Peach Tomato and Mozzarella Crostini


Working in a busy restaurant is sort of like going on a diet. ย It’s strange.

You top plates with special food… food that you’ve made partially out of nightly work routine, and partially out of deep care and love. ย Food is hustled out to tables and enjoy amongst conversation, wine, and candle light… and then on to the next order, and the next order, and the next order, and the order after that.

Strangely… you rarely get to eat the food you make night after night. ย You rarely get to eat anything at all during a frenzied service. ย Ok, actually you sometimes get to eat… but it’s usually sometime after midnight standing in the walk-in cooler.

I worked in a restaurant that served the most beautiful fresh peach and summer tomato salad with a giant ball of mozzarella and a generous drizzle of balsamic vinegar. ย These salads were bonkers popular and just flew out of the kitchen. ย For some reason it never dawned on me to make this treat in my own kitchen… it always just existed in the restaurant kitchen during service hours.

Welp! ย  Not anymore…!


This salad starts with some summer staples: ย fresh peaches, tomatoes, and basil. ย I treated myself to some fresh mozzarella balls, and a baguette… and I’m off!


Bread is toasted in butter, peaches and tomatoes are sliced, and mozzarella is sliced too!

Coarse sea salt and fresh ground black pepper are essential. ย Basil and balsamic vinegar are perfect compliments.


All of the sliced bits are stacked atop buttery toasted bread.

Super simple and seriously impressive.


Did you know that tomatoes can totally be friends with peaches? ย They’re so lovely together. ย Sweet, a hint of savory, and it all comes together with balsamic vinegar. ย This dish is the epitome of summer. ย It seems best enjoyed with your fingers… no fork, knife, or fancy restaurant necessary.

ย Peach Tomato and Mozzarella Crostini

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You’ll need:

Baguette sliced and toasted in olive or butter

Fresh, ripe peaches, sliced thin

Fresh, summer tomatoes, sliced thin

Fresh mozzarella, removed from water and sliced

Fresh basil, sliced into thin ribbons

Coarse salt and freshly cracked pepper

Balsamic vinegar

Place toasted baguette slices on a serving tray. ย Top with a slice of peach, a slice of tomato, a slice of mozzarella, and a second slice of peach. ย Sprinkle generously with salt and pepper. ย Top with basil ribbons and drizzle with balsamic vinegar. ย Serve immediately. ย 

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I Made This


129 Responses

  1. These were amazing! I love the combination of peach and tomato. I could eat bruschetta and crostini all summer and be in heaven.

  2. Loved this so much with nectarines! I pour over foodblogs, but rarely make the time/energy to seek out ingredients and follow all the recipes that catch my eye. This was super simple though and I made it 3 times in 1 week! Such a hit with all of my friends. Thanks for sharing =)

  3. Made this for dinner tonight. It was the perfect almost-no-cook meal on a sweltering 105 degree day. The combination of favors was amazing! Even my husband, who is a tomato purist, raved about how well the peach and tomato went together with the balsamic, basil, and cheese. He said he wants me to make it again and again. It would be a great appetizer for a party too. Beautiful and delicious!

    1. Have now made this a total of five times in less than a month. It never disappoints and is always looks stunning on the plate. Our friends were super impressed when I made this the other night? Even the one who doesn’t normally like tomatoes ate a couple because they looked (and tasted) so good. That speaks volumes. Great recipe!

  4. this was the perfect pairing of the local market’s freshest produce. Seriously addicted to peaches lately and have been putting them in almost everything. Didn’t have mozzarella, but goat cheese still tasted pretty good. Oh, peaches, don’t leave us!

  5. I made these for lunch this past Saturday–4, just for me. (I think the kids and husband ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches). Loved the simple fanciness of it–and of course the flavor.

  6. Pingback: CSA Box Week 8*
  7. This recipe has my top favorite foods all wrapped up in one little, lovely bite!! In your opinion, is there a big difference in taste using butter vs. olive oil?? I love using both but didn’t want to over do the ingredients or overwhelm the other flavors in the toppings!
    Beautiful photos too!!

  8. I’m not usually one to comment, but after making this a few nights ago I had to tell you how outrageously wonderful it was, my husband and I loved it! I had never contemplated the pairing, but it all came together so spectacularly. I’ve been gushing to nearly everyone I know. Thanks Joy!

  9. Pingback: Friday Favorites
  10. Lol, I love when you talk about the times you worked in restaurants, because I’ve worked in quite a few. Eating at midnight in the walk in cooler is totally true, the cooler is like a refuge from the craziness.

  11. I love your comment section. So cute!

    I remember the days of standing up and shoveling food in my face around midnight too and I totally will always sorta miss it. Sigh…

  12. Two things: Enjoyed you saying “Welp” possibily more than I should. And totes digging the side shot at the bottom. Looks gorgeous and delicious! Such a good idea adding the peaches. Now I’m left to daydream and drool about this at my desk.

  13. I’ve never worked at a restaurant but when I was a teenager, I worked at an ice cream shop…I probably never ate so little ice cream in my life – being around it all the time made it lose its luster so in a way I can relate to the server-diet idea. Your crostini looks faaaaaaaaaaaabulous! I’d try it with mozzarella and a version with goat cheese as well. Joy the Baker’s a chef, oh what now!! :)

  14. I made this for dinner last night, Joy! It was fantastic — light and lovely! I live in Virginia and our peaches, tomatoes, and basil are just coming into peak season, so I was able to use all fresh ingredients. I had some balsamic reduction on hand (I always make extra since I put it on just about everything), and for me, just using a little of that is what really brought the flavors together. It went along perfectly with a bottle of sparkling white wine I’ve been keeping in my fridge for something special. I’ll definitely be keeping this creative twist on standard tomato, mozzarella, and basil crostini in my back pocket for my next alfresco meal or snack. I think eating outside makes everything taste twice as nice, so this will be crazy off the charts! Thanks for your inspiration!

  15. Tomatoes + peaches sounds like a lovely pair! I know the recipe title says mozzarella but in the 2nd photo I was like….marshmallows? haha :)

  16. I follow this blog religiously..but this post is one that resonates with me. I work in a high end Italian restaraunt and make dishes that I will never be able to afford. Night after late night I create food for people to dine lazily on. It is so true, I never eat any of it. The idea of eating it seems silly. But, perhaps one day I can turn back time and revisit dishes in my kitchen. Cheers sweet pea

  17. I never would have thought to combine peaches with tomatoes. I’m trying to sneak summer fruit into nearly every meal and this looks like a creative way to incorporate some peaches into dinner (and healthier than eating peaches and ice cream for dessert!).

    Thanks, as always, for the fresh ideas!

  18. Ah stop it, my mouth is watering at the sight of this! I’m definitely indulging this once my peaches have ripened a little more. Thanks for sharing this recipe!!

  19. Hi Joy! Thanks again for the staging workshop this weekend. It was a blast meeting you and seeing both you gals in action. I picked up so many wonderful tips and techniques that I canโ€™t wait to start applying. I was a bit lazy this weekend and took a weekend hiatus from cooking ?

    I feel like cooking for a dinner party is the same as working in a restaurant. Youโ€™re busy hosting, cooking and prepping everything that you rarely get to sit down and actually eat the food. I may take a bite here and there, but find my plate pretty much full at the end because Iโ€™m so absorbed in the company and making sure everyone is happy and that they have enough food, etc. When everyone leaves, I tend to nibble on whatever is left over (which is usually dessert).

    I am loving the last shot with the black backdrop. It really makes the colors stand out and gives you that nighttime feel. Itโ€™s a shot that tells a story, sort of like you raided the restaurant fridge (or your fridge) late at night for that nibble you had been craving the whole shift.


  20. Ooh, I could totally see how fresh peach would complement a juicy tomato. I’ve got a couple peaches in the fridge… may try this very soon!

  21. I could never stop myself from snatching a fry or two when they’d fall off the plate onto the warming table. Server’s dinner! Love the recipe – anything that starts with delicious bread. It’s on my “must make” list.

  22. I really want to eat one of these… And then another, and another, and another till my chin and fingers are dripping in peach and tomato juice. But I’ll have no shame, and will have the biggest Cheshire Cat grin on my face as I do it. ;)

  23. ahh this is so making me hungry! baguettes are totally my weakness, and the peaches? perfection.

  24. I love recreating food I’ve made in restaurants in my own kitchen! Its so much more satisfying to be able to eat it yourself. My favorite is a pesto tortellini pasta salad that I would eat “sample cups” of and basically sustained me through college.

  25. Hi Joy. I just recieved my Joy the Baker Cookbook in the mail!
    Thank you for baked chili cheese fries. On my way home to get started!!!

  26. Man! How yummy. This is the perfect dish for summer! Super light and flavorful. Thanks for you constant inspiration, Joy.

  27. That buttery toasted bread is calling my name! I have always loved peaches and tomatoes together, but the mozz and that perfect drizzle of balsamic has over the moon. Yum!

  28. Crostini are all over the internets this week! This reminds me of a lovely grilled flatbread number I had at the Getty Villa, with burrata and fresh nectarines. Yum.

  29. It is so weird working in restaurants in that way! You serve food all night but you had your dinner at 4pm and are working until 12. (I think that is why the after work beers seem to go to my head faster than any other beers)

  30. OMG JOY!!!!!!!!! those pictures are totally amazing, i always love your pictures. Keep up the good work!

  31. I can’t get enough of peaches right now. Using them in a salad sounds like a wonderful idea. Thanks! These crostini look perfect.

  32. I have the day off, and one lonely looking nectarine. I know what I’m having for lunch now. Except with the bread I made during yesterday’s domestic goddessry (it’s a word), and some raspberry vinegar cos I bought it from a fancy deli and never know what to put it in.

  33. I never thought to pair tomatoes and peaches, but as I was reading this post I was mentally calculating the ingredients currently in my kitchen. I’m so excited to add this to my “to try” list of recipes and–knowing you and your genius–then to my “always serve” list [I love lists]. Seriously, thank you.

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