Let It Be Sunday!

Let It Be Sunday!

Hello, friends! ย I’ve been in Boston this week signing books at theย Eat Boutique Holiday Market. ย If you’re in the Boston area, you must go go go! ย It’s lovely. ย So many great gifts for giving. I also got to make donuts with Heather at Union Square Donuts, so basically I had a DREAM food weekend packed with Pretzel Donut this, and Brown Butter Glaze that. ย If you came out to see me in Boston, THANK YOU! ย It really means so much to me that you’d spend time and energy to buy my book and let me write extra words in it. I hope you felt rewarded by Heather’s donuts and extra shopping.

The Internet did it’s thing all nonstop this week:

โ€ข ย We’ve stopped getting the news and we’ve starting receiving a constant stream of true, false, hurried, and unprocessed information instead of thoughtful investigative news when news events break. ย It’s because everyone has to be first, at any cost.ย From San Bernardino: ย What the hell just happened on MSNBC and CNN?

โ€ข ย A friend on Facebook shared an article… something to the effect of “how many mass shootings have really happened in the United States” as if to counteract all of the gun control urgency following the San Bernardino attacks. Isn’t one mass shooting enough? ย Why mass shootings don’t convince gun owners to support gun control. ย “Guns have become a last-ditch effort to impose control on a world slipping away.” ย And we have so so many guns. ย It’s hard to know what to do.

โ€ข ย Mark Zuckerberg kind of gave away, but didn’t really, all of his money when his daughter was born. ย That sentence is probably has truth andย fiction in it. ย When it comes to that kind of money my eyes glaze over. ย Here’sย lettersย written by moguls to their kids. ย The distilled version goes something like this… “Listen, you still have to work hard and be a good person. ย That’s the life rule, ok? ย Be cool.” ย I think that’s what Zuckerberg was also trying to say.

โ€ข ย Even if you don’t know a lot about basketball (I’m raising my hand high), you might stillย enjoy and appreciate this dude:ย ย ย Steph Curryย Is The Revolution

โ€ข ย This might give you the math sweats. ย For me? Yes. ย How Hard Is New York’s Algebra Exam?

โ€ข ย Jessica’s Cinnamon Rollsย looks delicious and I love her heart, soul, and stories.

โ€ข ย If you live in Los Angeles, this will make you laugh because it’s funny and snotty and trite and trivial. ย LA Woman Living in Atwater Full of Shit, Totally Lives in Glendale

โ€ข ย “You and I are storytellers of the galaxy; nothing is impossible.” ย Are we though? ย Or are we just clicking through the New Age Bullshit Generator.ย  A new study finds that Lots Of People Think Complete Nonsense Is Profound. ย Welp… there goes the neighborhood.

โ€ข ย ย I Was Internet Famous… and now what? ย It’s awkward, that’s what.

โ€ข ย Very very serious. ย Judge John Hodgman on a Wife’s Casual Texts

โ€ข ย The gift of greens in your kitchen and in your salad. ย I think this is pretty sweet. ย Garden Box monthly gift subscription

โ€ข ย I’m thinking about your holiday party needs. ย I think I have them mostly covered here. ย French Onion Puff Pastry. ย Cookies are a different story. ย More on that soon.

โ€ข ย Be careful San Francisco: ย Squirrel attacks are real.

I love you. ย It’s Sunday!

xo Joy

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I Made This


15 Responses

  1. Why oh why oh why would you politicize an act of terror in your country?? From a Canadian reader. – I just don’t understand.

  2. As someone who moved from Highland Park (cool) to Glendale (not cool) that story made me laugh so hard. I’m constantly saying “but I live like 5 mins from Eagle Rock”

  3. There has been a lot in the news lately, it’s saddening. It’s very awesone that you did a book signing & got a lot of yummy donuts! Now I’m going to have to bake up a few because I can’t stop thinking alt them. I hope your having a great sunday!

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