too. Thanks for how real you are on your blog- it’s one of the many reasons why so many people love your blog! You are brilliantly talented and completely accessible to your readers. Keep doing what you do, Miss Joy.

  255. Are you some sort of freaky blog psychic lady??? First, I adore you. I love your cookbook and blog, can’t wait for your next book and just truly aspire to have a similar positive impact on people that you have had. And I felt like this and your first part on this subject spoke exactly to all the fears and doubts I have been experiencing. This was a wonderful reminder that I am blogging because I love cooking, I love my kids, and I will never regret having this cool record of those things.


    xxoo – total girl crush for you going on here.

  256. Thank you so much for that post Joy! It was really inspiring, and so many words were spoken right form my heart… I am a beginner blogger, always looking up at nice big blogs, dreaming, baking, thinking about my blog and how I can improve it (do I need fancy kind of vintage style fonts on my pictures??). Well, I guess I am not the only one troubled by that ;) But I also think, a Blog is always developing like (hopefully) its maker. So who know how my/our Blogs will look like in a few month, years :) I am ready to get myself totally into the Blogging World, and I can’t wait what the answer will be :D
    Take care!

  257. I’m giving you a virtual high-five, because it just sounded like a fun thing to do. Thanks for writing such a helpful post!


  258. A very useful post – thanks Joy! I only discovered your podcast with Tracy last week and I am making my way through them – starting at the beginning with one a day. I am loving them! I also just ordered your cookbook tonight and can’t wait to get it :)

  259. Thanks Joy for all the great tips! I have been blogging for about 9 months now and sometimes feel overwhelmed at trying to keep up with everything that is involved in keeping a great blog. Thanks for some great reminders :) My blog is https://www.asweetbaker.com Hope you stop over sometime!

  260. joy– this is just the post that i needed. i am fairly new to the blog world and just trying to figure out my rhythm. thanks for just keeping things in check.

  261. What a great, well written post. This totally resonates with me and how I feel bout growing my blog. Appreciate the honesty and hearing your thoughts. Always love this little spot of the Internet!


  262. You are such an inspiration, Joy! I just started my blog less than a month ago, but I know exactly what you are talking about in this post. Your insightful words and positive attitude are exactly what I needed today!

    My website is FrontPorchCooking.com

    I’m looking forward to visiting some of the great links posted here!

  263. wonderfully encouraging Joy! i love the way you inspire community through your blog. There’s a quote (who said it?) about how “truly great people make you feel that you too can become great”..
    You do that well!

  264. Great advice! I especially agree with building community and living a good life. Not to mention ta always get better! Inspiring tips when they come from an upbeat positive voice. Thanks! :)

    You can catch me at simplestepstorealfood.com

  265. Joy thank you so much for this post! I’m a new blogger and feel like I’m just stumbling around in blogland. I don’t post as regularly as I’d like, so it’s nice to hear that it’s OK. I’m trying to set goals, but also be easy on myself.

    Thanks for inspiring folks to just go for it and have fun!


  266. i love this! i’m trying to write more and not put up everything that’s going on in my life – 2013 is off to a stressful start, and i’m really conscious of the fact that some things, i just don’t want to share with everybody. so my blog is becoming my happy place, where i post things that put me in a better mood, and not a place for me to be like “hey, guess how much this year SUCKS?”


  267. Hi Joy! I was so excited to meet you in person last year at BlogHerFood and find that you were just as down to earth in person as you are on your blog. Thanks for giving your readers the chance to share their blogs too, my site is https://foodandfitness4real.com where I blog about balancing real life with healthy living.
    Just so you know, your cookbook is displayed on the corner of my kitchen countertop and I drool over your recipes everytime I open it. Thanks! Stephanie

  268. What a great reminder to just be yourself. I have a small Swedish blog and have now started up in english. The goal is to translate all the food posts that I have in swedish into english. It’s going to take a lot of time, but it’s a great way to be better at the language and hopefully I will meet a lot of food interested people from all over the world. I know that nasty feeling when I look at other blogs with gorgeous photos and a new post everyday. I have to remind myself that I have a job and the blog is just for fun. Most of the people I follow are doing it for a living. It’s a big differense but easy to forget.

    So thank you. Thank you for the great reminder. :)


  269. What a lovely post to share with everyone. I’m just starting out with my new company called Breaking Eggs, an online cookery programme for parents and kids and have to start a blog. Unfortunately I’m terrified to write anything!! Think this will help, I hope.
    I’ll have to read it over and over to psych myself up!

  270. Thanks for this – you’re always very inspirational!

    I’ve been blogging for a couple years but I’ve always just done it for fun. I love seeing that more people have visited in a month because I love sharing inspiration. But sometimes I just have months where there aren’t enough hours in the day for blogging, and that’s ok with me. I’ll get back to it when I have time. If it becomes a stressful thing about writing blog posts, that’s when I’m done :)

    stop by and take a gander – https://yellebellyboo.blogspot.com – hope you enjoy :)

  271. This is so great to hear…all of it. You’re right, blog envy and getting overwhelmed and feeling like you’re just not cut out for it is totally real (I’m in that phase right now!!) It’s so nice and refreshing to hear people being honest. Be real with me, you know?

    Thanks for this! You’re an inspiration and I love hearing your voice come through in posts like this.

  272. I am an art blogger but I LOVE this website! could never post about food, but here I am drooling with every new post of yours. All of you foodies are an inspiration to me!

  273. Thank you so much! I am really taking these to heart, and now I am off to explore Instagram! I truly enjoy your blog, thank you for all your hard work!

  274. Very nicely done, Joy. I’m always impressed at how positive and encouraging you are.

    I’m a teacher currently writing a blog about my sabbatical experiences in Finland and Turkey at finnishinglessons.wordpress.com

  275. Great tips! Thank you for sharing. The second I compare my blog to anyone else I’ve lost the game – the whole point of starting a blog for me was having fun in the kitchen. and documenting the ensuing trials and tribulations.

  276. I’ve been relying on the blog tips you posted originally, and they’ve helped me calm down. It made me realize that I can do what at I want, at the pace that is good for me. And that made me enjoy the experience so much more. My blog is not super personal but I’m hoping to make it more so soon. Thanks for posting more tips!

  277. I love these suggestions. I think we have to remind ourselves why we started blogging in the first place. For me, it was to create a place to preserve memories and to share my life with friends and families. It didn’t start as a competition or a popularity contest. Thanks for the excellent reminders :)

    I’m over at teamlysenko.blogspot.com!

  278. This post was perfectly timed for me. I have been a blogger since 2006. My original blog is http://www.thecomfortsofhome.blogspot.com . It is a lifestlye and decorating blog.

    The end of last year right before we moved to a new home, I started a cooking blog called From Harvest To Table. http://www.fromharvesttotable.com . Though the timing was off due to the move, I did get it up and running, then paused it for a few months until this week. Now I am all settled into my home and ready to start cooking and posting again.

  279. Joy – thanks for the tips. Sometimes it’s so easy to get sucked into the fads and forget that blogging, in the end, is about sharing the things we love with people and hopefully as a result having some really cool conversations – and learning new things!

    And I totally agree with Kara – I am really trying to clean up my Pinterest and make sure I’m pinning pictures from good sources so that when I click on that image I saved, it really takes me to the article with that thing I want to make! When bloggers text-tag or meta-tag their images, it helps!


  280. I can’t even tell you how happy this makes my heart. I have been struggling with a lot of this, but you are such an inspiration, keeping it real and doing it right! Thanks for your beautiful work Joy! : )


  281. Very comforting advice! It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the amazing talent out there. My own plan is just to post when I have something worth sharing. But I still get anxious when it’s been a week with nothing new up on my blog. Thanks for your wise, relaxed words! :)
    Amy B
    – FamilyFeedbag.com

  282. Joy~ I just adore you real talk blog tips! I’ve probably read your first one eight times. Thank you for being such an inspiration!! *high five!*



  283. I can’t believe it’s been that long since your last post/part 1. Two years….time flies. Gosh, wow. Feels like about 6 mos ago!

    I echo everything you said from not comparing, competing, not have to put cute font on all our pics, posting content we’re supremely proud of and reaching out to those in this community and doing what we can to support each other. Sounds trite but, can’t we all just get along :)

    Lovely post, Joy, full of reminders. Will be re-reading it often.

  284. You’re amazing Joy! Such a lovely post by one of my favorite bloggers. Keep being real and producing amazing content — I for one would love to know what you know about curly bangs!

  285. This was excellently written, and thank you! For the reassurance and confidence boost and words of wisdom. This is a bit of a side note, and totally not meant to cast negative judgement on other people with blogs & book deals running concurrently… but I really like that you’re blogger-first, author-second. I never feel like you’re neglecting us, your core lil food blog readers, for the wider audience you can reach on actual physical paper. Yay, you!

  286. Thanks so much for this. I have been in such a blogging funk since I had my baby. I’ve been in the kitchen, but just overwhelmed with trying to keep up to the amazinginess of other blogs and being a working mother, I havent hardly posted in a while. I’ve been meaning to change hosting sites…the whole nine yards. And I just feel subpar. This post makes me feel a million times better. You rock.

  287. Joy… Like all the others have said, your comments are spot on. My favorite is number nine because that is the one I struggle with. I so easily get caught up in what my next blog post is going to be or what I’m going to cook today and how will it photograph that that becomes my life. Having a full life means never having to struggle with what to write about. When you are invested in the real world, not just the world that exists between you and your readers, it comes through in your blog.

    Here is my blog…

    Now off to click on some new links. :)

  288. I love your blog!!! This is just the post I needed to read because it really is hard on me when I see everyone’s perfect blog. So it’s not so bad to jut be me and try not to keep up with the Jones’es . I just should try to put my perfectionism to the side sometimes. Thanks

  289. Well said and very inspiring, as usual. I actually just launched a blog (deuxdilettantes.wordpress.com) with a friend of mine, who is as passionate as I am about food and Seattle (an interesting combo) and I consequently identify a lot with what you wrote.
    Never stop being so sincere, it’s so nice and refreshing!

  290. I feel like blogging is a crazy sort of thing. But most things that people are passionate about are. I bake probably 4 times a week, but that’s just as much time as I would spend if I were in a band or designing clothing.
    As long as you are happy with what you are doing, then it’s perfect.

  291. Love the advice. I completely understand the concept of getting frustrated because I don’t update as often as others or my pictures don’t turn out as well. But, its something I find fun to do and so I continue on @ simplybysteph.com

    Love all your posts and recipes.

  292. Beautifully written, really. So thoughtful and encouraging. It’s so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind that is the internet, but I love your advice about slowing down and appreciating your peers. I can’t tell you how wonderful it’s been to be a part of the blogging community– every time I get lost and start to feel lonely and competitive, I find that by reaching out and connecting with people my perspective shifts. Food bloggers tend to be a pretty amazing, warm and supportive group. I love being inspired and challenged by this community!

    And on a personal note, thank YOU for being the kind and generous blogger that you are. Plus thank you for reassuring me that my non-existent Photoshop skillz are okay, because my photos don’t really need cute writing and arrows and hearts.

    Here’s my blog, y’all: https://thecozyherbivore.blogspot.com. Can’t wait to check out yours!

  293. Totally crying right now. I needed this, Joy. I have been having issues with my pictures (my point and shoot that I knew how to use got spots inside, so upgraded to my husband’s that I am absolutely flummoxed trying to figure out using) and cannot deal and my lack of enthusiasm at editing pictures is effecting my posting schedule. I usually give up on it and end up using pictures I took from my iPhone. This was supposed to be fun! Thank you, Joy, for helping me remember.
    You are right about the communities. They make me smile every day.

  294. My blog (www.emilydensten.tumblr.com) is mostly just me rambling to get myself writing, because now that I’m graduated I have nothing that is specifically making me write other than my own desire to do so. Still, I find these tips really helpful and appreciate you taking the time to write them.

  295. Thank you so much for this post – I’m still relatively new to the whole blogging thing and sometimes I’m worried I don’t do it as well as others or the “right way”, this is so inspirational and you’re totally right, I’m the best at being me so I should just stick to that from now on :D Yours is one of the first blogs I read when I got into food blogging and you gave me the final push to start my own blog, thank you so much and stay being awesome! :D

  296. perfectly said! i made goals for myself at the beginning of the year, and one of them was to always be myself. i actually wrote “you are not deb, you are not joy, you are elizabeth.” i’ll never be you, but you are such an inspiration! so thanks for that :)

    1. ummm a blog about cocktails with amazing pictures and a home made grenedine recipe!! Where have you been all my life?

    2. WOW! I’m always looking for new cocktail recipes — your site will be sure to provide instant inspiration, thanks! (Love the Amaretto Whipped Cream!)

    3. I just love this!!!! I’m a cocktail “goddess” and love making drinks from scratch. Purees, Syrups, using all sorts of fresh items from the produce section.

      Thank you!!!! Beautiful site!!!

  297. love all these tips! I realize that I LIKE writing on my blog and want to keep it that way, so that means no crazy ridiculous pressure to write–just write when I want about what I want, and people who want to hear funny (I hope!) rants on life with a few picture thrown in are still willing to read.

    i’m at jennalorence.blogspot.com

  298. What timing! I feel my blog (just a writing blog, no food) is languishing as I am. I needed this., Joy. Even though what I do is totally different, I share your attitude and I needed to be reminded of this. Thank you!

  299. Love this. I’d just echo that when I started my mostly knitting, but now cooking and grad school life and cute pictures of my dog, blog five years ago, I had no idea that the internet could feel like a community. The friendships I’ve built in blogland have been the best part. (www.barefootrooster.com)

    Thanks, Joy, for sending these good vibes out to readers here in blogland.

  300. I’ve been wanting to start a blog for a while, but I think the fear or not being good as (or even coming close to ) the blogs I love, is keeping me from even taking the first leap. Maybe i Just need to go for it.

    1. Cassie–I felt the same way for months and finally, one day, i realized that the only person telling me that I wasn’t/couldn’t be as good as XYZ bloggers was myself. And I suddenly decided to stop being negative, stop doubting myself and making excuses, and take the leap. Do it for yourself, first and foremost. It’s a passion, it’s an adventure, and you’ll be surprised at all the support you get from others–I promise! I started my blog (Chocolate + Chard) in December. It’s still a baby but i’m so happy that I did it!

      1. Thirded over here, but the only person holding you back really is you to begin with. I found that blogging on my own and not sharing it initially has given me a chance to get more confident as I muddle along. Brave the leap and see where you end up!

      2. I am in the same boat as you! My blog was my new years resolution, I bought the domain name a YEAR ago and only plucked up the courage to actually do something with it in January. And I love it!
        Mere, your blog is super pretty, I love love love your green windmill plates.

    2. Do it!! :) I’ve been blogging since October. I used to follow a few “big” blogs, but I never really sought out or appreciated newer or less fancy/well-known blogs. I’ve discovered so many creative, kind, awesome people since I started!

      1. Claire, I feel the same way! Sometimes following “big” blogs makes me feel so small town, but even blogs that haven’t been around for years have authors with a beautiful and quirky voice.

        Can’t wait to check out your blog, I am enjoying being inspired by others. I started my blog, http://www.theartfulife.com last November and love sharing photos, recipes and my thoughts with the world check it out!

    3. I felt exactly the same way for ages…and I just took the leap in December. I’m still figuring it all out, but it’s fun! I didn’t tell anyone about it for a few weeks because I was still scared, but I’m getting braver as I go along! Give it a try-I bet you won’t regret it :)

  301. You get the love all the time (we TOTALLY stalk your comments) and we love your voice. It’s totally girl gang and idiosyncratic. You inspired thedalstonyears.wordpress.com and it would be totally cool if one day you came and visited (I loved that post you did about your parents especially).

    fanks pal (from the UK)


    we’re reaching out to you, and we hope that’s ok.

  302. You are awesome. Never stop being you because I admire your cool and quirky ways, I only wish to be half as cool as you when I grow up! Thanks for always being entertaining, helpful and consistent!
    YOU ROCK!!!!

  303. Joy – I love the tips and I have to admit I’ve gotten sucked into some of those things in the past myself.

    I will say one thing for putting text on photos: Even if you don’t use a fancy, flowery font or make it all curly-cue or graphic, putting a simple descriptor and the name of your blog (or url) on your images really helps if any of your posts/photos get pinned to Pinterest. I love it when I come across a pin that has the name of the creator on it – it means I can find the original post, even if the image and the link are separated.

    (and my slowly becoming revitalized blog is http://www.karacooks.com)

    1. Kara,

      Thank you so much for your great insight about adding text to photos… It
      makes so much practical sense. I will definitely have to incorporate that into my blog photos. I look forward to seeing you on your blog and learning even more from you… :-) My blog is http://www.CreatedToCook … It is currently still in the construction phase, but I hope to launch it soon.

      Lots of Love and Success,

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