Let It Be Sunday, 139!

Hello friends!  Welcome to another Sunday.  Good grief we’ve earned it.  

I hope this finds you happy and well, with a few minutes to click open some links to read today and through the week.  This marks the 139th installment of Let It Be Sunday posts!  While they’re my favorite to write, I’m thinking I’ll only keep a few editions up at a time… meaning that I’m going to go back and archive all of the past installments.  I don’t think you’ll mind too much, but if you’re someone that goes way back to read old editions of this post will you let me know?  

This past week I spent a few days in New York for work.  I stayed very near the water in Brooklyn and it was such a nice reminder that the pace of New York can be something other than totally mad-dash crazy.  It was a really lovely experience.

Like most every other, this week had its fair share of mind-numbing tweets (now longer, for our pleasure), uncertainty, and surprise.  Here’s one very light interpretation of light news, Fiona Apple, and hair bows.  

 This is important and we need to pay attention.  One Day In The Life of Battered Puerto Rico.  We’re all just people in the world and their tragedy is ours.  Here’s where we can help

 Our friend Colu went on a lovely trip and this is it:  A trip to Greenland

 Let’s read about loneliness:  Work and the Loneliness Epidemic.  We’ve got to help each other. 

 There’s a short documentary you have to watch on Netflix.  True crime meets Larry David: Long Shot.  

 A very thoughtful and comprehensive explanation of why women lose their shit sometimes – we do the emotional labor necessary to keep all of life sustained.  All of it.  Not even an exaggeration.  Women Aren’t Nags – We’re Just Fed Up

 Let’s please take a moment to recall that Fiona Apple had it right from jump-street.  Exhibit A:  Fast As You Can. Exhibit B: Fiona Apple’s MTV Award Speech.  

 It is time to make our own spice:  Pumpkin Pie Spice.  

 Podcast Talk!  I love reality television and love a podcast to talk to me about it.  It’s not even a guilty pleasure.  I’m just all the way in.  New to me podcasts:  Bitch Sesh (a lot of Kardashian and Housewives talk).  New to all of us: our girl Whitney A has new podcast called Reality Reality.

 I tried my first Rent the Runway this week in New York.  I had two dresses delivered to my hotel and returned from my hotel and I would say it was a great success!  I didn’t have to worry about wearing a tired-ass dress and I didn’t have to pack as much.  Now I’m curious about this Rent the Runway Unlimited.  Have any of you dipped a toe in the water? 

 Ladies, just read this real quick and think about who we are / where we are:  “What hath my conceit wrought but ruin as I sit naked and discomfited upon this most unclean privy.”  

 This is a really great 12 minute yoga flow.  Plus you get to hear the ocean in the background.  

 Filed under The Best Thing I Bought At LaGuardia Airport This Week is this chocolate: Blissfully Better Crunchy Quinoa Toffee Thins.  These gems were like a beacon in the night. 

 I feel like we could make big romantic bows like this for our necks and hair this Autumn: silk bow barrettes.  

Thank you for letting me keep it on the lighter side.  

My love to you this Sunday.

xo Joy

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48 Responses

  1. JOY! Sorry to shout, just got a little excited. I’m working my way back through all your LIBS’s. I need more time. Since I know very little about what archiving actually means (do they go away forever?), please don’t be hasty. I love reading LIBS! Over Easy is awesome! Keep up the goodness!

  2. Love rent the runway unlimited. It has been a game changer for work and fun outfits for dates/going out. I’m able to branch out and try new clothes plus designer clothes fit and fall better on your body. It has also stopped me from shopping which is a bonus. Can’t recommend it enough.

  3. Love this post, Joy! Also, thanks for the podcast recommendations! I just got into podcasts and I can’t stop talking about Ear Hustle. It’s a collaboration between Earlonne Woods and Antwan Williams both currently incarcerated at San Quentin State Prison and Nigel Poor, a prison volunteer and visual artist. The show is produced and recorded inside the prison’s media lab and gives listeners a look at what life is really like on the inside. It also gives inmates an opportunity to share their stories.
    I just listened to the episode, The SHU. In the episode, four men who spent between 8 and 28 years in solitary confinement share their memories of that time.
    It’s so eye-opening, necessary, moving, and witty!

    I can’t wait to check out the rest of your links!

  4. I always say I will go back and read old installments, since I am late to the Let it Be Sunday train. ;) But, I totally understand if you want to clean up the blog and archive these posts. Thanks so much for sharing, I really do look forward to reading through these each week!

  5. Thank you so much for all you do. I regularly use your recipes and read this Sunday post every week. I appreciate all you lay out for folks. I have wondered several times, how on earth does she stay so dang in shape? Seriously, with all the things you post and bake and cook- you look DANG good girl. Would you ever consider sharing your routine or thoughts on being a recipe developer and a total babe?

  6. When I first discovered your “Let It Be Sunday,” blog, I spent a delicious amount of time reading previous LIBS and many of the articles linked in those blogs. It was a lovely (long) morning. I vote for keeping them on your site so some lucky person can have the same experience.

  7. I love Fiona! And it is always comforting to jump back into her music. She’s such a beautiful wordsmith sometimes it’ll be years before I realize how cleaver a line is!
    On old posts, I do sometimes go looking for something that I read some time ago because I wanted to give it a second look. I don’t know if that informs your decision to archive or not.
    Thanks so much for you’re Let it be Sunday Posts (and your other posts) they always broaden the scope of what I am considering in some way.

  8. I need to know where you stayed in NY because I never have that experience when I go. My money is gone as soon as I walk out the door and I feel like I running behind no matter how early I start!

  9. Thank you for this Let it be Sunday but especially for the Women Aren’t Nags – We’re Just Fed Up article. I feel exactly like this woman!!!!!

  10. I went through a long period where I missed a lot of your posts and I’m still working on going through them! But I won’t expect you to leave them all up for me :)

  11. Sometimes I save this to read monday morning, because sometimes after the weekend I need something good to read to start off the week. I really liked a lot of the articles this week, and I have to 100% agree on those satin bows. I need at least one (in every color imaginable).

  12. My Sunday was going to consist of laundry and past episodes of Curb while I folded and prepared for the new season premiere. Instead, I woke up and scanned IG Stories and saw pumpkin bread and heard Fiona Apple in the background.. I was immediately transported to my days of angsty posts on Livejournal while blasting Fiona. I made pumpkin bread and listened to Tidal and When the Pawn…

    I will get to my laundry this week… maybe.

    Thank you, Joy. <3

  13. I love Adriene! I’ve been doing her videos for years (though probably not as often as I should be). :)
    Happy Sunday to you Joy!

  14. I am on my second month of RTR Unlimited – overall I really like it, but the shipping time / turnaround time until your next delivery can be frustrating. I live in NYC so when I ship something back it usually arrives to their NJ warehouse the next day, and if I place my order for 3 new items as soon as those spots open up on my account, those new items usually arrive within a day or two. BUT, I think if you live outside the NY/NJ area, you could lose up to a week (2-4 days for return shipping, 2-4 days to receive the new items) between shipments. That said, I love getting to try new items and wearing styles of clothing or designers that I wouldn’t normally buy for myself. I have definitely cut back on shopping and think it is a great alternative to “fast fashion,” and I save on laundry/dry cleaning because after you wear something, you just send it back! They offer 20% off your first month, so if you’re curious, I say go for it! You can cancel anytime. Not sure I’ll do it forever, but I’ve enjoyed it so far!

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughts Sarah! I’ve been thinking about that shipping time. They say within 7 days which nowadays is not actually fast at all. Thank you!

  15. “Unpaid Emotional Labor”…Oh boy (no pun intended)…did that resonate! I do “stuff” all the time, not needing any acknowledgement, but “noticing” and “thanking” and “flattery” (great job!) seem to be expected all the time from the other side! It IS emotionally exhausting! It is almost a deal breaker and yet they can’t seem to understand why, can’t seem to wrap their heads around REAL equality! Not needing to be asked…just DOING! “We’ve come a long way, baby”…but hardly far enough! Thank you for finally articulating what I have been feeling for far too long.

  16. I look so forward to these posts and your insta stories- especially when you bake bread to Fiona. Which album were you listening to?

  17. Who actually sits on a dirty public toilet? Or lets her clothing pool on the dirty floor? Likeeveyone ekse I’ve had desoerate times but even going in a hole in the ground in an Italian village neither flesh nor clothing made contact. Yuck!

  18. Does nobody else just leave their romper on and do the side-swipe when they have to pee in a romper? After a little practice, I promise you don’t ever pee on yourself… try it at home first!

  19. Just watched Long Shot. That was a true miracle. Frightening to think how many people don’t get this lucky and are wrongly accused and jailed (or worse). Regarding old posts, I have been known to go searching for stories or recommendations from you. It would be great to still be able to do that but I do understand if it is a pain or cumbersome to maintain/store. Thanks.

  20. Actually there is one post I would like to look at. It was called ,”The Neurotic’s Guide to Eating,” or something like that. It made an impact on me. I know many of your readers don’t believe in global warming but when I read about cows’ methane contributing to greenhouse gases I decided to cut back on beef and dairy. I realize that cattle can live on land not suitable for farming and that dairy farmers are facing hard times. I’m not against cows. I think we should pay more for dairy. And I quickly decided that I would allow dairy for desserts. We only have them on special occasions, right? It is harder than it sounds to omit dairy. No Greek yogurt for lunch or milk with my granola (almond milk tastes like water). I don’t say anything if a friend or my husband serves beef or dairy. They’re not impinging on a religion.

  21. I’ve been such a huge fan of Fiona ever since her first album came out…got them all and love them all. Wish she hadn’t disappeared but she’s probably doing just fine.

  22. Women Aren’t Nags hit me right in the gut, articulating what I have never been able to fully convey to my enlightened, pro women, hands on husband. Emotional Labor. Exactly! I appreciate knowing that I’m not alone in those feelings, frustrations, and sometimes overwhelming mental load.

    1. It was a very well written article. And, like the author, I know my husband would not understand a word of it. :-(

  23. Yoga with adriene + joy the baker = my favorite internet people. Yoga and making some brunch recipes from your cookbook are my Sunday plans!

  24. That was my first and only thought when the romper made its appearance. I grew up only wearing one-piece swimming suits, so the whole ordeal of going to the bathroom is fresh in my mind. Ladies, why would you do this to yourselves? Thank God for the tankini….

  25. I always look forward to your Sunday posts, but I have to thank you especially for today’s. You got me out of bed doing a beautiful yoga flow, and I feel so much better for it. Thanks for sharing (and wow, thanks to Adriene for being the best yoga YouTuber)!

  26. I love your Sunday newsletter! But when you say old editions, what do you mean by old? Sometimes I’ll miss one and look at it several weeks later (although I’m getting better at catching up!)

  27. Thank YOU! Thank YOU! Reading your “let it be Sunday” posts while I nosh on my breakfast is the best part of my Sunday morning. I always learn something, and more importantly, feel something (joy, empathy, sadness, inspiration…) from reading or viewing the suggested articles and links. This week’s suggestions were particularly powerful.

  28. Hi Joy! I sometimes like to go back and read your old “Let it be Sunday” posts, and I would love to continue doing that :) I really enjoy them, so thank you! Love from Spain

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