Dark Chocolate, Pistachio & Smoked Sea Salt Cookies


I was going to start this post by saying ‘Please please don’t hug my back fat.   There’s this area on my back that you have no business squeezing, sir.  That side hug and subsequent finger clench was awkward for both of us’… but that seemed like an pretty tense way to kick things off around here.

I was going to talk about how I’m listening to entirely too much hip hop lately because all I can think about is champagne,VIP, and all the ladies that love me. It feels like talking about hip hop is like talking about Fight Club.  Not ok.   Plus… just saying the words ‘hip hop’ make me feel like a grandma wearing her baseball cap backwards.

Ok… Next!  What should we discuss?

YOLO?  Is it too late to talk about that?  …if you have to ask.  yes. 

Should I write about how sometimes I think my blog would be more popular if I were engaged or pregnant?  Should I write about how that thought makes me want to run full throttle into a wall?  Probably not.  That’s a little hot-button for these parts.  Those are just my weirdo backbrain thoughts anyhow… I know you’re mostly stoked to be here regardless of my… status (is that the right word?).

Should I write about how Pinterest sometimes stresses me… Oh nevermind!

Let’s just cookie.


We really should make Chocolate Chip Cookies more often.  It’s exactly 87 times more awesome than annoying.  Let’s think of Chocolate Chip Cookies as edible air fresheners.


Creamed butter, sugar, egg, and vanilla.  A luscious and very familiar scene.

Flour, salt, and baking soda are next.  It’s simple, really.


Dark chocolate chunks are mandatory.

Salted pistachios are a luxury.

Some of the nuts are finely diced (almost into a powder), other pistachio chunks will be a bit more coarse.  The nuts are actually important.  They help support the structure of the cookie.


Toss all of the ingredients together and will yourself not to sit down on the couch with a spoon and raw cookie dough.


Unbaked cookies are generously sprinkled with Smoked Sea Salt.

I love pairing salt with sweets.  It really cuts through the sugar and makes amplifies the flavors of chocolate and brown sugar.  The smoked nature of the salt is just an added summer cookout bonus.

Also. Total side note.  I’m completely obsessed with this Burning Leaves Perfume from I Hate Perfume.  OBSESSED… but I haven’t made the splurge yet.  No one buy it before I do.  K.  Thanks.  I’m (mostly) kidding.  


These cookies bake low and slow, at 300 degrees F for almost 20 minutes.  It’s a slow road to golden.


 These cookies are everything they should be: studded with dark chocolate, flavored with pistachios, and salty like whaaat?  The smoked salt adds an extra layer of fancy.  It feels like campfire meets fine-dining meets ‘ooh my gosh I ate all the cookies’.

This recipe is adapted from Smitten Kitchen whom I love and respect… and whose Zucchini Rice Gratin I want to make immediately.

Dark Chocolate, Pistachio & Smoked Sea Salt Cookies

adapted from Smitten Kitchen 

makes about 24 cookies

Print this Recipe!

1/2 cup (1 stick)  unsalted butter, at room temperature

1/2 cup granulated sugar

1/2 cup packed brown sugar

1 large egg

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 cups dark chocolate chips

1 cup shelled pistachios, coarsely chopped

smoked salt for topping

Place rack in the upper third of the oven and preheat oven to 300 degrees F.  Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside.

In the bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat butter and sugars together until pale and fluffy, about 4 minutes.   Add the egg and beat in for about 1 minute.  Add vanilla extract and beat to incorporate.

In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, and salt.  Add the mixture all at once to the butter mixture.  Beat on low speed until just incorporated.  Finally mix in the chocolate chips and nuts.

Dollop or scoop cookie dough by the 2 tablespoonful onto prepared baking tins.  Leave about 2 inches of room between each cookie.  Sprinkle generously with smoked sea salt.

Bake cookies for 18 minutes, or until just golden brown.  Remove from the oven and allow to cool on the pan for 5 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.  Cookies will last, well wrapped at room temperature for up to 4 days… as if they’ll last that long.  

All Comments

I Made This


357 Responses

  1. Been making these since you originally posted and just wanted to send a big “Thank You for sharing!”This is still a favourite recipe in our house!

  2. An pretty?

    Where did you learn to write? It’s ‘a pretty.’

    Seriously, this is one of the easiest rules to master…

  3. Have you tried using other nuts? I don’t have any pistachios. Pretty sure walnuts would be fine….Macadamias? Hazelnuts?

  4. Hi Joy,
    I’ve been star gazing and day dreaming over your recipes for some time but tonight was the first time I’ve actually made one – I started with these because, well pistachios, chocolate, smokey salt – nuff said!
    Turned out absolutely delicious even though I wasn’t sure what granulated sugar was and used what we call ‘raw sugar’ here in Oz ;)
    Re. babies and marriage and stuff? I have both in my life and as wonderful (and bloody hard!) as it is, personally I’m also fed up with bloggers painting an illusion of their perfect family life – so cheers to keeping it real, Joy! Back fat and everything :) can’t wait try another recipe…

  5. Pingback: Cookie Sundays
  6. OH yum! Just made a batch – without smoked sea salt (impossible for this Danish woman to find in the Danish suburbs) – and they are AWESOME!

  7. I have a question, do I have to use smoked sea salt or can I use regular sea salt? I not sure if I can find the smoked one here!

  8. I tried this receipt today but tweaked it a bit. I don’t have pistachios so I replaced them with cashews; the smoked salt I replaced with roasted rock salt. The results were pretty good too! Thanks for sharing this Joy the Baker, I will definitely make this again next time ;)

  9. Pingback: the bitch corner
  10. Joy, you crack me up. As a constant reader (never a commenter until now), I just had to tell you that I love your ramblings in addition to your a.ma.zing recipes. Keep it up, girl!

  11. Dear Joy,

    I just found you blog a couple of weeks back, and I’ve been hunting for a good recipe to try for cookies for ages. I tried these cookies just the other day, and if I could reach through the computer and give you a hug of pure joy I would!
    These cookies were absolutely delicious – the perfect combo of salty and oh so sweet. Plus I was really surprised with how soft they stayed!

    Your blog is so much fun to read, you’re so funny and cool, you don’t need a ring on your finger or a baby kicking in your belly to be awesome or popular. Just keep doing what you do : ). I’ll definitely be sticking around, and referring your blog to my good friends, and I can’t wait to make another batch of these fantastic cookies!

  12. I was so excited to bake these, that I ventured out to the store right after work to get all the ingredients. The flavor is good, and I love the smokey flavor of the salt with the chocolate (looking forward to using it in savory recipes as well). Unfortunately the batter, as well as the cookie came out really dry. Wondering if I might try these again at a future date with a little extra butter. I was expecting them to ‘melt’ a bit more during baking and come out like a flat, chewy cookie…but mine ended up more like thick brick of a cookie, very crumbly. Any suggestions?
    Anyway, just recently discovered your site and absolutely loved the cashew based cream of mushroom, as well as the broccoli & arugula soups. YUM!!

  13. Great recipe! They turned out just like the picture. Just used regular sea salt instead of smoked but they were still phenomenal, thank you!

  14. Hi! Just wanted to share a variation – I tried this recipe with almonds instead of pistachio, whole wheat flour and then added a teaspoon of hand ground lavender buds. The astringency of the lavender seems to bake right out just leaving a lovely floral aroma.

  15. hoooooly cow. I just made these and I cant stop eating them. Looking at them. Whatever-ing them. Your recipes are FLAWLESS and I will certainly be back for more. Thank you!

  16. I made these last night! It was easy and so yummy! I could not find smoked sea salt, so we just used regular. Thank you so much for sharing your life!

  17. Substitute for the smoked sea salt? Do you think it would work to soak kosher salt or other large granule salt with a little smidge of liquid smoke?

  18. I thought about making these for weeks, but it took me time to gather the ingredients (shelled pistachios and smoked salt are apparently hard to come by in Burlington, VT!). But I finally made them and they were wonderful, deemed the best cookies I ever made by my parents and sister (and I have made some really good cookies in my day). Thanks, Joy!

  19. Dear Joy,
    Firstly, I just want to say that I nearly had a heart attack when I saw these cookies… Oh My God these look like the most amazing cookies EVER!!! I am obsessed with salt, so these cookies are the perfect treat for me. Secondly, I love your blog, and I think you’re a great writer, very witty. You also have a very artistic eye when it comes to photography. the colors and patterns are always so pretty.
    Thirdly, I am so so so happy that you are not married or anything. It makes you more relatable, real, and interesting. I like you better than other food bloggers because you aren’t some silly perfect housewife. You’re cooler than that.

  20. Joy,

    I’ve made many recipes from your blog, but never posted anything. I felt like it was time to express my gratitude. Your recipes are inspired, unique and ultimately DELICIOUS. These cookies were just frickin’ divine! I can’t wait to try every cookie recipe in your repertoire. As far as your blog not being more popular, I have five sites bookmarked on my “RECIPES” tab and yours is on top. Thanks for all the “YUMS!” I get at my kitchen table.


    Courtney R. Wick

  21. Hi Joy!

    I came across your blog a while back. I was stumbling and your recipe for sugar cinnamon pull-apart bread appeared and it looked SO delicious (and it was when I made it the next day). After I made it I forgot to bookmark your blog and I forgot about it until the other day. I had to do some googling before I found the recipe and blog again. I’m so happy I did!

    I just made the cookies now and I added some light sirup (https://scandinavianfood.about.com/od/scandinavianfoodglossary/g/Light-Syrup-Ljus-Sirap-And-Dark-Syrup-M-Ork-Sirap.htm) because I always use that in cookies to make them extra chewy. And they came out so so good.

    Thanks for this recipe and thanks for a great blog!!

  22. LOVE THESE COOKIES! I have made many chocolate chip cookies and these are absolutely amazing. I made two batches for a family dinner party and they were a huge hit. I have forwarded your blog/recipe to friends. The combination of dark chocolate, pistachios (which lend a unique flavor) and okay…they best part…the smoked sea salt on top of each cookie, so each bite has this amazing combo of flavors with a kick of sea salt…so good! Also, the texture and structure of the cookie is great. Mine had delicate air pockets making each cookie crunchy and chewy and just right. The batter held up nice in between placing cookie sheets in oven. All cookies came out just right with no need to chill the dough in between.

  23. Hi Joy! This if the first comment I leave but I’m a huge fan. Love you blog and your podcast. Just made these and they were absolutely AMAZING. Thank you for sharing :)

  24. Thank you!! for mentioning “CB I HATE PERFUME”…spiked my interest right away – because I hate perfume as well….tired of all those “classics”…I went right over to the web page….spent over an hour reading EVERYTHING…found a distributor where I live…and now…purchasing…and yup…maybe even “Burning Leaves”….

  25. These were amazing! I substituted walnuts for the pistachios, and we were in heaven!

    I reviewed the recipe on cookbooker.com

  26. Just wanted to say that I love that there are no engagement, babies, pregnancy, stuff on here. Love the blog, for the pure unadulterated cookie-sweet-heavenly-deliciousness, for the fab photography, your awesome writing style, humour and sense of fun.
    And apologies for being so late to the party on this. My real life, including the kids and engagement seem to have conspired against me to keep me away from the cookieness, the stuff that I love but just havent found the right baance for yet :/
    Please keep it up :D

  27. Joy – I’ve also been reading your blog for a very long time, laughing out loud a lot of the time, and thinking how bummed out I am that I didn’t keep that package of pistachios in my hand while at Trader Joe’s! Cannot wait to try these cookies…all cookies should be tried at least once. As a champion of women, I salute you! My daughter is your age and you set an excellent example for embracing your life, regardless of your “relationship status.” :)

  28. I made these last week and they were divine! Trying to figure out when I can get back to the grocery store for more pistachios so I can make and gorge on them again, delicious!

  29. Just a quick note to tell you I read you blog for a couple of years now, I bought your book (more than once I should say since I think it is the best gift ever) and my husband (favorite quote: “I dont like green salad, never have, never will”), our 2 year old daughter and myself love your kale smoothie.
    Now I don’t know if I would like your blog better if you were engaged or pregnant. Hope that help!
    Now you may like that blog even if there is no food involve: https://reasonsmommydrinks.com/

  30. I’m totally fine with the fact that you’re not married or pregnant! It means you have so much more time to make delicious treats for all of us!

  31. 1. The raw cookie dough was devine and I did have to will myself to stop so I would actually have some cookies to show.

    2. I was pleasantly surprised at how many I got out of this recipe: I actually got 60 cookies using a scooper for my dough.

    3. Any cookie recipe that uses more chocolate that flour has to be amazing.

    4. I made these gluten free and they were still delicious.

    5. Joy, you rock.

  32. I’m way behind on my blog reading (thank god for Google Reader so I don’t miss gems like this). These cookies look absolutely amazing. And there’s no way your blog would be more popular if you were married or prego. You’re hilarious and awesome without an associated spouse or kiddo.

  33. Omg this will definitely go in the fav chocolate chip cookie file! Not usually a cookie dough fan but found couldn’t stop from enjoying these in raw and then freshly baked form. Didn’t take time to get the smoked sea salt but can see how that would elevate the taste even more. Thanks for sharing the yumminess!

  34. joy, i made these on the weekend to share with my mum and friends – it was an absolute hit (and i’m barely a baker). i started reading your blog about 6 months ago – you are an inspiration, thank you for your honesty and wit!

  35. Made these tonight! They are amazing! Thank you, and no rush for any of those life events. Enjoy the moment and cookies.. delicious hot from the oven cookies!

  36. Joy,
    I did do this recipe…but did amend it,
    no nuts…added Heath Toffee bits and sprinkled Course Sea Salt….LOVED IT!! kids did not get any, me and the hubby noshed on them, hid them and finished them off! like our 3 boys, we sneaked off into the bedroom to make sure we werent caught! almost like the roles reversed! I may feel guilty and make them some …but for now, its our own guilty pleasure!!

    Thank you for your blog and recipes!
    Teresa Bergan in Spokane!

  37. Smoked salt is expensive, and I wouldn’t use it for much else besides this recipe… do you think I could take table salt and mix with Liquid Smoke???

    1. I make these w/regular Maldon flaky sea salt … amazing! Also, you’ll make these cookies so often that you’ll want the whole box of Maldon :)

  38. Best cookies ever! Made them with my 2 best baking buddies, my daughters ages 8 & 11 for back to school. We had a great time and loved the sweet reward.

  39. I’m planning to make these tonight so I’m hoping for a quick answer… I gather from your comment: “Dark chocolate chunks are mandatory. Salted pistachios are a luxury” that I should buy salted pistachios. Is that right? Or should I buy pistachios that are roasted but not salted?

    Thanks! Can’t wait to try these!

  40. can i say i’m glad your not pregnant or engaged? sometimes i feel like when my favorite bloggers get pregnant or engaged, all of a sudden all they talk about is knitting booties and oh my goodness what pattern should my napkins be?! and then i miss the stuff i actually read their blog for…so i say keep rockin’ the cookies because i’d rather read about cookies. although, if you do you get engaged or pregnant, i do want to hear about it…just still talk about cookies too :)

  41. This was your funniest and most heartfelt post yet. I’m feeling the need to comment because in my thirties I think I had the same internal dialogue as you about woulda couldas. Now as I’m approaching my forties I’m feeling I worried a little too much about it all. Enjoye yo’self lady. It will all pass so fast!!

  42. I am a relative new mom (7 months) but I post more pics of my cat on instagram than my kid. Sorry kid but fat cat was here first! ;)
    Just keep on rocking solo or no.

  43. Joy! This is the first time ever ever ever that a cookie recipe yielded exactly what it said it would. The batter was ridic, as expected. Then, fresh from the oven, and cooled five minutes? Swoon. Love these. Thank you!

  44. Oh man, I never comment on blogs but I had to here for three reasons: (1) those cookies look bangin’; (2) I almost cried laughing at the first three paragraphs; and (3) I also listen to a lot of rap and/or hip hop and champagne, VIP, and dem ladies are often on my mind. I love you.

  45. One of the things I love MOST about this space is that you’re not married, you’re not pregnant, and you’re not fake about it. You let us in on all the ups and downs, the reality of what it’s like to be un-domesticated. Love it.

  46. Being a currently knocked up food blogger, let me tell you sometimes the two just don’t mix well. Like when you’re constantly nauseaus for four months straight and can’t keep anything down, much less cook. Then there’s the part where I’m at now. The end of pregnancy when I feel gigantic, sometimes burn my belly on the stove attempting to cook and every part of my body hurts. So while in laying on the couch I totally appreciate your single gal stories and recipes that I’m filing away for the 13 weeks I get to spend with my babe and my kitchen!

  47. Pingback: Friday Favorites
  48. I’m a late bloomer in terms of cooking (I’m 26!) but have been devouring food blogs since I was a teen. Reading about amazing food and the even more amazing people creating them when all you have is instant cup noodles in the college dorm was a strangely comforting thing.

    I’m kinda tired of reading about flower arrangements and baby showers, I go to food blogs to read about FOOD! So thanks, Joy… you are a great example that it’s okay not to be engaged/pregnant although surrounded by everyone else who are those things.

  49. JOY oh my gosh you are so funnyy! Love these cookies too <3 And i don't care that you're not engaged or pregnant! You're young and hip, and you are totally qualified to talk about hip hop and YOLO. :)

  50. So… Childless by choice here. And…. After attending the 5th baby shower in 4 months and being told I could never understand something because I wasn’t a mother…I decided to throw a party “i never had a baby and I’m great!” party. Be yourself lady. Life is better that way.

  51. Coming from a newly not single gal, the joyous part of being single is that you get to eat that entire delicious stack of cookies by yourself–and you don’t have to share! (I sometimes still call that ‘dinner.’)

  52. That’s how I cook my bacon! Low and slow. I can get on board with a cookie like that. PS I am currently drinking red wine and catching up on all your posts and commenting- all at once. Just thought you should know in case you’re getting some rando alerts on your iphone…. just sayin.

  53. Joy, as a just-turned-30-year-old with no plans to get married or have kids, but who has tons of friends and siblings who are going through those things, I can relate to your feelings. You know what? We’re great as is! I enjoy your blog and podcast for the great recipes and witty banter. Please keep posting, podcasting, baking, and writing books! Those cookies look absolutely delicious, BTW.

  54. Joy! when you said “cookout” it hit me that there is some man bait you might be missing out on! grilled cookies.

    (I learned about them on the NFL network – Randy Thomas from the Redskins taught this trick he learned from his mom)

    take a pre-baked, soft cookie; put it on a not-too-hot grill (after the burgers/dogs/ribs have been cooked & enjoyed); put a pat of butter on it (or use a spray or two of “I can’t believe it’s not butter” – easier, slightly less fatty, & maybe not everyone at the cookout will give you the stink-eye); close the grill lid for a a few minutes. the whole outdoors will start to smell like fresh baked cookies. remove the cookies from the grill & enjoy. they will be even more soft & goey, chocolate will be good & melty, and there will be the perfect amount of grill char on the bottom of each cookie.

    (for some reason I just had to share; reading your blog makes me really happy – thought this might make you a star at your next cookout) :)

    and p.s. I feel you on the hip hop kick. heard a new song that kept talking about “diced pineapples” & loved it. not sure why…

  55. For every engaged or pregnant person out there wanting to read about that stuff there is a person like me (single/divorced- no kids) who wants to read about food. Or who wants to not feel alone in her singleness childlessness at 32.

  56. Dear Joythebaker, sometimes I think people who are engaged or pregnant are not very interesting people, (mostly because they let it consume their entire lives, thoughts and blog posts).

    Also, pinterests makes me feel inadequate so I quit that stuff. It is stressful.

    you are great. I love following your blogs, tweets and podcasts.

  57. Ugh! Why am I reading this the day after getting a wisdom tooth pulled??!! ALL I want is chocolate chip cookies now, and all I can eat is smoothies and soup!! Can’t wait to make these :)

  58. Joy, I wish we were best friends. I never comment on blogs, but I just felt the need to tell you today that I think you’re the cat’s pajamas. And so are chocolate chip cookies with sea salt.

  59. Joy!

    Let me count the reasons why you inspire me married and baby-less… but seriously, you are an amazing role model. I go to an all-women’s college, my boyfriend of six years broke up with me in May and I don’t plan on having kids until I’m in my late thirties (well, you know what they say about plans anyway).

    It’s women like you that remind me of the person I hope to one day become. You all remind me that it’s fine to be single and in fact not only is it fine, it’s wonderful! You can be free to just be you and things work out one way or another in a positive manner. But most of all, you lovely ladies who have been my role models remind me to be positive and have confidence in myself. So thank you. :)

  60. These cookies look simply spectacular…what a lovely and refreshing combination! Can’t wait to try…
    p.s. came across this on Pinterest :)

  61. “These cookies are everything they should be: studded with dark chocolate, flavored with pistachios, and salty like whaaat?” ha ha ha :D. This is definitely the cookies I have to make! I’m so much curious about the taste. But I’m sure it will be delicious.

  62. Yes, you SHOULD make Deb’s Zucchini Gratin asap … I recommend doubly basically everything. I still used a 2 quart dish (kind of a shallow glass bowl dish) but I doubled the rice and cheese, used an extra egg, and roasted a little extra zucchini (and of course adjusted the seasoning accordingly.) It was AWESOME … just as I bet these cookies will be.

  63. i just have to say this blog post made my morning. that smitten kitchen recipe is my go to chocolate chip cookie recipe. i am always liberal with the salt. pistachios are my favorite nut. and my twenty-fifth birthday is sunday. i am having these instead of cake.

    and yeah, i feel you on the hip hop thing. i listen to hip hop pretty nonstop and i always feel ridiculous saying that phrase.

  64. I so need to Yolo this all in my mouth. Lovely post. Just bought some new lipstick and thought of you! I know odd. You should totally treat yourself to some perfume. You work hard business lady! Treat yo-self VIP.

  65. I’m making these tomorrow if I can either find smoked sea salt at the store or make it with a recipe provided by joy. As a meeting and event planning professional and planning meals, breaks and desserts for attendees/guests, the combination of salt and sweet are always on the menu and most requested. The combination of the two opposing flavors immediately satisfy the taste buds, and with the addition of the pistachios…OMG! Thanks, joy, for this new menu item for my groups. :)

  66. Dude. Back fat, hip hop lyrics, wanting to “run full throttle into a wall” in the face of these types of pressures – these are such truths in my life. I am terrible at cooking but I love your blog anyway, precisely for gems like this post.

  67. I made that zucchini rice gratin from sk, and it was delicious. I added roasted eggplant, which worked nicely.

  68. Joy, what brand of chocolate chunks do you use? and where do you buy them? These cookies look AMAAAZING!

  69. Mmmmmm, cookies…. Good lord those look delightful!

    Totally with you about catching the preggers , thinking about it makes me want to catch the first flight out of here. It’s like catching an STD that turns into a parasite that will haunt you for the rest of your life.

    Honestly though, I read for the ‘joy’ that comes through your writing and how you seem so happy doing exactly what you’re doing. If getting engaged/preggers made you happy the joy would still come through, you would just cement the fact that my mother is never having grandkids. :)

  70. I read you because you’re totally passionate about life, food and pretty dresses! And also because you make beautiful cookies.

  71. I never thought about pistachios in cookies. It looks so yummy that I totally want to jump in it (I always want to that when I see one of your recipes).

    Just wanna let you know that you are amazing (I know there is no context and maybe it sounds weird but I have to say it). I love your blog. It makes me so happy when you post something.

    So glad that I found you blog last Christmas.


  72. “Should I write about how sometimes I think my blog would be more popular if I were engaged or pregnant? Should I write about how that thought makes me want to run full throttle into a wall? Probably not. That’s a little hot-button for these parts. Those are just my weirdo backbrain thoughts anyhow… I know you’re mostly stoked to be here regardless of my… status (is that the right word?).”

    Actually, the fact that I don’t have to read about wedding plans, baby showers, and other heteronormative rituals makes your blog more appealing! (It’s cool if you want to do either or both of those things, but if I lose one more cool food blogger to “OMG my DH doesn’t like chocolate/tofu/socially “girly” things, waaaaaa” I will cry.)

  73. bwahahahaha! babies eat your brains!
    im 4 months pregnant now (im still totally cool though, promise) and hadnt heard that fact. i think i love joy readers as much as joy! lol..

  74. Joy, I am 21 and will finish college in April. I look up to you immensely because you’re NOT engaged or pregnant. There are far too few women like you – smart, independent, beautiful – for girls like me to look up to. Keep doing what you do, and be yourself because we love you for who you are.

    Just as a note, I’d still love you as much if you were engaged or pregnant, but I really like that you’re not.

    1. Totally agree! At 25 it seems like I am the minority in my non desire to marry or procreate at this point in time. It’s really nice to read about successful (and happy!) women who aren’t so marriage/baby focused, and have you know, things outside of that scope that they love. That being said, lets be honest. If this turned into a marriage/baby blog I’d still be all up in it.

      1. I am almost 30 and being pregnant still terrifies me…a sure sign I’m still not ready :) There’s a lot of life to be lived before kids…and none of that life is ‘less’ because we don’t have kids yet!

  75. Please don’t go getting engaged or preggers…it may be really selfish of me to say this, but should your..status…change, I fear you wouldn’t have enough time for this blog. And, I mean, I haven’t even made the cookies (yet), and my mood is already lifted! (and besides, everyone knows, babies eat your brains)

  76. i just made these. i only had a cup of chocolate chips (actually i had mini godiva chocolate bars that i chopped up… nom) and not enough nuts, but they’re still rad. thanks for the cookies!

  77. I think you’re fabulous, un-engaged and without child. There are many other equally as important, enthralling, life changing things you can do other than procreate and get hitched.

    And pinterest stresses me to the max, but also simultaneously delights me with an overwhelming amount of pretty pictures. It’s a love/hate relationship.

    One which I think these cookies will help immensely.

  78. Joy, your posts are always a highlight of my day. Your honesty and humour is hard to find these days…and your baking makes me drool (in a purely fat-kid-loves-cake sort o way). Thank you!

  79. I would have laughed if you started your post about back fat. But cookies are good too. These look incredible! I like big cookies and I cannot lie :)

  80. I’m obsessed by the thought of making these. In fact, I wish I had approximately 1325 to stuff in my face. And can we come up with the ultimate hip hop playlist? Promise I won’t wear any backwards hats!

  81. I so wish I had seen this before I went to the grocery store…like 30 minutes ago….and I so totally already have the smoked sea salt…

  82. Hey

    First post for me, although I’ve been reading your blog from Dubai, UAE since the beginning of 2012.

    Just wanted to say I’ve just bought your book as a thank-you for the tens of recipes I’ve used from your blog which have been a success! Then I started reading it and realised I would have bought it even if I hadn’t wanted to thank you. It’s awesome! And your food photography rocks- congrats. Seriously envious of your ability to cook/write AND shoot. Oh, and talk! I’ve started to listen to your podcasts as they get me through the days of editing when I’m missing my friends from the UK.

    Thank you!

  83. I think I might have to add dried bing cherries to these…. They look amazing, and no, they just don’t get made often enough, even if you were to make them once a week.

    Back fat–a new mom amongst my FB folks was asking where to procure Spanx today–I responded with “Um, this is Vermont–aren’t those illegal?”

    Yes, it does sneak up, but c’est la vie. Even Meryl Streep has back fat, and she’s still beautiful.

  84. I got married. I had a baby. I hated talking about it the whole time, because I’m more than just that – I’m me. And I love cookies. And bike riding. And discussing why oh why back fat creeps up on you so quickly and suddenly all the tops I had which were cute now just look awkward.

    Real talk – I just had to google YOLO. I may have missed the boat on that one while noone would talk to me about anything other than marriage and babies.

  85. What is it about chocolate chip cookies?? These look so delish and grown-up with those almost perfect chunks of chocolate and purple-ish green pistachios. I love the tone of these photos too. It has a smoked salty feel to it…if that’s possible.

  86. You get it done girl. I love your posts and tone of your blog, it’s right up my alley. It’s hard not to get wrapped up in coulda shoulda’s. I am breakin thru my 30’s and want to talk about more than just diapers and rings too. Just know, you are special regardless. Life will be happen anyway. XOXOX

  87. Oh, Joy. Just made these with dark chocolate chips, chopped almonds, and regular sea salt. And about a half cup of oats in place of some flour. Yum, yum yum yum, yum. Yum. My BFF (who is getting married, but not blogging about it (as far as I know)) wants a 3D printer so that she can print my pic of baked cookies and have them 1200 miles away.

    Aaaaannnnndddd… I’m so glad you aren’t engaged or growing a fetus. There are few things less interesting than reading about someone else’s oh-so-interesting experience trying on dozens of overpriced dresses and navigating the treacherous waters of integrating high school friends, college friends, and grown up friends, or finding out that aforementioned fetus is the size of an eggplant today and now has ten fingers and no tail. So kudos.

  88. Joy, your status is precisely WHY I read your blog. Your ‘status’ is not a despite, it’s a because!

  89. I know a lot of people love the smell of burning leaves. I don’t like it. But, I do love CB’s In the Library perfume. That is my jam. Also, I love making chocolate chip cookies. They are my favorite thing to make so I am going to make these. They look awesome! xo

  90. it does seem like there’s always something new to talk about when someone’s engaged or pregnant. invitiations ordered or the baby is as big as an apple today. good stuff! back fat might not be good stuff, but it’s definitely the result of good stuff.

    i might have a “joy” weekend and make the tomato zucchini soup with the cookies for dessert. vice versa? deal!

  91. All of your readers, myself included, will be super happy for you when marriage and babies are part of your life (assuming you want that of course), but as a single gal I find you much more relatable in your current status! Cat updates > baby updates any day!

    1. yes, yes, yes! this times one thousand! no hate on the mom bloggers, but i adore the non-married, non-preggo, cat-owning joy. be whatever you wanna be, but don’t stress the stupid public.

      also, these cookies? look ridiculous. holy hell i want!

  92. Joy – You are awesome just the way you are, quirks, anxieties and all. You would be dull and boring if you were engaged or pregnant and don’t let anyone else tell you differently. Actually, come to think of it, you would probably your same hilarious, lovable, engaging self no matter what your… ahem… status was.

  93. Oh I just love your blog! I just started reading it. I’m married with 2 smalls and your site is nice and refreshing. There is way too much smug mum/smug marrieds on tinternet!!!!
    Your writing is fab and recipes inspiring. I’m going to buy your book soon too. Keep doing what you do. Laura from England xx

  94. I love your website. It’s not necessary to change a thing–least of all yourself. The reason we all come back every day is because you write what you think, not what you think we want to hear. And your recipes are great!

  95. Just wanted to say that I’m happy to read your blog, engaged, pregnant, or not! I made my first recipe from your cookbook today . . your Blueberry Orange and Almond Pancakes with Orange Maple Glaze and I was a BIG fan!

    Your headnote said to make them for your mom, but I made them for my dad. What can I say, he’s a pancake type of guy! I’m planning to blog about them this weekend. :)

    Keep doing what you’re doing. :)

  96. Who needs to be married…or pregnant…or any of those things when you’ve got cookies like these!!

    And I’m with you on the back fat no-go-zone…not cool people, not cool.

  97. Joy,
    I love your talk and I love your recipes and I will be doing the cookie recipe with the salt! No worries on being pregnant, us women should not be judged by our child bearing abilities, even with 3 sons, I would rather be working! So keep up the honest talk and the wonderful food coming to help the rest of us get through a bad day!!
    You should come to Pacific NW, Spokane, WA! Would love to buy and have you sign the cook book!

    Happy days!

  98. Joy:
    Your blog is one of the few that I read. It’s like having a chat with a long-time friend. I’ve always gotten the feeling that if we’d met, we WOULD be friends.
    I think your blog is infinitely interesting and fun and the food is fantastic. Keep doing what you do – we will all happily read and enjoy – through whatever phase your life happens to be in.
    Thank you for the work you do.

  99. Dark Chocolate and Pistachios make them totally healthy! Still haven’t tried anything with the sea salt yet but these look too yummy NOT to bake so today might be the day! :)

  100. I love your blog… It doesn’t matter if you’re single, married, preggers, or not. You are you… Talented, funny, real, and a great cook. You are living ze awesome life, enjoy!

  101. Loved this intro, and the cookies look so good! Thanks for always brightening my (single, baby-free) day! Keep it up!

  102. Excuse me while I go back cookies. I haven’t baked all summer (*gasp*) and yes, I need some chocolate chip cookies in my life right now. Thank you for the reminder. :)

  103. i think i like your blog BETTER because you’re not pregnant! it’s just about YOU – and that is most certainly enough.

  104. the fact that you’re a gutsy non-pregnant, non-engaged lady cooking and baking up a storm and having fun doing it is part of what makes your blog so charming, miss joy.

  105. I love the original version of Deb’s chocolate chip cookies, so I am sure these would be delicious as well!

  106. Oh Joy you are wonderful, your blog is wonderful. I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one who gets weirdly awkward about the back fat sitch.

    Thanks for turning me on to the CB I Hate Perfumes! I live in the OC and am planning to head up to LA to check them out. Not sure if I can afford to buy them, but I’m intrigued by the “Gathering Apples”. Where do you go to (not) buy CB scents?

  107. Seriously, your random back brain thoughts are my favorite, blog post or podcast. Helps a girl feel, if not “normal” (heaven forbid), at least comforted knowing there’s other folks out there w/ jumbly rando thoughts. =) LOVE it.

    K. EDIT ALERT: “If feels like talking”–think you meant to type “It”, 2nd paragraph of post. So glad you say you don’t mind edit alerts (at least Tracy’s… I’m just goin’ with it).

    Last: BLESS you for talking about things like awkward hugs involving back fat. SO funny. SO real.

  108. I am sorry I have to talk about the back fat. I say this sentence way too often to my bf. “Please keep away from the back fat!” It makes me laugh so hard, so gross but sooo funny! Anyhow, that was good for me, and I Love these cookies!

    1. A: These cookies look and sound amazing, and I will be making themfor my Ragnar team this week.
      B: I could not agree with Juls more. I have stopped reading several blogs b/c the writers have thought that their impending marriage/birthgiving are universally entertaining. not so ladies, not so. Back fat, however . . ..

  109. Your blog is rad! And your food looks divine… These cookies are no exception.
    Sweet and Salty is THE BEST combination out there! I so badly want to try these…
    PS: I made that Zucchini Rice Gratin you speak of, and it was delish! So you should totally do it.

    Much admiration!
    <3 Lari

  110. Your blog is always interesting, and I always look forward to reading it. That said, I also enjoy the blogs from excited brides-to-be and expecting moms. They are in a space I have been….okay, long ago (like nearly thirty years and five kids ago). I understand their excitement. What they write about is the biggest thing going on in THEIR world. How could they NOT share it with their readers?

    Not everyone has a book out, either, but those that do (or are about to) write about THAT with excitement because that is what is going on in THEIR world. There is no pressure to get married or have a baby to have something to write about. Readers want to know what the writer is excited about, inspired by, impressed with. All topics won’t have the same appeal to all readers. I don’t care for the cat updates, for example. Thankfully, they are predictable and I can skip them.

    Sometimes sad things happen, tragic even. Those are shared with readers also, readers who want to know. They often lend support.

    My point is that most food bloggers are women in the age group that includes marriage and children and they write about what is going on in their world, with excitement, usually. This is a community of some pretty spectacular people. There is room for everyone.

    I understand your humor, and I get that your comments were just a tiny part of the post. Just so you know I read the whole thing…. but it came across as a barb at quite a few of the blogs I regularly read…in addition to yours… I just felt a little sad that you wrote that.

    As for the recipe, the photos are beautiful and tantalizing; the flavors sound delicious. While I have made MANY chocolate chip cookies, I’ve never tried them with pistachios. I am curious, though, about the smoked salt. The title of the recipe includes hickory smoked salt, but the link is for alderwood smoked salt. Could you please clarify which one you used?

    1. Are you suggesting that ! allow people to say whatever they want to say… to talk about whatever is going on in their own personal lives!? no way! I’ll never allow it! seriously though. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I see your point of view and appreciate it. I’ve amended the title of the recipe. thanks for catching that. I don’t think the type of smoked salt needs to be specific.. just that there’s smoke in there.

  111. delicious. i never thought chocolate and sea salt would go so well together until i tried a salted & caramel chocolate!
    it’s now one of my favorite things, ever.
    xo, cheyenne

  112. Dear Joy,
    Let’s talk. Let’s talk about how I love the fact that you write your blog from your awesome perspective. Which happens to currently be from the perspective of a successful independent gal with no beh-behs. Personally, I can relate to that. Sometimes it seems like all of my friends are getting married and starting families, and it seems that way on a lot of blogs that I read too. It can feel like I’m falling behind. But I’m on my own schedule and doing what makes me happy, and it sounds like you are too. High five!

    1. I second this comment – high fives to both of you!
      So great to hear voices of other single ladies loving life and their kitchens sans rings, baby bumps or crazy kid stories. Keep up the positive attitude and excellent baking!

      1. I agree with Sarah and Chelsey – it’s lovely & inspiring to read a blog from the pov of a single lady. I love my married friends and those with babies, I also love my single friends. I love my bloggers the same way! Your voice is much needed in the blog-o-sphere, keep it coming. BTW – these cookies look totes awesome!

  113. You would definitely not be more interesting if you were engaged or pregnant. You are super fantastic and I am so in love with your blog. (Like, possibly creepy in love with it…sorry I’m not sorry.)

    The only way you could get more popular is if you added bacon to cookies and made them not have calories. Not possible.

  114. are these cookies crispy or more chewy… can’t tell! they look delicious either way, just curious! i’m a fan of chewy/soft-ish…

  115. Pinterest stresses everyone out, eventually.

    I appreciate the fact that you can write about other things besides weddings and babies. You are a bright spot of relief in my everyday routine.

    The cookies look amazing. Can’t wait to try.

  116. These cookies sound DIVINE! Gotta make them soon…by the way, I LOVE your style of writing…it’s engaging, entertaining, insightful, funny, etc, etc..in a nutshell a pure joy to read :)…keep doing what you’re doing!

  117. I need to show these to my husband. He would buy the ingredients today, because he’d like these almost as much as he’d like my whoopie pie ice cream!

  118. 1) these cookies look divine and I can’t wait to make them 2) i’m going to echo the other liz up above – your blog never fails to make me feel happy and/or reflective and/or hungry for delicious things. I’m always smiling when I leave here. keep doing what you’re doing because it’s perfect!

  119. Dying over that first stacked photo. Adore! Your stream of thoughts at the beginning had me cracking up. You may not be engaged or pregnant but you definitely keep it real. And that is a great “status” to have.

  120. Haha, this post made me laugh out loud. Loved the back fat part!! Too funny.

    And I totally agree that pregnancy and being engaged are the current blogging trends right now :)

    These cookies look great! Love the addition of smoked sea salt, very awesome idea.

  121. Joy, your blog inspires for real. You don’t need to be growing a human or partaking in matrimony to keep me coming back. Your words are awesome. They help me feel sane and give me chocolate to put in my face. That’s all I need!

  122. It’s always a pleasure to see “Joy the Baker” (1) on my google reader during my breakfast. I have to eat something when I read your blog, otherwise I will start to eat immediatly! :D
    I have already seen this recipe on several blog in France, not always with sea salt, and I bought pistachio yesterday. Funny isn’t it? :D

  123. Just in case you didn’t see my comment the first time, I thought I’d post it again. LOL! Duh, I have NO idea what happened, I only hit “Submit” once. Must have eaten my Wheaties this morning, gave me extra finger power.
    And oh, status on, girl!

  124. Edible air fresheners – haha!! LOVE it! And yes, that hug even made ME feel awkward and made me want to give you a “proper” one to make you feel better.
    For some reason I never thought about putting pistachios into my cookies. I think I’m living under a rock.

  125. Edible air fresheners – haha!! LOVE it! And yes, that hug even made ME feel awkward and made me want to give you a “proper” one to make you feel better.
    For some reason I never thought about putting pistachios into my cookies. I think I’m living under a rock.

  126. I would continue to read and love your blog no matter what your status, but I must say as a young, single, independent woman navigating my way through city living and life I appreciate your lack of baby/husband posts as something novel and refreshing! Thanks again for letting us into your kitchen.

  127. As someone else neither pregnant or engaged, who really loves cookies, I support this stance. There seems to be an epidemic of both of these things of late. We’re awesome just as we are Joy, even if autocorrect does suggest that I change my name to Hula.

  128. I like your blog because you keep it real. You make me smile and I love to cook the things you write about. You never cease to amaze me with your ingenious combinations in your recipes. Please keep on keeping on. Love ya!

  129. I don’t recall if I have ever commented before, but I love your blog and your view of the world, just as it is, absent baby-making or wedding-planning (I also adore your book)! Also, you should *absolutely* make Deb’s zucchini rice gratin. I made it the other night and am still wishing there was more.

  130. This is officially my newest favorite food blog, and I love the fact that every other post isn’t about your fiancee or baby bump. just saying. you’re a great writer and i love reading your posts as much as looking at your delicious delicious treats.

  131. I don’t care about your status, other than wanting you to be happy :)

    Don’t run into any walls

    As for the cookies?
    You just made my day!

    And I JUST got some smoked salt . . . .

  132. sometimes you just need to put the motto on repeat to get through the day. i find YOLO is a great way to justify cookie eating in excess!

  133. Joy, literally everything you do on here is wonderful. You’re not engaged or pregnant but maybe that makes me love you more! I read here every single day and rarely comment but that pushed me over the edge. You’re great! In fact I’m pretty sure we’d be best friends. Hope that’s not creepy or anything… Also I’m obsessed with these cookies.

  134. sweet and salty is something i have recently found to love-these look just great.

    and oh-i tell you-you would not be more popular with me if you were pregnant/engaged or married. i .tell. you.

  135. Love cookie recipes like this one that are simple yet packed with tons of flavor. I have a weakness of the sweet and salty kind, thank you for these xoxo.

    P.s. in my book, you don’t need to be engaged or preggers to be more popular. I like that you’re YOU!

  136. I’m going to echo the above posters who’ve said that I love your blog without you being pregnant or engaged. If I have to read another blog about the joys of cooking for a child…

    Anyway, this look excellent and I love the idea as cookies as air fresheners. That is my new excuse to bake batch after batch of cookies.

    Why the reduced temperature and longer bake time?

  137. Joy, I love how I see so much of myself in the way you write about yourself!
    Your food is drool-worthy.

    Question – if I can’t get a hold of smoked salt, would a touch of regular sea salt do?

  138. I foodie love Deb! Make the gratin, made it 5 times since she posted it! I real life love you, Joy. Thousands of miles apart , having never met, we are kindred, every post reaffirms that. You write real life. Thank you.

  139. For what it’s worth, I like your blog especially because you’re not engaged, pregnant, or a super-mom. Uh, not that I’d begrudge you any or all of those things. It’s just that, while I — and I’m sure many other girls and guys feel the same — love bloggers like Joanna Goddard, their perfect-mom-loving-wife-perfect-cook-hotshot-blogger-selves make me feel just a liiiittle inadequate sometimes. Their popularity also reminds me of what society in general still expects of women, and makes me feel uncomfortable with maybe not wanting to ever fit that bill. Your blog never makes me feel that way (it just makes me crave cookies!), and I like you better for it. :)

  140. Joy, You’re fabulous, regardless of your “status.” We’ll be here for you, when those things happen. For now, your writing and baking always makes me smile and helps put my mind at ease.
    Stay awesome.

  141. WEIRD!!! I made chocolate chip cookies tonight! I just NEEDED them. But they didn’t have any fancy tasty extras like smoked sea salt, and I ate just as many Ghiradelli chips as made it into the dough. Nothing wrong with making dough, with NO intention of baking it, right…? ;)

  142. “Let’s think of Chocolate Chip Cookies as edible air fresheners.” – Best sentence ever! Never a truer word was spoken.

  143. Hellooo Joy!
    I, for one, am so happy you’re not pregnant or engaged or newlywed or whatever people are obsessing about on the interweb these days!

    So nice to read your blog, it’s about you – who you are as a woman and what you bake & how you feel – not you as a woman defined by your relationship status!

    I’m 29 and have 2 little boys and find myself struggling to define ‘me’ outside of motherhood. And it’s tough, you know, to try to fulfil myself creatively and achieve stuff for myself, all the while doing laundry and making dinner and cleaning the house, not to mention stressing that not paying my kids enough attention will lead to them becoming juvenile delinquents and totally hating me when they grow up!

    To put it more succinctly Joy, you rock. Keep rocking!

  144. Joy – you crack me up. Yes, I suspect your blog would blow up big time if you were preggers, but it’s nice to come to your little corner of the blog world and not read about babies or weddings. (Pinterest totally stresses me out sometimes too….perhaps that’s just further evidence of my addiction to it.)

  145. There’s really no need to get engaged, married or pregnant for that matter. Your blog is rad as it is. Your prose is at the same time funny and interesting to read.
    So please do not change a thing but keep recipes like this one coming. They are just too fantastic!

  146. OMG, I love you and I NEED these cookies. Trust me, some of us have had enough of the “newly engaged” and/or “newly pregnant/new mom” blogs. Don’t change a thing just to get an audience. We are here for you!

  147. I loved this blog post – just laying it out there how it is. Whitty comments and cookies. I feel like you would do well as a stand up comedian :P OR your own cooking show.. oh man! I would watch it all the time! smoked salt .. where do you get such things?

  148. These look completely divine. Making them ASAP. And I love how real you are. Keep it real, girlfriend. We love you no matter what. PS — I was totally jamming to Soul II Soul in the kitchen today. Busted out my middle school dance moves. It was awesome.

  149. Hi Joy! First time commenting here, but I just have to chime in and say: I’m SO glad you’re not engaged or pregnant! Recently, I’ve gained seemingly expert knowledge on pregnancy, newborns, breastfeeding, wedding planning and Crossfit because all of my favorite bloggers are transitioning to different life stages before me!

    I love being able to knowledgeably and randomly talk about nursing bras and WODs to complete strangers, but I sincerely appreciate that you aren’t rushing into anything other than being YOU for the time being. Let’s talk about cookies together, mmmkay?

    Your writing is just a pleasure!


  150. I love you BECAUSE you’re a single, child-less girl. I adore your recipes as well as your commentary and am thrilled that you don’t rely on relationship/child stories to attract readers. Us unmarried girls gotta stick together!

  151. Aw, Joy! You make me smile. I’m kinda glad that your blog isn’t about you being engaged or pregnant. To echo the above sentiments, we like you. We really like you, just as you are. Thanks for the incredible recipes and your great writing! You rock it!

  152. OMG you’re so right about Pinterest. I mean I follow this awesome graphic designer right? Who only posts PERFECT THINGS and I seriously feel inadequate to post things because they’re not perfect! I can’t handle it sometimes!

    I might have to make these cookies… right meow.

  153. Thank you, Joy, for being so relatable and REAL! And thank you for referring to cookies as air fresheners – that totally made my day! :-). P.S. I (of course) will still read your blog and listen to your podcast and adore all things Joy the Baker when you get engaged/have a baby/etc. but for now I like you just the way you are.

  154. Thank you. I love your down-to-earth-ness. It always makes my day! I’m SO glad you don’t write about your “upcoming wedding” or your “growing baby bump.” Uhg. Anyway. As soon as I get my hands on some pistachios these are being made and the eaten promptly.

    One last thing. I totally imagine you cooking in the kitchen, dancing around a bit, to this https://youtu.be/JGCsyshUU-A

    Don’t ask me why… I just do…. and it makes me smile hehe. <3

  155. Oh Joy, you crack me up. Who else talks about not wanting their back fat touched??? Most of us can certainly relate do that… I wish I could have one of these cookie right this very minute; pistachios are the best!

  156. I definitely think these cookies trump the zucchini gratin on Deb’s site :) No offense to anyone who prefers zucchini to dark choc cookies. I will always! take cookies! What an interesting combo of flavors – and I bet delish!

  157. This post made me smile… (edible air freshners! ha!). Your posts often make me smile. And I just want to say, we, your readers, would love you single, engaged, married, or pregnant–whatever makes you happiest! :)

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