A Little Fresh Air


There’s a weird thing that happens when what you love to do becomes what you must do.  The blessing of full-time content creation stays a blessing (totally stays a blessing), but it’s also work (aka werk). I feel the need, every once in a while, to slow to a simmer.

I’ve been in the kitchen most of the year.  There is zero complaint in that sentence.  I’ve mostly been working on my next cookbook (October 2014!), making tripods out of stacks of cookbooks (totally professional), and washing a lot of dishes.

This Fall I gave myself some fresh air in a place I’d never been.  I spent a few glorious days in North Carolina, and I’m not sure exactly how I made it on the plane back to California because I’m sure my heart is still in Asheville.


Original photography shot with the Canon EOS 5D Mark III digital SLR. The filmmaker’s camera.

The sky is big.  The trees are generous.  The people are easy to laugh and kind.  The mountains are blue, and green, and orange, and deep.  Such a great place!

Let me show you!


I started my little journey in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

Have you been there?  It’s incredible!  The beach is literally covered is shells.  In California, you’d be hard pressed to find just one of these shells.  On the Outer Banks this is just the ground!


The closer you walk to the water, the smaller and smoother the shells get.


Smooth little seashell stones!  You can dig and dig and still find these smooth shell pieces.

This is where I just sat on the ground and stared at these waves.


I feel like east coast waves have a different rhythm than west coast waves.  They’re deeper and darker.

I want to walk into these waves forever.  It’s like a siren song.


Beach stairway (to heaven).


This is where we stayed in the Outer Banks.

Uh huh. Four floors and multiple decks.  I mean…

I was here to teach a few pie baking and food styling workshops.  If going to a beach house is work, then I’ll work forever and always.


I drove from the Outer Banks to Asheville, North Carolina.

I only killed two squirrels on the drive.  I feel really bad about it.

I made my way to visit Ashley, Glenn, and Huxley.  Do you know Ashley from Small Measure?  She and her family live in a beautifully cozy home just outside of Asheville.  They walked me around the garden and chicken coop surrounded by trees and falling leaves.  Even though we’re new friends, we cozied up in the living room and chatted about what is good and big in life.  Glenn made us the sort of meal that I never even knew I was missing: ham and apples, kimchi, eggs, and fresh cider.

Theirs is the kind of home that feels like a warm, welcome hug (with really good snacks).


I stopped the car to take some walks.


I watched my friend Tyler throw a boomerang.

I learned that it’s either harder than it looks, or I throw like a girl (both).


Up in the mountains I found a… I want to call this dude a Forest Police Officer, but I know that can’t be right.

I’m sorry. I live in a city.


I really needed to see some green.


And eat some green.  I made this Mushroom and Brussels Sprout Hash for breakfast.

It seems I never miss an opportunity to take pictures of my food.


I cooked in a lot, but I also ate at some really wonderful places in Asheville.

Tulepo Honey Cafe, Curate, and French Broad Chocolate were my favorite!


There always comes the day the pack up and ship out.  It’s hard to say goodbye to a place with so much fresh air, inspiration, falling leaves, and good light. Asheville, I’ll be back.

Pumpkin Pecan Scones with Brown Butter Glaze

I eventually made my way home, found my way back into the kitchen, and make these (self-proclaimed) incredible Pumpkin Pecan Scones.  If you want to make Stella Got Her Groove Back jokes… now would be a fantastic time for that.

Tomorrow we’re talking about DIY gift giving.  We’re in the holiday game!  I hope we can all find some time for deep breathing in it.  I love you, byebye!

All Comments

I Made This


104 Responses

  1. Wow. It’s interesting to look at places that I’m used to through other people’s eyes! As a kid, my family and I went to the Outer Banks every Spring Break, so I’m highly familiar with this beach. Looks like you had a lovely time :-)

  2. The picture with the “forest police officer”…are you visiting Mt. Mitchell? I think that is a picture of my cousin Bryan. He is a conservation officer there. That’s crazy if it is him//small world. I haven’t seen him in years and find it funny I would get to see him while reading my favorite blog.

  3. North Carolina, particularly Asheville, is one of my favorite places in the entire world, my happy place. The mountains, the air, the people, the food, the beer…the perfect place for some fresh air. I’m glad you were there.

  4. I hope you had those cheese grits cakes at Tupleo Honey…I first visited Asheville a few weeks ago and loved it! I went on a girls’ trip, and now my guys at home roll their eyes every time I mention That Thing I Ate or That Thing I Saw on my trip. Their reply lately has been along the lines of, “Oh, you went to Asheville? We had no idea. Did you enjoy your trip?” with much cackling and eye-rolling. Such a good vibe in that town.

  5. Hello! I’ve been reading for quite some time, but never commented. This post makes me smile. NC is home to me. Life is slower, words are drawn out, and the people are awesome. Thank you for showing others what I love so much about this state.

  6. Oh, my goodness, this is pure beauty. I’m glad Emily introduced me to you. The Outer Banks is one of my most favorite places on earth. I love how you capture its loveliness.

  7. Oh Joy! Asheville has such a huge part of my heart too! My dad lives about a 40 minute drive outside Asheville, up in the mountains. I live in England, so get to go for lots of (always too short) visits. When I was a kid it was a total little podunk mountain town, but now it is amazing, so much great food, cool people, lovely walkable town centre, I love it there. So glad you got to go to that part of the country, and so glad you enjoyed it!

  8. joy so happy you enjoyed my home state of NC. we have spent many a summer or fall week on the outer banks when our kids were growing up. it’s definately one of my favorite places in nc. Also love asheville and glad you enjoyed it as well. Tupelo honey is a fantastic place to eat and i also love cooking from their first cookbook and am looking forward to their newest one coming out in march. of course I’m eagerly awaiting your next cookbook as well.

  9. I love Asheville; what a funky and cool place! I took a roadtrip there in September with some girlfriends :) We also loved the Tupelo Honey Cafe and French Broad Chocolate lounge (and learning about silly Southern sayings like, ‘Shoo Mercy!’) Next time, take a tour of Troy and Son’s moonshine distellery!

  10. Joy, I was born and raised in North Carolina… born somewhat near the coast, went to college in the mountains (Asheville-ish), and now currently reside in the middle of the state. It’s always a pleasure to be reminded of the good things that we have right at our doorstep. So glad that you got to visit us and a big thank you for this post. You’re wonderful. Hope to visit CA one day soon!

  11. Hi there Joy
    Your cookbook just arrived in the mail today. It’s an absolute delight and I am now a happy woman :-)
    Except – I want to go to North Carolina! Such beautiful pictures, that yellow house is to die for.
    Seems like I won’t be the only viking there, what with people’s last name ending in -sen.

  12. Hi there Joy
    Your cookbook arrived in the mail today. It’s an absolute delight and I am now a happy woman :-)
    Except – I want to go to North Carolina! Such beautiiful pictures, thanks for sharing.
    It seems I won’t be the only viking there, what with peoples last names ending in -sen.

  13. Wow, that picture peaking through the trees (right before the hash photos)….i would like to go and stand in that exact spot! Beautiful.

  14. I heart Asheville. I fell in love with the city over many years of visiting while I was growing up, which is why my husband and I chose to honeymoon there. Thanks for the beautiful pictures to bring me right back.

  15. I lived in Asheville for 6 years during and after college. I got to visit last year – I love it! I miss it a lot, and wish I could go back, except for this whole “I love my job” thing. I’m retiring there so I can eat at all those places you mentioned.

  16. How gorgeous! I trecked through your comments to make sure no one had already asked…we’re actually planning a trip to NC soon…is the place you stayed in the Outer Banks for rent? Like VRBO style? It looks quaint and like it might house a few. Let me know :) Thank you!

  17. I’m from NC! I grew up in a tiny town in the middle of the state but now live in Wilmington, NC. if/when you make it back to Asheville, go to Early Girl Eatery! loved your post!

  18. I loved your photos of the 2 contrasting pebbles. It’s a metaphor for life that the smoothest, most beautiful stones are those that have been buffeted by the waves and weather and the roughest are those that have been protected.

  19. My little sister and I roadtripped to the Outer Banks a couple weeks ago to meet up with our older sisters. The beach houses are incredible! We actually made your salty pretzel vanilla caramel corn and scarfed half on the way up (and our older sisters promptly scarfed the other half once we arrived).

  20. Thank you Joy for sharing those beautiful pictures. I could feel myself relaxing just looking at them. I love vacations.

  21. This post just reminds me that I can never leave southern Appalachia. I can see the mountains from my apartment and those pictures still managed to make me a little bit homesick! Glad you enjoyed North Carolina- people, scenery, food, and all. :) Hope you got a chance to try the Flying Hive Honey Rye Ale at Tupelo, if you’re a beer person. I’ve heard it’s somethin’ else.

  22. Oh my word. TUPELO HONEY. I can’t believe you were visiting an hour from my house! What the awesome coolness!? My sister lives in Asheville. We drive up alll the time. So many good restaurants you can never eat at them all! Definitely my favorite place to spend a week (end). Gorgeous photos — hollerrr if you make it back this way!

  23. Great post, Joy! I’m a long-time reader, but this is my first time commenting. I’m originally from PA and you really made me nostalgic for the East Coast in autumn!

  24. So happy you loved it here! Asheville is truly beautiful. I’ve lived here my entire life and I’m not sure I’ll ever move anywhere else. Also next time you’re in Asheville, check out Battery Park Book Exchange. It’s a full wine/champagne bar, a gigantic library, cafe, and they give you free ice cream if you get a book. It’s like a huge Gatsby library with booze and treats. There is truly nothing better.

  25. I think Park Ranger is probably the correct term, but I much prefer Forrest Police Officer. Lovely pictures, and I definitely have to try that hash sometime soon.

  26. Beautiful photos! I’ve heard wonderful things about Asheville – also, I love your writing! There’s something in the way you string words together that make me happy.

  27. Beautiful photos <3

    I love Asheville – I haven't been in about half a decade, but I am dying to take my husband there someday [preferably someday soonish!]

  28. I grew up in Asheville and live in California now (also, we had a beach house on the Outer Banks)…did I live your dream???

  29. Love this post, what a beautiful place! Luckily we have some beautiful sights right in our own backyard? I’m still amazed at how large California is since moving here from Honolulu a year ago.

  30. Glad you’re loved NC and Asheville. There are lots of renewing places, people and things in the mountains. I live 20 minutes north of town. Next time you’re here, please please teach or book sign so that we can meet you!

  31. love asheville. My grandfather followed my grandmother there when they were dating and she left NYC to make her decision – him or this other guy. they weren’t supposed to bother her but i guess he had to show her how much he needed and loved her. one of the most romantic stories i know.

  32. I’m so happy that you got to experience my two favorite elements of North Carolina – the coast and the mountains. Growing up, I lived in central California for five years, and going to college in North Carolina was the closest I’ve come to that sense of peace and satisfaction deep in my soul. Something about having both of those beautiful natural resources available makes my heart happy.

    Hope the refreshment stays with you!

  33. Joy,
    When your new cookbook comes out, please come back to the east coast! Pittsburgh PA, you would love!! xxoo My family is from the Carolinas, it’s a great place!!

  34. I used to live in Greenville, NC before moving out to LA and stopped at my friend’s place in Asheville before I left. Tupelo Honey Cafe is superb. Great find.

  35. I live in Asheville and am so glad to hear you enjoyed it! Love your blog..wish I had “spotted” you in town while you were here to tell you personally!

  36. Love Ashley and Asheville! Was there for several days week before last looking at land. The leaves were absolutely electric. You chose the perfect place to relax!

  37. Hello Joy. This is my first time commenting here although I have been following your blog on google reader and now on feedly for more than a year. North Carolina looks beautiful. And I have a question to make about your mushroom brussel sprouts hash – I don’t have brussels sprouts in my refrigerator but have sweet potatoes instead. And button mushrooms. Can I make a hash with that? And add in the egg to it? Or do you recommend frying the egg separately and laying it on top like in your recipe?
    Thanks for all the wonderful recipes you post and for your cheery outlook on life. It always makes me feel good about life. :)

    1. hi deb! sweet potatoes will be delicious. if they’re raw, dice them small and cook them in the pan until mostly softened. remove from the pan, add more oil, and cook down the mushrooms. bring everything together in the pan and cook until potatoes are completely soft. yes. i fry the egg in a separate small pan then layer everything together!

      hope this helps! best to you!

      1. Hey Joy, I made the hash. With the egg thrown on top. Mushrooms browned perfectly. So did the sweet potatoes. I added a splash of balsamic instead of the lemon juice and added some oregano. Otherwise left it the same. Came out great. :)
        I gotta try one of your simplest cakes soon on my convection microwave. I don’t own an oven. You got any tips for that?

  38. I cannot tell you how happy this post make me! I’ve lived in North Carolina since I was 7 and am so lucky to call it my home. Seeing others fall in love with the beautiful beaches, mountains, and people reminds me just how fortunate I am.

  39. It’s lovely to see a lifestyle post from you, Joy. Your photography is just wonderful inside and outside of the kitchen. I hope get enough time to breathe whilst working on your new book. xx

  40. This post makes me so happy because I live in NC a couple of hours from Asheville! I lived here almost my whole life except for 6 years in Italy. You got the best of Carolina. The most beautiful and mystically beach and the wounderous nature of our mountains! So I can relate to how you may have felt!!

  41. I’m so glad you got to experience the beauty that is North Carolina. It is a very special place. My grandmother was born on the southern end of the Outer Banks and my family is blessed to have a home there now. So much history, so much beauty, so much magic. And Asheville! Like Austin, but better :)

  42. Years ago my husband went to Asheville on a busines trip, when he called that evening the first thing out of his mouth was you will love this place. His description of the place, people and the art show she was smack in the middle of made me jealous. So I vowed to put Asheville on my bucket list. Sad to say I never got there. So Joy thanks for reminding me that every once and a while we must stop turn down the burner within and slow it down to that simmer you talk about. Thanks Paulette

  43. I used to live on the beach in NC. I lived right on the water there for a few years and the memories are so cherished. While I love San Diego, there’s something so special and quaint about the NC beaches and the whole vibe. And I love Asheville, too. When I lived in NC over 10 years ago, it was THE place to go for yoga and the whole yoga scene. I love this post, Joy. Thanks for sharing your pics and your trip!

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