So… No Pressure or Anything…

Pillsbury Bake Off 

I’m at the Pillsbury Bake Off in Orlando, Florida.  There are 100 finalists here… dicing, slicing, frying, baking and otherwise stressing out in a giant hotel ballroom.  At stake?  One.  Million.  Dollars.  In their faces?   Cameras.  Lots of cameras.  

Me?  I’m not baking.  Not baking a thing.  Thank heavens.  I’m not a competitive baker.  Just the thought of competitive food production makes me want to crumble.

Pillsbury Bake Off 

The 93 women and 7 men competing here  at the 44th Annual Pillsbury Bake Off are champions.  Cooking with this sort of pressure and media is a looooong way from home cooking.  

Want to see what this whole shindig looks like?  It’s serious business.  

Pillsbury Bake Off 

Camera crews, lighting dudes, sound men and journalist ladies all gear up for the four hour long competition over breakfast.  

Pillsbury Bake Off 

Hardcore branding.  Hardcore advertising.  Mega sponsorship.  Loads of contestants and family and annoying bloggers like me milling about.  

Pillsbury Bake Off 

Pre Bake Off… some dudes are giving me camera envy.  

Pillsbury Bake Off 

Know what the Bake Off has taught me?   That husbands are super awesome!  Here’s one hubby taking a picture of his wife’s finished product slot.  I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve overheard between anxious husbands.  Tender moments.  Serious tenderness. 

Pillsbury Bake Off 

There are cameras exactly everywhere.  

Pillsbury Bake Off 

Before the grand entrance of the hundred contestants, the ballroom smells like new ovens and photographers.  It’s complex.  

Pillsbury Bake Off 

Moms.  Sisters.  Grandmas.  Husbands.  All getting ready for the entrance of the BakeOff-ers.  

Pillsbury Bake Off 

Blue aprons.  Finalist ribbons.  Smiling faces.  I think I might me almost as nervous as they are. How utterly self indulgent of me. 

Pillsbury Bake Off 

You’re pretty and you’re baking.  Go!  Fight!  Win!

Pillsbury Bake Off 

Super concentration.  

Pillsbury Bake Off 

Every competitors cabinets are stocked with the exact ingredients they need for their recipe.  Whomever stocked these cabinets… I’d like to hire you to be my permanent sous chef.  Please and thank you.

Pillsbury Bake Off 

Um… this lady looks like she might be peeking at her neighbors work.  Is that allowed? 

Pillsbury Bake Off 

There are plenty of little gentlemen like this cheering on their mothers.  Kinda precious.  

Also… old man elbow.  These things can’t be avoided.  

Pillsbury Bake Off 

There’s a lot going on back there. 

Pillsbury Bake Off 

And there’s a lot going out here.  

Pillsbury Bake Off 

So… no pressure or anything.  I know you’re trying to win a million dollars, but it’s interview time.  

Pillsbury Bake Off 

Just look at how graceful and lovely JoAnn is.  Pretty smile.  Hands clasped.  Finalist ribbon gleaming in the camera lights.  These people are lovely and gracious home cooks.  Their families are buzzing with excitement.  It’s such an exhilirating event to be a part of.  

Pillsbury Bake Off 

Four winners are being announced later tonight.  The grand prize winner of the Pillsbury Bake Off is being announced live on Oprah tomorrow afternoon.  Whaat!?  Yea.  Crazytown.  That’s happening.  

Thank you to Pillsbury for generously flying to to Orlando to take dorky pictures of your grand Bake Off. That sure was swell of you.  

All Comments

I Made This


66 Responses

  1. Hi, I am the ‘JoAnn’ in the picture above! It was a fun interview with Ali and if you watched Oprah, our ‘high five’ was the opening clip of the show….and really fun to see. As any finalist will tell you, this was an experience of a lifetime!!

  2. So close and yet so far. I live in Orlando but have no transportation to the bake off. If only I wasn’t afraid of public transportation (more getting lost than anything).

  3. Some of the food doesn’t look so appetizing, but as long as it taste good…

    Will you compete next time? Your food always looks so well designed and tasty. You could probably win hands down.

  4. Wow, that’s incredible, I’ve never heard of something like that, sure in Italy that would be a huge novelty.
    I really feel for them, it must be so difficult to cook with so much pressure and all those people looking on, sometimes I just get a little bit nervous when my husband lingers in the kitchen because he wants to help me…
    Great photos Joy, keep us informed please, I’s so curious about the winner!

  5. Hi JOY!
    How totally COOL and EXCITING that you are in the middle of all of this baking!
    Please do tell me that deep deep deep down inside you are dying to be whipping up…baking all of your luscious goodies!!!!
    I so wish you were on the verge of winning that MILLION…
    goodness knows YOU deserve it!
    You are FAB!
    I am excited for you to be enjoying the FUN in Orlando!
    I bet it smells heavenly all around that action!

  6. wow, that looks intense, but fun! I actually have one of the older bake off cookbooks mmm just found your site, love your photography and food :)

  7. UMMMMMMM. Teaching, baking, cooking, bloging, writing, & attending the Bake off!!! So so so so want to move to SoCal and attend an on the lamb party. You are living the life!!! Excited and proud of you… keep it coming :)

  8. wowza.mustve been electric and exciting! cooking in front of cameras is crazy.its like ur being electrocuted as u also, thx for the old man elbow. i hadnt seen one in a while.:)

  9. My great-grandmother did this, and was a finalist! She won a stove and a free trip to New York to stay at the Waldorf Astoria. No million dollars, but she still did get a pretty snazzy portrait taken of herself and her chocolate wedge cookies. We have it hanging in our kitchen–something to aspire to, definitely!

  10. Hey Joy! I love your blog, you are super adorable! I never posted a comment before, and this is totally unrelated to the Pillsbury baking competition… but I found this at Urban Outfitters and I remember somewhere you talked about loving jean leggings? Behold:

    Best of luck in all your endeavors!

  11. it made me nervous and excited just reading this.
    i also loathe competitive/rushed/timed cooking.
    i definitely do not thrive in this pressured environment.
    i need need need to take my time in the kitchen:)
    slow food=good food.
    on that note, time to saunter over to the weho farmer’s market:)

    thank you for another awesome monday inspiration:)

  12. Wow, how exciting. I’d love to do that, but would get there thinking “what am i doing here…i suck compared to these talents!”

    You should totally do this next year. REPRESENT GIRL! For all of us baker lovers in blogland!!! :)

  13. I would love to enter a competition, I think it’d be right up my alley. But best to start small, Allison and I are entering the Napa Fair this year. 1st place in each category wins $3. That oughtta ease the pressure a bit :-).

  14. Old man elbow! Part of me hopes that was for me. What a wonderful experience. Great pictures! Safe travels home.

  15. Wow, Joy. I had goose bumps and wanted to cry (tears of joy-no pun) for these wonderful contestants. What a great job making us feel like we are there -it’s maybe either our mom or sis. They are all winners in my book!!!!!

  16. Oh, Joy! You’re in my neck of the woods! I wish I had known… I would love to meet you.

    Have fun in O-town. If the pressure is too much at the Bake-Off, just go outside to enjoy some of our lovely weather.

  17. Hi Joy,

    I’ve always given thought to entering the Pillsbury Bake-off, but never seem to carry through with it. What amazes me THE MOST is how, in this day and age, with all the gazzillions of recipes out there, that people are still able to invent something new & creative.

    Did you get a glimpse or two of anything so new that you said, “Wow, why didn’t I ever think of that?”

    1. I’ve been flipping through the Bake Off cookbook and a few things have caught my eye. I’ll definitely have a few recipes up on the blog soon!
      I dunno… I might have been bitten by the bug. I might enter next year!

  18. Hot Damn Joy! You are like the girl version of Superman! Exciting journalist by day, super-baker by night! Okay so there are no capes, and you’re writing about food, but you’re still my hero! And I’m guess Pillsbury likes you too!

  19. Cool! The hubby and I watch cooking competitions on TV and it’s nice to see some behind the scene images and blog about it. Blog on! *love*

  20. HEY… Is that the Gaylord Aplms Hotle/Cnevention Center??

    That is where we have our conventions every year… Pretty swanky hotel, eh??

    Regardless, hope you’re having fun, networking, and all that good stuff.

  21. I’m so jealous that you’re there! I am fascinated by the Bake-Off. I was just reading about the early bake-offs in a really interesting book called “Something From the Oven: Reinventing Dinner in the 1950s”. The entries provide a great snapshot of what’s popular during any given time period.

  22. OMG, bake off! I entered a TV baking competition myself and this morning I had to do a timed baking – with the cameras right on me! It was terrifying! I was shaking and so nervous!! But what terrifies me more is that if I get through this round, I’ll be one of 10 candidates battling it off for 6 weeks to become Britain’s Best Amateur Baker! Ahhh! The terror! :-)
    Really Joy, you’re so spot on when you say competition baking is miiiiiles away from home baking!

  23. Joy,

    I’m one of your newest and biggest fans (and I mean that in a totally un-Kathy Bates way;). Loved the behind the scenes of the bake-off. Thanks!

  24. It’s Monday morning and I should be working, but saw your post and I am really thrilled to see this. You have captured this well. I just love your blogging, your baking, and humor!

  25. it all looks super exciting! and who got to do the taste testing?! because i’d like to apply for that job… ;)

  26. I remember my mom’s copy of a Pilsbury Bake-Off cookbook (it was/is very well used & loved!) I would look at the pictures inside the cover of the room with rows and rows of the ovens & ‘kitchens’and marvel at what was going on (magic!). I had no idea it still takes place — these pictures make me want to get my hands on that old battered cookbook :-)

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