Hello my friends,
Remember when we didn’t have a 24-hour news cycle? It wasn’t all that long ago. We had a little more time to breathe and process. There was, of course, breaking news and Peter Jennings would come on and tell us what was up in the world- we trusted it, most all of us trusted the same thing. Seems like we’re in a different cycle these days where news in constant and deafening and very two sided. That’s the case this week, and likely many more weeks to follow. If you’re following along you know that Theresa May is having regrets and Comey / Trump are in a “he said / no I didn’t” battle. It’s enough… and despite it being more than enough… it’s all going continue for a good while longer. In the mess, it’s important to stay knowing, ok? Really. Knowing + voting is the best combination.
Here’s some of the Internet this week. This and that, here we go:
• On our Obsession with Self-Care. Pretty good for us and maybe the world- long term. In the short term, pretty annoying on Instagram. Ok, great!
• So you just want me to focus my mind to control the metabolic processes in my cells? Really? Because in yoga when they say ‘engage your core’…. I don’t really know what they’re talking about. So… ok, metabolic processes? The Ice Guru In Brooklyn. The article uses the words ‘ice-based lifestyle brand’. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll just be over here tryna find my core muscles and maybe brand them. I dunno.
• The US relocated an entire town because of climate change and the man at the helm of our country is working aggressively to reverse many of President Obama’s clear air and clean business initiatives aimed at being less goddamn awful to our planet.
• I listened to this beautiful interview on Fresh Air this week with conservation photographer Paul Nicklen: Photographing the Poles. It’s about courage, connection, and this wonder of a world we have around us. Plus very cold water and mega leopard seal. Please listen!
• I love these Tiny Desk Concerts: Violents and Monica Martin and sister’s Joseph.
• Getting in formation: Inside the Gig Economy’s New Wave of Women’s Clubs
• Last weekend I took a hand-lettering class at Lionheart Prints here in New Orleans. As we were practicing fancy alphabet letters with a brush marker, grown adults… practicing our alphabets… we discussed just this: What’s lost as handwriting fades? You guys we have to KEEP WRITING, good Lord.
• This makes my stomach jump and I’m just sitting on my couch. Free-climbing El Capitan: watch Alex Honnold climbed up the Earth, it’s incredible.
• Our friend Jon made Greek Nachos and this seems like a great idea for all of us.
• Let’s talk about the internet. Some of Your Favorite Influencers Aren’t Writing Their Own Content – These Women Are. When did we start using the word ‘influencer’? When did we get so insincere? You can rest assured that all of my social media babblings and typos are my own. Can’t nobody tell me nothin’… or say anything for me. Please.
• Additionally… you guys, we’re doing too much. It’s getting ridiculous. Can some things just be for our hearts and eyes or does everything have to be hashtagged? The answer is, everything has to be hashtagged. The Weddings Designed with Instagram In Mind.
• Megan writes about very beautifully and honestly about her life. She also made this Raspberry Rhubarb Compote that looks simply divine.
• If I’m being honest with myself, this is my favorite food in the world: Homemade Chili Cheese Dogs.
• We need to talk about lipstick real quick. It’ll be fast. Do the words Black Honey mean anything to you? Clinique’s timeless shade- it’s perfect. All I need now is a chic version of Sunflower perfume.
• Suggestion: Chocolate Dipped Frozen Bananas
Have a wonderful day!
xo Joy
36 Responses
Hi Joy! If you care about climate change, and it seems that you say you do, I urge you to become a vegetarian, or better yet, vegan! Studies have shown that reducing and eliminating animal products in the diet significantly reduces our carbon footprint. Turns out raising animals to eat them is hella expensive when it comes to CO2 output. I see that you are a passionate person who seems to care about all things life. Consider it a culinary challenge and a way to make an impact! Thank you! Ps- I love your blog, despite the bacon :)
Ah, I am such a Tiny Desk fan and hadn’t come across these – hurrah, beautiful choices! So into Joseph. Thank you.
I have black honey quickliner and mascara I love. I also have a couple kinds of gloss. Why do they make them limited addition? It always sells out! Such a nice alternative to black or brown. Cult following clearly. I know myself I don’t remember things as well, when I type them as compared to writing it long hand. In my mind it’s the same problem with always using your cell phone for directions. We have a whole generation growing that don’t understand how to problem solve! Our devices are making us dumb! Yes, I have one, but use it a ps a tool, not an absolute answer. :)
This made me pull out the Black Honey tube I have in my purse and put it on. Love it!
News / Hashtags / Influencers – straight up yes to it all. Something I’m struggling with lately is staying in the know but not being a grump about it and also falling asleep at night. 60 Minutes re-ran their Brain Hacking story last night – tech companies engineering apps to get you hooked. Which duh, but still – what are we doing to ourselves??? Maybe now is good time to take up kickboxing or running and get the angst out – yoga aint cutting it! :)
Oh goodness, Joy! I was very lucky to take a lettering class with the beauuuutiful and talented Ms. Liz on Friday evening in Ann Arbor, MI! She was just lovely and putting pen to paper was so SATISFYING. I’ve never been to NO but her shop will certainly be a stop whenever I get the chance!
Small world, I love it!
What’s on that magical, yummy stuff on the frozen banana???
Never mind.. got it!
favorite line this week: “Can some things just be for our hearts and eyes or does everything have to be hash tagged?”. for the love of the heavens, thank you for posing this much needed question.
I know ‘knowing’ is important. Or else, how will we make the correct choice. But sometimes just going through headlines can be depressing, feeling hopeless.
I am SO tired of the need to post EVERYTHING online, stuff like promposals, perfectly staged weddings (and other parties), gender reveals, etc. Let’s just live in the moment and not post everything! And it’s totally okay to just have people over and eat on paper plates and not take a picture!
word. for real.
A multiplicity of praise hands emojis for this, Tracie!
Amen, Tracie!!
Another thing that bothers me more and more are people posting videos and stories about the “good deeds” they’ve done. Since when is it okay to brag openly about being a decent human being? And is it actually a “good deed” if you immediately turn around and brag about it on the internet? Is the guy asking the down syndrome girl to prom really a great guy if he has to video tape asking her and then post it on social media to get some praise for being a “nice guy”? Is it not worth being a great guy if social media can’t see it happen? If you really want to bring someone else some unexpected happiness or kindness…do it, don’t brag about it.
Yes to this, Janabelle. I think good deeds lose their luster when people talk about them. If you’re only doing it to tell others about it then it’s being done for the wrong reasons.
Joy! Love your Sunday posts.
Clinique had a Black Honey nail polish a few years ago – same gorgeous color. They discontinued it and it made me so sad! I have one tiny bottle of it and I have been using it suuuuper sparingly, hoping they’ll re-release it soon.
When I see chocolate covered frozen bananas on a stick, I think of childhood days on the Santa Cruz Boardwalk back in the sixties. There was a soft serve ice cream front with black and white tile that also had chocolate frozen bananas, my brother’s choice, and vanilla ice cream between graham crackers, frozen that they dipped in chocolate and then rolled in finely chopped nuts, not peanuts. Oh my word, nothing better. Still can’t find the recipe for it. I think it might have been walnuts,
Having to relocate a town… Oh my! Scary world we live in , and scary that someone like Trump has so much power. The now president of my country said a few years back that climate change wasn’t something we should focus so much on because his cousin, apparently some sort of scientist, told him so. Feels good to have capable, competent people in power.
Yes, black honey!!!
Girl, if you love Black Honey you will ADORE Tarte’s Quench Lip Rescue in Berry. I’m obsessed.
i was obsessed with black honey!
OHMYGOSH I *love* Black Honey, but I thought they discontinued it. Must. Read. and. Find. Now!
It’s weird how many emails I get from people wanting to write for my blog. It sort of makes me unsettled to think the words on my virtual page aren’t mine (except in the case of a friendly guest post from- a friend!). Also, regarding the moving towns- I felt really bad for the Alaskans.
I feel awful for those families who have to relocate! Climate change is real.
(That nail color is GIVING ME LIFE)
HAHA! Thank goodness for you, always.
Sooooooooo…I am old school & think handwriting really does matter. I remember speaking with both of my sons teachers when they were in grade school (the are now 31 & 25) & asking them not to accept messy work that was written so poorly it was hard to read. Their response even back then “they do not need it anymore, it is going away”. OMG, I guess someday we will no longer have a special poem or love note that is written by hand. That just seems so sad.
It can’t every go away. I can’t believe we’re so cavalier with this.
Yes, that interview with Paul Nicklen was riveting. Terry Gross also is an amazing interviewer, who gets the most interesting insights out of her subjects.
Thanks a lot! I love especially the interview with Paul.
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Great list, Joy, thank you! <3
Just one thing: podcast about photographing the poles links to Alex Honnold.
Oh gosh thank you! So sorry about that!
We all joke about ludicrous or tortured band names, but “Ice-Based Lifestyle Brand” would make a hell of supergroup: Ice T, Ice Cube, Arctic Monkeys, Vanilla Ice, Snow, and so forth.
Also, another feature of written communication being typed, printed, or viewed virtually on a screen + the rise of international social media, I’ve noticed, is the swift creep and adoption of alien grammar between Anglophones. Americans are dropping zeds and mimicking Oxford spelling conventions while doing weird things with punctuation, like commas and periods outside of quotation marks.
“Influencer” is almost more obnoxious than “thought leader,” and that’s saying something.
I do weird things with punctuation so if you’re mocking me it’s understandable.