It’s the Climb

Let It Be Sunday, 485!

Hi, hello! Happy Sunday to you! I hope things are well in your world. If I had to select a word for how I’m feeling right now, I think it would be impatient. I am a Taurus to the core, and I loathe change; however, I am uncharacteristically in the mood for something to shift right now because so many things, in both the world and my own life, feel stuck in some less-than-ideal places. 

My preferred method of moving my body is going to spin class — I am mildly terrified of riding an actual bike, but I love the darkness and the music and the delight of riding a bike without nearly being hit by a car. Fun fact: the first time I ever went to a “real” spin experience (not just a random person teaching it in a dark room at my gym) was with our very own Joy! We went to a Soul Cycle class in Los Angeles (old school JTB fans will remember that Joy lived there before New Orleans, so this was YEARS ago — Joy and I go wayyyy back) taught by the magnanimous Denis Morton, who is now a Peloton celebrity! Even then, he had the sparkle! Life is a wild journey, am I right?! 

Denis’ immaculate vibes aside, I fell in love with spin, and found a local studio here in Sacramento that I’ve been riding at for over 10 years now. While spin itself is wonderful, the best blessing to come out of it has been a deep friendship with one of the instructors, Dakotah, who is now one of my closest pals. Dakotah is one of those people who is always saying inspiring things off the cuff, and a few weeks ago in class, as I was “climbing a hill” to a Noah Kahan song, she said, “Don’t put pressure on yourself to understand something that doesn’t make sense right now.” 

Dang! I wrote it down when I left class, and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. I love to have things figured out — I like it when I understand what life is handing me, and I can make a plan for what’s coming. Collectively and personally, I feel like I’m in a place where few things make sense. I’m eager for shifts and understanding and the ability to plan — there’s that Taurean nature we know! I’m trying to take Dakotah’s advice and dial down the internal pressure to figure everything out. Even though it’s against my nature, I’m trying to enjoy the ride — or at least delight in the air-conditioned spin classes I love, taught by my very wise friend. 

My love to you, whether you’re feeling stuck or in the flow. 

While I’m talking about the routines I love, I am religious about getting mani-pedis. I am deeply boring, refuse to have long nails, and favor classic colors (my fingernails are pale pink in spring/summer and gray/beige in fall/winter, and my toes are almost always red or a dark moody berry) but I love these amazing nail designs. (Harper’s Bazaar)

How to shake off a rude interaction with a stranger. I hate that I feel like I needed this — why does it feel like these sorts of encounters are becoming more common? (Self)

As a Sally Rooney superfan, I loved this piece: There Will Never Be Another Sally Rooney. Also, I am absolutely a member of The Cult of Sally Rooney. (Time, Vox)

I’m counting down the days until I can officially shift into soup mode. My first batch will absolutely be this Carrot Coconut Red Curry soup, a forever favorite. (Joy The Baker)

It may be gauche to share my own work, but someone asked me recently if I’d ever read the McSweeney’s piece about the Trader Joe’s parking lot, and I had to explain that um, actually, I wrote it (no brag). But really, why do they design the worst parking lots?! I’m always grateful that McSweeney’s gave me a place to express my rage. (McSweeney’s)

Paris + a home designed for an introvert? Say less. (NYT gift link)

If you’re a self-help reader, here are 13 of the best self-help books. Shout out to Atomic Habits, What My Bones Know, and How To Do Nothing — my personal favorites from this excellent list! (Self) 

What your therapist doesn’t tell you. I adore my therapist, and I would do nearly anything to hear her contributions to this list!!! Related: how to find your therapist. (NYT gift link, Substack)

There are some meals I think about a lot, and one of them is cheeseburger fried rice. (Joy The Baker)

“Defiant, sassy, slippery, chubby, loves to scream. We can all relate.” Not an article about me, but about the world’s cutest pygmy hippo. MOO DENG FOREVER. I love that her name means “bouncy pork!” And that she BITES! An icon. (NYT gift link)

Did you watch the trainwreck that was The Perfect Couple? I did and it was unhinged. I don’t know if I’ve ever skipped an intro so quickly. WHY THE DANCING?! (The Everygirl)

Listen, I had to think HARD before buying a $120 Madewell purse (which I now love!) so these pairings of fall’s best books with designer bags are not for gals like me (catch me at Target!), but I do love this concept! So chic! (Vanity Fair)

As a teacher, this made me laugh so hard. (McSweeney’s)

Our girl wrote a children’s book! Is there anything that Joy can’t do? I’ve had a front-row seat for over a decade now, and the answer is no. This book is so cute and I am absolutely buying it for every friend’s kiddo. (Amazon)

Haunted hotels around the world! It didn’t make this list, but my wife and I stayed at Hotel Parq Central in Albuquerque a few years ago. It’s a former psychiatric institution and reportedly haunted. I didn’t have any particularly ghastly experiences (much to my disappointment!) but it definitely had a vibe. (Conde Nast Traveler, Haunted Rooms)

Halloween is approaching, and if you like seasonally-appropriate jewelry, have you checked out Little Rooms? I’ve bought a few things from them and am obsessed. I’m currently coveting this solar system necklace and these cute ghost stud earrings. (Little Rooms)

Speaking of seasonal treats, I made these incredible Candy Bar Blondies for some friends as a Halloween treat a few years ago, and immediately had to make an additional batch because they were SO GOOD! (Joy The Baker)

What age are you in your head? This is a fascinating question. I feel like I’m about 19 but I was born with the soul of an 80-year-old woman. What about you? (Substack)  

Desk essentials that give grown up Scholastic Book Far energy. What I wouldn’t give to go back and spend all my allowance on a Magic Eye poster that would make me want to barf if I stared at it and some cool erasers. (The Everygirl)

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I Made This


15 Responses

  1. Oh my gosh I love the Trader Joe’s piece! I am such a fan I know all the different ones throughout San Diego and they all have horribly designed parking lots which I’ve had to try and hack for the easiest escape! I love the store so much that I know I just need to be zen, however busy but the parking lot is a different matter! Top tip-parking a little further out and getting a few extra steps is so worth it!!

  2. Amy,
    Loved the Trader Joe’s parking lot piece! TRUTH!!!!! The Modesto TJ parking lot from HELL!
    Thanks for the laugh!

  3. “How to shake off…” is a needed skill. Bookmarked ‘several’ self-help books, and had to try Productivity Planner Card (to-do-list usually stresses me out. This bite-size seems more manageable, day-to-day)
    Thank you!

  4. Hahaha! The TJ’s on Folsom Blvd in East Sac is the WORST! I live near the Town and Country store, and it’s not too bad (neither is the one in Davis).

    1. That Folsom Blvd. one is what inspired the piece! The Town and Country is better and I’m going to be working near there soon, which I am excited about.

  5. Your article “how-to-shake-off-rude-interaction-with-stranger” came just in time for me, I took notes.
    Loved your article on Trader’s Joe’s Parking lot…so accurate!
    And I too watched “the Perfect Couple” and didn’t figure out the killer either. Some of my friends complained about it, but I said lighten-up, it’s just entertainment~ha.

  6. There was NOTHING better than the Scholastic Book Fair! :-) Those were the best! Someone should re-create that experience for adults—bet they’d be a huge hit.

  7. When I have a hard interaction with someone, I tell myself they must have needed to be mad at someone and wasn’t it so nice of me to oblige? It makes me laugh a little at the idea (because of course it’s ridiculous) but then it’s a little easier to move on.

  8. “Don’t put pressure on yourself to understand something that doesn’t make sense right now.” I need to staple that quote in front of me at all times! Thank you, Amy!

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