Fact: I Made a Wedding Cake.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

Holy Smokes!  Would you look at that!  A finished wedding cake.

You’ve been here from the very beginning.  You’ve been here for the clay and the extracts.  You’ve seen the baking.  And now!?  Well dang…. I’m going to show you how I put the whole thing together.

It’s a long story.  I’m glad you’re here.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

First things first:  cake and frosting recipes for this three tiered 14-inch, 10-inch and 6-inch monster.

Chocolate Cake Recipe multiplied by four.

     *note*  Next time I’ll use a different chocolate cake recipe.  This cake, because it’s egg-less, didn’t have a firm enough crumb and was a little fussy to work with.

Vanilla Butter Cake Recipe multiplied by four.

     *note*  This cake baked up perfectly even and flat and was durable enough to hold up to flipping, flopping and frosting.

Whipped Vanilla Buttercream Recipe multiplied by a million (no… I think about twelve).  I needed a lot of frosting.

     *note*  I love this frosting recipe because it’s not too sweet.  It can, however, be a little funny to work with.  I had a batch seize up and break… so look out for that.  It’s also not the best frosting to use in super hot weather and does not hold food coloring.  Diva frosting.

Decorating Frosting Recipe

     *note*  The old stand-by.  Butter.  Powdered Sugar.  Milk and vanilla extract.  This frosting holds food coloring and can be further stabilized for hotter weather by substituting some vegetable shortening for some of the butter.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

White frosting.   Red frosting and two shades of willow green frosting.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

These are plastic dowels.  These little suckers are important.  They allow the heavy cakes to be stacked on top of one another.

Plastic dowels are cut to a height just slightly taller than the layered and frosted cake.  They’ll help disperse the weight of the cake layers.  Don’t try to stack cakes without them.  Disaster.

More on dowel measuring and cutting.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

I took a dowel and carefully shoved in down into the two layered frosted cake.  Easy, right?

Sort of.  There are two hard parts about doweling a cake:  cutting the dowel evenly and…. shoving a big plastic tube into your neatly frosted cake in the first place.  I kinda hate that part.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

I marked the dowel just above the frosting line with a Sharpie.  Not so tough.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

I removed the dowel from the cake.  Yes… there’s cake in there.  That’s ok.

I used a serrated knife to cut most of the way through the plastic dowel.  I used kitchen sheers to cut the rest of the way through and to even out the dowel as much as possible.

Use the dowel you just measured to cut the rest of the dowels for this cake layer….

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

then shove them all into the center of the cake so that the weight of the two cakes that will go on top of this guy will be evenly distributed.

For this 14-inch base cake I used five dowels.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

This is the 10-inch, center cake layer.  It has four dowels.  Yep.  On top of those four dowels will sit the top 6-inch cake tier.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

Cakes are layer and frosted.  I stuck dowels in them.  Cakes won’t be collapsing onto other cakes.

Now… decorating frosting.

I like to add two similar colors to the same piping bag.  It’s the hippie in me.  The two colors give whatever I’m piping a little more interest… and little more pizzazz.  That’s a lot of z.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

Using Nicole’s wedding invitation as inspiration… I practiced my decorating on the kitchen counter.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

And just like that we’ve gone from my kitchen counter to the wedding location.  That was easy, right?

What this picture doesn’t show you is how neurotically and carefully I boxed up the cakes, and:

a)  how slowly I was driving on the 101 freeway.

b)  how I tried to turn my car into a refrigerator by blasting the heck out of the air conditioning…. freezing my toes in the process.

c)  how I cranked up the hip hop to calm my nerves.

d)  how that didn’t work.

e)  how much I wanted a beer.  No… two beers.  And a shot of tequila.  And a taco.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

But I got there.  I did.  And I unboxed the cakes.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

I laid out my piping bags, some cleaning supplies and the spatula I used to stack the tiers on top of one another.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

I would loved to have shown you how I stacked this middle layer on the cake base… but I was using the two hands that God gave me and all of the luck and good wishes I could muster.

Let me just tell you that I shoved the (very sturdy) spatula under the middle later… said a prayer… let the middle cake tier hover over the larger cake bast… centered it over the dowels… and slowly lowered it down.  I then thanked Jesus and went about my business.

See that space in between the first and second tiers?  I want that there.  Not to worry… I’m going to cover it with a frosting border… but that little space will keep the frosting from the base layer from sticking to the bottom of the second tier.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

I put the third tier onto the cake using the same spatula and prayers I used for the middle tier.  I brought extra frosting along for a few touch-ups.  Handy.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

Are you still here?  Is this still fun?

Here I am 15 minutes before the ceremony… my hands shaking… trying to put the finishing touches on the cake.

Why didn’t I just do all of this decorating at home well before the ceremony?

Well… what if the design got futzed in the boxes on the way to the location site?  No good.  I didn’t want to have to deal with the corrections so I just did it all onsite… now you know.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

Two toned green trees.  Red hearts.  Precious.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

Almost too precious…. but don’t fight it.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

With the trees done, it’s time for the border.  Quickly please… it’s almost wedding time.

Ps-  The top I’m wearing is too low cut for a funeral but somehow not inappropriate for a wedding.  I did the research.  It’s all good.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

Here’s a peak of what was going on outside as I was finishing up the cake….  and I did finish up the cake….

Zach and Nicole's Wedding


Zach and Nicole's Wedding

This is my dear and darling friend Asher. He helped me unpack the cake, took all sorts of pictures and helped me calm my shaky hands.  I’m there in his glasses.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

Weddings are always so pretty.  How does that happen?

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

I love weddings for scenes like this.  Love and beauty… for everyone.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

Everyone takes pictures because everyone wants to remember all the love and beauty…

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

and the picture perfect couple.

Geez, I love you two.

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

And it’s all love and beauty…

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

even when it’s blurry and cake smashy…

Zach and Nicole's Wedding

because there’s cake kissing in the end.

And that’s the story of how I made a wedding cake for two people in love.

The End.

All Comments

I Made This


208 Responses

  1. It helped when you mentioned that frosting holds food coloring and can be stabilized for hotter weather. My cousin mentioned to me last night that he and his fiance are planning their desired wedding cake and asked if I have any idea what is the best addition to their options. Thanks to this informative article and I’ll be sure to tell them that it will be much better if they consult a professional wedding cake bakery as they are offering custom made cakes.

  2. Hi there,

    I’m making my first wedding cake, and I am a little nervous! The wedding is in topanga, which means I’ll be traveling up the 101 quite a bit, which is only one of the concerns. Just curious- do you have any helpful hints for traveling to the site? Did I mention that they want an all-buttercream cake and the wedding is outside at the end of May? Definitely nervous about the elements conspiring against me! Suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  3. Hi Joy! Quick questions…for each size cake pan, did you make 2 of each and stack them? Or just one of each, and then slice in half to insert frosting between the layers?

  4. So pretty! My son saw a picture of the bride and groom and he yelled “GIBSON!” lol
    When I first saw it, I thought it was Zach, too, but wasn’t sure. He confirmed it before I saw Pheobe’s comment with your reply. HAHA!
    Great blog!

  5. Joy,
    I fully intend on following this blog to make my own wedding cake, but since you said the chocolate cake was a little difficult to work with, do you have a suggestion for a better chocolate cake recipe? Thanks so much!

  6. Great blog!!! Glad I came across it…beautiful photos are a bonus with explanation. Thanks!!

  7. I wish I had found your blog earlier and read this post! I made a wedding cake back in September for a friend.. it was my first wedding cake ever and was totally nerve wracking. The bride had a lot of trust– I didn’t have a clue what I was doing! But it turned out pretty good I think (if you want to check it out, here’s the link: https://bakingandmylife.blogspot.com/2010/09/my-very-first-wedding-cake.html.Your) cake looks absolutely gorgeous.. and those clay toppers are so, so cute! I just recently found your blog, it’s awesome. You definitely have another follower in me :)

  8. This is so cute!
    Funny thing is that this fall I made a wedding cake of the exact same proportion with the same chocolate cake recipe (but I had to make vegan frosting. lame, I know.)

  9. That’s a beautiful cake! I am also making a wedding cake for a friend of a friend right now and I used your frosting recipe because it’s much quicker to make then a swiss meringue buttercream. I ended up cutting the sugar even more, adding a strawberry puree and some paste food coloring. It came out lovely. Diva frosting is a diva no more :D Thank you for the inspiration!

  10. I’m making my own wedding cake (for my January wedding) so this was actually super helpful! Did you leave each tier on a cake round or was it just cake?

  11. Wow that’s gorgeous! I just made a wedding cake, too … just last week! Mine was a bit more rustic than yours as I ran out of time to properly smooth out the buttercream (did my best) but I think the bride and groom liked it that way :) I love the piped detailing — definitely something I will keep in mind if (if? when) I do it again. ps: the transporting part I think is the most nerve-wracking, although the dowel/stacking thing was a bit scary as well … and yet, it always works! Congrats to you.

  12. All I could think about is “where is your apron?” as you are decorating the cake on-site with your good clothes on!!! I am addicted to aprons with pockets such a handy place to wipe your frosting covered hands. You are an inspiration! The cake is AMAZING! I can so relate to this entire story. I’ve done a few wedding cakes and it is stressful no matter what. Thank you for letting me know that I am not alone with the worries and nightmares.

  13. OMIGOD! I love this post. I love the cake! I too did my first wedding this weekend…photography, that is….aren’t weddings lovely? Thanks for being so fabulous Joy!

  14. the cake looks very good, while it is not soo big or so decorated like the typical wedding cakes but it got that touch of emotions and love needed for a wedding cake, very simple yet elegant

  15. I’ll be making two wedding’s worth of cupcakes in December. Your post has given me hope that anything is possible. Even when I have to transport one batch from St. Louis, MO to Estes Park, CO via rental car. May the wedding cake gods be merciful.

    You did an amazing job, Joy. So lovely. I wish I could commission you for my wedding in May. :)

  16. I have been commisioned to make my brothers wedding cake next May….my question is…

    Is this 1 14 inch, 2 10 inches, and 2 6 inch cakes?? 5 layers total??

  17. Hi Joy,

    I love love love your site! Check it religiously! The wedding cake is absolutely amazing!

    A quick question for you… i’m looking for a perfect basic vanilla cake recipe for cakes/cupcakes. I just tried the one you used for your cake, but found that when baked in cupcake for, it split over the edges of my cupcake paper despite only being filled 2/3 of the way. Does it have to do with any ingredients? Also, would you have any other suggestions?

    Thanks so much,


  18. Amazing, all of it: the cake, the story, your perseverance. You made me believe it is after all possible to make a wedding cake. :)

  19. Really pretty cake!

    The cake in the tubes are an easy way to taste test, so says Cake Bible lady extraordinaire, Rose Levy Berenbaum.
    Sort of like barrel tasting wine.

  20. Hey Joy,
    question… how did you know how much batter to pour into each cake pan? I’m using the same 14, 10, and 6 inch pans but square. I’m just not sure how to make sure I pour enough batter into each pan.

  21. Joy,
    What a terrific job you did on the wedding cake, you are just an expert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And the pictures and the story are as beautiful as you are!

  22. That was awesome Joy, just as I knew it would be. I recently used your whipped frosting with the cooked flour to decorate my sisters graduation cake. I had no trouble coloring it, and it tasted great!

    I can’t wait for the next cake adventure!

  23. Love it.. thank you for sharing. This will be me & my sister tomorrow..doing her future sister in law’s wedding cake for their Sunday wedding. I’ll need a few beers, a shot of tequila & a taco too. :)

  24. Ohhh, it’s so precious! Beautiful, beautiful job. A tip about the dowels – I’ve started using plastic drinking straws and find they offer just as much stability but require far less work. And they’re cheaper. :)

  25. You are the best!!!! I imagine your friends also are, to deserve such a cute cute cake! I wish them a happy happy life together and hope they don’t eat that “hughness” all alone! (did you get to eat your own cake too?!)
    Thanks for the post, the ideas, the inspiration and the laughs… u rock!

  26. Hi Joy! I’ve been following your blog for a few months now, but this is my first post. I’m still a “baby” baker and I dream of making a wedding cake someday…Maybe on my 10th wedding anniversary? I’ll force my hubby to marry me again so I can make my own cake. Hehe. But enough about me…that cake is just AWSMAZING!!!(Awesome + Amazing…i got this from a cartoon my kids watch). You’re friends are just super blessed to have you. =)

  27. You are incredibly brave, kudos to you and great job. The cake is adorable (and the most important part… it looks yummy too!) :D

  28. joy amazing! thank you for sharing, i have to admit i was checking your blog about 15 times everyday to see if you had posted the finished cake!

    really enjoyed reading this :)

  29. I love the pretty ruffles on your skirt – perfect for a beautiful, sunny, happy wedding day. Thanks for brightening my day!

  30. Indeed, very bold and brave move, making a wedding cake. I have done it on two occasions, and let me tell you:

    The first one was rolled fondant. Not terribly bad, but finicky. I did it for a friend who did not understand what the cake would taste like. I remember seeing everyone exclaim over the cake, then it all turned to disgust in the end.

    The second was for my best friend. A simple cake this time, buttercream. Problem was the 32 degree heat, and the 4h30 hour trip. Trnaslation, in a strange city, with split buttercream. I fixed it with Duncan Hines, a system D move if I ever heard of one!

    Kudos to your cake! It looked lovely, and the bride and groom looked ecstatic.

  31. Could NOT stop chuckling!! The SWEETEST cake! Kudos,Joy! Love the ‘loving’ pics! I sucked in my breath when I saw them smashing that gorgeous cake…but then I remembered that’s what’s supposed to happen & tried to bear it! Thanks for sharing! You’re so much fun!

  32. I was lookng forward to see the finished product and some pictures from the wedding. Wow, what a lovely couple. The venue is so beautiful. And the cake is awesome. You look so pretty and cool while finishing the cake decoration. Awesome, awesome, awesome!!! Love your posts. Love the way you share every li’l details with us…you’re amazing.

  33. Ahhhh soooo cool! I love it, and great job. Very cute and looks like it matched the couple and feel of the wedding very well =)

  34. Awwwwwww…. I love that you tell us all your secrets and make us feel like we were there too! You are just too cute and sweet….just like that awesome cake!

  35. I’ve been waiting patiently since Sunday, in fact since you whet our appetites with this project last week. Worth the wait, go Joy!!!

  36. Oh Joy,

    this cake looks so beautiful. you made it perfectly. the cake is pretty, not like other ‘boring – always – looking – the – same wedding cakes’, shiny aaaaand it looks definitely very, very yummy.

    it must have been a wonderful wedding.

    and thanks for the inspiration with the two color frosting. i tried to get two color swirls on my cupcakes today. but i failed a bit. just because i didn’t check ur blog before decorating x)

  37. Gorgeous cake! I could never have the guts to do something like that and indeed you looked very calm and full of poise!!

    Will there be a post about the emulsion you used? Everyone is so perplexed by it and I am admittedly very curious!

  38. Let me just say, “WOW” I am so proud of you for taking on such a task. I think that, although it was a difficult and daunting task, you were able to pull through and conquer it because it wasn’t just for business but for people you care about. There is just something about wanting to bless your friends and family that makes it even more special. I guess that is my we say it was made with love! So happy for you.

  39. Too cute!!! But geez… a wedding cake is more like a construction project than a baking feat. Scary!! And so, so impressive that it arrived in one piece and looksd perfect. My terror of wedding cake topple is why we had cucpakes at our wedding!

  40. I love weddings. I love cake. And in my (self appointed) expert opinion – your cake is amazing! And congrats to your friends, may they relive this Happiness everyday!

  41. You did such an amazing job! I love how the cake worked with the style of the invites and looked classy without being cheesy. I am currently planning my own wedding and it is inspiring to see such creativity out there.

  42. Awesome! You rock! I love the way it came out!

    I’m doing a wedding this weekend, and I think I’ll be ok, but I totally understand that shaky feeling and the wanting several beers! Thankfully this one is mostly cupcakes, lets hope they stay in fashion for a good long time!!

  43. This looks like a lot of fun! What an honor to make their cake… and what a lucky couple to have a great friend who would do it.

  44. I love the part of your story about transporting the cakes to the location, trying to make your car a refrigerator, and driving so slowly all the way there. I can totally relate. It may be one of the hardest parts! Your cake looks beautiful!

  45. kudos! you created a fantastic = fab = wonderful = lovely = beautiful wedding cake & in the process you showed me great tutorials for making celebration cakes with dowels…so thanks for that tip as well as the piping 2 similar colors in one bag (truly cool)…thanks joy!!!

  46. Absolutely beautiful! And what a wonderful gift.

    I can sympathize with the terror that is driving a wedding cake to the site. I was the handy helper when my sister made a friends cake and that was the longest twelve block drive of our lives.

    Yet it seems our terror was unnecessary since all our slow walking and not-tipping was thrown to the wayside when the Church Ladies threatened to hack into it with a kitchen knife. My sister and I flew it back to the kitchen in safety and elucidated the Ladies on construction methods of dowels and cardboard.

  47. joy, thank you so much for this wonderful story! your cake is downright beautiful. now i really want to a. go to a wedding and b. eat a slice of cake. hopefully those things will both happen at some point this summer!

  48. I actually used this same frosting for a wedding cake recently and I discovered a few things. I had made the frosting a few days in advance and refrigerated it. When I took it out the day of and tried to mess with it with my spatula to get it softer quicker it immediately seized up and was ruined. I had other batches in containers, so I decided to level and tort my layers while I allowed those to come COMPLETELY to room temperature…that seemed to work great! So a tip with this is to make sure that when you are working with this frosting, it has to be room temperature and not a degree above, or it will seize.

    I found that mine held food color (gel not liquid) ok, but when for the last batch I broke out the powdered food coloring (luster dust or similar) that’s when the color REALLY came through, and the frosting was not affected at all.

    Great job on the cake, so so pretty! Hope my experiences can help you with the frosting in the future, it’s such a great recipe!

  49. So wonderful
    1. Where do you get such cute dresses?
    2. Not to stress you out but I’m going to need you to make my wedding cake as well.
    3. Asher-bear, adorable.
    4. Great pictures and blog, as usual.

    Well done! Success!

    1. sister!
      it’s a skirt and top… kinda from urban outfitters. don’t judge me.
      and duuuh. of course i’m making your dang wedding cake.
      i. love. you.

  50. Tissue please!
    Love your blog and especially this story.

    Question: The cute little elements pinned on the line? Place cards? Favor holders? Are you able to share? I’m working on a wedding myself and it has the potential for a great idea if we can ‘wedding-lift’ it might be just what I’m looking for.

    1. those little heart things hanging on the line were table placement card things… you know… the things that tell you where to sit your butt down to eat dinner.

  51. You have no idea how much I was looking forward to this post!
    I guess I was even more desperate than you were to see the end result..hahaha
    LOVED LOVED LOVED your work! Good Job!

  52. thanks so much for posting this whole process– i love to see that freakin “Joy the Baker” gets nervous about wedding cakes too. makes little ol’ me feel a bit better :)

  53. Awww Joy! You made a *14 plus 6 plus…* 30-inch cake! wow! Its so adorable. I think I would have wanted such a cute cake rather than some of the overbearing ones that look a little bit too much like old overdone hotel wallpapers. Here’s to modern beautiful Joy-like cakes! Also cool that you did all of that on that site. Trust me; I know what you mean by potential smears. That has happened to me before. Not cool.

  54. Love it! It’s such a huge undertaking to make a whole wedding cake but yours turned out so beautifully and I’m sure it tastes amazing too. Such a beautiful, happy, and lucky couple!!

  55. Joy – it has been so much fun watching you prepare the cake this past week (well, and a little nail biting too!). I can’t thank you enough for walking us through the instructions. I’m going to attempt to make one of my own and now I feel much more confident. :)

  56. What a fantastic post and story! I have learned a lot from you and this website and now wedding cakes make a little more sense to me. Not enough to try it myself…but I still loved this post. What a lovely cake, what a lovely gift.

  57. Congrats on this beautiful cake! Such a great accomplishment and also awesome step by step on the assembly. I felt nervous FOR you thinking about you driving it there in one piece :) Love your site and your style.

  58. I love everything about this! Thanks so much for showing how to stack cakes with the dowels. I was wondering about all that. And the cake is the perfect amount of precious and I love the red hearts and the diva frosting and the beer wanting.


  59. Wow, that was great! I’ve enjoyed the journey, the tips I would never think to ask/know, and all the lovely pictures. Thank you.

  60. Joy, I am in the process of researching wedding cake recipes, construction, and ideas in preparation for my brother’s wedding in September. Thank you so, so, so much for this post! It has given me some good pointers, yummy recipes, and adorable decorating ideas, and seeing how cool you were under all that pressure is calming my nerves and giving me the confidence to make my own wedding cake!

    This is just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  61. sniff ~ sniff ~ I always cry at weddings !
    Loved the cake and I know I would have loved it more if I had a taste of it !!
    Too bad we don’t have Smell-O-vision or Taste-O-vision :)

  62. Thank you for sharing – it’s a beautiful cake! I also really appreciate this post since I’ll be making my soon-to-be sister-in-law’s wedding cake over Labor Day weekend!

  63. I love it! It has been so fun to walk with you on the journey to creating a wedding cake. The photos from this particular post are great.

    What a gift of love for your friends. Thanks for sharing your stories on your blog. I always enjoy reading them.

  64. Thats a beautiful cake! I love the cream and the greens. and the design was so simple but so very pretty! You did so well. ooh that was a lot of ‘so’s. and of course you looked as beautiful as ever in the pics.

  65. I made a wedding cake in cooking school once. It was a stressful process. I can’t believe you waited until the wedding day at the location to do all the decorating. You do have nerves of steel.

  66. So exciting to see the finished product!! I am doing the same thing for friends in a couple weeks.. the bigger catch.. I am traveling from Texas to GA (airplane).. WITH CAKES!! wish me luck :/

  67. i love everything about this. the cake looks AMAZING, the happy couple looks adorable, and it seems like a good day was had by all.

  68. What an awesome success! CONGRATS JOY!!!

    Now did you have to take a shot? Or a xannax after all that? I would…both ..lol

  69. Joy, you are a pro! Cake looked INCREDIBLE! I also adore your skirt with all the ruffles. It was fun watching the process.

  70. 1) I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Adorable cake!

    2) I’ve also complimented your clothing on numerous occasions, but this ensemble??? Gorgeous.

  71. That was a great job. The cake looked delicious, and the wedding was beautiful. Congrats to the happy couple and you for the cake. YUM!!!

  72. What a gorgeous wedding cake! Thank you for sharing all the steps with us!! It matches the wedding perfectly!

  73. This post ranks up there with my most favorite-ist posts of yours. The tutorial? Perfect. The pictures? Perfect. A group of totally happy, really beautiful people having a fabulous time with an awesomely decorated cake from someone they love? Super perfect.

    High-fives all around. :)

  74. I’m making my first wedding cake next month, so I thank you so much for your wedding cake posts. I love the green border and trees you put on the cake, very pretty. And the different tones in the green icing defintely gave it more texture and character.


  75. Good that you traveled with unstacked tiers. I was thinking you are going to stack them and travel with it. I know people do it all the time, but my heart stops when I have to move a tiered cake from one place to another in the house. Forget about driving with it. Beautiful pictures.

  76. That’s great! All that hard work paid off. I suck at decorating. I try, but it really just looks like a two year old went to war with the icing and the icing lost. Oh well, I’ll have to settle for good taste…

  77. joy it is a beautful cake and i think u done a wonderful job!

    if u dont mind, i have a couple of questions (i am transporting and assembling my own wedding cake next month):

    1. did u put each layer on a carboard base?

    2. how long did it take you do unbox, assemble, and dress the cake on site?

    i think thats it but if u have any other advice u wanna send my way, feel free :)


    1. yes…. why did i not mention this!?
      each cake is on a cardboard cake base the exact size o the cake.
      and the unboxing and assembly and such took about 30 minutes.

      congratulations! best of luck on your cake!! and wedding… duh!

  78. Oh yes – and I forgot to ask – how do you get the cakes stacked so perfectly? I mean I know you use dowels, but what prevents the top layers from resting on the bottom layers?

  79. You must have nerves of steel!! I would never have been able to do that. Well, there’s also the fact that I’m not a pro baker, but you know, that’s a tiny little detail.

    Well done on a lovely looking cake – I love the whimsical details of the branches & little hearts.

    PS: Did you get that nerve-calming taco after the ceremony?

  80. WOW. Love the elegant design. Love you for your bravery(demonstrated in the smooth border you did in 15 minutes. Or less?) Loved the series of updates on the cake! :)

  81. GORGEOUS!!! and the drama of the cake assembly read like a jason bourne movie, not even kidding. i found myself holding my breath!! :D you did a beautiful job for a beautiful couple…triumph!!

  82. Congratulations !!!!! It looks perfect and I love that you included your notes. Looks as though everyone had a lovely day and the stars of the day were happy , funny how simple smiles and stars in the eyes can make up for all the nerves before :)

  83. The cake looks amazing! I can understand if it’s nerve wracking.

    Thanks for all the tips! My big girl wants a tiered cake for her birthday – now I know how to go about it.

    It looks like there is a layer of thin cardboard underneath each cake? Am I right?

    I always thought you’d stack them immediately on top of each other making them into a unit sort of. One huge cake.

  84. Thanks for showing us everything, I was really looking forward to it; you did really a great job, must been a lot of stress though. What a wonderful cake!
    Love your dress, you looked great!

  85. GURL!
    congratulations on a lovely cake. Main reason i’m commenting is I have that skirt, I love that skirt, I feel closer to you over shared ownership of clothing.

  86. I very love this post!! I’ve always been curious about how to do a wedding cake. And now I know! Beautiful, beautiful cake. Super cute top too. And I think the low-cutness works for weddings because it’s a perfect place to pick up a man. Funerals . . . well . . . it might be a little awkward to pick up a man at a funeral.

  87. i. love. your. creativity. you are amazing, joy! now…how can i get a wedding cake even tho i’m already married is the question! ;)

  88. Wow, I hope that you realise how worth the effort that amazing cake was. I am lucky enough to have an Aunt who made my wedding cake with lilly’s and the little people as well, it’s talented people like you 2 who make the special day extra special.

  89. Reading all of this sort of made me feel the stress you had whilst making the wedding cake. Everything looked beautifully accomplished. Well written. Whimsical. And I will try, try me best to make this cake since cakes are always fun -and stressful- to make. Wonderful job Joy!

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