Let It Be Sunday, 213!

Hello friends!

I’ve been in Kansas City, MO the past few days with my dearheart of a friend Cara Nicoletti.  Go on with your sweet self, Kansas City!  I see you have the absolute best croissant I’ve ever had a Messenger Coffee/Ibis Bakery and some of the kindest people I’ve come across. Well done. What a dang good town. 

Back in New Orleans we’ve made it through Mardi Gras and thank goodness… we have work to do. The end of Fat Tuesday and the start of Lent is like New Orleans New Year. It’s our fresh start and we’re ready for it.  To be clear, we’re also ready to ease into festival season this spring because there’s always something to celebrate. 

I hope this finds you well.  We may be a little tired today with daylight savings time but we have so many long days to look forward to!  Let’s enjoy the light! 

Here is today’s offering. Lots of lady stuff, let’s dive in: 

โ€ข  An incredible list for here and now: The 25 Songs That Matter Right Now. (NY Mag) 

โ€ข  This dude stayed petty to the graaaaave:  Gardener Murders Enemies From Beyond The Grave.  Again I’ll ask, why are men? (The Cut)

โ€ข  A really very sweet story about the late great Luke Perry. (Instagram)

โ€ข  Mardi Gras ravages our city and we love it but WOW WOW the plastic and trash.  What Happens To All Those Beads After Mardi Gras? There are a few krewes around town that have started making paper bead and seed pod throws – every little bit helps! (Bloomberg)

โ€ข  The People Who Eat The Same Meal Everyday.  I basically wear a uniform and eat beans and greens everyday so… I get it.  (The Atlantic) 

โ€ข  “No matter where you come from or what language you speak, there will always be aspects of the female experience to connect over.”  Beautiful perspectives. How Women Photographers Access Worlds Hidden From Men (National Geographic) 

โ€ข  Liftin’ each other right on up! 12 Women Helping Other Women Be Their Best and Brightest in 2019. (The Kitchn) 

โ€ข  Let’s take a few minutes for this true queen: The Remarkable Life of Margaret Rudkin, Founder of Pepperidge Farm (Taste) 

โ€ข  Two things!  First – March is Endometriosis Awareness Month and if it’s something you want to know more about for yourself, this is a great place to be: Know Your Endo.  I’m working through changing my diet and some of my lifestyle choices and I’ll be honest in saying that it is challenging.  Second – period underwear. A game changer? I’m about to find out. (Know Your Endo and Sustain Natural) 

โ€ข  Jon made Pork Egg Roll Noodle Bowls and now I want to make everything into a noodle bowl. (The Candid Appetite) 

โ€ข  Welcome one, welcome all. It’s fish fry season! (Joy the Baker) 

โ€ข   Listen… I’m just very much into these yoga velvets.  (I have a pair of the pants and they’re pretty dreamy!)

โ€ข  I’ll leave this here on the off chance you’re looking to develop a vintage Rolex obsession: Craft and Tailored.  They’re timeless. The details!  They’re BEAUTIFUL. 

I hope you have a most mellow day.

My love to you.

xo Joy

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I Made This


12 Responses

  1. Endometriosis is a painful and prevalent disease and it’s so great that you’re so brave with talking about it. That being said, there’s actually no data or studies to support that changing your diet affects endometriosis. The idea of “anti-inflammatory diet” frankly has no evidence behind it. With your platform and reach, I think it’s important to recognize the influence you have on others, and not pass along information about a disease that is not evidence based. I’m sure your OBGYN would be able to talk to guide you in how to best connect with others with endometriosis and continue having a positive space for women.

    1. Thanks for the comment Emily. I’m not saying that an anti-inflammatory diet is going to cure my endo – I understand that nothing will. I am trying the diet (along with other lifestyle things) as a way to manage my symptoms and so far I’m able to function in my every day with less pain. Living in this body, I’ll take that as evidence for me. This is after 10 years (!) of doctors telling me that the pain I was experiencing was normal.

      I’ll be sure to make it more clear that I’m just sharing my own experience.

      I’ve connected with others on both Know Your Endo and Nancy’s Nook and it’s so encouraging that there are a growing group of women gathering together to talk about what eases our symptoms. I’m happy to be part of that and that’s all I’m hoping to share.

  2. So I know you just wrapped up Mardi Gras but St Paddys is this weekend and I was really hoping you would have an Irish inspired recipe I could try. If you do please link. I tried to find a search bar on the site but didnt see it. Thanks!

    1. I’m not sure if you are using a computer or a phone so… On the computer though, the search bar is right above the “Meet Joy” and links to her other social media sites on the right side of the page.

      She has these Guinness brownies if you want something baked. https://joythebaker.com/2016/10/dark-chocolate-guinness-brownies/

      This steak and stout pie would work too. https://joythebaker.com/2017/01/steak-and-stout-pot-pies/

      Irish coffee https://joythebaker.com/2012/03/irish-coffee/

  3. Have you visited ash new york and their new hotel in NOLA? I’d love it if you went and told us your thoughts about the space.:)
    Hotel Peter and Paul

    2317 Burgundy St, New Orleans, LA 70117
    (504) 356-5200 https://g.co/kgs/2eqgKv

  4. I live in Kansas City! I’m so glad you had a good time : ) And I’m so glad you tried the croissants from Ibis! They are true works of art–all! those! layers! I had a goat cheese bear claw there a couple weeks ago and it was just shy of life affirming.

  5. Glad you enjoyed are city! In my lifetime, KC has really gone through a renaissance and it’s a wonderful place to live now. GREAT food here!

  6. Hi Joy, these lists always make my day, thank you! Those yoga velvets look like LIFE, yowza! I hope to read your next Sunday update ~ wearing ~ said pants. Also, Endo sounds like a beast, hang in there. And if the period undies don’t work, try cups! A friend told me about the quiz at https://putacupinit.com. Total game changer.

  7. I love KCMO. I hope you got in on some barbecue and jazz.
    Why are men? Because for every wacko gardener, there’s a Luke Perry (OK, maybe for every 10 wacko gardeners, there’s a Luke Perry).
    Very interested in your insights on period underwear. Not yet available here, so if I go through the effort to get some sent to me I want to be sure to get good ones.

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