Let It Be Sunday!

Let It Be Sunday!

Here we go!  At it again, living like it’s a Sunday.  I hope this week has been kind to you, or at least afforded you with a good parking space when you needed it and maybe a smile from a stranger.  You know… the little things that get us through.

I find myself missing the rhythm of the ocean these days, but I’m here in New Orleans trying to make big moves for myself…. so I need to listen out for another rhythm (probably that of the passing brass band).

The doughnuts above are a daydream, not of oceans but of time well spend in Boston last Fall.  Union Square Doughnuts makes very fine fried dough.

The Internet keeps happening which is good for me and likely you.  Here’s some news:

•  This photo of Obama and a little visitor at a Black History Month celebration is remarkable.  “Whatever the Obama administration’s victories and defeats, its achievements and its failures — and those that remain to come — one look at this little boy standing behind a White House rope line, shirttails un-tucked, jacket buttoned and tie somehow looped over said rope, really makes one thing clear: Our collective notion of what is feasible in the United States forever changed between February 2008 and February 2016.”

•  This was my long read this week:  Is A Surrogate a Mother? :  A battle over triplets raises difficult questions about the ethics of the surrogacy industry and the meaning of parenthood.

•  So wait.  A giant butcher block counter and a farm sink won’t make you a better cook?  Are you sure? When in doubt, Try a Tiny Kitchen.  

 How to not look old and tired.  Thanks Goop.  As always, seems easy. Adjust accordingly.

•  How Meditation Changes the Mind and Body.  Also, make sure no one is teaching you sham meditation… because that’s just rude.

•  Two nights ago I went to the restaurant around the corner from my house, sat at the bar, ordered a hot dog and chili cheese fries.  The chili cheese fries came with two forks and I had the distinct and very fine pleasure of pulling one of those forks out of the fries, setting it aside forever, and digging into those fries alone and happy and so so happy.  The Stigma of Doing Things Alone.  

•  Here’s an idea:  let’s build a replica of the Titanic (yea, the one that didn’t do so well), and sail it around… we’ll call it the Titanic II.  Oh wait.  That’s already happening?  Of course it is.

•  Thank you Adele, for everything… including your Jamba Juice pranks.

•  My maj Tracy paired her closet down to a capsule collection and shared her brain and her wardrobe with us.  I’ve taken my closet down to a capsule collection too, though mine is far less intentional and mostly means I’m wearing my denim shirt and favorite jeans every single day.  (I accidentally typed demin instead of denim and autocorrect wanted to say demon and NO.  Thank you.  It’s not a demon shirt.)

•  Do you watch the show Shark Tank?  It feeds my business brain.  Last week’s episode featured these swim suits that cover your body (gasp!), and protect from the sun!  I really want one.

•  I’m not ready for a raccoon, but when do you think ferrets will come back into fashion?  (I’m kidding OK!?)  The highly profitable, deeply adorable, and emotionally fraught world of Instagram’s most famous animals.  Good grief.

•  The first sentence of this article reads “When Pizza reached 100,000 followers on Tumblr, she posted a picture of a pizza box…” and that’s literally as far as I got in reading it.  The Internet has gotten away from us… but we likely never had it to begin with.  The Secret Lives of Tumblr Teens.

•  Heads up:  We’re adding salt to our coffee now.

•  Actually, forget coffee, this Golden Milk Hot Cocoa is what we should be drinking every morning.

•  Springtime nude flat shoes with diamonds (diamonds on my finger = shrug.  fake diamonds on my shoes = sure.)

•  I listened to the audio version of Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic on my  drive from New Orleans to Asheville last week and it’s worthwhile for creative hearts and minds.  How many times do you cry on an 11 hour drive alone?  1?  Me neither.

•  Brûlée-ing Orange and Cream Cheese Pound Cake.  Why not?

•  Daydream shopping for my still mostly imaginary future house on Lulu & Georgia with wallpaper from Rifle Paper Co. because maybe if you dream it, it will be.  

I hope today is good to you.  Have a donut just in case it’s a little rough.  Preemptive (strike).

xo Joy

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I Made This


30 Responses

  1. the tumblr teens article is much better than i thought it’d be. not only does it explain tumblr to the non-tumblr world, but it focuses especially on how these people have gained enormous popularity and exploited it for money. oh, capitalism…

  2. So many awesome gems in here! I feel for you on the Big Magic book. I didn’t want it to end so I savoured every chapter, reading only one at a time, instead of devouring it like I wanted to. So so good. <3

  3. Thank You Joy. I love the stories and links you post. Very thoughtful and informative. The photo of our President and little Clark Reynolds. Beautiful.

  4. Oh Joy. The food is nice and all, but it’s your voice that keeps us coming back. Thank you for being you.

    And now I want some chili cheese fries.

  5. That Adele video made me laugh out loud when I saw it last week! She was such a good sport. Love your Sunday posts! You are funny ya know.

  6. I just found your blog and I am enamored.
    I love the idea of the Sunday blog! Those donuts look absolutely to die for, I’ve been thinking of making donuts lately, but I always get scared because the first time i tried a few years ago the consistency was literally a bagel.
    I really cannot wait to read more!

  7. Like many others here, I love the Sunday link roundup very much as well! Thank you, Joy! I hope you’re having a wonderful Monday. I’d love to know where you found your favorite denim skirt if you can share :)

  8. I live in Asheville and would love to hear about your trip – maybe a future post? As a local I always enjoy reading what visitors enjoyed here. Hope you had a lovely time while you were here!

  9. I rarely comment, but just wanted you to know how much I love your Sunday posts. I look forward to my Sunday morning ritual of enjoying a cup of coffee in my favorite chair reading through your links. The surrogacy article was engrossing. I knew so little about this processss! Scary and fascinating… Thank you for helping to start my Sunday’s with some great reads. Happy weekend!

  10. I am so sad that there is still the stigma of “sadness” surrounding solitary dining or traveling. The stigma goes so far as to require “per person double occupancy” financial penalties on many travel activities – such as resorts and cruises.

    I do think we are going backwards in attitudes about dining alone. Three decades ago I was on a business trip to San Francisco and played hookey from mid-day “luncheon, starring rubber chicken” to visit a restaurant I’d long wanted to experience dining in. The maitre d’ did not bat an eye when I casually said “table for one, please” and he did not stick me back by the exit to the restrooms or the kitchen entrance either – in fact, I was given a table for two with a lovely view of the bay and waterfront.

    These days – not so much. Whining from a twenty-something lunch spot meeter/greeter clutching the menu she’s about to thrust at me: “only ONE today? REALLY??”

  11. Great links, Joy! I’ve just recently started Meditating and it’s been surprisingly magical. I’ve always been a tad skeptical on it but Headspace has won me over.

    Never be embarrassed to do things alone! I’ve always loved the solitude and time to think while enjoying delicious food, etc.

    Also, Rifle Paper Co. makes me swoon. I want all of the things.

  12. Thanks for posting the Obama article. I’m not a fan of Obama’s politics but man, that made me tear up! It’s good to remember the bigger picture of having a black president while at the same time acknowledging we still have so far to go. It’s also important for those of us who don’t support many of Obama’s political beliefs to at the same time celebrate the fact that we have a black president and not let our political affiliation deny us that joy. Thank you for the reminder of how far we’ve come and how far we still have to go.

  13. Such good stuff here today, as always. Thank you. And because I have a deadline looming, it was easy to procrastinate and read ALL OF IT in one sitting, before coffee even (which I’m about to brew and put a pinch of salt in).

    “Is a Surrogate a Mother” made me feel anxious and a little sad, a lot to think about there. Got teary over Obama and Clark as well – photos really do speak those thousand words or more. And the Tiny Kitchen article really hit home for me. It’s not just cooking, but creativity in general. If I had one bit of advice for anyone who wants to be more creative, it would be not to get trapped by too much “stuff.” The more you have to work with, the harder it gets to think and explore. One of the most liberating feelings you can ever have is realizing that you don’t need more than the basics to travel long distances. Happy Sunday!

  14. The meditation podcasts through UCLA are AMAZING!! Look up the MARC. And I don’t know if I’ve ever clicked on a link faster than the Goop one. Happy week! xo

  15. Hi, Joy! I listened to Big Magic on a recent road trip, too! Gilbert is very inspirational. And I love the Adele and Jamba Juice! Love Adele period. And the tiny kitchen is making me rethink mine “extras” I do not use. Tracy inspired me to clean out my closet last week. Cannot pare it down like she did, but taking some major steps. Maybe we are related in another life? Carry on, my dear!!

  16. Hey Joy! This message is coming to you for Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada….where this morning the temperature is balmy 38’F I guess what you could say is I am telling you take the “old” with a grain of salt…considering where you are hanginging your hat..lololol. You could be enjoying minus 40’F with windchill like we had up here a week ago.

    Speaking of salt in coffee…back in the 1950’s my Mom had a restaurant and they used Siphon coffee makers to brew their caffeine……… https://coffeegeek.com/guides/siphoncoffee …….. When adding the coffee grounds there was always a couple of shakes of salt added to those grounds. :) Here is the scoop on that method of brewing your morning cup of stabilizer. I drink black/no sweetener coffee and some days IF my taste buds “think” something is off with my first cup, I have been known to add a shake to my individual brew. Salt dose take the bitter edge off it.

    Have a great day. I’m off now to check out the links you shared today.

  17. Joy, go to the mighty Mississippi, be around some cops on horses, listen to some great street music and you won’t miss crazy over-crowded, JAMMED California.

  18. Oooh, going to enjoy looking through all these links! Always appreciate tips on not looking old and tired, and I’ve been meditating for almost a year now – it makes such a difference! Btw, that photo has given me serious doughnut cravings….. xxx

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