Hello my friends!
Happy Sunday. You are a gemstone and I’m so glad you’re here.
A few things happened for me this week. I’ve stuck my head in the sand when it comes to this election season. I’m done. I’m voted. Tap me on the shoulder when it’s over because I’m all full up until then. Also, what I thought was a blonde hair is actually (if I’m being damn honest with myself) a gray hair, and what I thought were bruises on my finger are likely age spots. So… that’s how I’m living… and really, all is well. All is really very good.
How are you? I mean it. Will you tell me?
Here’s some of the Internet (minus the bullcrap):
• Do you know how many elected women presidents and prime ministers there have been? I didn’t know either. Take a good 20 minutes and watch this: 50/50 Film. Let’s change the scarcity narrative.
• Six Takeaways From America’s Test Kitchen’s Lawsuit Against Christopher Kimball. I mean… I could boil it down to one takeaway: don’t be a jerk of a human. Ok? Ok.
• How Much Suffering Can You Take? That is, how much suffering can you take to complete five Ironman competitions in five days? Strong bodies + even stronger mental will.
• I really love this! Give something back + Give Something Bike 2016.
• I’m currently reading two books. First, Shakespeare Saved My Life, admittedly a hand-me-down from my Mom’s book club and I’m really enjoying it. It’s nonfiction, about a professor who teaches Shakespeare to inmates in solitary confinement. The parallels are pointed. The second book I’m reading is really important and I hope you consider adding it to your list: Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson of the Equal Justice Initiative. It’s about justice and the man who has fought against unjust prison sentencing for decades. Please read.
• Interesting / not totally surprising: What’s up with the cookbook industry these days.
• Adrianna’s Cornbread Chicken + Dumplings sounds SO GOOD. Comforts galore. Now excuse me while I doodle around the Internet looking for advice on homemade vegetable and chicken stocks. (See: How To Make Vegetable Stock Without A Recipe).
• Most all of my wardrobe is now from Everlane. It’s function and style and transparency. These Heeled Oxfords have my name all over them (not literally).
• My favorite Peanut Butter Cookie is crisp and dipped in chocolate (and sprinkled with salt thaaaank you).
• Nicolas Newcomb makes my favorite mug. It’s comfortable and holds a lot of dark coffee.
• Can we use these as tiny casual wine cups? Curious.
Let’s enjoy this day!
xo Joy
62 Responses
I moved to Birmingham from Atlanta about a year ago and it’s crazy impressive but nice and laid back.
Stick with something you know, it’s certainly not how this country needs to b governed.
Good bye!
At least stick around long enough to see how deeply I’m rolling my eyes at you.
Wow, the 50/50 video really opened my eyes! Thank you for the positive reminder! Also, I think it’s pretty funny that both you and I read Shakespeare Saved My Life because our moms read it in their book clubs! I loved that book! And finally, unfortunately, I don’t think you can drink out of those mercury votives :( From experience, I’ve used mercury votives as vases and if there’s liquid in them, the mercury peels off…wouldn’t want to drink that!
Nice post, I really love reading your blog! Keep it up!
I am now doing well. I don’t know that I could handle 5 ironman competitions. I only just managed a half marathon this weekend.
I love cookbooks! We have so many in our house. I love pouring through them looking for inspiration. We have had some great meals around our house because of this.
I like the idea of tiny wine cups. I can never drink wine fast enough from a properly sized glass without it getting warm.
Love your hat! Where’d you get it?
It’s from a place called Defend New Orleans
Can I have a some fun busting your chops just a little? First you said, ” I’ve stuck my head in the sand when it comes to this election season. I’m done. I’m voted. Tap me on the shoulder when it’s over because I’m all full up until then.” But then your first article for us to read was this: • Do you know how many elected women presidents and prime ministers there have been? I didn’t know either. Take a good 20 minutes and watch this: 50/50 Film. Let’s change the scarcity narrative. :)
And no matter what side of the fence we all fell on, I would hope that people would not vote on a candidate just to help make history or to change the “scarcity narrative”. One day there will be a woman president, but in this case, the people weren’t ready for this particular woman to be president.
Regardless, I always look forward to “Let it be Sunday” as one of my favorite blog posts each week, so thanks for doing the work and providing interesting reading material for us!
It’s election day and I voted, I dragged myself to the polls despite absolutely no desire to do so. You might be surprised how many women have truly held power since Biblical times it is far more then you may think and it was often not pretty. I won’t vote based on sex, I vote based on ability and honesty (which made this election a absolute nightmare). My step son a US Marine is preparing for the next Iron-man competition this is his second or third time, just to show you what a crazy family I have. I still buy books of all kinds there is nothing like holding a book in your hands the riffling of pages the smell and the texture of the paper (Proof I am an old codger) I have a kindle that sits unused on my desk.Love your recipes yours is the next cookbook I’ll buy (I have about 200 dating back to the early 1900s)
Where have I been? This is the first time I’ve read the Sunday Post. I enjoyed it so much, I will never miss another. Thank you for a lift!
Hi Joy. I’m a new reader of your blog, though I have loved your recipes for ages (those cinnamon roll muffins!!).
Anyway, the main reason I am writing is I don’t think I would drink out of those divine little votive holders. Mercury glass is coated with silver and if it is cheaply done it might come off. I’m a potter myself and I make my own glazes and am extra aware of cheap stuff that I see that might leach something dangerous or at the very least something unpleasant in drink or food. I work in stoneware which is very strong and rather impervious to such things. And boy do I love mugs, potters buy others pottery!
Keep up the good work. Sounds like you are digging NOLA as much as I do when I get to visit.
Vaughan Greene
Hello, just wanted to second the push to read “Just Mercy” and let you know that Stevenson is speaking tonight at West Virginia University and you can live stream the talk, which begins at 7:30 pm EST. https://livestream.com/accounts/15068377/events/6591333
I’m tired from travelling to Philly for a long weekend, thanks for asking. The whole election thing is turning my anxiety up to 11. Speaking of cookbooks, I look forward to your brunch cookbook. Have a great week!
I would totally use those mercury glasses for wine glasses, if it’s ok to drink with the mercury lining. I have some small pink depression glass glasses that look almost like these, and other tiny glasses that we use more than wine glasses. They’re less easy to break too, without the stem!
Chicken and dumplings is PERFECT right now. Also – that Shakespeare book sounds amazing. I truly think literature is food for the soul.
I had a relaxing weekend at home after 2 weekends in a row travelling with a 5 month old.
I’d heard a bit about the ATK/Christopher Kimball rumble and he was never my favorite part of that show. Surprised to see the comments on the article supporting him so much.
Thanks for putting these Sunday posts together. I always look forward to them.
I’ve got Thanksgiving on the brain. I honestly thought one long the articles read how much STUFFING can you take…..
I love your site. It is a “joy” to read and share. I have 4 bookcases of cookbooks. I couldn’t do without them. Pictures to make me crave cooking “whatever” I have a lot of holiday cookbooks, They inspire me every year.
I love all your tips and ideas. It gives me a lot to do or think about. Keep it up.
Is it odd that I desperately want grey hair? I find it absolutely beautiful! It makes women look wise and refined. I fear I will never go grey. Love that grey hair! Be proud of it! You’re a gorgeous lady, getting ever wiser. :)
I’m with you! I think it’s beautiful too! Really striking.
If you vote for a woman just because she’s a woman, that’s sexist.
Deep thoughts.
Sunday posts are the best. I love following your links. I am ready for Tuesday to be done and move on! I’m also dying to make the choc/pb cookies. love, Love, LOVE peanut butter (but not peanut butter ice cream).
Hi Joy! Thanks for your Sunday posts. Like many commenters before me, I must mention that I look forward to your Sunday posts, always. Made the Ina Garten Apple Pie bars this week. Thanks so much for posting about those. Love so many of your recipes — the Skillet Dark and Stormy Banana Bread is one thing my sons and husband particularly enjoy. Thanks again….oh, and, also, for all the pics of New Orleans. I miss it so….
Happy Sunday!
I also recommend the New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander if you haven’t read it already! Probably a lot of similarities to Just Mercy, which I need to read.
I love Everlane, too, but did you see this? https://www.thefashionlaw.com/home/radical-transparency-hm-and-zara-are-actually-more-transparent-than-everlane It worries me a bit…
Happy Sunday Joy and great links as always! Thanks for sharing the 50/50 film! I read Just Mercy back in the winter and I need to re-read it at some point. Such an important read and if you haven’t watched his TED Talk yet, I highly recommend it.
I just finished reading Shannon Moroney’s memoir, Through the Glass. Moroney, a teacher and high school guidance counsellor married her boyfriend of three years. One month into their marriage, her new husband is arrested and charged with sexually assaulting and kidnapping two women. Moroney shares how she dealt with the loss of her husband, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, the rejection and judgment from people in her small town, all while trying to understand what caused her husband to turn to such violence. I was shocked by how some of her neighbours, friends, and officials at the school where she taught treated her when the news broke of her husband’s crimes. It’s an incredible journey into prisons and courtrooms and a story of grief, compassion, forgiveness, letting go, and putting one’s life back together. I can’t stop recommending it!
I am currently reading and LOVING Hillary Clinton’s memoir, Hard Choices. It’s an in-depth look at her four years as Secretary of State. I am learning so much about foreign policy and her passion for women’s, children’s and human rights. I also love her sense of humour. I can’t recommend it enough.
My guy is in the wine industry and we definitely use 4oz Duralex tumblers for casual wine drinking! Bonus: way more difficult to dump rosé on the table if you talk with lots of hand gestures. Keep the bottle on the table for refills and get on with your cute wine glass self!!
Joy, wonderfully real Sunday post. Loved It! ALL my hair is white and if you took away the brown, aka age, spots, I ‘don’t not have much left. Remember, in other cultures the things we see as aging, they see as beauty, strength, and wisdom. And besides, it’s so so much better than the alternative!????
I love you, Joy. You’re candid and real and that matters in days like these. And while you tried to take politics out of your post, I would be remiss if I didn’t add that if we elect her just because she is a woman we would be making a big mistake given the fact that she is a career politician who has proven to be untrustworthy and corrupt. I’m sad about that as I wish that I could without conscience vote for her. Her words just don’t match her actions. Sorry that this post will cause potential problems for you, Joy. I just want my grandkids to have a good American life, well defended, un-threatened, relaxed and peaceful. And while I know that the other options are not perfect – far shot from it – still, I can’t vote for her.
BUT I adore your browned butter chocolate chip cookies with a passion.
Who said anything about electing anyone just because they’re a woman????
Let’s change the scarcity narrative.”
If I misunderstood or misspoke, please forgive me.
Everlane seems to have prioritized marketing through bloggers these days, and each time I see them linked it bums me out. Their largest size is a 12, shutting out the vast majority of women (and no doubt your readers) and reinforcing negative ideas about who has value and who should have access to better values as shoppers. I love that you so often are willing to have a voice around issues of social justice and equality, and hope you can find space to extend that thinking about body shape and size, too, especially in how and who you promote.
You know what? I think I really do have a blind spot when it comes to this issue and I really appreciate you saying something and helping me see a different perspective. You’re right. That’s shitty.
Thanks for taking the time to read and reply (and think!), Joy. I appreciate it.
I had no idea that Christopher Kimball left ATK. Yeah, what a jerk. I listen to the ATK podcast, and while I like it, I feel like he is sometimes outright rude and snobby.
Definitely on the snobby side sometimes. I’m sure there are two sides (three actually) to the story.
Don’t worry- I’ve found a few stray greys myself. I am using the “pluck and forget’ method until they become so overwhelming that I’ll pluck myself bald. Happy Sunday!
Hey Joy! I love your links this Sunday and every Sunday! Have you ever thought about getting involved in supporting your local public defender’s office, since you are interested in issues of criminal justice and unfair sentencing? (This is a totally selfish comment since I work there but am also a long time fan of your blog!). We need all the help we can get!
I have thought about it and I would happily do it!
Just Mercy shook me to my core. Two other related books to read: Writing My Wrongs by Shaka Senghor and Locked Down, Locked Out:Why Prison Doesn’t Work and How We Can Do Better by Maya Schenwar. Can I also suggest a subscription to the magazine The Sun? I think you would enjoy it.
Thank you for all Megan!
I keep a copy of Just Mercy in the shop! Glad you found it relevant.
I love your Sunday posts–thank you.
But I get a big kick out of your photo on your cookbook.
You, holding an amazing-but-looks-difficult-to-make-but-I-want-to-pink-wow-cake-with-a-total, “yeah, I just made this, in this cute dress no less, but no biggie/whatever, it’s how I roll,” look.
Happy Sunday!
I love this Sunday post! So wonderful . And I am not doing too well this am. I have been sick with a horrible sinus infection that has left me with no taste, smell, the dizzies and loss of hearing in one ear, lolol. Thanks for asking. But I am alive and that is what matters!
(yes, I have been to the doctor)
Hi Joy! I love reading your Sunday posts. I just moved to Salina, KS from Seattle! Reading your blog always puts a smile on my face and inspires me to cook up something fabulous :)
I read every single thing you post and I don’t know why I never take the time to write a comment. I look forward to your Sunday posts every single week. I adore your voice, your recipes, your outlook on the world, your Drake cakes, and all of the curious links you provide. You’ve been a huge inspiration for my own blogging adventure and I thought it was high time I let you know that. Thanks for being here, and for keeping it so, so real. Always. <3, Coley
Just Mercy should be required reading – incredible, challenging, encouraging. Come on to Alabama and check out the food scene! I moved to Birmingham from Atlanta about a year ago and it’s crazy impressive but nice and laid back – super southern deliciousness.
If the sweet little candle holders really contain mercury, please don’t use them
for food or wine. Mercury is poisonous–remember swordfish and large tuna?
PS Love your work!
Actually, mercury glass doesn’t actually contain any mercury at all. When the technique was first discovered they tried making it with real mercury, but it was too expensive and already known to be toxic so they switched to a silvering formula, basically just a type of paint. It would still be good to make sure the finish is food-safe first, but I wouldn’t be concerned with it containing real mercury.
Thanks for all positivity, Joy. Since you asked how we are :-) . . . NYC is embroiled in collective election angst and, to boot, I just found out that both candidates will be here Tuesday! Eek! Have you read The Girls? You won’t put it down! What about the Ferrante series? I just downloaded a book written by my classmate, Sarah Lewis, called The Rise. She’s brilliant and inspirational and I can’t wait to read!
I second the recommendation of The Girls. It’s not an easy read though, and lots to talk about.
So much to comment on…first, with regard to Kimball, this is so complicated, I need to see where the dust settles. Those shoes…wonderful. I just bought a pair of black patent oxfords from “Louise et Cie” with that kind of heel, though Everlane’s are slightly higher. They are fabulous, comfortable, smart and look so chic with pants/skirts…will definitely get the Everlane oxfords. Your peanut butter cookie…to die for. And, I love the feel of a hardcover cookbook in my hands, and, let’s not overlook the fact that cookbooks are also history books, where else can you find that kind of research. Joy, so happy that all good things are coming your way!
You really should take an hour of your precious time and view the documentary “Clinton Cash” (online on either YouTube or breitbart.com)
It will make it obvious that it is a big mistake to vote for crony socialist Clinton just because she is female.
Please view the documentary. Thank you.
I’m so happy/unsurpised that beautiful hard cover cookbooks never left the shelves. Good to know that in these divided times, we can all agree on the irresistible charm of a weighty cookbook in your hands. Also, those would be the cutest little wineglasses. Muy boho.
My cookbook collection, numerous, overflowing shelves of lovely hard back books is so comforting and inspiring to have around me. Glad to know that the industry is holding it’s own!
Five ironman in one day? There are really things in this world :)
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
That peanut butter cookie sounds like just the weekend treat I was looking for! Thanks for sharing :)
Homemade stock is so much better than canned! Plus you can really scale back the salt.