Let It Be Sunday, 201!

Hello my friends!

Thank you for all of the kind words last week.  Surgery recover is a wild ride and I’m still learning lessons of ease and asking for help.  

We’re barreling towards the holidays and this time of year (and maybe my slower pace) has me feeling reflective of the past year. Bearing witness to the different ways that ambition took shape, to the exciting and unexpected moments of the year, to the growth, and the places where I might still feel a little stuck.  In all the reflection, I’m trying to be easy.  Trying.  

I teach my first big-time yoga class this morning.  I’m nervous but the good news is, I can be nervous about a thing and still do it at the same time. Wow, what multi-tasking.  

I hope this finds you well, reflective, and easy.  If not those things – I hope this finds you NOT at the mall.  

Oh – the cookies above are a holiday CLASSIC.  You may think your mom invented them but I’m here to tell you that SORRY, my mom did by finding them here. We call them Love Cookies in our happy home, but you might know them as Peanut Blossoms.  (ps. I use butter, no lie.)

The offering this week is here.  As always, take what you want, take what you need: 

  The Class of 1946-2018: Twenty seven school shooting survivors bear their scars and bear witness. (NYMag)

  An education on education and why it’s so deeply important to understand our past:  How to Teach the Civil War in the Deep South. (The Atlantic) 

  Let’s reflect:  The Unsettling Psychology of an Amazon Prime Addiction. (Mel Magazine via Ann Friedman)

  Could you live a life as a perfect consumer? I used all the best stuff for a week and it nearly broke me. You know… because sh*t happens. (Vox)

  Shame ‘creates imaginary worlds inside your head’ and those are some true ass words: I’m Broke and Mostly Friendless and I’ve Wasted My Whole Life (The Cut) 

  New to us podcast alert:  You’re Wrong About…(Thank you for the suggestion Nicole!) (iTunes) 

•  If you’ll allow it because WOW this is strangely poignant: Babes in Pump Land (yes, we’re talking Vanderpump).  (Vogue) 

My friends started this high-vibe natural product line and I am very smitten: Wildland Organics. (Wildland)

  Been time:  It’s Time to Stop Calling Foods ‘Crack’. (Grub Street) 

  I’m in the candy making mood and these are a) incredibly easy and b) VERY delicious freshly made and still warm:   Classic Southern Pralines (The Kitchn) 

  This is not a drill: the sheet pan sugar cookie (Food52)

  A very intricate but very rewarding cup of hot chocolate.  Invite some friends over and share it in big batches and play board games – that feels right.  Coconut Curry Hot Chocolate (Joy the Baker)

•  On my cookbook wish list as I move into the new year post-surgery:  One Part Plant.  (Indie Bound)

  If you missed last week: Let It Be Sunday, 200! (Joy the Baker)

Enjoy this Sunday! 

My love to you,

xo Joy

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I Made This


15 Responses

  1. We call those cookies “Kissy-Face Cookies” and only make them for Christmas! So funny how that recipe has become such a special thing for so many different families. (I also use butter instead of shortening, and prefer dark chocolate kisses!)

  2. Glad you’re doing well after your surgery and hope your yoga class was everything you wanted it to be.

    Jessica also has a podcast too! It’s called “One Part Podcast”. Have a listen :)

  3. Hope the yoga went well!

    Reading that article on shame in my office was a bad move – tears at my desk would not be a good move!

    Have a great week, and thanks for the links :)

  4. I somehow missed your mention of surgery, I’m glad to know you healing well. As someone who had to have two major surgeries in the span of just a few years, I feel you Joy! I’ve been super healthy my whole life, never broken anything, wow it’s weird to feel helpless and vulnerable . Also, youcan’t do simple things you take for granted like lifting your laundry. I thankfully had friends and family to help. I hope yours wasn’t too difficult. My last one was very major and my body will never be quite the same. On the up side because of modern science, I am healthy and happy to be alive! Yoga is the always the answer and know your class will be amazing . Also, cooking and baking are always soothing to me. Kindred spirits. Cheers!

  5. That article about using the “best” products for a week seriously stressed me out! Most of those things are way (way) out of my budget, but it did make me think about the pressure I’ve been putting on myself to find the most ethical/ best thing. Especially since it’s Christmas! I just love gift giving and I want them to like it too, ya know?? Really thought provoking.

    I hope your yoga class goes well! Sending you good vibes!

  6. post-surgery is so weird!! they told me that i would be able to go to work the next day! even accounting for that they didn’t account for part of my work being a personal trainer, the strangest part to me was how i had no motivation to get off the couch (see: personal trainer). i took the rest of the week off and by the weekend my boyfriend was a little worried about me walking to the train to the office by myself, so gently suggested an accompanied test walk. saturday’s test walk we got to the stairs going down to the train and i was just like No. but then sunday i went down the stairs. and monday i went back to work. but then i sat on my stability ball at my desk and was like No and found myself a proper chair toot sweet

  7. First time writing….The Peanut Butter Blossom cookies were my Dad’s favorite thing in the entire world! I always brought them home, every time I came back to visit. My trick is to unpeel the Hersheys’ kisses and freeze them until time to put on the baked cookies. They are the first cookies to disappear on a cookie platter.


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