Let It Be Sunday, 118!

Hello my friends!

First thing, that’s not me in a wedding dress.  I wouldn’t get married and not tell you about it.  

This week I got to witness the strong love and inspiring hopefulness of my friends Whitney and Michael.  It’s really so special to be at a dear and close friend’s wedding.  It’s such a marker in life and friendship and my goodness… it feels so so good to celebrate the good times.  

It also remains true that every wedding has a really bad groomsman speech.  Good lord have mercy.

If I’m being honest with you, and I am… what’s true is that, after the release of Over Easy about a month and a half ago, my creative brain is in hibernation mode trying to charge up to dream the next adventure.   To my brain that wants to go go go, it’s been a challenging rest.  Working on it. It’s all part of the process.  

Here are some thoughts from around the Internet this week:  

 We could all use a little (read: A LOT) of context and understanding when it comes to the health care bill that passed the House this week.  Fact Check: Rumors, Claims, and Context on the GOP Health Bill.   

•  Ok hold up… this is bonkers.  So you went and married a terrorist and then popped out of Syria all jk jk jk.  (I REALLY simplified that.) The FBI translator who went rogue and married an ISIS terrorist

•  This perspective:  My Father Spent 30 Years In Prison. Now He’s Out.

•  When the Gospel of Minimalism Collides with Daily Life. “Like most things, living minimally is more complicated than it may seem.”  Feel you; I’m not quite buying the hype.

•  Why Americans Smile So Much.  WE ARE VERY HAPPY!  Jk jk we do have chipper Wal-Marts though. 

•  A reminder from Chris Rock that comedy comes from pain.  Chris Rock In A Hard Place: on infidelity, his new tour, and starting over. 

 I’ve always been fascinated by the ability of our bodies to push and grind and run and jump and live up to its incredible capacity.  I’m mostly fascinated by it from my cozy couch or chill yoga matt.  Here’s how some runners are trying to run the sub 2 hour marathon.  Just ask your body to run just over 13mph for almost 2 hours, ok? 

 Really a very cold and dangerous place for a traffic jam:  Mt Everest is crowded this year (and it has a DJ, too… so help us God). 

 Our girl Ellen Bennett or Hedley & Bennett was featured in Fast Company because she’s a pretty rad boss and lady who has taken the food industry by storm.  Apron storm.  Our Hedley & Bennett x Joy the Baker apron collaboration can be found here:  The Bywater and The Sazerac.

 Ashley English’s The Year of Picnics is out and it’s perfect timing, really.  Let’s get outside with friends and treats.  

 I have a strong desire for these copper kitchen canisters

•  If you live in Seattle, here are all the places you can find my sister’s Sweet Lo’s Ice Cream. You’ll thank me (well, you should really thank Lauren.)  It’s incredible! 

  I have a birthday coming up this month, which I will likely not mention again because… I dunno, I’m going to make a cake and eat sushi about it on the day it’s here.  The past few birthdays I’ve taken to buying myself something precious, because if you can, there’s really no reason to wait around for someone else to buy precious things for you.  I’m daydreaming about this emerald ring though I’d have to think long and hard about if Suze Ornam would allow it.  

Enjoy this fine day!

xo Joy

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I Made This


40 Responses

  1. Joy, GET THE RING! You have worked so hard, it’s gorgeous, it will bring you joy everyday. DO IT! I did that once in Italy and I am so happy that I did. And Happy Happy Birthday Beautiful!

  2. I love these links! Especially the health care, there are a lot of misconceptions out there and it is alway good to know the facts.

    The picnic book is a must, thank you for the recommendation.

    GET THE RING! I love reading about people who think as you do, don’t wait for someone else to get you something special, get it for yourself because you are someone special!

  3. I’ve been following Whitney A since you introduced her to us a while back. She is a doll. The few photos I’ve seen of the wedding are so beautiful. I can’t wait till she shares more. Lucky you! Getting to be there for what, I’m SURE, was a totally lovely ceremony and a GREAT party!

  4. Awesome links as always! Happy Birthday to you and thank you for putting lots of sunshine out in the world! Plus: picnic season- yayyyyy! and get yourself that ring, girl! You have worked hard this year and you deserve it;-)

  5. You should totally buy that ring! It’s beautiful. Just take it off before you make meatballs. Signed, “Suze” (Totally not really Suze!!! ;)

  6. I say buy the ring, in my daily work I am humbly reminded how short our time is. Which in my opinion is all the more reason to live now and to do/buy the things that make you happy!

  7. Why am I seeing “jk jk jk” in two of your entries. Am I missing a hip new expression? And what is “118” in the title referring to?

  8. So glad you posted the link on where to find your sister’s ice cream! I’ve made a mental note to track down some Sweet Lo’s on our visit this summer.

  9. I say go for the ring…it is simply gorgeous and everyone deserves to do something special for themselves once and awhile.
    I have to admit I was taken aback for a minute when I saw the post photo…I thought you had sprung a HUGE surprise on all of us. It is a lovely photo and the dress is simply heavenly.
    Happy Birthday, Joy! I wish you many new adventures and wonderful surprises in the coming year.

  10. I went to a wedding yesterday with EXACTLY the kind of groomsman speech you described. Right on.

  11. While you daydream about that emerald ring, I have one I’ve never worn. Am I the only person who finds rings terribly uncomfortable? I know I’m never going to use it, but it was a gift (from the man I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with, no big deal) and I can’t get myself to do anything with it.
    Happy birthday from another May baby!

    1. Perhaps have the ring made into a different piece of jewelry – – for yourself or a beloved sister, niece, cousin …

  12. That ring is gorgeous (and, yes, spendy!) – have a deep mind meld with Suze and see where you come out? I love the idea of buying something meaningful for yourself for your bday. Happy birthday!

  13. As another who has a May birthday, I say go for the ring! It’s beautiful and our birthstone — a double-hitter. Happy Birthday and thanks for all you do to make us smile.

  14. Never was a big wedding dress girl (my dress was an LBD), but Whitney’s dress is gorgeous. Looks like the event was everything a wedding should be. Thanks for all you do, Joy.

  15. Search “copper canisters” on amazon, a set came up at a much better price point, I’m pretty sure it’s the same thing as anthro’s lovelies!

  16. I was crazy enough to hike to Everest Base Camp about 6 years ago, and when we got there, and our guide was like “Earbuds out- if you hear an avalanche, RUN!,” and I wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of there. I feel like a party with a DJ is just asking for trouble. Now, I take more pool-and-sun type vacations.

    1. Wow wow wow that’s pretty incredible! And gosh I can’t imagine a DJ blasting songs is good for avalanche chances but I bet it was VERY instagrammable. I’m kidding… and rolling my eyes at myself. What a world. See you by the pool.

  17. It makes me happy that it’s not you in that white dress?
    Most people get married with what they see with their eyes, instead of what their hearts feel.

  18. The story on the German woman marrying the ISIS terrorist? Interesting, as well as the fact that it was buried from public knowledge since 2014 until now…

  19. I’ve seen a few picnic-based cookbooks, and never realized just how hard it is when an outdoor event comes around (outdoor movie, Ravinia music fest) to plan something portable that isn’t sandwiches/wraps. Great book recommendation!

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