Let It Be Sunday, 266!

Hello friends! 

Happy Sunday to you, and Easter at that! 

How are you? How are your people? 

This week I’ve committed to finding lots of different ways to stay steady. I’ve been running by the river. I’ve been laying in the grass in my little backyard. I’ve been over-caffeinating every morning. That last one doesn’t lend to steadiness but it is a reality I’ve committed to. 

Far away porch visits are really sweet these days. A few friends and I have mastered the food swap economy so I don’t have to only eat my own food. That’s been a high-five of a surprise. 

I hope this finds you as well as can be.  The offering this week is delightfully all over the place.  Take what you need but make sure you listen to the Bill Wither’s podcast. Mmmkay, here ya go: 

  This is difficult and reminds me of how fragile and resilient we are as humans in the world: An Unimaginable Toll. (The Atlantic) 

  This is a sweet piece from our friend Rebecca: Finding Comfort and Calm in Remote Teaching. (Santa Barbara Independent) 

  We’re all in here Trying To Understand Drake’s House.  Drake’s master bedroom is two times the size of my actual entire house AND HE HAS A CLOSET FULL OF PURSES FOR HIS FUTURE WIFE. Let that sink in. Thank you for alerting me to this Kim. (The Cut) 

  Please please enjoy this (first) Death Sex and Money Podcast: How to Be a Man With Bill Withers.  This voice. This simple wisdom is hard-earned – we just know it. “Ego will make you call fear something different than what it is.”  (WNYC)

  I made us a new playlist inspired by our dear John Prine: Clay Pigeons.  Related: let’s take a moment to appreciate the classic beauty and talent Bonnie Raitt. (Spotify, YouTube) 

  We’re a puzzle family. You?  Here’s How Those Hot Jigsaw Puzzles Are Made. (The New York Times) 

•  Jon Krasinski brings us Some Good News.  I cried. You absolutely will too. (YouTube)

  Perhaps some of these recipes will help you feed yourself this week.  Six Weekday Meals I’m Eating Right Now.  I made the Tahini Roasted Carrots this week. 10/10 recommend.  (Joy the Baker) 

  Some of my favorite splurge jewelry is on sale until the end of Sunday: Luna Skye SALE.  (LunaSkye) 

  Do you have some eggs you can splurge with this fine Easter Sunday? Perhaps a version of this Pan-Crisped Deviled Egg Salad or Muffuletta Deviled Eggs.  (Joy the Baker) 

  Big news! Everlane makes cute clogs! (Everlane) 

  Can I share with you a few splurgy things that I love these days: I use this clay mask on my face, neck, chest and (believe it or not) the tops of my hands because it’s so affordable and very high functioning. I use this sleep mask a few times a week for moisture and brightening.  In lieu of a haircut, this leave-in conditioner werks.  (Walmart, Sephora, Ulta) 

  We’re holding more BAKEHOUSE LIVE classes – this time Quick Soft Pretzels and Muffins and Scones in the coming weeks. Please join! It’s so much fun! 

Happy Easter! 

Be well – my love to you! 

xo Joy

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I Made This


46 Responses

  1. Hey, Joy!
    Yesterday was the first day in Poland after some (tough) time of restrictions, when I was able to legally go for a walk and watch the beauty of blooming trees.
    For the first time, I just watched the beauty of flowers and fully enjoyed time spent outside. Maybe it’s a temporary feeling.
    However, I think we all have to accept a new disease and to learn how to live with its presence in our environment. It’s not the end of the world and we just have to live. I think we should enjoy our lives and smile a lot. Positive mindset can cure at least bad feelings.
    Have a happy week!

  2. Hey, girl! Texas girl sitting on a patio in front of a fire at home in Kentucky listening to your Clay Pigeons playlist on a Saturday night. Thank you! It’s perfect!

  3. I will never make it through “Angel From Montgomery” without crying. I’ve been listening to it since I was a little girl (I’m 45 now) and I still find it so moving. Bonnie Raitt singing it is almost too much – in the best possible way.

  4. Hi Joy,

    Is it possible to purchase a ticket to a workshop that has already happened (do you record the live content?).
    I see I missed the cinnamon bun workshop but would really love to learn from you as my efforts are pretty inconsistent.

    If not, I’ll join a future workshop. Excited by the opportunity to participate online!


    1. Hi Laura! We don’t have the past classes open for sale, but we’ll have more classes to offer AND I’ll probably repeat the cinnamon bun class because you’re not the only one who didn’t get an opportunity to take the class.

  5. I loved seeing you on COJ today, Joy! You radiate wherever you go. All the best this week to you and your loved ones.

  6. Any chance you will do any of the Bakehouse Lives a little later for us west coast, not morning people? I’m not sure I can be that focused at 8am. Of course, I’m the type that bakes late at night most of the time.

    I have successfully bartered cookies for hand sewn masks. We all play a role in pandemic life! Mine is baking, not sewing!

  7. Joy, today in the Washington Post was a story that touch my heart about Burnell’s Market in your city. Do you know if there is a go fund me or a way to donate to him?
    Also wanted you to know how much I look forward to your Sunday suggestions and always your recipes.Thanks for being one of the lights during these dark days.

  8. I just signed up for your Quick Soft Pretzels Bakehouse Live event and I’m giddy beyond all reason. I never thought I’d be able to take a baking class with you! You’re my absolute favorite blogger, baker & cultivator. Thank you for this much-needed silver lining during a very hard time in the world.

  9. A big thank you for your latest playlist, Joy – I love Clay Pigeons – Bonnie Raitt has been a favourite of mine since my early twenties (she is about the same age as I am) but some new-to-me artists as well. Stay safe – love, Ann

  10. I’d love to learn more about this food economy you’ve set up! I need people to share baked goods with and would appreciate your insights on how to prepare and exchange food carefully. Thanks Joy!

  11. We are blessed to be living where our Lanai faces the beach. With everyone out walking, the social distancing Lanai chats have been pick me ups for the soul. Have met so many new people in the community. I hope after this whole mess is over we keep these new neighborhood bonds.

  12. Confession: I think Drake is gross, but I love your lyric cakes. Maybe time for Megan Thee Stallion on cake?

  13. Drake’s master bedroom is 2.5 times the size of my entire house.
    It skeeves me out a little that there’s a built in bar in the master… like, we’re going to drink and OH HEY LOOK THERE’S A BED RIGHT HERE.

    I’m adding that podcast to my list. :)

    1. Not to mention… a black marble bathtub would cool off quickly and I’m surprised it’s only a 12 person dining table.

      OK I’M DONE.

      1. Thank you Joy! I always love and look forward to Let it Be Sunday – the playlist you gave us is a gift today, many favorites and a beautiful tribute to John Prine’s poetry and artistry, his classic Angel from Montgomery with Bonnie Raitt, as well as other great musicians you featured. Thank you!. Thoughtful articles and great recipes as always. Thank you so much and Happy Easter. We can close our eyes and pretend life is back to normal while we are in this time of quarantine, so not normal. Looking forward to better times ahead. As we always heard…this too shall pass ????

  14. Loved SGN! We all need that! My husband is on the frontlines working in the ICU at our local hospital here in California. there is so much going on and with that it’s bringing a lot of sadness. I love this quote I read the other day: “In a dark time, the eye begins to see” (by Theodore Roethke). I find that is true today. May we all come out of this better people with more clarity. Peace and love everyone…

    1. Thank you Angela, lovely quote.

      Ugh, Drake’s hideous folly of a house. – my first thought was that at least a lot of workers and craftspeople had good jobs for awhile (hope they got paid well). But it still depresses me. The quotes from folks about it were sadly hilarious.

      Joy, finally got around to making the cupcakes you featured awhile back. Just delicious and I was easily able to use a whisk to mix them up. My favorite addition was chopped candied orange peel and then a bit of fancy Dutch chocolate sprinkles on top of the icing. Keeper of a recipe those little cakes of love are.

      Stay sane and safe everyone and Joy you are helping us all.

      1. “Hideous folly of a house” is so funny! I’m so glad you enjoyed the cupcakes Vaughan – your additions sound incredible! I’m always here for orange and chocolate!

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