
Let It Be Sunday, March 22, 2015!

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[H]appy Sunday, friends!

I have three hopes for you today:

I hope there’s champagne in your orange juice and fresh flowers in ย a vase. ย What luxuries… seriously.

I hope you make yourself a big pot of Roasted Garlic Soup and not care a lick about the garlic breath you might have for the next full week or so. ย (Kidding… it’s not really that bad.)

I sincerely hope you take some time to slow it all down today. ย Leave and the muss and fuss for Monday and Wednesday.

(photo above from Young Blood, Atlanta.)

This was a week. ย We’re carrying on through the year, aren’t we?

โ€ข ย There is an election this coming week in Nigeria, but what’s really most pressing there is Boko Haram. ย This from the NYT: ย Nigerian Army Noticeably Absent From Town Liberated from Boko Haram.

โ€ข ย We live in an age of irrational parenting. ย I don’t even want to let my housecat out on the patio, so I totally understand this.

โ€ข ย Seven years ago Los Angeles banned the expansion of fast food restaurants in South LA in an effort to curb obesity rates. ย Unfortunately, it didn’t work.

โ€ข ย In a world that has a review for dang-near everything on the planet, I mean… who can we trust? ย Inside The Mad Mad World of TripAdvisor. ย 

โ€ข ย Have you seen the new HBO show ‘The Jinx’? ย Probably yes. ย You’re much more on top of things than me. ย I juuust now figured out that House of Cards is back and new. ย I have yet to see ‘The Jinx’, but woweee how we blur real life and entertainment: ย ย The Queasy Finale of ‘The Jinx’

โ€ข ย Ben Dorcy has been a roadie since 1950. ย Let’s wrap our brain around that kinda life and then read all about him:ย ย The First Roadie Everย 

โ€ข ย I haven’t read this yet, but here’s a peek into my Internet-land weekend reads: ย The Woman Who Froze In Fargo.

โ€ข ย There’s an app for that: ย You phone buzzes when you approach places where women made history (aka herstory).

โ€ข ย Ask a Wine Pro: ย Pronouncing Wine Words. ย When you want to do more than wince and point.

โ€ข ย I will eat hummus until the cows come home. ย Related: I don’t want to talk about my breath. ย Thanks. ย Green Goddess Hummus.

โ€ข ย New Orleans love! ย We have a new happy place: ย St. Roch Market.

โ€ข ย Kate Spade and her forever-clever clutches: ย Wedding Belles.

Happy day to you and us!

xo Joy

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17 Responses

  1. Hi Joy, Thanks for the humus recipe, I will try that one, looks so good. Yes I use to point and say “I will take that bottle”. Interesting but now I don’t drink much except Vodka with a splash of cranberry juice. Have a good week. Paulette

  2. Hey Joy,

    Where are those beautiful glass feathers from (and might they deliver)? My mom would love those. I see a perfect Mother’s Day gift in my future.


  3. Garlic and cayenne pepper are my “go to” spices, so thank you! You offer some awesome tips and they are truly appreciated. Hope your week is totally awesome! Hugs…www.inthe knowwithro.blogspot.com

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