This post could also be entitled:
Can’t Bake Now… I’m on the I-5.
Joy the Driver and Lauren the Snack Coordinator
Joy the Baker eats 6 pounds of Chex Mix between San Francisco and Portland
or simply… Joy the Baker moves her sister from Los Angeles to Seattle in a Budget moving truck creatively nicknamed Budgie.
It’s early Tuesday morning. My Mom makes Lauren pose with her moving truck. That’s not weird, right? Not weird at all.
The I-5 between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Green, trees, produce and trucks.
This is a picture of my sister driving. Let me tell you why this picture is a small miracle.
See, my sister just learned how to drive last week. She got her license… last week. She’s 26. She was afraid to drive until… last week. And now… here she is driving a moving truck at 80 miles an hour down the highway.
I told her to slow down. I told her to calm down. I told her that there was no room to screw up. I don’t think that helped.
I snapped the picture during the whole 20 minutes that I let my sister drive between Los Angeles and Seattle. It’s not that she’s a bad driver. It’s more that I’m kinda a control freak when it comes to things like… my life and living.
I may not have let my sister drive, but I sure did let (make) her pump all of the gas. Not her favorite part. Fact.
We stopped at Shasta Lake in Northern California to stand still and look at water and mountains.
A self portrait seemed like a good idea. All we got was bush and blurry eyebrows.
We parked Budgie illegally. We kinda just stopped her on the side of the road. That’s cool, right?
A cool 10 minutes beyond the sunshine of Shasta Lake we hit the snow. We hit it hard. Driving through the snow stressed out my Southern California self. This was deeply disturbing to me.
Lauren made me pull over so that she could jump around in the snow. I was still stressed out until I saw her leaping, jumping and eventually falling into the snow. Cute. Super cute.
We finally made it to Seattle. I’d gone through a Costco size bag of Chex Mix, ungodly amounts of dried apricots… and there’s half of a strawberry cheesecake in the truck that I don’t want to talk about.
Somewhere just outside of Portland I put my cranky pants on. I was tired of driving. I was tired of having to eat Chex Mix to stay awake, and I just wanted to be in the Seattle to drink the cup of coffee that I’d been waiting days and days for.
We made it. Thank heavens. This is the view from my sister’s apartment.
And then I took my cranky pants off, because I turned around and saw this face. The darling face of my darling little sister standing in her very first apartment on the very first day in her new city. I’m lucky to have been able to share this journey with her. Sisters are friends forever… that’s what we tell each other… because it’s true.
Then… we unpacked the truck. It had its obscene moments.
To make up for those obscene moments, my sister bought me a latte and a doughnut from Top Pot. Holy heck! This set my world right.
Sure I drove days and days to help my sister with her big move. But maybe… a tiny itsy bitsy part of me was in it for the Seattle coffee… I ain’t gonna lie.
142 Responses
Hi there! I could have sworn I’ve been to this site before but after browsing through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Nonetheless, I’m definitely glad I found it and I’ll be bookmarking and checking back often!
How precious!
Tell your sis good luck!
OMG!! You were right up on Capital Hill!!! I go to work right below the Pemco building at the Seattle Times!! I hope you stopped in at the Vivace coffee house near REI or up on Broadway! They’re the BEST!! :)
awww…. that’s so sweet that you have such a good relationship with your sister. I’m glad you got to take the trip with her. But holy heck! A week and she’s driving a big truck on the interstate. Your sister’s got guts. Or she’s just plumb crazy.
Crazy — my name is also Lauren (obviously) and your sister can’t live more than ten blocks away from me, based on that view. Small world!!
What a sweet post, and what a brave sister you have!
You must go to Bakery Nouveau in West Seattle. The most amazing baguette you have ever had – promise. Plus the pastries – my fave is the twice-baked almond croissant. And the espresso is great too. You’ll be in baker heaven.
Also, Verite for cupcakes and more coffee. I mean, you can’t leave your sister in a strange new town with no idea where to get sugar and caffeine, right?
What a fun trip! Top Pot in the break room is the only reason my husband will agree to work on Saturdays. They’re hand forged :)
Welcome to OZ
You make me smile :-)
What a great adventure to share as sisters! Cute family resemblance:)
Soooo nice of you to help your sister move to my fair emerald city (I guess I don’t own it…but, you know). Perhaps I can advise your sister to invest in a sun lamp? It is dark up here and sun lovers (myself) and those that were raised with sun excess (you socal types) tend to need the extra boost.
Cute! My older sister helped me move up-country too…only we were in one of those awful yellow Penske trucks.
It’s so odd to see an interstate sign with a 5 that doesn’t have a 9 tacked on before it :)
Glad ya’ll made it! I took much of the same drive on I-5 when we moved from Phoenix to Seattle a couple years ago. Your sister has an awesome view from her apartment, I’m jealous! Good for her! And the coffee, yes, is great.
Hope your sister enjoys Seattle! I’ve never been, but my best friend is moving there in a few months. I’m going to miss her (We live in Florida!) and I won’t be able to visit often, so enjoy!
Welcome to our beautiful city!
Top pot is awesome but you should check out espresso Vivace for a killer cuppa love. Looks like fun! Thanks for sharing your fun journey!
What a fun adventure you had with your sister! By the way, my mum would have made me stand in front of the moving truck for a photo, too. It’s what mums do.
I’m so jealous! Road trips are great, and I wish I could take one.
By the way, I LOVE your blog. It always makes me smile.
Joy, I hop over to your blog for all the wonderful recipes you share with us. But this post is amazing! I love that “sisters are friends forever”. I don’t have a sister but my daughters have each other and this kind of sisterly love and friendship (with the crankiness, why not!) is what I hope they’ll always have. Thanks for sharing!
I did the same exact drive in December with my brother. The pass in southern Oregon was raining cats and dogs! I would have welcomed snow I think. I was cranky in Portland too because of those confusing curvy highways. Way to go driving all the way, me and my brother switched every few hours!
Little sis is adorable playing in the snow! This reminds me of my older sister taking me to view my very first (and very teeny tiny/cave like) apt in nyc.
I’m shocked and feeling pathetic that I am still at the age of 28 terrified of driving. (I’m a New Yorker with no need for a car, really.) I took lessons when I was 19 and nearly gave the instructor a heart attack with my lack of skills…oh and I almost hit a mailman. Can I please have some insight from Lauren regarding getting over this fear?
Welcome to my hometown, I hope your sister enjoys her time here!
Absolutely adore SEATTLE! I haven’t read all the replies or comments here, but if you haven’t already, you’ve got to go to Pike’s and take the ferry across to the island. Oh..and there’s a great pianist there on the weekends down by the fish market. His last name is Hahn. He had a great CD. And don’t forget to check out the first Starbucks. Maybe not your cup of tea(coffee), but it was fun. And make sure you have dinner at the top of the Needle.
Have a marvelous ‘sister’ time!:-)
You are both adorable! Great pics and story about your adventure together. Thanks for sharing!
Loved your pictures and story. Never been to CA, never been to Seattle!
if you’re still in seattle and looking for amazing coffee, you must try a cafe caramel from espresso vivace! or a cafe nico, or a white velvet, or anything they make, really.
Well if she needs someone her age to hang out with in Seattle, she is more then welcome to contact me :)
Love the road trip post and pics! You two are a couple of awesomely cute sisters! Safe travels to you, Joy, back to CA but have fun while you’re here in Seattle. And nice view from Lauren’s new apartment!
This story made me laugh. Thank you for sharing!
You two are just cute as buttons. I have never been to CA or WA…those are places I would love to see one day.
Super jealous of your sister’s new view! As a Seattleite welcome to our fabulous city. We’ve made a few cross-country moves ourselves and I know well how tiring and stressful they can be. Glad to hear you made it alive and well! Oh…and Top Pot is awesome.
Love this post… I still treasure the funny memories of the crazy, round-the-country trip my little sis and I drove together over 10 years ago, and this brought it back. :) and love love love that your dad commented! What a sweet family you have.
Joy – Oh how your post made me wish I had a sister, and made me so grateful for my two little girls. I hope my sweet babies are best friends forever! How lucky you sisters are to have each other.
Thank you, as always, for writing such thoughtful posts.
Sisters are great aren’t they? That post made me want to call my sister. I think I will…right now….
Ohh that’s actually a lovely drive. I took a road trip last April traveling from Seattle (where I lived at the time) to San Luis Obispo, California and back with stops in the Redwoods, San Francisco for a couple of days, and the Sacramento area. Ahhh.. I wish I were doing that again this year.. but now I live in Austin!
Have fun while you’re in Seattle for a few days! It’s such a great city, lots of beauty, fun things to see and do and I’m glad you’ve already had Top Pot. Def go to pike place market and the downtown library if you haven’t been before. Ahh. thinking about the city makes me miss it..
This was a most endearing post to read Ms. Joy the Baker.. A wonderful memory for the two of you….and last but not comforting for your mom to know her girls were together on this road trip.Happy sigh!!
Joy: I love your blog, your recipes, your creative use of ingredients to create unexpected, fabulous desserts. Your chocolate cupcakes and frosting (w. Ovaltine) were the hit of my baby’s first birthday party. I love it all and most of all, I love how you describe your sister’s happiness in her new city, her new apartment and her new life and that you were there to share it with her. Sweeter than the finest dessert, in my opinion. I love to see my little brother’s happiness! What a great post!
I didn’t get my license until I was 23. I bought a craptastic car that broke down the next week when I tried to drive from Santa Barbara to Huntington Beach. I drove the repaired but still craptastic car to HB two weeks later and didn’t think it would make it up the hill in Camarillo.
Please tell me that your sister’s twenty minutes of driving was not over the Siskiyou summit.
This post makes me wish I had a little sister to guide along and to share such special times (and dangerously large bags of evil Chex Mix) with.
Your sister is lucky to have you. made me laugh and cry all within the few minutes it took me to read your blog! Amazing story! Loved the jumping in the snow photo. Since I just got back from having lunch with my two sisters before reading your post, it made my luncheon seem that much more special coz sisters ARE friends forever!!!
I absolutely LOVE this post! Grinned the whole way through. :-) I’m just north of your sister and well remember moving from California to Washington just a few short years ago. :-) I hope she settles in beautifully! You’re a luv for helping her. :-)
You are too cute! This makes me want to take a road trip with my sisters. I am lucky enought to have 2. :)
I miss my sister immensely right now.
sounds like a true adventure-the best kind. it’s more special when you experience it with someone you truly love. am I a bit jealous? yes. I love Seattle and haven’t been for 2 years, but it was great living vicariously through the two of you. :D
Try Le Pichet for breakfast (or really, at any time) if you are still there- it is absolutely wonderful!
Your sister is lucky to have you.
I totally get the cranky-pants-having-to-eat-to-stay-awake thing.
And the we’re-best-friends-forever-because-we’re-sisters- thing.
So good.
As an empty nester mom I can honestly say it is not one bit weird for your mother to want to take your sisters picture next to her moving van!! Just ask my children! They know. On second thought don’t remind them of all the pictures I made them let me take of them over the years! :o) Great story, thanks for sharing it.
This is so nice! My sister helped me move from LA to Portland last month. She can’t drive, so yeah, it was all me, all the time… that stretch from San Francisco to Portland is LONG. But it was a great experience, and it looks like you survived it too! I’m sure your sister is thrilled that she got to do it with you. I know I’m eternally grateful to mine for keeping me awake and carrying all the heavy boxes. I paid her back in delicious home cooking.
Yay, I’m so glad you guys made it safely! :)
ahhh. i love this post! it makes me want to take a road trip with my sister.
Looks like she lives right near me, I hope to run in to her at ‘The Lookout’ sometime. Seattle is wonderful, good luck to her!
It’s always hard when they leave home. I guess making her pose with the truck isn’t weird at all. It’s memory building with photos. I hope she loves Seattle. I lived there a while ago and the Downtown area is really nice.
oh yes, *happysigh*, worlds of awesome. i’m glad you two made it safely!
This post makes me wish I had a sister (Instead I have to contend with 2 younger brothers). Such love and happiness. Your sister is very brave to move and I hope she loves it there!
And look, the coffee is winking at you ;)
wow! your blog is just beautiful! I’ve been new to blogging and have been looking at tons of blogs in the past couple of weeks! Blogs like your make it very enjoyable! I really really am in awe of how nicely you put together a blog! If you have the time please come and check out my blog.
Your sister is not alone. I got my license when I was 28 and of the two other baking sisters, one got her license at 25 and one still doesn’t have it (she is 21). Sounds like a fun road trip!
I would swear I see the funny, crinkly face of a smiling man in that cup of latte! Good karma and great sister-friends! Safe travels home, Joy!
Haha!! You and your sis are super cute!! I did not learn to drive until I was 29 (I had major Drivers Ed trauma) and now I am a driving ninja so your sister is going to be amazing. And how brave is that, driving a UHaul as your first road trip adventure! Joy, thanks for all your funny posts and super recipes that make me so hungry =)
Your sis was scared to get her license but not scared to move a few states away!?! Bold girl! Great post! Sisters are just the best. I never go a day without feeling grateful for the one I’ve got, the times we’ve shared and the trouble we’ve caused.
Top Pot! They really do have fantastic doughnuts…we bought a dozen for Valentine’s Day. Yeah. Um, let’s not talk about that.
Super cute road trip :) And Seattle’s a lovely place…welcome :D
I love your stuff, but I’ve never worked up the nerve to comment ’til this post. It reminds me of all the awesome/horrible trips I’ve made with my family, all the best things about being sisters. Thanks for sharing your self as well as the best. recipes. ever. I’m speaking now especially of the the chocolate, chocolate banana bread, which I think changed my life forever.
Thanks for saying hi! It means a lot!
“It’s more that I’m kinda a control freak when it comes to things like… my life and living.”
we should be friends.
The idea of your mom taking a picture of your sister and her rental truck made me tear up just a little bit. My mom did the same thing when I moved to Austin, only it was me and my giant taurus that could hold everything I owned – which obviously didn’t include any furniture.
Just got home from work and read your post. Nice. Very, very nice. There’s a lot of love there, and humor. Mom and I were busting up. We’re relieved that you both made the trip safely and had so much fun along the way. I know that no thanks are necessary, nonetheless, Mom and I still want to thank you for helping your little sister with her move.
Welcome to our wonderful city!! She will love it here!! If you are a connoisseur of fine coffee…don’t forget to stop by both Top Pot (let’s be honest…this one is more for the donuts then the coffee) and Stump Coffee. By far one of the best cups of coffee I have EVER had. :)
Enjoy Seattle! Hopefully we’ll show you the sun today.
We do have the best coffee around…
Have a fabulous time in Seattle, it’s such a wonderful, gorgeous, amazing place. If you get a chance, take the ferry to Bainbridge Island (my hometown). You’ll get a spectacular view of Seattle, the Cascades, and, if you’re lucky, Mt. Rainier. Plus, downtown Bainbridge is adorable and has one of my favorite bakeries of all time — Blackbird Bakery. Enjoy the Northwest — it’s a special, special place. I moved away (to Boston) five years ago and miss it every day.
Welcome to Seattle, to both u and Lauren. i did a similar drive starting from San Fran, also in a Budget truck in the snow ;) glad u 2 made it safe.
Aww, how fun! Lots of us northwest readers, I see =) I live a little ways north of Seattle myself. I wish your sister the best as she starts out in a new city!
seriously? sweetest post… thank you for being. i love to see two sisters who love one another so much and having such a great time. all the best to your sister as she starts her new journey. :) great view btw! enjoy!
I agree 1000% with natalie’s comments about your post Joy. Since I can’t say it any better. I’ll just say ‘ditto’.
Tell your sister she’s not alone. I was scared/hated driving and didn’t get my license until I was 21 (or maybe older I can’t remember :)) I still hate driving but I have to in order to get from point a to point b. Looks like you’ve been having fun!
Hey Joy! On the way home swing by the awesome little coastal town of Arcata, CA and come to Los Bagels! We are a multi-cultuarl cafe that will knock your socks off! Jalapeno cheddar scones! Lime Corn Cookies! Fresh boiled and baked bagels…where else are you going to find a Jewish/Mexican bakery. Lunch or breakfast is ON US!!!!!
You will never forget this trip. It’s a big moment, a big memory, a big deal! It’s a moment you two will share for years to come, telling your grandkids about when you and their great aunt drove to Seattle in a budgie truck. *happysigh* The cranky pants will be long forgotten and only the good memories remain. Kinda like childbirth. Baby sis, moving out, moving on. So sweet. And YOU got to be part of that. So awesome.
Hahaha, I love the Cranky Pants part. When my sister and I drive to Cape Cod, it’s all Chex Mix and Chappelle stand-up until someone says something a little bit wrong. Then it’s just…silence. Cranky Sister Silence.
Congrats to your sister on her move. And Congrats to you both for surviving the trip!
My sisters have helped me move several times, and if it wasn’t them it was my best friend. Having someone to help can turn it from a nightmare into (kinda) fun. :)
And a latte is a very great reward.
I love driving through the Shasta area. With all its fingers, Shasta Lake never seems to end. But you know you’re getting to the mountain when you keep passing over lake, then lake again, then BOOM! the mountain is like right there next to the road. I love it. Glad you guys both made it safely.
Reading this post makes me miss my little sister in the worst way, and not just because she’s also in Portland while I’m out in DC. She’s actually my half-sister (same dad), so we never really grew up together. We lived in different states but somehow we ended up as best friends (never mind the 8-yr age difference). I would totally drop everything to fly out and drive a Budgie to help her make a move, so this post made me smile and cry at the same time. Don’t worry, that’s a good thing – it means I’ll call my sister in a couple of hours to catch up with her. :)
Oh, and the photography? Kick. Ass. AMAZING. I particularly love the pic of you in the rearview mirror. And the doughnut and the latte. I won’t lie, I’m heading out to the nearest coffee shop right now because I can’t get that image out of my head.
You guys are so cute! Looks like a fun trip :-) I’d do it for the coffee as well!
Lovely story-in-pics – like apparently everyone else who read this, I too teared up. What a beautiful relationship you have with your sister! Oh, you were a super-hero to let her drive, btw – whoa.
yes sisters rock. Where would we be without them? And as a little sister I must say big sisters are great at taking care of us and letting us get away with all sorts of things…although they can be kinda bossy at times too, but hey I guess they have that right after everything we put them through.
Pic of Lauren in the snow is beautiful, she looks so happy :)
This really made me think today. My sister is my best friend and I haven’t really considered that one day we may move apart. Makes me sad.
I really enjoyed your story.
All of you people are unbelievably sweet. Thank you for the lovely comments!
What a sweet post Joy! It brought tears to my eyes, in a good way. You sister looks like a very sweet girl. I bet you all will always remember this road trip, sounds like it was a tasty one!
I just burst out laughing when I read about your sister just getting your license. You see, both my fiance and I got our licenses one week…. yes, the same one week… before moving across country in a truck from Seattle to NY. Just looking at your pictures reminds me of our own move, how much I miss living in Seattle, and how much I’m not looking forward to driving back across country (this time to SoCal) in a few months. It all just made me smile. Such a beautiful post!
You comment totally made me laugh! Amazing! Make sure to shoot me an email when you get to Southern California!
Super sweet. Aren’t sisters the greatest? Thanks for even more insight into your life. I heart it.
best of wishes & dreams to your sister (& you!!)…
what a warm & loving post!
So sweet! Your sister IS darling.
I have been reading your blog for a few years now, and I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading it- really *reading* it. I subscribe to a lot of food blogs but I often skim the text because it’s just not that interesting. Yours is different- I love your voice, it sounds like I’m reading a letter from a friend. Anyway, thank you and keep posting. Your recipes are also awesome!
Thank you Amy! Your comment means a lot to me.
(singing)Sisters, lalalalalala:)I feel exactly the same way about my wee sister. She bought me some goodies recently from a place called Cakeboy – you definitely would have approved! Love your posts xxx
I agree, my sister is my best friend, and I’ve always helped her to move, although when she moved to Venice it was not that easy, because you have literally to carry everything yourself. Good exercise though.
Have fun in Seattle!
This post is so sweet !
I’ve a 26 year old little sister too and she’s my best friend.
Lauren and you are lucky to have each other !
Welcome to Seattle!
I moved here in a Budget truck as well! Mine was named Bridgette the Budget :) Glad to see the cool kids name our moving trucks.
Mmm … Top Pot. And now you can sit in L.A. dreaming of your little sis in Seattle and I can sit in Seattle dreaming of my little sis in L.A. One day we’ll get it all straightened out!
The pictures are beautiful. As is sisterhood. I wouldn’t trade my 2 sisters for the world…unless it was guaranteed to be full of dark chocolate Godiva on a daily basis for free.
Sellubg your sisters out for chocolate!? Bold move.
I always wished I had a sister, and now I really wish I had a sister. You and Lauren are lucky to have each other. Good luck to her in Seattle :-)
Joy! Can we meet? Please? I know you’re in capitol hill. I know it! I live right by that top pot. You are such a cool person and I can’t believe you’re right here! Wanna get coffee?? You should have a seattle joy the baker fan club coffee get together. That’d be rad.
You’ve found me out Dafna. I’m totally on Capitol Hill! Yes. Let’s meet for coffee tomorrow! That would be a hoot! Email me at joythebaker at gmail. Yay!
This is a very sweet post… I love it!
YAY for lake Shasta! LOVE IT!
I am also sooo excited that you got Top Pot!! that is THE BEST!
Your sister has an amazing apartment! hope you are having fun!
i am completely obsessed with anything and everything seattle. so happy for your sister that she gets to start a life there and lucky you that you get to visit!
sounds like a fun trip even if you were cranky at the end.
sisters are amazing.
i adore mine also!
I love bonding moments! And Top Pot. I’ve heard raves about Vivace, near the REI buidling for coffee. Thanks for letting us come along on your road trip!
Heck yea! I’m headed to Vivace for coffee tomorrow! Can’t wait!
What a sweet post.
I think I live as far South of the needle as your sis lives to the West…which sounds all stalker creepy OR very small world…which is how I meant it, promise.
Before you go home, go onto Broadway and Olive and have some yummy eats at Bleu Bistro smack dab in Capital Hill, a bar with seriously fantastic food. And their Raspberry Lemon Drops are pretty good too.
So many Seattle people around this blog! I should have planned a dinner! Dang! Let’s plan one for my next northwest visit!
PS-Orangette owns a gourmet pizza restaurant in Seattle you may want to stop by.
Joy, this is definitely a familiar stretch of freeway for me. Love the photos. Shasta is such a pretty area. You two are real troopers for powering through. What job did your sister get? Such an awesome city full of great food, shopping, art, nature, etc.
You’re brave. Even thinking about my sister moving makes my heart ache. The way you talk about your sister is exactly how I feel about my twin sis. I am glad you had a great road trip and your sis is glowing. I bet she is so excited!
I love this post!! Sisters are the best and I can tell that you and yours have a great relationship! This post made my night! I’m going to go call my sister now :)
I love Seattle, I’m from there too! Ironically, I have been in California for the last 3 weeks on business.
I wish I was there, I wanted to set you up with my friend!!! You’re just adorable!
very nice shots !
Oh these pictures are precious! Made me miss my sister!!
Oh Joy, if you get the chance, you should check out Espresso Vivace. I hear it’s excellent! I’m stuck way far away in West Texas, but I’ve always said I would drink some coffee at that place if I ever made it to Seattle!
Google David Schomer and Espresso Vivace. This guy is a coffee rockstar!
BTW. Your site is awesome. Your pictures are beautiful. Your creations are magnificent. I love it all. You rock.
I just walked by that coffee shop tonight! I’ll definitely go back for coffee in the morning!
Aw, I loved this post. I have a complicated relationship with my sister, but we have our moments when I’m so glad she’s around.
Awwww…makes me wish I had a sister (or any sibling for that matter). Being 38…I am willing to bet that it’s not gonna happen.
Be thankful for her everyday. :)
Awww… good big sister.
Awww, top pot doughnuts are the best! Came across them by accident the last time we were in Seattle. Love your road pictures and so special to spend time with your sister. I live right by the 5 in No. California, so you drove right by my house! Glad you made it safe.
Sisters are the best thing in the world, arent they?! ;) theres nobody and nothing i love more than my sister, she truely is the love of my life! nothing compares to that. this is such a lovely post, joy! :) made me kinda sad too though… because ill be moving to a different country this month and my sis wont be living with me anymore… she wont be there for my move either (wish i had a truck but all i get is a lousy 20kg on a plane!) and ill be missing out on her big milestone birthday. im living my dream though, its very bittersweet! :)
So I’ve got crazy curly hair kind of like your little sis. I wonder what product she uses in it? It looks great! :) Sry this ain’t a baking question. I’m always looking for something new to make my crazy hair look better!
I have made that drive before in the snow! What a looooong drive. Glad to hear you had each other to keep you sane!
ahh, i heart seattle … but then again, i live here.
and top pot?! hello! heaven in the form of dough. so, so good. welcome to seattle joy! hope your sister loves it here as much as the rest of us do!
Seattle is one of my favourite cities in the world. I hope to live there one day! Glad you both made it safely :)
This made me smile so big, my mom lives in Shasta Lake :) It looks like you guys had an awesome drive!!!! New things are exciting!
This post is really sweet. I’m not gonna lie. I teared up at the end. The shots of Shasta Lake are so beautiful. And that latte at the end looks divine! Glad you had an awesome sisterly road trip.
Sounds like an awesome road trip — thanks as always for sharing your lives with us. Your sister is going to love Seattle! Here are some good coffeeshops to check out:
Also, there are tons of great food trucks in Seattle. Like this one that’s shaped like a pig:
I SO would have let you stay the night at my house in Eugene and bake me breakfast.
Ah Seattle. I miss it so very much. But not as much as you’re going to miss your sister. Sweet post, Joy.
Yay! Joy thank you so much for posting that. I was at the edge of my seat the entire time of your journey hoping you get here safely. I love the pictures! Thank you for bringing my girl to me :)
This post brought tears to my eyes as I thought about my relationship with my sister and how we would have laughed and argued the entire drive up the I-5. In fact.. we have. We’re originally from Northern CA and live in Southern CA.
Thanks for being so genuine and authentic. You’re legit.
Love the post! So cute! Makes me wish I had a sister.. And pass this along to Lauren for me: I didn’t get my license until I was 25– two weeks before moving out on my own into my first apartment as well, so I’m right there with you! Although you’re doing much better than me. 3 years later and I still won’t drive on the highway. Glad you guys made it safe and best of luck in Seattle!
This. post. is. too. sweet. My eyes welled up at the photos and your sweet words about your sister. I wish I could have had that experience. I’ll never know how it is to have a true, full sibling. Someone you’ve grown up with and can count on as a friend. *sigh* Both of you are BEAUTIFUL inside and out. I love the photo of your sister in the snow and in the apartment. You can tell that the photographer truly loves the subject in the photo. *HUGS* I’m glad you two made it there safely.