Hello! How are you? I hope you’re doing well. After a series of challenging months, I think I’m feeling better. Maybe? I don’t want to speak too soon or jinx anything, but I feel like myself more and more each day. It’s a relief — it feels a little bit like discovering that favorite sweatshirt you thought you lost, and realizing it’s still as soft and perfectly worn as you recall.
The thing is that nothing has changed — not really. Grief is still present, and more people I’m close to are experiencing new hurts and tragedies. The world is heartbreaking and ugly, and every day, there is more to worry about. And yet, the daffodils are sprouting. The tree in my front yard is flowering. My dogs get cuter every day. I love my friends so much. Summer break is within view. It’s light outside for so much longer! I live in a beautiful house I love, and I have everything I need.
As a person who will never be mistaken as a pure optimist or a Pollyanna, finding small, good things can be hard. I am no pessimist, but rather a realist. And while that can be used as an excuse to only look at the negative right now, in reality, I am lucky to be in the position and life I’m in. I don’t want to be angry and sad every day until the world changes. I am trying to find joy where I can, and good things where they exist. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.
I don’t mean to minimize the very real pain and struggles that exist right now. But, I know that if I don’t look for ways to feel joy and hope, I won’t make it. I’ve been thinking a lot about activist Mariame Kaba’s words on hope. She writes, “Hope doesn’t preclude feeling sadness or frustration or anger or any other emotion that makes total sense. Hope isn’t an emotion, you know? Hope is not optimism. Hope is a discipline… we have to practice it every single day.”
Here’s to the practice. I’d love to hear where you’re finding hope or joy these days.
• At my house, we watched every second of the SNL anniversary special and loved it. Here are the best moments. (TIME)
• All the White Lotus Season 3 locations. How are we feeling about season three? I like it and I am also slightly nervous about what’s to come. (Elle)
• Related: I have been obsessed with Parker Posey forever, and I loved this profile of her. (NYT gift link)
• My wife, our best couple friends, and I have been trying a different chain restaurant each month as a fun family outing. Recently, we went to The Cheesecake Factory, and as a lifelong cheesecake hater, I ordered their strawberry shortcake and I have thought of little else since. I don’t think I have the fortitude to return to the Cheesecake Factory at this time, so I’m going to try this strawberry shortcake recipe at home. (Joy The Baker)
• My friend Olivia wrote about how the optimized life won’t save you. I need this reminder every single day of my life as I adopt a new morning routine every five days. (Substack)
• Where to spray perfume for it to last longer. Are you a perfume person? I have worn Lanvin’s Éclat D’arpège for a million years but recently tried Vacation and will be making it my summer scent. It smells like sunblock and coconut. (Glamour, Nordstrom, Vacation Inc.)
• Oatmeal and peanut butter cookies sound exactly right to me. (Joy the Baker)
• Ladies of a certain age: is your group chat also full of discussions about night sweats?! As my friends hit perimenopause, they are turning to me for advice, because — NO BRAG — I’ve been a hot sleeper forever. I’ve done my research. LAKE pajamas are worth every penny (though my bank account is crying). This adorable set is going to be my summer sleepwear. I also love Soma’s Cool Nights line — the sleepshirt, shorts, and short-sleeve shirt are also good. I’ve tried many different sheets, and I can say with confidence that Quince’s Percale Sheet set is the coldest of them all. If you want medical tips, this piece has you covered. (LAKE, Soma, Quince, SELF)
• How to stop worrying about things you can’t control. Love this as a concept!!! If someone else should try it, PLEASE let me know how it goes for you! (Bustle)
• Doing things alone is one of my favorite things; however, I know many people don’t feel the same. If it’s not your thing, here are some tips for getting better at doing things alone. (TIME)
• Like most adults I know, I’m currently obsessed with getting enough protein. Since eggs are pricey right now, here are some foods with more protein than an egg. (Self)
• “soft ambition isn’t about doing less—it’s about doing things differently. it’s about trusting that slow growth is still growth. it’s about redefining success so that it doesn’t leave you burnt out and miserable by the time you get there.” — wise words from this lovely post. (Substack)
• The Strategist Kitchen 100: the best tools for cooking, baking, and foodie pursuits. (NYMag)
• My favorite discovery of 2024 was Hulken bags. I am forever hauling things between my classroom and home or carting a truly shameful amount of returns to UPS. This bag is sturdy, FOLDS FLAT, has a zippered cover, and is so light. One of my friends uses hers for carrying mahjong stuff and another hauls her kids’ sports stuff all over in hers — all of us swear by them. It’s so much better than loading up 18 crappy tote bags every day. (Hulken)
• I love pie, but cobbler is easy and imperfect, perfect for lazy weekends. With peak fruit season approaching, I’m currently dreaming of both blueberry and nectarine. (Joy The Baker)
• The best new books to read this spring. I feel like I need a cutie Kindle case for spring and summer reading. (Oprah Daily, Page)
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