Let It Be Sunday, 286

Hello friends. 

It’s Sunday, how we doin’? 

It’s a sunny Saturday afternoon as I write this. I’m drinking peppermint tea on the couch, trying to sort in my mind whether or not I have everything I need sorted for two possible hurricanes next week.  Water, red beans, house deed, a full tank of gas. Mostly I’m stealing myself for power outages and the possibility of inescapable heat. 

So many times these past few months I think back to a jacket I saw a woman wearing this past Mardi Gras.  The back was embroidered with “I’m ok. You’re ok.” I think about that woman and that jacket passing by me on the street so often. I think the sentiment is true. I think it has to be.

At least right now there’s cold watermelon. 

The offering this week is below. Please take good care and take only what you need:  

•  My thoughts are with everyone in California. It feels like each wildfires season is scarier than the last. Crews prepare for a long battle as dozens of fire rage across the Bay Area and Northern California. In additional news: California severely short on firefighting crews after COVID-19 lockdown at prison camps. (SF Chronicle and Sacramento Bee) 

•  For the years that I’ve lived in New Orleans I know that the end of August is always a pensive time in the city. You can feel the weight of this time of year when, fifteen years ago, Hurricane Katrina overwhelmed the city: Remembering Katrina and Its Unlearned Lessons, 15 Years Later.  With two hurricanes in the gulf this week, I’ve learned that we this time of year more than ever we look to each other for comfort and stability and emergency plans and excess bourbon. (The New York Times) 

  Parent friends I’m thinking about you so much as your kiddos start another school year. This is so messed and so hard and I’m rooting for you and your babes: Parents Brace for a Go-It-Alone School Year. (The New York Times) 

  I found this episode of The Daily really frustrating. So with millions of dollars, planning, and sacrifice, the NBA has figured out how to resume their season and playoffs but we can’t figure out how to safely educate our children? Am I getting that right? Cool… cool. A Pandemic-Proof Bubble (The Daily) 

  This week’s long read: Who Will Save The Food Timeline? (Eater) 

  In case you wanted to read about rich people problems: From the Hamptons to the Shore, a Plague of Summer Houseguests Who Won’t Leave. (Vanity Fair) 

  The 90 Day Fiance franchise is my absolute favorite trash television, don’t @ me.  I love when it pops up in conversation because it’s always with fervent passion. This is not a casual fan show. You have to take it on ALL THE WAY.  I have my friend Kim to thank for alerting me to this excellent podcast episode and conversation: Why Won’t You Date Me with Nicole Byer and Gabby Sibide. (Apple Podcasts) 

  My friend Timothy’s Vegan Red Beans and Rice is my new absolute favorite. The way he builds flavors is second to none. (Mississippi Vegan) 

•  Is a sheetpan pancake just a cake? No tea nor shade – just wresting with my feelings about this: Light & Fluffy Sheet Pan Pancakes. (The Kitchn) 

  My friend Katherine invited me over for outside dinner for three this weekend and I’m bringing this Cinnamon Harissa Caramel Corn as a thank you.  (Joy the Baker) 

  I bought too big a bag of carrots two weeks ago so I’m going to Marrakesh Carrot Salad about it. (Joy the Baker) 

  For my health I’m going to have to make some changed in my diet and in my baking. This week I’m again so inspired by Amy Chaplin’s Whole Food Cooking Every Day. (Indiebound) 

That’s all for today! Do enjoy your Sunday!

My love to you!

xo Joy

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I Made This


33 Responses

  1. Amy Chaplin’s books are both always at arms reach away from my kitchen. Her coconut cherry granola is our go to granola recipe. Her chimichurri sauce is drinkable. This week I tried the Beet Marmalade recipe for the first time and am already making a second batch! My beet averse family even loved it too. I’ve not had as much success with several of her baking recipes, especially the gluten free vegan versions. However the rest of the books are worth their weight!

  2. Now I am craving red beans and rice, it is a rainy Monday here in NC, and there is one bag of Camellia Red Beans in the pantry, so know what I’ma do this morning. Be safe, as someone whose daughter lived in Nola for several years, I know how a hard rainstorm can flood areas. And I NEED a jacket that says I’m OK You’re Ok. Maybe Joy the Baker tees that say that?

  3. Hi Joy,

    Just touching in to say that the real reason we don’t have enough firefighters here in California is because there are SO MANY DAMN FIRES!!!!!!

    Much love and I love your Sunday issues.

  4. If you’re interested in 90 Day Fiancé, I highly recommend the podcast 90 Day Gays. It’s joyful and very funny.

    Stay safe!

  5. This past Friday I took along a past issue of Where Women Cook, Dec/Jan 2014, and enjoyed the early morning in my car while my husband was at physical therapy. I found you in this issue, was in awe of what you had done, browsed your website and read some recipes. Then, Friday afternoon when I got our mail, my new issue of Pioneer Woman arrived! YAY! Then, as if by magic of sorts…there you were, in 2020 even better than before! Can you imagine the surprise and somewhat crazy coincidence! I love the success stories of you ladies!
    I live in a small farming community (450) in southern Illinois. I work full time and on the sidelines have always baked for everyone, every occasion. I also love to write! I have a sweet series about hometown living and the importance of faith. family and friends…and a whole lot of cooking! Two novels into the series I decided to have one of my favorite characters in my novels to pen a cookbook! So, 84 of my recipes and more picture taking than imaginable & a year of my life, I found myself holding a copy of our cookbook that turned out beyond my expectations! A SIMPLE STIR, A MEMORY SERVED is the 3rd in my SIMPLE STITCH series. A SIMPLE STITCH, A COMMON THREAD. A SIMPLE STITCH. A TIME MEND and out this fall, #4 is A SIMPLE STITCH. A FAMILIAR PATTERN.
    I admire what you have accomplished and still strive to do what I love each day. I’m so thankful to see you on my path and plan to follow your journey as well. If you ever need an ah-ha moment, please drop by my website for a visit. I would love to send you a copy of my cookbook for your collection!
    It’s so nice to meet you! Keep inspiring and be safe!
    Kindly, DebO

  6. Guess who I spotted in the Pioneer Woman Magazine? The Bake House/Joy the Baker article is beautiful. Your grit and lovely heart shine in all you do. I am so excited and proud for you!?I am praying for your safety and your sweet Tron. ?GOOD FOR YOU, JOY!!!?

    1. So funny~all the flowers and megaphone emojis came out as question marks on my post. So as you read my earlier comments, please add pretty pictures where the question marks posted. Xoxo

  7. NBA vs. Schools:
    $$$$$ The NBA has the funds to be able to “bubble” their players in accommodations that allow for space. Most schools don;t really have adequate space or staffing to be able to bubble their students effectively. There would need to be additional teachers hired as well as space retrofitted to make for appropriately distanced classrooms. The money needed for that is not something most school districts have available.

    Isolation: The NBA is really isolating the players from outside contact. Since these are players under contracts, the NBA was able to come to an agreement with the players union to create a plan for this. One of the issues with schools is that you can maybe isolate kids in a classroom for a few hours a day, but you can not expect the families to do the same thing once they are at home. We can see issues with people refusing to wear masks and not socially distancing throughout the country. There are always those people who just won’t do what’s needed to stem the spread. This will impact schools. Your trusting everyone to do the right things, but not all will.

    Testing: The NBA is testing players in the bubble regularly. This isn’t possible in a school district financially or even from a numbers standpoint. Having seen the process our local high school went through to just check temperatures and do quick health checks of athletes coming to summer practices (required before they were allowed to practice), the time involved was excessive. And that was only with the kids involved in summer practices, not the entire school.

    Number of people: 22 NBA teams with 37 players/staff each.Add in journalists. Your probably under 1000. We have individual schools here with more people. The sheer numbers are hugely different when looking at the NBA bubble vs. a school district.

    It really more than anything though comes down to money. Schools just don;t have the finances to do this well. Add in every time someone in a classroom bubble tests positive, the entire bubble needs to be quarantined. That could happen multiple times in a school and multiple times to the same classroom bubble. That could be far far more disruptive to the the kids. We’re already seeing schools and universities dealing with this, after only a couple weeks.

    There honestly is no good solution for schools right now. There just isn;t. So prioritizing health and safety is probably the best route to go.

    1. I’m just guessing, but I am sure what Joy was getting at is where are our priorities? We will allocate money to the NBA for safety, but not to our schools. Clearly there is money out there, but it isn’t being used where it is needed most. Educating our kids safely is more important than some sport (sorry to the sports fans out there).

  8. Joy, do you know about the podcast ‘90 Day Bae’?! It’s on Patreon with Nicole Byer and Marcy Jarreau and, as a fellow 90 Day fan, I’m telling you it is so. dang. funny!! I look forward to it every week. Highly recommended! Btw I’ve been following you for years and I love you a whole lot! ??

  9. I am loving watermelon and pineapple with lime and Tajin this week. Thanks for your good offerings. Take care.

  10. I live in the Chicago area and can’t even imagine what the fear of a hurricane, let alone two, can do to your mind. Please know that we’re all hoping for the best for New Orleans and the entire area. Please be safe and calm if possible at this time. Best wishes for a safe outcome.

  11. Hi Joy,

    I have gone camping and it really is quite an experience I might add. Being
    outdoors and now more than ever that
    is exactly what people want and need.

    I was going to make comment about
    the potato in the taco but someone beat me to it. I just guess that’s your
    families spin on a favorite easy to prepare food.

    Enjoy your trip away from home.

    Be safe. Be well.

    1. Thanks for great links as always, Joy. Between the storms, wildfires, and coronavirus, too, the climate emergency looms so large through this week’s selection. May we find the strength and collective resolve to help ourselves through it!

  12. Hi Joy, I’m a Grammy who has been following you for quite some time. My kids are your age and I keep up with what’s cool so I can relate to them better ? (plus the fact that you always have subjects that interest me). I wanted to let you know that I’m Ok, You’re OK was a self help book in the 60s. It was a Big Thing back then. Please stay extra safe with the hurricanes coming your way. I live in southwest florida on the coast so though I’m grateful it’s missing us, sorry it’s heading your way.

  13. Happy Sunday, Joy. Please take care and caution this coming week. We all will be watching and praying for those this in the hurricane paths. And , Mississippi Vegan’s Red Beans and Rice should be a staple meal in everyone’s home. I’ll tell you a short cut, but don’t tell Timothy. When I’m short (er) on time, I substitute 4 cans of red beans. It’s still a beautiful meal. The building of flavors is a joy to make.

    We are in crazy times, so we have to be kind, and remember “You’re ok, I’m ok”

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