Joy the Baker Meets Fancy Food

fancy food

I’ve been at the Fancy Food Show in San Francisco all weekend.  We have some things we should discuss: flavored sugars, Barefoot Contessa and just how seriously some people take their bottled water.

More later.

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21 Responses

  1. Barefoot Contessa?! Really, you met her? Oh wow, I love her so much. I got an autographer Barefoot in Paris book for Christmas, but I’ve never actually met her. Can’t wait for the full scoop!

  2. Why do you Westcoaster’s get all these fun festivals???? You posted once about that really cool store that you went to that I was so super jealous of, and now this?!???

    I can’t stand it anymore, I am packing my bags tonight. I wont allow you to have all of this fun to yourself. lol

  3. I can’t wait to hear about the show…I am now planning to go to the one in NYC in June…I love all the fun cooking and baking stuff!

  4. My dad was at the Fancy Food Show, too! He works for Wheat Valley Bakery that makes nothing but lavash bread. He brought home tons of great samples, and some “sexy” water…I’m going to have to tag along next year!

  5. I LOVE the Fancy Food Show. Two years ago it was the Year of the Flavored Salt. This year is the Year of the Bottled Waters? I had the pleasure of a quick chat with The Barefoot Contessa when I was there. She was lovely, approachable and it was…!! Enjoy!

  6. How funny that you are there, my Step Mom has been there all weekend also. She is with Jelly Belly, her name is Lisa. <3 her so much.

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