The beach, please!

Let It Be Friday, 3!

Sylvain, French Quarter

Hello my friends!

I’m a bit early with this week’s link list because change is in the air.  This weekend Joy the Baker will be down as I redesign and rewrap my site.  I’ll be back Monday will all sorts of new sparkle and shine!  I’m really excited to show you some freshness.  If you’re planning on making any waffles or doughnuts this weekend, be sure to print out the recipes from this site today and bake the weekend away.

Here are some links to help get us through the slow hours of this Friday.  Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!

•  Let’s chill out this Autumn and stay away from sickness.  It turns out that managing stress can keep us whole and healthy.  Grab the yoga matt, but do we still need to get a flu-shot?

•  Lots of feminism in the news and on my brain this week:   Etsy is trying to fix Tech’s Women Problem. Why aren’t you?  Conversely, Why Women Leave Tech… it has much more to do with tech culture than capabilities, DUH.

•  Jennifer Lawrence is on this month’s cover of vogue.  I really appreciate her words about her leaked nude photos.  Can we be better people than we are?  Geez.

•  A beautiful and thoughtful piece about New York, home, self, happiness, art and advertising:   FIND YOUR BEACH.

•  Vanity Fair on Daily Life in the capital of ISIS because “art evades censorship”.

 Social Networks are pushing us to the limits of friendship.  We can only handle 50 to 100 friends?  Phew.  No wonder I only have one maj.

•  Apparently I’m Taylor Swift’s favorite baker.  Totally normal aka WHAT?!

•  This Honey Almond Quinoa Granola looks incredible!

•  I would like a Therapy Cat. #thankyouverymuch

Thanks for your patience as I gussy up Joy the Baker this weekend.  I hope you have a lovely and restful weekend.

xo Joy

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I Made This


35 Responses

  1. Love the links, Joy. I’ve been keeping up with all the feminist talk as well. I loved the article on ‘Why women leave tech’. Just a heads up: for the third link you said that Jennifer Lawrence is on the cover of Vogue instead of Vanity Fair.

    Loving the site makeover by the way! Love the watercolour feel!:)

    xo Donna

  2. tay-tay’s fave bake-bake?? amazing!!! (sorry, trying to adopt some teen-talk there) that must be worth a free ticket to her next concert in new orleans!? i watched the Vanity Fair jennifer lawrence photoshoot “video.” man alive, is she ever gorgeous. i think i even said that aloud to myself when i watched it! i totally agree with what she said too. that would be such a horrible violation.

    very excited about your blog redesign, joy!! have a sweet weekend, xo

  3. Thanks for sharing the Therapy Cat, made me feel so good that that little girl has this wonderful talent and that amazing cat. Main Coon Cats rock! Thanks for sharing that site was amazing to see this story!

  4. 4 days! 4 days! 4 days till the new cookbook! If it’s anything like your first book I won’t be fitting into these jeans in a few weeks and I CAN”T WAIT.

  5. I have a degree in civil engineering and currently work in construction management – so gender inequality in the workplace is my reality. That fortune article hits close to home and breaks my heart. According to the bureau of labor statistics, my job has only 6% women in this country – so it is a bit lonely sometimes. My biggest struggle is not having another female to look to as far as how to navigate this career path. I completely understand the women in that article that one of the big issues is fitting maternity leave and kids into the picture. Especially since my husband is working part time and trying to be a writer. We do not have kids yet because we can’t afford for me to take the time off. And when your career is dependent on the experience you get from working various projects that can last 1-2 years – “missing out” on project opportunities for even a 3 month leave is detrimental. So yes, I truly believe the lack of women in STEM has nothing to do with our level of competence, skill or ability.

    And for anyone who thinks it’s not possible to create this level of equality and understanding in the working world – Sweden has arguably the best gender equality in the world. They actually have about equal politics and they have paid maternity AND paternity up to a year – typically the mother will take 6 months off, and then she’ll go back to work and the father will take 6 months off – without any societal stigma or work repercussions.

  6. Taylor Swift ‘s favorite baker and the favorite of many of us mere mortals too! I can’t wait to get your new book. I love your site with all the real world, not just baking, experiences. Thanks! Karen

  7. Well, oddly (or maybe not so much), one of my favorite things to do is make one of your recipes while dancing around the kitchen to a Taylor Swift album. Good things just go together. ;)

  8. I’ve been on a real feminist writing kick this morning, but I won’t subject you and your readers to reading my thoughts on women and technology, except to say that… despite the individualistic focus of our society, and our strong desires to celebrate personal achievement, success rarely comes down to abilities, and mostly to collective culture. The Taylor Swift article made me chuckle. Good luck with the redesign!

  9. JOY! That is amazing about you being taylor swift’s favorite baker! I mean obviously we know you’re awesome but wow! What an honor and accomplishment to be recognized by such star power. I’d love to be included at the cookie soirée! Just 3 gals with old souls. What a dream! :)

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