Morning Glory Confections Giveaway!


Three things I love:



People that make special things with special ingredients.

aaaand bonus.  You.  I think you’re awful swell.

Because I love all of these things, I thought I’d share a little something with you.

Morning Glory Confections is a Los Angeles based artisan brittle and candy company.  We’re talking handmade, small batch candy with amazing flavor combinations.  

The best part?  I want to send you some!


The Bacon, Spanish Paprika and Cashew Brittle recently roused my interest.  It’s sweet and smoky with just a lingering bit of salt and spice.  It’s absolutely delightful.


Because I couldn’t help myself, I also tried the Almond and Bacon Dragees.  Lightly candied and crunchy almonds triple coated in semi sweet chocolate, dusted in cocoa powder and tiny bacon crumbled.  Subtle.  Chocolate.  The perfect crunch.  I ate them for breakfast this morning… I wish I were kidding.  


And because I couldn’t order from Morning Glory without getting my absolute favorite treat… I also got a Fleur de Sel Peanut Brittle.  It’s perfectly salty and sweet and marvelous.  

I’m sharing with you!  Three of you darling people will win some Morning Glory.  Just leave a comment on this post from now until Saturday at midnight.  Say hi.  Tell me my hair looks nice… it’ll make me feel good.  ooOh happy day!

All Comments

I Made This


1,155 Responses

  1. This is so nice! I’m new to your blog and I’m loving it already. I’m also a fan of all things bacon and want to come up with a cupcake recipe w/bacon frosting. Still working on it :-)

  2. I love candy too! I’ve been intrigued by the combination of bacon and sweetness. This candy makes me want to experiment with bacon and sugar treats.

  3. Hi Joy!
    I know moving can be uber stressful. On top of having to learn, in your new house, how to find the bed in the dark without stubbing your toe, you also have to UNPACK!! I wish I were there to help you, we’d have fun. I know a way to make you feel better, though.


    Everyone likes mail, especially at your new digs, it makes it feel like it’s more YOURS. So, if you send me your address, I’ll send you one of my bookmarks! (I’m making prototypes now to sell on Etsy at some point)

    All you hsve to do is go to my blog at and scroll down, there’s like ten or so designed so far… Just pick your favorite OR tell me what you’d like it to look like and I’ll paint it, bedazzle it with a beaded tassel and send it on to you! Everyone likes free stuff. I think you deserve a prezzie for all your hard work.
    Hugs you you, worker bee. :o)

  4. Bacon, almonds -and- chocolate!?! All the important food groups are there. I don’t thing there could be anything more delightful! Wonder if we could figure out the recipe?

  5. your hair looks great :) the sun is out here after many days of rain – i’m thinking i need to cut out of work and go get myself some chocolate to eat….

    1. Ooooooooo….all my favorite things… candy…and Your BLOG! It’s the first thing I look at when I get home from work. Good luck with your new apartment…it’s looking great…and take your time getting settled in…you know we will all be checking in on you just the same! Peace and Hugsssssssss

  6. oh my gosh, that looks divine. love your blog! you take all the time you need to unpack, we’ll still be here!

  7. Would love to try these interesting combos! Thank you for the giveaway! And by the way, you’re hair is stunning! :)

  8. Hi Joy! Thanks for your great recipes and fun writing style… makes me wish I could live in the San Francisco area (instead of cold Canada ;) to try out some of the places you describe. I just discovered your ‘blog about a month ago but it’s fast become one of my faves! So far the most magnificent thing I’ve made has been the Cheddar Black Pepper Biscuits, but I’m gearing myself up for the Avocado Pound Cakes.
    Oh… and your hair looks fabulous today darling :)

  9. Me like brittle. Me like not getting bogged down in technicalities like midnight,…. plus you didnt say which Saturday. Me like brittle. Hollah!

  10. I just discovered your blog a couple weeks ago and have been on a baking binge!! Just wanted to say thanks for all the great recipes! and that I’d love some chocolate!

  11. I check this website everyday…and drool.
    i would attempt to make the things you make but alas i am a poor college student in another country with NO OVEN (really i just have a territorial host mother as i am in Latin America)! But really, i don’t think they even have baking soda here, i tried to find some.
    Also i have an allergy to gluten so that somewhat limits my baking options.
    anyway i dream of bacon and ESPECIALLY chocolate all the time!
    this is my sad but true story.
    yes i know the shipping would cost more but PICK ME!

  12. Joy-these flavors sound amazing and given I live in So. Cal I cannot believe I never heard of this company. I am going to have to come and sample your baking one day.

    thank you.

  13. I thought I’d be a clever southern baker and make peanut brittle with Dr. Pepper once upon a time. The brittle was good, with a cayenne kick. Unfortunately, the Dr. Pepper didn’t make much of a difference.

    That bacon, paprika and cashew brittle sounds intriguing!
    Have a great day!

  14. Dear Joy,
    Your blog (and you! ^_^) are amazing! I always delight in checking in to see what’s going on (cookie recipes are my fav!). Anyway, I hope that everything is going okies with you and that you have all the best of what’s to come.
    Sincerely yours,
    <3 Lisa

  15. Dang, missed the cut-off for the Morning Glory give-away but I do want to thank you for the introduction to this company and their amazingly yummy-sounding brittles and such…will search for their website to check them out further, and order (that seems certain!)…thanks Joy!!!

  16. Oh, Joy!
    Your amazing, there’s just no better description.
    I aspire to be like you, and your darling hair. :)

  17. OMG… that sounds delish. I love your blog. Keep on keeping on.. and if I happened to win.. woo hooo!!

  18. Hi. Your looks so lovely this morning …. thanks for the giveaway I would be ever so grateful if I win!

  19. Hi. Your looks so lovely this morning :-) …. thanks for the giveaway I would be ever so grateful if I win!

    ust leave a comment on this post from now until Saturday at midnight. Say hi. Tell me my hair looks nice… it’ll make me feel good. ooOh happy day!

  20. Hi! I already had the fortune of winning the bags here, so my turn will be passed, but i still felt like i had to tell you that i love to come to your happy blog. I always feel good and smiley after i read your posts. :)
    Oh, and my hair looks great! :)

  21. I know I’m too late, but we share not only a love of baking but a love of BACON ha This past summer I went to a beach that served peanut butter and bacon sandwiches- I obviously had to try one and it was actually kind of good. Anyways, big fan of the blog :)

  22. I already won because I got you!!! I can’t tell you how many of your awesome confections I’ve baked my way thru, each and every one better than the one before. As for your hair, mine is straight, so of course I’m totally jealous!!! Good luck to sis in the city, and you in your new digs. As always, you are my muse!!

  23. I might be too late, but I’ll say hi anyways :) Those candies all sound sooo very good. I’m such a fan of bacon in things that a lot of people think they don’t belong, lol. Bacon and peanut butter sandwiches are probably my fav crazy bacon thing that I always get funny faces for. Thanks for all the great effort you put into this blog, I really love coming here and seeing all the great recipes!

  24. I’m so glad I found your blog!!! Your baking it so inspiring, but your writing is too! You have such a wonderful way with words. So descriptive. So witty. Shall I go on?

    P.S. Your hair looks great!

  25. Your site is so cheerful. Every time I visit it makes me smile. And of course I smiled even more when I saw the wonderful treats you’re giving away. Yumm! Looks delicious.

  26. just forced the normally uber healthy man in my life to try the bacon maple bar at voodoo donuts in portland. even he had to agree, bacon makes everything better.

  27. I made your smores brownies for my friend’s birthday and they came out amazing. I watch your website because you’re so down to earth and hysterical. Keep posting amazing stuff!!

  28. I think you are gorgeous. I wish I had pretty curly hair like yours!

    ps. If you send me something, I promise to send you something back. Deal? :)

  29. Hi Joy!
    Those sweets look amazing! I love the bacon pairing, I’ve even tried my own bacon toffee after seeing Vosages’.

  30. Joy. Those cookies. Lovely. They look as though they may rank up there with chocolate zucchini cake for breakfast. (Zucchini is a vegetable. It’s healthy. Really.)

  31. I would *so* love to put my lips on any of those delightful confections! Please pick me or I’ll be forced to lick my screen!

  32. Joy, your hair looks great, your eyes smile in all of your pictures and you are a bucket of sunshine. it’s great!!

  33. Hi joy! I love your blog and your hair. :) I made the s’mores brownies last night and wow are they amazing. Thanks for doing what you do.

  34. I love your photos and your awesome little plates? teeny casseroles dishes? They are rad! Whether or not I win, I am definitely going to find these candies.

  35. Oh wow, this looks delicious.

    My sig other and I made bacon toffee last year for Christmas, but the bacon was too chewy and it came out with a really weird texture… tasted yummy though.

    This looks delicous though.

  36. What can I say, I’m 7 months pregnant and this sounds so good. I have tried about 4 of your recipes (the lastest were the browned butter blueberry muffins) and have Loved them all. Thanks for great recipes and a a funny down-to-earth read.

  37. Gee, your hair does look nice. And you’re super sweet. And, and, AND … sh….. don’t tell the other food bloggers, but your blog is my favorite. Let’s just keep that between us though, shall we?

  38. I’m fairly certain that bacon makes everything better. As does your blog. You have such wonderful, creative recipes. I always feel inspired to try something new in my own kitchen after I’ve visited. Of course, I’m still telling my California-inhabiting sister that she needs to come to one of your fabulous classes. I’ll live vicariously through her once she makes it! And she will. :)

  39. I saw the recent post with the smore brownies and it reminded me how much I loved them when I made them last summer! Candy for breakfast sounds great. I had cupcakes so i am not far behind! Have a wonderful Sunday.


  40. I’m new and confused as to why I suddenly became so very very into the world of food blogs and wanted you to know that you are the the most fun to follow. I rather dig your humor and food!

  41. I LOVE your blog Joy – I only wish I didn’t live on the East Coast so I could come to one of the really fabulous-sounding dinners you throw!

  42. Pork fat absolutely rules and so do you and your site!! Sweet, salty – nothing like it! Would love to try the candies. I live with some handsome guys (hubby and two teenage boys) and a beautiful teenage daughter who all just love bacon and candy! They would definitely eat those for breakfast too – LOL! Thanks for sharing all the great recipes with all of us!

  43. Dear Joy,
    Pour maple syurp over bacon, and bake until crispy. It’s divine. Also I love your hair, I’m super jealous.

  44. A co-worker connected me to you! She comments on here occasionally, too. But she makes your wonderful recipes and brings some from time to time for our “coffee clutch” corner in my media center. It would be coooool to win some of these to share there with the other coffeeholics! Thanks for bringing us together!

  45. Bacon and sugar and spices – I’m going to have to try that one way or another. I’m very disappointed that this flavor isn’t for sale on their website. Please save me the plane fare from Baltimore to LA!

  46. My first attempt at a bacon-flavoured dessert was a bust. I guess I need to do more “research” by tasting how the pros do it! ;)

  47. count me in to win!

    PS- LOVE LOVE LOVE the Seattle post ;) Good luck lil sis in the big city!!

    PPS- Did you do your hair dif today? Totally rad ;)

  48. Hi Joy!

    We share the self-made baker in the great age of the twenties! Thanks for your consistency in creative recipes!

    P.S. So glad you like Green & Black’s cocoa- doesn’t it liven up any chocolate recipe?! Beats Hershey’s anyday!

  49. I LOVE bacon! That sounds like an amazing candy store! Who knew bacon would fly so high! LOL!

    Can’t wait to see some pics of the turquoise walls and the view from the new place!

    Have a blessed weekend,

    Captain Momma

  50. Joy, your recipes and photographs are always so great! I just made your Avacado Pound Cake — it was a huge success! Keep up the good work!

  51. Your no roll pie crust has made me happy many times. I would love to win some candy :) Thanks, and BTW, my hair looks absolutely hideous! ;p Rainy days always makes it frizz.

  52. Hi joy :)
    Woah.. salty, bacony, paprika-y confections?? Come again?! Those wee morsels must pack some crazy taste sensations! I am absolutely intrigued. I have never seen such amazing things in Northern Ireland.

    Also, loving the blog! I always look forward to reading your posts and trying out the lovely recipes, so keep ’em comin joy!

    Y’know, of course your hair looks great.. It is, afterall, a common known fact that delicious cake equates to luscious locks ^-^ hehe. Have a wonderful day x

  53. Joy – Thanks so much for your wonderful site! I always look forward to new posts with your beautiful pictures and delicious recipes! Have a great weekend :)

  54. That candy looks so yummy! Thanks for always having something funny / interesting / delicious for me to read about.

  55. I just ate some brown butter almond brittle ice cream. Then I logged onto your site and thought the Fleur de Sel brittle looked amazing! (Not as amazing as your blog though!)

  56. i’ve seen the phrase “bacon is meat candy,” but here you go! I read you every day and you always make me smile. thank you so much!

  57. Hi Joy,

    I’ve just recently been introduced to your blog. I really enjoy baking and I’ve been enjoying looking through your recipes and can’t wait to try some! Look forward to future posts! By the way, your hairs is cute! :)

  58. you are the most inspirational chef/cook/baker that i know of.
    my daughter would love that candy! she has a fabulous pallette at only 2 1/2 :)

  59. Oooo your hair looks nice!

    And I got in a semi-heated argument with a friend last night that yes, you could absolutely make bacon pancakes. He didn’t beleive me…

  60. OMG, this is how you realize how many people follow your site! Can you believe it, this is the 679th comment?! WTF?!!!(Sorry, I don’t usually swear!).
    Amazing Joy, you can be proud of yourself! You rock!

  61. My husband jokes about how obsessed I am with following your blog. All of your recipes are inspiring and exciting. I can’t wait to try the avocado pound cake. Thanks Joy for all the amazing pictures and wonderful recipes. You ROCK!

  62. Love your blog, Joy! Thanks for all the wonderful recipes. Also, good luck with your new apartment! (Also, you’re not the only one who loves candy for breakfast.)

  63. Your hair…email me we’ll kibitz -I have a white girl fro, and if I could get my hair to look like yours it would be peanut butter and bacon cookies daily. I teach baking in high school and your blog has created a new assignment -find the best food blog, with great pictures to inspire you, AND you can’t use Joy…she’s mine.

  64. Mmmm this brittle sounds amazing! I’ve actually heard of Morning Glory before and I’ve always wanted to try some! So sending some me way would be great… :)

  65. What great flavor combinations. Who would have thought? Can’t wait to try your Lemon Hazelnut cupcakes!

  66. Hi Joy,

    I stumbled across your blog by accident. I googled ‘Joy of Baking’ and saw “Joy the Baker” in the search results. I clicked on the link to your site because I love baking and after a few minutes of reading your posts, seeing your pictures and the new and different recipes you share, I knew that we had something in common…a passion for baking and food. Anyway, I love your blog so please never stop sharing.

    You don’t need to send me any of the confections…I found the website and plan to order some anyway just to support the business :p . The purpose of my post today is just to say THANKS for sharing this with us.

  67. Bacon, Spanish Paprika and Cashew Brittle
    Are you kidding me? I would try that in a heartbeat!
    I really enjoy your blog and you have cool aprons if I remember correctly. Thought I would switch it up since you are getting so much great hair love. Thanks for the fun of a giveaway.

  68. love seeing all the wonderful goodies on your blog. they always make my mouth water. thanks for keeping us filled with deliciousness.

  69. Joy, you were the topic of much praise this morning. I did make the Lemon Hazelnut recipe for my mom’s birthday and the bits of cake I let my sisters sample were just enough to make the wait unbearable! Tonight we shall devour this delicious flavor combination. My sisters and mom will all be visiting you soon, hopefully we will bake and cook our way through your site!

    signed: New Faithful Follower.

  70. Hi Joy! I have been following your blog for a while, I just tried your cranberry almond bread— It was amazing! I love your blog!!! Keep up the AWESOME work! :)

  71. I always look forward to your blog. Love your stories, recipes and photographs. My daughter might love bacon as much as you. 1# of bacon has been on her Christmas and birthday list for the past 2 years. She’s 12 years old :-)

  72. Totally feel you on the candy-for-breakfast thing… I may/may not have just eaten a bag of peanut butter M&Ms. (Don’t tell my mama!) I absolutely adore this blog, especially the sunny pictures. I’m from DC, and in the past month we’ve gotten: 3 feet of snow, 12 rainy days, gale winds and flood warnings. It must be Christmas!

  73. Every recipe I have tried of yours turned out amazing! I usually like to play with recipes and change them up to make them better, but I know I don’t need to tinker with your recipes. Make a cookbook so I can buy it.

  74. Wow! Fleur de sel is my favorite to compliment anything sweet. Such a flavor enhancer! Your blog rocks! Thanks Joy!

  75. OMG, this looks amazing! Please, please pleassssseee! I love candy, but brittle is not something that I have mastered! I hope that your move is going well! I am also sure that your hair looks amazing, doesn’t everyones??

  76. Hi!
    Wow, it is only 8 am where I live, and this already the 663 comment. Well, I love caramel and your blog, so I am going to join the comment posting trend :D

  77. As a person with naturally curly hair, I am always in search of the perfect hair product to make my hair fabulous. I also love to hear that my hair looks good.

    So…Joy, your hair is lovely and your blog is the BEST. I always look forward to what you have to say. (And who doesn’t love anything with bacon!)

  78. Your hair looks nice, Joy. haha
    Hmm, that brittle sounds really interesting. What a combination! Thanks for the giveaway!

  79. Your site makes my day, truly. Whenever things just aren’t going well I LOVE looking at your posts, showing off your uberly excellent hair, and checking out random recipes to try out. For example, today in my dismay I decided to cheer myself up by seeing if you had a new post, and here it is, a chance to win delicious food. What better picker-upper than that? I truly, absolutely, indubitably, love your blog, and your hair!

  80. I love all things bacon, as well. tried I’ve only tried the brittle at your cupcake party. would like to try those almonds, though. triple coated in chocolate and sprinkled with real bacon bits? yes, please!

  81. Hi Joy! I made your double chocolate peanut butter ice cream for a special dinner party last year and it was soooooooo good! I LOVE good, homemade food and your site is my favorite place to look for recipes. You’re wonderful! Thanks for being you and bringing all of us so much…..JOY!!!

  82. Love your blog, love your hair, and love you (even though we have never met). You are such a beautfiul person, and so fantastic to share your life and recipes with the world.

  83. Love you blog, and am most intrigued by this post. I would never in a million years think to make bacon candy, but I would certainly relish the chance to try some! Keep up the excellent work!

  84. oh yes, one more thing: some traditional desserts from Singapore(where I live) actually use morning glory flowers for food colouring! it tints ricecakes a vivid blue :) talk about morning glory confectioneries.

  85. I’ve never tried bacon sweets before, but I do adore the “morning glory” brand of stationery from korea! :) your blog is a joy to read!

  86. You’re hair and your blog are beautiful! If only I had the time to bake all your recopies that I’ve bookmarked!

  87. I would love to win this! It is cold and rainy in Massachusetts today… a little bacon candy would help my family cheer up!

  88. Love your blog! That peanut brittle sounds yummy. I’m going to check out the Morning Glory site today. Oh, and you’ve got GREAT hair…

  89. Joy-
    I recently just made peanut butter bacon cookies and fell in love. I never thought bacon and sweets would go so well together but indeed they did.

    Anyways, I love your blog. Checking your blog is part of my daily computer routine! :-)

  90. I LOVE your blog! I love the way you write. Your style is fun and happy and friendly! You inspire me to reach higher and make my blog better! xox

  91. Your blog is so cute! Met someone the other day who was in the bakery I work at, she was mentioning your Avocado Pound cake, and I knew exactly what she was talking about!

  92. Oh my gosh, my husband will think hes died and gone to heaven! Bacon and chocolate? Those are really the only 2 food groups that exist in his world, well other than the coffee group ;)

  93. Dear Joy,

    Bacon brittle? that sounds REALLY interesting. Since I’m from LA maybe I’ll make a stop by at this place..but getting it from you would be even sweeter! How do you get word of all these interesting places anyway?!

  94. Of course your hair looks awesome but with that gorgeous happy smile even bad hair days can be overcome :)
    Mmmmm fleur de sel and peanuts brittle. Delicious!

  95. I’ve always loved unusual combinations – bacon dipped in chocolate sauce is something I’ve snacked on since the 70’s. Wondering when salty french fries dipped in chocolate milkshake will catch on.

  96. I discovered your blog a few weeks ago, through a search for a particular recipe (can’t remember what the recipe was). I thought your recipes looked great, but your ‘story’ drew me in, and I’ve been reading your blog since. This is my first time to post, though. How shameless of me to let the opportunity to win a mouthwatering confection be my motivation to say something nice to a stranger….a ‘generous’ stranger.

    Okay, now for something nice about you. I think the devotion and obvious love you share for your little sister is refreshing and heartwarming. I have always envied women who have sisters. It’s like having a built-in best friend. :-) Okay, I’m through gabbing, but I sure would like the sweet goodies. Hah!

  97. Those sound incredible! If you’re looking for some interesting toffee (as opposed to Brittle), I’d recommend Terry’s Toffee from Chicago– to die for! (And the best confectionery in the city!).

  98. Hi Joy,
    I love reading your blog, best baking blog I’ve come across! You’re delightful and funny to read!
    I’m currently moving too, so I know what you’re going through right now, but I can’t wait to bake in my new kitchen!

  99. Hi Joy!
    Another Joy here! Love your blog! Love your way of chatting that brightens our days. LOVE your no-roll pie crust, btw. Have a happy day!

  100. Candy? Candy? Did some mention sending me FREE candy?


    Count me “in”, Joy!

    Just the fact that you are thoughtful enough to think so highly of us to send us free candy says so many good things about you, for there is no greater gift than candy, cookies, cakes and well…..anything with sweetness attached….so bring it on, Girlfriend!

    And, yes…..your hair really is pretty, but nothing is prettier than your spirit and your soul!

    Keep up the good work!

    Luv U!


  101. Oh Joy . . . life is full of ironies (did I spell that right?). All week I’ve been trying this new belly fat cure kinda diet thing where you don’t eat sugar and very few carbs. I’m dying here. It’s Friday night . . . I log on . . . and you’re GIVING AWAY candy. Really special candy. Lord, have mercy. What I really want to say is . . . pick me, oh please Joy, pick me.

  102. Oh my goodness…looks delicious! I spent my childhood deprived of bacon – I’ve got to make up for lost time ;)

  103. Hello! The brittle sounds incredibly delicious…my mouth is watering as we speak. Thanks for sharing it with one of us…and thank you even more for always sharing your wonderful recipes! I’m a college student, and much of my time procrastinating is spent on this blog =)

  104. Wow. They all sound so intriguing. I would love to try.
    I’m still trying to get the courage to make that avocado cake.

  105. With my sweet tooth I will try anything that remotely resembles candy. And if it has sea salt or something as yummy as bacon, I’m game.

  106. You’re hair looks gorgeous dah-ling, just magnificent! Thanks for giving us a chance at those wonderful goodies.

  107. Bacon makes everything better- also, your blog is lovely, and every recipe i’ve used from here is great!

  108. I very much love your blog, and get compliments every time I make something from it. I’d love to get something yummy that I don’t have to make.
    Plus, I wish I could get my hair to look like yours:)

  109. Joy,
    There were a quite a few months that I didn’t have a computer, and the thing I missed the most was reading your blog and looking at all the wonderful things that you make and share with us. I’m so glad that I’m able to get back online and try out some new recipes.
    Thank you for being so awesome!

  110. How cool is that – almonds, bacon, chocolate? oOoO LA LA – I’m diggin it for breakfast too! …cashews and bacon and some spanish paprika? G-l-o-r-y! Make me a winner Joy, puh-leaze ;)

    A note about you: you’ve got class, spanky recipes, and lots-a-fans, we think you’re super spammy! xoxo

  111. JTB – you are the best thing since sliced break and cupcakes!!!! I love your blog!! i am addicted and I make your buttermilk pancakes every saturday morning!!! u rock!! love you!!!

  112. Those almond & bacon dragees sound like the perfect breakfast! Your hair must look great because of the bacon!

  113. I love giveaways! And I think you’re a fantastic writer. Judging solely by how much you seem to love food and by your excellent pictures and recipes, I’d say you’re a fantastic baker, too. :)

  114. As a vegetarian, the bacon candy is making me cry a little. I often lament over the things I never tried before becoming a strict veggie.

  115. mmmmm…sounds delicious. I am a new reader and love your blog–can’t wait to start baking this weekend!

  116. mmm I heart bacon and I’m loving this bacon-in-desserts craze that’s hit.

    *and your hair looks nice :)

  117. There is nothing in this world that can’t be bettered with bacon.

    Love your blog, love your writing, and really love your hair.

  118. I’ve been trying to dig myself out of some Jewish guilt and buy some bacon which I’ve been craving for several years now. But if only I knew where to start…Maybe coated in chocolate? Yummy salty chocolate.

  119. I love to here about other businesses that are what you call doing things “OUTSIDE THE BOX”. I experiment with different combinations of flavors that most people would not think of, some are just out of this world some belong out of this world. The fun is in the trying. As they say, “You never know unless you try”.The confections sounds soooo…interesting to me I’d love a chance to try them.

  120. Hey Joy !!

    Good luck packing. Take this time to get rid of anything you haven’t used, worn, looked at or cared about in the past year. It’s a fresh start in your new place.

    And in the words of a dog snack commercial …
    “Bacon, bacon, bacon. I smell bacon !!”.


  121. Hi Joy the Baker, pretty new to your blog but been enjoying you writings and your cooking. Nice to see young people take a interest in baking….Bakers rock ya know….

  122. This sounds very tempting. There’s nothing better than something sweet and salty to satisfy that craving. Good for you on your breakfast!

  123. Joy,
    Your blog is so fun. I love all the exciting things you share with us. I would love a chance to try out those wonderful confections, but even if I don’t win I thank you for sharing with us.

  124. I’ve only just found your site and the first thing is a giveaway. Everyone loves a giveaway, it almost doesn’t matter what’s being given! So anyway, I’m happy I’ve found your site.

  125. Bacon!!!!!!!! Oh, I loves me some bacon, especially with some maple syrup to add something sweet to it. I see no reason that these other little delicacies should be any different on the tasty scale.

  126. Hello Joy-joy.
    I’m sure your hair does look nice, and if it didn’t it wouldn’t matter since you’re beautiful inside, and therefore out as well.
    Love the blog, going to go bake somethings!

  127. I love reading your posts! I have been reading them last school year, now that I am in college I have continued reading your posts! They are the perfect solution to a good study break. I hope that someday I will be able to make such delicious treats!

    1. Hey Joy,
      Your hair looks great(hehe), and I would love to try one of those sweet amd savory treats!

  128. Holy Hot Cakes Bake Girl, L@@K at the number of postings!!! Sheesh!!! Congrats on your awesome blog! Let’s see if I make the 600 marker! Smell ya later!

  129. I have always wanted to try some of those extravagant candies! I love your blog have already used one of your recipes. Thanks for the giveaway!

  130. I can’t remember the first time I read your blog but it was a good day. My penchant is cooking really because baking is too much of a science until I tried your recipes.

    I just made some of your banana cranberry bread yesterday and will be enjoying it for breakfast this morning. The bread turned out really well.

    Thanks for your blog and fyi, I live in Malaysia so it’s too far for you to send anything. Don’t bother. The brittle flavours sound amazing.

  131. Joy,

    You are the best! I subscribe via google reader to your blog. I am always excited when I see a new post of yours up.

  132. OOppps! I messed up my email addy with the last note; only explanation is that I am still overcome with longing… ;) Sorry!

  133. Oh… Stop!! STOP!! Such torture!! Especially for those of us that have a terrible sweet tooth, and live
    far away, way too far to imbibe in these goodies. Sometimes I find myself licking the computer screen when
    you flaunt your muffins and cookies (my husband complains
    that the cats are messing it up – while I snicker…).

  134. Dear Joy,

    You are lovely. I love reading all of your posts, because the recipes rock and, more importantly, because you always make me smile.

    PS. That brittle looks yummy.

  135. joy- whenever i read your blog i feel so inspired!!!! Thanks for sharing your talents!!! These look amazing btw!! Thanks

  136. Joy.. I love sweet and salty.. and the name Morning Glory.. SO cute.. right up there with Black Eyed Susans..or Poppys..
    You are special.. love your chatter and food!

    Amy/Megan’s mum

  137. Joy- do they make those in veggie bacon? I know, I know- that’s almost blasphemy. But the vegetarians need some bacon love, too! Can I make one small request? If you pick me, please don’t send me the bacon brittle- I’d much prefer the regular brittle. Unless of course, the bacon brittle is made with facon-bacon. Then, I’d be much obliged to take the bacon-chocolate-almond of your hands. Yumm.

  138. I too love bacon and candy. However, I have never had them together. This looks like the perfect bacon and candy combination to try!

  139. Bahahaha, it’s funny how many people post when there’s a giveaway! Silly people… (silly me too!) I guess we’re all poor and need some cheering up :D

    Oh, but that table cloth that you have is SUH-WEET. Totally vintage.

  140. I’m glad your hair looks so nice today, since mine is being so ‘blah’! I bet some brittle would help make it a lot spunkier though :)

  141. Hey Joy, I’m sure your hair DOES look nice, but I’d rather give you a HUGE thanks for that cream cheese cinnamon roll recipe. They are a big hit every time I make them. Your style and blogging are helping me as I start off in the food blogging world. THANKS!

  142. Hi Joy,

    I don’t know what to say, so I’ll tell you a little secret: I made chocolate-covered bacon for breakfast this morning, and I liked it!

    By the way, I want your eyes. So pretty!


  143. Dear Joy,

    Please bring your smokin’ hair and rad cooking skillz to Australia to host a dinner party for me.

    That is all.


  144. My goodness those confections look yummy! I’ve got to check this place out! Winning some would be extra cool. As Billy Crystal used to say in one of his comedy routines: “You look marvelous.” That’s you, Joy.

  145. Just recently found your blog and I LOVE it!!! Have yet to try the chocolate-bacon combination, but I’m sure it’s delicious.

  146. Peanut brittle! Yum! My mouth is already watering! I wish I lived in the LA area, so I could try all the delicious treats you blog about.

  147. Joy – I love to visit your site! You are so refreshing, and always have delightful recipes and commentary.

    Thanks for such a great giveaway! Those bacon confections look awesome!

  148. Oooh, that looks yummy. Perfect to share with my bff during her weekend visit. I’ve always had hair issues so we won’t rear the green dragon talking about how I wish I had yours. :)

  149. Mmmm sounds delightful. But I’m a veggie – so if I’m an extra special winner can you send some sans bacon;)? Thanks for the fun giveaway:)

  150. Your hair looks nice… but what I utterly don’t understand is why you are NOT the size of a house!

    Okay, seriously, Hi! I’m new here. Been lurking for awhile. You’re an awfully fun read.

    I’ll take something simple. No bacon need apply. (Although chocolate and bacon dragees, you say? Well, maybe.) Probably just the simple fleur de sel peanut brittle.

    It’s the purist in me.

    Have a great, GREAT weekend. And get some fruit in the mix, huh??

  151. Joy,

    I envy your baking skills! These would help me get through the day with my baby a lot easier. Can you help me bake a cake for my daughter’s birthday? Ah, if only I didn’t live on the East Coast.

    Happy Days,

  152. lovely! i really could go for some brittle right now. gramma introduced me to it at christmas and i’ve been craving it ever since. i didn’t know what i was missing out on all these years!

  153. Please let me win! This site is such escapism from my normal London world…as if anybody’s world can be normal. But I love what you do Joy. Keep it up xxx

  154. What a sweet treat! Those dragees are intriguing to say the least.
    Hope the preparations for your move are going well.
    Happy weekend!

  155. Omgosh, when you posted about this earlier, I went to their website to drool. :D Thanks for the giveaway!

    PS: your hair looks nice! :D

  156. Joy, I freely admit that I read your blog every day, and love it and want to hug it and kiss it and name it George, yet rarely comment. And then, there’s a contest, and I am RIGHT THERE! Anyway, I love you all the time, contests or no, and I’m sorry I suck.

  157. Hi Joy, I’m a new follower of your blog, and absolutely love it! I think you have a talent for writing as well as baking (and I’m not just saying that so you’ll pick me.) You could also have a carrier in photography, those pictures make me hungry!
    Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to make a mess in the kitchen. :D

  158. I just adore your blog, Joy. Your posts always make me smile……………and your hair is lovely. :)

  159. You hair DOES look nice!! But that brittle looks like it is “to die for”…yum!! Hope I get a surprise telling me I’m a winner!!

  160. Oh Joy. I have such a friend-crush on you, you don’t even know. Will you and your friends please please PLEASE come to Las Vegas and throw a party here, so I can join in the fun? I can show you all the great off-strip places to go!

    Also, hooray for bacon!


  161. Wow, this stuff looks awesome (along, of course, with your hair). I want to play around with making some of these flavors! I made a bacon-peanut-chocolate bark for a Christmas gift that was AMAZING, and of course bacon peanut butter cookies are nirvana; peanut brittle is next!

  162. I haven’t had peanut brittle in so long. This has got my sweet tooth moving into a whole new direction!!!

    You’re such a sweetheart for giving us such sweet confections!!!

  163. Hey! Great blog, absolutely fantastic. I love your recipes and your photos, although not all of the recipes turn out when I make them. :) I love your hair as well.. Did you get a new haircut? :P

  164. Hi!

    I’ve recently discovered your blog and I love it. From the various pictures I’ve seen, your hair always looks nice.

    Thanks for the contest!

    -Jill (a new fan in MN)

  165. Those treats look amazing!! Thanks for sharing and spreading the love to your readers. I recently found your blog through another foodie blog I read, and there’s no turning back now! : )

  166. Hi Joy! I think something is missing from your list…pancakes! I’m trying to make my way through the amazing variety you have on your site in my kitchen. So far, everything has been delicious. My favorite as of yet has been your Dad’s Buttermilk Pancakes. Wow.
    I wish you luck on moving. But soon you’ll be a hip, downtown-livin’ lady who continues to churn wonderful treats out of her kitchen. Pretty snazzy, if I may say so. :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  167. HI JOY!
    You’re an inspiration to us all. Bacon & candy.
    I think that is all I need to say.
    Oh ya. Your hair is swell too!

  168. Just finished my birthday dinnner, saw your post, trying my luck. :)

    Oh yeah, and your hair looks better than nice, it looks fabulous!

    I’m soo tired, sorry if I come of as a suck up. Brain not functioning at normal level -.-


  169. Hi Joy! I love your blog and look forward to every new post. Thanks for sharing your love of life and baking with us!

  170. I absolutely love your blog! The first recipe I made was the Honey Cranberry Cornmeal Quick Bread and it was delicious. Since then I’ve baked up several of your recipes and they’ve all been wonderful. Thank you!

  171. Ode to Joy

    I love to check your blog each day
    And see the goodies of delight
    Such visual delectables —
    Digestion for eyes and bellies!
    What foray!

    I wear your cookies on my thighs
    Your breads, how they do satisfy
    I sip your soups in silent solitude —
    Magnificent culinary!
    My soul sighs!

  172. Whenever I check your site, I always find myself googling the products you talk about, or writing down your recipes, and just can’t believe how interesting the recipes are that you come up with and the things you find. Dangit, I want to not live in a rural little GA town. Not fair! hahaha! Thanks for opening my eyes to new things. I appreciate it!

  173. Yum! That fleur de sel and peanut one sounds amazing!

    And I can’t tell what your hair looks like today, but in those road trip pics, your hair looked wonderful! I’m envious. I hate you. You know, in that girly, envious way. :)

  174. ooooo, this sounds fabulous! i’ve been without my computer for almost two weeks and i’ve been desperately missing your blog. i love what you do…all of it! keep them coming!

  175. I thought of your move today when I was cleaning out a closet. I’m not moving, but I’m making space. And reorganizing. And those are the best parts of a move. Good luck!

  176. These seem way taster than the bacon ‘mints’ currently being shared around my office.

    Also, I love your blog :)

  177. “Your hair looks nice” ;)
    Ok that was easy.

    The fleur de sel brittle looks very VERY tantalizing…

    By the way I baked your honey whole wheat pound cake and it was a hit :)

  178. I just wanted to say hi and let you know that my friend turned me on to you and I am so glad she did!! I haven’t gotten the chance to make anything that you have posted yet (I have a 5 month old that just started rolling around the house!), but there are so many things that I cannot wait to try!

  179. Hi Joy!

    I just got back from Brooklyn and ate some amazing handmade beer and pretzel salted caramels made by Liddabit Sweets. I am bummed that I passed on their bacon caramel corn. Maybe i can redeem myself with some Morning glory confections?

    Keep the posts coming! Love your blog.

  180. Hello Joy! I must say you’ve inspired me to pursue this cooking thing professionally! I run my own home made sushi business and always try to incorporate some fun ideas into my work.. i too think it’s not important to go to culinary school to be good at cooking and baking!

    I stumbled onto your web page a few days ago and I fell in love with baking! I am a savory kinda girl and i LOVE to cook, I am always trying to cook up something new but when it comes to baking i just humbly walk out of the kitchen! the idea of waiting is not very appealing to me and that has been a problem in other areas as well..

    So, I am proud to say, as a person who knows nothing about baking and think i need to go to culinary school to “deserve” a chance to do this professionally,,, I JUST BAKED BREAD!! it was you’re bread and butter recipe, but i am trying to lose weight so instead i used half white flour and half wheat flour! and i must say i didnt do waiting well, and i skipped about 20 minutes of the waiting but it was a success!! :D I am never buying bread from the store again! why when i can do it at home!

    I love to experiment on my own, so i will be doing LOADS of that from now on..

    Thank you so much, truly you’ve inspired me. I bookmarked your page sweety.. keep going!

  181. Hi Joy –
    I don’t usually comment, but you lured me out with the temptation of bacon, but I do want you to know your blog often inspires me to bake, teaches me or reminds me of tips and tricks that I never knew or forgot about, and most importantly you always make me smile when I read your blog.

    Your energy always shines through and since I’m all sniffly today it’s especially appeciated.

  182. Hi Joy, thanks for the opportunity to win that beautiful candy! I hope you’re having fun moving into your new apartment.

  183. it all sounds very interesting….Never would think to try bacon mixed with any of that, LOL! Love your blog and all of your musings :-)

  184. Joy!! I am addicted to this blog. I made your Lemon Glazed Spice Cake awhile back and have been hooked ever since. You’re a goddess.

  185. Hi, I love reading your blog, and the fact that I can take any recipe from here and make it, and it’s guaranteed to work. The avacado pound cake and the honey whole wheat pound cake are both on my list of things to make soon. I also have caught your obsession with pancakes, and have been making them for my family weekly. So far we’ve eaten the pumpkin and the gingerbread pancakes. :) Tomorrow is sourdough…

  186. Thought I’d come out of lurking for the prospect of intriguingly-flavored chocolates!

    And I’ve been meaning to send thankful vibes: my birthday was last weekend and I made my own cake, thanks to your recipe! A double layer (it’s only my second experiment with layer cakes, didn’t get quite ambitious enough to do a triple!) with your best ever chocolate buttercream frosting. And everyone loved it :) Especially me!

    Good luck with the moving adventures!

  187. Glad I checked your posts today! And happy not to see any combo involving corned beef and chocolate. Ick. But yum to the others!

  188. Hi Joy! Love you, love your blog. I just read two books by Jennifer Weiner in which there is a character named Joy! The first is called Good in Bed and the second is called Certain Girls. They’re pretty good. I always enjoy reading books with characters who have my name. Maybe you will too?
    You’re awesome! Have a nice day!

  189. Hi! Love your blog (and your hair DOES look nice–I have stick straight asian hair and am totally jealous of people with curly hair!). And I love candy. And bacon. Thanks for a chance to win some candy with bacon in it!

  190. You have to post a picture of your hair today for us to compliment! I love the blog!! Although I think another good cookie recipe needs to be posted soon (hint hint) :)

  191. not only does your hair look fabulous, that skirt is adorable and those shoes! are they new? i mean, girl…you got it going on today. plus, your blog is fan-tas-tic! i’ve made your bread AND those s’mores brownies, who thought of those, they are so yummy. i check your blog like every day. :)

  192. Hi, Joy! I love your blog- and my friends and roommate love that I love your blog. My friends’ favorite are your oatmeal blueberry applesauce muffins, and my mother adores your lemon cloud tea cookies! Thanks for all of the recipes!

  193. Hey! Just made your sugar pie, perfect for a sweet craving on a rainy day when I don’t to shop for ingredients. :-) Thanks!

  194. Your hair is gorgeous! …and your site is great too!

    The next time I’m in LA, I’m definitely going on a search for this place!

  195. Hi Joy! Hope you’re settling in your new place alright… Love your blog! And your good hair day… ;-)

  196. Hi Joy! I wanted to say hi and let you know how you’ve inspired me to bake outside my comfort zone. Thanks!

  197. Hi Joy! Planning to make your avocado pound cake this weekend. The cupcakes were so delicious and I imagine this will be too. Thank you for sharing your tasty recipes!

  198. Hey Joy!

    Love your blog and I love your recipes!
    Hope moving and such has gone well for you.
    I’m looking forward to some lovely spring baking recipes.

  199. Bacon in sweets? My heart just stopped. That sounds amazing!

    I love your blog and your recipes haven’t let me down once. Your black and white cookies are my favourite.

  200. Some people frown upon bacon in sweets but I think it can be dlish! I just had a pancake cupcake with maple frosting and bacon recently and it was wonderful.

  201. I stumbled onto your website about 6 months ago looking for ice cream recipes. I sat here for about an hour drooling and calling my BF over to the computer to ask “doesn’t this look good?!” about 20 times. I’ve made more recipes off of this site then any other site (including Martha and shes my hero!).

    Thanks for such an awesome baking website. Now if you could only publish a website with your daily exercise routine I could maybe be as fit as you are after baking all this stuff!

  202. Yom. I think your hair is lovely. Mine is curly, too, but it’s short and sassy instead of long and foxy. We curly girls need to stick together. Gimme some sugar.

  203. Oooh…BACON! Have you tried Mo’s bacon chocolate bar? Holy crikey, it’s awesome. I found it at Cost Plus World Market…super yum. PS…Happy Friday!!

  204. Hello Joy! The treats sound incredible. Even if I don’t win, I think I’ll be getting some :)

  205. Stumbled across the website somehow (clickity-clicking around food blogs) and I LOVE it! Is it possibly that a food blog is actually HELPING stay on my diet? I feel satisfied by just looking at your recipes and pictures!!! Thanks!

  206. Bacon!? could this be considered breakfast or brunch? These sound quite yummy. Thanks for your site and recipes.

  207. Sounds like an amazing pregnancy snack – bacon + candy + nuts = midnight craving ! And as an 8 month pregnant woman I would be HAPPY to test it out for you :0)

    PS ~ You’re hair does actually look really nice in the “On The Lamb” post.

  208. I love your blog and the sunshine you put into your posts! It brings me joy to read it and make your recipes. And your hair is beautiful! :)

  209. Seriously, WOW to the number of comments. Of course you do have a great blog. Love your stuff, and you sure take some great pictures of it all!

    I would love to try some of these sweets! Gotta love something sweet.

    So heres my comment to add to the fishbowl. =)

  210. Wow, those are some odd combinations. Looking at their website, the “chai tea and cashew” looks interesting. It seems like a lot of their stuff is to pack a punch of something weird. XD Btw, I’ve been slowly doing your recipes one by one. Parker House Rolls are this weekend. XD And don’t kill me, I took some of your recipes and organized them into one-page printouts to make my life easier. XD
    For example, I made these sugar cookies like fifty times already. XD

  211. Hey Joy, LOVE your blog!!! Thanks for turning me on to this place, just in time for my Dad’s birthday. I think this will win him over.

  212. I’ve always been intrigued by bacon in candy but never got around to trying it. I’ve never eaten anything with bacon that I didn’t love!

  213. Hi Joy,
    I was looking for a pound cake recipe ’cause I had never made one before…well I went to your blog and SHAZAMM! It was the best pound cake I’ve ever eaten, down to the last crumb. I could hardly believe I made it myself!!! No more Dunkin Hines for me! Thanks for that 7 ingredient perfect cake. Congrats on the move. Enjoy your new place. Your hair looks great…even on a bad hair day!!!

  214. Joy, your hair looks AWESOME and I enjoy reading your blog! Your writing style is fun! Seattle is where I live! :-)

  215. I just started reading your blog a few weeks ago and I am DYING to try some of your recipes! Plus your writing just puts a smile on my face. I love it when people do what they love for a living–it makes me feel a little less terrified about the future :)

    Also… this candy looks FANTASTIC.

  216. I love your blog and everything you post is delicious! Sooo…I hope I can win some yummy artisan candies because I’m sure theyre wonderful too!

  217. It’s my 32nd birthday today! and this candy looks yuuumy!
    Thanks for the give-away, and your hair really does look awesome. I love natural curl!!!!

  218. Hi Joy! Can’t wait to go to your cooking class in Sonoma next month, it’s going to be awesome I already know it. p.s. your hair is super cute too!

  219. Joy, came upon your blog last night, spent many, many hours perusing it. You are a very talented young woman and I was very impressed with fantastic blog! This blog, now, is right up there on my list of favorites along with David Lebovitz, Rachel Eats, The Wednesday Chef and The Italian Dish.
    Keep up the awesome work, your talents will not go unnoticed. I see a bright future for you!

  220. Those treats sound really interesting. I have loved getting to know your website. It makes me want to stay home all day and cook lovely things. Thanks for sharing your creativity to the masses!

  221. oooh i would really love it if you sent me some or you could drop it off :) I’m in the Bay Area although now you will be going to Seattle instead huh?

  222. Lovely Joy – I fully condone brittle for breakfast – it even has a nice alliteration to it, so it can’t be wrong! My school is starting spring break and I will be filling my time by baking lots of your yummy recipes. Thanks for brightening my morning!

  223. Hi Joy!!! This candy looks amazing, I want some! I love your site soooo much, I have made so many of your recipes and they never fail!

  224. OHH delicious combinations. How much fun is that? Bacon and chocolate together. I am hardpressed to find anyone anywhere that can tell me one single edible item on earth that wouldn’t be enhanced by either bacon, or chocolate. So putting them together only makes sense. Yes!

  225. Hi Joy,

    Baking alway intimidated me until I worked up the resolve to try your pumpkin cookies. I’ve baked something every week since. Sometimes it’s delicious, sometimes it’s not, but it’s definitely always fun.

    My roommate is also very appreciate of my new hobby. Thanks for the recipes and the inspiration!

    PS I’d love to try that brittle :)

  226. Hello Joy! Your hair looks nice :)

    Also, you and your blog inspire me and make my days a little bit brighter. Thank you.

  227. I just discovered your blog and I LOVE it! I brings out that baker in all of us. Thanks so much for sharing with us. :)

  228. Joy! Your blog has totally made me popular in my college dorm. People STILL tell me how much they loved the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies I made last fall, and your recipe for devil’s food chocolate cake with raspberries won the cake category in the dorm bake-off! Thank you, Joy!

  229. I LOVE FOOD!! More so I love trying out new recipes, despite sometimes failing :P
    I am glad to find someone else who likes sport and cooking!!
    Keep posting :) xx

  230. hey dear joy! i think you’re splendid. it’s a poopy rainy day out here in nyc, but you’re blog is full of sunshine!

  231. Hello there! I just discovered your blog. Hello, fabulous! I love all your recipes! I made the Strawberry Southern Cake last week for a party. It was so successful! Although I can’t eat bacon and never have (Kosher..wah wah wah)… I’m sure these are yummy and fabulous! If you have a jew friendly one, I’ll be here! Keep baking, lovely lady. I’ll be reading! :)


  232. Hey, Joy.. hi… Your hair looks spectacular… Always did… Always does… I hope that makes you feel good, because I want that brittle!!!! mmmmm hmmmmmm…. That’s right.. you gonna hve to ship it all the way to Miami… and if you pour little droplets f cyanide on it, I will be very upset… Dead, but upset…


    I am glad things are going well for ya, and that little sis is in a cool city doing her thing… (You know Seattle will always have a dear place in my heart!!!)



  233. Joy. You’re fabulous. I think we should be best friends. We could sit around, bake bread, have a drink, braid each other’s hair, and share lifelong secrets.

    I’m just sayin’.

  234. Your hair does look fab – one can tell at one glance that you are a strong and powerful woman who, with one keystroke can put someone into brittle nirvana!

  235. Hi Joy! I made your peanut butter blondies with milk chocolate frosting last night and they were outstanding. They tasted even better for breakfast this morning. Thanks for the great recipes!

  236. Hi.
    You look Mah-vah-lus! Simply Mah-vah-lus Dahling!

    Is it wrong that I really want to eat bacon candy? No? I didn’t thinks so either.

  237. Hi Joy! You make me want to move to a new city, find a new place, start new endeavors, and you make me wish I had a sister. Somehow, winning candy is going to fix all of this for me. Right?

  238. You look fabulous! Have you lost a little weight? Your looking good, Joy! And I’m not just saying that because I want to win. But I do want to win! ;)

  239. Hey Joy!!!
    LOVE your blog, I check it evey day, and make lots of yummy treats.
    Making the double chocolate and peanut butter ice cream tonight.
    Hope the move goes well, maybe you can send the baby sock to one of the candy winners!

  240. I can’t help myself. The dragées sound like and remind me deeply of les larmes de Jeanne d’Arc, one of my all-time favorite Norman treats. Here’s hoping!!!

  241. those candies look and sound amazing.
    if i don’t win and even if i do i should go hunt them down next time i am in LA

  242. Joy! So many food blogs, so little time. Your blog is on my favorite list. And your hair is very nice too. Thanks.

  243. Hi Joy!

    Hope the move is going well :) You always look Fab and your recipes and blog routinely make my day. And btw, bacon makes everything better!

    All the Best

  244. Not sure about your hair today but your pancakes sure were fantastic this morning:)Thanks for the great recipe!

  245. Joy, your hair is beautiful and dark and always looks good- my frizzy light brown head is jealous! Plus, you bake magnificent treats! Have a great day!

  246. I also love combinations of savory and sweet flavors- just another post of so, so many that leaves me inspired. Cheers!

  247. Hi Joy! I’ve been a silent reader for a while now. Love, love, love your blog!!! All of these confections sound delicious! FYI, I just love your writing style… :)

  248. Hi Joy! :D
    Just joined your facebook group! I’m ecstatic about the regular updates I’m getting now! :)
    Lovely giveaway! Looks fantastic :D

  249. Hi Joy!

    I’ve just recently found your blog and I love it!

    It’s so nice to see people out there appreciating baking and sweets. =)

  250. Hi Joy! Your hair is fab! :) I love your website. I’m a newbie reader of your site (just started over a month ago), but I LOVE it! I used to live in Irvine until recently. Now, I’m hundreds of miles away. Anyway, these confections look divine! I’m always up to trying new flavors. I’d love to win these! :)

  251. I think you’re a great sister to your sister! I love reading about your stories together…

    And this is a great little contest – those treats sound uniquely amazing!!

  252. I made those peanut butter blondies with mocha frosting you posted awhile back. I chopped up some dark chocolate peanut butter cups to add to the batter. Everyone raved!

  253. Bacon + Something Sweet = Love

    A friend has taken to splashing hickory ginger marinade and sprinkling some brown sugar over his bacon before cooking. OH SO GOOD. :)

  254. I was sick a couple days ago and some of the only things I wanted to eat were bacon, and chocolate. I’d love to try them together!

  255. Hi Joy! I love reading your blog, you take beautiful pictures! Everything makes me hungry…especially the brittle!

  256. Your giveaway looks delicious! I made your peanut butter bacon cookies a few weeks ago. They were amazing. I gave them to my friends. You’ve made many people very happy. With bacon!

  257. Did I hear someone mention bacon??? Mmmmm…

    Joy, I discovered your jewel of a baking blog a few months ago and am continually inspired by your creativity, style, and the inner warmth that you imbibe all of your posts with. There are times that I catch myself salivating over your photos — but, perhaps most importantly, I love that you’ve helped me kick me out of my “baking rut”.

    Keep up the amazing work, and good luck with your move!

  258. Hmm never had the guts to try a confection with bacon in it, I really should be braver! Thanks for sharing your candy discoveries with us!

  259. hiii ! i love your hair :)) but more so i love your blog, thanks for a really fun blog to read and btw i can totally relate to eating those dragees for breakfast, its normal ! :)

  260. I love your blog, your food and your hair- I wish I had your or your sister’s hair!!!!! Congrats on a wonderful blog!!!

  261. Love your site

    making the EASY chocolate crissants and the Crustless quiche w/spinach and mushrooms for breakfast tomorrow

  262. haha, well if it’s hair compliments that you want, it’s hair compliments that you’ll get! :) I’m sure yours is fabulous.

  263. I love candy for breakfast and boy could I use some I was suppose to go to a weekend retreat with no kids when my poor little three year old got the flue so I get to stay home. Not to make you feel like I should win the candy (although if it works…) Thanks for the great blog brightens my day.

  264. Joy,

    You have sensational taste – in hairstyles and in sweets. Thanks for your delightful posts and fun giveaways!

    Good luck with the move!


  265. You’re quarky and I love reading your blog. Thanks for sharing yourself with us! :) Have a great weekend.

  266. one thing i love: people who can create candy w/out losing patience 3/4 through the process…such as myself;) hope the move is going smoothly!

  267. I would love to win and nosh on these! *I’m in a goofy friday mood so please forgive me*…As all I want to do is go *nom nom nom* : P

  268. Being at work is such a drag….what I would give to be able to see how lovely your hair is today. I bet it is a million times better than mine. But then again I do have the warm tropical air to give it a blow dry in the morning….so I guess I don’t have that much to complain about.

  269. Hi!
    I recently discovered your blog and I love it! Those yummy treats look wonderfully delicious and I hope I get some. Keep enjoying food and life!

  270. Your hair ALWAYS looks nice and so do you!!! Congrats on your move (& your sisters too). Love your blog :)

  271. This is the perfect giveaway. Candy = awesome. Bacon = awesome. Bacon + Candy = mindblowing awesomeness.

    Plus – I love your tablecloth.

  272. Those look delicious. I’m of the mindset that if it looks that good, and has normal sounding ingredients in it, it can’t be that bad for you (and thus is good breakfast food).

    But I’m sitting here eating candied ginger for breakfast, so i’m not sure i have room to talk.

  273. Hi There – TGIF! What a unique confection shop – super cool. Keep the awesome posts and amazing recipes coming. Enjoy your weekend. :-)

  274. Rarely have I seen such great-looking hair! I’d love to sample those intriguing Morning Glory treats.



  275. Your hair is nice. I love the curls. And I love your blog. I’ve made lots of your recipes with loads of success.

  276. This candy looks great. I guess it tastes wonderful as well. Love your blog!

    PS I would eat the brittle for breakfast as well. :0

  277. I look forward to reading up on your website as part of my morning routine. Maybe it is the design layout…. but I love the pictures!

  278. Hi, your posts make my day and inspire me to get in my kitchen and create (if it’s only your recipes)!

    Would love to try these lovely concoctions!

  279. I love bacon (who doesn’t) and of course candy, so it’s gotta be good, right? Win me some!

    BTW, you are having a Great Hair Day! :)

  280. 1. I am sure your hair is beeeeyoootiful today :)
    2. I think it was really nice that you drove your sister to Seattle. I hope she is settling in!
    3. All of that candy looks incredible.

  281. Ooooh! Your hair looks divine today! And those candies sound fabulous – how very kind and generous of you to share! :)

    Happy Friday!

  282. Hi…your hair does look nice…bacon in candy, my husband would be in heaven he is always telling me everything taste better with bacon!!!

  283. Whoever thought to turn nuts into candy is a genius…and Joy, it is the perfect breakfast food, why not make it lunch and dinner too?! It all looks simply delectable.

  284. Mmmm bacon!!

    If you haven’t seen it, you must go to YouTube and search for “Bacon is good for me” (regular and remix). It’s funny an cute and will make your Friday. I mean let’s be honest, bacon IS good for me!!

  285. Joy — i love your site. i know i tell you everytime i leave a comment, but i mean it everytime. i’ve never made one of your recipes without it being life changing. for example, last night i made your healthy banana bread recipe and was a little, ummm, concerned at how short it was. and then i ate some. and my life was changed. holy moley goodness.

    ps — i made mine with a toasted almond oil…yummm

  286. I don’t judge you for eating Almond and Bacon Dragees for breakfast. If I had anything so divine in my kitchen right now, I would most certainly eat them for breakfast as well. And you take pretty pictures!

  287. Hello! I love your blog and look forward to reading new posts! And I’m sure your hair looks fantastic. :)

  288. …oh.
    oh yes.

    you know how to make a girl feel better on the last day of a not so great, very long week!
    PS–your hair is great, but your freckles are the best!

  289. Those all sound so delicious! Thanks for offering this giveaway. You’re so generous (yes, I am sucking up).

  290. I love ur blog. You have a quirky personality that is hilarious. I used to live in California and I miss it terribly. I relish anything that comes from there. Oh by the way your hair looks great ;)

  291. I thought when you wrote “You. I think you’re awfully swell” said something about “you and how awful you smell”!!

    Anyway, those candies look pretty yum and I agree, candy + bacon = awesomeness. Even for brekky. :P

  292. wow, look at all these responses. we must be some truly candy lovin’ folk!! It think it is cool how you know about these special little shops and can share them with us. I only wish you lived in the Bay Area, so I could meet you for coffee and some fabulous baked goods as you tell me all the shops I should try out! Wouldn’t that be fun! Winning the candy from “your part of town” would be just as fabulous! Thanks for writing this blog and keeping us inspired!! :) Go bacon and chocolate!!

  293. Me, me, please! I’ve had these once before and they are SO very yummy! Too bad I live so far away or I’d stop by weekly and get some.

  294. What’s the story Morning Glory! Mmmm mmmm mmmmm!Chocolatey bacony goodness!? And for breakfast, nonetheless!! Brilliant!

  295. Mmmm, I like candy also. I also like bacon. I make things with special ingredients, so we can be friends. Two friends with pretty hair and mad kitchen skillz. :)

  296. Hi. What interesting combinations! Sounds delightful. Bacon makes anything wonderful!!
    I wish I was in LA and could stop by! I hope I win!!

  297. omg those all sound amazing!! btw – I think I’m going to try your Lemon whoopie pies this weekend… I’ve got leftover lemon juice and zest from another recipe and I want to use it! :)

  298. Happy day indeed! Mmmmm I love Fleur de Sel in my sweets. And the bacon sounds so yummilicous.
    I wish I won :)

  299. Morning Glory what a neat name and neat sounding confections!

    Oh, before I forget-your hair looke lovely-the style is very flattering!!

  300. Ohhh, bacon, almods ad chocolate. YUM! And your hair!!! It’s sooo pretty!

    Love, love, love your blog. I think if I lived in CA or you lived in TX, we could be friends.

  301. I love your recipes – your blog is a constant source of inspiration and I make sure to pass on the benefits to my neighbor and family. I actually baked the S’Mores Brownies for a women’s game night this evening…can’t wait to see how they like it!

  302. Hi Joy, your hair is beautiful! Seriously, I’d give my arm for curls like yours! Mmmmmmm, bacon + candy! Sounds divine!

  303. i have an obsession with your website. haha regardless of if i win any candy, which my family would probably devour, i just wanted to let you know :)

    and, i’m going through all your entries because i need to explore LA more! :)

  304. Hi Joy the baker love your website (for reals) and thanks for the chance to win some candy…Brightest blessings to you and yours…e*

  305. Bacon and nuts, bacon and sugar…it’s all good. And it looks like breakfast to me!! Love your blog, you are so inspiring. I feel your packing pain, I start my move today. Oh, and your hair…just fab!

  306. Definitely nothing wrong with candy for breakfast!

    I’m 38 weeks pregnant, and I can’t even tell you how delicious some bacon candy sounds right now…

  307. I found you through Ree Drummond’s recommendations and am so happy I did! Your style and recipes are so enjoyable. (that brittle looks so delicious.)

  308. OO, very excited. Bacon + sweet works for me. (I’m one of those people who ‘accidentally’ pours extra syrup on the plate so I can mop it up with bacon. :)

  309. Wow, those looks awfully tasty!

    Thank you for your wonderful posts and recipes. They always brighten my day.

  310. I’ve been reading your blog for about 3-4 months now once finding it through another food blog. I love all your recipes, pictures and stories. Definitely one of my favorites!

  311. Piping hot coffee, fuzzy slippers and a “good morning” purr and lick from my Siamese Mimi make me happiest! Fingers crossed for some brittle.

  312. Hi Joy!
    Greetings from Bainbridge Island WA!
    I was thinking this morning…as I was frying a piece of Canadian Bacon…how the aroma of bacon just COZIES up a kitchen!
    I know these delicasies are delightful!
    Now let’s talk HAIR!!!
    Yours have never looked so GOOD! ;o)
    Here’s wishing you many fabulous HAPPY HAIR DAYS!!!!
    Oh…and if you won’t good hair days…
    do not move to the Northwest! ;o)
    Oh how I would just ADORE winning this scrumptious bit of confection from Joy the Baker! xo

  313. Joy – I just started following you a few months ago, and have thoroughly enjoyed your posts – way up here in Canada! Nice hair by the way…
    I enjoyed reading about your trip to Seattle recently and meant to send you the link for a Calgary based blogger who regularly travels to Seattle and has all sorts of wonderful food haunts. Send me a note if you’re interested in passing these on to your sis.
    Would love to try these treats – they sound so yummy. Can I tell you that I went to a farm table dinner recently in Banff where they served pork – nose to tail (meaning they used all parts of the pig – for all 5 courses of the meal – including dessert)! Flourless chocolate cake – with little chewy bacon bits inside, served with maple ice cream and a very thin piece of bacon garnish. It was delish; it was decadent.

  314. Can I come bake with you sometime? I don’t usually invite myself over to people’s houses, but… You’re awesome. (Just kidding. Well, about the coming over part. Not about you being awesome.) Thank you for the amazing recipes, for witty prose, and most of all, for sharing. If you weren’t sharing, this wouldn’t be any fun for us… I can hear it now… “I made these amazing cupcakes today but you can’t have any!” Thanks for not being mean :)

  315. i’m from spain… spanish, i need the spanish candy, neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed…

    i have to say i was wondering what joy would surprise me with today… well no recipe, but a giveaway is always a surprise!

  316. ok first things first
    Your hair looks nice. :) You make me smile :)

    and the Almond and Bacon Dragees I think will make me swoon….


  317. Fleur de sel peanut brittle? holy heck. i’m in. / thanks for such a fabulous contest! (and i always love your hair!) :)

  318. Your blog is delicious and I check it way more often than I know you post, but it’s just in case I miss something….

    Your giveaway reminds me that I want to try this Bacon Praline recipe in one of the Food and Wine compilation books

    Happy Friday!

  319. Bacon, butter, sugar and carbs are the nectar of life and just make my life better. In addition to that I have been a lifetime artist but have just recently been tapping into the culinary arts and you have been such an inspiration to me. Thanks for everything!

  320. Ooh, interesting combination. I’d love to try these. :)
    Of course your hair looks nice. I’ve always adored curly hair. :)
    And just so you know, I’ve favorited almost every recipe you’ve ever posted. ^_^

  321. BACON! BACON! BACON! BACON! I feel like the dog on the beggin strips commercial. It would be super-swell if I was lucky enough to win this contest. Oh, by the way, your hair always looks nice, as well as the photos of your magnificent recipes.

  322. Really?!? Bacon candy, I too love bacon and candy, but together?!? I’m gonna have to trust you on this one!

  323. Hi Joy!
    A few things:
    first, it’s cold over here on the crusty east coast, and your pictures always look so sunny…
    next, your world looks like a cozy, smooth-edged one, where people smile, tablecloths are cheery, and waking up on Monday morning is fun (you know, sitting up in bed with a big yawn and stretch, a café au lait while still tangled in blankets, and maybe a really fluffy scone with clotted cream and jam as the morning sunlight streams in)
    Finally, you make me feel friendly and nice and remind me that there is no way to lift the spirits than with a few warm things out of the oven.

    Lots of love from the peanut gallery!

  324. mmmm, bacon! also, i think it’s so amazing that you helped your sister move so far away! 5 years ago, i moved away from home to somewhere in a different time zone. it was the first time i had lived away from my parents and it was so ridiculously difficult, but worth the risk and adventure! my dad and i rented a u-haul and drove all the way (well, he drove and i tried to stay awake!) sleeping on the two couches in the back of the van to save on expenses. i will never forget that amazing adventure that my dad and i had, let alone what it led to! i hope you and your sister both have amazing adventures and success in both of your new places!

  325. i hope your move is going smoothly! what a better way to relieve stress than bacon and brittle and chocolate goodies?

  326. Wow, thanks for mentioning this! I can’t believe all the things I missed when I lived in L.A. I’m going to get some of these for my bacon-crazy friend’s wedding! Your blog is always a delicious delight.

  327. Hi Joy! I love your blog and, without flattery, you are beautiful. Thank you for being so enthusiastic and open in your writing . . . it’s fun to read.

    Also, pancakes.

  328. These candies look amazing! And Hi! by the way! Love, love, love your blog. Always so inspiring, sweet, and funny. You make my day!

  329. YUM! Those flavor combos sound divine. Especially the Fleur de Sel peanut brittle. I sure hope I’m a winner and btw? Your hair looks mighty nice! :)


  330. Hi, your hair looks nice ;) Seriously though, since you solicited a reply… I love your blog and your recipes that always turn out so tastily. My cousin turned me onto it and now, when I want to bake a tasty treat, you’re my first e-stop. (well, and one of my first e-stops every morning. It’s true.)

  331. B.A.C.O.N. = L.O.V.E. And candy for breakfast? Completely legit; on New Year’s morning I make sure the first thing I eat is something delicious and chocolate – it’s the only way to kick off a new year. LOVE your blog – it makes my day!

  332. I’m new to your blog and am loving it! Wish I could taste some of your cooking….but alas, I live in Iowa!

  333. These sound interesting…unfortunately I am one of the highly allergic to nuts people =(
    I did want to tell you that reading your blog is like have a short conversation with a good old friend, it’s great!!

  334. Joy, you rock! Love looking at your posts.
    Getting ready for a St. Patty’s Day beer tasting tonight – maybe I’ll make Guinness Brownies!

  335. Hi! Long time lurker, first time commenter. While it would be nice to receive some of that delicious candy, I really just want to tell you how awesome you and your blog are. I’ve made so many recipes from it and each one has been fantastic. Your love for food is intoxicating. Thanks!!

  336. hi joy! i love all your recipes and they’re wonderful! people think i’m a pro baker, and then i admit it’s only with the help of your recipes, haha!

  337. Hi Joy! Now I’m going to spend the rest of my morning thinking about sweets instead getting through these gosh-darned spreadsheets. Thanks for once again brightening my cubicle-bound mornign :)

  338. I love the way you write. Let’s be friends, okay? Thanks for making my baking world a better place!

  339. I have a broken heart. I don’t know how to fix it. I haven’t even been interested in eating much lately, including bacon.

    I’m not sure what to do, you know?

  340. They all sound fabulous. I am a true salty snacker and I am thrilled with the combo of salt with dessert items!!!

  341. Hey Joy!

    1) I LOVE your blog!
    2) I LOVE baking!
    3) I LOVE bacon!

    Holy hell, all these things that I love just collided in the best Friday morning email ever :)

    You’re terribly sweet, and I would love the chance to win some of those delicious looking treats!

  342. Hi Joy! I get so excited whenever you have a new post and even more excited when you’re giving something away! I love putting bacon in sweet things, and these all sound sooo good. Oh, and I got one of your aprons for my birthday, and it was lovely! Thanks so much! :)

  343. Your hair looks great! Your blog looks great! Your recipes are to die for! (and those treats look pretty amazing, too)

  344. Can’t go wrong with chocolate and candy for breakfast. I had cake this morning, and it was fantastic – the perfect start to a Friday.
    PS – every time I check out your blog I want to eat the screen!

  345. Oh. Yum. These look amazing. Kind of like the Vosges chocolate bars that tempt me every week when I get off my plane at O’Hare. Those flavor combinations get me every time. My favorite “Naga: sweet Indian curry + coconut + deep milk chocolate, 41% cacao”

  346. Love you blog, read it all the time, bake from it all the time. I have a recipe to send you someday because it’s pretty fabulous and I don’t keep up with my blog enough to have anyone read it ;0)

  347. i’m sure your hair looks awesome right now, given that it’s 7:20am on a friday morning where you are. =) mine looks fantastic, too.


  348. Forget the hair, honey. What magic are you doing with your skin? You’re so glowing! And radiant! If you say the secret is bacon and/or chocolate, you’re going to make many people happy…. :D

  349. Your blog became my fave the first time I read it and I look forward to logging onto my computer each morning to see what you have written about now. I love that you love food as much as I do and that you find so much joy (heh!)in the little things. P.S. I hope you and your sister are both getting all settled in and love your new homes!

  350. Is there anything better than salty and sweet? The candy looks amazing. I would love to try some. Happy Friday and I love your bright shiny smile :)

  351. Oh those look simply delish! Too bad I’m allergic to nuts :( I keep hearing that I’m missing out, but I think I do just fine in the sweet treats department! Btw, you look like you’re doing great and I just can’t wait to make the Avocado pound cake!! Happy Day!!

  352. Hi Joy,

    Your hair does look nice. I love your blog and I love anything sweet and salty. Thanks for the giveaway!

  353. You know, I would swear that I’d read a article somewhere where all the top models said that they’d trade their careers in an instant for hair that looked like yours.

    I talked one of my coworkers recently into making chocolate covered bacon so this giveaway is right up my alley. Yum!

  354. Please, please send me some! I’m begging…I love bacon and sugar together! My friend, southern chef and James Beard Award Winner, Martha Hall Foose, has a recipe in her cookbook for pralines with bacon…to die for! And yes, your hair always looks FABULOUS!

  355. Sounds positively yummy! Do they have a store that I can visit when I am there in May?
    On another note, your hair DOES look fabulous! As a fellow curly haired girl, I feel compelled to share with you my love of Bumble and Bumble’s Curl Conscious Curl Creme. It changed the life of my hair! Maybe you already are a fan?
    It is gorgeous here in Denver today, I hope the view from your window is also gorgeous.

  356. Oh my goodness The Bacon, Spanish Paprika and Cashew Brittle just sounds so intriguing.
    My husband is all about bacon. He has the bacon salt and he will make a sandwich out of peanut butter and bacon.

  357. I think that sounds like a great breakfast! I always look forward to your posts & your sunny way of looking at life :-)

  358. HI! Not only does your hair look nice but those are the cutest shoes that I have ever seen. Where did you find them? Also, all of those lovely combinations from Morning Glory Confections have triggered major pregnancy cravings for me and I am a long way from LA. So, please pick me!

  359. hi joy! I absolutely love this site and its my go-to place to find inspiration to make yummy treats in the kitchen!
    Keep on baking and here’s a smiley for you(:

  360. Hi Joy
    1. I love your blog because
    a. Its pink
    b. Its about baking and cooking and I love baking and cooking
    c. Its pink
    2. You have curly hair. I have curly hair… therefore you are awesome
    3. The food on this blog makes me hungry, even when I just belly doesnt appreciate this as much as my heart does
    4. Its friday

    Lol thanks for the giveaway – Happy Friday

  361. I love to taste something new and, let me tell you, in Italy one can’t always find something new and adventurous, people tend to be rather conservative concerning food….
    Keep on writing Joy, and thank you!

  362. Sounds delish! I love interesting food combos…by the way, did I mention that your hair looks great?

  363. What crazy combinations! I am always looking for an easy way to up my bacon intake though…

    The hair compliment seems too easy now, but you are looking rather thin today :)

  364. Good morning! Seems like the best thing to say is Happy Friday! No matter how you feel, it being Friday will cheer just about anyone up. Smile!

  365. I haven’t been blogging much lately, but reading your site makes me want to start up again. You enjoy food so much and I love that- it’s inspiring! I check for updates every single day.

    And I love candy. All candy. Also, I am very adventurous with food and flavors, so I would love to win. :-)

  366. Hi Joy!

    Can you maybe tell me if they ship these delicious treats outside the US? Just in case I don’t win :) …

  367. Have just taken up photography again, to capture some of the dishes I make in the weekend at my girlfriend’s Italian delicatessen (far from LA, in Leiden, the Netherlands).
    Your blog and your photo’s are a great inspiration to me and make me take my camera and shoot!
    Thank you!!

  368. My father desperately clings to the antiquated belief that bacon and/or salt cannot be used in anything resembling a candy or dessert. I’m pretty sure (with a little help) I can prove him wrong!…also…your hair is fantastic :)

  369. Hi.

    Your hair looks nice.

    And if I ever bump into Gerard Butler, I promise to send him your way. :-D

  370. Thanks for another great giveaway. Your blog is one of my most favorites to check on a daily basis. I always love to see your wonderful photographs paired with the great stories. Thanks for sharing on a daily basis.

  371. There’s nothing wrong with eating candy for breakfast! Especially delicious looking candy like that.

  372. Hi!
    I, too, love bacon. My fave breakfast in fact are 3 bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers with monterey jack oozing out. Candy would be wonderful to try for a change. And you have beautiful hair!
    Thanks for the fun posts you write.

  373. I love your blog. I have passed the link on to several people. I am always up for new food combinations!!

  374. Bacon = happiness. I absolutely love your blog, I’m so glad I stumbled upon it!

    P.S. I love all the dresses you wear!

  375. Hey Joy!

    I have recently discovered your blog and I love it! Your posts are great!

    I also love candy :-)

  376. Oooh, the Fleur de Sel Peanut Brittle sounds heavenly! You are darling to share this and offer a giveaway. And thanks for the great recipes you share with all of us. That Citrus Smoothie was divine!

  377. Of, Joy! I adore your blog. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

    Come visit in Austin sometime…I’d love to take one of your cooking classes!

  378. I have something like 1500 unread blog posts in my RSS reader… most of those will go unread, but anytime you post, I have you righ at the top so I never miss anything you post. All of which is to day, I love your blog!

  379. What a glorious morning! The birds are chirping, hot coffee, and a candy giveaway! Doesn’t get much better than this!

  380. Um…don’t enter me into the contest. I’m not that adventurous with my food since I get sick behind practically everything I eat…But, your hair does look nice, and your writing is fun and fresh. I hope that brightens your day a bit.

  381. My friend told me about your blog a couple weeks ago, and I already tried the avocado pound cake. For me, the corn flour was the magical ingredient. And I plan to try the sugar cookies and the avocado chocolate cake as soon as possible. If there are any extra candies over on the west coast to send to me in the rainy east coast, I would love-love-love it!

  382. Sound delish….I love to bake as well. I make English Toffee for Christmas every year. I loved to try this candy!

  383. Bacon … it’s a separate food group at our house! And we pair it with almost anything. These confections sound amazing. I love trying something totally outside the box!
    And your hair looks beautiful!

  384. Wow- I definitely need to catch up on this baking with bacon trend… i love sweet and salty/smoky/savory tastes together!
    And your sister post made me SO excited for when my sister moves to my city this fall!!
    Thanks for this sweet giveaway :)

  385. :) I recently baked up a batch of your Bacon/Peanut Butter cookies. My Mother in Law (who has Celiac Sprue) adored them so much, that she took them to some of her friends that suffer from the disease too. They were so happy with this new combo of flavors that they would like to gain your permission to put the recipe or a link to it, in their next Newsletter. Can she please?
    Please let me know.

  386. You’re awfully swell yourself! Don’t go crazy with moving! the worst part is yet to come: unpacking :-/. But it’ll all be worth it!!

  387. What an amazing treat! I just looked at the yummy ingredients, The New Mexico and Pumpkin seed brittle divine. Your hair looks great and I can tell you what products would make it even better, Sebastian Volupt shampoo and conditioner a little whipped cream (Sebastian Mousse) perfect products for a busy baker.

  388. Thanks for being so wonderful Joy. I love that there is someone else in the world who loves pancakes and bacon like i do.

  389. Hello, Joy! I’ve only recently come across your website and now I check it religiously every day (sometimes several times a day)! Glad to have you in my daily life (and keeping my fingers crossed for the super-yummies you are giving away)!

  390. Joy,

    From a fellow curly hair baker (although not a professional baker – but definitely professional curly hair extraordinaire) I love chocolate and bacon! Keep rockin’ the hair and keep givin’ away the sweets!

  391. MEMMEMEEEEE! Please pick me. I gave up meat and dairy for Lent and I will TEAR THOSE THINGS up on Easter morning!!!

    And, P.S. Your hair looks lovely!

  392. You intimidate a good way! In fact this might be one of my first times commenting b/c I generally just stalk you and am too tongue-tied (erm…finger tied) to even comment on how amazing I think you are.
    And that’s the truth!

  393. What a delightful and interesting combo of tastes and textures. I can’t wait to try them. I love experimenting with different things. Thanks for sharing!!

  394. Hi Joy- I love reading your blog :) And these treats sound yummy- I’ve had a chocolate bar with bacon in it once and it was really good! Hope your moving goes well- I am moving the end of this month- across country- and my apartment is box heaven right now. Anyways- thanks for the cooking tips and recipes :)

  395. I’m obsessed with cashews and I giggle like crazy when Ina Garten pronounces the word “cash-SHOES.”

    Also, your recent post about moving your sister to Seattle gave me the warm fuzzies. Siblings rock.

  396. Hey Joy,

    your hair does look nice, it always does! ;-)

    I’m currently in the process of baking bread for a friend’s housewarming tonight. Here in Germany we have the tradition of bringing bread and salt for a housewarming. Are there any similar traditions in your area or family?

    I’d totally bring some to your new place too, if you were a little closer!

  397. hey joy!

    this is joy. i’m totes jealous of your new pad, and your recent trek to the pac-nor, and…well your everything, including this freaking bacon-y candy. would love to try!

  398. Everthing’s better with bacon! Salty sweet is the best combination and the brittle sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful finds and providing such inspiration.

  399. Brittle looks yummy! I hope the packing/moving is going well! I am also moving/packing right now and so excited. Happy moving :)

  400. Oh. my. god. Bacon in peanut brittle? That’s probably better than my local market guy that sells jalapeno-beer-bacon almonds… and they are quite fabulous.

  401. Oh Joy!

    I love your blog, and your recipes even more. They are well written and adapted and a joy (no pun) to use.

    I’d be really interested in trying these sweets. I’m a recovering vegetarian, so I have to take my meat in small does, and what better does than in candy!


    PS. I hope you will ship to Canada, The Great White North!

  402. Hi Joy!
    Are you doing anything fun for St. Paddy’s Day? Baking something green maybe? I am going to make this bread for my party, I can serve bread at a party right?
    I have to make a cake for next Thursday too.. probably with Guinness in it and Bailey’s in the frosting.

    I don’t eat bacon, but if I win a bacon candy I will just give it to a friend! Spread the love and everything.

  403. Joy, your blog makes me happy. I love the way you write. It may sound a little odd, but you put so much personality into everything you post here that it makes me feel like you’re just talking to us, you know? I don’t feel like I’m reading.

    You are super talented :)

  404. bacon.
    oh, and your hair. i bet it’s swell as well.

    if i didn’t live on the other coast of the US i’d definitely take a walk down to morning glory myself right now.

  405. Just discovered your blog a few days ago. Just in time!! WHEW!

    Bacon candy.

    Candied bacon.

    Fleur de sel.

    Food porn if there ever was.

  406. These all sound so good and I would definitely have some for breakfast … if I could. Guess I’ll settle for double chocolate espresso cookies instead. Oh, and I can’t see you, but I’m sure your hair looks great! LOL!!

  407. I find something to print and file away for my next baking adventure almost every time I visit your site. Have a great Friday! PS: I love bacon.

  408. I have always wanted naturally curly hair like yours. It goes so well with vintage dresses. Enjoy your new place and your brittle. :)

  409. I recently made the bacon chocolate chip cookies for my boyfriend! He shared them with his friends and they all loved them!

  410. Yummmmm… Those look good! I like the packaging!

    But mostly I like you, Joy! And I totally took your advice, frozen butter-style for the scones I made last night. It was a dream! Thanks Joy!

  411. All I have to say is I nearly had a heart attack when I saw these! My sister and I are trying to open up a bakery that specializes in sweet/savory concoctions and these about nearly knocked me over! yum. Yes please.

  412. Ooooh! I love using unusual ingredients when I bake!! These sound so good. Almost as good as your hair looks! You’re gooooorgeous!

  413. Joy-

    You are too precious for words…for REAL!! If only I lived anywhere near California, I’m pretty sure we would be BFFL. Jus’ sayin’. Keep the delish recipes and endlessly charming stories coming, it brightens up my days!!

    <3 Kayla

  414. Hi! How are you doing with the moving thing? I made your Cheddar Black Pepper biscuits a while back and they were a huge hit. I also made some of you pancake recipes and they went over very well with my husband who usually can’t be bothered to eat pancakes.
    I’d love to try some of those flavour combinations as well.

  415. JOY! Happy Friday and Happy Spring! Maryland is finally sprouting some fresh leaves and it makes me want to wish everyone a wonderful happy season! Your giveaway is completely selfless, I would have kept all that goodness for myself! It looks, sounds, and most likely tastes wonderfully familiar and exotic at the same time.
    My pitch: I coach a crew team, and one of the girls on the team has the last name “Bacon.” No joke. What makes it better is she totally lives up the name. She’s such a goofball. I want to give her a thank you for something amazing she did, and I can’t think of a better gift for “The Baconator.” Please send some bacon brittle bits my way!

  416. Ooo, that sounds awesome. Sign me up! And I love your blog–just started reading it, and it’s now bookmarked for easy everyday checking.

  417. What intriguing candies – I’d love to be entered, thank you! And you have lovely eyebrows. Someone said that to me in seventh grade and I still remember it – what a weird compliment, but kind of flattering, too! :)

  418. Drool, much? Those flavor combinations look amazing! Suddenly, I feel the urge for your PB and bacon cookies… those will have to suffice for the mean time! BTW, you rock :)

  419. Ooooh please please pick me? I made my boyfriend your Peanutbutter bacon cookies for Valentine’s Day and he fell harder in love with me. I owe you a thank you!

  420. That’s really neat! I saw a video last week on about small batch artisan candy makers in new york city that make some crazy good brittle. They even make a beer and pretzel brittle!

  421. YUM! Looks wonderful…will have to go to their website straight away and check out their goods, I can tell.
    (DID I ever tell you that you’re hair looks fabulous?)

  422. mmmm sweet and salty. I wish that flavour combo would catch on a bit more over here in nz! and stuff with bacon in it, yeh.

    I look forward to reading your blog every day. Thanks for keeping me so deliciously entertained!

    ps. your hair looks nice :)

  423. I’m going to agree with everyone else. You have fantastic hair, of course. I like chocolate, and I like bacon, but I’ve never had the two together, so I’m intensely curious about those candies.

  424. Oh Joy! (Pun intended) Even if there wasn’t a hunk of burning candy love attached to this post I would still want to write and tell you how I adore your website. How it brings tears to my eyes reading about your escapades and your yummy-in-my-tummy recipes. As another single baking gal with a flair for wearing her apron and pearls as she sips a martini and bakes some big, beautiful muffins (or what have you), your blog nay, your website of love and baking makes me feel like a gooey apple pie inside. I read what you write and feel as if I am understood for all the crazy things that pop in my head that make me eccentric and lovable but, just a little bit odd. Not saying that you are anything but perfect, your just Joy the Baker and there is no better way to describe you. Thanks :)

  425. Your hair is fabulous. Truly. I’m not just saying that because bacon candy is involved.

    I just had an idea…I’d like to be sitting at a table with your family eating your dad’s pancakes, with bacon dragees for appetizers and dessert…any chance you could pack everyone up and head to New England? (it is that magical time of year…buckets on all the sugar maples…)

    No? well, a girl can dream.

    Now, back to bacon candy. OMG! That looks AMAZING! (not as good as your hair, but amazing none the less.)

  426. Fleur de Sel Peanut Brittle reminds me of the salty and sweet combination of your Salted Chocolate Vanilla Bean Cookies, which I loved by the way! I made a gluten-free version for my roommate and he was forever grateful. Mmmm… candy.

  427. I got all four wisdom teeth pulled out last week, and they are finally starting to heal. Those treats would certainly make a good introduction to chewing again. :)

  428. Those candies look totally yummy…you know, hide them from my husband and kids in the back of the secret cupboard yummy.

    Love your blog! Thanks!

  429. I am such a fan of this bacon/sweets trend….I love the combination of the smokey bacon paired with sweet, rich chocolate! YUM! I definitely need to get my hand on these little lovelies and perhaps get them as gifts for a few birthdays coming up! Thanks for sharing Joy and I hope the move is going as well as it could be!

  430. Yes your hair DOES look nice!

    If I win, can I have the peanut brittle? Pretty Please? I’m a brittle purist. :)

  431. Hi!

    I love your blog and have been reading it for a while. I used a couple of your recipes during my holiday baking this past year and my friends and coworkers loved them!

    The candy looks very yummy and of course your hair looks nice….

  432. Three things I love:
    Rootbeer float cake
    cheddar black pepper biscuits
    Your wonderful, funny, and inspiring blog.

  433. I found your blog recently and needless to say I was hooked! I check it every time you update and am currently working my way through the archives. I’ve never posted a comment though… this is a pretty good place to start :)

  434. Your hair isn’t the only thing that is nice and beautiful. I’ve been following your blog for a while and everything about you is beautiful: your physical person as well as your apparent outlook on life. Reading your blog never fails to lift my spirits. :) And I’ve gotten several really great recipes now to make for my family!! Thank you!!!!

  435. I regularly drool on my keyboard reading your blog. Obviously I need some treats like these to help soak up all that saliva, don’t you think?


  436. Joy, you always make me smile! You’re the first cooking site in my RSS reader that I look at every morning. That ought to make you happy :)

  437. Oh these sound and look yummy! I have never found anything like this in Australia.

    Hope you are not going too crazy with your packing and moving!

    btw I love ur curly hair! I have dead straight hair and always wanted curls like yours.

  438. I had a dream that my boyfriend got a job doing scientific tests on orange cats. But then I wake up and get a chance to win awesome candy. Real life is better than my dreams.

  439. Hey Joy, it’s 6am here in New York. Why am I awake, you ask?

    Well, I just had a heart stopping incident occur that involved my completely looney tunes grandmother sneaking out of the house at 6am to put some garbage bags out and my dog (Lando) and I believing she was an intruder entering the house in the wee morning hours.

    I wish I were kidding.

    Needless to say, it ended with me, a baseball bat, my glasses (which I never wear), hastily thrown on my face, and an extremely ticked off grandma in a Garfield nightgown. (No one was harmed, but I was roused from a perfectly decent sleep.)

    Why am I sharing this? Well, I feel that today, this morning- I could really use some delicious confections.

  440. Hello! I haven’t seen it, but I’m sure your hair looks lovely today. But I do like your adorable vintage dresses, and I hope the move is going well!

    All those Morning Glory confections look so delicious!

  441. I really like color of you hair. I have been trying to get something like you have for a long time ;/ I love it :)
    And I love your blog,i’m here everyday :)

  442. Hey Joy,

    These sound amazing. Then again, that’s why I come here, for all of the amazing. Folks in these parts are growing familiar with “Joy the Baker” as I bake more delicious goodies from your site.

    Oh, and cute hair.


  443. I’ve been wanting to try bacon chocolate for forever and a day. And your hair does look good. I have hair somewhat like yours and I can never get it to not be frizzy. You should totally share your beauty secrets.

  444. Oh my gosh. These look delicious. Yummy. Perfect. A perfect giveaway – thanks sooooo much!
    I really love your hair, by the way – I always envy people with awesome curly hair.

  445. Oh, I’ve been drooling over the Peanut and Fleur de Sel for months, but haven’t been able to justify ordering it when I’m the only person in the house that eats brittle. Maybe I just need some advice on how to ignore my annoying conscience and get over my guilt…?

    In any case, your hair looks great! Especially after all of that painting you’ve been up to lately. I saw your Tweet about the navy and grey paint (which made me think of “Haze Gray and Underway!”) – are we going to see any fabulous pics?? :) Good luck with moving day!!

  446. Ooo, new things I haven’t heard of!

    These people sound awesome, and so does their goodies.

    I second the first comment, you’re adorkable! And I am jealous of your hair.

  447. Joy, I love those three things as well!

    Love the blog, its like my secret happy place is a chaotic world (but I share it with everyone who will listen)

    hope the move is going well!

    ps… Your hair looks amazing, how do you get it to look so natural, but controlled?

  448. Hey – I was just on their website a few days ago! That bacon, paprika, and cashew brittle looks out of this world. I wish Swiss confectioners would be more experimental with their flavors.

    Thanks for your email, by the way, I look forward to getting my package soon. Hope the moving is going well!

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