Barbecue Buttermilk Onion Rings


Onions Rings make me want to drink Vanilla Milk Shakes.

Vanilla Milk Shakes make me want to eat Cheeseburgers.

Cheeseburgers make me want to eat French Fries.

French Fries make me want to drink a Coke.

Lord have mercy.  What have I gotten myself into?



Have you ever made onion rings before?

Nothing but trouble.

I coated these in barbecue and hot sauce then drowned the whole mix in buttermilk.


Do you have one of these fry thermometers?

Don’t think they’re only for fancy kitchen cooking.  This piece of metal is the key to french fries, doughnuts and onion rings… and it’s fourteen bucks.

Do this.



If you’re wondering if you should feel guilty about this… not just yet.


But now?

Dipped in a barbecue sour cream dip with chives…  yes.  Feel guilty.  I do.


Ps.  This is a picture of a kitten on a bed.

More specifically it’s a picture of my kitten on my bed.

Yes, I’m showing off.  The kitten.  Not the bed.

Pps.  Call your Dad.  I have to call mine… you should call yours too.

Barbecue Buttermilk Onion Rings

adapted from The Sophisticated Gourmet

makes about 24 onion rings

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2 tablespoons barbecue sauce

1 tablespoon hot suace

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

1 large sweet yellow onion

2 cups buttermilk

2 cups all-purpose flour

2 teaspoons salt

1/2 teaspoon paprika

1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

1 quart (i know it seems like a lot) vegetable, canola or peanut oil for frying

For the Dipping Sauce:

1/2 cup sour cream

3 tablespoons buttermilk

2 tablespoons barbecue sauce

1 teaspoon hot sauce

two pinches salt

2 tablespoons fresh chives, slices tiny

Cut of the bottom and top end of the onion.  Remove the skin and slice onion into rings as thick as you like.  Separate the rings and place in a large bowl.  Save the small onion insides for a salad or something.

Mix onions, barbecue sauce, hot sauce, salt and pepper until the onion rings are well coated.  Top with buttermilk and submerge all of the rings.  Allow to rest for 15 minutes while you assemble the flour and dipping sauce.

In a different large bowl, mix together the flour, salt, paprika and ground pepper.

In a medium sized, heavy bottom pan fit with a fry thermometer, begin to heat the oil to 360 degrees over medium heat.

Assemble the dipping sauce by whisking together sour cream, buttermilk, barbecue sauce, hot sauce and salt.  Sprinkle in a big teaspoon of fresh chives and place in the fridge while you fry the onion rings.

Preheat oven to 150 degrees F and prepare a baking sheet with paper towels to soak up the excess oil.

Fry the onions in four batches.  Using tongs, remove several rings from the buttermilk and dredge completely in the flour mixture.  Carefully place in the fry oil once it reaches 360 degrees F.  Let cook for a minute and a half before flipping.  Each batch will take about three minutes.  Once golden brown, remove from the oil and place on the paper towels.  Let rest in the warm oven while you fry the rest of the batches.  Note!  Be sure to let the fry oil return to 360 degrees F before frying the second, third and forth batches.

Enjoy immediately sprinkled with fresh chives with dipping sauce.

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188 Responses

  1. Pingback: WTF? « The MBs
  2. Joy I’ve been dying to make this recipe for weeks and I finally remembered to pick up some buttermilk. They came out even better than I had hoped, thank you!! PS love your podcast!

  3. we fried onions last weekend! same method, no bbq sauce. (i used my fingers instead of tongs) gone in an instant! worth every bit of effort required.

  4. These look to die for. I will try them over the weekend. I have these on the brain now.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. My mother never had onion rings, I promised they would taste great. These were even more amazing than the ones I already had. Amazing on an homemade hamburger too!

  6. made a double batch of onions for a barbeque last night, though made the normal amount of sauce which turned out to be plenty. empty bowl in under half an hour! poor little suckers never had a chance. thanks for the recipe :)

  7. Joy, it makes my mouth water! I can even feel the crunchy texture. Gosh! Here in Italy we don’t have barbecue sauces and all that stuff: any suggestion for italian onion rings?

  8. man, i thought i was gonna cross frying off the list for a little while so i can instead eat some pie and not feel as guilty. but now i’d rather fry onions :).

    also, LOVE the KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!! i just wanna squeeze it. not too hard tho….

  9. I made these for dinner tonight along with some steaks, they were a big hit. Easy and yummy too. Love your kitten, it looks like my Henry cat!

  10. I need those onion rings. I already have a longhaired red tabby cat. He’s uninterested in people food of any sort, but oh Lordy does he love to snuggle in my quilts– while they’re being quilted.

  11. Is the frying done in a dutch oven? An actual fry daddy? Or maybe a shallow pan. I’m really an amateur at frying, but these look a-maz-ing!

  12. omg. i thought onion rings were good. these are over the top. can’t wait to try them. perfect weekend project for a chilly fall weekend! :)

  13. You have me saying, “Oh, no,” and, “Oh yes!” at the same time… Oh no, these are going to go straight to my behind. Oh yes! Those look awesome! Totally worth a little extra jiggle.

    The kitten… So sweet.

  14. Keeetehn!!!! The marmalades (aka marmies) are the very best flavour.

    Honest. I have two marmies and I figure I can have no other kind of kitteh: so friendly, so outgoing, so prosh.

  15. Love the picture of the kitten. It just adds that little something. I do like onion rings but I’m craving pumpkin bread. I think I’ll have to make some in that picture you’ve got on your site.

  16. Onion Rings!!! Yummy recipe and then I saw your new baby!!! What a dear sweet little one! Is he/she shy around your camera? Such a sweet little one!

  17. Oh these look sinfully yummy!!! I’m going to make these and not share with the boy ;)
    Your kitten is so so cute!! We just got one a couple of weeks ago and I want to go back and get her siblings. :)

  18. Watch out for that kitten! I got a little baby orange one about a year ago. I thought he wanted to be my friend, but he actually wanted to kill me in my sleep. Eventually, we parted ways. He didn’t like livng in my 2nd story apartment. But be careful…the orange ones are always fiesty.

    My hubby will love these onion rings! I want to make them tonight!

  19. Oh forget the onion rings (I’ll come back for them later) but Kit-TEN??!! He’s sooo cute. Like someone else said, one does lead to more … somehow or another. Two’s my limit though (unlike the onion rings … does that serve more than one person?!)

  20. I’m not very fond or frying things, although fried food is awesomely good ! But I don’t have a fryer and when I fry in a saucepan, things get messy and the smell in the house…. can’t really stand it… But these look really good… I don’t know if I’ll make some one day, but I am sure gonna try the brownie cookies !
    Can’t wait for the next food blog ! Just eating with my eyes is good enough for me lately ! Have a nice day ! :)

  21. Okay,here it is…I totally LOVE your site! These onion rings look wonderful AND the kitten is awesome.
    Joy,you totally rock.I visit often and enjoy each offering and post :)

  22. They look soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing nom nom nom! I’ve added you to my blog roll even though you’re not a fashion related blog but I love your recipes and photos so much I did it anyway.


  23. Onion rings…my weakness. Seriously. I need to make something absolutely delicious for breakfast tomorrow to avoid going and buying these for lunch…

    Really though Joy? 12:05 am ?? Burger King is still open. My stomach has been growling at me for the last 30 minutes. I could get into the car right now and drive there. Why would do you this?

    …Thanks. I think!

  24. Mmm. Onion rings, milkshake, burger. A perfect trifecta.

    You are going to be a kick ass mom one of these days, Joy. A KICK ASS MOM!

    This is completely random, but do you know of any really great vegan baking blogs? I’m trying to get some more vegan baking goods into my repertoire.

  25. Heavens! Those onion rings look scrumpcious! (the kitten appears to be squeezably soft too:). But this post really makes me want to ask if you’ve ever made french-fried, marinated artichoke hearts? Do you have a recipe that you could share for the best of those? I tried some about a week or so ago (for the first time) and OMG, I nearly embarassed myself at the restaurant, I enjoyed them so much (think…’Harry Met Sally’ …here). If I recall correctly, they were served with a sour cream-dill dipping sauce. It was okay, but I think it could have been improved upon. I normally dip steamed artichoke leaves in a mixture of mayo, lemon juice and dill. Add a little sour cream to that and I’m good to go. I would, of course, welcome any suggestions you might deem worthy for other sauce accompaniment. Thanks for considering my query. Much love!

  26. I stumbled across your site earlier this year, and I’m somewhat embarassed to say that this is my first comment, but I can’t help myself. Here I go:


  27. Oh my, I just want to cuddle your kitten! My own little furball was that size once. She never did get very big, and *almost* nine years later (her birthday is on Halloween…fitting for a little black kitty) is nearly as spunky as she was back then. At the risk of sounding trite, I just have to say – enjoy every moment, they grow up so fast!!

  28. An adorable kitten, deeeeeelish onion rings, and all-around awesomeness!! How is there not a line of hot boys outside your door right now?!

  29. What do you have against my diet? :) Seriously, these look so good, how do you not weigh 500 lbs cooking all this awesome food???? How do you fry them? Do you have a deep fryer?

  30. As the mother of six cats, I welcome you to Cat Parenthood or Furbaby Parenthood, take your choice.
    Remember, one cat always leads to another.

  31. Those onion rings look so cute and the kitten to die for…wait a minute…Strike that. Reverse. How old is your kitty? I just adopted one of my own a few weeks ago.

    I think we need a kitten update here. Name and all. ^_^

  32. This post? Yeah, this post is why I read your blog. Ok, this and the one about the vanilla extract. And there were the cupcakes and cookies and cakes too. Can’t forget those. You rock dear.

  33. Funny Joy, I just got off the phone with my dad. These look sinfully delicious. And the kitten is precious. Want.

  34. Gosh I was looking at these pics and reading the recipe and my mouth literally started watering! I cannot wait to make these – might have to be at the weekend but I dont know if I can hold out for that long….

    and your kitty is so cute! What is her/his name?

  35. I just made these using Texas Pete Buffalo Wing Sauce – thanks for sharing! They’re utterly perfect and only a little messy. Totally worth it. : )

  36. OMGoodness!!! Kitty :) You really needed a kitty Joy, you’ll have to share tons more pictures and tell us all how Kitty came to be with you.

    BTW, BBQ onion rings sound awesome and I think the man of the house around here will actually like them too. These are definitely on the menu, just as soon as I buy more onions.

  37. i am in love with your kitten! congrats! they are WAY too much fun, and love, and cuddling. i have a not-so-much a kitten anymore and she’s fabulous, but i have recently been contemplating getting her a friend – your post makes it that much more likely!

  38. Now I am huuuun-gry!!

    So delicious. I can never get myself to actually fry something though. Uses a lot of oil/ my mom would probably shoot me alive.

    Unless it was fried as in cream cheese wontons. Because I have done that. Often.

  39. Wait, so buttermilk goes on the onion rings or in the dipping sauce or both? I may be an idiot and not reading properly, but please do clarify!

  40. Hey Joy! Quick question: I tried making onion rings in buttermilk one time before and let the onions soak in the buttermilk for maybe 5 mins, well the buttermilk turned to yogurt and I ended up having to wash it all off. Is this normal or did it happen when you did it? If not, do you have any idea what could have caused it?

    PS: Your kitten is TOO cute!

  41. I found you via Bakerella and SO glad that I did! These look amazing! I want them for my birthday… off to find someone to make them for me!

  42. Your kitten is adorable! Not to mention these onion rings look sinful…. may have to make them this weekend for my nephew’s football game.

  43. Those onion rings look divine! *drool*

    And your kitten looks adorable *^^*

    BTW, saw your picture with Bakerella on her blog – you two are so cute! :)

  44. Oh my stars! That kitty is just precious! So sweet looking. I need to snuggle a kitty, pronto. And I think I need those sheets – adorable!

  45. Did you happen to take a photo of the pan all set up for frying? I’m having trouble envisioning what sort of pan you used and how you positioned the thermometer. It must have been somewhat shallow if you were able to flip the onion rings instead of just having them floating around randomly in the oil. I am a frying rookie!

    Also your kitten looks super sweet. I hope she (he?) is bringing you lots of cheer after all your bike troubles.

    1. i don’t have pictures of the frying process because i was mostly trying not to burn myself. i used a medium sized heavy bottom pot. the oil was about 3-4 inches deep. the fry thermometers clip to the inside of the pan and read the temp of the oil as it goes up and down. does this help any?

  46. Ohhh! Orange kitties are the BEST! They are of the extra naughty variety… (those onion rings make me drool, btw)

  47. mmmmmm….onion rings. Also, as a cat owner myself, I can tell you that it probably can’t be considered your bed anymore. Funny how that works out: small+cute= they own the place!

  48. Oh I could eat two plates of those onion rings right now…..preferably washed down with a Large Coke from Sonic. YUM!
    Your kitty is soooo sweet and adorable! Please do share more photos!

  49. Um, incredible. I’m fostering three kittens in my little two-bedroom student apartment and my cooking/baking projects now take about 25% longer because you have to keep inquisitive little paws off the counter!

  50. These onion rings look awesome… what do you do with the oil after you’ve used it? That’s usually what prevents me from deep frying anything.

    More kitten pictures!

  51. the onion rings look delish….

    and your kitten is adorable! he/she looks just like my Miles…{there’s a picture of him on my sidebar if you want to see what your kitten will look like when he/she grows up!} Orange tabbies are the best, sweetest, most loving kitties too! ;)

  52. Hey Joy, Thanks for reminding me to call my dad. My mom fell this weekend and semi-scalped herself and 2 sleepless nights later you reminded me I was going to call my dad. Thank you so much :) Oh btw – I LOVED your picture with Bakerella, you looked so cute! PS: Your kitteh has a very adorable, impish face.

    near the bottom –


  53. I am so jealous of your kitten. I want a kitten. I wish I was grown up enough to be allowed to have a kitten. One more perk of being a grown up…. KITTENS! And onion rings. of course.

  54. YUM! It’s so funny to see all of the food reminders onion rings bring up for you…they make me think of the “gourmet” diner down the street. Holy yum–black bean burgers with blue cheese crumbles, grilled zucchini, caramelized onions, and fried green tomatoes on top (yes! fried green tomatoes on your burger!), and sweet potato fries on the side :)

    So, needless to say, your onion rings remind me of good food too! They look delicious :)

  55. Cutie pie kitty. Has to be a boy as it is an orange tabby. Did you know that orange tabbies have a reputation for being among the most lovable and affectionate of all domestic house cats? I have it on good authority from my long time vet, a cat specialist with the vehicle license plate of Dr. Purr! She has only had orange tabbies as pets.
    Have you checked out the recent Kitty Kitty posting on The Pioneer Woman website? A bobtailed orange tabby recently appeared on her doorstep and adopted her family. There is a funny one about how she learned the cat, assumed to be female, was indeed a male.
    Anyway, congrats on the new addition and the yummy onion rings. I only wish they were baked rather than fried!

  56. Ok it’s uber hard to feel guilty about onion rings and the fact that I am making them, when there is an adorable kitten staring at me!!! Too precious! stay blessed!

  57. Ahhhh! I need onion rings & kittens in my life…a vanilla milkshake wouldnt be horrible news either. Both your kitty & golden rings of deep-fried goodness look absolutely scrumptious. Congrats :)

  58. The recipe is awesome! I’ve never made onion rings, so I’m saving this recipe in my must-do list! Look delicious!
    And the kitten is so cute!!! I love cats on my bed too!

  59. Oh my God. Of course, nothing is cuter than the cat sitting next to me – but, aaaaaw, your kitten’s so lovely! What’s it’s name? I would be so interested in that.
    I could have some of those onion rings right now.. Yum.
    By the way, I love the new autumny look of the blog.

  60. Yum. Can’t wait to try this. And maybe dump in some chicken wings too in the batter and see how those would turn out :) Thanks super for this post!

  61. Don’t feel guilty, Joy (even though it does call for it in my recipe notes- hehe)! I never thought of using barbecue sauce , but now I want barbecue onion rings at 4:26 in the morning (long story- I have school). BTW, that dip looks absolutely awesome!!

    P.S. That kitten- Too darn cute!

  62. I have to agree with what you’ve said up the top! Cooking onions rings make me want all those oily juicy junky foods, EPIC. It’s a recipe for obesity and disaster, nonetheless, I couldn’t resist! Haha!

  63. …I was going to make some comment about how I had every plan to make these for the boyfriend, but then I saw the kitten and EEEEEE KITTEN! I already have two fat babies, but this makes me want a new kitten. I love tiny kitten eyes!

  64. I too made bluttermilk onion rings tonight. I had them in a salad in place of croutons. That was healthy right? Did I mention I then drowned the whole thing in a bbq and ranch dressing?

  65. If you give a mouse a cookie…

    Man, oh man, these look good! I’m sitting here writing an essay about Ovid and I took a break to drool over these for awhile.

    Cute kitty!

  66. Oh my word—I’m the first to comment on this post! That is because I’m still up at this hour, waiting for my dilled carrots to finish boiling in the canner, thereby ending my epic canning spree where I made countless jars of jams, jellies, salsas, preserves, dilled this-and-that…phew!!! Now I’ll have time to deep fry things, as per this post. These look delicious!!!

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