Let It Be Sunday, 322!

Hello friends, happy Sunday! 

This week I’ve felt very grateful. Grateful that my parents are able to celebrate my birthday with me in Houston in a few weeks. Grateful for work opportunities that keep me super busy (I’m working on another Joy the Baker Holiday Magazine!). Grateful for a backyard to pitz around in this beautiful spring! Just… feeling up to my neck in life stuff but thankful for all of it.  

I taught my second in-person, fully vaxxed Bakehouse class this week. Six of us gathered around the kitchen island to make strawberry blueberry pies and it was such a delight. As I set up for the class Saturday morning I felt like, wow – these classes are the best part of my job. I so treasure getting to teach the folks that come through the Bakehouse doors.  Also – there’s a whole pie in the fridge and that feels sweet too.

How are you this week? I hope the sun is shining in your heart. 

The offering this week is below. I’m forgoing some of the newsy news things and leaning into things that feel good today. Take what you might need. 

  Why We Speak More Weirdly At Home. The idea of a famlicet, a dialect amongst people close to one another.  Whenever someone in my family says “what?” or “huh?” because they didn’t hear part of the conversation we say “he thinks he knows ya” which is a punchline of a joke that none of us actually remember anymore.  (The Atlantic) 

  I love love. When Did You Know It Was Love? I hope this has you thinking about your own love story. I met Will at a Halloween party and as soon as he walked in the room I thought, well…. there he is! Maybe it wasn’t love exactly but I knew in my guts it was something big and true.  (Cup of Jo)

  “The seductive promise of Married at First Sight is that you can bypass the barbarism of dating, find your perfect match, and emerge in love and battle tested in just eight weeks.” Why Am I Watching Married At First Sight Instead Of Planning My Wedding?.  (Harpar’s Bazaar) 

  I spent Saturday morning listening to the latest Ladyland with Betsy Phillips (highly recommend after you finish these reads) and promptly went to read Betsy’s article about the slaves owned by the city of Nashville in the 1800’s: Remembering the ‘slaves of the Corporation’ – the people the city of Nashville bought and owned. (Ladyland.show and Nashville Scene) 

  How Exercise May Help Us Flourish and yes, I’m absolutely trying to flourish though some days I’m more motivated to flourish than others.  (New York Times) 

  I’m very interested in this five ingredient Mississippi Pot Roast. (The Kitchn) 

  I went down a rabbit hole looking for a bathing suit this week. I asked you on Instagram where we were buying our bathing suits for this summer and you said SummerSalt, Wild Isles, and a resounding Aerie (which is an offshoot of American Eagle, huh who knew!?).  I chose a cozy looking ribbed black two piece and this Dottie Tie Bikini Top in ruby

  This week I’m testing a recipe for overnight Japanese Milk Rolls for our future Thanksgiving table.  (King Arthur Flour)

  I pre-ordered Cheryl Day’s Treasury of Southern Baking. Clap clap!  (Amazon) 

  A few months ago I went on a late-night skincare buying rampage (that’s really the only word for it).  I’ve come to the end of most of those bottles now and here’s what I’m actually reordering: Paula’s Choice Smoothing Primer with SPF 30 (It really does smooth and sink into the skin nicely.  I also love that it has an spf boost). Paula’s Choice Niacinamide (which has really helped to smooth the orange peel texture on my cheeks and nose).  Paula’s Choice Radiance Renewal Mask (it really does brighten my skin tone – it’s a secret glowy weapon). As you can see, I’m a FAN of Paula’s Choice. Reasonably priced and results! (Paula’s Choice) 

  I’m teaching a little zoom baking class with Williams Sonoma on Tuesday. Think of it as an early birthday celebration.  I’d love to have you there! (Williams Sonoma) 

Have a wonderful Sunday friends!

I hope you find and feel lots of love.

xo Joy

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I Made This


17 Responses

  1. Joy, you’re always a joy! Thanks for being here every week.
    Because of you, I’m hosting an ice dye / potluck / day drinking party in a few weeks, and I couldn’t be more excited!

  2. Hey, Joy! I checked the baking class with Williams Sonoma but it isn’t available in my region, so I was wondering if your online classes through the Bakehouse are open to those outside the US. Thanks!

  3. Ok, the late night skincare buying rampage! Totally went on one last night! I’m trying the vitamin A serum by Mad Hippie, and a few other things from Cocoon Apothecary. Thanks for the reads, as always!

  4. Thinking to the link to the love stories! It was so heartwarming and wonderful and I loved all of them. ? Also I knew what the recipe was for five ingredient Mississippi pot roast before I even clicked it. Girl, that shit is goooooood. It’s so good. Make it!

  5. Just wanted to give you a big Thank You for your Let It Be Sunday posts. I look forward to them every week!

  6. After years of trying different recommended drugstore counter skincare as well as some higher end things that cost me a fortune, all to deal with the mild rosacea I have, I found Paula’s Choice Calm line. It costs me a tenth of the price of the high end stuff I used where one item cost more than the complete protocol of Calm. It’s minimally more than the recommended items in the drugstore. But I have seen my skin improve tenfold. Far less flares. (Really rare nowadays!) And my skin feels better than it ever has.

  7. Good morning and happy birthday, Joy! I have made Sam Sifton’s Mississippi Roast and it is divine.

  8. I must admit, I make something similar to the Mississippi pot-roast called 3-packet pot-roast. It calls for one packet of brown gravy mix, one packet of ranch dressing mix, and one packet of Italian dressing mix. Sometimes I’ll use the zesty kind. It turns out delicious every time so I stuff my embarrassment at using these cheater-packets down somewhere deep and just enjoy the sacrilegious results.

  9. Good morning joy…
    Birthday wishes coming at you and I’m blessed and feeling so full from a beach trip with my sis in law and 2 new friends on a girls trip.Already booking next trip same time same place.
    And on Love….being married at 19 and now 36 years later falling in love over and over in the little joys of life.Watching him with our grandchildren..making sure my coffee is ready…letting my know my favorite Jade plant is doing well when I’m on a trip…playing Scrabble on deck and out of the blue a beautiful compliment.Its the little treasures you keep exploring in one another that keeps life sweet.

  10. Those rolls from King Arthur are my FAVORITE, holiday or not– especially if you brush the tops with a mix of olive oil, chopped fresh rosemary, and flaky sea salt before baking! I have definitely done the overnight thing with them, both before and after shaping, and they are always delicious.

    1. I agree on those Japanese Milk Bread rolls! They are a tried & true recipe for me and my family – so tender, and slightly sweet. I attempted to make them a “Thanksgiving tradition” last year, but they’ve been requested outside the holidays a few times since so now they’re just a “family favorite”.

  11. Happy Sunday, Joy! My heart is so full this early morning. Yesterday, my family was able to attend our nephew’s wedding! It was truly a beautiful sight. It felt so freeing, fully vaccinated, to share such an important day with family. For that, we are thankful ?. I hope your coming week is fully of goodness and happiness.

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