You know what you can do in New Orleans? You can walk down the street, walking a dog that is not yours, drinking a beer in a koozie, wearing purple pants, at sunset, like a civilized human being, amen. These days, more than I’ve ever felt like I really live in New Orleans. Mostly because my neighborhood is the real real New Orleans deal (no tourist busses drive through), my neighbor called me ‘baby’ in her slow southern drawl, and we acknowledged our shared humanity as she encouraged a jogger running down the street like he was running a marathon for one. She definitely wanted him to take his shirt off… ‘so our men can feel like men’ she said. I was ambivalent about that part. He laughed and seemed to run a little faster.
So. What’s next? A lazy Sunday where I make nachos for myself? Yep. Exactly right. Hit the nail right on the head.
I hope you and yours are mellowed into the weekend and feeling all sorts of fine.
The Internet according to the Internet:
• Seeing Double / A World Without Mirror. ‘In the modern imagination, the mirror has been placed at the center of what defines us as a species, and what defines us as individuals.’ What do we even really look like / could whatever that is definitely include the flower crown filter on Snapchat, thanks.
• I really enjoyed this article in Vice: The Unhealthy Truth Behind “Wellness” and “Clean Eating”. I’m never not going to eat cake and also.. white sugar is not a drug- just eat less of it if you’re stressing it and chiillll out (my advice, which is pretty good if you ask me which you didn’t). When we’re talking about ‘wellness’, what happens if we separate pleasure from nutrition (besides thigh-gap)?
• I have a very strong fascination with Mt. Everest so this is exactly up my alley: The most successful female Everest climber of all time is a housekeeper in Hartford, Connecticut.
• Here’s a little bit of weird reality, ‘driving Uber’ is the new ‘waiting tables’… except there’s more moving of drugs. Which… if I think back to my days of waiting tables… nevermind.
• Why Isn’t America Shopping? It is because we’re looking for experiences to Instagram ooorrr are we just at home waiting for our Urban Outfitters pizza delivery?
• A charming and bizarre weekend read. Harlem Knight Fight Suit and tie by day. Suit of armor by night. I love people. (Sometimes I hate people… but I love people.)
• These cookies look absolutely irresistible and we should all make them as close to immediately as possible: French Salted Butter Cookies.
• Tron is an only (cat) child and he’s getting some new toys in the mail this week from Purrfect Play Catnip Toys. I said cat-child. Cry for help, periodpointblank.
• The very best coffee in New Orleans: Cherry Espresso Bar.
• This is my summer shoe: a classic Converse, but slightly more slip on.
• My favorite new-to-me app these days is Hyperlapse from Instagram. It makes time-lapse videos so simply! It’s really incredible what we can do now.
• Food I’m looking forward to sooner rather than later: Beer Battered Onion Rings with Buttermilk Ranch Dipping Sauce (and I’m not even sorry).
• Have you seen the new The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit cards!? They’re beautiful. The art, the words, the spirit of this company is big with echoes.
Have a really glorious day!
xo Joy
39 Responses
I was in New Orleans on Sunday, too. Walking around at sunset! How fun. :)
My husband and I had our anniversary dinner at The Franklin. Have you been?
I haven’t been. Was it great! Happy anniversary! I hope you had a lovely trip!
That was the cutest sentence ever! (That you opened with.)
Joy, I’m wondering if you might do a post on getting cakes cleanly out of the pan. Especially bundts. I’m an experienced baker and this still happens to me sometimes, doesn’t seem to matter which prep method I use. Last time i greased and sugared instead of floured and that worked great. This time I just used my good combo professional baking spray ( what I usually use with great success) and my cake is completely stuck. I’ve tried, reheat again( this worked before) steaming, banging it( neighbors now hate me) don’t have time for the 6 hours freezing method. Just here crying and I have to be at my party in about two hours. I know this happens to everyone and we would all appreciate it. Thanks! Cy
Joy, you are the greatest; and you had me at that Vice article. It took a decade for me to learn that baking and eating cookies (with butter! and flour! and cane sugar!) was not actually diametrically opposed to self-care, but rather — in moderation, of course — a critical part of it.
Loved that VICE article about wellness and clean eating. The gluten free craze is getting out of hand. Like anything, follow the money! (gluten free products are 242% more expensive than their gluten filled counterparts).
Really loved this quote too, “Reacquaint yourself with the sweet, heady scent of onions caramelising in butter. When your birthday rolls around, make your own cake, and hold tight to your right to treat yourself with that same kindness as often as you need it. Feel buoyed by the knowledge that food is on average safer, more plentiful and more nutritious than ever before in human history. Trust that your body knows what it needs, and when you get a hankering for chips, chocolate or courgette, look to that craving: the rumble of your belly is not a saboteur. Remember above all that you will be nourished not only by the food you eat, but by the pleasure you take in it.” BEAUTIFUL!
Just bought those Chucks – I’m super pumped about them!
oh i hope you love them too!
I just got a cat 4 weeks ago tomorrow and he is most certainly a cat-child. Especially when he jumps on a shelf that he wasn’t supposed to go on an cries with an “What? I’m innocent” stare.
I love your Sunday posts :)
Are you wearing your new Buddha pants? I’m obsessed with them after you posted about them last Sunday.
Thank you Joy, from SNOWY Montana! Yes you read that right, it is snowing in May at 5,000 feet in the Rocky Mountains! I love your Sunday recaps, recipes and all the yummy things I have cooked from this site! Keep it up girlie!
Great post. You always have such fascinating articles. I appreciate the links!
Joy, it’s my favorite day of the week. My kitten/child Minnie (Mouse) is terrorizing the living room as I drink my Graffeo coffee( a local SF Italian brand that’s been around awhile) and read your Sunday post. I call her Minnie, because she was so tiny when I got her. 15 ounces,five weeks old. She is 9 months now, I completely relate. Looks like Minnie might be getting some new toys too. Also are those your purple Buddha pants? I just wore/got mine for the first time yesterday. I love them! Thanks for the tip, have to buy more! I have David(Leibovitz ) book about living in France, so thanks for the cookie recipe. Great read by the way, about what he loved/hates about living there and some great recipes. Working my way through the rest of the post. Happy Sunday!
yes, they are purple Buddha pants! good eye! Minnie sounds like the sweetest little terror! xo and happy Sunday!
I love your Sunday posts – and laughed loudly as I saw the French salted butter cookies link. Found that recipe Friday night and determined it was my Sunday afternoon guilty pleasure. Great minds….!
Those cookies came across my Tumblr this weekend! Did you see his post on making your own cultured butter?
I want to move to New Orleans!!!
Great line up
Always enjoy seeing what’s new on Sundays and of course the recipes
Have a great rest of your day
just got the butter for those “French Salted Butter Cookies”!! thank you David! Now just have to get the aluminum free baking powder. love your Sunday posts, Joy, Thank you!!
about to honeymoon (and try so hard to convince my soon to be hubby that we need to live in new orleans for at least some part of our life), and i was curious which area of new orleans you’ve moved to! he’s all about authenticity, and we try to shy away from tourist attractions in most cities we visit. sorry if you’ve already mentioned this before!
i live in the Bywater area. happy honeymoon!
Happy Sunday, sweet friend! Love this link up (like always!)
Cats are cat-children, or as they prefer to be called “Divine Ruler of All the World” (at least your world.)
Have a lovely Sunday, Joy.
You are so correct!
I call them my “kits” aka, kitty-kids. (They call me “stop kissing us”.)
Happy Sunday!!! Love reading your Sunday love notes ????
I refer to my cats as my kids, always. Never shy away from the cat crazies! Embrace it and forget the haters! :)
Loved the Vice article. After watching Netflix’s Cooked, I completely stopped believing in the whole gluten-free diet (of which I was ready doubtful) and realized it was merely stress that was at the root of my gut issues and probably a lot of other people’s. I think the greater cause for concern is all the unnatural preservatives that are put into store bought bread to increase shelf-life. Corporations want us to believe it’s gluten, but there are greater evils if you ask me.
Unless you have Celiac disease, which is very real.
Check out EverestNoFilter on snapchat if you haven’t already. So stinking cool.
oh my gosh THANK YOU!
Oh you grabbed me with the first line! love New Orleans! and love your blog!
HAppy Sunday, Joy! Thanks so much for introducing me to PerfectPlay cat toys. I checked out the website and already have my eye on a few thing for my cats as well as the cat kids of good friends. The wool dust bunnies look perfect!
I just read this the other day and can’t help but thinking the conversation needs to be reframed and talked about by people who aren’t selling something.
Thank you for this article.
your dog is very cute! x
jess x |
Sounds like you’ve found “the life”…….