Twenty Eleven

december collage

I have a few New Year’s resolutions. ย I want to be better and do better… you know, easy stuff like that. ย Do you have resolutions? ย Be faster and stronger and cuter and smarter? ย Cut down on the sugar? ย Take Joy the Baker’s blog out of your feed?

Now waaaaaait a minute… before we do anything too brash.. I have a few New Year’s Resolution suggestions you might like to take into account.

Maybe you want to resolve to see more sky in 2011. ย That could be nice.

december collage

Maybe you want to resolve to drink wine where they make wine.

december collage

2011. ย It’s your year. ย Get a kitten.

december collage

Take a road trip with your sister? ย 2011 seems like as good a year as any!

december collage

Resolve to find happiness in potatoes and eggs.

december collage

Read some books. ย Drink some booze. Make friends. ย Eat butter. ย Enjoy cookies.

This is part of my resolution. ย To be sure.

december collage

Watch people who are in love say nice things to each other, exchange rings and kiss. ย Weddings. ย Also… eat cake.

december collage

And if you’ve resolved to eat more salad… do it with your Dad at a salad bar. ย  Don’t skip the ranch dressing.

Happy New Year to you! ย May this new year bring you all sorts of good things and happy surprises.



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I Made This


126 Responses

  1. Loving all the recipes lately. It’s been a habit of mine to forward a recipe I see that I want to try to my best friend who lives with us and tell her to get into the kitchen and MAKE THIS NOW!!! She often obliges me and so your blog makes living in tight quarters with many people much more enjoyable!!


    Also, I know you’re probably SO busy but I wanted to ask one more time if you used any certain blog photo templates with these collages. I’ve been looking for some to use and I just don’t see any I really like. I love these. I probably should just make some myself… but I wanted to ask you first and see. :)

  2. This is a great post, so fun and fresh with the pictures. I have definitely started my own list, thanks for the tips!!

  3. Ha! What’s hilarious is that I read “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man” with a girlfriend of mine last year. We read, drank, and laughed together. :D

    Beautiful pictures, as usual. ^_^ Happy New Year!

  4. Joy! Is that salad bar Souplantation?! That’s my absolute favorite… I can spot a Souplantation a mile away….

  5. My New Year’s resolution is not only to see more sky but to be IN the sky. I am trying to get over my fear of flying. It really cripples me but I just can’t bring myself to get on a plane. I haven’t gotten on one in about 15 years!

  6. Joy!
    I totally LOVED your kitten pictures – that little guy sure is cute! My fav was the one in the middle –
    where he’s apparently looking out at you and screaming “MOM-MA!!” Absolutely precious!
    I have two grownup cats of my own at present, as well as having had many more throughout my life. They certainly can be entertaining!!!

    I also love to read about your adventures in and out of “food-land.” Everyday I just gotta check up on ya! You’ve my favoritest (is that a word?) blogger (with or without food)! And of course, I really have fun with your recipes… There are a lot that I can’t make because I can’t have the ingredients (have diabetes & in renal failure). Or that I’m allergic to – like coconut or palm-anything. But I still enjoy reading about them ;)

    I love kale, spinach, almond milk and pears. Used to love bananas and soy milk (Sigh – forbidden now!)… BUT I draw the line at making this GREEN Smooothie! Sorry – just the thought of THIS one is just yuckie to me! I repeat – SORRY ’bout that! My “adventurous little soul” just says NO, even if I didn’t put in the banana! This was a first for me, regarding all your other wonderful recipes. Keep up the good work!

    ###—–> Kathy S (aka lakotkat)

  7. These are some pretty awesome resolution ideas! …I may have to steal that one about getting a kitten :)
    My personal foodie resolutions include learning to properly cook MEAT annnnnd attempt to overcome my bias and prepare a few totally vegan dishes. Yes ma’am 2011 is going to be a delicious year!

  8. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions…probably because I’m constantly trying to change things throughout the year and I’m too exhausted to think of more things by the time the New Year rolls around. Although, I did want to get my catering business really started this year and so far I’m on the right track. Now if only I could get some of the other goals headed in the same direction…

  9. I am new to this site and I LOVE it!! You are a funny gal.
    I look forward hearing your stories and trying more of your yummy recipes.

    Be blessed and HAPPY NEW YEAR:)!!

  10. Happy New Year! I made your crustless quiche with spinach and mushrooms for breakfast yesterday and it was a big hit. Thank you and I look forward to another year of fabulous recipes!

  11. Joy THE Baker
    You make me smile, you make me laugh and I soooooo appreciate that!
    Best wishes in the coming year… I’ll be looking forward to all your incredible posts!
    You R Awesome

  12. Your kitten kills me. If you only posted pictures of your kitten I would still read your blog every day. I just told me husband that your kitten is cuter than babies and I’m about to give birth to one. A baby, not a kitten. Happy new year :)

  13. Hey Joy, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I too want to lose weight this year… but don’t worry I’m going to still be here reading… and trying to convince everyone else to make your decedent recipes. I’m going to be totally lame and ask a technical question of you right off the new year. Do you use a template to showcase your photos in collage form? Do you create your own or find a set that you really like to use!
    Anyway, just wanting to know for blogging purposes. Whatever you use… it’s your images that I LOVE! Thanks for sharing your life with us around the world! Looking forward to laughing…baking…sharing.. and living with you in 2011!

    ~Casey Nichols Chappell
    http://www.ninenichols. com

  14. Happy New Year Joy! I love your blog. Last year I lost 35lbs, and I have 50lbs (i know) more to lose this year. That’s my resolution. So…..I need to cut down the desserts, but as long as I can drool over your pictures I do ok. Thanks for the great blog.

  15. Happy New Years to you Joy! I have enjoyed reading your blog over the past couple months, especially since I’m a diabetic pregnant woman who can’t eat any sugar until March. But man alive, when that baby comes, I will be trying some of your recipes. :)

    Thank you for all the inspiration.

  16. Happy New Year Joy! I don’t know why anyone would stop reading your blog as a resolution, that sounds more like an anti-resolution to me!

  17. LOVE this post. I find myself quite smitten with your blog. Your detailed photos, intriguing words, and delicious recipes truly inspire me! Thank you for sharing your delightfulness with the world! I, for one, appreciate it and your blog will not be removed from MY feed any time soon!!! Happy New Year!

  18. hello joy,

    i just discovered your blog tonight and have spent the past couple of hours in rapt exploration. i can’t say when i’ve enjoyed a food blog more. i’m not kidding you…i was brought to tears. i know that sounds weird and maybe i’m just hormonal right now but i love food ~ making it, buying it, touching it, smelling it, eating it, sharing it ~ and reading your blog has just….taken me there, you know?

    of course you do.

    anyway, joy, thank you! there is love and happiness and inspiration in your writing and in your cooking and in your sharing of both.

    with a warmed heart,

    p.s. happy new year!!!

  19. Wishing you a year of abundance, peace & all the Bulliet & butter you could ask for…Happy 2011, Joy!! And please keep doing what you’re doing. You bring so much baking happiness to me, my family & friends (who invariably are requested to martyr themselves when I bake – mwah!!).

  20. Happy New Year, Joy! Have enjoyed some of your recipes in 2010 and looking forward to trying more this year!

  21. Happy New Year, Joy! Thank you so much for the time and work you put into this great blog. Hopefully it doesn’t keep you from your resolution to see more sky this year!

  22. Love this, Joy!
    I love that each one of your suggestions adds to your life and to your heart. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to more great recipes throughout the year!

  23. I wish you a swell 2011 and lots of blogging and baking inspiration! Thanks for all the great posts and recipes in 2010.

  24. Happy New Year! Thanks for sharing your passion! You are gifted and I am grateful you share your those things with us.

  25. Happy 2011 Joy! I said a big thank you to you yesterday at my family BBQ – your raspberry lemonade went down a treat!

  26. Dear Joy the Baker~

    Happy New Year!! You were one of very few bright spots in 2010. Your recipes made me full, my friends and co-workers happy, and your stories made laugh. I hope you have a wonderful 2011!

  27. I would rather give up cake AND cookies than stop reading your blog.

    So I shall firmly resolve to give up nothing and enjoy your posts for another year!

    Happy, happy new year!

  28. Have a wonderful New Year little one.
    Sometimes it feels with every year I am getting closer to the end.

  29. Happy New year to you too Joy! and thank you for the blog posts/ recipes that you have shared with us all year.
    Hopefully we’ll see many more posts in the future :)

  30. I love your sense of humor, your stories and photos — and the fact that you like to bake and cook. I am so glad that I found your site! I want to be less serious, less cynical — take more time to smell the flowers … and the cookies and the cakes! I want to ski more, bake more, laugh more…and will definitely read your blog every week! Happy New Year to everybody!!

  31. Happy New Year to you Joy! Thank you for all the wonderful blog posts you’ve shared with us and the many to come in the future!

  32. Happy New Year to you and your readers! I found your blog a few months ago and have made a number of your recipes. Always yummy. I am resolving to learn one new thing each week. We’ll see how that goes.

  33. That was a beautiful post! My friends and I resolve every year to “Spend more time with friends and do more stuff.”

    Happy New Year!

  34. And, a Happy New Year to you, as well, Joy! Thanks for always filling our days with cinnamon-sugar and buttery delights! I can’t wait to see what you surprise us with in 2011!

    P.S. You’ll be happy to know that I just made some homemade puff pastry (in the frig as I type this) and am making an attempt to bake my first Galette des Rois (Three Kings Cake). This is a test run, so if this works out, I will be baking a few of them for my Votre Vu meeting on the 6th! Cross your fingers and pray hard. Thanks:)!

  35. Haha I like the resolutions, minus the booze. Too young ;). Have a good New Year to you as well, Joy. This blog is really cool, I gotta say. I’ve only been following this for a month or so and already I love it ^_^

  36. Happy new year, Joy! All the best to you and your tiny adorable kittycat. (He looks so cute in that crystal bowl!)

  37. this really is one of the best blogs i’ve read. and it’s the only one that i consistently follow. joy, brava.

  38. Hi Joy,

    I’m new to your blog. I kinda stumbled upon it (long story) about a month ago and now have it feeding my inbox. I’m making your roasted cauliflower recipe tonight with duck breast. Yum. Many desserts will follow. Thanks for your wonderfully entertaining postings.

    Happy New Year!

  39. You totally made my 2010 bearable Joy, so I’m looking forward to your Blogginess of 2011 and all your delectable recipes and more photos of your ginger furred love who always makes me laugh.

  40. Happy New Year, Joy! I would definitely like to resolve to eat more butter this year. There’s been a tragic shortage of that in my life. I’m thinking there will also be a lot more chilling, relaxing, chillaxing, and all that good stuff as well. Hope your New Year includes plenty of it, too! :D

  41. I agree with Amanda (Eating it up) we should refer back to this throughout the year. That’s the problem with resolutions, by the end of January we’ve already forgotten what our resolutions were, and the most important one was probably resolving not to forget our resolutions. So Joy we’re asking your to remind us of this post full of awesome ideas, with a little link back…. (I’m the type that will remember on my own if I remind someone to remind me, hope this helps me!)

    Excellent post and I look forward to 2011 and all the great things you have to write about.

  42. May many exciting, new ventures, recipes, road trips, and wine tasting events come your way during 2011! Hope it’s a year that brings you all you want and more!!

    By the way, I adore your kitten, Joy! My husband and I love cats and dogs but he’s severely allergic to cats and so we have to enjoy them through photos. Your pictures of your adorable little kitten puts huge smiles on our faces! Thanks for the joy you bring! :) All the best for 2011, sheila

  43. Of course you wrote the best possible end of 2010/beginning of 2011 post I’ve read so far. I love your blog, and particularly, that citrus-themed header!

  44. sky – got a polarizing filter – will do
    drink more wine where they make wine – hello CA wine country
    got enough cats, thank you very much
    travel – working on it, how about Italy?
    love potatoes and eggs – spicy is best
    more butter than cookies
    love and salad – the perfect combo, in my opinion

  45. Happy New Year, Joy and kitteh! I’m ahead of the game with the resolution to get a kitten, so I think I’ll try the wine resolution and see where that takes me. The hard part will be finding a babysitter, so maybe I should add that to my list of resolutions…?

      1. My kids would LOVE that! No seriously – they’ve been known to lick the butter off of bread and then discard the bread. I had to start toasting the bread so they couldn’t get to the butter without eating the whole thing. They also think it’s hilarious to get their hands covered in flour and leave hand prints everywhere. They’re cute little weirdos.

  46. hello joy! and kitty meow hello`

    herm resolutions… avoid horror films at ALL costs you hear me self??! (like black swan- *shudder*)

    buy some waterproof cowboy boots. darn you lake affect!

    and finally, dear thighs, stop touching each other. it’s making my butt jiggle.

    and off to make a potato frittata, ciao!

  47. the kitten thing will definitely be happening..that’s a must. and the eating butter/enjoying cookies one is a good one as well, definitely a goal:)

  48. I have resolved to (continue to) find happiness in potatoes! My only new year’s resolution is to eat potatoes every day of 2011.

    Happy new year to you, Joy – thanks for making my 2010 so tasty!

  49. Happy New Year to you as well Joy!

    I take my New Year Resolution from my buddy Thumper… “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say nothin’ at all” :) I find that I can sometimes be too judgmental or negative, and I’m going to work on that this year! and, bake goodies!

  50. Fun post. Happy New Year to you …hope it is filled with surprises and lots of joy…and for all of us readers…lots of Joy!

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