You know that team building exercise you might play at sleep-away camp that requires you to fall backwards into the waiting arms of a fellow camper? The Trust Fall? The basic idea is that you completely let yourself fall backwards, trusting that the person behind you has arms outstretched to catch you before you hit the ground. It’s a very literal way of saying “Hey! I’ve got your back!” or “Don’t worry, I’ll catch you if you fall.” If the person you’ve entrusted to catch you is not paying attention and flirting with her sleep-away boyfriend as you fall… well, you might have trust issues for life. Not cool.
I bring up the old Trust Fall because we’re talking about sandwiches. Sandwiches are serious business. I feel like I need to do a good round of Trust Falling with someone before we’re allowed to make each other sandwiches. Like I said… sandwiches are serious.
I need to know that someone has got my back when they make me a sandwich. Who’s making me a sandwich? No one… that’s not the point. It’s all about trust, and care and attention. Like… which slices of bread they choose from the loaf, and how the mayonnaise doesn’t sneak over the edges, and how the tomato slices are just thin enough, and the lettuce is mostly dry from the washing. Sandwiches have a lot of details. There’s a lot going on. I need to trust that my sandwich maker can handle these details… you know?
What? Too much? It’s just a sandwich? Yea… a sandwich. I take my sandwiches to heart. I haven’t done the old Trust Fall with the young gentlemen at my local sandwich shop, so frankly, I don’t know if I can trust them to make me a sandwich… ridiculous, but true.
So, yes. I’m a touch neurotic about my sandwiches. That’s just how it goes. Because I’m so ridiculous, I usually make my own.
This time around I made my own mayonnaise, because, holy heck it’s easy! Mayonnaise is a simple emulsion of egg yolk, flavors like mustard and seasoning, acid, and a fat like canola oil or olive oil. Olive oil will make a strongly flavored mayonnaise. I went for a roasted red pepper (I bought a jar) version using grapeseed oil as the fat. This version creates a slightly looser mayonnaise than the one you might scoop from the store bought jars. For a plain mayonnaise you can make with a bowl and a whisk, check out this tutorial. It’s handy.
Roasted Red Pepper Mayonnaise
adapted from Fat
makes about 1 cup of mayonnaise
1 large egg yolk
3/4 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste
1 roasted red pepper, coarsely chopped ( I used the jarred variety. Easy!)
3/4 cup canola or grapeseed oil
Combine egg yolk, mustard, lemon juice, and chopped roasted red pepper in the bowl of a food processor fitted with the blade attachment. Mix for about 30 seconds. Add a pinch of salt and pepper and whirl again.
With the machine running (I know it’s loud), gradually add the oil until the mixture starts to thicken and emulsify. I added the oil in a steady, but very thin stream. The mixture will start to emulsify at about the 2 minute mark. Once it starts to emulsify, you can add the fat more quickly. If the mixture is too thick for some reason, just blend in 1 teaspoon of boiling water to thin it. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Store in an airtight container and refrigerate. Lasts for 3-4 days.
The Best BLT
makes one sandwich
2 slices of your favorite bread, toasted
3-4 slices of tomato
2 leaves of butter lettuce, rinsed
4 -5 slices of crisp bacon
generous slather of roasted red pepper mayonnaise
Cook up bacon and drain of a paper towel. Rinse lettuce leaves, and pat dry. Slice tomato slices and let rest on a paper towel, allowing some of the moisture to be absorbed.
Toast bread and slather with as much roasted red pepper mayonnaise as you like. Top with bacon, tomatoes and lettuce. Top with other slice of bread and you’re in business. Holy yum!
67 Responses
Oh, Joy, it’s never just a sandwich.
Great addition to an already awesome sandwich. I also like to do a sun-dried tomato mayo…you can dry out quartered tomatoes overnight in a slow oven, better yet if it’s convection, tossed with some good olive oil, sea salt, chopped thyme, and garlic if you like. Then blend this with some homemade mayonnaise!
Carrie- Hm… Mayonnaise without eggs? I’m really not sure how to make that happen! Sorry!
Hannah- No luck!? Oh no! I don’t know. Is it possible that you added the oil to fast? I think I ended up blending my mayo in the food processor for about 5 minutes total.
Taylor- You’re yelling. That kinda stresses me out.
Ryanne- You got back up!? Good for you girl!
Ally- I’m sorry about that bacon… that’s rough!
Emily- Ha! If your husband doesn’t understand the awesomeness of the center of the loaf bread slices, then he must be more than happy with the heels!
Janet- Make this sandwich for your husband, pile it on high and give it to him with love in your eyes. Perfect!
Martina- Enjoy SF!
Thanks Joy..this enspired me to make my own mayo for the first time…it was ever so tasty! I made it with verjuice & wholegrain mustard.
hi, i just made your red pepper mayo but it didn’t come out right. i triple-checked to make sure all the measurements were correct so i’m not sure what i did wrong. how long did you blend it for? the consistency is basically oil and it tastes of nothing. i was considering adding some more egg yolk but don’t know if that will help firm it up. thanks for your help!
Oh, shame on you!!!! I am literally salivating!! Literally!!!!!!!!! And i don’t have all the ingredients. But, of course, thank you for a recipe that has me dreaming of it’s flavor even from the sight of its glorious self. Still, not fair … :)
2 minutes to start an emulsification!? try 5 seconds in a food processor, 10 seconds by hand. And theres NO reason what so ever to add BOILING water to your mayo, you might even cause the egg to curdle! and you didnt even salt and pepper your tomatoes! how could it be the best BLT with out salt and pepper on the tomatoes!?
This looks like one killer BLT – I love a good one and can’t wait to make this!
Oh Joy, I am totally with you. I’ve had one to many bad “sandwiches” to just give my trust over to any ole sandwich-maker. Nope, trust must be earned. I would totally trust you to make me a sandwich after this post, though. Man oh man, does that mayo look fabulous, and you made your bacon crispy–yay (that’s another trust issue). I can’t wait to try this amazing BLT out for myself :)
I had roasted red pepper mayo on a sandwich years ago and still remember it. Now I get to make it myself, wahoo!
I recently started making my own mayonnaise. People can tell, too. At Easter I brought a potato salad to our family lunch and my sister-in-law noticed that I had not used the store-bought stuff. Crazy! I’m going to have to try adding the pepper because it sounds delicious. I suddenly have a craving for BLT!
I’m SO with you!! A sub-par sandwich? No thanks. You really do have to trust someone to make a sandwich you’ll love. Never thought about it, but you’re dead on.
That looks amazingly delicious.
I live for yummy sandwiches.
Glad I’m not alone in this. I hate when the balance is off in a sandwich, to much meat or not enough and do they really think if they put 1/4 of meat on a sandwich that 1/2 a piece of cheese is enough. Honestly. Your sandwich looks great!
Loving the sound of that mayo…yum!
oh my soul. i haven’t been able to eat real food – which is probably the most painful part – since i got my braces on a week ago, but i am SO making this the day i can chew again. it looks amazing!!
Love it Joy – and can I say loving the crispy bacon – impossible to get that kind of bacon here in Ireland! :)
Yummy looking sambo Joy. Could you get your taste spuds activated to make an egg salad sandwich next. When I visited NY I ate the most delicious sandwhiches with egg in them but haven’t found anything like it in Oz. Cheers
“I bring up the old Trust Fall because we’re talking about sandwiches.” – I loved that phrase :)
Why?! Why do I read your blog *after* I’ve already had a full meal? You break me every time! Here comes Second Dinner, I’m off to the kitchen in search of the perfect sandwich. With homemade mayo. And carefully selected bread. My husband had better step out of the way, trust or no.
I was totally dropped during a trust fall (as an adult)! I felt the “thwack” of all the arms on my back and the next thing I knew I was laying on the ground with several curious and scared faces staring down at me… So what did I do? Jumped back up on the picnic table and did it again…
(linkback) A or B? The Best BLT and Homemade Pepper Mayo A) Want B) Do Not Want [VOTE] –
that looks like a tasty sandwich joy. well done. i don’t trust my sandwiches to just anyone either, though i do have a sick weakness for port of subs…i think it’s the pickles.
WOW that looks DELISH. I love the story with this post. I always kinda liked the trust falls, granted I was never dropped.
That DOES look like the best BLT ever – wow! I love your homemade roasted red pepper mayo and how you packed it with bacon – yum!
You HAVE to tell me what brand of bacon you use! I can never seem to find bacon with that much meat on it!
There’s a cute little diner-style restaurant beside my boyfriend’s job. He eats there all the time, and one time he took me for lunch. They make delicious roasted red pepper mayonnaise!
hi joy. i stumbled onto your blog and have been in love ever since :) i tried making the milk chocolate pudding you posted about the other day and i wanted to let you know that it was DELICIOUS! changed my life :) thanks for sharing.
I’m totally drooling. I adore a good BLT….I get very serious about sandwiches, too! I can’t wait to try your roasted red pepper mayo!!
I haven’t eaten meat in several years, but I dream about bacon sometimes. This might put me over the edge tonight…. Honestly, I’m swooning…. It’s the only meat I really desperately miss. -e
Oops, some people say camerabag crashes their iphone (I just read reviews on itunes). Maybe I should have checked that first…I’ve only seen cool photos from it :-)
This comment actually goes with your last post, but I don’t know if you check all comments….
You need to buy camerabag for your iphone (a $2.99 itunes application). If you do a lot of iphone pics it is so fun!
Oh wow! That looks delicious! I have never made homemade mayo before, it sounds so easy! I will have to try it now. Thank you!
Hey, Joy!
Thanks for always making me smile with your stories with each recipe… this is fast becoming one of my favorite blogs! :~)
I have a question… is there any way of making mayonnaise without eggs? I have a little boy with a severe egg allergy, but still want to make potato salad for Memorial Day…
Thanks, Joy!
This sounds so good, but for some reason my food processor(maybe because its cheap) doesn’t puree very well. I think mine would come out a bit chunky. But maybe that’s not bad either. Thanks for the recipe, looks wonderful.
Sandwiches have to be one of my top favorite foods! Most of my best food memories involve tearing open a fresh baguette and stuffing it with local meats and cheeses! Gotta love a good ol BLT though!
Homemade mayo is easy…and it’s bomb! We should do it more often. This red pepper version sounds so good!
YUMMMM looks so so good!!!! I am totally with you on the BLT- love the red pepper mayo on there too! the only thing that would make it even better is sliced avocado! :)
I guess I can’t even trust myself… I love sandwiches at sandwich shops but don’t seem to make good ones at home. I’ve tried adding extras like lettuce and pickle, but they’re still not as good.
Homemade mayo, I love it! I must try this.
Joy! Hahaha – the trust fall – who doesn’t recall that!? Sandwiches are very personal and best made by ones self. Your BLT, however, looks right up my alley ;) Beautifully toasted grainy bread, crispy bacon, fresh lettuce, homemade mayo and ripe tomatoes!! YUM!!
OK, this looks like a fabulous sandwich, and I would let you make me one any day. But I have to tell you, I agree with your attitude that not everyone can be trusted with making a good sandwich. Case in point — my mother in law. Nice lady, a bit on the tightly-controlled, austere side for my taste. She’s a former dietician. Weighs the same as when she was married 50 years ago. You get the picture. Her sandwiches are like this: Two slices of overly dry whole wheat bread, spread with the thinnest film possible of mayonnaise (the evil stuff). ONE PUNY SLICE of turkey. ONE! That’s it. Maybe a lettuce leaf that doesn’t cover the whole naked lonely piece of turkey.
What I don’t get is, it’s not unhealthy to pile it up with lettuce and cucumbers and sprouts and even some honey mustard, lady! And even Weight Watchers thinks it takes 2 ounces to make a sandwich!
Sheesh! So, I’ve taken to politely offering to make the sandwiches when we visit. She thinks I’m outrageously decadent anyway, and have hopelessly spoiled and fattened up her (54 year old) son.
So, I’ll use your example as inspiration, and make a perfectly decadent and splendid sandwich for myself today. Thanks!
I hear you. I am having a BLT with arugula lemon mayon for lunch, peppers are not my fave…
I couldn’t agree with you more!! Plus, everyone likes their sandwich different. It’s a very personal thing. Your blt looks fabulous!!
Oh my goodnight. The BLT is my favorite and it’s only a little bit cruel to be thinking of one now when I am so far in advance of lunch. Headed to the beach for the weekend though and this looks like the perfect lunch to surprise the family with!
Wow, you have totally opened my eyes up to the reality of the sandwich. I hate when amateurs make a sandwich for me, it never tastes good. Thanks!!!
I haven’t attempted homemade mayo, but, man oh man, I don’t think I may resist this roasted red pepper version. I’m the ‘wich maker in my household, but from these photos, I’d trust your sandwich any day!
This looks amazing! I wish it’s what I was eating for lunch. Although my tuna-salad and sliced avocado isn’t too boring. Hey Joy, why don’t you do something yummy with avocado! I’d love to see what you come up with whether it’s in a baked dish (DESSERT), or in a non dessert. :D
Sandwiches are an anytime food and I love them. Looking at this one is making me so hungry.
You can make me a sandwich any time! Love the roasted red pepper mayo- we will have to give that a try as BLT’s show up a lot in the summer at our house.
girl I love that you are not stingy with the bacon. heavens this is one heavenly sandwich I would love this afternoon. homemade mayo has such a true, rustic flavor too.
So it’s not just my anal quirk about picking the best slices of bread. My husband always rolls his eyes at me when I reach for the center. Since he rolls his eyes at this, I assume he’s willing to take on the drier pieces towards the heel. It’s actually a really good marriage you see…
Nothing is greater than a good BLT! Now I have a huge craving for one and I’ll have to try your mayo recipe!
Hey! That’s the same saucer that I used to photograph my rhubarb jam! (Okay so it’s not THE SAME the same, but…)
Looks like a yummy sandwich.
Joy, what is the pattern on your plates called, they are beautiful!
And that sandwich looks pretty damn good too, btw :)
I live for sandwiches. I could eat them at anytime of day. Sandwiches are my pancakes. I exist on this planet to eat as many superb sandwiches as I can and this one looks fantastic.
Oishii !!! (that’s yummy in Japanese).
P.S. I totally feel you on the mayonnaise. No one knows the right mayo to bread ratio. Thanks for a super easy/scrumptious recipe!
Joy, you’re absolutely right! A sandwich is not only a sandwich…if it is, it’s not good enough! I too think that you have to trust someone to make you a good, deliciously yummy sandwich..and if you want… I trust you to make me one someday :)
The idea of homemade mayonnaise is wonderful: you can change easily the ingredients every now and then and create new trustfully sandwiches! (my guess: tuna, capers mayonaisse. to die for with beef or by itself!)
I’m going to fly to SF bay area in the next few days. I can’t wait to leave and embrace your sunny weather there!
cheers Marty