Let It Be Sunday, 140!

Hello friends!

I’m writing this to you on Saturday morning, anticipating Hurricane Nate to move over and through us this evening into tomorrow.  If New Orleans has taught me anything it’s that everything will be fine, or everything will go sideways.  You just never know… so I’ve brought out my emergency kit and camping stove, emergency candles and lanterns, and I’ve pre-ground my coffee for the next few days in case the power goes out because priorities.  Also… I dunno. But speaking of emergency kits – I saw this on Shark Tank and felt like, YES.  

I’ve had a hard time snapping my mind into place this past week.  After this latest Las Vegas shooting I’ve felt deeply sad and confused and helpless like… in my core.  The rest of me has to carry on with daily work and tasks but the core is hurt.  I know this because I got about two and a half episodes into that Hulu show The Handmaid’s Tale before I literally ran from the room crying.  So, I’m still tender and I’m not really sure when I won’t be. Where is that shrug emoji when you need it?

Additionally, I really must be feeling some feels, because I went back on the blog about 9 years to resurrect this fine recipe for Sit and Stay Awhile Apple Crisp. It’s one of my most simple and satisfying recipes… but nine years later I know that an apple crisp won’t get you a man necessarily and good grief that’s 100% fine.  

Here we are: 

 I’m long tired of the ‘loner’ argument for violence.  Language is important and after another tragedy this past week, here’s a perspective that is worth thinking about:  White Male Terrorists Are A Thing We Should Discuss

 Now is as good a time as the last mass shooting to name the actual problem. The Impotence of Blaming Evil

 There’s something about the unknown unknown that is comforting.  This is a really interesting read:  Our Biggest Decisions Can Never Be Rational

  The Supreme Court is back in session and they’re presiding over a very important case about modern day gerrymandering.  Listen to The Daily Podcast, here.  

 The hits keep comin’- nonstop until we get through this.  On Puerto Rico:  You’ve thrown our budget out of whack.

 Here’s what’s going to come out of my oven soon: Croissant Rolls.  I think Erin McDowell is a national treasure. 

 This brothy chicken with ginger and bok choy looks like this winter’s healthy comfort food.  Recovery soup! 

 Jon made Caramel Apple Slab Pie and now I can’t possibly live without it.  I’ve always been intimidated by both slab pies and caramel apples, so let’s knock out two obstacles in one! 

 I LOVE a brightly colored BIG KNIT.  It’s sweater weather, maybe almost? 

 Here’s what I’m reading:  Hammer Head, the making of a badass lady carpenter. 

 For us, this week:  Small Batch Granola.

 LOL honestly

My love to you,

xo Joy

All Comments

I Made This


34 Responses

  1. The granola was delicious! I really love it when the granola is in chunks, about 1” in diameter, because it makes it easier to eat as a snack. Do you have any idea how to get that effect with this recipe? Thanks and bless you for coming up with this.

  2. The third episode of The Handmaid’s Tale really got to me/made me cry too. So disturbing. That whole show (and the book) feel way too much like something that could happen these days what with our current President and administration. So scary.

    Sending love right back to you Joy!

  3. Haven’t made an apple crisp in years but I made yours tonight, and it was my best decision this week. Served it with ice cream, and it was basically a religious experience. Thanks for sharing!

  4. You are a beautiful writer of words and recipes! Thanks for all you do and thanks for using your voice to speak about injustices. My life is richer reading and baking along with you.

  5. Thank you for your Sunday posts. So informative and enjoyable, even if they are from Saturday. Thankful all are safe after Nate. As for the croissant rolls coming out of your oven soon, would it be possible to do some sort of Facebook Live with that recipe? I understand it would perhaps have to be time lapse, but it would be so helpful to have someone talk us through it. The recipe looks great, although somewhat daunting. Thanks!

  6. Re: your LOL
    I was just looking at that same article in the NY T and couldn’t figure out why I kept going back to it!
    I like it when what you think is funny, I think is funny,too.
    Makes me happy.
    Hope you stay safe.

  7. Oh Joy, everything is upside down. What keeps me sane is knowing there are people like you and others who feel real things, and think real thoughts. There’s always a little part of me that feels comfort in knowing that there are others like me, and sometimes I still have faith in that’s enough.

  8. Weeks ago, there was some commentary on your political posts. I would like to add that now, more than I ever, I really look forward to your thoughtfully curated readings. It makes me feel much less alone, and gives me the language to better express my own views.

  9. Man. Teen Vogue should be proud of that piece. It’s such an excellent argument, and so clearly stated. I hope teens are reading it… I hope the next generation does better.

    Thanks for sharing. xo!

  10. Hope you are safe! Thanks for the posting and I have added the slab pie to my Thanksgiving menu – looks and sound amazing.

  11. The article on white male terrorists? So frustrating that one of our biggest threats is not being dealt with! Argggg!

  12. I finished watching the season of the Handmaiden’s tale and half way in I was really angry. It’s a bit too close for comfort these days, but there is a lot of hope and revolution, here in our world and theirs. I too feel, sad , exhausted and lost trying to understand why any private citizen needs 17 rifles or a semi automatic of any kind. I feel so blessed, as I see my friends in Miami and Mexico City staying strong and showing so much courage. We are all in need of some pie, crisp and comfort. I made the Smitten Kitchen chicken won ton soup some months ago. Yum! I poached a chicken for the first time using a recipe from chef Ming Tsai. I couldn’t believe how tender it was! Anyway long way to say that chicken bok choy broth looks great. Stay safe, so glad you are prepared!

  13. As per the usual, read Margaret Atwood’s book The Handmaid’s Tale instead of watching it on tv. Hope you make it through this latest hurricane unscathed. Oh and I agree with you on the ‘ “loner” argument for violence”. Your comment on your reaction to this latest – the Las Vegas shooting – hits home with me. I like to think that I’m a positive optimistic person, but these days I just have no words… Sending big hugs and please keep doing what you do.

  14. I so look forward to these Sunday posts you write, THANK YOU, they are always insightful and comforting and eye opening! have a great week, take care from Iowa

  15. Thanks for the collection of thought provoking links to mull while munching granola and enjoying a crisp with a slab of pie on the side. You have chosen wisely. Best wishes for a fine Sunday and an even better tomorrow!

  16. I too wish for a world without hate and violence and i will be thinking about nola as you all brace yourselves for the wicked weather that is about to hit you, having just recently experienced your little corner of heaven ( mostly due to your blog, and checked out most places you recommended) i felt like a local for a week and fell in love with all the sights, people sounds and food! Thank you and here’s to staying safe! Your canadian cousins!

  17. I wonder if the tender core ever heals completely, or if it just builds up enough scar tissue to bear weight again ?
    I don’t have an answer, so I’m pulling myself away from the fireplace for a few minutes and making your granola–a double batch though, in case one is not enough. A home redolent with the fragrance of toasting oats and spices is just what this morning needs. I hope you are safe in the storm today, and, thank you.

    1. Lorrie this comment made me tear up. Thank you. Your beautiful words are an inspiration and I am writing them in my journal. Joy – thanks for being you. Love, Lindsey

  18. I’m pretty sure that apple crisp recipe is one of the things that drew me to your blog about nine years ago! and it’s probably about time to make it again — thank you!

  19. Joy, thank you for being genuine and vulnerable in these posts, and for speaking truth to the real-life horrors happening here right now. I love starting my Sundays with your words. Take good care during these storms, the weather-ones and otherwise. ??

  20. I’ve made your Sit and Stay Awhile Apple Crisp so many times over the last nine years! Just wanted you to know it is a much loved recipe here.

  21. Yeah! Finely apple pie(crisp)! I love apple pies, and yes, you could definitely get my attention with it?
    What happened in Las Vegas, there are two kinds of people. Bad & Evil people , Bad people you might change with time, but Evil people need to be caught and put away before they hurt someone. No regulations or laws will stop these persons.
    I glad everything work out good for New Orleans with the hurricane.

  22. I am right there with you. I just started watching The Handmaid’s Tale and feel as though the timing couldn’t be worse (or better??) to start the show. I also have two young daughters and no one told me that the show would basically be all of my worst nightmares come to life. Oof.

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