We’re Marching, Making New Habits & We See You

It has been a doozy of a week and I hope you’re taking some time to scramble some eggs, char some tortillas, sip from your coffee cup, and take some time for yourself this morning.

Here’s how we lived this week:

•  We’re here.  All of us, and we’re not going anywhere. (Actually we’re going to go home to our families and jobs, but we’re like this in spirit all the damn time because we can multi-task, beast-mode like you wouldn’t believe.)  Pictures From The Women’s March Around the World.  

•  Let’s read this:  Nice Girls vs Kind Women.  

•  This is strong and beautiful.  Ten letters a day made it to President Obama’s desk.  Ten letters that wove the fabric of America… first read by intern, then brought to the President.  “No filter. The handwriting, the ink, the choice of letterhead — every letter was a real object from a real person, and now you were holding it, and so now you were responsible for it.”  To Obama With Love, and Hate, and Desperation

 President Obama’s last words to us as president, ironically / not ironically over Twitter:  “It’s been the honor of my life to serve you.  You made me a better leader and a better man. I won’t stop; I’ll be right there with you as a citizen, inspired by your voices of truth and justice, good humor and love. I’m still asking you to believe – not in my ability to bring about change, but in yours. I believe in change because I believe in you.”

 You will be called out on your pettiness and lies, Mr Trump.  We see you.

 Sara Kate Gillingham is making boob pendants from clay and 100% of the proceeds go to Planned Parenthood and you best believe I have one, ok?

•  Helpful and necessary.  Secret to Success: a positive attitude.

•  How To Never Run Out Of Ideas Again.  Seems like the trick is to lower your standards, try and try- make and make- think and think. No one said it would be easy.

•  Quick-to-learn new hobbies in 30 days  Instagram doesn’t count as a hobby.  Wait… does it?

 Experimenting with this book for my next cookbook club:  Handmade Pasta Workbook and Cookbook.

 Come to the Paper Flower Making Workshop on January 28th!

•  I went on a small road trip to Birmingham Alabama this week for work.  Turns out Birmingham is so sweet (not surprised) and  I had a really lovely meal at Chez Fonfon (that coconut cake!)  and fantastic coffee at Octane.  On the way home I did my self a favor and tested out this theory: America’s Best Chicken Nugget.  I land in the Popeye’s camp.  America is GREAT!

•  If you have one skillet and one banana on hand:  Banana Walnut Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake.

I love you. That is a real sentiment.

xo Joy

All Comments

I Made This


95 Responses

  1. Hello! Do you have any tips for getting delightfully charred tortillas on an electric stove, it’s the glass top kind. Can you do it on a cast iron without smoking up the kitchen? Thanks!!

  2. Hi Joy,
    I read your Let It Be Sunday! each week and just love your links and all that you share. I’m always coming away with something new and interesting to talk about and share with my own daughters (41, 37) and many friends–and I’m always learning! I especially enjoyed this week’s links about Obama and those amazing photos of the Women’s March from around the world…it’s been a hard week since last Friday and these posts made me smile and made me proud. Keep up your wonderful work…and thank you!

  3. Sunday is special for all and for me too. I had free time on Sunday only. So I can’t do everything what are all I want to do in a single day. Sometimes I do cooking, or I spend time with my friends or go for parties and all. Reading your post is good. Thanks for sharing this buddy.

  4. Whatever the topic may be, your blog has the fantastic solution for it. I love your way of presentation, the unique thinking and admire your innovative thoughts. Thanks Joy, keep on sharing wonderful topics.

  5. Love your Sunday roundups and look forward to them every week! They are thoughtful and diverse and uplifting and grounding and real and fantastic. Thank you for taking the time to make them! Hoping over to pre-order your book after I am done reading! :)

  6. Nice girls vs Kind Women is… EXACTLY what my heart needs. A good friend of mine told me recently that she’s working on being a “peacemaker” instead of a “peacekeeper”. I see a lot of these same concepts at play. Thank you for sharing it!

  7. Great post Joy! Wonderfully curated. Thank you for being an informed, multi-dimensional, compassionate human.

    PS–Can “Chill out Mary” be the new “Bye Felicia”?

  8. Hi Joy! I’m a longtime reader but I think this is my first time commenting. I really super appreciate that you don’t shy away from events outside the kitchen. It would be easy to say ‘this is a cooking blog so of course I should only post about non-political cooking/lifestyle stuff’ but of course, not engaging with reality beyond our countertops and cutting boards would be just as political a choice as talking about it is (& a lesser one, in my opinion.) Thank you for the food, the wit, the glorious photos, AND the politics (and especially Drake on Cake.)

  9. Love your post yesterday. I bought two boob pins to make a donation to Planed Parenthood and made a promise to myself after going to the march that I am going to do one little / or big thing each day to help with this movement. Today I emailed my House Rep asking for how I can help. If anything this makes me feel like I am not stopping and will keep marching everyday.

  10. Imay be reading this on a Monday, but it is still inspiring me to sip coffee, scramble some eggs, and do the damn werk. Thanks for the excellent reading list as always :)

  11. Joy, as so many others have said, thank you for showing me things I never would have found – like the wonderful post about “kind women” rather than “nice girls.” I’m 67, and it took me a long, long time to learn that life lesson. I’m a nice woman, so I choose to say a couple of things here about the grief so many of us feel right now.

    For many of us, this is not about party or partisanship, so it’s not something we can just “get over” because we “didn’t get our own way”. It’s about the man, as evidence of a change in society that makes us sad and very, very worried. It’s not anger and it’s not whining because one candidate lost – it’s profound sadness. We keep hearing about how angry people in large swaths of the country are, and that’s behind these election results. Nursing anger and holding onto it is corrosive, and I think it leads to a willingness to enter into the kind of hateful chanting we’ve been hearing at rallies for months. I hope this man we elected can grow into the position, but as I write this, he has again rattled senior leadership in Congress in a meeting by going back and perseverating on his idea that he was somehow cheated, despite winning the presidency, and that 3-5 million illegal votes were cast against him. I will give him time, because I respect the office he holds. But I do not yet respect the man, and he will have to earn that respect. I hope he can learn to look outside himself and his own needs for approval and adoration, but I have seen no evidence of it.

    But more important is the fact that I will not hate, and I will not allow anger to consume me. I am a nice woman, and I will speak out against injustice. I will not hate anyone. I will continue to help my neighbors and friends and those who need help, as I hope our country will continue to do. We need to care for each other, and so very many of us do. We do not live in “American carnage,” and we need to make our voices heard.

      1. Thank you Nancy. You have very eloquently stated what is at the core of why I have not “gotten over” this election.

  12. Thank you so much for a) that chilaquiles post, which I made that night and was so so good, and b) using your platform to comment on our current political reality. A sign I saw at my local march read, “This is not normal, this is not normal, this is not normal…” and it’s so true. I certainly understand that folks want a break from the news sometimes, but expecting non-political bloggers to be completely *apolitical* all the time, just to preserve the illusion that everything is sprinkles and cream cheese, is not ok. Burying one’s head in a cloud of escapist content is exactly what this so-very-not-normal administration wants us to do.

  13. Hi Joy — A long time fan-girl here of your recipes and general badass-ness (that’s a word, right?)!! I adore the nature of your posts and outlook on life (including what is going down in your kitchen). Thanks for expressing yourself with positivity, light, and ideas for great food and drinks — it is much appreciated! Hope YOU are also having a great day!!

  14. I just want to thank you for your ‘Let it be Sunday’ articles. You do such a nice job of editing the world into a bite size chuck for me to enjoy each Monday! Keep up the awesome, compadre!

  15. Thank you for these Sunday posts – there is always something that I haven’t seen and it’s always something I needed to see/read. The Nice Girls vs. Kind Women is beautiful and exactly what I needed today.

    Also – loving your food in a bowl series! I live for bowl dinners (one of my favourite’s is Smitten Kitchen’s broccoli and sweet potato bowl with miso & tahini) so I’m always excited to expand my repertoire.

  16. Joy, you make us better people for staying informed. I applaud you and other bloggers who use their voice to call out injustice and share the words of the marginalized, who likely don’t have this platform for others to hear. “We all do better when we all do better.”

  17. Joy, I also enjoy your blog thoroughly and applaud you for addressing the very volatile subject of politics. Mary, when you comment you open yourself to response. My response to you would be that we are at a crossroad as a nation, do we follow the new path whose tone has clearly been set as divisive and angry? I say absolutely not! At the tender age of 55 this election cycle has shown me that we absolutely cannot afford to be complacent, complacency implies acceptance. You have to look no further than the extreme vitriol of Trump tweets, the upcoming defunding of Planned Parenthood that is the major source of reproductive health care for women of lesser means, the ever-present threat to Roe v. Wade (now more troublesome than ever with Sessions coming in as the new AG and a certain appointment for a yet-to-be-named ultra conservative supreme court justice), unqualified cabinet appointments (Carson and DeVos), anti-Semitic top level advisors (Bannon in particular), and now the coup de gras – appointing John Gore to head the civil rights division of the DOJ (he supported and defended the NC ‘bathroom bill’ and is known for being an expert at political redistricting against civil rights claims – bet that inspires confidence that he’s looking out for anyone’s civil rights). Really???? Can anyone look at these people and feel good about them in some of the most powerful positions in the US? Sorry, Trump has, and continues to, show himself to be unfit in word and deed for his current position. He has made it glaringly obvious that he is not interested in unifying this nation. I’d also remind you that 2.7 MILLION more people voted for Hillary Clinton. I’ve been against the electoral college for at least 20 years for this exact reason, it doesn’t accurately represent the choice of the people. BTW, Obama won his popular votes handily so your electoral college example doesn’t really say what you want it too. This has even sparked my 76 year old mother into political activism. It is more important than ever to be aware and be engaged. Write letters to your reps, make phone calls to their offices, attend peaceful rallies (violence is never the way), lend your voice to an organization fighting for what you believe in. Oh, and if your views differ that’s o.k. You don’t have to read anything that you don’t want to.

  18. The article on being nice or kind – wow! Powerful stuff and absolutely worthy of forwarding to my own daughter.

  19. I read this week’s articles with great interest. Not so long ago I found myself agreeing with an American friend (living in Australia) who said I shouldn’t comment on US politics because I am not American. But I was wrong, wasn’t I? Like it or not, what the US does or doesn’t do affects us all, so I am ALLOWED to be saddened that the man who took time to sit and read the Letters to Obama is gone, and an unstable, attention-seeking reality television star with penchants for abusing women and colouring his hair with urine (unless anyone else has a better theory?) has taken his place. My impression of Obama was one of a fundamentally good person who wanted the best for his country and who presented himself with measure, grace and dignity. My impression of Trump? I think he’s nuts, and that’s really not a good quality for a US President. Of course Obama wasn’t perfect, but I agreed with a lot of his politics. I come from a country with compulsory voting, a sound Medicare system and the tightest of tight gun laws. I wish that for you because it makes sense. I know every American who voted for Donald Trump or who attended the marches didn’t do so for the same reasons. No single President, Prime Minister or political party can ‘fix’ all of the woes of an entire country overnight. There will always be people who feel (and are) marginalized and hard done by and, sadly, this will never change because the business of politics is a horrible oxymoron. People today demand instant gratification but the best solutions to the worst problems almost always involve short term pain for long term gain. It is so damned easy to be apathetic. It’s so easy to not vote at all, or to vote for the narcissist tossing sweeties and empty promises into the crowd with their fingers crossed behind their back, and it’s so damned hard to accept that the other guy may well be the one who truly has your best interests at heart. Trump uses social media like a 12yo girl, hurls insults like the class bully, throws petulant tantrums like a 2yo and treats other countries, minorities and women with the same contempt I would reserve for a child molester. To be honest, I think you were dealt a raw deal. I thought you deserved better than both of your candidates, but Trump? Really, America? He is the best you have? I think not.

  20. I appreciate that someone blogging about cooking (or crafting or their chickens or how they took six kids to Europe) has viewpoints on more than recipes and food stories. I don’t agree with everyone all the time, but heck, I don’t agree with my best friend all the time either. Thank you for your Let It Be Sunday posts. I look forward to them.

    Side note: At Seattle’s march, many shop and restaurant owners were on their sidewalks offering free bottles of water and snacks. The chef Tom Douglas was offering cupcakes. The support of our community was awesome!

  21. Joy, you are a human being. You have thoughts, feelings, etc. that go beyond cooking. It is your blog and your right to post whatever you wants.

    And… As someone who does not post often, I can attest that my posts usually go in that queue and show up later.

    I personally like seeing other aspects to your personality, Joy. I like seeing the things you post, because even when they are political, they are well chosen and well written and thought provoking. Even when they are issues I may not agree completely with, I usually find areas of commonality. I truly believe that we are all better off when we we look at all sides of an issue. I think it is important to read things from all sides, but focus most on anything we can that is nonpartisan. It is the only way this horrible divisiveness can be eased.

    This has been a horrible election season, one based on so much false information that it is hard to wade through the crap out there. As a former high school librarian, the things I see that people post that just are not true floors me. I find myself checking the facts on things every single day, multiple times.

    Is Trump a legit president? Yes. However he was not the choice of the majority of the people in the United States and statements he has made (things that have come out of his mouth or his fingers while tweeting) have made many people actually fear his presidency. I would I like to have hope that things will end up ok. That the checks and balances in place will work to make sure he doesn’t do long term damage. Unfortunately, every time I try to hope, he tweets something or names a new advisor or cabinet member that makes me shake my head.

  22. Thank you, Joy, for being brave enough to share your political views on your blog. None of us can afford to close our eyes and pretend like it’s not happening. We all wish it wasn’t, but putting our fingers in our ears will only make it worse for us and especially the more marginalized people in our society that don’t have the privilege of turning off their computers or phones and having it all go away. I appreciate you, and I read your blog all the time because it’s one of the happiest sites on the web. These posts, too, are inspiring and important. This is the first time I’ve ever felt called to comment – it’s out of pure respect and admiration.

  23. Joy,
    Once again you inspire me. Thanks for sharing these thoughtful pieces. I especially enjoyed the Nice Girls vs Kind Women article and will pass it on to family and friends. What a tumultuous week indeed. As my daughter and I were reminded during our Women’s March in Los Angeles; In life there is finite disappointment, but infinite hope.

  24. I read regularly and occasionally comment, and I have to say it really bugs me when something major goes down and food bloggers don’t mention it–be it a bombing or death of a beloved figure or whatever. To get on today and just yammer on about rhubarb? Please! This is one of the most difficult times in history to be a writer, whatever your topic. We’re all entitled to express our views. Joy’s been nothing but gracious–and hey, we’re in her space here. It’s easy to forget that.

  25. Thank you, Joy. Thanks for a real look at what is happening in our world and for telling me what to do with the bananas I did not eat at the March yesterday. This is exactly what I needed today.

  26. Thank you Joy. I think you are taking the perfect balance of facing what’s happening in our world, and sprinkling it with a little escapism. I marched in DC yesterday and am, quite frankly, emotionally exhausted. So today, I’ll skip the political articles and earmark them for a different day. I don’t understand the complaints, just skip ahead folks, there are still plenty of fun and inspiring pieces that Joy always seems to find. Continue to be the light you are, Joy.

  27. Joy, I’m so glad you’ve managed to continue bring your authentic self to this space. Thanks for sharing meaningful and thought-provoking content with a respectful tone. And thanks for the escapism of food writing for the rest of the week ;)

  28. Joy, thank you again for an amazing” Sunday” post. I’m kind of kicking myself for not taking the day off yesterday to March here in SF. My sister and nephew went to the March in DC, that was her birthday present to herself. I’ve been trying to limit my media, but have been glued to it this week. I wept my eyes out looking at the March pictures from all over the world and the piece on President Obama. Again, no matter your political views, we are talking about what matters to us as human beings. Enjoying the rest of the post now, I got a bit side tracked……..????

  29. I’ve read your blog forever, and fangirled from afar, but, have never commented. Just wanted to say, after reading this particular entry, I am even happier to be a huge fan of yours. As you said earlier, these are important times. Thanks for the sisterly inspiration, I will check out the links as I wait for Red Velvet cupcakes to finish baking.

    #marchon #bakeon

    <3 Michelle

  30. I love your Let it be Sunday posts. I to learn something every week from reading and look forward to. I especially liked the one about the letters today. It is your blog say what you want I will keep reading.

  31. Joy: I really admire your willingness to put yourself at risk to further fact-based journalism and truth, as well as delicious recipes. Thank you for taking a stand. These are indeed important, paradigm-shifting times and living in a vacuum and pretending it isn’t happening, doesn’t help either side’s cause. I like my recipes with a side of truth. Keep spreading the love to all (as you already do) and rock on, boss lady!

  32. Joy, I wish you continued great success in all your endeavors! You truly are a gifted writer, photographer, and baker/cook … in equal measure! I’ve enjoyed your weekly blog – Let it be Sunday, and I also follow you on Pinterest.
    I will continue to follow you on Pinterest but will be taking a break from the Sunday blogs. I’m not sure why I’m even commenting rather than just unsubscribing. I’m certainly not criticizing or complaining! You have every right to express your views and to support what speaks to your heart and conscience … and you always do so with good humor and respect,
    I suppose I’m just weary of the turmoil. At 62 years of age I’ve been through many presidential transitions and all that goes with that. And so … I am exercising my option to read romance novels, have another cuppa, sneak some fudge, and hang out with my dogs … hahaha!
    See you on Pinterest! <3

  33. Scary thing about Prez Trump (a term I thought I’d never use for him, but he is..), is he doesn’t seem to KNOW he’s lying and neither does anyone else around him! It’s like they are all blind..it’s going to be a long scary 4 years…when I woke up and realized the Obamas were on vacation a feeling of being alone came over me…I never felt that before

  34. Thanks for the honest thoughts on what is happening in our world. The Women marches are just wonderful. We also need to read the real news and not what is posted on twitter. I worry when a spokesperson talks about “alternative facts”. Facts are facts! Trying to make the news media irrelevant is not something we can allow. It is a mainstay of our Democracy.

  35. I for one subscribed to your blog as you had a very interesting writing style and great photos. I have seen a dramatic increase in your writing on politics and less on food and for that I will be unsubscribing today.

    1. I write about my thoughts on the world once a week, on Sundays. I don’t intersperse my views into food and recipe posts. I’m proud of the space and community we’ve all created here and to you, peace out!

      1. I’ve been reading your blogs for years and I don’t see that dramatic increase, but hey, to each her/his own! I, for one, appreciate that you use your space not only for delicious food, but also to speak your mind. Your Sunday posts are a favourite part of the day – I always read something that inspires me/makes me think/gives me a new perspective, and for that I’m grateful. And because I love you (can you say that on the internet and not be creepy?), I’ve pre-ordered your book.

    2. Hmmm. Surely Sunday is the only day where this blog isn’t food/lifestyle related? So many food blogs written by females lean towards being slightly ditzy and it’s refreshing to see some commentary around topical things that really matter. I for one will take that over being forced to partake of a hundred near-identical pictures of a two year old’s birthday cake. I think it’s sad when people take umbrage at others simply because their politics don’t align. It is all relevant, even if you don’t agree.

  36. My thoughts as I eagerly typed in joy the baker.com just now, “wow what an interesting week, I can’t wait to see what joy has to say. She’s so culturally relevant.”
    Just thought you should know. We love love you. And I’m sooooo coming to a bake shop event sometime this year. I’m just 3 hours north in Mississippi. Count on it.

  37. So glad you enjoyed your visit to Birmingham! The food scene here is pretty awesome, which I think surprises many out of towners. I always enjoy your Sunday recap and links!

  38. Marched in Pittsburgh and was so proud and inspired by all these amazing women and men. Grandma’s, teenagers, kids in strollers – it gave me courage after Black Friday. Folks – Dump the twitter and read the news – stay informed – be engaged – support one or more of the many organizations threatened. Thanks for your posts, Joy!

  39. One of our Airbnb guests (we serve dinner as well as breakfast) told me about your blog. What a gift. I’m 73 (which is young where I live; my mother is 103)…and went through the past two years in anger, last Friday in a cloud of fear, and marched yesterday with 2,500 other people in our tiny, rural county in northern California–and came home renewed and full of love and strength. What a delight to read your post this morning! And now to chilaquiles frittata. Thank you.

  40. Saw those pictures earlier this morning. I know people who went to DC. Los Angeles, and Santa Rosa, CA. With I could have gone, but plan to do what Michael Moore said and join something.
    Letters to Obama are heartbreaking. Don’t think new guy cares much about anything that doesn’t agree with him or praise him. 3years 11 days 9 hours till we can get him out.

  41. Thank you for sharing the post about letters written to Obama. I am going to share parts of it with my students to show that letter writing does matter and can make your voice heard.

    As well, I just pre-ordered your new cookbook! I decided to treat myself and I have never pre-ordered a book in my life so you have the honour of being the first. Can’t wait to receive it in the mail.

  42. How funny! You post only the comments that are in line with your political views – I see you did not post mine.

    1. Chill out, Mary. See the deal is, if you don’t comment often, the comments go into a queue where I read and approve them before they show up on the site. This is just to ensure my site doesn’t get bogged down with spam. Ok. We cool? Express yo-self.

  43. Joy, I’ve always loved your recipes and how sunny your blog is. I love you so much more now for taking a stand. I would have understood if you hadn’t, if you refrained from possibly alienating part of your readership, but I admire you so much for being clear and drawing lines at a time when muddling the truth just pushes us deeper down and farther back.

  44. Joy,
    As these other readers have already stated, I wake up on Sundays eager to read these posts. Thank you for curating this list of interesting, thoughtful, and varying links. And thank you for speaking truth and not shying away from difficult topics. As a single 30-something’s myself, much of what you write about life and cooking really resonates with me. And when you started sharing more openly about politics and social views I felt an even stronger kinship. This weekend has been hard and amazing all at the same time. We will stand and march and fight and not back down quietly.
    Love and hugs from Chicago!

  45. I always look forward to your Sunday posts. Thanks for always being open about your political views. I always admire what you have to say!

  46. Holy sh!t I can’t go ANYWHERE on the internet to see ANYTHING but politics! Facebook is ruined, any of the usual sites I frequent have devolved into vituperation and people tearing each other apart. And now, half of my “let it be Sunday”, that I normally read lazily with a cup of coffee before I’m fully awake, is political- grrrr. I understand there are important things happening in the world – but can there just be one place to go that doesn’t remind us all of the sh!tcan our country is becoming?

      1. If a blogger does not mention these times, I do not trust them anymore, no matter their position. These times are too important and if they just talk about wall colors and cakes and NEVER about the world around them, it feels false to me. We don’t have to agree, the blogger and I, but I like smart, informed women who READ and care.

    1. Tracy, I know how you feel and have tried to avoid it too, to some degree. But! History is being made, we are a country, a world in crisis. no matter your political views, this is and will affect everyone you know.

    2. If you’re in a position where you need reminding, you’re pretty comfy. Joy consistently posts political content on Sundays, things to be freely shared, a window into one woman’s inner life. Little of it involves vituperation — shock, dismay, grief, as well as hope, more like — and most of it is intellectually and ethically curious. If it confounds and annoys, it’s probably doing its job.

  47. Thank you for not shying away from the politics of basic human dignity, Joy. Gives me hope to see allies scattered throughout my fave internet people <3

  48. I’m SO glad I found your blog last year. It’s become the way I start my Sundays and something I look forward to all week. Thank you for being there and we love you too!!
    This blog will be a bright spot for me in 2017.

  49. Thank you so much for your weekly Sunday posts. I always learn something new or am inspired. I marched in Asheville, NC yesterday which gave me a voice for all my pent-up frustrations and anger.

  50. That one about the Presidential mail made me cry, cry, cry…granted I was already welling up from looking at ALL THOSE PICTURES of marches around the world. Thank you for sharing, Joy.

  51. I loved the comment from a marcher yesterday said was not a legit president. Really? She added that they will be checking the facts on everything Mr. Trump does. Maybe she should check the fact that he truly is president since he was accepted by the electoral college – which also legitimized Mr. Obama and previous presidents. The protesters who rioted, burned the limo, trashed small businesses in the area they protested is the reason Mr. Trump was elected. We are sick and tired of those who didn’t get their way and chose this form of showing their anger. GET OVER IT – all of you.

    1. Mary, actually not true, those rioters were plants, to shed a bad light on what was a peaceful loving show of solidarity all over the world. I think it’s interesting that the people who ” won” are so angry. Mr. trump needs to take this lesson also. If you are so right and everything is so great, than you have nothing to fear and nothing to defend. Actions speak louder that words. Mic drop.

    2. Umm I thought this was a blog about cooking and not political. Also why don’t you comment your views somewhere where people actually care about what you have to say. Saw how you “pressured” Joy into having to accept your comment. I don’t think her followers are interested in your point of view anyway. I’m definitely not!

    3. Mary, I fail to see how ‘getting over it’ means we simply shut up and accept what this man and his minions say to us, particularly when a lot of it is flat out untrue. As a good friend likes to say, don’t p— down my back and tell me it’s raining. And it is truly rich coming from folks like you who applauded the 8 years of doing everything in their power to do absolutely nothing. All just to spite another legitimately elected president, never mind the fact that we all paid them to do nothing but complain and whine. I truly enjoy Joy’s work, no matter what her political opinions, and I admire her willingness to put them out there for all of us to critique.

    4. Yesterday’s marches were overwhelmingly positive and peaceful, not some violent trashing of the country’s (and world’s) major cities. We will not GET OVER IT, we will continue to take action to fight for the rights we supposedly all have in this country. For many, the message was literally “LOVE trumps hate,” not “anger trumps hate.” I can’t think of a better initial display of unity and womanhood than this weekend’s marches, and there will be more. Some women actually believe in equality for all and will fight for it.

  52. I just noticed today the cover of your new cookbook – it looks amazing! I got it on pre-order – can’t wait!

  53. I just want to thank you for “Let it be Sunday” posts! I ABSOLUTELY them and I learn sooo much from them! It’s my Sunday ritual to grab my hot cocoa and start reading what precious posts you have found! Thank you so much for sharing! Greetings from Greece. xx

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