Hello friend! It’s another Sunday to melt into.
It was with extreme caution that I flew home to Los Angeles to see my family this week. It had been one pandemic, one quarantine, countless Facetimes, one sick cat, and two dodging of hurricanes since I had seem my family so… it was time. Dad is making cookies and mom and I are crafting the same Hello Bargello kit on the patio. I can feel the wealth of this good fortune in my heart.
The bigworld news cycle this week, in line with the rest of 2020, has been a heavy weight. You know what’s going on. Are you taking good care of yourself? Offering a little extra kindness to your neighbors? Are you ready to vote? I can feel you nodding yes… ok good.
The offering this week is below. Please take only what you need and leave the rest for little Joy in her mullet and overalls to handle.
• Do you know Ona Judge? “Ona was born free, like everybody. It was this world that made her a slave.” In Search of the Slave Who Defied George Washington (The New York Times)
• I’m going to need you to sit with this with me. The Life Breonna Taylor Lived, In The Words of Her Mother. I feel like her name has sometimes been trotted across social media rather flippantly but to hear her story so intimately, from the person who loved her the most, is to see that we all want the same things from this life THE SAME THINGS, and the way that her precious life was robbed is America’s darkest thread. (Vanity Fair)
• This week our neighbors in western Louisiana were hit by a big one. The news cycle may be on to other things, but so many are still digging out of devastation. If you feel compelled to donate to help those affected by Hurricane Laura, here’s where I’m donating: Imagine Water Works. (Donorbox)
• This is the story of Chef Nina Compton and the story of present day New Orleans so beautifully told by Helen Rosner: A New Orleans Chef Navigates Disaster. (The New Yorker)
• Norah Jones’ Tiny Desk from home. (YouTube)
• Nothing has kicked my butt this week like Heather Robertson’s 12 week workout program. I finished my first week yesterday.Yes, I am sore. (YouTube)
• Years and years ago when I lived in Venice I made myself a pair of summer glitter shoes. See? I was destined to live in New Orleans. (Joy the Baker)
• The Leave It To Leonor weekly newsletter has guided me to this very important episode of Back Issue about all the things we let Tyra Banks get away with on America’s Next Top Model. (Apple Podcast)
• There is still space in this year’s virtual BakeAway – our 4 week baking series workshop this fall! You’ll love it. Come back with us! (The BakeAway)
• I’m very much want to stay present but I can’t get fall baking and cozy fall foods off my mind: Baking Our Way to Fall. (Joy the Baker)
• Ok speaking of fall baking, here are two things I simply CANNOT get out of my brain: Earl Grey Doughnut Bites and No-Knead Deep Dish Pizza. (Cloudy Kitchen and The Candid Appetite)
That’s all for today. Enjoy this Sunday!
My love to you.
xo Joy
23 Responses
I love everything you post, but I know you need ads , I get it but can they please not be those cheap fake cute clothes Chinese as that don’t amount to anything thank you so much
Thank you!!
As a sane person who flew on a plane, can you tell us about the experience? I’m weighing a fall flight to see family, and I just don’t know what to expect. If not, I understand! I love your Sunday posts!
Norah Jones! Thank you for that little piece of beautiful.
I’ve been having the same thoughts on trying to be present and also getting excited for fall! I’ve told myself that since it’s officially PSL season and September starts tomorrow I can get excited for fall and all the baking I’m going to do. I’ve also been daydreaming about coming back to New Orleans. Something about the fall makes me crave NOLA with all the history, spooky stories, great food, and amazing Jazz. I’m in Canada so I will not be making the trip for the foreseeable future but I’m playing some great jazz playlists and planning a New Orleans themed dinner with my family.
Thank you for sharing Joy. I love the family photo!
Thank you for sharing the workout plan! I’ve been looking for a new one to get my butt in gear.
Thank you again Joy, I read these weekly and very much appreciate them. I thought you might want to read this from Ta-Nehesi Coates: https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2020/08/ta-nehisi-coates-editor-letter
We too are channeling Joy over here as we got ourselves a cute little black kitty named Athena (for the goddess of wisdom).
My love to you.
Hi Ms. Joy….Follower for a number of years, here. I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am that you post these weekly. I never miss them and revel at your consistently high level of quality subjects. I feel that I know your heart.
I have no idea how I ‘met’ you, but I gravitated to you as a fellow Los Angeleno and lover of Cat and cooking. I am hoping that your beautiful jewel box of a home, and those of your neighbors, are intact, not too much damage. So happy thatyougot to see your folks. I have lost a little track of you, so not sure if Tron is okay, but blessings to you both.
82 of the water systems were damaged in the state of Louisiana- water lack of USA major concern in the report I heard that it would be a week or so for water limestone repaired & 2 weeks foe power to be restored. If you can help these folks need the help. Glad your home for a time – stay safe healthy & thanks for being a bright light for us. I look forward to the Sunday post along with the King Arthur Baking newsletter!
Love the pic, Joy! Where did you find that one? ?
Happy Sunday Joy! I feel fall is on it’s way. Making your brown butter banana loaf and it starting to smell amazing here,
Thank you, Joy!
I just wanted to comment for any readers that have middle grade children. The author that wrote Never Caught (about Ona Judge) also wrote a middle grade book that I read to my boys a year ago. We learned a lot from that book about George Washington and his role with slaves/slavery. The book can be a little dry at times, but I thought it was a good book to add if one is trying to learn a more accurate representation of history.
Thanks Joy. Sitting with Breonna’s mother’s story of her is hard. There’s still no justice, but I’m glad she feels she can breathe. I love what you bring on Sundays. Glad you made it safely to LA. And love the photo, esp love the expression on your dad’s face. Hilarious. Travel safely.
Could you be any cuter?! Your family is amazing.
On the Washington story. That’s why history shouldn’t be destroyed or torn down. We could yell, cry, and protest until the cows come home, but that won’t change the past. What happened during the Roman Empire, Mongolian Empire, and when Ramses II, ruled Egypt, only exists in history books. The people who lived it are not here now. Can we judge what happened during that time of history was right or wrong? Maybe! What we can do, is learn as civilized people, to live a better life now, and love thy neighbor!
Thank you!
I second the comment about you being a bright light in the world.
Thank you Joy! You are a bright light in this world!
Thanks for the bargello link. I just got back into needlepoint and was looking for my second project.
Fingers crossed your dad is wearing his ‘life is a beach’ shirt! ?
Happy Sunday, thanks for sharing.
Thank you for bringing up the hurricane. The people in that area will be dealing with so much clean up and rebuilding over the next year. The news showed the coastal damage but there was a lot of damage done inland as well.