En Route to Seattle

Notes from the Road

Remember that time, earlier this year, when I drove my sister from Los Angeles to Seattle?

Remember… it was that time I ate my weight in Chex Mix and strawberry cheesecake.

Well!  I’m headed back up to Seattle this week!  There will be some serious sister time… and I’m dragging my Mom along too.  I think we’re going to laugh for three straight days… then be on each other’s nerves for a day and a half.  It happens that way sometimes.

Plans include:  introducing my mom and sister to The Bachelorette tonight, drinking more coffee than necessary at every possible moment, hugging my sister’s head, meeting her new kitty Charlesbear and…. I dunno… do you wanna hang out?  I’ll be at Top Pot… every Top Pot I can find.  I’ll be the girl with a giant doughnut in my face.  Keep your eyes peeled for that.

Notes from the Road

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78 Responses

  1. I’d love to meet you Joy! Which Top Pot is your fave – Belltown? Regardless, hope you have a great time here!

  2. If you are in West Seattle you have to go to Bakery Nouveau! The twice baked almond croissant is amazing! Trophy Cupcake in Wallingford is incredible…anything lemon is to die for! Have fun!

  3. While Top Pot is good, Mighty-O does make the best doughnut in the city. Get your hands on the Rum Cake doughnut if you can. Or a delicious apple fritter!

  4. Wheeee I’m in Seattle! I must confess…Top Pot is not my favorite. I prefer Mighty O which happens to be vegan (how can a vegan baked good be better than one full of delicious dairy!? I have no idea!). If you can’t make it up to Tangletown/Wallingford to their store they’re often in coffee shops around town.

    Random coffee recommendations:
    Caffe Fiore (maybe the one on Sunset Hill on your way to Golden Gardens for sunset…highly recommend)

    Most of everything Commenter #10 said is spot-on FYI (I loooove Toulousse great googly moogly)

    And yes, go to Delancy (Orangette’s restaurant)! And Molly Moon holy crap ice creamalicious. And Ballard Market on Sunday morning for the farmers market and the incredible gelato right there on Ballard Ave…or Fainting Goat in Wallingford. and and and and…

    I obviously need to try this Nouveau place everyone is talking about!

  5. Yay! You’re back! Hope your sis is liking our fine city! And, hope you and your mom are having a fun visit. Top Pot is awesome! If you’re still here go to Cupcake Royale, too, in the Madrona neighborhood…soooo yummy. I hear the flavor of the month is Strawberry 66–if it’s as good as their Irish Whiskey cupcake back in March it will be deeeelicious! (and the lattes there are yummy and pretty!) Enjoy your stay and safe travels when you’re on your way home! :)

  6. Oops! That figures, another typo! Anyway that was supposed to be 40 miles notheast of Seattle or so. Sorry! Just call me computer illiterate! Enjoy Washington – it is truly Gods country!

  7. I live around 40 northeast of Seattle (I am terrible with geography and mileage). Please don’t miss Pike Place Market. It is so worth going to especially for someone who loves to bake and/or cook. Enjoy! I wish our weather was better for you – but we aren’t getting much summer this year.

  8. Sounds like so much fun! I live an hour or so north of Seattle, and work for Starbucks, love love the coffee and the top pot donuts :) hopefully we will have decent weather for you, too!

  9. being in seattle, as a baker, above all else, you MUST prioritize a visit to The Flying Apron, on Fremont Avenue.

    also, if you go, you need to eat everything, especially the peanut butter and jelly cupcake.




  10. Enjoy your trip, Joy. I love, love, love Seattle. I wish I could fold myself up into your suitcase and tag along. In a totally not creepy way.

  11. Coming to Seattle? I live pretty close by. I’ll tell them to set up the parade balloons for your arrival. :)

  12. We’re in Seattle and love your blog. Guess we will have to hang out at Top Pot on 5th and hope to “run” into you! Oh and PS could you bring some sun with you? Ours has been a little shy this summer!

  13. Hi Joy

    I’m new. I cannot read the faint and light coloured parts. Is it possible to change the colour of that list over left (and other light-coloured bits) to match your floor, or something like that?

  14. I wanna hang out! Let’s eat pancakes at the Coastal Kitchen in Capitol Hill and drink some Belgian beer/bourbon at Brouwers in Fremont, which also happens to be right next to Theo chocolate…You can’t go wrong with that magical combination of goodness. Yes, please?

  15. You must go to Bakery Nouveau and get the twice baked almond croissant. your life will never be the same!

  16. Two years living in Seattle and still have never had a Top Pot doughnut. I guess I’m still stuck on the Trophy Cupcakes bandwagon, oohh, and Molly Moon’s ice cream – heaven.

  17. I live on the “other” side of the lake from Seattle, but it’s cool over here too! I second the reccomendation for Molly Moon’s icecream. BEST.EVER. Enjoy the Emerald City!

  18. Have a glazed Top Pot old fashioned for me. My absolute fave. You should check out Bakery Nouveau in my neighborhood – West Seattle. You should check out West Seattle just because! Best beach in town – Alki!

  19. Just moved back to LA from seattle and I miss it!
    Be sure to stop by MOLLY MOONS for some of the most delicious icecream EVER!

  20. Have a fantastic time in Seattle with your family! I just did a road trip with my parents, brother and sister to visit MORE family. It was mostly fun, but at times a bit trying. I had a few “SERENITY NOW” moments. Bring ipod/headphones and take a ton of pictures. Stumptown is yum!

  21. Bakery Nouveau is definitely worth the trip, everything in West Seattle is! West Five, Circa, Easy Street, Alki Cafe/Bakery, Coffee to a Tea/Sugar Rush, Spud Fish & Chips…and that’s just to name a few, and just the lovely things in West Seattle! I’ve got a million of ’em!

  22. You lucky girl! I have always wanted to see Seattle. Even though I live in LA now, I lived in Boston for years and there’s something charming about a cloudy, rainy city and ducking into a warm coffee shop. They always have those kind of out-of-this-world donuts that you have right in front of you. Keep us posted, and have a great time with your family!

  23. Go to Alki, where near the end you will find a greasy messy basked of deep fried fish and chips. If you walk from the north end to the south end and then back you’ll feel better. Mmmm.

    I miss that place so badly it hurts. Also, if you’ll have a car… the San Juan Islands are amazing (a ferry ride can’t hurt either)!!!! GO eat fresh seafood there. Or better yet find some flight school and take a flight instructor out to lunch and you’ll only be gone a few hours. SOOOO worth it! I heart the San Juans.

    Also, just past the Hood Canal Bridge (in case you’re on your way to Port Angeles for a Twilight tour) there is a little cafe called Ajax Cafe, OMG! Amazing view, yummiest food made by a real chef.

    Have fun, I’m so jealous….Seattle is so beautiful this time of year enjoy.

  24. Here are a few places you may want to add to your places to eat:

    Donuts: Add Frost to your lists of must-try donut places to eat. They are located in Mill Creek but well worth the 30 minute drive north of Seattle to go.

    Baked goods: Cafe Besalu and Bakery Nouveau are a must.

    Coffee: Stumptown and Trabant

    Pizza: Delancey and Serious Pie

    Jessie Olson of Cakespy just opened up her gallery on Capital Hill and it is very sweet.

    Poppy on Capital has one of the best dessert thalis ever during happy hour.

    Hope you have a great time in our city.

  25. Okay. Top Pot has THE BEST doughnuts but, if you want the best croissant, go to Cafe Besalu. A little place in Ballard that has a line out the door every day. Their pastries are as good as the ones I ate in France. Try it.

    Have fun!

    1. Ditto- everyone says bakery nouveau in west seattle…which is, you know, fine. But Cafe Besalu in Ballard…AWESOME. Amazing. Every single thing is fanstastic. I live by nouveau, but drive to ballard for besalu instead.

  26. I’ve seen the Bachlorette talked about so often on the interwebs! That cappuccino looks beautiful. Did you make it yourself??


  27. Yay! Seattle is my home – I hope you have a great time here with the ladies. I would love to hang out! But ya, that could be weird not knowing each other and all. hahaha Have a great time and enjoy some coffee and fish. (maybe not together per se, but you know… at some point.) :)

  28. Are you traveling on Rt. 101? Swing by Eureka/Arcata CA! We are waiting for you rat Los Bagels (a multicultural bagel bakery and cafe)with food that will blow your mind!

  29. Yes, I want to hang out with you. But, I’m not in Seattle. I will be watching the bachelorette, tho! Love it!

  30. What is your favorite place to visit in Seattle, besides your sisters apartment? I’m curious about Joy.

  31. I’ve been reading your blog for about a year and felt compelled to reply many times but never had the courage until now. I love your sense of humor and think you are wicked cool. =) I’m sorry about your computer!

    Serious Pie is supposed to be quite good, although I’ve never been. Tango, near the Paramount Theater, has tapas and serves excellent drinks. Hotel 1000 in downtown Seattle has a swanky bar called Boka and their cocktails are very good. Trophy Cupcakes is excellent. Molly Moon’s has some of the best ice cream around – salted caramel and honey lavender are two of their most popular flavors, but the line usually wraps around the block! It’s too bad you didn’t come to Seattle sooner because you just missed the Bite of Seattle! – several restaurants set up tents on the Seattle Center grounds to advertise their businesses while selling insane amounts of food. It’s a 3-day affair held each year on the 3rd weekend of July.

    Have fun visiting!

  32. A few places to check out when you’re in town:

    1) Skillet Streetfood – yum!
    2) Pesos on Queen Anne – it’s pretty close to Chopstix the dueling piano bar – really good $6 breakfast special m-f!!
    3) Toulousse – sister restaurant to Pesos (this one’s the newer place on the corner though) they have the same breakfast specials m-f for only $6!
    4) Vivace for espresso (try their Niko Niko)! There are two of them close to Cap Hill where it looks like you’re staying…one of them is ON Capitol Hill, the other is right across from the REI at Stuart Street (it’s west of REI)
    5) Bakery Nouveau in West Seattle – a little further to drive to TOTALLY worth the effort and extra few minutes! I don’t think there’s a Top Pot over there though :( You GOTTA go though!! :)

    Hope you have fun! If I can get away from work for a while I’ll scope out Top Pot nearest the Seattle Times bldg (which is where I work). Hope the weather is beautimous for you guys! :)


    1. Joy,
      If you truly love baked goods then you MUST MUST MUST go to Bakery Nouveau in West Seattle, save Top Pot for your next trip up here! I promise you will love their bakery!! Also, you should check out Macrina’s Bakery in Queen Anne… delicious! I hope you have a great time, I wish I could meet you!



  33. Are you stopping in Portland on your way? Because you should! A 10 minute side trip over to SE Hawthorne would yield waffles and stumptown coffee. Sustenance for the road warrior! Let us know if you do plan to stop. I could be a friendly face!

  34. longtime reader in Seattle! I have two wee kids though, so probably not the sort you want to hang out with! Enjoy our “summer”!

  35. When I go down to Seattle, I like to go to Chopstix… the dueling piano bar!

    AND if you like waffles (which i know you do!) there is a fabbity fab waffle place called Sweet Iron. Last time I was there I had a brilliant waffle topped with creme frache (whatever that is, it is delish), chives and prosciutto. Its down town. And awesome. :) And I had to restrain myself from eating my moms bacon & rhubarb waffle. HEAVEN!

    Also if you go to the Magnolia Pagliacci’s pizza… please let my bestie, lacy, know that she is loved. :)


    1. I also want to point out that breakfast and coffee for my mom, my sister and myself cost, maybe, $20 total. Yeah. Sweet deal.

  36. Seattle is a great place to visit! Make sure to go to Pike’s Place market! It’s supposed to be really cool. Have a good trip!

    mmmmmmmmm…doughnut and coffee! ;)

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