A New Year Arrives

Let It Be Sunday, 101!

Just a girl from California in the Deep South during the first real freeze of the Winter.  Some of my plants froze to plant popsicles and my heater is broken and I’ve layered every blanket my mom has knitted since 1995 atop my bed.  Tron is here, equally confused.  Please come knocking sometime next Thursday when the city has thawed back to tropical.

Or… I’ll make a lot of tea and roast everything in my refrigerator.

How has your week been?  Back in it. Our fight is strong!

Here’s some of the Internet this week:

•  This little taste of inspiration from Toni Morrison:  No place for self-pity.  No room for fear.

•  It’s a strange world we’ve built for ourselves.  This article about Mark Burnett the man who created and continues to create benchmarks in reality television is pretty fascinating and makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and be scared.  We’re in it now: The Mythmaker

•  For when dating is weird.  You guys… has dating gotten just the weirdest and worst? IDK, asking for a friend. Order and angel shot, ask for Angela.

 Funny and entirely avoidable and let’s not.  30 Most Disappointing Under 30.

 Meet Ms. Porchon-Lynch, the 98 year old yoga celebrity tells all, and feel inspired to live your best life as dang often and long as you can.

•  We’re brave everyday, putting our feet on the ground, living in this world with our fragile bodies and tender hearts.  We deserve ribbon reminders: Everyday Bravery Pins.  Here’s me:  Someone didn’t like me and it was OK!

•  According to King Arthur Flour, it’s the Year of the Bundt and I’m more than willing to believe them because that Lemon bundt looks like a stunner!  Let’s make it soon! 

•  When I worked in the restaurant industry in Los Angeles, I’d spend my night plating the most beautiful, farm-fresh food for guests.  It was an honor to work with such stellar ingredients with a crew of people who were talented, hilarious, raunchy… classic restaurant industry nuts.  After a late night, I’d drive my friend Duke home, we’d stop at the Jack in the Box drive-through and each order a troubling amount of tacos.  The people who work in food, eat the worst (/best) food  The disgusting and very delicious Jack in the Box taco.

 I love a good potion and this homemade body wash is right up my alley.  I’m thinking coconut oil + coconut milk + honey + lavender castile soap.

 I am oddly very into this survival show.  Season four with Matt and Joe is the best.  Listen… I’d be eaten by a crocodile within 7 hours if someone left me even just near a swamp, but watching these dudes hack the world and survive is pretty amazing:  Dual Survival.

 Current food-related reading:  How To Cook A Wolf.

 It’s cold and all I want is Curry Hot Chocolate.  Trust me when I say it is divine.

•  I’ll be hosting a handful of workshops here in The Bakehouse this January and February.  Take a look a the Workshop tab above for updates.  I’ll be teaching cupcakes decorating and paper flower making with Suzonne Stirling in just a few weeks.  Coming up soon:  King Cake Baking!

Enjoy this day.  Stay warm.

xo Joy

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25 Responses

  1. My husband (and consequently me) watches Dual Survival all the time. It’s a neat show where I get to learn skills I’ll hopefully never ever need!
    On a Curry hot chocolate related note – my brother got me fair trade Spicy Mexican Hot Chocolate for Christmas. It has cumin and cayenne, I’m not sure about curry, and it is DELICIOUS! So good.

  2. I’ve never identified with an article more than I just did with that Jack in the box Taco one. I’m a vegetarian now and I crave those delicious mystery meat envelopes all the time.

  3. That Lemon Bundt looks divine and the article about Tao was so interesting. I always enjoy the Sunday post you curate each week :)

  4. Although I don’t live near New Orleans, I hope to come to one of your workshops!!! That sounds so fun!

  5. Oh so very sorry you and Tron are without heat!!! Sending you a big hug Joy! I hope you will be warm soon. I too will be on edge for the next 4 years!!

    1. I feel like you made this list by digging into my thoughts. I JUST bought my BFF a “survived unimaginable grief” pin. King Arthur GF flour is my fav, I told another friend that he would make the “worst under 30” list, love those damn junk tacos, just made cupcakes a w Mexican hot chocolate frosting and use that exact homemade body wash! Eerie!!!!!

  6. I’m super curious to try curry hot chocolate! Curry is such a personal thing, so it could be a seriously awesome adventure to figure out how your favorite curries match up against your favorite hot chocolates.

    And here I am with a giant pile of hot chocolate mixes. Time for a trip to the spice shop!

  7. Happy New Year to all! I made the Lemon Bliss Bundt Cake for neighbors for a treat and cheer for 2017. It is so wonderful. You will not be disappointed. Enjoy

  8. Stay warm! We in the Bay Area are having massive rain. Last time it rained our power went out so we have flashlights everywhere!
    How to Cook a Wolf is one of my favorite books. I hear that soon there will be an MFK Fisher museum at her last house!

  9. Every week you entertain us with interesting things to read. The Mythmaker was something else. I to will be sitting on the edge wondering what that fool will do.

  10. A few years ago, I spent a long winter (spring in my neck of the woods is just winter with more daylight) reading everything MFK Fisher ever wrote. It was definitely time well spent.

  11. I agree that the Mark Burnett article is creepy and scary…and I also agree with jimmy Kimmel’s comment. Unfortunately, I plan on being scared and on edge for the next four years.
    I checked out Suzonne Stirling’s website and am soooo very sad I do not live close enough to attend your workshop. I hope there will be lots of photos so I can live vicariously!
    Happy New Year, Joy. Please continue to share your wonderful recipes, posts, creativity, and thoughts! You are much appreciated.

  12. This was a great post. Loved the Toni Morrison piece and the yogi piece. And now all I want to do is eat bunds cake and make my own body wash!

  13. I actually made that King Arthur lemon bundt cake the day the recipe was posted, because it happened to be the day I was looking for one. It’s really great–but I’d suggest really upping the amount of lemon oil/extract in it if you go to make it.

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