Summer Bucket List 2015

Summer Bucket List

BUCKET LIST buck•et list (noun): a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have accomplished during their lifetime.  Also, a 2007 comedic film featuring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson.  

SUMMER BUCKET LIST sum•mer buck•et list (noun):  a list of things that a person would like to accomplish and experience during the summer months.  If done correctly, should involve water-guns, pool time, and roller-skates.  

Here’s my Summer Bucket List.  Let it inspire you to set some playful intentions for your warm months.  

1.  Brew my own kombucha.  I’m going to use this kit, inspired by my maj Tracy.  

2.  Hang art in my house.  Bye-bye blank walls!  

3.  Work up to running 7 miles.  Straight.  I’m up to running 3 miles now.  Mind over matter.  

4.  Go to the Hollywood Bowl and picnic.  

5.  Write a short story.  Don’t let it be daunting.  

Summer Bucket List

6.  Watercolor and zone out at least 1x per week.  It feels good good.  I’m using this kit and LOVE IT! 

7.  Visit Tracy in Marin.  

8.  Buy water-guns.  Invite friends.  Do.It.Up.

9.  Play hooky and sneak into a fancy hotel pool.  Maybe a Pina Colada is in order too.  

10.  Make jelly-filled doughnuts.  Obviously.  

11.  Donate blood.  Follow up:  don’t pass out. 

12.  Buy roller-skates.  Use them.  

13.  Write a book about brunch.  Rather, keep writing it.  

14.  Learn to do a yoga headstand.  It’s in the core, right? 

15.  Look up and see lots of stars.  Go to a place where that happens and enjoy.  

The Summer months feel like a time for happiness and play.  Sure, it’s not like work halts or bills can be put on hold, but I hope you find bits of joy and sunshine in your everyday.  I’m going to go make some cookies now.  They have Oreos in them.  Cookies inside of cookies.   So help me God.  

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65 Responses

  1. That water color set has been sitting on my wish list. What journal are using for the water colors? I have do a forearm stand on my list as I hear the headstand is actually stressful on the neck – and yes it is all about the core and faith.

  2. I love your list. The only thing missing is a bubble wand/gun and madlibs (done by some body of water with a picnic for best results).

    Enjoy a most excellent summer.

  3. Love this list! But where will you roller skate in NOLA? When I lived there the sidewalks were to mountainous from all the tree roots popping through and there were so many pot holes- though I guess that does present a fun obstacle course!

  4. Oh hello!

    I’m a longtime reader/lurker (emailed you a couple weeks ago about citation on tacos!). Your summer to do list looks eerily like mine- running more three miles, short stories, blood and kombucha are all on mine!

    side note: blood and kombucha sounds like an airport novel about a hippie cult.

    Happy summer,

  5. This list is so great. I have seen this on a couple of other blogs and now I feel like I need to do my own or I’ll miss out! I feel ya on the hanging stuff on the wall bit, that’s a tough one for me :)

  6. Hi Joy,
    I’m an MFA candidate in creative writing at the University of Alabama. I love your blog a whole lot & sometimes try to live vicariously in New Orleans through your posts. If you finish a short story and you want another set of eyes on it, I’d be happy to give it a read for you!

  7. Alright you inspiring lil’deva… this week I have been working on my ability to lay on an air mattress in the pool…. coming along quite nicely, if I do say so myself.. This weekend we will be ar the farmer’s market for blueberries. Tasty. Also fresh cherries in custard, that little french number and I have a date. Thanks Joy! M

  8. Roller skates! I was just talking to my husband yesterday about how we needed to bring back roller skates. This has inspired me to follow through, and recruit others with me!

  9. The Hollywood Bowl is one of my very favorite things about Los Angeles! I’m so glad it’s on your list! If you have the opportunity to attend on a night that they have a fireworks show after the concert take it, it’s gorgeous.

  10. Love this list! I just moved to CA so the Hollywood Bowl and s’mores on the beach are on my list. Pick a day for your “long run” and each week add a mile, you’ll nail 7 miles no problem!

  11. If you are looking for stars, might i suggest the Upper Peninsula of Michigan? Stars, water, forests, hills, its a summer wonderland.

  12. Hi Joy,
    I’ve read you for like forever but almost never comment. I remember when you won your first award for a great blog. Today I open my Bloglovin’ app and what do I see? Joy the Baker doing what I do, PAINT. I’m over at You’ve inspired me for years and I’m so glad to see you flinging both paint and flour around, lol. What could be better than adding color to your recipe journal? Visually stunning. Thanks for the lovely surprise this morning.

  13. Roller skates terrify me, but I can take on all three of my kids in a water balloon fight, so you’d want me on your team.
    My hub Dan has donated blood 22 times. They love him almost as much as I do.
    #13, YAAAAAAY. Can’t wait.

    Happy Summer, Joy.

  14. Seems like a great list!
    Have fun fulfilling it.
    Mine is simple. Have a good move to France. We leave Los Angeles for the Dordogne on Sunday. Exciting!!!

  15. Yeah!!!!! I love bucket lists, why? Because I’ve already passed fifty so I need to finish it. Yours looks great. I already have two tattoos, have written children stories and just sent three of them to a publisher in England. Wrote Poetry and now would love to knife palette paint if I can find a teacher nearby. Joy as you get older the bucket list gets bigger and then the fun really begins. Keep going girl. Have a good week. Paulette

  16. if you’re looking for some friends in New Orleans to help with the running goal, there are a lot of running groups at local stores in town. I go to Louisiana running company and I know varsity sports and southern runner also have groups!

  17. What a lovely post, this has inspired me to make my own bucket list. I really love the yoga headstand one. You’re right, it really is all about the core. I love yoga inversions because they just make you feel so good later. I recommend getting in person advice from a trained yoga instructor on the headstand. They can make sure to give you guidance so that you don’t hurt yourself and to give you other moves to help strengthen your weaknesses with a headstand. I know you can watch videos online of headstands but they just aren’t the same. Also turning your neck in poses trying to see the screen can lead to injuries. (Sorry for the lecturing mom comment -_-)

  18. On the running — you totally, absolutely can do it, Joy! This coming from a girl who could barely and miserably run a mile to a (happy) marathoner :)

    Also, your watercolor is absolutely gorgeous. You are always an inspiration. xo

  19. Great list, I have practiced yoga for over 25 years and still can’t do a headstand. It is on my list to do as well, crow= easy-peasy, but headstand= overcoming fear! I just started taking rowing lessons in an 8 man shell and it is a blast. I would highly recommend for a summer bucket list!

  20. I love how creativity plays a big role in your list. Usually that’s the first to go when I get busy! Our summer bucket list includes eating 3 things on a stick (thanks to my 7-year-old) and going to the botanical garden.

  21. That’s so great that you added “donate blood” to your bucket list! I work in a blood center and it’s so hard to get donors in the summer months as everybody is out having fun instead of thinking of saving lives. Kudos to you!!

  22. Thanks for reminding me I want a pair of those cardiff roller skates! Nice list…not so much the running and yoga tho. Walk 7 miles sure. Yoga…nevaaaaaaaaaaaa! lol. Thanks for sharing!

  23. I’m going to be a copy-cat and make a summer bucket list too! What a great idea and so true, summer is for fun…even if you still have to work and the bills do still come!
    Happy summer!

  24. LOVE your summer list picks!! The running thing you can for sure do. I started running three summers ago and quicker than expected worked up form literally a half mile to 5 miles really fast. Occasionally I’ll do 6 or 7, but 5 is my magic number. Good luck!!

  25. I love everything on your bucket list, especially water guns :)
    I need to make one of my own, super quickly! I hope you can tick off everything on yours this year :)

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