Let It Be Sunday!

Let It Be Sunday!

Hello my friends. ย What the plan for today? ย Going 0ut for Brunch and then going to Trader Joe’s to buy almond milk? ย I imagine that’s what everyone is doing while I’m home making myself a third cup of coffee and bouncing off the walls. ย Here’s an hour of solid Sunday distractions. ย The Internet made it for us:

โ€ข ย It’s Oscar day, time to give away gold statues to people who pretend to be other people for our entertainment. ย Here’s a perspective beyond the fine dresses (and I really do like the fine dresses):ย What It’s Really Like To Work In Hollywood* (*if you’re not a straight white man).

โ€ขย  Important weekend read: ย The Final, Fateful Days of Lawrence Phillips

โ€ขย ย Why Do We Teach Girls That It’s Cute To Be Scared?ย Thoughtful. ย What does all of the caution add up to?

โ€ข ย Where Are All The Women Chefs. ย The difference between men’s and women’s approach to food. ย Plus courage and grit and nurturing.

โ€ข ย We are silly creatures but I understand the impulse of airline miles / status hoarding all too well. ย The Madness of Airline Elite Status

โ€ข ย The 41 year old hipster dude who is trying to help us escape our own madness and retire early.ย I’m ready to start clipping coupons. ย Will that help? ย From The New Yorker:ย The Scold. ย ย 

โ€ข ย Love and the TV Attractiveness Gap. ย The ‘ugly guy’ always gets the ‘hot girl’ according to television. ย 

โ€ข ย Go for a long walk up a very tall mountain and play to the world because you can. ย It’s beauty.ย ย Cello atop a mountain

โ€ข ย What Does It Take To Become a Best Selling Author? ย 3 to 5 minutes.ย Amazon is taking over the ‘best-selling’ scene and apparently it’s not so hard to wear the crown.

โ€ข ย Just reading some research. ย Spinster by Kate Bolick

โ€ข ย I made these quick and easyย 30 minute chocolate croissantsย a good while ago when I lived in a weird apartment in North Hollywood and my blog was very new. ย Still winners. ย 

โ€ข ย Let’s take a minute and remember that we share this planet Earth with PRINCE.

โ€ข ย The Culinary Institute of America (the other CIA) has a basketball team and they think they know a thing or two about smack talk: ย Basketball and Beignets.

โ€ข ย Smoked Vanilla Beans. ย Yes. ย I believe in you. ย ย ย 

Today is your day.

xo Joy

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I Made This


23 Responses

  1. Thanks for Let It Be Sunday for posting such a nice article. It is really thoughtful. I personally liked “Where are the women chefs?”

    Women are the real chefs. They are on call 24/7. They are multi tasking and being a chef is one of the many roles they portray. But being a professional chef along with all other roles of a woman are extremely challenging and that’s the reason we find only few of them in the professional kitchen.

    Hatsoff to all the wonderful real chefs in the world who do not except their work to be acknowledged.

  2. As a Nebraskan, I gotta ask what caught your eye about the Lawrence Phillips story. His story has been well-shared around here, but I wasn’t quite expecting to see it in my weekly links from Joy the Baker.

  3. I read Spinster last year and thought it was fascinating! Bolick and I approach singleness differently but I liked the idea of finding guides for this season.

  4. I know everyone says this and I believe I’ve said it before, but I LOVE YOUR SUNDAY POSTS!!!! They are the best. I look forward to them…I love clicking off and reading interesting articles that weren’t on my radar. So thanks. My cousin recently asked me for a tutorial on brown butter and I was running around like a crazy person and I sent her a link to your brown butter tutorial. You are such a great resource for baking and technique, but also for keeping it real. Happy week. xo

  5. Joy,
    I’ve been a fan for about three years and I’m enamored with pretty much everything you do. I may not comment, but I dream of/try your recipes often. Your Sunday posts are always thoughtful, but as a young actress/food enthusiast, this week’s posts hit home. Thank you for using your blog as a platform for something more. You are someone who truly inspires me to go after my dreams, and to stay aware of the world around me.


  6. Thanks for the New Yorker article. I hadn’t heard of Mr Mustache but he is sooooo much a-brother-from-another-mother! Although I did wait until I was 46 to retire. BTW, I don’t clip coupons. They’re only for prepared foods and stuff I won’t buy, never for basics like eggs and veggies

  7. Today my table saw and my lathe broke, my husband just got a new knee and Im his nurse and I have a cold. Have been looking forward to relaxing with Let It Be Sunday all day! Thanks for the always bright and funny posts.

  8. Funny story about Prince back in his Purple Rain” reign. A couple guys I worked with somehow got a gig to be part of his security team. They were instructed not to talk to him, address him in any way or even look at him. He was of course dressed head to toe in purple sequins…..

    Great post as usual Joy

  9. I love “Let it Be Sunday.” Yesterday I was like, why isn’t it Sunday yet, I need my curated links from Joy. Hope you have a great one.

  10. Thanks for Let It Be Sunday. Always new ideas to explore that I would have missed otherwise. You’re like a kinder version of Flipboard, except without the snarkiness. My Kitchen renovation should be over in 3 weeks, can’t wait to cook again.

  11. “people who pretend to be other people for our entertainment” I was just thinking how strange this was the other day. As usual you sum it up perfectly. The link is like to share this week is a post about risk taking on Nerds Eye View. Cheers Joy

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