Baked Lemon Risotto


Here’s a look at what’s going on inside my oven and a peek at what’s going on waaaay outside of my oven.

The good news:  I made beautifully creamy, starchy, and flavorful risotto using my oven and not my stovetop.  One stir!  That’s all you need.  While I know that this seems sacrilegious for any dish claiming the name Risotto… this rice is simple creamy starch.  So completely satisfying.

The great news:  I got to meet some of your beautiful faces in San Francisco this Sunday afternoon!  Thank you for all of you gorgeous-souled people who came out to Omnivore Books!

book tour seattle

I’ll tell you now, and I’ll tell you approximately 1 million more times…  I LOVE being out in the world meeting you all.  I am so thankful.  So humbled.  So stoked to take pictures with you and talk about yams.  You are incredible.

Can we talk rice?  Are you down?


I’ve always stayed away from Risotto.  It seemed like a dish that needed a good deal of babysitting.  I’m more of a dump, go, sling pans, flip pancakes kind of cook in the kitchen.  Knowing that I can put something in the oven means that I can assemble it, and forget about it’s existence for at least 20 minutes.

… In that time I can try not to over-steam my broccoli or burn my chicken.


Putting dinner together is a suuuper juggling act.

This rice makes the whole process just about 32 times easier.

Flavored with sauteed onions, fresh thyme, big bright lemon, and spicy chili flakes… the rices comes out of the oven full of flavor.  Just add salt and Parmesan cheese… perfection!


Pretty grains of rice with delicate flavors.  Ready for baking!

I love the thought of raw rice.  So much potential.  So much room for growth and softness.


Let’s just get it going with chicken stock and oven heat.  The mixture bakes for about 40 minutes with just one stir.  ONE STIR!

I like to think of risotto as savory rice pudding.  With Parmesan cheese, herbs, lemon, and salt… this dish is TOTALLY savory rice pudding.  Sure, it’s good along with dinner.  But… it’s also awesome eaten right out of the pan, or eaten cold in the middle of the night.

Midnight starch.  Believe in the magic.

seattle booktour

Here are a few scenes from this weekend’s book signing events.  Color.  Pattern.  Feet.

book tour seattle

I signed a lot of books this weekend… but I also signed a Kitchen Aid mixer!  Whoa.

Let me be clear.  Someone carted their Kitchen Aid mixer from their cozy kitchen counter and into a bookstore for me to write on with a permanent marker.

I can’t even tell you how nervous I was to write on this machine.  I have mad respect for these machines!

seattle booktour

Tracy and her mom Bev came to the book sing.  Major!  The best part!?  Tracy’s mom got to meet my mom.  I call it “When Mom’s Collide”.  This picture warms my heart.

Thank you for being here, reading about rice, looking at my pictures, and coming back for more!  You are the everything!

I had no idea this could be so easy!

Baked Lemon Risotto

adapted from Weight Watchers magazine

6 small or  4 medium portions

Print this Recipe!

1 small onion, chopped

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon lemon zest

2 teaspoons fresh chopped thyme leaves

1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper

2 cups Arborio rice

32 ounces low-sodium chicken broth

1 1/4 cups water

1 cup grated Parmesan cheese

salt to taste

butter for coating the dish

more cheese, lemon zest and thyme leaves for topping

Place a rack in the center of the oven and preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Butter a 9×13-inch baking pan and set aside.

In a medium skillet, heat oil over medium heat.  Add the onions and cook until transluscent and browned, about 5 minutes.  Just as the onions are done cooking, add lemon zest, thyme leaves, chili flakes, and black pepper.  Toss to heat through and set aside.

In a medium bowl, toss together uncooked rice, cheese, and the onion mixture.  Place in the prepared baking pan.  Pour chicken stock and water over the rice mixture.  Stir gently to ensure even cooking.

Place in the oven and allow to cook, uncovered,  for 37-40 minutes, stirring after 20 minutes.  Rice is done when liquid is absorbed and mixture is cooked through and creamy.  If rice mixture is still crunchy, add more hot water or hot chicken stock about 1/3 cup at a time.

When cooked though, remove from the oven and allow to cool for 15 minutes before tasting.  Add salt to taste.  Serve topped with lemon zest, fresh thyme, black pepper, and more cheese.  Rice will last, in an airtight container in the fridge, for up to 5 days.  

All Comments

I Made This


192 Responses

  1. Made this tonight! It was great and may forever change how we do risotto. Paired nicely with chicken piccata. Thanks for another winning recipe! :)

  2. Joy! I love you and all your recipes. Do you think this could be made in a crockpot? Is that crazy??

  3. Do you think if I wanted to add asparagus I should bake it separate and mix in, or bake everything together? So excited to make this!

    1. It may be fine to bake it all together, but I’m not 100% sure how soft the baking will make the asparagus. If you prefer crunch, I would blanch them and stir them in just before serving.

  4. JTB! im making a side dish for easter dinner this weekend and i’m thinking this looks good….do you think it would reheat well? possibly made into a casserole of sorts with some fresh peas mixed in at the end and topped with some bread crumbs…or do you have another side dish you’d recommend for an easter meal? my aunt is making lamb. hope you’re having a glorious spring!

  5. Yum! I made this tonight–needed to add about 1/2 cup of water at the end as you suggested, and it was delish! Super easy! Just… a couple dishes to do… ;)

  6. So I don’t know if you’ll see this before I go ahead and (somewhat) blindly experiment, or if you’ll know the answer, but can you replace the arborio rice with barley and still follow the same, ridiculously easy directions?

  7. Re: the pumpkin.
    I would slice up some wedges from a sugar pumpkin, toss with a little olive oil and herbs de provence and throw on a baking sheet under the risotto. When the rice comes out of the oven to cool, crank that baby up to 450 let them get nice and browned. Maybe a very light touch of brown sugar or maple syrup before finishing? In fact, I know what I’m havin for dinner tonight! Thanks Joy!

  8. Just made this for dinner – used anchovy dashi stock instead (it was in the pantry…), turned out really well. I also had to use lemon juice because lemon is out of season here (Australia) so I couldn’t buy any fresh.

  9. Signed a Kitchen Aid? Whoa!

    I love risotto! Comfort food at it’s best. I don’t even find it that time consuming as I believe in every-now-and-then stirring (some Italians say you have to stir it all the time, others think it should be stirred only every now and then). Your version of the traditional Italian risotto looks tempting and being so easy I simply have to make it. I’m sure it would shine served with a beautifully roasted herb-marinated chicken and a salad (maybe walnut vinaigrette too?).

  10. Joy! I made this lemon risotto for my family’s Easter dinner tonight and it was fantastic. I cut out the onion and added the juice of one lime to the broth-water. Unbelievably creamy, light, and flavorful. Love your podcasts and thank you so much for coming up with this recipe!!

  11. Thanks for the recipe! Made it this evening and it’s so yummy.
    I also bought your book which is fantastic. Congratulations and Happy Easter!

  12. This is exciting for me. I love risotto and have had it be such a flop when I make it. Undercooked, overcooked, yuck. This is perfect for me and I love all things lemon. Thanks!

  13. I made this risotto tonight for dinner. I had never made risotto before. I was always intimidated. Now, as long a I have this recipe in my life, I will be intimidated no more!!!! The flavor was simple and refreshing. (Lemon will do that.) I made it exactly as the recipe states. It was prefect… just perfect.

  14. Joy, I already have your book and wanted to come to your Brooklyn signing, does it mean that I have to purchase the book there? Or bringing my own is ok? Also, if I can’t make it then my boyfriend might comment you instead.

  15. I’ve been making risotto for 25+ plus years, yet never considered doing it in the oven. Can’t wait to try the recipe, but feel and addition of asparagus would add a little pizzazz to the dish. My copper risotto pot will work in the oven as well as it has on my gas stove. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

  16. Joy,

    May I just say that I love eating risotto cold in the middle of the night. My boyfriend thinks its gross so it HAS to be in the middle of the night.



    1. I feel like I should clarify….He hates eating it COLD, but he doesn’t hate risotto. I could never be in a relationship with someone that did not like risotto. Such a person would clearly be imbalanced. (Jk. Sort of.)

  17. Joy you make me look so good! Pro status. Seriously. Perfect dindin w/ a roasted chicken n sautéed brussels sprouts n mushrooms. And bacon! I added bacon, and replaced a quarter cup of rice with quinoa. So it’s healthy, right? I love you!! Thank you for the millionth time for coming to SF, you are lovely. <3 Amy

  18. I made this tonight and it is SO delicious! And easy – I’ve never made risotto before. I had to cook it an extra 10 minutes but it turned out great. Thanks Joy!!

  19. Served this last night for dinner along with Ellie Krieger’s pork tenderloin piccata and some steamed spinach. What a delicious meal! I am a HUGE fan of risotto but don’t always have the time to make it 9or just don’t feel like standing at the oven to babysit it.) I think it will be fun to play around with this recipe now and throw some other things into it.

  20. Hi Joy! I’m afraid of risotto, too but will give this a whirl. So many possibilities with it.

    Congrats on the book, book tour and enjoying it all! You deserve it!

    I’m so bummed that I will be at a bridal shower (ACK! of all things) the exact date & time you will be doing your signing in the Chicago-land area (where I live). I may have to come down with an illness or just pull a “Something Suddenly Came Up” – a la Brady Bunch. LOL!

  21. I always just make regular risotto and put up with all the stirring and standing, but I can’t wait to try this (much) easier version!

  22. I made this risotto last night and it totally rocks! It was sooooo good! In my oven, it was ready in approx 35 mins. Then, after letting it sit for 15 mins (as per Joy’s directions), it was absolutely PERFECT. Will make this one again, for sure!

  23. I received my Joy the Baker gift today and I am thrilled! What a wonderful box of goodies, my daughter and I started planning baked goodies as soon as we opened the box. Thank you for such a wonderful surprise.

  24. I was super excited to find a surprise package waiting on the front porch this morning. Even after I opened it, I was a little confused at first about who sent it to me. :) Then I got straight to work making the cupcakes. I’d post a photo of the finished results if I could do it in a comment. They are delicious. Thanks again!

  25. Wow Joy. Good job on the ENJOY subscription gig. I got my surprise package today after a long and tedious day at work… what a definate and total TREAT! I won’t give it away… but.. girl, good job. Can not wait to utilize these jems!
    Melissa Calvin

  26. Joy, I just got your Joy the Baker gift in the mail and I love it!! thank u so much. I knew it would be coming soon and I have been so excited. Silly? yes, I know, but something about getting a package and having no idea what is going to be inside just makes my day! I was not disappointed. Thanks again!

  27. Yay! I was hoping you got the “When mom’s collide” pic after hearing you both talk about it on the podcast. Did Tracy sit up front with you? :)

    Um 1 stir risotto!! Sign me up! I’m too lazy to make risotto so this is right up my alley.

  28. I’ve been debating with some fellow food-lovers about Risotto- is it amazing, or just glorified rice? Some serious emotions arose through that conversation! It seems those who love it, really, really love it. I’ve yet to have one that was particularly impressive, but I might have to give yours a try. Especially since it doesn’t involve all the stirring :)

  29. Hey, I just received your book, right here in France, and it’s awesome! This is so you! I love it already and I want to say thank you!

  30. Joy, I love your cookbook. It is inspirational and beautiful and so are you. I’m starting with Peanut Butter Birthday Cake. And I know this is weird ;) but I had the thought — on your book tour, you are Joy the Blazer. xoxo

  31. Total inspiration for dinner tonight. Soo good. Thanks for bringing a lil’ awesome into my night. Can’t wait to see you and the cookbook Thursday!

  32. Congratulations on your cookbook!! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy :) I am in love with all of your recipes!! (especially those peanut butter bars with the chocolate frosting..just made them and YUM!!) I’ve always been kinda intimidated by risotto but I just need to give it a shot, I love ordering it out though….. :) Now I just need to make it at home!

  33. My dear friends, Janet & Laura Scaglione, brought me a (signed!) copy of your cookbook from the SF book signing. To thank them, I made the chocolate fudge brownies with the best chocolate buttercream frosting ever! Delicious. And you’ll be happy to know that I bought myself new baker’s chocolate, since the chocolate I found in the way back of my cupboard had been there goodness knows how long and was sticking to the shelf. :)

    Congratulations on this wonderful cook book!
    — Karen Larson, Albany, CA

  34. ooo! this looks fabulous! i am wary of stove top risottos, i’ve ruined them before. but this looks totally doable. good luck with your tour, hope to see you in portland next week!

  35. Joy, just wanted to let you know that your book has landed in Australia and it’s so wonderfully impressive – so much so that once I unwrapped it, I lost it to my work colleagues who started copying out the recipes to try themselves! I’m looking forward to savouring every morsel and adding favorites in to my upcoming baking days, then sharing the love with friends and family. Thanks so much for a well designed and comfort-laden book!

  36. So many smiley faces! Hope your having a ball on your book tour!
    I LOVE risotto but have never been brave enough to make it incase I mess it up, but this I’m gonna have to have a go at, it looks so yummy! Just need to decise wether to serve it with paprika or pesto chicken. Hmm,decisions, decisions…..

  37. Maybe I’m a weird one – i love stirring risotto. I don’t have to “find piggy” or “come see this” or “help with new math”. Nope. I stand at the stove and can “escape”. But in those times where I do have to be “mom”, this sure will come in handy.

  38. Risotto sounds delicious! Must try soon. I just received your new cookbook last night and promptly made the bundt cake for my husband. We both loved it…delicious and moist. Great blog and recipes!! P.S. Also bought a cookbook for my daughter, but she doesn’t know it yet!

  39. This recipe looks yummy… can’t wait to try it out. So happy the book tour is going so well for you girl, I’ll be seeing you in New York at the end of the month. BTW, can we bring our own copies of your book to be signed or must they be bought at the store? I’ve been to book signings where you have to buy your copy at the store for the signing.

  40. Honestly, there has been too much rice in my life. rice curry, rice pudding, fried rcie,… u name it!
    BUT your baked risotto sounds perfect to me, even exciting.

    I wish I could have come to your book signing, looks like u all had a blast!

  41. Bonjour!
    Toutes les photos de vos recettes me donnent envie de les réaliser
    Hélas je ne lis pas l’anglais assez bien pour comprendre
    Est il possible que vous installiez sur votre blog un outil de traduction en français ?
    Certains blogs l’ont fait ( moi-même sur mon très modeste blog )
    En attendant je savoure les images !
    Merci !

  42. Today, your cook book arrived on my doorstep in Sydney, Australia! I’m so excited to read it, just have to get these small children fed and in bed first!
    PS I once made a chocolate chip cookie the size of pizza and piped on it my invitation for a boy I knew to accompany me to the prom. It’s true. We must be kindred spirits (in a totally non-stalkerish way)

  43. Oh just look at all those beauty people–so exciting! And that one girl in shorts–I’m super jealous of her, for more reason than one (hello nice weather AND Joy the Baker book signing!). I’m very excited about this risotto because I’ve always been intimidated by the amount of ‘hovering’ needed to make it. Can’t wait to try it!!

  44. Joy! I had to write to tell you that I saw your post this morning and it had me absolutely drooling – to the point that immediately after work, I rushed to Trader Joe’s to buy all my ingredients. And even though it feels like summer in LA right now, I had to bake it up immediately to serve as the side to some baked lemon chicken breasts. I’m sweating like a pig from having the oven on for so long but I literally just pulled the pan out of the oven and it tastes absolutely delicious!! I can’t to eat my dinner :) I also ordered your book on Friday and should be receiving it any day now – I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to see/read all the yummy-ness in store. Thank you for all that you do! I’ve been a big fan for a long while but this might be the first time I’ve commented. You’re so sweet, just like the delicious treats that you make and share :)

  45. WHOA who knew baked risotto was so easy! With just chicken stock and arborio rice… thats like a blank canvas. Will definitely be making this!

  46. So here’s the thing; I almost hyperventilated when your book arrived because it came way faster than I anticipated (thats what she said), and I jumped up and down with excitement, making funny excited faces, to which my bf said “please never do that again”. THEN 2 days later, it was 6am, I was running late for my bus, I swung my coat around, knocked off a full glass of water, (my favourite anthropologie glass) it shattered… but more importantly it SOAKED your book. Miraculously, it’s ok. It looks like i’ve had it for years.. but it’s ok. I figured if I ever wrote a cookbook I’d want people to know these escapades. So there you go. Also. I love your book! Excellent work. Love Slug. X.

  47. Woah! This risotto sounds incredible, and I love the bit of lemon you included. I’ll be at the book signing in Brooklyn, and I’m excited!

  48. Unrelated to your lemon risotto, which looks delicious: I am from Vancouver, BC, but I am coming to your Seattle book signing! Making a weekend shopping trip of it, and I am so excited to meet you and get your book :)

  49. Yay! I spy me and the boyfriend. Too bad i’m turning my head. It was so nice to meet you! I’ve been bragging to all of my other Joy-the-baker-loving friends about how sweet and funny you were. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your cookbook and thank you for being you :)

    Congrats, again!

  50. I made chicken & leek risotto last night, ‘cept I did it in a pan on the hob. I don’t find it so scary since I learnt the golden rule: DON’T STIR RISOTTO!! Just shake/ swirl the pan to keep it from sticking – stirring destroys the rice/ creamy/ starchiness and turns risotto into a mash of baby food proportions.

    I will concede that it gets a bit boring, but a glass of wine to keep you company takes the edge off.

  51. Love the picture of your two moms but the wider picture of you and Tracy taking pictures of your moms, is simply precious! I need to try this recipe as well, risotto can be difficult with three kids calling your name. This one looks perfect for me!

  52. It was such a delight to meet you at your book signing in Huntington Beach on Saturday. My nieces are going to be thrilled with their signed copies of your book. I didn’t get a chance to tell you person, (I tend to be shy and didn’t want to take up too much of your time), but I want you to know how much you have inspired me. While it’s my nieces who are truly the bakers in the family, I have tried some of your ‘easier’ recipes and have been very happy, as been my co-workers, with the results. But it’s also your positive attitude and generous spirit that comes across in your blog that inspires me to not only to bake, but to be a kinder and nicer person – and, in a roundabout way, try new things (besides baking). I also meant to tell you how much I love your dress on the cover! Thank you again for making it out to Orange County!

  53. I adore rice, and I feel like it gets a bad rap sometimes as being “boring”, especially when you’re talking about plain white or brown rice. I just like to think it’s “versatile”. Yum!

    I’m so glad that the Omnivore book signing was successful! I wasn’t able to stop in, but I did walk by and peek in the window. Hoping to make it to Tuesday’s signing :-)

  54. Hi Joy-it was so great to see you in SF-and the fact that you remembered me from the Sonoma baking class like 2 years ago was bonkers (and totally made my day)! The book looks amazing! Congratulations! I can’t wait to start baking. (PS: I totally made Tracy sign my book too!)

    1. I don’t know much about rice but I know that risotto needs the high starch content of Arborio rice to make it creamy. I don’t think it would work with other rice.

  55. Joy! I have always been so terrified of risotto because of its difficult “keep stirring until…blah blah blah” difficult-ness! This sounds 100% fool-proof! Must try asap!

  56. Joy! This looks so amazing. Your cookbook is equally amazing- I literally screamed when I received in the mail at school.

    I have one request for you! I have such trouble navigating your recipe index- you have so many delicious things but its hard to hunt things down or even browse for new ones. Any chance of you updating it to be more organized (like Deb on Smitten Kitchen- it is brilliant!). You are still wonderful regardless, it’s just a thought!!

  57. When moms collide. Hahaha. I am not at all surprised to read that lots of fans showed up at your book signing. You deserve every bit of their support! My copy is on its way to me in Oklahoma right now!

  58. 1. So jealous that I can’t come to your book signings. Feel free to come to Canada any time.
    2. We’re having friends over for a kid-free, wine-filled dinner on Saturday night. I will be making this risotto. Thank you.

  59. Joy! You signed a book for me that my little sister Jenny brought (because I live in London!) Thank you so much, I am so excited to get it and cook things from it.
    PS. I love the outfit you wore! So pretty!

  60. Love the risotto recipe – sort of a given. I feel like I love just about everything you put out there. AND I’ve been cozied up with your cookbook every last second I had to myself this weekend. It’s beautiful, and warm, and so well done. AND, I don’t know why, but the photo of you and Tracy taking pics of your moms together totally choked me up. Not really sure why, but maybe it’s because your book seems like such a wonderful thing inside and outside the kitchen too. It’s so nice to see such sweetness blooming in your life right now! It’s a gift to experience someone else’s joy right along with them. Thanks for sharing it all with us!

  61. Baked risotto? How wacky cool is that? I’ve always done it the heat the stock and stir, stir, stir way.

    So, the tour looks like it’s going well. The shyness seems to be replaced by confidence. That’s attractive. :)

  62. I LOVE that someone brought their Kitchen Aid in for signing…and I love the message you wrote them! On a slightly healthier note, this risotto looks gorgeous – perfect for a mid week supper when the last thing you have time to do is lean over the stove for hours.

  63. I leave so far away from you, in nort-west Italy, next to the mountains. If only I could take a plane and meet you and bake risotto with you and let you sign my book… Who knows, maybe, in the future.

  64. Congrats Joy! Seems like you are having a blast, these pictures make me happy (:

    Also I’ve never made risotto but this recipe just convinced me to try it for the first time!
    thanks (:

  65. YAMS!!! I hope that’s a reference to ube ;)! So glad to have met you today (and secretly hoping to see an ube recipe up here in the vague future) xo

  66. I don’t think I’ll ever have the lady balls to pull off wearing mixed patterns like the ones you’re rocking in your photos (I really like the way they go together!).

    But I think my favorite part of this whole post is how that little girl in the group photo looks like she she’s totally plotting to steal your books from that other woman’s arms. You can tell she’s a sly fox.

    have fun traveling!

  67. Risotto is one of my favorites, and I love the idea of just baking it. Brilliant. I was blessed enough to get to come out to San Francisco today and meet you, thank you so much for driving up and doing this book tour. And still having time to write in the blog while you tour? Totally impressive.
    Keep being awesome!

  68. risotto is my FAVORITE! I don’t make it very often because it is a dish that needs a lot of love… but it’s so delicious!! I can’t believe you wrote on a KITCHENAID!

  69. I love that baking dish! It’s the same one you used for the lemon raspberry breakfast rolls, yes? So pretty! And I love the idea of a no-fuss risotto! I’ve tried making risotto twice before and wasn’t jazzed, but this … this might persuade me to give it another shot. Thanks muchly!

    1. Yes, a person has to multitask during oven time. I ‘ve always thought that a REAL challenge on cooking show would be to not just get the cooking done in the allotted time, but to get the dishes done, go thru the day’s mail, do a load of laundry, etc, all while on the phone, talking to your mom and making appointments for the cat(s) to go to the vet…..

  70. Risotto is one of my fav things!! This looks soo good and easy. Can’t wait to try it and experiment with different flavors :) Also, can’t wait to check out your book! I hope I can make it to the Chicago signing as its the closest to Milwaukee!


    Joy. I mean. Srsly. This is cray crazy genius. Nobel prize worthy. I dunno what category that would be, but I feel like this could solve some world problems. Fabulous idea and fabulous flavors. So jealous of everyone at your book signings! Wondering how many cookies (or Texas fudge sheet cake?) we’d have to bake to get you to come down here.

  72. I feel the same way about risotto. So yummy, but so much effort. I’ll have to give this one a try since I still have tons of lemons growing in my backyard.

    Great fun at the book signing today! Thanks for coming up north to see us. I love that just my head is in that picture. I feel like Waldo or something, just without the striped shirt.

    I have to stay up until midnight for preschool registration tonight so I’m baking the black and white pumpkin cookies to pass the time and break in my (freshly signed) cookbook.

  73. hey, it’s a good thing you’ve got such beautiful/decorative writing, miss joy!!! the kitchen aid situation could have been a disaster with anyone else’s penmanship… ;)

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