Thoughts From Birthdays Past

The jasmine, gardenias, and magnolias are in bloom here in New Orleans. It’s a rainy but generous spring.  

The jasmine reminds me of the nights in California. Gardenias remind me of my grandmother, as she’d clip them from her garden and float them in a bowl on the living room table.  Honestly, I think it was camellias she clipped and floated, but I’ve conflated gardenias and camellias so often that in my brain that gardenias remind me of Grandmother too.  Magnolias are my favorite flower. They’re elegant, strong, royal, and they always reveal their beauty around my birthday when I find myself reflective and looking for affirmations of this beautiful life.  

I turn 40 next week. What a thrill and I mean that most genuinely.  These big banner ages always tempt me to peek back at years past here on this accidental diary called Joy the Baker.  It’s mostly recipes here the last 13 years, but we’ve always been a bit more personal and comfortable than that, haven’t we?

The invitation is to cover your eyes with one hand, peek through the finger and click back eleven years to 2010 with me. 

  Dear Thirty Nine Year Old Joy.  I wrote this eleven years ago when I was 29.  Earnest.  

  Here’s a list of thirty little things I wanted to do before I turned 30.  This is sweet. This is hopeful.  Im still a member of Compliment Club.  

  The Thirty Things I’ve Learned In Thirty Years. For some reason I don’t remember ever owning teal clogs but I stand by most these thoughts. 

  Thirty Two which features a picture of me in New Orleans before I lived here.  On the path! 

  This is 35 and I’m still committed to making my own dreams come true. 

•  And this from last year This is 39 in which I strive to be exactly who I are – what a privilege! 

I’ll have more thoughts (at least I hope to), next week when on my birthday.  Thanks for being with with me so far, this far.

 Happy Thursday! 

xo Joy

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I Made This


16 Responses

  1. Happy birthday! Thirty-nine years of good living makes the saying “life begins at 40” a total truth. Enjoy your birthday month!

  2. Happy birthday! I’ve always enjoyed your birthday posts! From someone with just a few years left in my 40s, it’s a great decade! Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you – thanks for letting us follow along!

  3. Happy Birthday Joy!! And may there be many of them.

    I will be twice your age in a couple of months. I am the oldest ‘girl’ at the gym with a personal trainer. I intend to live till I’m 100. Here’s fingers crossed and great hopes for making it in good health.

    Just look at what you can look forward to and grab and use and enjoy every day you are given!! Best wishes and hope you have a wonderful Birthday!!!

    1. Happy birthday to you both. Many happy returns. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and wishes. Cheers!

  4. I love this! I think we are birthday twins (at least birthday week twins) and I’ve always enjoyed your birthday posts! I’ll be 30 next week and am so appreciative of your list of things to do before 30. I’m going to use it to sprinkle a little kindness around as I say “goodbye” to my 20s!

  5. Woop Woop! I turn 40 this year too and pretty nervous/excited about it. I’m looking forward to getting some inspiration from you on how to turn forty RIGHT.

  6. Agree with Brenda!
    Loved my 30’s, but my 40’s were all about self discovery and trust within myself… going towards my 60’s now.:)))
    I wouldn’t trade any age. Everyday is what you make it and everyday is a gift.
    Happy Birthday! May you find joy, happiness and “catitude” in the years to come :)
    Ps: So. California Girl here… I know what you mean about the Jasmin! It reminds me so much of playing hide-and-go seek outside at night with my friends.

  7. Happy Sweet 40th Joy!!
    I’m close behind you. My mom called it her freedom forties and said they were some of the best years of her life.
    Brenda and Joyce! I’ve always suspected the best of ladies hang out in Joy’s corner of the online realm and now I’m sure that’s correct.

  8. 40 is the age I would return to without hesitation. It was a time when I had enough wisdom to take care of myself properly, plus the stamina to keep up. And the options I had for my future still seemed limitless. I look forward to following your journey. Happy 40th to you!

    1. Who is this Brenda, the person behind this comment? What a beautiful statement. Brenda, I want to know you and go to you for all sorts of life advice.

      Joy, you make me feel good about turning 40 too.

  9. Still love that thirty things I’ve learned in thirty years post. It all rings true. Happy early birthday joy. You make the world a better place. And for that we are grateful.

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