Rainy Day Reads and other things

rainy day reads

We’ve had some rainy days lately, and really… I’m always looking for an excuse to spend some quality time on the Internet.  I love that you come here looking for cookies, but please allow me to share a bit of my Internet browsings with you.

I’m a sucker for a pretty Tumblr.  That’s Real Cute, HoneyPie is everything I need. Long distance BFFs with awesome taste and good hair.

Miss Moss brings us pretty things from South Africa.  Taleggio and Mushroom Pie looks so good it makes me mad (good mad).

I love these What’s For Sipper features on the blog Brunellos Have More Fun.

Sometimes a cake is more than a cake.  Sometimes a cake is a angel that speaks to your heart.  I don’t think I can live without Tina’s Crackle Cake from The Kitchy Kitchen for one more minute.

Did you know that the internet says that you can get away with giving someone a rock for Valentine’s Day.  Clearly we’re coming to the end of the Internet.  A rock, people.  A rock.  It’s OVER.

There are exactly 1.76 million super awesome food blogs in the world.  What are you doing here!?  Have you read Top With Cinnamon?  It’s a super pretty blog and they life-hacked the heck out of these Thin Mint Cookies (no-bake aaaannndd vegan?  yea… tricky).  Read the ingredient list and you’ll either roll your eyes or play the Rocky theme song and fist pump.  You could go either way.

I’m not, what some might call: a voracious reader.  I am a voracious eater of popcorn.  I am a voracious watcher of poor-choices-television.  I am a voracious waster of time.  Calling myself a voracious reader makes me sound waaay more intellectual than I actually am, and really… I’m not fooling anyone.  Aaaaannnyway.  This month I’m reading An Altar in the World.  I didn’t know I didn’t know about this book.  It’s all about finding the beautiful and sacred in the small things.  It’s been a good book for my sometimes impatient, overreacting, judge-y heart.  (real!)

There’s more…

rainy day

Other possible rainy day activities include:  getting at a big ol’ piece of Chocolate Cream Pie, and not sharing (or sharing…. fiiiiine).

rainy day

Let’s take a moment to talk about something really (un)important:  the new hit MTV show Catfish.

You don’t have to pretend like you’re not 100% obsessed with this show.  It’s all about people meeting their online loves in real life.  It’s an apocalyptic love story  hosted by a handsome/petit-shouldered dude named Nev.  What more could you want?

Whitney and I ran into Nev at a Los Angeles restaurant last week, and we took a self-pic to prove it.  Please not:  this picture actually only proves that we’re shameless dorks.

rainy day

Rainy days are good for recipe testing… especially when the end result is a crap-ton of Pepperoni Pizza Pretzels.  I’m working on this particular recipe for the new cookbook.  No biggie/total biggie.

rainy day

I’ve also been playing around with a new camera.  It’s a Canon eos M.  I’ll tell you more about it when I know more.  We’re getting along just swimmingly so far.

I’m in New Orleans for the next few weeks.  Stay tuned for Mardi Gras madness and beignets… oooh beignets.

xo joy

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I Made This


85 Responses

  1. oh my goodness. you certainly know how to spend a rainy day! thank you for the link love and introducing me to Top With Cinnamon – I can’t stop won’t stop reading it! swoon…

  2. New cookbook? I’m excited. Mardi Gras? I’m even more excited. I was there this year too (hence my being way behind on blog reading), I’m excited to see how our experiences compare.

  3. Mardi Gras celebrated in the New Orleans ! You’re so right !
    I never dared to bake beignets, because I’m a little scared about oil boiling.
    But my mother in law bake the best in town ! I can’t see the hour to eat some of them :)
    PS : I love your picture in black and white.

  4. Find a way to each fried chicken while waiting for the parades at 8am on Mardi Gras morning. It’s my family’s tradition and it really just sets the whole day up perfectly. One year my mom even figured out how to fry on the side of the road while we staked out our spot for the day.

  5. Was excited to see you and a recipe in a mailer I just received from Kroger! You have come a long way in 5 years…Have a great time in New Orleans.

  6. Love that book! So glad it came into your consciousness… not because you NEED it, but because we all do, and it’s a stellar book. Enough, already.

  7. So psyched to see that Miss Moss got a shout-out! I love her blog. You really ought to come visit South Africa sometime :)

  8. Have you seen the movie Catfish?? MTV has been playing it lately. WOAH it’s the ultimate catfish. DVR it and watch! So jealous you saw Nev in person. Thanks for your blog, I <3 it always.

  9. “I am a voracious watcher of poor-choices-television.” – I’m pretty sure a good portion of your readers are guilty of this. My choices tend to be non-stop food-network marathons (Paula Dean followed by Paula Dean followed by yet another episode of Paula Dean) and/or top-chef marathons. Also acceptable is Shark Week on Discovery Channel. Seriously, try and turn that off. You just can’t do it.

    Also, please share any recipes you learn regarding beignets. If they also involve peanut butter, I will worship at your feet. Just sayin…

  10. Barbara Taylor is my mom’s favorite and she has recently been reading An Altar in the World and recommending it highly, I can’t wait to check it out!

  11. Oh this was a lovely post. You make me want to use the word lovely, and I hardly ever use that word. :) Happy Wednesday!

  12. Thank you so much for sharing those blogs. I can never stop clicking on different pictures and discovering even more pages full of pretty and inspiring pictures.

  13. Still completely stunned by this – I’ve admired your blog so much, for so long – thanks again Joy!
    You made sitting through my chemistry, maths and biology lessons today 100% easier ( /kinda harder because I kept wanting to double check my phone to make sure that I wasn’t just dreaming about this, throughout the whole day.).
    It was the best (almost) 17th birthday present I could ever get :) x

  14. Have SO MUCH FUN at Mardi Gras, girl! It’s my favorite time of year, and I’m kind of heartbroken that we won’t make it to NOLA this year. (Granted, we live a LOT farther away than we did last year… but still!)

    Please eat a ton of king cake on my behalf. Preferably the cream cheese-filled kind. Because that’s the best.

  15. Is it horrible that I recognize your binder and binder tabs to be from Martha Stewart? I just sit and stare at them in stationary aisles debating what I could use them for!

  16. Welcome to New Orleans! Mardi Gras is the best time of year around here. I hope you packed lots of sparkly clothing.

  17. *happy sigh*

    crap-ton. I love that.

    Almost as much as I love your cat. I also have a giant stripy rascal-cat. Heaven-hell-furry-purring-power-napper cat.

    And your writing. Please never be shy about writing more, even if there is no food associated with it. It’s all part of that special Joy the Baker thing.

  18. Perhaps you can go on a research mission: I’ve always wanted to know how much powdered sugar they go through at Cafe du Monde. It’s a big ol’ mystery!

  19. Joy-
    I also enjoyed An Alter in the World… You should read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. It’s about a woman who went on a mission to “Sing in the morning, clean my closets, Fight Right, and Generally Have More Fun”.

    It’s a good one!

  20. Aargh – jealous – New Orleans? for the next few weeks? Sigh… I’m in cubicle # 4 as we speak…

    Although, wait! I’ll be in Tahoe for my baby girls b-day for two days starting Monday!! Ding ding ding – That’ll work!!

  21. You mentioned Kitchy Kitchen. That crackle cake was to die for. Did you see Claire’s episode of Food for Thought where she showed how to make it? I love that show even if it is on Saturday mornings.

  22. i love this post– you should do these every once in awhile! we love your recipes for sure, but don’t sell yourself short– we also love your style & interests. Most of these links were to sites i’m not already familiar with, so i enjoyed it!

  23. this post is perfection. I especially enjoyed your descriptions of Catfish. i am a fellow “voracious watcher of poor-choices-television.” i just can’t help myself! i just get so sucked into any type of dysfunction…

    also, glad to here you’re in nola! i hope you enjoy our beautiful/weird little city! :)

  24. ” An Altar in the World” is an amazing book. Read it a few months ago myself. If you like it check out “Leaving Church” (the kindof prequel) :).

  25. Where New Orleans? Kelley is dancing in 6, maybe 7 parades. She’ll be the one walking with a Joy the Baker cookbook on her head. Seriously! I’m not kidding. Well, maybe a little. But, really, where New Orleans. Cafe du monde, ooohhh……

  26. Joy,

    You are a true joy! I love your blog and I’m going to look up “an altar in the world”. Thanks for being such a special, loving person.


  27. JTB – you were in my local Kroger coupon book! They featured your beet cake, which I had actually made around a year ago after seeing the recipe on your blog (loved it, by the way!). I felt so ahead of the curve! My sister gave me your cookbook for my birthday and I’m super excited.

    1. I just came here to say the same thing! I’m flipping through, tearing out coupons, and then WHAM, there’s Joy. And beet cake! This is great.

  28. Fab-thanks for the links! always like to know what the cool people are reading on the internet!! Want sweet things NOW- so I better go for a run instead…then have the sweet things later!

  29. OH Joy it is simply beautiful and wonderfully fulfilling to wake up and to your blog to a post that brightens my day In Ohio where it gray, snowy and downright depressing winter day.. Thanks for all the great places you have shared with us today. Your the fairy godmother of the internet. With the touch of the keys we are there. Just love the internet. Paulette

  30. Oh the new camera. Wow…how fun!

    And that you’re in NOLA for a few weeks, and for Mardi Gras. Please share any sheninigans type stories!

    I saw those Thin Mints the other day. I love making homemade Thin Mints.

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