Ten Small Ways To Be Happy

We all need a little spark of a reminder sometimes.  A little confetti in the air.  A little whipped cream on top.  A little something-something.  Here are ten small and simple ways to be happy in any given day.  When all else fails- champagne for breakfast and doughnuts for dessert.  

1  โ€ข  Do a chore that you’ve been putting off and immediately TREAT YOURSELF.  Maybe a door needs replacing or a floor needs deep cleaning or all the laundry needs putting away.  If this is the case, your house is exactly like my house and let’s take care of business and treat ourselves to watermelon and margaritas and chocolate bars. (amen amen amen)  

2  โ€ข  Give yourself a pep talk.  It could start as simple as this and then evolve into watching some of the best clips from The Office, here… before you remind yourself that you’re great and everything is going to be damn fine because you’re going to make it so.  

3  โ€ข  Exercise until you’re out of breath and exhausted. This might take you seven minutes or thirty seven- but get to the third or fourth time your mind is trying to talk yourself out of doing what you’re doing before you stop because these bodies are stronger than our brains would have us think.  

4  โ€ข  Don’t hold on too tight anything.  See: mistakes, victories, loves, not-loves, insecurities, surety.  Go easy and keep it loose.  Yoga helps.  Yoga breathing helps, if you’re not down with the triangle poses and down dogs.  

5  โ€ข  Have a sandwich for dinner.  Making a good sandwich for yourself is a meditation and a belly-satisfaction.  You might consider this: The Best BLT Sandwich.  

6  โ€ข  Use a new soap in the shower.  It’s incredible how a new fragrance can liven the mind.

7  โ€ข  I dream it / I work hard/ I grind till I own it.  Don’t forget your inherent slaying in just doing your dang thing everyday, OK!? 

8  โ€ข  Write down why you’re grateful for a few folks in your life- call and tell them what you think without any expectations.  It feels good to make people feel good and very often we don’t say the things we mean to say to one another. Our girl Tracy taught us how to make a gratitude journal just last week. 

9  โ€ข  Remember that Sheryl Crow had it super right when she said ‘everyday is a winding road‘ and that was even before she met Lance Armstrong so really she must know a lot. 

10  โ€ข  Try banana bread.  The smell alone will help, plus you made something from scratch, plus you’re not wasting old, well-intentioned bananas.  

You’re a precious gem and thank goodness we’re in this together.  

Enjoy this day, ok?

xo Joy

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I Made This


74 Responses

  1. Couldn’t agree more about banana bread! There’s something so comforting about it – it’s often a go-to recipe to make when I’m stressed!

  2. i appreciate you for reminding me that happiness can be something simple and small. love you, mean it. xo – j

  3. I never post on blogs but I really needed this post this week. I truly enjoy your blog/IG because it’s so real and I hope you continue to keep it this way. Thanks for being so real.

  4. Few things make me happier than eating with friends. Preferably a potluck meal, where everyone brings something to share.
    Project Potluck (https://www.projectpotluck.net ) was created over the last few days by food blogger Julie van Rosendaal of Dinner With Julie and her friend Brooke in response to the recent wash of horrible events in places from Charlottesville to Barcelona. Here’s some catchphrases they came up with: “Don’t build a higher wall…build a longer table.” And, “Love Wins…And Brings Pie” .

    Look, when we eat together, the differences between us can’t help but start to get smaller.

    So, maybe have a potluck and invite your neighbours…preferably some with a different background than yourself. Bring pie. Or, whatever you can. Take a few pictures & post with these hashtags: #projectpotluck #comeasyouare

    We are all in this together. Right?!

  5. Get a dog ! Foster a cat! Volunteer at an animal shelter! STAND OUTSIDE OF A DOG PARK AND STARE AT THE DOGS DOING DOG STUFF. Because they’ll do something charming, and you’ll be outside in the fresh air!

  6. Thank you for this, Joy! I’m also going to be buying myself some flowers, signing up to volunteer at my local animal rescue, and making some donations to them, too! Help yourself, help the world <3

  7. Thank you!! Looks like all many of us needed this..
    I like to take turn on loud dancing music and make too many waffles. Breakfast lunch and dinner waffles. Potato cheese waffles, oatmeal and brown sugar waffles, yup…singing and dancing and waffles.

  8. I am making a lovely blueberry peach pie!! It will be going in the oven sooooon! I looked your recipe up and then realized I had printed it a long time ago!! Thank you!!

  9. Thank you for writing this post, Joy! Currently live in LA and am considering a bday trip in Sept to your current city just b/c of your posts.

  10. Thank you, Joy! This ist wonderful – already made a BLT sandwich, baking Banana Bread is next. And yoga breathing – definitely.

  11. Yes to all of this! Another one that’s making me happy lately: massage my body with a niiice oil after showering. It only takes a few minutes but the payoff is huge (at least for me).

  12. Thank you Joy for this little piece of brightness in such a dark time. May I add 1) spending time with your animal (if you have one) and 2) the idea that touching earth helps? Like walk in the grass barefoot or garden with your bare hands- it’s proven to recharge you and draw away emotional toxins. Also,3) WINE.

  13. Thanks you for sharing as I needed this today, well everyday! I like what Meg said, we need a reminder to enjoy life and be grateful everyday. I love your cookbooks, just sitting and reading them is a pleasure even if I don’t bake anything. I am also grateful that all your recipes are not only delicious but I can actually read the ingredients with these tired eyes and don’t have to get out the magnifying glass, thank you for that! Have a great day one and all!

  14. Thank you, Joy. I’m in the middle of a difficult season in life, and this came on a morning that I desperately needed it. Love and hugs.

  15. This is so good. I recently bought some new handmade soap at the farmer’s market and it is literally a breath of fresh air every morning. Love you Joy!

  16. Great ideas! Thanks. Might I add something I just did that makes me happy? I hung a Hummingbird feeder near my balcony. Such amazing creatures to watch and so entertaining too. Helps me to de-stress and maybe I am helping them also.
    Best to you and all you do.

    1. How lovely. I live in Australia and for some reason watching hummingbirds is way up there on my bucket-list. I envy you!

  17. Love this! I have a space in my Reminders app on my phone that says “Break the Glass” and any time I see a quote or idea that gives me a lift, I jot it down there. Here’s one I like from Jenny Slate: “Within something really small can be something that is complete and that doesn’t need to be sized up in any way. I love little beating hearts. I love that they beat just as strongly as big ones. I am fascinated by things that could be crushed but continue to keep on going because I feel like that as well.”

  18. For your consideration, 11: Roll down the windows in your car. Put on your favorite song, regardless of how embarrassed you may be admitting that it’s your favorite song. Turn the volume up, and sing along very loudly and animatedly. Bonus: someone driving by will see you and be amused by your vivacious spirit and maybe feel a little happier themselves.

      1. Perfectly said….I had to give myself a pep talk today on the way to work…everything will be damn fine. Reminded myself I have been thru things some could not imagine and that has made me who I am. Always believe in yourself even on those dark days

    1. PAULA! Yes. Now you gotta tell me your song… mine is “She is Beautiful” by Andrew WK. I always end up laughing until I shriek like a little girl again.

    2. While stuck in traffic on a hot Phoenix morning, I made a semi-trucker’s day by jammin’ out to my favorite INXS song! He was smiling & laughing, then gave me the air horn honk & a big thumbs up!

    3. Yes! This is one of my very favorite acts to do, and to witness. Instant happiness to drive up in someone belting their heart out! :-)

  19. This is the stuff I live by. Run until you cannot anymore. Love on those close to you, especially in today’s climate. Baking/cooking is so much therapy for the heart and soul, and even better when shared with others. It’s the only way to survive in this world we have created.

  20. Re #1: check out the Savvy Psychologist podcast about “9 reasons you can’t focus.” Great advice.
    Re #3: absolutely!
    Re #11, for Seana: I also hate bananas, but carrots, zucchini or beets work great in these kinds of breads. They really make them nice and moist, and add some vitamins to boot.

  21. Love the list. Might pick strawberry bread instead of banana bread since I don’t like bananas:) I particularly like the idea of finally tackling a chore you’ve been procrastinating. It really feels so good to finally get it done!

  22. A lovely list! I was just thinking I might make banana bread today! And I made from-scratch pancakes with precious (I live abroad) maple syrup for breakfast- yum! Today is a day for “me” before the school year starts in again and I’m busy all the time (yay for teaching!).

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