Kitchen in Transition

Kitchen in Transition


The truth is… I haven’t quite been able to get my act together since my move.

I’ve been trying to distract you with posts about my box grater.  I’ve been trying to distract you with candy giveaways…. but that’s all starting to feel a little silly.

The fact of the matter is, my KitchenAid is still unplugged and my new oven needs a good scrubbing… and, I just ate a giant slice of store bought coconut cream pie.

Want to take a peek into my new space?  Suuuure you do… come on in!

Kitchen in Transition

My walls went from a super intense turquoise to a lovely shade of light blue/grey.  I also painted my concrete floors navy. No the edges aren’t perfect.  Nope.  That’s ok with me.  Daniel… you gave me edges with character.  I like you and I thank you.

Kitchen in Transition

I painted my door navy too.  It’s now the sexiest door I’ve ever seen.

Kitchen in Transition

I like big pillows.  I like a lot of big pillows.

Kitchen in Transition

The ceilings in my loft are metal.  There are all sorts of metal beams and bars.  Perfect to offset my sparkly blue glass chandelier.  I feel pretty.

Kitchen in Transition

I had a ridiculous amount of cookbooks to unpack.

Kitchen in Transition

My tiny couch is blue.  My little rug is lime green… and yes, that’s a frog pillow.  That’s a frog pillow that I latch hooked a few years back.  I didn’t have many friends.  I was single.  I didn’t have a blog.  I latch hooked myself a pillow.  Don’t judge me.

Kitchen in Transition

Asher was the shining star who helped me carry big, annoying things like mattresses and dressers all around… up and down.  I paid him in pearls.  Cheap, fake pearls.  God bless him.

Thanks for being patient while I settle in.  I’ll be back with sweets real soon.

I want caramel corn.  So… that’ll happen real quick  like.

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I Made This


107 Responses

  1. Did I miss the post where you finally bought yourself a couch? Or have you always had the blue couch? I love the color, and your chandelier, and you floors…

    Enjoy your new place! I’ve moved 8 times in the last 7 years…and had 3 kids…and put roughly 100K miles on my van…trust me, it can take a bit to get settled somewhere new!! :)

  2. I love your new loft, AND your chandelier, and all your cool paint colours! You have a wonderful site and best wishes on your move. I miss L.A. and having Ikea and Trader Joes….

  3. I MUST KNOW your secret on how you get away with painting floors/walls and doors of a rental! I live in SF-Rental land and am so tired of boring walls in a place I want to call home for a long time! How do you get around that? Or does your landlord not care as long as you paint it back before you leave

  4. My son has the same froggy pillow! My sister latch hooked it for him! He’s going to be so excited tomorrow when I show him that you two have the same pillow!

  5. living vicariously through you! Love the whole “loft” life you are starting. Have fun putting everything in its place. We’ll all be here waiting for ya.

  6. Lovelovelove! haha. and don’t worry, i’ve latched – hooked myself my own pillow as well!
    except mine was a tiger, not a frog.

  7. You rock for getting ahead and painting first instead of unpacking first. Navy floors gets you five stars in my book. The frog pillow is…. loveable. :)
    Enjoy your new place!

  8. Oh darn, I wanted to see the turquoise walls, I LOVE turquoise! The navy floor I do love!

    Moving in takes forever. We have been in our house 18 mths and I still have some boxes unpacked and I still haven’t hung many photos.

    I hope you get moved in much sooner :)

  9. Love the navy floor and the chandelier. I imagine the glass makes very pretty and relaxing patterns on the walls. Best of luck in getting yourself settled in.

  10. Congrats on the new pad. It looks cozy and nice. You just moved to L.A.? Did you enjoy the little earthquake today? I live an a bit more than an hour north from you so I didn’t get to have that kind of fun (luckily) today.

  11. I LOOOOOOOOVE the floors…your going to make is homie in no time…i love all the little details! Keep it up and we do want to see pics of the final look!

  12. aww there’s a ton of grace for your move! However- I can speak for a lot of people, when I say we look forward to you being back at it- making your delicious concoctions in your kitchen!! xxx

  13. Where can you find a latchhook kit? I want to make one of a Siamese. Don’t judge me…I love my cat! Congrats on the new place.

  14. Loathe moving, love your style (we have a lime/chartreuse sofa, cha-ching!) Good luck with the unpacking — and gearing up again, what fun!

  15. You are too cute. Give yourself a break. We are!!!
    Settle in and we’ll see what your cookin’ up later. :)

  16. Moving takes a lot out of a person. The great thing about a kitchen aid is it always loves you back is very patient and never judges you. Don’t ignore it forever but once you feel comfortable in a new space it will be waiting for you.

  17. Love the navy floors! And the frog pillow is warm and inviting and fluffy, everything a frog pillow should be.

    Enjoy your new space. Moving and push you in directions you would’ve never gone before. Enjoy it.

  18. you are too cool for school Joy…can I grow up to be you?? lol and I crochet and embroider…you can have g-ma hobbies so long as you use that medium to make sick stuff like Dia de Los Muertos napkins and such (or at lease that’s the reasonign I use) …love the blog and take you time moving and loving the new space =)

  19. It takes a while to get settled in. You will be tired from unpacking and probably won’t feel like cleaning the oven and baking. Once you get things arranged and your new place feels like a comfy home, instead of a home in progress, you’ll get back in the swing of things.

  20. I was reading some of your older posts…one in particular where you confessed to standing in the middle of your kitchen and stairing until an idea came to you. I am really REALLY glad to know that I am not the only one to do that. Sometimes I feel all awkward about doing that (just burry your head in the fridge and shut the door, it’ll all be over soon…), but sometimes it is the only way for me to get inspired to make things like, oh, roasted vegetable and polenta lasagna with yogurt cheese.

    That, by the way, was a huge hit at work. :)

    Thank you for all the creativity that you share! It has helped me to feel like less of a freak while I stand and stair at my kitchen cabinets.

  21. It’s an exciting time for you indeed! So glad you are taking time to make the place yours too. It’s looking wonderful! I can’t wait to see what your create in your new place. And, hooray for navy floors!

  22. I absolutely love that chandelier. It’s gorgeous and I want one. It looks a lot like a mirror I bought at Ikea a few years ago.
    But congrats on the move! Enjoy your new place! :)

  23. I happen to have a latchhook pillow of a turtle that I made when I was a child. It is the least hip thing that I own but I don’t care, I’m keeping it anyway.

  24. This is starting to look really nice, this new nest of yours :)
    Take care with the moving, and come back with a great recipe for celebration :)

  25. I think I need the bag next to your kitchenaid… It’s fabulous! Where on Earth is that from? I love being from SoCal :) don’t you? What a great tote…

  26. Navy blue, concrete floor? WIN! Metal and glass chandelier? Double WIN. Promise us an Apartment Therapy-style house tour when it’s all settled?

  27. YEEEESSSS. I’ve been waiting. And I love the navy floors and the frog pillow and your chandelier and I realize I’m not sure how to spell chandelier. I hope you love your new home. New homes are so fun. And as much as I like your thoughts on your box grater, I’ll be excited when you unpack your mixer and clean up that oven.

  28. It takes a bit to get settled – we all know that much. Take your time, eat your store-bought pie, and we’ll all be here when you get back to your regularly scheduled baking.

  29. I’m a blue/green girl myself; navy blue and lime green is a to-die for color combination. Make the space your own!

  30. Looking great! Is that an IKEA couch???

    BTW I raved to my hubby about how stinkin cute your measuring cups were and he found a set on eBay and gave them to me as a gift. I LOVE em! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  31. The apartment looks great, so charming! And I love the frog pillow. I couldn’t latch hook my way out of a paper bag, so I would never judge. Looking forward to the next new recipe, whenever it is. In the meantime, hope you’re enjoying your new home!

  32. Sending you lots of strength during your time of “transition” into your new home Joy! Although it is probably (VERY) stressful right now for you…..I am sure things will calm down and you can happily get back to a happy “joyful” routine. Sending you hugs!!!! :-)

  33. I understand…I was in the same place myself a couple of months ago. I love the colors you’ve got going on here. Hopefully you don’t have the same troubles I did when moving—I suddenly can’t find my measuring spoons, rolling pin or a few other things that I know I packed…I just don’t know where! Ahhh!

    Anyway…looking forward to the next post :-)

  34. Whoooops, spelling mistake! That teaches me to comment on my favourite blogs from the office (I hope my colleagues don’t notice me spending endless time on here whilst I should be writing scripts on fireworks and gin… not in that combination)

  35. Very nice. The floor is a nice contrast to the walls. Don’t worry about the edges, just cover them up with trim. The space looks like it will inspire you to greater heights in the kitchen, so it is worth it. We’ll wait!

  36. The chandelier is fabulous, but that purple chair is to die for!! I love that you welcome us into your home even before you’ve settled yourself in. You rock, Miss Joy. :)

  37. I’m so glad you’re getting settled! That chandelier is totally badass, just so you know :)

    Can’t wait for you to get back to baking!

    Good luck!

  38. I love your blue floor, what a great idea, may I mention too that blue is my favourite colour… love your books too, I would be very interested to take a good look at them.

  39. All of the little things that you decorate with and “latch” onto are all the things that make you, you!
    Hope you finish settling soon, but don’t rush it : )

  40. You’re moving! Of course you can’t really make your perfect treats now. But the brake is making us looking forward to what comes next! :) I love pillows, too! Navy floors? How cool’s that? And your ceiling looks great. This chandelier!!! Awesome! Where did you get that?

  41. Happy New Abode :)
    Your place looks so nice, really love the navy blue floor (my fave colour) The frog pillow is so cute too, don’t be embarrased by it. Have fun settling into your new place :)

  42. I’m sure you will feel inspired and full of energy when everything’s settled! Love your navy floor and the walls! Wish you a lot of energy and many happy moments in your new flat and kitchen! Will be following your blog from Hungary!

  43. As if your floors and chandelier weren’t awesome enough, you have to go and show off the cutest crocheted pillow I’ve ever seen!

    Seriously. That thing melted my heart a bit.

    Hope you get settled soon! :)

  44. I feel your pain! Moving is guaranteed to add years to one’s life. Boxes and sorting and organizing and UGHHHH!!!
    Schedule yourself an open house party. That’ll light a fire under you to unpack!

  45. You are extremely adorable.

    I want caramel corn, too! I just got my braces off and have been NEEDING to have some. I better make that happen.

  46. Hey! Nothing wrong with people who latch pillows, and I’m so relieved that even the best bloggers get distracted, then distract to hide it from time to time. Pass the store bought coconut cream pie please.


  47. I need to find “Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes A Day”! Bread is always such a day-long undertaking when I try it. It also usually ends up looking weird, but tasting not good.

  48. LOL Maybe the next time you move you can pay him with a pair of red pumps to go with the pearls??

    I hope you get settled soon, it may seem like you’re never officially moved in until it’s time to move on! I hope you make your new place a home :D

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