the august giveaway


OUR WINNER is CHRISTINE of The Belletrist

“you seem like someone who makes ordinary things seem extra ordinary”.  

Happy Friday, my friends!

It’s August and I’ve never been so hot.  I think my brain might be boiling. Is that normal for New Orleans?  Today we’re backing away from our stovetop and shunning the oven.  It’s time for an August Getaway… GIVEAWAY style!!

Here are a few of my recent favorites for you to pack up, snack on, primp up, doodle down, and read through.  I want you to have them!

GIVEAWAY! Booyakah!

1.  I’m the first person to tell you that you don’t need a dang blanket in the middle of August!  It is not chilly!  I can’t even remember the last time I was cold!  But I can remember the last time I needed a blanket to sit out for a Summer picnic! This West Elm Perfect Throw makes for a lovely picnic situation and transitions very well into the more cozy winter months.

2.  Meet the Everlane Weekender Bag!  It’s the perfect carry-on bag.  It’s the perfect bag to toss in the back seat of the car for a weekend road trip. Classic  stylings.  No frills.  Just right.  I love this bag!

3.  I want you to have my very favorite nail polish!  Super easy to apply, long wear, modern colors, lots of gloss and extra sass.  These Revlon Colorstay Gels are Summer weekend colors!

4.  Beach reading.  Mountain cabin reading.  Air-conditioned hotel reading.  I hope you get away, put down the Instagram, and read a good book on this Kindle Reader.  I’m reading The Invention of Wings.

5.  I’m an avid doodler.  Swirls, blocks, faces, flowers, and eyes are my go-to doodles.  Doodling helps us pay attention!  Doodle in style in this classic Moleskine.

6.  Lips to match our nails. I mean… why not get-away with a little flair?  Revlon Colorstay Moisture Stain.

7.  Pens for our doodle!  I love these colorful felt tip pens!  They’re like grown-up markers.  Totally acceptable for scribbles, doodles, notes, and writing boss-lady checks.

8.  Snacks!  Forever with the snacks!  These barkTHINS satisfy all cravings.  They’re thin chocolate bites packed with almond, coconut, pretzels, or little bits of peppermint.  Chocolate, sweet, crunch, and salt!  I’m sooooo into these!  Of course you’ll have to eat them fast enough so they don’t melt, but that shouldn’t be a problem.

9.  ALOHA!!!  These super supreme green juice powder packs are an amazing way to jumpstart a drowsy morning.  I mix mine into a glass of orange juice and I’ve got some pep in my step!

10.  There’s nothing wrong with being prepared just in case getaways go awry.  These UrgentRx medicine packs are incredible because they’re flat packs of fruit flavored powder medicine.  No water required.  I have a few of these in my purse for emergencies.  Super helpful!

11.  Always be ready for wine.  Always!  This Bottle Stock painted corkscrew and leather pouch is perfect to throw in your new weekend bag.  Open your wine in style!  If you can’t wait for your pretty corkscrew and pouch, snag it now for 15% off!  Discount code: WINEJOY.  Offer good until Sunday August 10th.

To Enter:

This is an old-school blog giveaway.  I’m not trying to trick you into following me on Twitter or liking me on Facebook.  You can if you’d like… but it’s no biggie.  I simply want you to have these rad things because it’s August and if I melt before September, I want you to think of me fondly.

Leave a comment on this post sharing the best compliment you have ever received.  Then… think about how great that compliment made you feel and go out into the world and compliment a stranger!  “I like your hair today!”  “You have a really pretty smile!” “I feel like you really went the extra mile for me and I appreciate it!”  Pass the good onward and outward.  It feels great!

>> One comment per person.  Be cool.

>> Contest open to one and all, wherever you may live.

>> Comments close Sunday August 10, 2014 at 8pm cst.

>> Winner will be chosen randomly and announced above on Monday August 11th.

I love you, byeeeee!

All Comments

I Made This


3,279 Responses

  1. Not sure about the best compliment that I have ever received, but the oddest and most out of the blue that was appreciated was a caricature artist who was drawing me and randomly said, “Your brows are amazing. Has anyone ever said that?” It was pretty funny and made me blush, because who compliments eyebrows?

  2. The best compliment I ever received was from my husband when I was 9 months pregnant. He said, ‘you’re so beautiful,’ even though I felt like ‘school bus’ would’ve described me better. The look in his eyes told me he really meant it.

    This has made me think gratefully of the kind and wonderful people in my life. Thank you

  3. One time someone told me I had “good situational awareness” which is my favorite compliment that I’ve received! :)

  4. My friend wrote this to me recently when I was having a bad day, and it helped me so much: “I know you’ll always be a beautiful, generous, smart, hard-working woman. You’re the real deal.” (She’s the real real deal btw)

  5. Awesome pretzel dog necklace! (I made a mini version of your pretzel dogs, strung em up, and wore them to a festival).

  6. I was told that I’m a wonderful mother by a stranger and that my son was lucky to have me as a mom by a lactation consultant. It meant a lot to me, being that I am a young mom..

  7. Best compliment ever was “You have a way with people,” which sounds really creepy, but was meant in a “You get along with people and make them feel at ease” sense. On a more superficial level: “You look like a Bond girl.”

  8. on our wedding day someone said that me and my husband were not traditionally beautiful- i took it as we were fabulously weird

  9. In the non-profit social worker/case manager world, there are always more needs and requests than resources to meet them. My coworker is the nurse manager in charge of scheduling appointments and often has to say ‘no’ to client in lesser need than others. She recently shared with me that, “Elisha, when you come to me with a need, I don’t hesitate to give you an appointment for your client, because I know you’ve done your job and weeded through (the lesser needs) for me.” Made me feel like a rock star social worker, and I appreciated it so much :).

  10. I had a gross cold and was doing my laundry. On my way back from the laundromat, I heard a girl shout, “I love your coat!” I looked over and there was a car full of teenaged girls. They repeated, “your coat is cool!!” Maybe it wasn’t the best compliment ever, but considering the attitude teenage girls are liable to throw, it felt like a major coup!

  11. I had a friend tell me that I was a really good listener. It meant a lot because it made feel like I was truly being a good friend and letting her say how she was feeling.

  12. Compliments from my colleagues and supervisors always mean a lot to me! I’m a veterinarian, so I love knowing I’m taking the best care of people’s pets.

  13. I would have to go with the time one of my professors asked me who was writing a particular script and I raised my hand, terrified, only to hear her say, “Wow, I thought a professional writer had snuck into my class.” Pretty awesome compliment.

  14. My most favorite compliment recently was a friend of my cousins asking her if she’d hook me up with him after seeing me drive by him in the parking lot. I had absolutely no makeup on, exhausted, and my hair was a mess. It’s the little things…!!!

  15. I missed the giveaway on this, but I still want to share :) I was once complimented on a carnie who was hitting on my sister and said that we must be sisters b/c we have the same eyes. Let me just say that we don’t-at all, and while he was a total creeper, I never not laugh when I think about that story. I will go forth and make compliments.

  16. I guess it depends on what I do with my hair but I’ve been getting a lot of compliments just on how nice I look, considering that I almost always feel like I’m melting that’s good. But the nicest ever was that my lips looked like a good sip of wine aka lips of wine… Gotta love older men

  17. The best compliment I ever received was from a new woman friend that I had only known for a few months at the time. She told me that I was a really naturally funny person. My perception of myself at the time was that I was a very serious person so I honestly never knew I was funny. Her compliment really made me see myself differently.

  18. There was a woman in my church that always greeted me by saying, “hello there, beautiful!.” I was going through some very awkward pre-teen conditions (think: zits and terribly big bangs), but she made me feel so special every time she spoke those words to me. I hope I do that for others.

  19. when my patient last week told me that she loves coming into the office to see me and only asks to speak with me when she calls because i am a “love and a half.”

  20. I’m realize I’m totally too late, but the best compliment I ever got was from a lady on the bus who had a prison tattoo of a tear on her face. She told me I looked like Belle from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. Not only did she think I looked like a Disney princess, but she thought I looked like the brainiest Disney princess! It. Was. Awesome.

  21. i love it when people find out that i haven’t had braces and they say, “but your teeth are so straight!” it makes me feel like i did something right without even trying…

  22. Thanks for the giveaway! The best compliment I ever got came recently. I was grocery shopping and asked a clerk to show me the panko. As we were walking back, he said, “you have a really cute nose.” Nose? Yep, nose. I found it very endearing that he paid that much attention to my features to point out something as insignificant as my nose. Or maybe nose was code for butt. I’ll never know. :)

  23. I think the best compliment I’ve ever received was when someone told me that I was “my own person.” That’s always a good thing, I think.

  24. My husband told me that “I make him want to get up and face another day” in an email he sent me the night before he had thyroid surgery. I cried. I printed the email and have it hidden in a secret spot at work so I can read it now and again when I am having a bad day. I still cry.

  25. I’ve loved reading these! My favorite compliment was from a classmate that said I brighten every room with my smile. It made me feel like a true beauty! Thank you, Joy, for inspiring me to pass that on today!

  26. The best compliment I’ve ever received was from my boyfriend. I am Brazilian and his mama is Mexican so I told him it would take me awhile to cook in a way that tasted like his childhood, he said “it is okay, because your food taste like my future”. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard.

  27. Compliments used to make me super uncomfortable (they still kind’ve do) and this year I made it a resolution to take compliments with grace and confidence. I think any compliment changes my day, so I think making more compliments of others is a fabulous personal challenge.

  28. The best comment I’ve ever received was a fellow employee telling me how much I am appreciated in the work place. It meant the world to me to hear that people even noticed the effort and time I put into my job, and everyone needs to be reminded that they are useful every once in a while.

  29. On the last day of 8th grade, one of my late favorite teachers signed my shirt, “You are a gem of a girl!” (Rest in peace, Mrs. Collins. You were a gem of a woman.)

  30. One of my colleagues told me that I have a kind, calm presence and bring warmth to our office. What a wonderful thing to hear!

  31. My new boyfriend (first relationship after I was left by my husband of thirteen years) told me that I was everything he had been looking for his whole life, and he couldn’t believe anyone would be foolish enough to give me up. My heart pretty much melted on the spot.

  32. A teacher of mine once told me she saw in me an ability to excell in everything I put my mind into no matter how hard it was or how uncomfortable it made me feel. It made believe I was capable of going after things completely out of my comfort zone!

  33. I once told a mentor about a job I was applying to and she said I would be wonderful a the position because I was “unflappable.” At a moment when I felt like everything in my life was a stressful mess it was so nice to hear that–I was so glad I didn’t come off as chaotic as I felt!

  34. You’re a good Mom was the best compliment I have recently received. I know, stereo typical but it’s so easy to judge myself constantly.

    This prize is the much needed pick me up-we are in the middle of renovating our newly purchased home with two small children while living there! Talk about chaos!

  35. When someone I like a lot but with whom I’m not very close friends told me, she thinks that she finds it impressive how I always stay true to myself and that she thinks I’m cool. It was so good to hear that, since I recently had quite a hard time finding friends and became very selfconscious.

  36. A friend told me I sang well. I don’t normally sing much b/c I am always feeling self-concious, so this kind of unlocked something for me and let me sing out loud more often. :)

  37. The other day one of my friends said that my husband and I are the best parent’s they have known. It made me feel so great to know that all our hard work does not go unnoticed. All I can do is do my best and hope it pays off in the end!

  38. Best compliment was that all the younger people in my life are so giving and caring and it is becuase they learned it from me.

  39. “Oh, Mummy, that’s very beautiful eyes today” – not sure what I did differently that morning (I don’t wear makeup), but my two-year old melts my heart every day. Love seeing the world anew through his eyes – I should share that love with others more often.

  40. I probably missed the cutoff. Sadface.

    BUT.. some girl I just met the other day told me my haircut made her happy. Which made me happy! Especially since it’s been being a major pain in the butt to control these days. :)

  41. the best compliment i ever received was when my stoic, sometimes jerky, definitely not sentimental oldest brother told me that if his little girls turned out like me, that’d be alright with him.

  42. I love being told I am a good cook/baker. I still have lots to learn, but it’s something I enjoy doing so I always appreciate that compliment.

  43. A friend once told me that I have a rare way of looking at the world, and that I see it “so differently and nicely.” This was in a thank you for some advice I offered her when she was feeling down, so it made me feel great to know that I was able to help her. :)

  44. An elderly neighbor left today for her first vacation since her husband passed away. She was bouncing with glee when I said I would take care of her cats 2x a day, about 1 hour each visit. I could see her happiness, gratitude and more, in the biggest smile ever. I am doing nothing really special. It is simply “treat people how you want to be treated”.

  45. What a great giveaway! The best compliment I have ever received is from my little girls (and my husband) that I’m the best mommy ever. That means the world to me!

  46. What a great giveaway. The best compliment I ever received was when someone told me they appreciated my passion. Love it.

  47. When I was a teen, one of the popular girls said I had pretty eyes. That compliment has stayed with me through my life and I think my eyes are one of my best features.

  48. My best compliment is when people tell me they forget I’m only 24. Sometimes I’m too hard on myself so to have someone step back and say, “Hey, you’re actually doing quite well for yourself,” is a nice reminder that I am only 24.

    PS Loved the idea behind this contest. :)

  49. It’s always a wonderful thing when someone (a friend or stranger) tells you that you’ve made their day by doing something small like opening a door or letting them go ahead of you in line. *fingers crossed*

  50. A co-worker once told me that I was the person they looked to for guidance when learning new skills because I was patient and supportive. I think I will always remember how surprised I was and how good it made me feel :)

  51. Someone once told me that my artwork made them want to go buy a set of colored pencils and start drawing again…I was blown away. That was hands down one of the best things anyone has ever said to me.

  52. The best compliment I received was from another women telling me that I had a great smile.I have heard that compliment from many guys but for some reason that compliment stuck with me. She was very nice and it was so genuine.

  53. in college, i anonymously nominated a friend for a contest to become our class speaker at graduation. part of the contest was to give a speech. he chose to discuss big dreams and having the courage to share those with other people. in it, he described me and my dream to become a neurosurgeon. he described me as “I have a friend who, since the day I met her my first week at Tufts, has wanted to be a neurosurgeon. Neurosurgery is a hyper-competitive specialty and moreover, a field dominated almost completely by men. My friend knows she’s going to be a neurosurgeon, but the world says well…probably not. There’s the gap. But you know what, I dare you to get in her way…I dare you. I have no doubt that she will become one of the top neurosurgeons in the country because her will to close that gap, her will to make a dream a reality, is unstoppable.”

    he won. that was the best compliment i’ve ever been given.

  54. I was wearing a vintage black party dress and ended up having to go to Home Depot to buy some Masonite. I’m walking with a 4’x4′ sheet of the stuff, and as a guy passes me, without even really making eye contact, just said “right on.” It felt awesome :)

  55. A man at the bus stop told me I had a beautiful laugh. It made me realize the importance of a kind word, a meaningful comment.

  56. “I think you are one of those people who just really wants others to be able to be who they are.” Hands down the best. Thanks for the giveaway, Joy!

  57. A teacher told me I was a great writer. It was my first week in college, so it meant a lot to me and still gives me conference.

  58. Great giveaway! I was told by a total stranger that I have beautiful eyes and then he said everyone probably tells you that, right? Little things are nice to hear.

  59. One of the best compliments I’ve ever received was “You’re a really great listener.” I always try to actively listen to other people’s stories and remember their names because I always appreciate when others do that with me!

  60. I like it when propel comment on my white hair. I always thank them and let them know how much it means to me.

  61. I absolutely adore your blog! This giveaway makes me want all the nice things. Best compliment I’ve ever received: After an extremely difficult cycling class, a total stranger came up to me and breathlessly said, “You ride like an Olympian.” It wasn’t even a little true, but I was flattered that someone noticed how hard my sweaty self was working. :)

  62. I am a very low maintenance type of girl so whenever anyone compliments my hair or look I really appreciate it. It’s natural, it’s me and it is what it is, so when someone likes it, they like me. I really take it to heart.

  63. It may not be the best compliment I ever received but just today someone said they liked my handwriting. Oh, shucks ,thank you very much!

  64. One of the best compliments I’ve ever received was in nursing school. I always strive as a nurse to give the patient a positive hospital experience by showing them that the staff actually cares about how they feel. I felt a little closer to that goal when my instructor told me that I am really good at making people feel like they are important to me by showing them I care. It’s made me consciously live like that.

  65. Best compliment I ever received was that I “brought life into a room”. Was actually the perfect thing I needed to hear at the time.

  66. A new friend once told his mother that I was “the kind of person you feel like you’ve known your whole life.” It made me feel like I was doing my job as a friend. That’s the best kind of compliment!

  67. On a recent mission trip to Mexico I was told that the pulled pork I made for everyone at the orphanage was the best meat they had ever eaten in their lives!

  68. My boyfriend is from a big city, but is studying here in my hometown, which he barely tolerate. Last summer I decided to take him around the city for a tour to show him my beautiful town. He is really hard to impress and he kept shrugging his shoulders and found everything to be too small, just like the town, and kept reminding me that it wasn`t really that much to experience in town. I got really annoyed and said something like; well it`s not my fault you hate everything about my town. He said back, really casually with no intention of complimenting me really; the only thing that I like about this town is you.
    So yeah, that`s it. But it meant a lot to me, made by day actually and is one of the best compliments I`ve gotten from him=)

  69. A couple of years ago I was wearing a light blue dress and a friend told me: “There’s too little blue in that dress for so much sky in you!” She made my day and my year! =)

  70. Over the past year, I worked with a group of college students, and my role was part mentor, part RA, part parent! I got to know each of the students really well; I heard their struggles and joys and everything in between. One girl in particular opened up to me and told me that I was her “good voice”, that I was her cheerleader and someone who encouraged her to be her best self! I was so thankful my actions and words had made an impression on her!

  71. A few years ago, we made a wall with the names and pictures of the employes at my job. Next to our name were adjective describing us written by our colleagues. The one given to me was : passionate. That made me feel so proud, because that is totally how I feel about my work.

  72. Someone told me once “you are such a spitfire!” and its probably my favorite compliment! I like to think of myself as a strong, vibrant woman!

  73. My best compliment was from a 4-year-old who wrote a story about me… I was a princess who saved him from a dragon by kicking it “straight dead.” My ability to kill a dragon swiftly is high on the list of things I want to be known for!

  74. The best compliment I’ve received was at the end of a summer of volunteering and I was told that my hard work had stood out and that I’d made an impact on a lot of people.

  75. My friend just wrote to me that her young and pretty neighbour had told her I had a beautiful face. That after a shared ride in her car during which we just introduced ourselves and didn’t really speak much at all :) He, in turn, has amazing eyes…

  76. someone once described me as “nothing but positive vibes” when introducing me to a new friend. it made me feel like i was on cloud nine!

  77. The best compliment I’ve received was very recent. I got engaged one month ago and the “you’re going to be a beautiful bride,” never gets old. I love it and can’t wait for the big day! Now I’ll go pass on a compliment to a stranger :) . Thanks for the giveaway!

  78. The best compliment I ever received is when I was told by my culinary school instructor that he would gladly eat my dish in a restaurant.

  79. Best compliment I ever received is “you are so kind”. My first thought was that my mother would be proud, as she raised me to be that way.

  80. I love this! Recently while having breakfast at a local bakery, I overheard the patrons discussing the pies I had make at another bakery I was working at and how they were the best they had eaten. It was the nicest complement and they had no idea that they had given it to me!

  81. Best compliment I ever overheard was while on my way back from the restroom! My sister-in-law had just introduced me to her two best friends before I’d stepped away, and I was returning I heard them say that they absolutely loved me <3. They're lovely, fabulous ladies, and it just made me feel special and sparkly :-), especially knowing that they said it in my absence!

  82. Having your niece tell you that she wants to be just like you when she grows up is a pretty nice feeling, I have to say.

  83. My favorite hairstylist when I lived in LA told me I had princess hair, like Princess Aurora. I was 31 and it’s still the best compliment I’ve ever gotten!

  84. I used to be a lot heavier. I started going to the gym. One day at the gym after I had lost the extra weight a beautiful woman came up to me and said, “I can tell you work out. You look really good.” I had never had a compliment about my body before, and it made me feel so good. That was about ten years ago, and I still remember that woman!

  85. I’m a young breast cancer survivor and instead of wigs and scarves I wore my bald head proudly during treatment! Many strangers have commented that I look beautiful bald or that I have a nice round head! I’ve also received many shout outs from my fellow survivors. It’s been so nice to receive compliments, smiles, and words of encouragement during such a rough few months-always nice to be reminded of all of the good in the world!

  86. I bake my elderly neighbor, but cannot do it often due to my hectic schedule. My mom thinks that it is nice of me to bake for him, but he has diabetes and is recently widowed. Mom worries that he’ll eat too much and make himself sick, so she discourages me from baking for him. My neighbor knows this, and said to my mom, “don’t stop your daughter from baking; she has talent.” That compliment meant a lot to me.

  87. It’s not an overt compliment, but I always turn into a ball of mush when someone tells me “I’ve missed you!” Who doesn’t like knowing they’re important to someone?

  88. Best compliment: kids saying I want to be just like you when I grow up… gives you a lot to be proud of and a lot to live up to.

  89. I work as a receptionist at a doctor’s clinic. Weeks after helping a patient figure out a complicated insurance issue, the patient showed up randomly at the office with a huge bag of snacks and thanked me for helping. I rarely get thanked & this just blew me away.

  90. One of the best compliments I ever received was by a friend sharing a personal struggle. He said, “I feel like I can tell you this and you won’t judge me.”

  91. Said at the OB, “awww – your uterus is so small and cute!” This has happened twice. No joke.

    P.S. Thanks for hosting this giveaway. These gifts look awesome!

  92. I have red hair so my eyelashes are really light. A friend of mine told me they looked gold and were the prettiest that he’s ever seen, I’ve never forgotten that!!

  93. That I had a warm and calming presence in the workplace. With all the craziness that often happens, I was glad to hear that! It is always inspiring to hear things about yourself that you might not have considered. It definitely makes me want to do the same for others! A few kinds words go a long way :)

  94. I’m a teacher and most often work as a substitute teacher; It is a good feeling when my students don’t want me to leave their classes but one class even gave me a ‘thank you card’ and a huge bouquet of flowers as a good bye present. This made me smile the whole day.

    And now say something nice to someone else: Joy, this is one of my favourite blogs and I visit it every day, because you make great things!!

  95. Love the giveaway :).
    Best compliment I have received is from my parents when they tell me how proud they are of me :)

  96. The best compliment I have ever received was from a person I would have expected it the least. She said I was very strong willed and brave. She admires my courage and attitude to not care what other people think and appreciates that I can just be myself. I rarely receive compliments about my character. I think it made my whole year knowing that people can appreciate and recognize qualities and aspects of a person besides beauty and fashion.

  97. My grandad asked me today where I’d been hiding my voice when I sang Defying Gravity in the living room. It made me feel so much more secure and proud of my talents.

  98. I love it when I become friends with people who used to just be acquaintances, and they tell me they have always wanted to get to know me better because I always seem happy.
    Love this giveaway!

  99. I live in Zimbabwe and once had a young safari guide tell me that a certain HIV & AIDS youth programme changed his life. He didn’t know that I had designed and implemented the programme. It was the best compliment I could have received!

  100. Love it when my hubby tells me I’m a great mom. And on a more superficial note, a stranger at Costco once told me I have perfect skin ;)

  101. I was recently told my a table I was waiting on that I could be another local lady’s twin and that we were both beautiful woman. it was nice to just hear that from a stranger.

  102. I recently started writing again and my friends have been so supportive and really encouraging me to continue. Their feedback and excitement has been the best compliment and motivator ever!

  103. First of all, I will start out by giving a compliment to you, Joy. I know the intention of your post was not to receive, but I would like to say that your blog is the only blog I follow. Your writing is down-to-earth and full of humor, your pictures are wonderful, and your recipes are inspiring. I always get excited when I receive an email from “Joy the Baker” and I click to find out if you have a new recipe for me to try out, or a new story that I might relate to.

    Now for a compliment I have received. One day after work I was walking through downtown DC and a biker passes me on the street. A second later he shouts “nice legs” at which point I turn around to see him shrug and ride on. The manner in which he said it was non-threatening with no expectation or chance for me to reply. He was merely making a comment, leaving me with a pep in my step. This is not the best compliment I have ever received, but it certainly is one of the most memorable!

  104. Brilliant giveaway Joy! The best compliment I’ve ever received is my wonderful sister-in-law writing me a letter for my 40th birthday and telling me she’s proud of me for the life transformation I’ve made in the last few years. It means the world to me xxx

  105. I have been a hobby photographer for years now but was recently told by a coworker/friend how talented they think I am. It made my day,

  106. While I was first dating my now husband, my roommate at the time said to me “you’re so easy to fall in love with.” Best compliment I’ve ever received and that was 15 years ago!

  107. i love this giveaway!! and i love thinking back to compliments received which is so unusual.

    i work for an organization with grassroots volunteers and one of our older volunteers once told me that he would be proud to have me as his granddaughter. it just felt so personal and heartwarming.

  108. On New Years Eve many years ago, someone told me that I had been the best part of their year. That was pretty awesome!

  109. Best compliment? When my 21-yr.-old son began seeing a new young woman while away at college, before meeting her I asked him what she was like. His answer: “Well, she really reminds me a whole lot of you, Mom.” I was delighted to know my son wanted to spend so much time with someone who reminded him of me, and then even more so when we met her and saw how truly lovely she was. (p.s.–That lovely young woman is now our beloved daughter-in-law :)

    Love, love, love your blog!

  110. It’s hard to choose just one compliment that’s “the best.” But any comment about being a good mother, or teacher or receiving a compliment from one of my students (because you know kids are so honest) are best compliments I love to receive. Thanks for hosting the giveaway, looks amazing!

  111. Best compliment I’ve received? “Let me have the honor of being the first to tell you today that you are beautiful, caring, creative, thoughtful, funny, and very cuddly”

    How I’ve paid it forward? Trying to find little things to comment on for everyone I’ve come into contact with (even those I don’t necessarily like very much). It’s helped me have a better outlook on life in general by accepting and noticing good little things.

  112. My husband told me he couldn’t have made up a more perfect wife than me and that I make his life better every single day. Made me swoon.

  113. My favorite compliment so far has come my way a few times, but it never fails to rock my world and make me smile: “You’re my favorite teacher”–an incredibly sweet, genuine compliment from disgruntled fifteen-year-olds. :D

  114. A little girl stopped me yesterday on the street and said, “Hi, you’re really pretty.” Such a little thing (that has never happened to me before) that brightened my day.

  115. The best compliment I ever received came from my husband on our wedding day. He looked at me and said I make him a better person and that he admires all of the love and open arms that I have for my family and friends. He’s a keeper. :) Thanks for the giveaway, Joy!

  116. The best compliment I ever received was being told I was a naturally great teacher and that I imagine learning fun.

  117. Just wrapped my internship today and the people that I worked with were so kind to say that I went above and beyond and was a huge help to them this summer. It made me feel like less of an intern and more like a real person!

  118. One I remember the most is when I worked at a bank walk-up window, the man I started to help just stared at me blankly for a few seconds and then said, in all seriousness, “Sorry. I just got lost in your eyes.” And after I helped him he left me a note saying “You’re beautiful. Have a beautiful day.”

  119. This last week my 3 year old son was talking to daddy and told him I was the most beautiful mommy ever, I overheard them from the kitchen, it melted my heart. Oh that boy.

  120. An ex used to ask me at the end of the day: “How did you kick ass today?” It was a compliment because it showed faith in me, and it was also a great self-esteem booster because it made me reframe my day to look past the little frustrations and see how I might have overcome a difficult situation or excelled at a task or done something to help someone else.

  121. best compliment i’ve ever received: my friend telling me my singing voice is as pretty as julie andrews’s. will of course pass on a compliment to a stranger, but I’ll leave one for you, too, joy–your blog is a delight to read and your recipes are delicious. have a great day!

  122. The best compliment I’ve received was many years ago, and was that I’m honest and true to myself. That one still makes me feel good whenever I think of it.

  123. You have great taste! I was so flattered when several co-workers told me they always read my entire email. Seems silly, but for people who receive a hundred ish emails every day and typically only skim them, I appreciated knowing that they take the time to read mine through because I try to inject some humor into the helpful.

  124. My sister-in-law, who usually thinks I am totally clueless when in comes to fashion, hairstyles, makeup, etc.; said my hair looked nice.

  125. Best compliment I ever received was when someone told me that I make them want to be a better person…powerful and touching!

  126. My best friend called me “Super-Mags” in high school, because no matter how big my workload was, or how much I had going on, I got things done. Now, 14 years later, my boss told me in my review recently that everyone knows to “go to Meagan when they need something done quick and done right.”

  127. i came back to work after a few days off, and the first thing my manager said was ‘saturday was a disaster without you around’. it was a huge compliment to know that i make such a difference at my job!

  128. “Thank you so much for providing my daughter with some healthy recipes. You are just a really nice, good person”

  129. My grown son told us he hoped to be as good a parent to his kids as we had been to him. No better compliment ever!

  130. Love this! My best compliment lately was when I was told I was sincerely missed while I was away on maternity leave. It wasn’t easy coming back to work, but it felt good to know that I had an awesome work family to return to! Of course maybe the better compliment that day was the HUGE smile my boy gave me when I picked him up from daycare :-)

  131. Best compliment ever was being told from significant other that I was genuinely the most caring kind hearted person they had ever met and had more patience than they could ever imagine. Said they wished they could learn to be more like me.

  132. Had to give a presentation at my new job that I was frrreaking out about before hand… I felt unprepared and nervous and even though I poured a lot of hours into it I had a minor meltdown before it. After presenting, pretty embarrassed and sure I blew it, I asked if there were any questions. The main colleague I was presenting to who I don’t know well spoke up saying, “Yeah. One. How are you so awesome?” then thanked me for putting it all together.

    I just looked at another coworker who was in the know of my mental health state leading up to the presentation (my eyes wide and eyebrows raised) and told the compliment giver, “No sweat… it was my pleasure.” Whhhhhhat a relief!

    Lesson learned: Stop doubting yourself all the time. Shoulders back, push through, you are much more competent than you give yourself credit for… chill out about perfection because fake-it-till-you-make-it is a complete and utter thing.

    PS JTB, you are my favorite of all time. Lovelovelove.

  133. Someone asks if I make jewelry professionally after seeing me wear one of my pieces. It’s definitely just a hobby but it felt great for the design to be appreciated!

  134. One of the best compliments I’ve received was when I was telling a friend that I didn’t know what I was doing with my daughter, 6 mos. old now, and felt so clueless all the time and was just trying to figure it out day by day. My friend told me that my perspective was exactly what was making me a good mom: knowing I wasn’t an expert and to just try my best in the most loving way possible. It made me feel so much better! I hope to let other people know how much of a good job they’re doing in their lives, with all the day to day struggles everyone faces.

  135. The best compliment I’ve received in a long time has to be when my, now, bosses told me that I blew them away in my job interview. Like whoa!!

  136. The best compliment was that I’m passionate about the things I set out to do and it shows that I care. Working for a major corporation, it’s nice to know I’m not just part of the rat race and it comes across how I’m invested in my work.

  137. Best compliment ever . . . “do you wear makeup?” No, not really. “Well you don’t need to, you have beautiful skin.” said to me by a complete stranger. Totally made my day because I had just found out that I have a mild form of rosacea and was feeling blue about my always rosy cheeks.

  138. A friend told me once that I tell good stories. I am a bit shy sometimes and feel like my stories can be boring (feelings I haven’t shared with this friend) so to hear that made me feel pretty great! Thanks for the giveaway, hope you don’t melt!

  139. My four year old nephew saying “You can come on my camping trip too – it’ll be much more fun with you!”
    Great giveaways, though 3000:1 aren’t great odds :-)
    Happy Summer, everyone!

  140. I was part time reception at a car dealership (while going to school – job I met my husband at) and the GM (who hired me) told me that I “was attractive for someone so efficient”. Then he gave me a raise – but blew my mind! What a backhanded compliment, but it really changed the way I looked at myself. I had never thought of myself as attractive (smart, glasses, and as a teenager, braces) so efficient, I could do.
    Thanks for doing the giveaway – hope I win!

  141. I find it difficult to pick a favorite compliment, because I really appreciate every compliment I get. But I become really flattered when my Mum tells me how much my little sister looks up to me :)

  142. A coworker once told me that she wished her daughter would be like me when she grows up. That made me feel great!

  143. “You have a beautiful smile” – i guess this was said to me because i rarely smiled.. So as to encourage me to smile more. Hahaha which i actually considered. And i smile as often as i could now..without looking crazy.

  144. My hair is curly, wavy, messy; so when anyone tells me it ‘looks nice today’, it makes me feel really good all day long (even after it frizzes up). I had dinner last night with my cousin who just finished her chemo/radiation treatments last week. She shaved her head when her long beautiful strawberry blond hair started coming out in clumps. When she walked into the restaurant I told her how great it was that her hair grew back so quickly and how pretty her long brown hair looked. She has another wig that is shorter and has blond highlights, I can’t wait to see it. She looked beautiful and felt more normal than she had in months. Her battle with cancer may not be over, but she is a beautiful warrior and I tell her so every time I see her.

  145. One guy told me that I have the prettiest smile :) I think I got even cuter ones but that’s the first one I remembered!

  146. He that I have a beautiful mind. It stuck with me because that’s something that will get better with age (if all goes well).

  147. I was going to pick up doughnuts one morning and, when my name was called, I went to the counter to pick up my box. I said to the woman behind the counter, “thank you so much!” She replied, “thank YOU so much for having such a lovely demeanor.” Who knew that doughnuts could make you feel so good in places other than your tummy?

  148. The best compliment I have ever received was ‘You are the most delightfully animated person that I have ever met’. Made me smile for days. :)

  149. best compliment I ever received? That one of my friends admired me for always being able to find the good in people no matter what and that she wished she could do the same. I try hard to be positive and this made me feel like people notice and that maybe I could inspire people to think the same way!

  150. Best compliment ever? That my friends routinely tell me I’m loyal and trustworthy, and they tell me things they don’t share with others because they know they can rely on me.

  151. “you smell like sunshine” was a pretty good one from middle school. A simple, eye to eye, and genuine “you are nice” from my then 5 year old daughter made my heart sing.

  152. I teach middle school and always appreciate any compliment from a student. I recently had a student tell me I had nice eyebrows – not the best compliment ever, but it struck me as so funny and sweet and still sticks with me!

  153. Wow, Joy, I really appreciate you doing the old school blog giveaway–so tired of having to like every social media to have even a slightest chance!
    The best compliment I’ve ever received was at a market, where I was selling my mom’s homemade goat’s milk soap. This young lady came up to me, listened, and, as she turned to walk away, told me that I was absolutely gorgeous. Completely made my day and left this goofy smile on my face :)

  154. At a training a couple of weeks ago I got a note from one of the other trainees saying I was inspiring. I keep the note in my bag for when I feel like I’m not making a difference.

  155. Recently someone told me I was pensive, that I listened so well and seemed to synthesize everything into poetic little bites. No one had ever called me pensive before- it made my whole body shiver with delight!

  156. These prizes look amazing! Thanks for running this, Joy. In terms of compliments, the best one I’ve received lately came from the guy from TaskRabbit who helped me move. It was just the two of us and after lifting a lot of the stuff myself, he told me, “You are pretty strong for your size! Really!” I’m about 5 feet tall so almost as small as they go. :)

  157. My BFF told me that she admired my strength and resilience when I was at a particularly low point. It was meaningful to have someone who knows me so well remind me of what I have overcome. It really helped me persevere.

  158. a client of mine, a much older man who i don’t know very well, clipped a magazine article about a woman ceo and gave it to me. he told me it made him think of me. i was blown away!

  159. Probably the best compliments are the unexpected ones… Someone at band practice said my hair looked really nice; on that particular day I was having an ‘omg my hair is so bad’ day so it made me happy. Also the same day someone else said my clarinet playing was “lovely” so :)

  160. I’m in college and work at a shoe store part time. Sometimes the stress of day to day happenings can take a toll. So when a costumer takes the time out of their day to thank me for my time, It makes me feel like my job is worthwhile. It always puts a smile on my face to know that I’ve helped someone!

  161. One of the best compliments I’ve received is when a yoga teacher told me that they could tell how much my practice has grown – felt good after lots of practicing !

  162. A few years ago while I was at work, I was helping a customer with a routine problem and she became so grateful and thankful for my help. She gave me a hug and told me that I was amazing and that I really helped her. I was shocked, but it felt so good to have made someone else happy.

  163. I get complimented by people for always smiling. It’s a surefire way to make a good impression: keep smiling. Even when I feeling grumpy, plastering on a smile can brighten my day!

  164. This is such a nice giveaway! In the last few months, I’ve met a few people who have told my boyfriend, “Oh you are so lucky to have her!”. This really struck me, because it really caught me by surprise, but also because I often feel as though my boyfriend is really great, and that I am lucky that he keeps me around – so it was nice to hear someone else commenting on how lucky he is that I’m so great ;)

  165. Last new years eve someone told me I had luscious, awesome hair. Or this past week at work when a co-worked said I was very good at what I did (as an IT consultant).

  166. “You have a truly kind heart.” To have someone sincerely tell you that–! I was (and still am) bowled over. Kindness is so hard but so worth doing. Thank you for being someone who reminds me of this on a regular basis!

  167. I met someone recently who told me that I was not like anyone they had ever met before. It seems so simple but it made me feel pretty great.

  168. The best comment I can remember getting may not seem all that special, but it was so heartfelt that it has stayed with me. One my friends from college recently wrote me a letter thanking me for being a friend even when we weren’t physically close. “You have always inspired me…I thank you for being a light to my life over the years.”

    Those words have made my days brighter many times over. :)

  169. I love it when people can’t stop eating the food I’ve made — it’s like the best silent compliment! This happened yesterday when I made the snacks for my brother’s recital reception. Everyone was devouring the homemade cookies and crackers :)

  170. Probably the best compliment I’ve received is a kid telling me that I am their favorite nurse! It is the best feeling!

  171. I was recently told I make other people better. I was so happy to hear it since I’ve been working to recognize the best in everyone and zone in on it to help pull it out even more. Love you Joy. Thanks for making me a better baker.

  172. I’m pretty self-conscious about my frizzy-mess of hair, so whenever I get complimented on a good hair day, it makes me smile my biggest smile! (ps: you’re the best, JTB!)

  173. My favorite compliment recently came from my 2-year old nephew when I was trying on wedding dresses for the first time. I came out in a big white dress and he said “Where’s Didi?” My mom said “That’s Didi right there!” and he replied “That’s Princess Didi!” It absolutely melted my heart and was the best part of the day.

  174. A good friend once told me “you are loyal, and loyal friends are hard to come by”
    I will never forget it, and it made my quiet, introvert heart happy for weeks.

  175. Joy, I look forward to your blog for creative idea’s! Waiting patiently for your second cookbook to be released!!!!

  176. I’m not a “girly” girl – I’ve always been overweight, a very casual dresser, a nature lover. I’m all good with that – I’m happy with who I am. I play sax with a guy who is very smart, talented and good looking to boot. One day he told me I was looking sexy – that really made my day!!

    I try to give at least a small truthful compliment to everyone I meet – it’s an easy kindness – and everyone can use a bit of kindness in their life.

  177. Best compliment is a hard one! Mabye my dad telling me that I am super brave girl and that I never give my self enough credit when we were sailing on one hull almost tipping over and I was freaking out.

  178. I’ve been going down a bad spiral of self-doubt with increasingly negative feelings about myself as I am trying to finish my dissertation this summer. I wasn’t able to go to a conference to present my work because I’m behind in my chapter drafts, so my graduate advisor agreed to present on my behalf. He sent me an email afterwards to say that the presentation went really well, people were interested in my work, and that he hoped he was able to convey how creative and intelligent my research is. I can’t express how much his support means to me and it truly has helped motivate me to see my project through to the end.

  179. Back when I was in high school, my favorite English teacher said that he thought that my passion for the subject and positive attitude in the classroom would make me a great teacher someday (my dream career at the time). Even though I ended up pursuing something different, it still felt so lovely to be recognized in that way by someone I truly respected and looked up to.

  180. Someone I barely knew had eaten a meal I made and told me I was extremely talented and should start a business with my cooking and baking. Made my year!

  181. Best compliment? When someone really liked a super gross soup that I made. I’ve had my eye on that weekender bag AND the nail polish for a while!

  182. Last week I had a work colleague tell me how much he enjoyed working with me. My industry can be a little cut throat/machismo at times so it was nice to hear something good for a change.

  183. I was shopping with my toddler and trying to explain why I could touch glassware and she couldn’t. I was stopped by a stranger in a store and she just wanted to tell me that I was doing a great job as a mom. As a mom with littles, I am used to unkind glances full of judgement and unsolicited parenting advice. Made my day to be told that I was doing something well.

  184. Best compliment I ever received was probably how polite and well behaved my kids are. Hopefully that means I’m doing something right and not screwing them up entirely!!

  185. My three year old told me I looked like a princess when he saw me dressed for a wedding I was in. I melted.

  186. I am a medical resident and we work long hours in a stressful environment so when one of my coworkers told me that seeing me makes his day, it felt really good!

  187. As a brand new intern learning the ropes of how to be a good doctor, I spent 2 weeks working closely with a patient after she had been taken to the OR twice, once after a complication from surgery.

    On her last day as she was wheeled out of her room, she stopped, gave me a hug and said,

    “You’re the best doctor I’ve ever had and I’ll never forget you.”

    24 years of education and 80 hour work weeks are worth it.

  188. I love this giveaway, and I can enter, even from Finland. My teenage son told me a while ago that he’s glad I’m his mom and I’m the best mom that he could ever have had. My heart melted…

  189. After thirty years, an old employee found me on Facebook and wanted to tell me how I had mentored her into a successful business woman. I am still smiling!

  190. A surprising compliment I received was that I had very nice elegant hands (whilst shopping for engagement rings!). Thanks for the contest and have a great day!

  191. The best compliment I ever received was from toddler in a checkout line ahead of me at the grocery store. He must have been just learning to speak because he kept pointing to things and saying what they were (candy,mom, etc). He pointed at me and said ‘pretty’ and it melted my heart!!

  192. My best compliment was when a usually quiet good friend told me I was fun to be around. (We were in the middle of doing a crossword puzzle in a pub.) The funny thing is he was the cool one and much more fun to hang out with by far.

  193. “You are so original and beautiful because you are different.”
    It is incredible how a few words can fill your heart and put a huge smile on your face, isn’t it? :-)

    I love your blog, Joy.
    Keep on enjoying life the way you do!

  194. Awesome giveaway! The best compliment I’ve received… Hrmm… Probably from my husband saying “you cook such nice food. Our family is so lucky to have you.” Giving the gift of a meal made at home with love is something I am happy I can do.

  195. My husband and I were in the Museum of Science in Chicago last week and a little girl, maybe 10, told me she liked my dress. I was so taken aback – we were there without kids (and ours are in college) and she was not the least bit shy about it. It totally made my day!

  196. Last Sunday, someone told me ‘so much beauty in you’ idk why it made me blush. Not like I’ve never been told I’m pretty, just the beauty in me means inward and out!

  197. This summer during the closing of a conference, my co-workers told me they found me wise and mature in my insights. This was particularly sweet since I am often told how young I look! They also didn’t know this, but wisdom is a character trait I have desired for years.

  198. One of the best compliments I have received was from my pop, who grew up poor, and worked so many hours per day when he was young that he only managed about 4 hours sleep per night. He was always doing physically laborious jobs, and didn’t have the chance to learn to read or write. I was completing my Honours year at uni while working and living in a city a few hours away from my family. He told me that I was a hard worker. It seems silly that that is the compliment that comes to mind, but was the hardest worker I’ve known, so it really stuck with me.

  199. Nice giveaway, Joy! Thanks for doing it!

    Yesterday I went to the salon and got my hair cut & colored for the first time in forever. I stopped by the mall on the way home, and as soon as I got there a woman stopped to tell me how beautiful my hair was. It definitely took some of the sting out of spending $130 on my hair. Bonus points to my husband for noticing that shiz right away too!

    Sincere compliments, given & received, are the actual best!

  200. When my son was not quite two, he got into a cuddly mood and told me I was beautiful. Best compliment to date :)

  201. A random stranger in downtown once told me that my smile will take me far in life. It made my smile even bigger.

  202. Once someone told me I was one of the funniest people they knew. That made me so happy because laughter is so important and laughing with friends just makes the world seem so much better.

  203. A friend told me I was the best person for a good book recommendation… as an avid reader this was a great compliment!

  204. Awesome giveaway! Thanks for sharing your favorite things Joy!

    The best compliment I ever received went something like this; “How are you always so calm? How do you do it? You have so much going on and you are just so calm and on top of things.”


  205. Someone told me recently that I’m very open. That made me feel good because it’s something I strive to be.

  206. So many goodies Joy! I think the best compliment I’ve ever received was while sitting on thr couch on a lazy Sunday afternoon (read: yoga pants, no make up, hair a shambles) and my boyfriend turning to me and saying… “You’re really pretty.” :)

  207. The best compliment I ever got was after someone saw my taiko group perform. She came up and said “You just make me want to DO more”. I loved that we made her inspired.

  208. I love it when strangers compliment my nail polish color out of the blue. Somehow these compliments always seem to come at times when I’m stuck in my head and stressed out. These simple, kind words get me to de-stress and notice the beautiful world around me. So now I try to compliment strangers’ nail polish, just in case they could use a little reminder to stop and smell the roses….or at least admire how the roses match their nail polish.

  209. Best compliment I received was from a VP at work that I really respected: “The way you carry yourself instills confidence in others.” Considering I practice the “fake it ’til you make it” brand of confidence, it meant so much to me to hear that, especially coming from someone I looked up to. I remind myself of that compliment whenever I’m feeling insecure and need a pick-me-up.

  210. I was 28 when I decided to go back to school and finish my undergraduate degree. I was all sorts of emotions.. Nervous, scared, excited and anxious. More so, could I do it? I was surrounded by kids who were faster thinkers than me, smarter than me, and much more willing and able. I remember I had to take a public speaking class which terrified the heck of me. I was always that shy girl in the back that knew all the answers but so scared to raise her hand. I prayed so much on the first day to please let me make it out of this class alive..without passing out. I practiced religiously for my presentations. I had family and friends as my audience. I would record my presentations over and over and review them. I looked through YouTube and read books on becoming a better speaker. I did everything. I did get an A in that class. But I walked away with something even better. Our professor asked each student to stand up and share what they’ve learned or anything they would like to say. A girl who I never spoke to, stood up, and thanked me. She said I showed her what confidence looks like, how I truly looked comfortable, and found ways to engage the audience. She shared that she took notes during my presentations for things she could work on for her own presentations. I was speechless. Never in my wildest dreams I thought someone would compliment me on my public speaking abilities. I hope my story touches someone to face your fears and conquer them. Rawr. :)

  211. I’m tied between the vain and the not so vain…I’m flattered by a kind compliment from a stranger, one night when I was at a bar celebrating a friend’s bachelorette party. (Going out is a very rare occurrence for me, and I appreciate him saying it to me. It made me feel good for days.) The not so vain was from a friend and co-worker, who expressed confidence in me and said “people listen to you”. Now I don’t think this is true, but I very much appreciate his sentiments and him expressing this to me, and come Monday, I am going to try to carry the confidence he has in me into work. Thanks for the chance to win! You have fantastic style and I’d love to curl up with any/all of your giveaway items, most especially that beautiful weekender bag!

  212. The best compliment I’ve ever received was that I was “a fascinating and interesting person”. This was from someone I greatly respect so for them to actually see ME was so encouraging.

  213. I was recently told that I missed my decade….that I could’ve been a pinup. Oh, & I have a gorgeous smile!

  214. One time my boss (a chef) screamed on my behalf… “SHE DOESN’T MAKE MISTAKES!!!” That was the best compliment I have ever received.

  215. This may not be the best compliment I’ve ever received but it was the most memorable. It was a really hot day and I had a long day ahead of me and as I was walking to work I hear coming from inside a parked car “good morning, Ms. Pretty”. I didn’t even turn around to see who it came from but it made me smile and lightened the rest I my day. It was a welcome (and surprising) change from the typical sidewalk commentary and catcalls.

  216. Thanks for your wonderful Blog. I got a lot of compliment after baking from your recipes…..
    And my best compliment was that my daughter told me that it is so good that she have a mum like me…..
    Kind regards and a lot of compliments from Nürnberg , Germany

  217. The other day, someone said I have good posture. What! No, I don’t but I like to think maybe I do (I am tall so I tend to slump over).

  218. The best compliment I have received thus far is to be told that a small thing I’ve done has had a great impact. Tiny gestures of kindness/thoughtfulness can go far.

  219. I think the best thing someone has told me was that I cared about them as a person and wasn’t just working for a paycheck. It really felt nice to hear it from someone without an agenda! Great giveaway!

  220. The best compliment is when I woke up one day feeling crappy about my hair, my dark circles .. Etc and just then my 3 year old daughter looks at me and says ‘mommy you look really pretty’ :))

  221. One time this girl I was tutoring told me that it was incredibly sexy that a young woman like me was so good at math. Made me feel great — I love showing other girls that you can be badass at math and science! Let’s rule the world, ladies!

  222. The best compliment I have received was this year from my 4 year old son who told me that I was Beautiful! Out of the blue, he walked up to me & said “Mom, you are Beautiful!” This mama melted right there on the spot! It still brings a smile to my face when I think of it! :)

  223. I once helped out my brother-in-law study for a test, and my niece asked my sister why I was helping him, so she told her I was one of the smartest people she knew. My niece then proceeded to go about shouting “My aunt is smart, my aunt is smart!”. So it’s kind of a double compliment, from both my sister and my niece :-)

  224. What a great combo of stuff! The best compliment I’ve ever received was a friend telling me she loves my laugh.

  225. I teach English abroad. I had a student who was terribly shy and petrified to speak English aloud, even though his written English was at a native speaker’s level. I took his reluctance to speak as a sign that he didn’t like me or my lessons. One day he skipped class and sent this note to make up for it Totally brightened my day and gave me a big laugh!

  226. Love your blog Joy! Its a wonderful topic for a giveaway, too… I happen to love giving compliments to people and am always looking for ways to make people smile. The smiles on my students’ faces when I point out their beautiful handwriting or their cool new shoes is priceless – it makes my day too!! Best compliment I’ve gotten: “You are perfect just the way you are.” I was recently told this by someone I truly look up to and respect was reminded that I need to learn to believe in myself as much as others do : -)

  227. After teaching my first ever yoga class one student came up to me and complimented my teaching style, she said i explained things in a way that meant she finally understood how to do a couple of postures for the first time ever – and she had been coming to yoga for 5 years by that point – this absolutely made my day as i had stuttered, stammered and fumbled my way through the hour damn near having a panic attack the whole time (so much for yogic calm!) and was convinced everyone thought i was a gibbering idiot!!

  228. I’m constantly being told that I seem older than I am. Most of the time I take it as an insult, but recently I went through the whole, “Actually, I’m 23.” routine with a lady I work with, and got the usual, “But you seem so much older than that!” response, except this time she said it’s because I carry myself so well. I’m going to pretend that’s what everyone says from now on.

  229. The best compliment I ever received: a friend of my mothers had a son who had a crush on me in high school. When he realized I didn’t like him he was devastated and his mom told him “don’t worry Mike, you just have to be the kind a of guy that a girl like her would fall in love with, and one day you’ll meet someone.” I’ll never forget that even though it was years ago. That someone thought so highly of me still makes me blush!

  230. I’m cheating and leaving two I’ve gotten recently. 1) I’ve been in a new position in my job lately, which puts me in a supervisory (is that a word) position, which is not my comfort zone. A co-worker I don’t know very well told me out of the blue I was doing a great job. 2) I cut my hair into a pixie cut a few months ago and randomly at a basketball tournament a man (in a non-creepy way) told me my haircut was great.

  231. Love you, Joy. My favorite compliment is from my daughter, “mommy, you’re the best mommy and the best cook in the world.””

  232. Best compliment I have ever received is from my 30 yr old daughter who told me I am an amazing mom… hey it doesn’t get any better than that :)

  233. A random stranger stopped me as I was walking past and said, “you are the most beautiful woman.” No subtext, no expectations. I was embarrassed, but felt beautiful and empowered. 10 years later I still remember the situation and how it made me feel so vividly.

  234. The best compliment I ever received was from a business communications professor of mine, on th last day of class who told me that I would do well because I was a “smart cookie.” For some reason it made me feel super elated and I when I told my flatmate about it later she was like, “I mean, of all the cookies you could be, that’s not a bad one!” And that made me feel doubly complimented :P

  235. One of the best compliments I have received is that my identity is not intrinsically wrapped up in my children. I love them dearly but I also think it is important to remember who you are as an individual and what your passions are apart from motherhood. So when someone meets me and says, “Wow, you’re a mom!!?”, I take it as a compliment!

  236. I teach Special Ed and had a pair of brothers for many years each in my Resource program. Never a single gift or thank you from mom over the years despite our team putting a lot of time and effort into the boys. When the older one finished fifth grade, he brought me a single carnation as a thank you on the last day of school. I know it was all him going to the effort and it totally made me cry without him saying a single word. Moments like that make all the other crap worthwhile!

  237. What good stuff that you’ve put together to giveaway!

    My most “cherished” compliment was at a summer camp when I was 12. There were all these girls who kept talking after lights out. So the counselors decided enough was enough and we would ALL have to get out of bed and go outside and run until they decided we could go back to bed. Every night it was the same chatty cathies and every night we all had to run. One night, we ran, went back to bed, and then had to get up and run again because they started their talking again. So…The next night, I heard them across the gym where we were all sleeping snd I absolutely did NOT want to run again. I sat up and hollered across the gym that we had dobe enough running and that enough was enough and they just needed to be quiet and sleep. I had no idea, but at that exact moment, one of the male leaders had just come into the gym to let is know it was time to run. They were quiet after that. The next day, he to,d me that he came in. I thought I was going to be in trouble for being loud and “mean”, but he said he was surprised to hear me taking care of it and that that boldness was a good thing.

    I haven’t told anyone to put a cork in it since…but, I protected my sleep and stood up to those girls and it was just nice to know that I am capable of standing up and leading even a group of chatty girls!

  238. Tonight we were at dinner for my fiance’s birthday. We’re getting married in four weeks and just picked out our wedding bands today. A stranger who mistook my fiance for someone else sent over a note with a birthday dessert that said “Happy birthday! You two make a very beautiful couple!” It was so random but the perfect thing for someone to say today.

  239. I was told by an elderly patient that I look like Linda Carter, every time I see him he calls me his wonder women.

  240. Once about 15 years ago when I was walking down the street a woman yelled “Oh my Gaw, it’s Jooolia!” and then when she got a better look, explained that she’d thought I was Julia Roberts. She may have been mentally ill, but it put a little spring in my step the rest of the day!

  241. The best compliment I’ve received was when my best friend said I was a very comforting person who makes her feel special

  242. this is an awesome giveaway! love your blog! best compliment was when a beloved mentor told me how proud he was of me.

  243. Love your blog….seriously….I want to make all of your recipes.

    My favorite compliment is when someone told me that I’m a great Mom. I love my kiddos.

  244. Back when I was in high school, my principal stopped me in the hall one day and told me that my smile always brightened her day. It was the first time I realized what a simple smile can do for others.

  245. When I was about seven I was talk-talking and my step aunt told me I was very observant. I was all yeah I Am observant! And since then I’ve always thought of myself as an observant person. ;)

  246. My daughter told me I was her favorite mamma ever…she’s 4 and I’m the only one she’s got but it still made my heart swell…love your blog, keep up the great work and keep being funny I love it!

  247. best compliment? Hard to say but being guessed for 10-15 years younger by much younger co-workers always makes me happy.

  248. Best compliment I can remember was someone telling me I was really brave and adventurous, two words I would have never used to describe myself. It made me happy, and reevaluate how I saw myself.

  249. My neighbor told me I was just like my daughter after I told her how my neurotic self needed to be able to hear if a burglar broke into her home while I was watching her kiddos. Best compliment ever! My 4 year old is hilarious, slightly neurotic, and sets me straight whenever I do and don’t need it!

  250. I have a colleague who often tells me I have the best sneezes. I assume for entertainment value, though I’m wise enough not to ask. It’s a funny compliment – it makes me smile. Achoo!

  251. the best compliment I ever received was recently when a friend told me I made mothering look effortless.. I hardly feel that way so it was very well received ;)

  252. Love your good. Love your blog. Love the giveaways. Love that you want us to make someone else feel good by a compliment.

    One of my favorite compliments is “your eyes are beautiful and exotic”-no matter how my body changes from pregnancy and age I can always rely on my eyes at their best :)

    I’ll make sure to pass this compliment along


  253. I would say for Christmas last year, I received canning jars from a coworker. It was a huge compliment since I give jams/jellies out for Christmas, and they recognized me for my canning talent :)

  254. A friend texted me not too long ago asking for advice. Her reasoning for asking me was because she looked up to me as a “strong willed woman, who doesnt take shit or get down on herself and keeps a brave face even in rough situations.” I was so taken back by this and overwhelmed with emotion that someone thought of me in such a strong positive manner. Will never forget it, forever grateful for her kind words.

  255. One of the most memorable compliments I received, just after I split from my ex, my best friend said that “he was always punching way above his weight with [me]”.
    I feel I can now offer the same compliment to my little sister who’s going through a pretty tough break up to help her focus on herself and what’s ahead for her (and her ex was most certainly punching above his weight….though I didn’t say it whilst they were together).

  256. I have gotten several compliments of people calling me a china doll because I have fair and clear skin, I always love that one!

  257. I was at a farmers market and order a funnel cake with my 15 year old son and the lady said, tell your sister her funnel cake is ready. That made my day!

  258. Someone once told me that I had a nose that a rockstar would be jealous of. I don’t even know what that means, but I loved it and have adored my nose ever since :)

  259. A guy in my music class told me that I looked cute when I played the piano. On the outside I was like ‘aw thanks ?’ and on the inside I was like ‘asdfghjkl!’

  260. A friend told me recently that she could tell I was a good mom. My son is just 8 months old and I still feel like an amateur, so this was really encouraging.

  261. I just came from my very best friend’s bridal shower, which is perhaps why this memory came to mind. When applying to college (ten years ago), one university gave students the option to submit a personal letter of recommendation. My best friend wrote that letter on my behalf. The last line ended with, “you will benefit greatly from her presence; I know I certainly do.” I still have the stained, worn paper copy.

  262. Someone once told me that I have two types of smiles: a genuine one and a truly genuine one. Not only did it make my day, but it kind of astounded me that some people took the time and was thoughtful enough to make such observations about me and the world around them.

  263. A sweet employee at my fav snowball stand (Pandora’s) said that I have a pretty smile! I reciprocated, stating that she, too, has a pretty smile! I think she gives me extra syrup now!! Lol. Even though it is blazing hot – hope you are lovin New Orleans Joy! I’m a NOLA girl though and through!!

  264. I have a spinal cord tumour and had very aggressive surgery to remove it that was unsuccessful, leaving me physically unable to walk. My neurosurgeon had never had the best bedside manner and had told my parents that the tumour would kill me. After 12 months of rehab to be able to walk alone (alongside chemo, radiation and an experimental treatment that I still do) I was finally able to walk unaided. Last year (almost 3 years on), I found out that the dr tells everyone that I am his ‘miracle patient’ which just made me feel so amazing and proud of what I had done, especially as I didn’t think he’d liked or cared about me that much!

  265. I recently got certified to teach yoga and an old friend came to one of my first classes. At the end, she told me if she didn’t know I was new, she would have never guessed it. It made me feel really great!

  266. My best compliment that I ever get is positive words about my 4 children – ages 26 to 11. Nothing makes a Mom feel better!

  267. best comment…probably when i had been in a rush to get out the door and was trying to be hopeful that i looked okay. Then my friend told me i looked better like that.

  268. A friend who was going through some tough times told me I was a great listener – I was helpless to improve her situation, but was glad I was able to provide some support to her in some way.

  269. best compliment I ever received was in a course evaluation from a student: “THIS is a learning environment”. Hope I can keep that up every semester!

  270. Since I am 14, (middle school is thankfully over) people do not recieve many compliments. Middle School years are, to say the least, not your best time. One compliment I remember getting was from a friend saying that she loved my smile and every time i smiled it made her smile too.

    btw I love your blog!

  271. My favorite type of compliment is ‘thank you, that was so nice of you’
    I love acknowledgement that they noticed I’ve done something, makes me want to do it again.
    Thank YOU for a good, old fashioned blog giveaway. I never enter the ones requiring following or, worse yet, Facebook.

  272. The best compliment I received was from my student this past year. I was working with her for months trying to help her with math and her confidence in herself (both go hand in hand). We finally had a breakthrough and she was able to do her math without becoming upset or burst out crying. Before school ended in June I began a math course to complete my university degree. I shared with the class that I was very nervous. Without a beat this student said, “Miss A… you tell me all the time that if you work hard and try your best, you’ll get it. You will do your best! I believe in you, you can do it!” That was the best compliment ever and it helped me get through this course. Joy comes in many packages.

  273. I was once having a mini meltdown about my weight and my husband put a post-it on my mirror that said, “You’re the perfect size for me!” Totally made my day.

  274. My favorite compliment was that I give great advice because I really listen and understand people. Love your blog!

  275. I was once told that I am one of the most trustworthy people said person knows…which felt like EVERYTHING to me that day.

  276. Best compliment, “you’re so smart” which I’m not but it was fun to hear and it made me feel like I might be a little smart some of the time.

  277. The best compliment that I have ever received was being told that I always send someone the perfect word or encouragement every time that they need it.

  278. I received an incredibly sweet note from a former RA that I keep on my wall. She ended her lovely note by saying that I was a wonderful role model :]

    (Great contest, by the way! Very touching.)

  279. So I totally love this!
    I work at a medical clinic at the front desk, I recently had a patient tell me she wished she could call when she was having a bad day, just to hear me answer the phone, she said she could hear me smiling on the other end, and it always cheered her up! I was overwhelmed by this, I really try hard to be happy and cheerful even when my day is not going as planned, or when my body doesn’t like me. I was nice to be recognized for something I have been doing forever, and that it really matters to some one else! I told her to call anytime she needed a little pick me up, and she has!

  280. My husband and I walk/run before work quite often. I throw on workout clothes, tie back my hair, and off we go. One morning a woman was walking in the opposite direction as us and told me that she loved my long hair. It seems silly, but when I’m dressed in workout clothes and manage to get a compliment, it feels great! :)

  281. HI JOY! Your ’21 pieces of advice’ is taped on my fridge and I look at every morning and its still my absolute favorite thing you’ve written. (I’m 23 now but I discovered that post when I was 21)

  282. A coworker told me this week that if he were ever in prison in a developing country, seeing my smiling face during a consular visit would cheer him right up. I don’t expect him to ever be in prison, but it was really a special compliment that made me feel great.

  283. I SO appreciate your blog. It’s really a blessing to me to hear your life. Thanks for being so open with us!! :)

    My best compliment was hearing that I was fitting in with my boyfriend’s family very easily. We are dating long distance and he is Indian and I’m not. :) It has been challenging but hearing him and his friends compliments about fitting in well with the family and culture is so encouraging!

  284. about 6 months after moving from NJ to SoCal, back in the 70’s and fresh outta high school, a guy leaned out of a speeding sports car to christen me with what I guess was his highest praise: “California Woman!!!”…it boosted my confidence, made my day, and (obviously) has never been forgotten by this gal who desperately wanted to erase her past from her present!

  285. A friend once told me I was unbelievably strong (emotionally speaking). It caught me by surprise (in a good way) and I often remember her earnest comment during moments of insecurity.

  286. Long after I gave up singing “seriously”, being told by a musician that I have a beautiful singing voice

  287. I don’t know if this was the *best* compliment I ever received, but when I went to get my belly button pierced, the guy who did it said, “You have a perfect belly button for piercing!” Certainly an original one.

  288. At my mother’s funeral, a friend of hers said to me ” you treated your mother the way all daughters should treat their mothers”. I don’t think I will ever forget that.

  289. The best complaint I have ever received is that I am a good listener and I am trustworthy enough to keep someone’s deepest, darkest secrets.

  290. One of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten was when my brother told me that I was his best friend. Thanks for the giveaway, Joy!

  291. My boss wrote a bio for me on our business website and said my best quality was my integrity. It meant so much to me.

  292. That’s a tough one, but I get I have beautiful eyes a lot, even though the most impt one was when my husband told me it!

  293. Wow, this is hard! I tend to disbelieve compliments or assume there is an ulterior motive. I was told that my Facebook posts are incredibly insightful and entertaining.

  294. Hmm best compliment? Maybe when someone told me I was extremely competent and wise beyond my years. With my age being only a teenager, it felt great.

  295. When I was about 19 or 20 I had a girlfriend who everyone thought was gorgeous. I felt like the ugly duckling next to her! So one day at a party this lady comes up to us and tells me, “Sorry, I just had to tell you, you are so beautiful! I had to walk across the room to tell you that!” I was shocked! At first I thought she was talking to my friend but it was me she was talking to. It was so nice to hear, to be reminded that I too was beautiful. That was a nice compliment.

  296. From a new neighbor, “You have such a nice, familiar voice. You must be a great singer!” I’ve always wished to have a beautiful voice, but I’m completely tone-deaf. It was nice that someone had some confidence in me though.

  297. Joy, this giveaway looks amazing! As for the compliment: I was told by a colleague once that I come across as really genuine. It meant a lot to me because sometimes I feel like I really have no idea what I’m doing and I’m just pretending (fake it ’til you make it, right?) and it’s hard to just be myself at work!

  298. The best compliment I’ve gotten was definitely when my cooperating teacher told me that his choir program was better from me being there and working and growing with them.

  299. Great giveaway! The best compliment–I ran into my son’s second grade teacher and she told me she was trying to be as good a mother to her new baby as I was to my son.

  300. Why are compliments so hard to receive!? But, if someone thinks I’m funny, that feels like a huge compliment!

  301. Best compliments….i am told that i am honest, which was interesting because i never thought of myself that way haha. Great giveaway!

  302. A coworker recently told me that we need more people who smile as much as I do. “You’re a little ray of sunshine”…

  303. After a long night in the emergency waiting room, a stranger who had been there as long as I had got up to leave after they were called back. “You, young lady, have the most infectious laugh. You should come here more often.”

  304. A friend told me recently that I was glowing. This was a great compliment since physically I’ve been feeling pretty gross! Thanks for the great giveaway:)

  305. A coworker once told me that I was the glue that kept us all together and that it was boring when I wasn’t there. He was so sincere when he said it and other coworkers starting agreeing with him. I had no idea. It’s nice to feel liked. :)

  306. My doctor said that I was a good person who puts a lot of effort into her recovery, and that I didn’t deserve all the bad stuff that has happened to me. I just about cried!

  307. I read to young children as part of my job. Last week, a little girl came up to me and said “I love you. Would you come to my house to play?” Awesome compliment!

  308. The best compliment I ever received: I asked one of my best friends one day what he thought of me the first time we met. He said he found me “a bit mysterious, gorgeous, and very interesting.” It put the biggest smile on my face.

    This is an amazing giveaway! And you are a phenomenally amazing person :)

  309. When my 20 year old son told me that he is so happy that he can talk to me about anything. When today I hear so much about kids and parents not communicating, this made my week and I reflect on it when I am trying to communicate with my 10 and 6 year old sons.

  310. Best compliment ever was a simple yet powerful one…”you are smart and radiant and can do anything you set your mind to”

  311. At a time when I don’t feel that I am at my best, my boyfriend told me that he loves me just they way I am…hard to take in and also such a beautiful gift.

  312. Hmmm. I am a librarian. When I had an internship I was on the reference desk with an older librarian. After watching an interaction I had he told me I was approachable, kind, and going to be a great librarian.

  313. A good friend of mine once told me that she envied me because I possessed so much confidence – I had never thought that about myself, so it was really lovely to realize that someone whom I admired, actually thought that about me. It certainly made my day!

  314. “Can I have your recipe?”

    That was the best thing I have ever heard. I am a terrible cook and come from a line of bad cookers. When I winged a pesto pasta recipe for a new mom, I was nervous. But she liked it! I could have floated away after that!

  315. When I started a veggie garden, my Dad would brag up and down the neighborhood about my green thumb. I loved when he and my Mom had the very first tomato with jalapenos (also homegrown) in a taco salad. The silence as they devoured every last scrap was the best compliment.

  316. The best compliment I’ve ever received was being told I am a great friend, and that few things compare to the warmth of my heart. So encouraging, and made me feel so full to know I can bring happiness to others the same way they do for me.

    Thanks for the giveaway, Joy!

  317. Best compliment I ever received was when I was dancing at a bar and a CIRCLE of girls actually started copying my dance moves. In a positive way.
    And whenever my baby sister says I am pretty.

  318. How kind of you to share that, just a simple sincere comment to someone often gets that comment back, kindness begets kindness.

    My dear, it’s your first dog days of August in New Orleans, find a pool, seek a breeze or hydrate and move slowly. Seersucker or less for clothing and get yourself to discount matinees at movie theaters. Go to bed later, sleep in, it’s not lazy, makes sense. Hang in there October is coming.

  319. One of my favorite compliments was when someone simply said I have a great smile. Personally I don’t like my smile, but I was having a good day and I think I had some big, goofy smile on my face. Ever since, I’ve thought that maybe it can be someone’s joy that you see in their smile and that’s what matters, more than how it looks.

  320. Best comment ever, eh? I suppose that would have to be the time one of my professors told me I was the best writer he had ever had the pleasure of marking. Very gratifying moment, that.

  321. When I first saw the picture of the BarkThins I thought they were dog treats! Haha. The best compliment I’ve gotten, that I can think of, was when my instructor in nursing school (and our assistant Dean!) pulled me aside in clinicals and said, “I just wanted to let you know, I’m very glad to have you in my group, because I never have to worry about you because I know you are safe and know what you’re doing, and I know you will make a great nurse.” This coming from the instructor with the reputation of chewing people out. She was scary! Was. Until that day! :)

  322. Best compliment ever, it isn’t about the outside. That I had a gentle heart & a giving spirit. The ability to nurture & tend to those in my world.
    Simply be kind.

  323. A little old lady once told me in a library that she had been watching me for weeks and liked my personality. We had never spoken before this. Made my day week year decade.

  324. Best compliment….I was out to dinner at a restaurant with only my son and daughter (5 and 1 at the time). We had a great time – lots of snuggling involved – and as we were leaving a young woman – probably about 25 – stopped me and said – you are an amazing mom – I hope some day I have that kind of relationship with my kids. It felt so amazing and still makes me tear up.

  325. During my last year of high school, quite a few of the girls in my year were studying for the test to determine whether they could study medicine in university or not. And while they were testing each other one of them who I thought didn’t particularly like me very much, said “I think Maddie would make a good doctor, she has the type of face I could tell anything to”. Although I don’t study medicine it still makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when I think about it.

  326. One of my students told me, “I hope I grow up like you.” Pretty good, coming from a teenager to a 50 year old me!

  327. I am a photography student and a woman once told me that in my photographs I captured her son (who has down syndrome) as the gorgeous, playful little boy he his with his personality shining through, rather than photos she had previously had taken where you could not see past the down syndrome. This was a huge compliment for me as my passion is to capture peoples personalities and see past the front they often put up in front of the camera.

  328. I don’t get compliments. No… don’t know… that my hair looks more voluminous? Or that I make nice presents? O and when I was in scool a classmate told me that she never thought I could be so funny, because I was always very calm. That was nice :)

  329. This past holiday season, one of my coworkers, whose general lack of warmth can be off-putting, gave me a gift she said was picked out especially for me. I opened it and saw it was a set of spices (since I like to cook) with a box, magnet, and towel that said “you are kind.”

  330. It wasn’t really a verbal compliment. My husband (bf at the time) going to the sink and scraping out the last bit of hollandaise from the bowl when I made him Eggs Benedict for the first time.

  331. Best compliment ever, being told I was a graceful swimmer! I have never considered myself to be a good swimmer and it pretty much made my summer!

  332. A mother of a piano student, whom her 5 kids have taken a variety of music lessons from a variety of teachers, telling me I was one of the best teachers they’ve had.

  333. The best compliment I’ve ever received was when a friend said she would always come to me for advice or to talk something out because she appreciated that I really listened. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity, and I’m very sorry no one told you about August in New Orleans!! July tricks you into thinking that’s as hot as it gets. It’s not. August is. Just keep reminding yourself that you have beautiful October to look forward to!

  334. Someone told me that they felt like they were really being listened to when we talk. It was awesome to be seen as such a source of comfort!

  335. What a sweet giveaway to your readers. So nice of you! I think the nicest compliment I’ve received was a woman I know just recently told me “I was a really nice girl who is more mature than my age.” It was incredibly sweet of her and surprised me because it came out of nowhere when I went into her shop for some postcards the other day.

  336. As a teacher anytime a patent tells me I made a difference in their child’s view of school I consider it the ultimate compliment. It helps me push though the hard days of teaching.

  337. The best compliment I’ve received is when someone told me it looks like motherhood came naturally to me and I was doing a great job taking care of my 3month old.

  338. I’m a teacher–so any compliment I receive from a student is truly a blessing; however, I was once told by a former student that “without my help, [he] wouldn’t have graduated.” Best. Compliment. Ever.

  339. best compliment ever: “You made me think about this book in a way I never thought of before!” – I am an English tutor

  340. the biggest compliment was being recognised at my work. it’s only a student job but out of the 60 people that worked there they choose me as the hardest worker. In a group of young people it’s very easy to feel very self conscious, but they really made my day.

  341. Love the posts and the give away!! Best compliment ever- I have been told that my smile lights up a room. :)

  342. Wow! Amazing giveaway! A little girl I used to babysit irks me I made the best grilled cheese ever. Just cheese toast but a nice reminder how simple, unexpected compliments can turn your day around and make you feel loved.

  343. Just discovered your blog and I absolutely adore it! Best compliment I’ve receieved is a friend telling me I light up the room with my smile and laughter.. And because I read it in writing it made me blush and smile bashedly in my room :) But yeah that made my heart swell and gave me all sorts of self confidence!

  344. Someone told me I looked fantastic…a week after having my baby, when I definitely did not feel like I looked good at all!

  345. A co-worker told me I was awesome because I respond to her emails so fast and help her solve her issues.
    Joy, your blog is the first one I started following! I’m moving to Louisiana early next year and can’t wait to try some of the places you have mentioned in New Orleans.

  346. At an old office job I was told that I make every one of my customers feel like they’re my only customer. So simple, but very flattering!

  347. First, I love this challenge because I’m now trying to think back to all the compliments I’ve gotten that have moved me in some way! It would be good practice to do this every morning before starting the day…

    The one that’s sticking with me most now is a compliment I got from my thesis advisor last summer. This requires a bit of explanation: I’m a PhD student, and I am a major achievement junkie – straight A’s my whole life, star student, that whole thing. My advisor is the most beloved professor at my school for good reason. He is super approachable, genuinely wants to help students, but soooo smart and accomplished it’s outrageous. Bottom line: he’s a rockstar, and he’s the best mentor I’ve ever had.

    So, last year, when I epically messed up the first part of my comprehensive exam (which you have to pass to be able to your PhD research…or else they kick you out) he said to me: “You know, you remind me a lot of myself. I’ve been in your shoes before, believe me, and you are going to be just fine. You can do this, and you will do this.” And then I passed the rest of my exam two weeks later.

  348. This is a back to school pack I can get behind! And oh boy, best compliment. I was trying to figure out what to do when I was in France last fall and my plans had gone down the drain super fast. I was panicking over Skype with my best friend and she finally just cut in and went, “Just shut up. You’re going to figure it out because you always do. You make things work.” Which might not sound like a compliment but idk, I like the sentiment. :)

  349. My boss told me that I am doing a great job. He said I’m successful because people like to be around me, I have an inviting personality, I can be trusted and they know that I will follow through. The end. Made me feel so valued. (My last boss referred to me as a “cheerleader” for the company -thumbs down.)

  350. Best compliment that I ever received was from my husband when I was away from home for work for a month: He told me that in my absence he was reminded of all the reasons why he married me and why he wouldn’t want a day without me in his life. :)

  351. Someone once told me on a date that I was the “best female drinker” he had ever met. Thanks man! I bet I am. Hence that corkscrew would come in especially handy. :) thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  352. I once told my husband-in-one week that I was glad that he didn’t mind that I didn’t shave. He replied “I’m glad you don’t mind that I don’t shave.” He has a huge beard. I don’t shave my legs. It was love.

  353. I was recently running around a park and got a high five from a complete stranger. A silent compliment, an internal “you go girl”, if you will (at least that’s how I took it). It was awesome. I’m working up the guts to pass it on. :)

  354. I always like compliments in the form of people devouring what I bake but a more “direct” compliment would be when I was told by my mother that my pecan pie beat her grandmother’s. Her grandmother’s pie is the golden pie of my family and for my mom to say that mine was better really made me a proud baker!

  355. Im unsure if my comment got posted. So please ignore this if it already did :)
    The best compliment I ever recieved was from a teacher telling me that she hoped that her daughter grew up to be like me, which was amazing to hear, since my parents didn’t have the capacity to pay me or my siblings any compliments

    Thank you, Joy for such a lovely give away :)

  356. The BEST compliment I received was yesterday when my friend Bob told me my daughter was my twin. Everyone else thinks she looks like her dad!

  357. Everything on here so lovely and I know even without winning I may have to snag up something, joy! The best compliment I have received is my mentor telling me that my hard work was paying off and if I continued at the rate I am musically I would go far. It meant the world after years of struggling!

  358. A dear, dear friend told me once that I was beautiful inside and out :) I was going through a pretty tough time, so that definitely made my day!

  359. Hi Joy! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
    One of the best compliment that I’ve received is “we couldn’t have done this without you.” It’s nice to feel that your efforts are appreciated and necessary!

  360. Was once talking to someone about gender roles/ norms in terms of history and fashion. Like in victorian times where, obviously, women wore dresses and men wore suits. That i’d rather be dressed like a dandy with the frilly ascot, and i was told, “You’d look really great in a 3-piece suit”.

    I’ve gone from tomboy-ish to nothing but dresses in the past two years. So this person had never seen me dress boyish. And i’ve never been in a suit… yet.

  361. I was told I have beautiful curly hair. Love the hair compliments. It always makes me feel like a million bucks.

  362. I’m embarrassed to admit this- but I love getting compliments on my engagement ring. I’ve always loved it and I think it is perfect. I can’t help but smile when another woman admires it as well :) When I first got engaged, my very stern male boss made me show him the ring- and he said it was beautiful too!

  363. A guy once said that I did not need to go to the gym, because I was perfect already. Definitely motivation to go in

  364. That my dog is a pleasure to have around (even in the middle of a crazy reno) bc he has been well behaved and easy going. Its a huge compliment bc his actions reflect on me as an owner, and believe me, he is spoiled to death!

  365. What a great giveaway from an amazing blog…Best compliment that I’ve received was from someone who knew my mom, who died when I was a teenage,”You have your mother’s heart and spirit.”

  366. Someone recently wrote that I was like a “bat outta hell.” I’m not sure he meant it as a compliment but that’s definitely how I took it!

  367. The best compliment I’ve gotten is anonymous course evaluations where students compliment my fashion sense, lol.

  368. When I was teaching high school a few years ago, I was having a bad day, with slightly dirty hair and wearing a shirt I didn’t like. That day, separate students complimented me on my hair and my shirt, totally changing my feeling about myself and brightening my day. I used that as an example a few months later, at a class retreat, when I organized an activity for the girls that required them to write notes complimenting one another anonymously. A random compliment can really make a difference for someone!

  369. A little girl told me she liked my hair. I told her I liked her dress. It was hot pink with zebras all over it. Rad, right? I told her I would like one in my size. Also, kid compliments are the best. (I work at a science museum so I regularly get hilarious and heartwarming interactions with kids.) (I also get interactions with exceptionally bratty kids too, but the good outweighs the bad.)

  370. the compliment that has really stuck with me over the years was from a co-worker. he told my boyfriend at the time (now my husband) that he had found a real “platinum catch”. my husband told me about it some time later. I like to remind him about it every once in a while ;)

  371. A friend once told me I was too weird to live and too rare to die. It was perfect for the awkward goth teenager that I was at the time????

  372. I feel sheepish about sharing a compliment I received but I dig your old-school give-away so I’m doing it. My husband, who is the opposite of sappy and emotional, told me that a piece I wrote made him teary-eyed. Now I’m going to go throw compliments around big time. Seems like an awesome thing to do on a sunny Saturday. While I’m at it…I seriously love the way you write and I’m amped when there’s a new post of yours to read.

  373. My manager told me how sweet i came across in the interview! That was good feedback and I never used to think am sweet before that!
    Great give away!! Good job!

  374. I really appreciate it when I’m told I’ve inspired my art students. They make me feel valued and loved.

  375. Best compliment I’ve ever received? A teacher who I really admired told me I was a leader in my class. Her words were a great encouragement to me.

  376. A random stranger at the store said that my daughter was so sweet and well behaved. This was after a rather challenging day with her at home so it was wonderful to her that. :-)

  377. The best compliment I EVER received… was from a philosophy professor. He was asking me to take his class because of the way I contribute to a group and facilitate learning. I don’t think of how I occupy social space much. That was an incredible compliment, it changed me.

  378. Best compliment ever was how beautiful my eyes even if it is standard it was from the love of my life, before we started dating 11 years ago.

  379. During my first semester of college I was in a meeting with a professor I really admired to discuss an essay I was writing for her class. She asked me if I had considered becoming a writing major (I was undeclared at the time). I don’t remember my reply, but it was something like “that’s probably not a good idea because I clearly suck at this.” Her reply: “You have potential.”

    That may not sound like much of a compliment, but for a girl who had never imagined she had the potential to much of anything, much less write, it was unbelievable. Those three simple words made me feel like a champion, and helped me find my calling in life. Always let people know the good you see in them! They may have never heard it from anyone before.

  380. the best compliment I ever got was from my elementary school teacher, she used to say to me that I was smart, talented and creative, and I would go places. Not many people besides her said that to me…

  381. I was at the grocery store walking through the produce section when a woman stopped me to say the shade of the green shirt I was wearing looked really good on me. Nice!
    My ten year-old niece loves to walk up and compliment strangers on their shoes, jewelry, hair, whatever. She’s pretty awesome.
    What a generous giveaway. Stay cool yourself.

  382. The best compliment I’ve ever received is “You are always full of kindness.” Definitely something I strive for & to hear that from someone very special to me brought me so much happiness :)

  383. Thank you for this giveaway ! My favorite compliment was when a funny guy told me that I was funny. I am known to be the smart and serious one but I have always tried to be funny (like my grandfather who didn’t speak much but everyone would laugh when he did). So this compliment was the one that really pleased me ! Good luck everyone !

  384. I’m a grad student, and compliments can be hard to come by at school. After a long semester with multiple research projects, my advisor sent me an email and concluded it with “I’m lucky to have you,” which was wonderful to hear!

  385. The best compliment I have been given to me is that I remind people of my mother. I hear it quite often, and will never tire of hearing it! She is the most amazing woman.

  386. My absolute favorite compliment is when people tell me I have a beautiful smile. It just makes me feel super special!

  387. I was told once that I was “cool in the sense that I seemed like I had it all figured out,” which was a huge and undeserved compliment, seeming as I feel the opposite about 60% of the time. I appreciated it and never forgot it, though!

  388. I am a probation agent and one of my former clients told my sister I saved his life. He totally did it himself but the fact he shared his success with me ROCKED! And was very humbling.

  389. Over the past few months I’ve been really trying to work hard on being more active and eating healthier but the past couple weeks I’ve felt like I’ve slid back into old habits. This week an old colleague saw me and complimented me on how good I look with how much weight I’ve lost. It gave me the boost I needed =]

  390. someone once said “i have it.” she said nothing else, winked and me, and just said “you know, you’ve got it.” i still think about that, especially on my bad days.

  391. One of my kindergarteners said to me on the first day of school, “You are a special, fun teacher. You should have a big star on your shirt.”

  392. After telling a story to a friend at an outdoor organic beer fest in portland (so cool, right?) a stranger came up to me and said, “I just want to let you know, you have the best facial expressions. I feel like I was listening to you talk from 20 feet away.” And then he left. It was such an uncommon compliment that it is still my favorite!

  393. Two of my classmates told me one morning in class that they discussed how I would make a wonderful mom one day! : )

  394. great giveaway! missing you here over in LA, joy! please come visit again soon!

    best compliment i’ve ever gotten? probably someone telling me that my mom and i are so much alike, both physically and personality-wise. as cliche as it sounds, she’s my hero and always will be. everyday i aspire to be as strong, generous and kind as she is and hopefully someday i’ll get there :)

  395. I ran into a friend at the grocery and she told me that I looked very accomplished! I’d never received that compliment before but I loved it!

  396. In 3rd grade, my teacher wrote on my report card “michelle is always looking out for other kids, and is always quick to defend those who she feels are having trouble defending themselves”… I didn’t know this until I was 21 and requested my permanent record but it made my heart sing because I’ve lived my life that way, and my teacher could see my spirit, even then. Have a lovely day! :)

  397. Loot! What a haul!
    Best compliment, hmmm… Well, since I have a toddler and am trying to finish my dissertation, I don’t get nearly as much sleep as I need. So any time someone says I look well slept I give myself a silent high five, thank whatever trick of the light happened to be around at that point, then offer to help the person find their glasses.

  398. After my Dad passed recently my boss text me “I’m very sorry, he sounded like an incredible person, much like his daughter” It really meant a lot to me at the time

  399. The best compliment I ever received was the first time I met my then-boyfriend/now-husband’s great grandma and she told me that she loved my eyebrows. That may sound weird but, at the time, they were one of the things I was most self-conscious about. They are big and dark and I was wondering if I should be shaping them down to something more “stylish” to fit in more (I was 21 at the time). Her small compliment totally changed the way I looked at myself and helped me to embrace the things that make me unique. :)

  400. My favorite/best compliment in the world was someone that I didn’t know very well, but greatly adored telling others and then finally saying to me, “You have the greatest laugh in the entire world.” I think about it every single time I laugh and it makes me incredibly happy, even years later. :)

  401. That’s a tough one.. I don’t know about “best” but ones that took me off guard that were different (1) that if my handwriting was a computer font, they’d use it all the time and (2) that I look like a dancer!

  402. My mother told me at my wedding in her speech that she had never dreamed of the day her daughter would get married. Though she was proud I had chosen a kind and loving partner, she knew I was a capable woman who was complete on her own. Having a partner was a choice, not something I required. Best compliment ever. Thanks Joy for prompting me to remember that!

  403. I was told the other day I was a complete package -funny, kind, beautiful, (it completely took me by surprise)!

  404. Near last Christmas, when my boyfriend and I had been dating a few months, we were out in the snow when he trails off midsentence, looks in my eyes and says, “You have the most beautiful eyes. They’re almost amber.” My eyes are the brown color of mud. So. It’s been an ongoing thing that he still comments on and every time I think of standing in the snow. Best compliment ever.

  405. My little girl started carrying home-made lunch from this school yr on. She came back home one day to tell me her friends ask for her food and even like the ‘curd rice’ that i send her. curd rice is just yoghurt mixed with rice and salt and is just 1 of 3 different dishes she takes each day. how can this not be the greatest compliment and motivation for a working mum trying to get healthy tasty meals for her family :)

  406. It’s hard to narrow down a best, but it was sure meaningful to hear my mom describe me as her best friend the other day.

  407. One of my favorite college professors had one of her essays published in a book. When I asked her to sign my copy, she wrote, “I can’t wait until you are signing a book for me.” Not only was she one of my favorite professors, but she is also a journalist I highly admire. To have her say that meant the world to me.

  408. best compliment i’ve ever received was from my husband telling me that i’m beautiful without all the makeup and extra stuff.

  409. Oops, too busy thinking about chocolate and pretzels to remember the compliment. I’m growing my hair out to its natural color (which is gray/white these days) and I keep getting complimented on how nice my hair looks. This gives me the patience to stick with it because going from brown to gray seems like it is taking forever!!

  410. I just gave birth to my son 16 days ago, and since then, the best compliment I’ve ever received is “good job, mama” — from my OB, from the L&D nurses who assisted my birth, from my mom, from friends, from strangers, from my husband… Being a first time mama is such an emotional roller coaster, so this compliment really helps me!

  411. Every morning, either in person or in a text if we aren’t with each other, my amazing boyfriend always says “good morning beautiful”. Means that everyday I start the day with a smile on my face :)

  412. Sooo, all of these things look neat but what really want are the bark thins. Pretzels and chocolate are a match made in heaven. Also, I love back to school time, I get excited at the prospect of new pens :)

  413. A few friends and I were getting henna tattoos and I couldn’t decide where to get mine. One of my friends suggest the back of my shoulder because “I have great shoulders and a super strong back.” It was awesome!

  414. The best compliment I received was when someone at my new job said they would trust me to get the job done because I picked up on it so quickly! Made going to work that much better!

  415. 5 years ago, I received my first compliment in a hospital. i was waiting for my turn and there was an old man who was waiting with his daughter for her appointment, we got introduced and he looked at me and said *beautiful*
    now whenever i see strangers looking sad, I make sure to say something nice to brighten their day, just a little effort to make them feel seen.
    thank you Joy

  416. A few summers ago, I was walking with the BF & I was talking about how nice my legs looked & he never complemented me on them. A few blocks later a guy walks past & said I had nice legs. If some stranger can complement my legs, the BF can too!

  417. Best compliment I’ve received: “You look great! It looks like you’re doing really well.” I especially needed that since I felt like everything was chaos.

    Great giveaway and I love all refreshing drink posts! Cheers!

    I also love listening to you and Tracey on the podcasts!

  418. I was having a rough week and I’m not the one to share my problems with people. So I went to college just like nothing was wrong. No one knew a thing. I was busy taking notes and also trying to take my mind off for a while. Suddenly, a classmate of mine tapped my shoulder. I thought she must have some thing she needs help with because usually that’s the case. I turned around with a ‘what now?’ face. But she surprised me by saying ‘You are a very nice person’. I was so flattered especially because it was unexpexted but right on time when I needed it the most. The way she said it with a genuinely huge grin cheered me the most. And hence, it became a unforgettable moments.

  419. Whenever my husband gets dessert when we’re out at dinner, after the first bite, he says, “this is good, but not as good as your flourless chocolate cake!” and it gets me every time.

  420. my father, who spent his entire life in new york city, was the biggest foodie i’ve ever known. he had us gnawing on ethiopian sponge bread before we’d figured out how to smear our mashed peas across the kitchen walls!

    so you can imagine my shock and awe when, during a meal at a small place downtown supposedly famous for its guacamole — which he’d crowed over several times before — he took one bite and shrugged. “yours is better,” he pronounced matter-of-factly. just like that. i will never forget that!

  421. My dad once said he’s most proud that i am a peaceful person. i tend not to get angry or spiteful, even in moments of stress. this compliment came about on a father-daughter trip to spain, after we were pick-pocketed and left stranded without cash or credit cards. i think i was just too shocked to panic :)

  422. One of the nicest compliments that I’ve gotten is from a former client telling my supervisor how nice and helpful she thought I was. Social work can be thankless, so the compliments you do get mean a lot!

  423. The best compliment I ever received is sort of a hidden one. One of my friends has been having a rough time and I’ve been listening to them (and they to me). The other day, after a long skype conversation, he said “thank you.” I asked what for since I felt like I hadn’t done anything worth being thanked for. Listening to your friends and giving them advice where possibly, is a perfectly normal thing to do in my eyes. And he replied “Just for being you.” I don’t think there is a better compliment than that. and I have spread the warmth and love since then because it does make you feel so much better to just be appreciated.

  424. The best compliment I’ve ever received was from a student in tutoring program I coordinated. She told me that I was filled with rainbows.

  425. One of the best compliments I ever got was when the rest of my section in choir was trying to figure out a complicated bit of a piece, and they all turned to me and asked me to sing it to them because I was ‘most likely to sight read it right the first time’ :)

  426. Does a compliment about me count? One of my favorite volunteers at my old job told my grandparents that they were lucky to have such a wonderful granddaughter. The volunteer was the most incredible man (ran track with Jackie Robinson, incarcerated during WWII, served as a translator in the Pacific, volunteering for decades etc.) and it meant so much to me coming from him.

  427. Not that teachers *ever* have favorites, but when one of my all-star students told me that I was the best teacher he’d ever had.

  428. Yesterday, my boss, who has extremely high expectations for all his employees, told me that he was so impressed with my work, he wanted to turn my unpaid internship into a paying job!

  429. One of my customers at a restaurant told me I look like Rachel McAdams. I was shocked and I’ll never forget it!

  430. It’s always nice when someone compliments me when I bring baked goods to a friend’s house. Such a nice idea to pass on the good compliment vibes :)

  431. As a teacher one of the best affirmations is when students understand what they are working on. This summer I heard a lot of “Oh, I get this now!” from students re-taking a class, and it was a very good feeling. The compliments went both ways all summer, as students worked hard to achieve their goals and I let them know that I was proud of them, and students expressed their appreciation of me also.

  432. I work has a nurse and yesterday @ work a patient’s family told me what a compassionate nurse I was and how happy they were with the care I was giving to their family member.

  433. Great giveaway! The best compliment I’ve received was from a friend that my smile really helped brighten up her day. :)

  434. My favorite compliment I have ever gotten is when my mom said that I seem to have it all together. That was a nice feeling.

  435. “Girl, did you know there’s a Lord, because he did your body good!” This was not said to me sadly but to my very beautiful older sister. Is it a complient or the worst pick up line EVER? Doesn’t matter. I hope she holds on to the fact everyday that she does look good!

    My gosh, I love a giveaway!!!


  436. A cashier at a bookstore telling me that I was a great mom. (I was in the shop with my two littles.) Totally made my day!

  437. The best compliment I have received was a couple of days ago while I was at LUSH. One of the employees had said I was looking very fine and that it looked like I was about to go on a fancy boat. I couldn’t help but smile for the rest of the evening :)

  438. This happened a couple of years ago, and I was really shy and insecure at the time, and often felt forgotten and overlooked. A group of my friends was meeting but I couldn’t come, one of them sent me a text saying “you are missing”, totally made my day. And still makes me smile when I think about it.

  439. My 4yo daughter said, “Mommy, I like your mashed potatoes better than Grandma’s, ’cause yours have lumps of real taties in them!” LOL. My mom makes the most silky-smooth mashed potatoes ever.

  440. A much older friend told me that she admired how thoughtful I am and hoped to be more like me. It meant a lot that someone I looked up to thought so highly of me.

  441. The best compliment I ever received was from a patient where I work who told me every day how my husband must be the luckiest guy in the world because I was such a nice doctor. I loved how affirming my patient was and it made my hubby smile.

  442. What a wonderful giveaway – thank you for the opportunity! The best compliment I’ve ever received was when I was told that my actions show how much I genuinely care about other people. I’ve never forgotten that and always try to keep it up.

  443. I often get asked if my eyes are “real”, or naturally as blue as they look. That always makes me happy!

  444. I am a 5th grade teacher at a very low income school and my best compliments come from my students or their parents. I must say though, I am a firm believer in compliments as I have my students write compliments to people every week. One week it is to anther student (chosen randomly), another it is to an adult on campus. As the year moves on, then they will have 3 compliments to write at a time. When they give their compliments to others, they must look them in the eye when they hand it to them. It is very uncomfortable for some, but they really start to enjoy it and then I see compliments floating around everywhere. Learning how to compliment others and spread happiness is a GOOD thing : )

  445. My husband told me once when we were just dating that I had perfect teeth. He just blurted it out and it stuck with me.

  446. Wow. the statistical chances of me winning are next to nill…but, the best compliment i ever received was somone telling me I’m a good mom :)

  447. I really wan’t to win these awsome prices, but I actually never received a compliment. Sad story I know. But I complimented a stranger yesterday. I was going to the supermarket with my friend and I was asking a man who worked there for help (because me being a great human couldnt find something) and he told me where It was and I said ‘Thank you so much, you are doing a great job, bye and have a nice day’. His smile after I said It was so big (I don’t really know if It was because of me) that It made me smile too and I just kinda felt.. Good? If that make sense haha. So yeah:) (oh and please excuse my Englisch I’m from Germany:))

  448. A neighbor stopped me the other day when I got home from work and told me that I had great legs. And then she said that she didn’t think women complimented each other enough and to have a great day. It was a nice random moment, and she’s right!

  449. I am 34 weeks pregnant with my first, and as I start to feel more like a waddling little duck every day, it makes me feel so special that my husband makes a point to tell me daily how beautiful he thinks my pregnant body is and how wonderful of a mama he knows I’ll be.

  450. A man once told me I was breathtaking. I was all happy until I watched that Seinfeld episode about a man who told Elaine she was breathtaking and she was all flattered until she heard him call an unattractive baby breathtaking… Haha. It was a good bubble bursting moment.

  451. I have an autoimmune disease that really impacts my life, but I try to live it as normally as possible. It’s an awesome compliment when someone finds out I have this disease and says they never could have guessed. Each day is a struggle so this is a wonderful compliment – it means I’m not overly complaining, I seem energetic (when I rarely am), and I have a positive outlook on each day.

  452. Love this idea!! The best complement I received was a friend saying she felt comfortable sitting in silence with me :)

  453. “I want my legs to look EXACTLY like yours.” This was huge for me, given that I have big, muscular legs and growing up was self conscious of them and would have killed for “chicken legs.” I’ve finally embraced my muscles and even added to them.

  454. A student of mine once told me that she could tell I really cared about her and helping her learn. It warmed my heart!

  455. I was recently exchanging emails with an entrepeneur/blogger I admire. She wrote that I had a lot of skills and know how to benefit her group. It was wonderful to know that people are watching and can appreciate my efforts. I’m an introvert and the words networking and schmooozing put my stomach in knots. I’ve made an effort in the last 2 years to get myself out there. Baby steps. It’s working! I was tickled pink!

  456. I was asked for ID not too long ago, despite being more than 10 years older than someone who might expect to be asked for ID… It wasn’t an intentional compliment, but it still made me feel pretty great!

  457. Brb currently covering all of these beautiful things

    “You make me feel good about myself” was one of those offhand comments that really stick with ya :)

  458. I am a curvier girl and try to do my part to dress to my strengths while still having fun with color and pattern and novelty prints, including a dress with pies printed on it. I had a little girl approach me at the sink in an airport bathroom and tell me she wanted to wear pies like me when she was a “pretty old lady.” Despite being only 25, I was incredibly flattered. :)

  459. My husband took the Bar Exam a few weeks ago, and he’s spent the whole summer prepping. It has not been easy on either of us-lots of late nights and stress. Last weekend though, after he finished, he told me I had been the perfect partner throughout the whole process. It was something I had been praying a lot about and trying very hard to do, and it meant so much to me that I had been able to love him well throughout such a rough time.

  460. someone once told me I have a kind heart, and it made happier than when I was complimented about something physical.

  461. Growing up people would always marvel at how different my mom and I are in appearance. One of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten was when someone randomly told me I have her smile. It made me feel doubly happy that day.

  462. I’m really tall and proud of it! The other day someone told me I was like an Amazon princess and I loved it :)

  463. A coworker once told me that he hoped his little girl grew up to be just like me.

    Whoa! Talk about a compliment. It made me feel great :) I’ve learned that complimenting other people also makes me happy. I’m going to go compliment some people today. Thanks for the reminder, Joy!

  464. One of the best compliments I’ve ever received was when a friend whose about 5 years older than I said to me, “I know I’m older but I really look up to you. You just know so many things about so many different areas, and you always question stuff and try to challenge yourself or do something different.” I just about died when she said that, and try to think about it when I am in a rut. p.s. Thanks so much for the giveaway Joy! I love that its old-school style – its why you are such a giving blogger ! ;)

  465. Our wedding was 5 years ago and people still tell us it was the best one they’ve ever been to. It makes me really happy because we worked really hard to make it a fun party and it makes me feel like we have the best friends and family because they were able to cut loose and have a great time.

  466. When my older daughter was one we were in a cab together and the cab driver told me that he could tell that I was a really great mom. He said he could tell that I was a natural and that he had a lot of moms in the cab but never felt compelled to say this to anyone.

  467. I’ll just go with the compliment that I got the other day. My unrequited love fella told me I was really thoughtful for bringing him a cookie when he was having a hard day. It made me feel like a million bucks, though it sounds kinda silly to write it as my best compliment. Well if I can’t get the guy, maybe I’ll get the giveaway!!!

  468. Best compliment? “You are the strongest woman I have ever known.” At the time, I had been battling symptoms of a then unknown illness and was at my wits end. Hearing that right then was so special and so appreciated. I’m all diagnosed (fibromyalgia and celiac) and managing it super well now but when things get rough, remembering this makes life that much easier to handle.

  469. A friend once said of me “she’s the smartest person I know”. That was 15 years ago and it still makes me feel loved.

  470. At an evening photography class, one of my fellow classmates came up to me and genuinely said “you have a beautiful smile, never smiling” His kind words put a smile on my face :)

  471. We love so many of the same things! What a terrific give-away.
    This week my former boss sent me a note saying he had read an article that I had wrote and that he thought it was a critical contribution and that I had made him proud. Made me smile all week! (still smiling!)

  472. Once someone recommended me for two different jobs and both people said they were told to snap me up! That was nice!

  473. Hmmm, best compliment I’ve received lately is that I always have a positive attitude! Such a great reminder to compliment people, I sometimes forget until someone compliments me. It’s wonderful when something as simple as some kind words can really turn your day/attitude/perspective around. Best giveaway I’ve seen in a while, nice work!

  474. Just today this totally awe-inspiring, funny and absolutely wonderful woman I know told me how much I remind her of herself when she was in her twenties. (and she’s not my mum and I’m pretty certain she meant it in a good compliment-ey fashion) woot!

  475. I’ve been told that I give good advice, which means a lot to me because when I’m giving the advice I don’t feel all that sure of it myself. So to be told that I am good at helping… It’s great :)

  476. The best compliment I ever received was that I have a beautiful radiant face. It made me feel young and beautiful!

  477. I made chocolate chip cookies for my cousins last night and upon eating one, one of them said “we’ll never be able to have another cookie again, these are sooo good!” Definitely a very nice feeling.

  478. Lovely giveaway! Not sure if this counts as a compliment but it just stuck with me. It was when my ex told me how she liked the fact that I decided to drop out Uni because it felt the right thing for me to do and that not many people do that. And that I’ve no idea what I’m doing with my life but not afraid to admit it. May not sound like a compliment but it meant a lot to me so there you go. Thumbs up for this old-school blog giveaway and also for it being open internationally! Good luck everyone!

  479. I recently was told that my laugh is infectious, to never stop laughing because it makes me even more beautiful. Made my day!

  480. My daughter gives me compliments every day – telling me she loves me and that, “[I am] the best mom [she] got”. She made me realize there are many simple compliments we receive in a day – just don’t be too busy to miss and acknowledge them!

  481. On my last birthday my best friend wrote me a card about how she thinks I am wonderful, capable and basically a bunch of positive things that made me cry. :) It was so nice and motivating that I’ve kept it posted on my wall for when i’m having a horrible day.

  482. What a great giveaway! The best compliment I’ve received was someone saying “Julie Andrews eat your heart out” after seeing me play Maria in the sound of music. Weeeeeeee!

  483. Yesterday, my nurse told me I had beautiful blues eyes. She really loves my eyes.
    That makes one feel really good.

  484. I’m a public librarian, and do storytime for the local Headstart every month. One day I was in the library break room heating up my lunch and another staff member came to get me. Out in the children’s room was a little boy from Headstart and his mom. She said, “it’s his birthday so I took the day off work and told him we could go anywhere he wanted. He wanted to come to the library and see Miss Jill the Story Lady.” Best. Compliment. Ever.

  485. Someone told me in a professional setting that it was remarkable how I could control a room without needing to raise my voice. I think about that all the time when I feel a little less in control. Like, wait a minute, I CAN do this!

  486. It was recently, I had long hair and cut it short to a bob. I have been sort of regretting the decision, but one co-worker keeps complementing me and telling me it how great it looks! Really boosts my confidence!

  487. The best compliment I ever received was after I had been over-worked for days and was hit completely exhausted to the world…. as I was leaving work, one of the other laborers turned to me and said “your smile is infectious” … I completely melted. Any sort of exhaustion slipped away!

  488. Certainly the best compliment I ever received was when my boyfriend commented that I made his favourite meal (breaded lamb chops) as well – if not better – than his mother! Culinary win!

  489. That’s a tough one, but I recently had someone who was ringing me up at a register look at me really sweetly and tell me I had a beautiful smile!

  490. “I admire your confidence in teaching us new things.” Said to me by a student I taught outdoor education to in Yosemite national park. I struggle with feeling confident so this really made me feel good!

  491. For me the best comment I received was when my cousin said she wanted to be like me when she grew up. We’ve always been close and I’ve always felt like she was so talented. She’s a cross country runner and that’s way out my comfort zone, but she is killing it in her field. Hearing her say she looked up to me is something I’ll hold onto forever.

  492. One of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten happened when I was having lunch with an old friend. We’d been talking and laughing a lot (I have a LOUD laugh) and as we were walking out, an elderly woman started shouting “Excuse me!” from a nearby table to get my attention. I thought she needed something but she proceeded to tell me that I have the most wonderful laugh she’s ever heard and such a bright smile. She told me that my happiness made her day, and to never stop laughing like I did in the restaurant. It was SO sweet I nearly cried.

    Thanks for doing this giveaway, and for carving out such a wonderful little corner of the Internet for us to enjoy! :)

  493. I complimented a friend’s nice curly hair up-do and she said she did it thinking it was a style I would do! It was pretty high praise :)

  494. While waiting to pick up pizza, a man turned to me, said, “you’re stunning, by the way,” and then left with his pizza.

  495. great giveaway!
    best compliment: someone once told me that I’m very good at accepting and appreciating people just as they are. It’s made me try even harder to do that everyday.

  496. I was told I have grace. And no it wasn’t a joke about a Seinfeld episode.;)

    And thank you for the old-fashioned giveaway. I don’t FB or Tweet or IG. . . . .

  497. What a great giveaway!! The best compliment I ever received was my husband telling me what a great mom I am to our wonderful (and WILD) toddler in a moment when I was feeling totally overwhelmed.

  498. I was at the grocery store, stockpiling something boring like canned beans, and had to do the awkward “sorry just need to shuffle past you” exchange with another girl in the aisle. As we brushed by, baskets and all, she very suddenly complimented my hair. I probably just stuttered an “oh uhh thank you” out of surprise, but it really made my afternoon! and boosted my confidence in dishing hit-and-run compliments to complete strangers.

  499. Being a yoga teacher for kids, the best compliment I have ever received was from a parent who said their daughter had no fear when she went to the dentist because she kept chanting the mantra that I taught her in class, the parent said I saved her life, wow! Nettie from Moore or Less Cooking great giveaway Joy!

  500. My husband told me his favorite thing about me was my sense of humor. It made me feel so secure that he likes to spend time with me. Is that super dumb?

  501. I was told I made someone’s day without even realizing it. In turn, it made my day and felt like a total complement!

  502. my husband told me once. “You are my anchor in the storm” I don’t think he even knows how important it was but I carry that with me evryday

  503. I just started a job managing a new team and came into work Friday to a birthday present of a framed team photo and the nicest card calling me the best boss ever. I got a little choked up!

  504. My son once said I was the strongest person he knew. I never thought of myself that way, but it meant a lot then, and it still does.

  505. I am a new attorney, and my grandma was one as well, but she died in 2001. She graduated Northwestern Law School in the 1930s, so was ahead of her time. When I got my first job out of law school, my mom said that grandma would be proud of me. That still means a lot to me.

  506. “You have a beautiful smile!” from perfect strangers passing by! It reminds me to smile at the world and treat others with kindness.

  507. What a fun giveaway! My favorite compliment I’ve ever received was after taking my 2-year-old daughter to a fancy lunch place on my birthday a few years back, a woman stopped by my table and said, “What a lovely pair you two make. I admire how conversational you are with her!” Made my year. Life with a 2-yr-old was rarely peach tea and roses, & and I constantly remembered that one lovely lunch date and the woman who noticed.

  508. What a nice idea for a “giveaway challenge.” Best compliment I have received in recent memory was my daughter saying, “You’re always in a good mood, and that makes me feel happy, too.”

  509. Thinking about receiving compliments gives me the hebegeebees because I have such issues with being told I am doing something well– or that I look well…always feels like my shame voice kicks I. Right as someone says something kind to dispute the comment…so I need some practice on this one…but the best one I’ve ever received…is prob when my husband noticed the hard work I’ve done to combat shame and complimented me on my hard work as progress :-)

  510. Best compliment I ever received was that I am a good friend. A friend told me that recently after her sister passed away. All I wanted was for her to feel loved by everyone around her during a tough time. Mission accomplished :) This giveaway looks AWESOME!

  511. The best compliment I have received was both verbal and physical. I had just started a new job as a physical therapist and one of my first new patients was an overweight gentlemen with back pain. He walked into the clinic with a cane and 7/10 pain, and I was concerned he would be a hard person to help. Within 4 weeks, his pain was well controlled. He continued to come to the clinic with his cane, but was always carrying it in his hand to show me he could finally walk without it – he was so proud that he could return to “normal” and told me every session how much I helped him. It really appreciated his sincere gratitude and I always think about it on stressful days at work :-)

  512. Ah, an old school blog giveaway. I love that blogs can be old school now. Besides the obvious and selfish reasons for commenting here (this giveaway looks fantastic!), I actually do want to say that I’m a little bit in love with this blog, the way you cook, and the way you write. Thanks for sharing.

  513. The nicest compliment I’ve ever recieved (that I can call to mind) was probably when one of my good friends told me I was a good listener. That really meant, and still means, a lot.

    I love your blog, Joy! Keep up the awesomeness. Greetings from Autstralia :)

  514. My boyfriend’s aunt said that I had the kind of beauty that an elegant woman in the medieval times would have. It was strange but I appreciated it.

  515. The patient asking me if I would be at his next appointment! It reaffirmed my career choice as a pharmacist and why I love what I do!

  516. I am a musician. I had a girl come up to me once and tell me that I sound like Sheryl Crow and that it’s people like me that open doors for women in a male-driven arena and I am the reason she wants to keep going. (Lots of musicians are male, which is great, but we need some more ladies that have mastered their craft.) Also….great, great giveaway! Thank you!

  517. before I left my teaching job, one of my students drew me a picture. one one side: school with me. everything was smiling, even the books. on the other side: school without me. a bunny rabbit, a cactus, and a book were all crying. it made me smile!

  518. A close friend told me that my children were the sweetest, most loving kids she knew. It made me take a step back as a frazzled mom of 3 wild boys and appreciate my guys from someone else’s perspective. I think winning a Kindle would make my month.

  519. Our interns in the office are leaving us this week and this was my first ever supervisory position. During the term wrap up, the intern told me I was the type of supervisor she wants to learn to be…! Amazing complement!

  520. that I am modestly confident – loved that – will there be a book tour soon and will you visit in Huntington LI – love to meet you :)

  521. best comment after a piano recital when I was younger- “I love the way you make the music come to life”
    love the blog!:)

  522. I’m relatively new at work, and a couple of the other women (who I didn’t even think new my name) complimented me on my new haircut. It was kind of a two fer – the hair compliment made me feel pretty, but the fact that the ladies at work new and acknowledged me was awesome!

  523. When I was finishing my PhD research and felt like a discombobulated mess everyday, one morning one of the staff in my department told me I looked fantastic. Sometimes it’s the little things that keep you going!

  524. There was one time I made a Joy the Baker cake, posted a picture on Instagram, tagged her and she gave me a ????. Made me ??.

  525. It’s been quite a ginormously stressful year (just had to use my pre-teen’s word as it truly fit), and I’ve not taken very good care of myself. I was out grocery shopping and feeling mighty large and frumpy. An acquaintance from a few years ago stopped me and said how wonderful I look, and proceeded to say that I was obviously a wonderful mom because my girls are so “lovely” too! Made my year!!!! Thanks for the chance at such a fab giveaway!

  526. My coworker told me I would be an amazing CEO – without me asking. It’s something I want to do so that meant a lot!

  527. Thanks for this opportunity. The best compliment that comes to mind is a few months ago I was getting ready for a “fancy” dinner (as my daughter calls the meals at restaurants where her father wears a tie) and my 4 year old walks into the bathroom as I was finishing getting ready. In the most sincere way she said “you look so beautiful Mama.” Made my heart melt.

  528. I thanked my friend for inviting me to his party and remarked how cool all of his friends were. To which he replied, “You’re cool too, that’s why I invited you!”

  529. Nicest compliments are about my pretty blue eyes! And, I love to express genuine compliments to people every day…you can see the instant lift in spirit!

  530. On my last evaluation at work my boss added a comment that said “I was the heart of the school”! I have thought of that often and try to live up to that statement. It is always nice to hear a kind word!

  531. When I went to the doctor’s a few days ago they said I had the pulse of an athlete! I’m not sure if it was intended as a compliment or just factual but it made my day; I’ve been working so hard to get in shape and have certainly never been compared to an athlete before so I was thrilled! Other than that, I would say my mentor giving me a batch of homemade cookies after she said cookies are her way of showing love (what’s more loving than cookies?!), amen. Hope you’re having a great August!

  532. After our second was born, being told by my husband that I was doing a great job with our girls! At the time, it felt far from the truth :)

  533. my best friend told me today that I’m the only person ‘I can talk to seriously about coloured eggs’.. (as a reference to your recently posted deviled eggs recipe). which is the best compliment one ever made!

  534. Best compliment I ever received would be when one of my favourite lecturers took a moment to talk to me about what I’m doing and my life, and then assured me that I’m a good writer. Not ‘good for a student’ or good in the millions things that uni students do that don’t really translate to the real work. But a good writer. *sigh* I don’t miss university, but I sure miss that lecturer.

  535. My cousin told me that he and his brother thought I would be the best mom because I always made them feel special and know they were loved.

  536. Hi! I love your posts. And – great giveaway!
    The best compliment I’ve ever recieved was recently from my partner. I was trying to figure out a quick week night dinner with not a whole lot of fresh ingredients in the fridge. I remembered that the week before we had bought some scallops and a lobster tail and tossed them in the freezer, so I decided to make a lobster risotto with pan seared scallops for him. (I dont eat seafood).
    When I served him, his eyes bugged out a bit with excitement and he tucked in. He told me that “This is, by far, the best thing you’ve ever cooked me and quite possibly the best meal I’ve ever eaten in my life. If you served THIS on Masterchef (the show) you’d definitley advance to the next round and could even WIN!” He proceeded to gobble up his dinner and keeps asking when I’ll make it again. ?

  537. the best compliment I have ever received is from my boyfriends mother. She told me my meatballs were “way better” than her husbands moms recipe!

  538. Now I’ve had the standard you’re pretty you’re nice etc compliments before and while they make me feel good, the best compliment I ever got was from a couple I was babysitting for. I didn’t know them that well and they were struggling in every way possible except faith and love. One day as I was leaving they told me that they’ve seen my heart and hope that they’re children could grow up to be like me. Coming from that couple who are probably the sweetest people on the earth…it made me tear up for sure and I continue to make a conscious effort to be aware of my actions (bec most of the time I feel so frazzled I can’t match my socks…haha) but you never know who’s life you could be impacting

  539. Beautiful and amazing giveaway!

    Best compliments I ever received…

    A gentleman once said to me, your eyes sparkle like the actress Julia Ormond.

    And at school, a student with autism once said to me, “you smile all the time and always say hello, why are you always so happy?”

  540. A girl friend of mine once told told me I am beautiful :) no-one has ever said that to me before . best compliment ever!

  541. Best compliment you have a beautiful, your children are so reapectful, and OMG this dinner you made is FANTASTIC! ????

  542. I am in graduate school to become a teacher and can be overly critical of myself, it always helps to hear that others think I’ll be a great teacher someday :)

  543. Great giveaway! The best compliment I ever received (that stuck with me, at least) was from my thesis supervisor, who told me that I write really clearly and reflectively and that she was really excited about my work; it was so wonderful to hear such high praise from someone I respect so much! :)

  544. I’ve been really shy my whole life, almost, like, cripplingly shy. To the point where I would practice making small talk at home in the mirror. I missed out on a lot because of it and, for a long time, felt like I was invisible because I couldn’t assert myself to make an impression. One day some of my coworkers were talking and one the senior people looked at me and said “You remind me of the saying “Silent waters run deep’ ” and smiled at me.

    That was the first time I felt like it was alright that I was quiet, weird, and thoughtful, that maybe it was actually a good thing. It actually helped me to become more confident, and I’m grateful to him to this day.

  545. Having my 3 yr old daughter tell me I am WonderWoman is the best compliment I have received. To be her favorite super hero is an honor.

  546. I was once told “You give really good hugs!” which I have to say just made me want to hug even more people :-P

  547. “You are one of these rare people who are pretty when they’re 20 but are becoming more beautiful as they get older. By the time you are 30, you will be gorgeous” – it was so strange to hear it but it also turns out to be true.

    Right up there with that one is “You have a voice like velvety chocolate!”

    I have some wonderful people in my life :)

  548. Your giveaway rules made me smile big time!! I have a tie…. one of the best compliments I ever received was when I was in Chicago going for an interview in the morning and was really nervous, and a man came up to me before he got off the train and said, “I don’t know where you’re going this morning, but you look lovely. Whatever it is, you’ll be great!” The other was when one of my patients (I’m a Physical Therapist) told me I’d help her change her life!

  549. I bumped into an old friend from theatre school last night who said to me ‘ any girl who looks like you should have loads of numbers by the end if the evening’ having just given me his number so we could try to keep in touch. It was very sweet, and totally unexpected, and made my not-so-great day so much better.

  550. I’m sure that this says something about me although I’m not sure exactly what. I can’t think of one that didn’t make me squirm and uncomfortable.

  551. I just love your blog!! The best complaint I received was from my husband “you’re pure hearted” and tell now I just smile everytime I remember.

  552. Man, Joy. Your style is impeccable… everything in this giveaway is just so cute!

    The best compliment I’ve ever received was from an old hippie poetry teacher who told me I reminded him of “a celtic warrior goddess windsurfing towards nirvana.” I don’t think anyone is ever going to top that…

  553. The best compliment was my boyfriend asking me to marry him, the most special moment of my life. Compliment to me that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me! <3

  554. thanks joy! I always find the best compliments are from random strangers. I was walking down the street one day and a guy stopped me to tell me he liked my socks (purple with neon pink polka dots)

  555. when at church a lady was talking about being a virtuous woman, after she was done her husband said when she was talking about being a virtuous woman he thought of me!

  556. Wow, Joy… you’ll have your work cut out reading through all these comments. Crazy! Kudos!

    A good friend once told me “you make me live”…that is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.

    I sometimes get the urge to tell random people – on the train, in the streets – that they are pretty, or that I love their shoes… I don’t think I’ve ever seen it through – because that would be weird, right? – but I do end up regretting not saying something. Next time…

  557. what a great giveaway! i think the best compliment i ever received was from a kid who told me i was her best friend

  558. Lovely stuff!! My best (most needed) compliment was when I was grocery shopping with my grumpy 4 year old and my extremely unhappy newborn. The checkout line was terribly long and I was literally at my wits end by the time we reached the cashier, and both children were out of patience. I mumbled an apology to the cashier for my screaming kids and she said “hey you’re a GREAT mom. Don’t you be sorry about a thing darlin’!” Made my day.

  559. I have to say the best compliment ever was from my dad telling me he is proud of what I’ve accomplished so far. He’s never been an overly sentimental person, so I knew it meant a lot :)

  560. The nicest compliment? Oh gosh…
    i really like the ones when you feel like crap but someone honestly tells you that you look nice

    also i once babysat for a few years and one of the kids told me that she wants me to live with them because it is so much fun to have me around.

  561. My husband telling me that I’m an amazing wife and mother. Two of the roles that mean so much to me. :) Glad to know that someone appreciates how hard I work for them.

  562. A friend told me that I have a way of making others feel comfortable in their own skin when they are around me. As a friend, sister, and high school teacher, that really made my day. Thanks for keeping the love going, Joy!

  563. Hi Joy! The best compliment I ever received was from my five year old nephew. My sister asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, and he said he wanted to start a bakeshop with auntie “cause she make the best cakes”.

  564. The compliments I always appreciate the most are when people tell me they trust me and tell me things they don’t feel comfortable telling others and then seeking my advice, repeatedly. Makes me feel great that they trust me and that I can help them.

    Thanks for all you do, Joy, it’s always such a pleasure to read your blog. And even though New Orleans is ridiculously hot for you right now, I have been quite enjoying reading and seeing your adventures down there. It is also motivating me to plan a trip to New Orleans with friends.

  565. “I don’t know how you do it!” said a friend when she saw the berry bread (your recipe!) that I made while simultaneously working, raising a 3 yo and a 1 yo, and maintaining my sanity.

  566. One of best compliments I have received was from one of my grade school teachers who complimented my singing voice. I had problems hitting high notes in my audition for a school musical, but managed to make the cut. It was a vindication of sorts to hear that compliment from someone after a rehearsal.

  567. Best compliment? After completing a contract teaching English in South Korea, my students told me I was the best teacher they ever had! I couldn’t have asked for more and it was so special for me to know that I was able to influence them in a positive way, just as they influenced me.

  568. I co-worker once told me I the kindness I showed everyone around me have, inspired her to be kind to others (inside/outside of work). It made me happy (thanks dad for teaching me how to treat others kindly).

  569. I have a legit curly natural fro that never behaves so when someone unexpectedly comments that my hair is awesome it always makes me happy. And I shall make someone’s hair day today! Or compliment their brows. Man does that do wonders.

  570. I think the best compliment I’ve ever gotten is when I was told that my two children are absolutely amazing, kind, funny kids.

  571. You know, a few years ago I was visiting with an Aunt I hadn’t seen since I was a teenager. After a day together she told me that I was just the same girl as I’d been when I was a little thing. That’s about the nicest thing anyone could ever tell me!

  572. A week before my graduation, I found out that I have cysts in my thyroid that may be cancerous. It means so much when friends and family tell me that I am brave. Their compliments give me more confidence and motivation!
    *** Also, those pens look so beautiful! They would be perfect for the new Moleskin recipe book I got to write down all of my favorite recipes from my mom and grandma (and Joy too)!!!

  573. My son took a picture of his food on his dinner plate and snapped chat it ;)…thanking me for the “gourmet” food…Thank you Joy for all the great recipes!!

  574. One of my ex-coworkers would always complement me on my walk, my face, eyebrows, and how I always looked confident. I never felt that I looked confident or even felt confident, especially when walking, but this really helped to build my confidence. It meant a lot bc he is gay and had a tendency to be a c—-, so his daily compliments toward me where a great mood booster. We don’t talk anymore, but I can say that he had a hand in me being 100% confident and just an overall better version of myself. Every time I leave my house I hear his voice in my head and immediately feel confident and great. Even though, I never got a chance to tell him: thanks JP, for being such a special and true friend, I miss you!

  575. what a kind thing to do for your readers! Just thinking about all the compliments I received already put many smiles in my day. Thank you!!
    Here’s the best one so far and it was paid indirectly to me when my old boss whom I haven’t seen for at least 3 years thought I was going to at the off-site event, and I wasn’t able to make it. He said to my colleagues that he was really looking forward to the bella-hug, and that I give the most genuine and sincere hugs. Isn’t that awesome?

  576. Awesome giveaway, the best compliment I ever received was when two strangers at a restaurant told me I had a very well behaved baby and that I was a great mom, made my day, being a parent can be hard at times.

  577. my most memorable compliment was when my husband told me he is really proud of me. It was during one of those moments whenI could tell he really meant it.

  578. the greatest compliment I have ever gotten is from a teenager who was going through a rehab in Bolivia where I was volunteering, she said “you are such an inspiration to me, thanks for encouraging me to keep going”.

  579. I remember when I was little my aunt’s friend told me every time he saw me I got prettier. I was at a very young and awkward stage and didn’t ever receive any male attention. It made me feel good about myself, even if it was superficial, it was a kind gesture.

  580. The best compliment I ever received was “You are one of the funniest people I know, like seriously” It meant so so much to me, it was about 2 years ago and I replay that compliment all. The. Damn. Time!

    Oh man I desperately wanna try those bark thins. *Drool*

  581. The best compliment I’ve ever gotten is when my daughter remarked about how great it was that I read to her and her siblings so much when they were children. She said that I gave them a love of books, unlocking their imaginations, and that is why they love to travel the world. She and her husband are now living in Switzerland, and have visited several other European cities in the past year. Our son is working on his doctorate, and has been back-and-forth between the US and India many times.They amaze me!

  582. I had a student (a sixth grade boy) tell me that I was “completely unexpected.” Coming from a student, it felt like the best compliment ever. Also, props to you for an old school blog giveaway.

  583. When my husband was in Afghanistan and I was alone with three kids, someone told me I was the strongest person they knew….on a day I was near tears and felt so down. It meant the world to me.

  584. The best compliment I received recently was that I act much more mature than my age. And I heard it from at least 3 different people in the last week!

  585. My husband was diagnosed with cancer and sent me flowers with a card that said, “If you and my illness are a dream I’ll keep the dream.” The card is framed and on my bedside table, that’s what I’m grabbing if the house is on fire!

  586. I’ll be 40 in less than 2 weeks. When I told the maintenance guys at school, one did a doubletake and said, “No Way. I would have never have guessed.” Loved it.

  587. After donating eggs to a couple trying to have a baby, the female recipient left a thank you card to me at the clinic. In it she said, “A lot of people reach the end of their lives wondering if they have done anything of positive impact for anyone, but you will never have to wonder that.” That will always stick with me.

  588. My father, who spent his entire life in New York City, was the biggest foodie I’ve ever known. He had us gnawing on Ethiopian sponge bread before we’d figured out how to smear our mashed peas across the kitchen walls!

    So you can imagine my shock and awe when, during a meal at a small place downtown supposedly famous for its guacamole — which he’d crowed over several times before — he took one bite and shrugged. “Yours is better,” he pronounced matter-of-factly. Just like that. I will never forget that!

  589. I frequently get the compliment that I will be a great mom one day. Which may sound odd, but I hope they are right! =)

  590. I think the best compliment I received was about the first time I made a holiday dinner for my family. Some my aunts had their doubts about my cooking abilities, but I had them floored when the meal was served. Now I’m in charge of all holiday dinners!

  591. What a great giveaway! (And I totally appreciate not having to jump through hoops for it!) The best compliment I ever received was when a student thanked me for contributing more to his thesis than his own thesis adviser. My heart swelled!

  592. Cute giveaway! I love the neat picks! I have been told a couple of times that I am a “kindred spirit.” I love kindred spirits– best compliment ever!

  593. Oh Joy, THANK YOU for allowing us non social media peeps to enter a wonderful giveaway:-) Love your blog, love your fearless use of butter! Best compliment received? From my reserved boss, today, for a job well done- “you are AMAZING!”

  594. My favorite compliment of all was a few weeks ago when a complete stranger told me that I had such a kind smile that she could tell that I was genuinely happy. That totally made my day.

  595. It is horrendously UNsummery here in Australia; so this would be a nice midwinter boost!

    The best compliment I ever received was told to me by the mother of some children I used to babysit, who said that they had been talking about me coming over soon, one night over dinner, and the three year old piped up and said, “I love Ally, she makes my heart breathe.”

    Good luck to everyone!

  596. My little brother told me I was ” kind, patient, and someone to look up to”. Probably the sweetest compliment I’ve ever received!

  597. Oh my goodness, what an awesome giveaway! The best compliment I remember receiving is when a friend in middle school told me I just wasn’t the type of person that people talked badly about behind my back. For some reason that has really stuck with me!

  598. My mom once told me I was the funniest person she knew. It was a surprise because she was always so funny! I now make it a point to say something nice when I think of it. Just going up to someone in a store and telling her she has cute shoes can make a person’s day.

  599. Hearing my brother say “You’re salt” is a memory I will treasure for the rest of my life. As someone who’s seeking to follow Christ with everything I am, it means more than I can say.

  600. The best, sweetest, most wonderful complement ever came from my five year old son: “You’re the best mommy ever, and I will love you forever, for all my days and all my nights!” Heart. Melted.

  601. I work in the service industry for a dine-in movie theater concept where we regularly have to spiel guests about how the theater dining service works. It can be tough because we work movie theater hours (long, always open, ALWAYS) and as with any service job you can sometimes be treated really poorly. On the other hand, having really nice guests or catching up with regulars makes you feel really good. I always get compliments on my voice when “giving the spiel” which always makes me feel awesome because it’s something I’ve never heard before this job. One family in particular stopped me once when I was a having a bit of a rough night but trying to put my best energy/attitude forward (12 hour shift :/ ) and asked me what my career goals were. They explained that they wanted to know because they thought I had such a wonderful, positive presence and because I was so poised and intelligent. They also reassured me that I would do marvelously on my upcoming LSAT. That was by far the most unexpected compliment. I’ll never forget it.

  602. I was working behind the counter at a bakery and I took a baguette from the back of the shelf instead of the front, thinking it would be the warmest as it was protected from the air coming through the continuously opening entrance door. The customer was confused and asked why I did that and when I explained, he SOOO appreciated my weird thought process and that I was really trying my best for him. He said, “You are going to be the president of a company one day, or something like that.” I SOOOO appreciated that he appreciated my efforts!

  603. Always love your blogs! Hmm… one of my college professors apologized to me for not being able to see the beauty in my writing… sounds like a weird compliment, I realize, but it really meant a lot to me (as a creative writer!).

  604. Someone told me that I’m pretty laid back – I certainly feel like a nutcase on a daily basis, so this was good for me to hear.

  605. I got a great compliment just last night — a woman I hadn’t seen in probably 15 years said I still looked the same! Pretty good given that I’m almost 56 now. Then a couple of nights ago I was out with my Dad for dinner. The woman in the booth behind us was dining along and received birthday dessert. Though it wasn’t technically a compliment, we told her happy birthday and she just lit up. She told us she and her husband used to go to that restaurant and it was her way of celebrating.

  606. A colleague of mine recently mentioned my work to a reporter because she wanted me to be acknowledged for all of my hard work. That made me feel awesome.

  607. I love giving other people compliments, but one of the best I’ve ever received was that I have a ‘crazy gift’ for drawing. It caught me completely off guard and truly warmed my heart.

  608. I’ve been working on changing my career from accounting to physician assistant. Ive been fortunate to find a job in a derm office. I brought a patient in, heard his reason for coming in, assisted the Dr. as he was getting checked up, and before leaving, Mr. Patient said to me that I had a great demeanor and a beautiful smile and to never lose it as I pursue my future endeavors. I remember that everyday now to remember who and how I want to be for myself and others. Thanks for the giveaway!

  609. As a new Mom to a six month old baby girl, the best compliment I’ve gotten is that I’m doing OK at this Mom thing.

  610. At a recent staff meeting we played a game where we went around the room and described each other using an adjective that started with the first letter of each person’s name. I got lots of “elegant,” along with “enthusiastic, energetic, etc.” It’s nice to get positive feedback from coworkers!

  611. At the gym in group excercise kindly shared her step box with me because it was a crazy packed class.. Even offered to give up her weights for me.. Such a simple but genuinely kind gesture for a complete stranger.

  612. Best compliment as a former teacher- “Mrs. remember all those chants you made us act out to learn roots…I totally remembered one today.”–said a student three years later!!

  613. The best compliment I’ve ever received….just happened right now. It’s not even crazy awesome, just awesome enough! A friend just said “you look thinner, what are you doing new?” and I was like “nothing, just working 14 hour days at the restaurant!” I guess hard work does pay off? :)

  614. Someone once told me I looked like the Mona Lisa. At first I thought it was weird, then I decided, no, it’s not weird, it’s awesome!

  615. My dad recently told me it was a joy to him watching me with my new son, and that he thinks I am such a natural at being a mother. So heartwarming.

  616. The most meaningful compliment I have received was when everyone at the place I was interning begged me to stay on and not to go back to school, because I was the best intern they had ever had and they really needed me.

  617. Thank you for this post it made my day. I will go forth and compliment others! Best compliment? Someone telling me out of the blue that I looked like Sissy Spacek. I didn’t know who she was and it terrified me! Then I looked her up and loved her smile.

  618. Cool giveaway! One of my friends gave me a ring with the word inspire etched inside. She told me I was an inspiration to her. So unexpected, I had no idea.

  619. The best compliments I receive are the the “yums” from my family, both immediate and extended, when I bake or cook them homemade meals or treats. Which I do daily. It is a way for me to express my love for them. Their compliments let me know they get my love and enjoy their meals! Life is too short to not enjoy homemade meals and treats with fresh ingredients!

  620. My mother in law told me I was doing a great job as a mom. That was the greatest compliment she could have paid me.

  621. The most heartwarming compliment I have ever recieved came from an older women in her late 70’s. She said “Your smile is so genuine and beautiful just how this world should be”. I think about that sweet lady and how amazing people are. You have a magnificent blog Joy!! I love to uncover new fun things here every week!

  622. I remember walking to a themed party and feeling nervous about wearing clothes that are normally not my style, and a guy on the street said I looked great in such a genuine way that definitely boosted my confidence!

  623. The best comment I received was from one of my students, who told me I was a great teacher and had a gift for explaining things.

  624. love this list! best compliment I have received is when one of my patients told me I brighten each day for him.

  625. The best compliment was given by a peer whose design work I greatly admired. Having him genuinely praise my work elated my insides and helped me to keep pushing myself.

  626. The best compliment I ever got came via my mom. She has had friends tell her that she and my dad have the nicest kids. I’m no longer a “kid”, but I’m their “kid”. It made me feel humble and touched my heart. When we were young and gave my mom gifts for special days, she would always say, “I don’t need or want gifts from you kids, all I want is for you to be good and kind to others”. I guess it worked mom – thanks to you! Thanks for the give-away Joy! I have a feeling your parents think you’re a good kid too. Good weekend to you.

  627. The last best compliment was Wednesday’s dinner when I had made my Husband’s Aunt and Uncle, Chicken Parmigiana with Eggplant and they both absolutely loved it! Sometimes they, being in their mid and late eighties, are a bit touchy with their food. They both ate their fair share plus and were both very happy. And full!

  628. Fabulous giveaway! Best compliment I ever received (in recent times) was from a friend I helped pack up her stuff to move. I spent many, many hours there having a great time and the next day she told me, quite seriously, that she probably wouldn’t have gotten everything packed without me. It was so wonderful to know that even while I was having fun, I was making a big difference to someone else!

  629. When my boyfriend’s 2.5 year old nephew recognized me and remembered my name!! Their family moved close to us just recently so I’ve been seeing him more often. He let me play with his train sets and gave me the biggest sweetest hug and kiss before I left!!

  630. Whoa. There are already a lot of comments.

    Um, anywho … I think I got the best comment I’ve ever received when I was student teaching in 2006. I live in a medium-sized city and asked to be placed in the city district. I grew up in a small, mostly white, college town, but I wanted to see if I was actually up to the task of making connections in a community where I was an outsider. At the end of my student teaching placement, I walked through one of my classes, informally asking students for feedback. One group of teenage boys basically told me (I’m paraphrasing slightly, it’s been several years): “We like you because you act like yourself. You’re kind of nerdy. Most of the teachers who come in here act like they’re tougher than they really are.” Eight years later, guess where I still work.

  631. Love this list and the throwback giveaway with such a fun topic! Best compliment ever, hmm the first time I publicly posted some artwork and a friend said, “woah, did you make that? It’s amazing!”

  632. An older lady in my condo complex passed me after I had just finished washing the car and just said “hi, pretty girl!”

  633. Someone complimented me on my smile…which wouldn’t be as meaningful if I wasn’t a 31 year old with a mouth full of braces. Some days I don’t think I’ll make it to October 2015.

  634. The best compliments are after a performance when someone tells me that they were moved by the music, that I made them feel something.

  635. I had a friend compliment my authenticity. It’s nice to keep it real, and it’s really nice to be known for that.

  636. Today a co-worker told me that I was the best thing that has happened to the company thus far! Even if were friendly banter, I still appreciated it!

  637. a good friend told me I was a good listener when she was going through a tough time. I think it’s not always an easy skill so I was so pleased!

  638. My husband is in the hospital. I’ve been at his bedside for about 14 to 16 hours a day for the last 5 days. Yesterday he opened one eye and said ” you look pretty”. My heart went a flutter, just like the first time we met. He made me feel special.

  639. From my dad (a teacher I love and respect!): “You’re more prepared for student teaching than anyone else I’ve seen. You can do this”

  640. A friend once told me I saved her life. In the situation I was simply listening and trying to be supportive but later things came out and the gravity of it all came to light. I was, of course, glad to be of help, but it was nice to know that the little things that we so often discount or shrug off as not being important really do have the power to change things and make a difference.

  641. I used to be a professional potter, and had someone tell me they use my mug every morning and it makes their day

  642. I had an old friend that I hadn’t seen in years ask how I was, and tell me that I looked happy. That seemed like a pretty nice comment to me.

    I’m also a fan of the blog comment style giveaway, and love that it’s open to all. I really find it annoying when I read of a great giveaway, and then see at the very end that it’s only for US residents (I’m in Canada). I’m also not a user of twitter or facebook, so miss out on a lot of opportunities that way.

  643. I love getting compliments on my smile. It means I’m smiling enough for someone to notice. I love that.

  644. Someone once said “you’re too pretty to not share your smile” on a day where i was feeling downright terrible. It was a totally unasked for compliment from a stranger, and it made my day so much better

  645. I felt affirmed when I was talking about my summer job and told I had such a bright future. It makes the hard work now feel like it is moving me forward.

  646. A salesperson at a store told me I had the most beautiful hair. It’s always nice to hear things like that from a complete stranger.

  647. The best compliment I have ever received is “Oh wow, you cleaned the kitchen and living room really thoroughly today. Is there somebody coming over?”
    Yup. I was really happy someone noticed all of my hard work.

  648. You’re so nice to do this! The best compliment I’ve received was a stranger telling me I have great legs!

  649. Everyday my three year old daughter (who can be soooo challenging!) crawls into my bed at around 6 am to wake me up. When I finally open my eyes enough for her to come into focus she cups my face and says “You look just like a princess!”. It makes me tear up almost every time!

  650. actually got one today that sums it up….a co-worker told me I was a good mom because I run errands for my son he does not drive because he is visually impaired)….I would run errands for him, his sister or anyone if they need me to…I like to aid those who need assistance and hope some day to be helped if I need it.

  651. After discussing a topic I was passionate about in a meeting, a coworker complimented me by saying I was “so knowledgeable!”. It meant a lot to me because it wasn’t my main job focus.

  652. “You have great teeth.” Not a huge compliment, but on a day when I was feeling gross and not happy with myself, this compliment made my day (even if it was from my dentist!).

  653. The best comment was from an 11 year old boy who told his dad that, when he thinks about it, I happen to be the most perfect person he has ever met. Yeah, from an 11 year old boy.

  654. The day I overheard my kids referring to me as the kindest person in the world was the greatest compliment this Mom could ever hear. I practice acts of kindness every day and it makes me feel so good!

  655. I was waiting in line at the pharmacy (not a place where people are particularly cheerful), and a little old man came up to me and just said, “You’ve got the cutest nose!” and walked away. Made my day!

  656. My coworker once told me “You make the BEST faces!”
    Haha, I take this as high praise because I really take the time to work on my expression ^_^

  657. The best compliment I ever received was from my husband just a few days after I gave birth to my son. I was exhausted and felt like I still looked pregnant without a baby… and he told me that I was the most beautiful woman in the world and even more beautiful than ever before!

  658. One day someone said to me: “Wow, your eyelashes are gorgeous”. Of course it’s not the best compliment in the world but for a moment I just thought in the idea that someone really noticed me, noticed my eyes, noticed that little thing in my face. Usually, when people wants to say something nice, they just say about my hair and stuff or they just don’t say nothing and turn away, but that time was different.

  659. The best compliment I’ve ever received is someone telling me that I am a genuine persona and unique. It made me feel like I’m on the right track and that I’m doing something right. It also validated for me that being your own person is worth it, even though sometimes you feel like conforming.

  660. The parent of a child I coached said she wanted her daughter to grow up to be just like me. That was years ago and it still makes me feel amazing.

  661. I was bake to help a co-worker with some medical claims issues and she told me and my boss that I was indispensable :)

  662. Best compliment… that I make my mom proud – she is my everything so to hear that is music to my ears!

  663. Best compliment was when someone said I had a beautiful smile (it was at a time when I felt less than stellar)

  664. One of the young women I am blessed to work with said she wanted to be just like me when she gets older…

  665. Awh, it’s like a double giveaway! Great feels and great loot. My favorite compliment recently was my daughter saying ‘Mommy, you are the very best cook!’ Eeeee!! I’ve trained/fed her well. Love to you and all of your wonderful readers.

  666. I don’t know about the best compliment ever… but I was told this week by a patient that it’s obvious that I really care, which made me feel awesome after a hard week.

  667. The best compliment I have received was when someone asked if I were an artist. I appreciated this because I am in fact an artist. I didn’t even have to prompt because they could just smell the art on me – and they liked it! ;)

  668. Someone once wrote on a blog that I had the “best energy” at work. I always think of that when I’m feeling tired or grumpy and it helps me get my act together.

    I’m going to be sure to give some compliments tomorrow! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  669. Your giveaway has such fun stuff!! I can’t think of a standout compliment, but my friend was recently telling me how much she loves my home and how it is her favorite to visit :)

  670. The guy I’m crushing hard on right now complimented on my recently dyed hair that was pretty nice he noticed since he sees hundreds of people a day at his job lol.

  671. A stranger on the bus asked if I was aware that my nose crinkles like a rabbit’s when I read. I wasn’t sure how to respond and then he followed up with ‘don’t ever stop, dude- it’s cute!’. And then he stepped off of the bus with the wave.

  672. A national guard member told me that I had a nicely stacked pallet of sandbags during a major flood fight. I was super proud.

  673. My dad called me noble once. he said it to me when I was 14 and it stuck with me the last 25 years. helped me make better decisions more than a couple times because I liked that he thought that way about me and I wanted him to be right.

  674. Somebody once told me I was shrewd. I am about the furthest thing from shrewd but it was a great compliment.

  675. “Your parents raised you right.” – It was lovely that somebody noticed and appreciated. Thank you!

  676. In fourth grade, my teacher wrote on my report card that I was an out-of-the-box thinker. I’ve always tried to live up to that! Awesome giveaway! Don’t melt! I’m living without A/C for the first time this summer, so I am simpatico!

  677. I was told that I make the BEST cinnamon buns by very picky eaters, of course it was yours and PW recipes but I loved the compliment !

  678. Completely in love with that weekender bag! Thank you for the giveaway, I just adore your blog and constant cheer. One of (I can’t choose a favorite!) the greatest compliments I’ve received was from my little girl; she told me what a great artist I am. I felt as though my little doodles meant so much more :)

  679. Being told I’m a doing a good job as a mom. This was a compliment from a random lady in the grocery store when I was overtired and shopping with my 3 kids who were no doubt making a scene. :)

  680. Most compliments are about a thing. Like, “That’s a pretty top!” But I love it when someone says, “You look really pretty today!” Thanks for hosting such a rad giveaway. :-)

  681. I was once told “You’re gonna be a great momma.” I remember that sweet little comment to this very day.

  682. Last week, when I was sharing my concern that we haven’t had any engagement pictures taken, my fiancé said, ” I have a very vivid memory. I don’t need photos. Like, in 50 years when I’m old and wrinkly, I’ll still remember how pretty you look right now [just standing in the kitchen]”. !! He was completely sincere, and I was beside myself. So sweet.

  683. My friend once said that “Oh wow, you look really good”, seems simple enough but this was after I hadn’t seen her over the Summer and during that Summer I was working out and eating healthy. Definitely made it all worth it :) Awesome giveaway!

  684. Haha right now i feel like the best compliment I received was a stranger telling me my Demon Hunter in Diablo 3 was really well geared and high damage. Great stuff.

  685. The best compliment I’ve ever received? When I was really down and confused after my divorce this last year my father told me that he truly believed that I could do anything I set my mind to and that I am the best parts of he and my mom all in one person. It was beautiful and made me cry.

  686. fab giveaway.
    Best compliment…hmmm toss up between ‘You remind me of Gloria Swanson’ (old-school hollywood glamour, what is not to like?) and my son’s friend telling me if he could choose his own mother I would be just the type of Mummy he would like to have…sweet, must be doing something right!

  687. “You’re doing great!” When I became a mom for the first time and I was terrified out of my mind, This was the best thing anyone could have said to me at that point in time. Two will be here any day and hoping I can keep up the good work with two little ones!

  688. “You are a great mother”- it is wonderfully challenging to worry over a tiny human for years all the while dreading that you are going to screw them up. It’s good to know that someone sees the love and dedication I feel for my little ones.

  689. “You’re a wonderful mother.” Said to me recently by my father-in-law. His son and I have been separated for a long time, and this comment meant the world to me. I’ll never forget it.

  690. A boss once told me that they valued my “ability to see around the corner.” It was the first time I was the first time anyone had told me they valued the way I considered options and scenarios before choosing a course of action. I now see this as one of my greatest strengths.

    Today I complimented the receptionist at my doctor’s office for her “wicked awesome” smile (she just moved here from Boston). She loved it!

    Thanks for your awesome blog. It always makes me laugh!

  691. One of the best compliments I ever received was “you never fail to impress me”-guess I’m keeping it lively!

  692. A year ago I decided ENOUGH. NO MORE faker yeller in my hay -I mean hair. For exactly 13 months I grew out my hair and am finally my natural self – GRAY! I”m thrilled and I recieved so many complements, but my most favorite was this: Jane, you look so young, what is different about you? I said I went au natural on my hair! He told me I look 10 years younger! WEEEEEEE! Made my day, my month and probably my year!

  693. I’ve had men tell me I’m beautiful, that my smile is radiant, that my eyes are amazing but the very best compliment I’ve ever received is…
    “You are a wonderful mother.”
    And when I’m having a bad day, and I feel like I’m a failure, I remindmyself that it is true.

  694. Hands down the best compliment I ever received was when I was 14 and a family friend said “how can I raise my [7 year old] stepdaughter to be just like you?” Still feeling flattered fifteen years later.

  695. I’m the worst receiver of compliments, but I do enjoy it when someone compliments me on how i do my job. That means a lot.

  696. Best compliment ever…A little boy I had just met gave me a huge hug without saying hello. His momma was stunned and told me that he was autistic and never hugged anyone who wasn’t family. I was so touched.

  697. What a lovely collection! The best compliment I have received was one about my baking – and the person said that I made the best cupcake they had ever had the fortune of eating.

  698. My young granddaughter wrote on a card to me that I was the “best cook” and “the best at everything.” I’ve saved the card to look at when I feel bad about myself.

  699. I think that the best compliment that I’ve ever received was from my three year old niece. We were sitting on the couch together and she looked up at me and said, “I really like you”. So sweet!

  700. We were eating at a lovely restaurant in Californa and I was 38 years old and I was carded when I ordered wine. I really enjoyed watching the waiters face when he figured it out.

  701. We’ve been pretty short-staffed at work lately and I’ve been taking on some more projects than usual. Yesterday one of the managers said to me “You’ve been a rockstar lately. Thank you!” A little compliment but it really meant a lot to get some recognition for the extra work. :)

  702. I have been told on a few occasions that I have a “mothers heart” and even before I was a mother this was so encouraging to hear. It’s my desire to be a mother to many however that may look.

  703. This is such a lovely giveaway :) Best compliment I received was in a letter from a friend that I’ve pinned up on my board. She wrote “I cannot tell you how much I appreciate meeting you. You are incredibly bubbly, sweet, cheerful and amazing- never forget who you are. God has certainly given you some wonderful gifts.”

  704. My boss told me that when I started working for her it was life-changing (in a good way :) )–that was a pretty great compliment!

  705. while it wasn’t directed at me, at a party in college, my friend was hitting on this girl. he told her, “you’re the prettiest peach in the box.” i’m pretty sure he didn’t get her number, but to this day, it’s the best compliment ever. :)

  706. One time I was walking through town and I saw a heavy metal-ish, semi threatening looking guy walking towards me. So, I politely moved sideways to give him plenty of space, but as he walked past me he said “Excuse me, I just wanted to say that you are stunningly beautiful.” Day made!

    Also, it’s not Summer on my side of the globe yet, but I think that if I were to win, your wonderful gifts would serve well to prepare me for what is sure to be a blisteringly hot season come December. :) Yay for worldwide giveaways!!!

  707. One time I was talking with a guy friend about how young I looked and he said “Well,you look young at first, but when anyone talks with you they think you’re older than you are!” Made my day!

  708. What a fantastic giveaway!

    Years ago a friend’s husband told me I would be a great wife and mother. I’m 43 and single with no kids but I still go back to his complement all those years ago. I haven’t given up hope!

  709. At our rehearsal dinner, a woman I have known all my life and who is like a second mother to me, said “I was never anyone but who I am”, and that I have always been that way. It made me feel great that someone saw me in that light, especially when there are times when I didn’t feel that way inside.

  710. At my last job the marketting manager would stop by to chat and once told me she loves stoping by and talking with me because of I’m “so friendly and have such good energy” and that I’m like her own “personal cheerleader”. It made me feel really good about taking the time to chat with others and that she went out of her way to see me.

    Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  711. What a great giveaway! As someone who struggles a lot with body image issues, I find the nicest compliments address who I am as a person. The best thing I’ve been told is how strong I am to have made it this far.

  712. That I was a burst of much needed sunshine by a co worker… The fact that I made her feel happier just by being around was the ultimate compliment and I strive to do more of that each day….

    Paying it forward this week

  713. I have never received comments very well. I want to, but I feel funny having something say nice things to me. I know. Issues. I will say, though, that the nicest compliment came from my husband. I’m the Future Business Leader of America liaison at our local, small town high school, and he said that work was probably the most important work that I will ever do. More than my writing, my design, my community organizing… more than anything because I am changing the lives of kids. It just made me tear up a little. I hadn’t thought much about it and it made it so much more important to me. I’m grateful that he noticed and made me notice too.

  714. I work in publishing, and a boss once commented on my ability to write the back covers for books: “That sounds perfect! You should be a writer!”

  715. Fantastic giveaway! Best compliment i’ve ever received is “thank you for teaching me to be fabulous!”

  716. Some people aske me where I got my sweatshirt, and That they loved it! I made that sweatshirt, so I was really proud! (It was a Christmas-y sweatshirt, of no use right now!) xox you are the best!

  717. Once a barista at Starbucks said “a blonde roast for the pretty blonde”. It was a wonderful comment in the early morning.

  718. Well, Miss Joy,
    NOLA…August…yeah…it’s HOT. Spent many a summer there but my first hot August there in New Orleans, I was pregnant! Talk about uncomfortable. Stay cool! Hit the Country Club down in the Marigny or the pool at Le Richelieu on Chartres. Compliment for you…I bet you look cute as a bug in the Quarter, all shiny and pink with curly locks the humidity make dance!
    The best compliment I ever got was from my guy when I was talking about getting a tattoo. Now, he is not a prude and actually loves the art and expression on tattoos and people with them but he said, “I don’t know, tattooing you would be like drawing a mustache on the Mona Lisa.” Never have I felt more like a work of art and knowing that that was how I was seen through his eyes was and still is the BEST feeling! Kisses!

  719. A professional makeup artist once told me — “you have really beautiful skin.” I took that to heart.

  720. A classmate who told me I reminded him of Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec – ‘in looks and personality’ :)

    Also, this giveaway is adorable in every way!

  721. I wrote a poem and emailed it to my friend (or IMed– it was 2004). He thought it was written by a published poet, not me. Best compliment.

  722. I had mentioned that I don’t really think motherhood is in the cards for me, and someone once told me it was a waste of fantastic genes- it shocked me- in a good way :)

  723. I used to work at a golf course, and so many of the golfers would comment on my “beautiful smile.” Not only did that make me smile more, it made my day!

  724. Someone recently told me that despite my size (I’m 5′ tall), I have a personality that takes over a room. Amazing giveaway!!

  725. My favorite compliment that I’ve received is that I make other people want to have fun (do what I do) and try new places (restaurants, travel, movies)

  726. I love your blog and have enjoyed making many delicious things you have posted! Best compliment? A student told me that I should be a mom because I would be really good at it.

  727. One of the best compliments I’ve ever received was back in high school- I was going through a self-esteem low period and was VERY down about myself. I was buying a book at my local bookstore when the cashier (a cute, nerdy teenager himself) told me in the kindest, most sincere tone that I had the most beautiful green eyes he had ever seen. It’s amazing how just a few words can change how you think about yourself for years to come!

  728. Someone told me today that I didn’t look old enough to have a 17 year old son. That was fabulous!! I just turned 41 in may and she said I could pass for 30. Super yay.

  729. Someone once told me I have “the most satisfying laugh” they have ever heard. Ever since that, laughing has felt even better!

  730. When I was in my early twenties, I got asked a few times if I was a model. That was back when I was thin (but definitely thought I was fat!)

  731. Umm, I’m sure I’ve been complimented – the only one I can remember is recently a woman said she liked by shoulder bag (queen bee! Portland rocks!)

  732. Wow, such wonderful items! Especially the chocolate :) A recent compliment I received from a lady at Trader Joe’s said, “You make a beautiful pregnant woman!” I’m about 7 months along, and was not feeling my best that day. Not to mention feeling huge and awkward. But that comment made my day! It helped me to think of the positive things, and focus on the wonderful miracle of my baby. :) Good luck staying cool!

  733. I am a Pediatric nurse and lactation consultant and one mother told me that I really helped her with breast feeding and made her feel confident and that she felt she could do it. That made me feel good.

  734. This is so kind of you that you genuinely want to make the world a better place by hosting a giveaway where people compliment others. It just shows what a truly lovely heart you have. i suffer from a eating disorder and was on my death bed however i worked hard and was restored to a healthy weight which was challenging for me to face due to having been underweight for so long. The best compliment i have ever received was being told by my dad that i looked like his daughter again, i had sparkle back in my eyes and colour back in my face. This just reminded me that there are so many more important things in life then looking Pretty and conforming to the values of society. The most important thing is being healthy and being a lovely person on the inside who is kind and has good values.

  735. Was out walking the dog when a guy pulled over and said “are you always this cute on Thursdays?” Kind of lost its luster at first because I couldn’t hear him well and he had to say it 3 times… I thought he was asking for directions! Made me feel great though!

  736. The best compliment I’ve received was something not even said, it was an email telling me I’ve been accepted into an amazing school I never thought I’d get accepted to :)

  737. Best compliment probably came from my new husband. When we first started dating a long time ago, we were all hanging out (a bunch of us friends) and one guy started getting up in my face and I was just as argumentative. And then that guy turned to my then-BF-now-husband and said “You’re going to let her talk like that, huh?” and he shook his head and shrugged and said “She can do what she wants, she sounds smarter than you anyway.”

    Can’t help it, but always makes me smile :) Happy August!

  738. I was stepping out of a car to go to a wedding when a little boy said to his mother, “Momma, look at the pretty lady.”

  739. My best (and funniest) compliment was after losing 50 lbs. my husband and I were out walking and passed an acquaintance we hadn’t seen for awhile. He and I both said hello but she looked at us, didn’t smile and quickly took off the other way. Later, she told us she didn’t recognize me and thought he was out with another woman!

  740. I was once told by a coworker that he was kind of scared of me and proofread emails a million times before he would send me an email – as a lawyer I appreciated that!

  741. in college a friend told me she like spending time with me because i reminded her of Jesus. probably the most humbling thing one could hear.

  742. Recently at work, an elderly person complimented me in my name. “Nicole” isn’t anything unique or special, so it was nice to hear someone think it’s lovely. :)

  743. I recently bought a minivan after swearing my entire life I would never own one. But, after having my 2 sons and then 10 years later finding myself unexpectedly pregnant with twins, a mom mobile was begrudgingly in order. I went to my hairdresser the day we bought the van and was complaining how lame I felt about this car and she said, “people will see you roll up and think boring van and then see this bombshell getting out of it and be surprised”. It made me feel good for days and she got herself a giant tip.

  744. The best compliment I ever received was that I made a difference in the person’s life. I had no clue that I had done anything special. It’s kinda awesome how the little things can add up to something life changing.

  745. My mom told me that I’m a great daughter. We had a rocky relationship during my teen years so it’s nice to know that it’s forgiven!

  746. After a long conversation via text messages a few days ago, my childhood best friend sends another message about an hour later. It says “You are and always will be my best friend. A selfless loving individual that know more about just living a simple, satisfied life than anyone else our age”. It was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment, and she didn’t have a clue.

  747. I recently received a lovely, well thought out compliment at dinner one night not too long ago from a woman who is, quite simply, an inspiring, radiant powerhouse. She said it loud enough for the whole large table to hear, and spoke eloquently and genuinely despite it apparently being spur of the moment. Her “I don’t know what you’ve been doing lately, girl, but you’re killing it!” speech (and it was a whole speech) almost had me in (happy) tears. When I met her about eight months ago I had just started to be social again after recovering from a terrifying stalking situation that had left me a shell of my former self, suffering from PTSD and unable to leave my home. She doesn’t know how much her compliment touched me, but the fact that she recognized my growth from scared mouse to recovered, “normal” me without even knowing my situation really made me feel that all the work I had done to reclaim my life had succeeded. It was one of the best and biggest indicators of personal progress for this situation and to get a compliment from someone I admire so much makes it even better.

  748. While I was largely pregnant with my third child, my other two were enjoying themselves by standing behind me on my chair and brushing my hair. My daughter told me that they were making me pretty, to which my son quickly responded saying that, “we can’t do that, Phaedra, she’s already beautiful.”

    That or the way my previous boss complimented my integrity when I was a teenager. One of my coworkers was stealing from the register and I was one of the only ones (perhaps the only one) who wasn’t questioned regarding a particular incident. When I asked if they needed to talk to me as well they offhandedly said they knew it was something I never would do and they didn’t need to ask me questions to know that it wasn’t me.

  749. The best compliment I’ve received was a coworker telling me that I was the “life” of our little team at work and that I’d be sorely missed on my last day! Made me feel like sticking through with a challenging job has been worth it all these years!

  750. The best compliment I ever received was when someone told me I am just like my Dad. Thanks for the great giveaway, Joy!

  751. Best compliment ever? When my sister-in-law told me that she admires the way I mother my children. Almost made me cry it was such a sweet thing to say.

    What a fun giveaway, Joy!

  752. I was working a very harried shift at the reference desk of the library that I work at and I was doing my best to stay calm on the outside but on the inside I was freaking out. This lady kind of out of no where said that I sounded like the lady on NPR. So apparently I was doing well projecting the calm authority that I did not feel. Also I love NPR and the thought that my voice sounds like a well-trained newscaster is awesome!

  753. I used to work in a bank and I had a client who used to tell me he always came to me because my smile used my whole face and was always genuine.

  754. As an elementary school secretary I once had my Principal give me the following complement: “When I can hear Judith laughing, I know everything is OK.”

  755. My best compliment is when my nephew had to write about his most special day and he wrote about the day he spent with me. Best ever!!

  756. Zomg, best giveaway ever! Okay, the best compliment I ever got was from a coworker-friend of mine. I was about to give birth to my second child and she’d come into the city to see/spa with me before the big day. Talking about life in a giant saltwater pool, she told me that if ever she had to hire someone for the job of “home-maker” she would right away hire me first. It seems like a strange compliment on the outside, but she meant it in the best possible way. She thought I really was making a “home” for my family and considered me one of the best people for that “job.” That compliment truly touched me and validated a lot of hard work that often goes unsung.

  757. One of my boys tells me daily that I am the best mom ever, I know he is biased , but it still makes my day. Especially, because he is a teenager and could easily be embarrassed by me!
    What’s yours?

  758. You are the bestest mommy! I love your homemade bread. It’s the BEST!
    The best compliments are when someone says to me after eating anything I’ve cooked “THIS IS SO GOOD!i need this recipe!”

  759. When people say I’m pretty; I have a pretty low self esteem and don’t consider myself all that beautiful (something I’m working on) but it’s nice to be reminded that on the outside people think I’m beautiful too. It normally happens by a friend or my mother telling me that someone told them they thought I was pretty.
    I always see the beauty in others (not just physically)- it’s something I need to do with me too.

  760. I just got a new hairdo that I was really unsure of and someone came up to me and said that it looks fantastic on me and that it makes me look younger. (Best thing I could ever hear days before I turn 40!)

  761. This isn’t exactly a compliment, but maybe five years ago a friend I don’t talk to that often called me from the middle of a bookstore to ask for recommendations. I took it as a huge compliment because I read all the time and this is a girl with very high standards on what she will read/watch/listen to.

  762. Best Complement Ever: That I was balm to my friend’s weary soul. (She was dealing with a recurrence of cancer).

  763. I was once told that my laugh lit up a room. This was an awesome compliment because laughter and silliness are two of my favourite things! Silliness is the new serious. :)

  764. I work in helpdesk (a very thankless job). My second week into the job the Senior VP calls me into his office & tells me how great I’m doing and how much he appreciates everything I am doing. Whenever I’m having a bad day, I think of that and it picks me right up.

  765. A patient of mine recently complimented me on my hard work and commitment to healing, he was able to complete a month long tour of Asia without pain! I felt so appreciated that he took time to let me know how he was doing and that our work together paid off!

  766. My friend, speaking of short people (I am five foot zero), said that dynamite comes in small packages. That was over 15 years ago, and I’ll never forget it! Thanks for posting your giveaway with an encouragement to do good! God Bless!

  767. Best comment I’ve received is that I have a calming effect in a crisis. Nothing beats helping others through a hard time!

  768. Recently one of my co-workers was trying to get me to guess the word “enthusiasm,” (long story, don’t ask) and the hint she gave me was “You have a lot of this trait.” When I finally guessed the word I was so flattered!

  769. That is an intriguing question. My best compliment was from my husband’s cousin. He said I looked truly happy as mother and that it showed through my children’s happiness and ability to connect with others.

    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

  770. “Amy takes everything I do and makes it a little bit better.” A colleague said that about me recently and, wow, what a compliment!

  771. I bought a pair of mary jane chunky heels at the goodwill a couple of days ago, and found out they were actually from Anthro. Of course I was ecstatic that I got them for only $8 vs. the $489896895 Anthro usually charges. I strutted in them to work today, and a woman I did not know came up to me and told me she loved them!

  772. What a great giveaway! :)
    Just yesterday my fitness trainer said he thought I was 10years younger than I am actually, that was kind of sweet…and I take it as a compliment even I really don’t want to be 20 again.

  773. It’s strange but people often compliment me by saying that I have great eyebrows! It makes me giggle every time.

  774. I was hitchhiking, camping, and tramping through NZ and someone who gave me a ride asked how old I was. I said 21, and he said “that’s amazing.” was very sweet! love this giveaway!

  775. It may not be the best compliment, but my favorite compliment was when I was in grad school in London my friend and I were walking down the street complaining of bad hair days when some random guy walking down the street shouts out “it looks nice!” And just keeps on walking.

    This is such a great idea….The world needs more positive thoughts out there!

  776. At my 30th birthday party, the waiter said that I had such nice skin that no one would ever believe I was 30. And then my husband, who was a little intoxicated, told him to “Stop flirting with my wife!”

  777. “Smile like yours can make the world go ’round.” –from an elderly man as I was dragging my feet to work one day.

  778. best compliment to date is from my sister.

    We were on the phone early, early this morning; she is having health problems and was experiencing anxiety – we were discussing them and her life. As, the three hour conversation drew to a close at 2:30 a.m. – she said, “I’m so grateful to have you for a sister, I see your genuine transformation, and I know it is because of your daily conscious decisions, your choices to be whole and healthy (we grew up in an alcoholic home) encourage me in my current struggles. Luv you!”

  779. I look forward to reading everything you post and this is an awesome contest. One of the compliments I remember most poignantly was when I was stood up yet again by my then boyfriend and I was standing on the sidewalk feeling rather low about myself and trying to figure out what to do next. A stranger came up to me and told me how beautiful he thought I was. He told me to always remember that and continued on his way.

  780. It’s a little silly, but when I announced to my director that I was changing jobs, she took the time to come congratulate me in my office and said that I was “brilliant”. It was a small compliment, but that day, it meant the world to me!

  781. Joy! This is the most awesome giveaway. All of these things make me smile.

    The best compliment I’ve ever received was during a night at our small group. We did an activity where everyone wrote his/her name at the top of a piece of paper. The paper was then passed to the left, and it was your job to write down a word or phrase that reminded you of that person. I spent so much time thinking about what to write on everyone else’s that I forgot I’d be getting my own back. Reading so much nice things about myself from so many people I’d been thinking lovely things about was just one of the happiest things I’ve ever done.

    I think that answers the question…sort of. I’ll do my best to pass it on tomorrow morning at the farmer’s market (we’re in for the night at my house).

  782. My best compliments come from my 91-year-old grandma: “You always do what you set out to do and you do it with style.” Thanks for such a fun giveaway!

  783. Best compliment? The weekend I first met my now mother-in-law, she hugged me goodbye and said “thank you for making my son so happy”.

    Thanks Joy! Love your blog…great recipes and I love hearing about NOLA.

  784. Someone once told me I look like ScarJo. I totally don’t but I’ll take that complement anyway. Love your blog! You come up with such amazing flavor combinations. I’m slightly obsessed with lavender and cardamom together right now.

  785. yes, it is always this hot in new orleans(in the summer, especially august). welcome to the south:)

    best compliment: having my 88 year old Grandmother compliment my cooking by asking me for cooking and baking tips and recipes, especially when i’m the one who should be learning from her!

    you’re awesome Joy!

  786. Probably the best compliment I ever received was having my adult daughter tell me that she respects me. (Sniff, sniff.)

  787. My best compliment was that I was particularly good at neutralizing a simmering dispute between colleagues. I don’t think I’d even realized that I’d done it at the time.

  788. Best compliment I’ve ever gotten: “Your comments in class are great. I really feel like the sky is the limit for you.”

  789. My favorite compliment (albeit maybe not the most flattering I’ve ever received):

    Stranger: “what color is your hair?”
    Me: “brown?”
    Stranger: “no I mean what brand? What number?”
    Me: “umm… The one I got from my mom and dad… ha ha!”

    Awesome giveaway Joy! I already love so many of these things and will have to check the ones I don’t know out!

  790. Someone once told me they loved how honest I was, but in a nice way not as a backhanded insult. It felt great to be genuinely appreciated for speaking my mind.

  791. Joy this is so nice! My favorite compliment of all time was “we love parties at your house – there’s never any drama but there’s always bourbon!”

  792. The best compliment I got was from my dearest girl friend, who told me that I am the most happy person she knows… this made me wonder and … happy, actually.
    I love your Blog. You got me started on scones!

  793. love the giveaway – I am an everlane devotee – miss you in venice :) Best complements were today – both related to the fact that my workouts are paying off – great to hear in yoga pants at the co-op :)))))

  794. when he thought I left the room yesterday, I heard my 93 year old grandpa tell his friends that of his 18 grand kids and 39 great-grand kids, I’m the favorite and that he’s proud of me.

  795. I love it when my husband compliments the way I smell. Also, when someone compliments me on my parenting… I always think I am messing up with my kids, but I’ve had people compliment me on how I dealt with my son’s tantrums in public. It really encouraged me that maybe I wasn’t messing up completely.

    Before even reading this, I told the barista and Starbucks that her headband was pretty.

  796. In a store I used to work a lady told me that I was very pretty that really made my day and gave me a boost of confidence .confidence that sometimes I dont have

  797. The best compliment I received was during medical school on the last day of a rotation I was doing with a physician at a local hospital. Before I left for the day, he took me to get a cup of coffee from the hospital cafe to discuss my time on the rotation with him. He told me I was going to be a fantastic physician and that I had something really special to offer the field of medicine. He said people like me were hard to come by. I was so incredibly humbled, and it is something I carry with me each day I see patients. I intend to pay if forward :)

    Joy, I also had the privilege of meeting you shortly after this encounter at your cookbook signing in Brooklyn! Baking was my solace during med school and still is. It was a good year :) Thanks for the nature of this giveaway. It prompted me to rekindle how great it felt to be recognized not only for my clinical knowledge, but also my ability to be a kind and empathic individual. <3

  798. I love the “compliments” theme of this post! The best compliment I’ve ever received? Probably hearing “I’m proud of you” from family or loved ones after a rough day or difficult task. It’s not often that people tell you how proud they are of you, and it really makes my day so much brighter.

  799. The best compliment to me is an empty plate when I cooked. I love your blog. I try the peach cardamom lemonade. It was delicious!!!!!

  800. Wow, what an awesome giveaway! I feel proud of any compliment I receive, because I think for someone to actually say something out loud (even if they are thinking it!), they must really mean it. However, when my husband tells me I’m a great mom it means a lot to me because I know he means it and appreciates everything I do for our daughter (he’s a pretty great dad too-and I make sure I tell him!)

  801. Best compliment from a friend: My friend Alex said I was one of the most down-to-earth, thoughtful, and completely awesome muggles on the planet! Best compliment from a boy: “You’re the only girl I could ever go on a long trip with.”

  802. This just happened last June. At an amusement park and told the man running the train ride that I could get a senior citizen discount. He said “you have to be 55 to get the discount” and I said I am 60. He looked at me and in a very grouchy way he said “well you’re the youngest looking 60 year old I ever saw!’ Even though it was said in a grumpy way, I took it as a compliment!

  803. Once a total stranger told me how much my writing meant to them, and how it struck home. It was so kind and so brave it makes me want to keep working at it!

  804. Hmmmm hard to think if an original or best complement! Probably ones I get from my students families if I helped them through a tough time

  805. ah, this giveaway.. lovely! & compliments? I’m not great at receiving them [working on it] but the best I’ve been told is that I “rock at being genuine”. that’s pretty much my goal in life, so cool to hear it! ps. I’m from New Orleans & girl, I feel ya. it’s beyond hot! gotta love this city though ;)

  806. I’m really shy and wrestle with anxiety but I don’t want fear to define my life. One day my dad said to me, “Your commitment to personal growth and to doing things that challenge you are amazing.”

  807. My mom has told me on more than one occasion that I am a very self-aware person and that because of that I am able to improve myself when I find things that I think need improving. It’s nice validation to know she feels that way about me.

  808. ‘You have a lovely accent.’ A teenager told me that while we were waiting for the bus. That’s the first time I’d ever heard someone compliment an Indian accent! I was thrilled. We then proceeded to have an in-depth discussion on curry.

  809. After I got a new haircut I was complimented by someone at work I’d passed in the hallway before but never talked to.

  810. One of the best compliments I received lately wasn’t really a compliment, but it really did make my day. An employee in Whole Foods came up to me while I was in line and says… “Aren’t you the girl with the Boca food blog?” Turns out he found me on Instagram because I had tagged a local restaurant, followed it to my blog, and recognized me and starting following my blog. So cool!

  811. Best compliment ever? That would have to be when my husband put his arm around me the night our son was born after a long, hard 20 hour labor and told me I was so pretty. And skinny. And my heart melted, because he meant every word. Love is blind, right? :)

  812. Joy! That’s what your posts bring me :) Best compliment: that my house is very orderly. This looks like an awesome awesome giveaway. Thanks!

  813. A new coworker told me that my hair is “glorious”. Little things like this make my day, so I try to pass it on whenever I can.

  814. I just recently got my first “real” job where I get to work on things that are really important to me and that I hope will make a big impact on the people with whom I work. Then a couple of weeks ago I got an email from my mom who had emailed her entire office to tell them about my work and said it was her proudest mom moment :) Everyone just wants to make their moms proud, right?

  815. Every time my boss tells me that I’m doing “good work.” It validates that I know what I’m doing and makes me work harder :)

  816. One of the best compliments was once when a friend told me this:
    “You make me feel so grounded and happy, I guess it’s your aura”.
    – That really made me smile!

    And I actually live by the try-to-give-three-strangers-a-compliment-a-day! I do not always get up to three, depends on what I do. But I usually compliment one or two each day. And as you say, it does indeed feel great :’)

  817. The best compliment I have ever received is when my husband ( a die-hard University of Kentucky sports fan) told me that, even though I was wearing red (UK’s biggest rival’s color), I looked beautiful.

  818. I was swimming laps at my local pool and a group of kids were waiting for open swim to start. As I finished up and was getting out of the pool, a young boy came up to me and said with such enthusiasm “Nice swimming!!”

  819. Today someone told me I look great for just having a baby. And it was awesome!! I’ve been working so hard. I’ll definitely pay it forward :)

  820. I would definitely have to say that my fiancé and my sister referring to me as a ‘doctor’, even though I’m studying Nursing…would have to be the best compliment everrrrr…and I just want to add that I really do try to say and do nice things to any and everyone that I can…whenever I can…that makes me feel wayyyyyy better than someone giving me a compliment!!!!!

    P.S. I just want to say…Joy is the MOST perfect name for you…because your ideas, food, photographs, and stories…bring ABSOLUTE JOY to my life :))))) So THANK YOU, Joy, for everything!!!!!!!!

  821. The best compliment I have ever received was from a friend who told me that I had a great laugh that is loud (but not annoying) and made him smile when he heard it. :)

  822. Recently the best compliments I’ve gotten are about my almost eleven-month-old son: how cute he is, how happy he is, etc. Love it that other people see him as I do! Thanks Joy!!

  823. The nicest compliment I got (in high school! which makes it so odd & lovely) was that I was a lady. This was from a classmate, randomly, in the hall after school.

  824. Every time someone compliments my husband and me on how well-behaved our kids are, it makes me feel like Supermom! Really, they are just good kids…usually. ;)

  825. I just turned to my boyfriend to ask what was the best compliment I’ve ever gotten and he told me “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world!” Awww! :)

  826. A thousand times YES to an old-school blog giveaway! :) Thank you! And the best compliment I ever received? “Thanks for all the hard work you put in for that meeting — I could tell you gave it your all.” A small compliment, but much appreciated in my usually fast-paced, too-busy-to-breathe, working-for-the-man job!

  827. the best compliment i’ve received was from a patient. after two days with her, she told me that i was the best nurse she’d had and proceeded to show me pictures of her granddaughter, who also wanted to be a nurse. it made my rough day totally worth it!

  828. Amazing giveaway!! The best compliment I have ever received is anytime someone says “it wouldn’t be the same without you.” I love knowing that I have something special to bring to people!

  829. My favorite compliment came from my dad right before I left for college… he told me how he was proud of my grades, what I’d accomplished, but that he was most proud of who I was more than anything else.

  830. My students mom wrote me the sweetest email thanking me for being a teacher that truly cares for her son and for touching his life in many ways! Best compliment ever!

  831. I’ve been told on many occasion that I am genuine and I care. Whenever I hear these wonderful words, I want to work my hardest to hear them again!

  832. A new acquaintance told my friends that I reminded him of a Disney character because of my voice. (I hope it wasn’t Ursula…)

  833. What a great give away! I had a choreography professor in college that I very much admired tell that I approach my work with intelligence and gumption. It still makes me feel good to know she thought highly of me.

  834. Someone once compared me to an everything bagel because they said everything bagels had everything good in them.

  835. One time, I passed a random man on the street and he said “cool earrings!” It was really nice to be complimented on my style, and a welcome surprise that he wasn’t cat-calling/objectifying me. The fact that I remember this small exchange years later really says something. Men, take note!

  836. I’m in the military and was once riding a bus in my uniform and someone stopped me to tell me that my eyes looked particularly beautiful – made me feel better since the uniforms are rather unflattering!

  837. Ahahah, I’m really bad at remembering compliments, but… a church counselor once told me ages ago that I am a gentle soul and that it’s okay to be quiet and humble. That’s just the sort of thing a shy teen needs to hear once in a while.

  838. The compliment that came readily to mind happened the day I was a week past my due with my first child. I had gained sixty pounds, Texas summer was way too hot, and I was feeling super frumpy in a knit dress and greasy ponytail. My husband and I had just finished eating our breakfast tacos when the woman at the next table said, “I just want you to know, you are such a cute pregnant lady. Seriously.” God knows I needed the compliment that day. Thank you, kind hipster chick.

  839. A friend once said to me “You are old-fashioned. You take the time to let people know you care.” and I really appreciated this.

  840. A few months ago, a dear friend was moving back to Texas, and we had a picnic lunch in her honor. I suggested we all go around and share a favorite memory or story about her, and she insisted on balancing out all the praise by complimenting each person in turn. Her compliment for me was one I will always cherish: “You are an extremely intelligent person, but you have a way of both showing how smart you are without making anyone else feel stupid at the same time.”

  841. A co-worker told me not too long ago that I was the best editor he’s ever worked with. I know this to be false, but it made me feel great anyway. :)

  842. The best compliment I ever received was after I spoke at my grandmother’s funeral and an aunt said that she knew my grandma would be so proud having a granddaughter who appreciated the unsung value of humility

  843. “Wow, you’re the nicest ice cream worker I’ve ever met!” (from when I worked in an ice cream shop)

  844. after i graduated, a bunch of people who were in the year under me wrote me letters. they all touched my heart but in particular, one of these people told me that the year would have not been the same without me and even though she didn’t have any sisters, she imagined that our relationship was like that of sisters. it was the best compliment i had ever received.

  845. Best compliment I’ve ever received was from one of my sister’s best friends . She said ” OMG ! OMG ! duuuude you look so much like Fan Bing Bing (she’s an asian actress) “

  846. My grandmother told me I was a wonderful mother, and that meant a lot because she raised four phenomenal women and I admire her (and love her) so, so much!

  847. I’m a dancer and whenever I see someone after a show and they tell me they couldn’t take their eyes off of me, I melt into a big puddle of “oh my goodness, you couldn’t mean me, you’re the nicest person ever, let me cry into your unexpected shoulder”.

  848. Love this giveaway and the message behind it! :) The best compliment I have ever received was when a patient told me I’m going to make an amazing doctor. I melted a little.

  849. I’m switching careers, leaving teaching and going to law school. Leaving my students was really hard but it was so cool to have a few of my students (8th graders who do not give complements, ever) tell me that they thought I would make a good lawyer and they would want me to be theirs.

  850. I’m generally a pessimistic person and most of the time I myself don’t really like that so I struggle with trying to have a happier outlook on things . Therefore the best compiment I’ve ever ever ever received was when my best friend said to me ” You are fearfully & wonderfully made by God and in your own uniqueness you have your own specialized or personal outlook on things and it’s not like you go out of your way to bum everyone out . You are the introvert to balance my extrovert . ” <— hehe , was the best heart to heart EVER . :)

  851. What a rad giveaway! A few weeks ago my friend said that I was perceptive and a very good judge of character/people. It was a small moment that made my day!

  852. I love it when people tell me I look like my sisters…they are beautiful, inside and out and I love getting that compliment!

  853. I’m pregnant, due in six weeks. My friends have been reassuring me that I am going to be a good mother. I really appreciate their kind words of encouragement!

  854. Someone in my church once said, “You know who you remind me of? Miss Honey from Matilda!” I loved it so much, I might have cried a little :)

  855. I’m almost 34 weeks pregnant and all hear is “Really? You look ready to pop!” Thank goodness for my husband who told me that I’m all belly and that I look great. That man is getting something yummy baked for him this weekend.

  856. My sister recently told me that I was a, “soft place to land.” All weight related puns aside, I took it to mean that she felt at ease with me. I don’t think I will ever forget it.

  857. You have a true skill of really getting along and having a conversation with anyone, it’s truly amazing

    I suffer from social anxiety so this compliment was very much appreciated.

    Great contest idea!

  858. “Your eyes are beautiful. They’re like almonds.” It means a lot because it was the last compliment a boyfriend who unexpectedly passed away gave me.

    I’m going to compliment you on your New Orleans post, because I’m going there in September, my first visit since I was… oh… two years old? I can’t wait! Thanks for all the food and drink recommendations!

  859. Years ago I offered to mentor a new graduate at work. She later ended up working in the same team as me and when she resigned to move to another company she called to tell me before she announced it publicly. She thanked me and told me that when she had first started and I was mentoring her, that she had gone home and told her Mum that she wanted to be like me. I still think it’s lovely even a couple of years down the line.

  860. After my senior presentation in college, my favorite professor told me that I was poised beyond my years. I try to remember that when I’m tripping over cracks in the sidewalk and making loud commentary during “The Bachelorette.”

  861. My boyfriend offered to move for my career because he “saw a lot of success in me” – we’re not together anymore but I’ll never forget that. It still motivates me and makes me think fondly of him and our relationship.

  862. a friend once jokingly told me that i’m “what hipsters aspire to be” and i thought it was very funny but secretly felt really cool about it. i guess that’s the best kind of compliment one can receive… rad giveaway, though. hope it’s open for worldwide readers :)

  863. Someone recently told me I had great arms – “Better than regular girl arms, but not too much” …I recently started working out so I guess that’s why but it made me extra proud!

  864. I don’t know about the best compliment — I don’t have one that just sticks out in my mind. However, I do love it when people compliment my cooking and/or baking. Hearing “she makes the best chocolate chip cookies” or “pumpkin bars” or “mac ‘n cheese” does it for me!

  865. This is my second-best compliment (someone else already commented on her daughter telling her she’s the best mom ever) ~ “You’re beautiful” (I’m not) said with love just pouring out of his eyes… {call me melted.}

    Thanks for a chance at such a fabulous giveaway!

  866. Best compliment was from a coworker that said I radiated sunshine, which is a great thing to hear when I often feel that I am at my most frazzled at the office!

  867. Best compliment: “You’re important to the work and growth of this city.” I’m a community organizer and that means so much!!

  868. The best compliment I’ve ever received is that I am just like my mom. When I was younger I would not have appreciated a compliment like that but now that I am older I truly am blessed that someone thinks that I am like my mom as she is amazing.

  869. While I was doing theatre, the stage manager on a production I was a board operator for said that I would make a good stage manager. That meant the world to my shy, behind-the-scenes self.

  870. wow, I have always been awful at receiving compliment – I never can just say a simple ‘thank-you’ I get all flustered and make some dumb excuse of why the shouldn’t really be complimenting me for whatever reason.. but a compliment that I can’t forget, a co-worker a few years back told me I was very empathetic – that is something I’ll never forget!

  871. The best compliment I’ve received is “You were born to be a mother.” It makes all the tough days worth it!

  872. My granddaughter told me that she loved me so much that she always wanted to live with me. Made my heart sing.

  873. I just gave birth to my beautiful baby boy on Saturday, and the best compliment I received from my doc at his first appointment. They couldn’t believe I left the hospital the day before!

  874. “You should be a foot model” Ok, maybe not as good as when my daughter told me I was the “best mommy ever,” but definitely made me feel good!

  875. I’m a tall thin gal. When I was in my teens and 20’s I would often get asked if I modeled or told that I should. No way for me, I was a shy insecure mess…and still am. I’ll be 35 on August 12th, and though I no longer get that comment I still remember the boost of confidence hearing those simple kind words from strangers.

  876. I grew up in Eastern Europe people there rarely compliment each other, moving to USA I was amazed at how people compliment one another. The first few compliments I had received felt so good that I ecided to compliment people as well. My first compliment was in the gym: you are stronger then you look. I like to compliment girls and guys on how they look and it makes me feel good when they seam surprised and smile. In the end everyone is happy. I hope I win because I’m going to travel to Africa next week. Thank you!

  877. Hi, I’m a professional athlete, after just competing in a 10 day race in Italy, I flew straight to a training camp. It was brutal to say the least, 5am wake ups then 2 more afternoon workouts. By 7:30 the first morning I didn’t know what to do I was so slow and felt terrible! Most of the girls had just come from resting but I was incredibly tired. At the end of the camp one of the coaches stood up in front of everyone and said “Ruth just flew from Italy and her body was broken coming in. But she pushed through and showed great mental toughness” It was a really great complement because throughout the camp I was preforming really badly but the coaches didn’t care that I was really tired, so to have someone recognize my struggle but congratulating me for making it was really special I almost cried!

  878. Yess! An old-school giveaway without strings attached! You rock. So one time when I was in middle school, a high school boy told me I had shiny eyes. And that’s always stuck with me! Best compliment I can remember.

  879. A coworker’s wife said that a brownie I had made was legitimately the best homemade brownie she ever had. Made my day, that girl knows her brownies.

  880. Way back when I was in college and totally insecure about my looks and fitness, a girl I barely knew described me as “athletic.” Mind you, I was far from it, but somehow that made me feel so great.

  881. A friend recently told me “you make everyday into a celebration.” I thought that was so touching and a trait I never really noticed in myself. Isn’t it wonderful when you get a glimpse into how others perceive you and its even better than you expected?

  882. The best compliment I received recently was that the 8th grade graduation I was in charge of was great and they could tell how much my students liked and respected me. That was pretty cool.

  883. A friend once told me I inspired them to start running. As a novice runner who has always identified as the fat kid in gym class, being told I was in inspiration was especially touching.

  884. After 27 years of dancing ballet as a hobby I am now able to say to myself that I am a fantastic dancer. And now believe it too. For me that’s a big deal. And it’s also one of the best compliments, even if I gave it to myself.

  885. I work at a day camp…today, I was giving one of my campers a good-bye hug and her mom said “can she get a picture with you? She talks about you all the time.” made my entire day.

  886. Another parent at the park came and told me how polite and kind my four year old daughter was. :) It made my day! Moms need to compliment each other more.

  887. As I was finishing my internship at a high school, one of my students I had been working with all year told me that I was an awesome therapist and would help kids wherever I go. It gave me chills. :)

  888. a good friend once told me I was the most empathetic person she had ever met–not sure if it’s true, but it was unbelievably touching and has stuck with me for years.

    p.s. i already informed my family members that homemade decadence is what I want for my birthday…4 months from now…

  889. Every time I do my hair a certain way there’s a girl at work who says she loves it. Every time I do that she says that. It’s nice to hear that!

  890. best compliment ever? ‘you’re brilliant’. what can you say after someone says that to you?! not much. flattered & blissfully silent after, yet beaming with gratitude.

  891. 7 months pregnant and very full after consuming an entire pizza with a girlfriend, we were taking a walk around the block to digest and a complete stranger called out to me in the most sincere way and said “you look absolutely beautiful”. It was so nice and made me feel good. Thank you stranger on your porch in Sacramento!
    Thanks for the giveaway Joy.

  892. My husband told me I was funny. Seems rather silly, but he is hilarious and one day just paused to tell me I was funny. Genuinely funny, not just funny in that moment

  893. I had an elderly patient tell me my eyes sparkled like that of somebody in love. Broke my heart in half and made it swell ten times the size, all at the same time.

  894. I’ve been told by friends that they love watching me sing on stage, as I am smiling and outgoing then. This is huge for me, not only as an introvert, but also because I used to always frown in concentration while singing, an odd nervous habit that took a very, very long time to break!

  895. Before he left, my husband told me that I was the strongest person he knew. It has helped carry me through this deployment.

    He also told me he loved the way I brush my teeth: “Ferociously, with soapy foam everywhere.”

    They’re tied for best compliment ever.

  896. The best compliment I ever received was on my wedding day. My husband and I put so much thought into our wedding and it was so nice to hear our guests appreciating those personal touches!

  897. My sister said I was a good sister to her and that made me feel so good!! I only have one, and I’m glad to be close to her.

  898. My boss said to the owners of the company in a meeting that I was an asset to the company and that they were lucky to have me.

  899. The best compliment I can remember is when a stranger told me I looked beautiful while I was hustling down the street to make it to a wedding on time while 6 months pregnant. Thankfully, I made it just in time to see the procession begin!

  900. I have red hair so I get complimented on that almost daily (woe is me). I think the best compliment I ever got was “You’re so interesting!” It meant a lot that someone was digging my stories as much as I was digging sharing them.

    I would love any and all of these!

  901. The best compliment I received was at the gym. A trainer told me how one of her clients was alway happy to see me walk by because I always smiled and said hello. It was nice to hear a busy stressful day at work.

  902. The best compliment I’ve ever received was my best friend telling me how he admired how hard I work. He’s now my boyfriend. :]

  903. My favorite compliment was from a patient and husband, whom had just delivered their baby boy. They said I was an unforgettable part of their labor experience and that she didn’t think she could have gotten through it without me. Compliments like those, really are icing on the cake. They remind me that my job is so much more than pain, screams and fetal heart beats.

  904. The greatest (and weirdest) compliment I ever received was from a friend who told me that if they ever had to chop their thumb off to get out of the army draft (mandatory in their country) that they’d trust me to do it.

  905. Well, the best compliment I’ve ever received, and it works so much better in context, it “Pain is beauty. You must have a lot of experience with pain.” As I said, the context is everything. It made my heart skip a beat at the time. I look back on it fondly.

  906. “You’re too good at this!” in reference to a new job I’d had for two weeks.

    This is an amazing giveaway!

  907. “You are an optimistic realist”

    It made me feel good because I’m happy go-lucky, but I was glad to hear that didn’t get in the way of facing reality.

  908. my husband has told me a few times that I’m tough and tenacious. I like hearing that, as I usually feel the opposite!

  909. A woman once told me I had beautiful skin, which for an adult that suffered from horrible acne as a teenager, it made my month!

  910. It’s like your Blog Oprah. But with more sass and nail polish which I’m pretty sure we all prefer. Best compliment I’ve ever received? We have a mutual friend (Emily Freeman), and her son said the following as he ate some cookies I made them: “I just entered the staircase to heaven. And I’m on the 95th step. And there’s 100 in all.” I’m not sure it gets better than that.

  911. I think the best compliment I have gotten recently is on how I decorated my apartment- sometimes I feel like there is still so much to do but it’s nice to get some recognition from other people that it looks good!

  912. I loved it when my dance teacher would make me demonstrate the routine to the rest of the class. “Do it like she does”. Best. Compliment. Ever. As an overweight woman, I like it when people look past the fat and see what I’m capable of physically.

  913. “You’re a really fast swimmer.” Made my day since I had just picked swimming back up and had been working my butt off to get back in the grove of it.

  914. The best comment I’ve ever received was my thesis adviser telling me that I had a good memory for details from old literature I’d been reviewing. It seems like a small thing, but it made me feel like I had the chops to do this PhD gig!

  915. When I offered to take a dog that was going to have to be rehomed, the person who was rehoming him said that I was the first person that they thought of and were going to ask me anyway. They said that they knew Baloo would be happy with me.

  916. A friend once told me I that I was a good listener. Made me feel like I helped her just by being the introvert that I am.

  917. Best compliment was definitely when my husband told me that marrying me was the easiest decision he’s ever made

  918. A co-worker once remarked that he felt I genuinely listened when people talked about their lives/issues etc. I was genuinely touched.

  919. A toss-up between my nephew saying, “I don’t want you to gooooo!” and a former colleague I really look up to saying that he had “lots of respect” for me. Good times!

  920. best complements for me are the unspoken ones –
    behavior towards me is considerate, compassionate, and selfless
    from people i do not know personally

    i replicate going out of my way to also be nice to someone or even complement them

    nice to shair the positivity

  921. Maybe not the best compliment I’ve gotten, but my favorite, is when one of my old best friend’s told me I looked really happy. I had been going through some tough times, and overall my neutral expression looks a bit angry, so hearing that I actually looked happy made my day. Thanks for the giveaway! Here’s to hoping everyone experiencing summer right now won’t melt before September~

  922. A person told me earlier that I changed for the better. It’s hard to feel you’ve changed and when someone sees it and acknowledges it, it’s fantastic.

  923. Whenever a co-worker, or even better a patient, tells me that I am a great nurse – it ALWAYS makes my day!! :)

  924. Love the giveaway Joy!

    Best compliment…was from an old-time friend. She said that I was the most imaginative person, and that I had opened her eyes to world of imagination.

  925. The best compliment I’ve received was being told that I would be a good mother…and next January I get to find out!

  926. When my absolute favorite college professor later told me I had been one of his favorite students. Made me so proud of myself!

  927. The best compliment I ever received was that I’m a classically beautiful badass. I will definitely spread the love and compliment a stranger today :)

  928. I love being told that I’m the best teacher they’ve ever had! Always makes me feel so good about what I do!

  929. I was told recently that I am the greatest listener. Always caring, always honestly listening. It’s nice to have people recognize the difference….

  930. A friend recently told me that my cooking fills a place in their stomach they didn’t know they had! Still not sure what it means, but it sure seemed awesome at the time.

  931. My dad always gives me the best/funniest compliments. One night, I made him a spinach and feta pie for dinner and when he was done devouring a large slice, he looked at me and said, “Danielle, don’t take this the wrong way, but this pie would get you a husband.” Haha thanks dad.

  932. Last week a guy on my soccer team who I didn’t really know told me I was “a beast,” I am not a very confident person and it was great to hear!

  933. probably that i was mature for my age (when i was younger, of course, not now – now it sucks!) and much more responsible than people my age. i have always taken pride in being independent and thinking before acting.

  934. I made your kale and coconut bowl for my non-kale loving father-in-law and not only did he say that he liked it, but that I could make it again! This was high praise coming from a guy who loves boxed mac and cheese with tuna. :)

  935. My husband once told me I was looking nice that day. He is not one to compliment often so it was a pleasant surprise.

  936. I was riding my bike this spring and dressed kinda slubby but it looked like rain so i was wearing a bright pink rain coat. A van pulled up along side me and rolled down the window and I half expected the driver to be mean (cyclists are the enemy sometimes in Toronto) but the two moms in the van just wanted to tell me they thought I looked great in pink. Totally made my day!

  937. My favorite comment is probably when the chair of the English department at the college which I attend told me that I had some of the best writing he’d seen in his years as a professor.

    Either that or when my boyfriend (on our second date) so awkwardly and adorably said, “I like your wrists.”

  938. “You are bubbly and cheerful as well as thoughtful and aware. A perfect combination.” Made me feel competent and confident, a winning combination!
    Happy Friday!

  939. I received some bad news this last week, and a dear friend told me that everything was going to be ok because I knew how to live and love completely. It didn’t make my problem go away, but it made me feel better.

  940. My favorite complements are when my husband comments on how I look after putting in effort to get dolled up. And the ones where I just get them with not putting in any effort.

    In addition to that today I helped out a friend with some event planning and writing the emails for it. Her complement was “just reviewed the email you’re like a wizard”

  941. This is the most recent compliment, even if not the most life-changing or “best ever”. Last night at an event to promote my bakery I got three or four “That’s the best oatmeal raisin cookie I’ve had in my life.”

    Good words.

  942. The one that comes to mind was two of my friends telling me that I’d be their phone-a-friend if they were ever on a quiz shot.

  943. Best compliment would have to be the time when I was in grade eleven, and I was talking with a friend, she said something that made me laugh and the guy sitting in front of me *that I had a crush on* turned around and said that I had a great laugh. I wasn’t trying to do anything to impress anyone, I was just being myself. That felt really great.

  944. I’m nearly ten years out of undergrad, but nothing has ever gotten to me quite like professor comments on papers. All they’d have to do is write “penetrating analysis!” and my confidence would be bolstered for a week. When I graduated, one of my favorite professors wrote that reading my work for the last four years had been a true joy. I will never throw that paper away!

  945. Every guest I’ve spoken to since my wedding has raved about it – a sunny rooftop patio, bluegrass trio & DJ, brunch including bacon & mimosas with a donut tower instead of cake, & jam for favors…I’m so happy I was able to coordinate such a beautiful event & so pleased that everyone enjoyed it!

  946. WHAT?! This is seriously the nicest giveaway. The nicest compliment anyone ever gave was: “You have your mother’s smile.” Here’s why you can cue the tears: 1) My mother passed away from cancer in 2003. 2) The compliment came from an elderly friend who has a degenerative eye disease and can NO LONGER SEE much other than variations of light and dark. It meant the world to me because she was acknowledging the loss I carry with me as well as the beauty my mother passed on in myriad ways, even after all this time. *deep breath* Thanks for the chance.

  947. I once was told in the middle of a terrible airport plane cancellation debacle by one of the people i was waiting in a line with, “You’re a really fun person! I’m happy i got to wait in line with you.” It was the sweetest compliment anyone has ever given me, it made me feel so special that i could help make a really crappy situation less crappy for at least one person.

  948. A good friend once told me, “You’re a miracle berry.”
    Miracle Berries have a protein that tricks your taste buds into making sour foods taste sweet!

  949. Brilliant giveaway. I think the best compliment I ever received was being offered a job working a number of grades above my own. It may not seem like much but I’m a uk doctor and most jobs are recruited centrally so to be offered one purely on mperformance at work was an enormous compliment :)

  950. I commented in the Facebook section, not sure if that’s correct or not -but my greatest compliment was from a homeless man who told me my smile made his day. :)

  951. Joy, love reading your blog, always makes me smile! So, best compliment ever was from a stranger who told me I seemed like a great mom. It made me happy because I always strive to be, but just don’t feel like I’ve succeeded to be every day.

  952. on my wedding day my friend’s 5 year old son told me that I was. “the prettiest lady that he’d ever seen”. It was so cute and made my heart melt!

  953. “your legs look great!” (training for my first marathon. its nice to know running alone for hours on saturday mornings has purpose.)

  954. Hmm … I’m really bad at taking compliments but I did like the one from my dentist when he said: (in a non-creepy tone, I think, ha!) “Would you look at those eyes when she smiles!”. I can totally appreciate the compliments that are NOT about body parts!

  955. Much of my humor is not too relatable, but one night, this friend of a friend I had just met told me all of my jokes had been really good that night and then high-fived me.

  956. The greatest compliment I have have received is from one of my students. I know that when they tell me things it is honest and sincere so it means so much more. During my student teaching I had one student who had bad behavior and never really listened, it was like pulling teeth to get him to work most days. But at the end of the year he asked me to come back in the fall to be his third grade teacher because I “really know how to teach.”

  957. what a sweet giveaway condition – so fun to read all the compliments. my best compliment – that when i work with people, i treat everyone like we’re all on the same team, we’re all in it together.

  958. Best compliment is when I’m told I did a good job raising my daughter.,who will be 21 next week. I was a single mom and it was hard and I didn’t feel like I got a lot of support/praise when she was small, but now I get a lot of compliments.

  959. my favorite compliment was a family friend who told me ‘sophia, you make me want to have a daughter’ (he and his wife has a two year old boy at the time) – the cutest thing anyone has said to me recently is a lovely elderly gentleman who cams up to me in the post officd: “ma’am,” he said, “i don’t lnow how else to ask this, but is my shirt tag sticking out?” “no,” i said. “well yours is!” he looked so apologetic annd sheepish, it was adorable

  960. Love this!

    A few years ago I was on the subway and was trying to get the last bit of lipstick out of the tube. I finally gave up and just put it away, and an older gentleman who was sitting next to me smiled and said “you don’t need it anyway”.

    It sounds creepy as I type it now, but it was definitely genuine and made my day!

  961. Someone asked if I had a sister because he was looking for a good match for a friend and I am not available. That sounds dumb and shallow…

  962. A few years out of high school my high school crush looked at me and said “God, woman you are beautiful” It was the first time I’d been called a woman or beautiful and it was so sincere. Definitely the best

  963. I received an email from a previous co-worker of many years ago and she told me I was the best boss she ever had.

  964. I was reading through all these great things you were giving away and thinking to myself, “Dang my Canadian-ness, I won’t be able to enter” – but apparently I can! Woohoo! Thanks Joy :)

    The best compliment I ever received was a few years back. I was at the third day of a music festival, I was exhausted, a little hungover, and it was incredibly hot/humid. I was waiting to meet friends when someone randomly came up to me and said “I just want you to know that you are the most beautiful girl I’ve seen here today” and walked away. It was so random and genuine (I guess the walking away bit made me feel he had no ulterior motives) that it made my day, and made me want to start complimenting random people all the time!

  965. Recently my six year old daughter went on and on about how beautiful my hair is…made my night. The funniest “compliment” I ever received was from a homeless man asking for loose change, after telling him I did not have any he thanked me anyway and said “you look real nice, I like your thighs”. Hmmmmm. My friend and I laughed about that one all the way home.

  966. I just had my first baby 15 weeks ago. On a daily basis my husband tells me I’m the best mommy ever. It melts my heart every time.

  967. I’m currently training for a marathon with a running group, and a couple of weeks ago we were doing a hill workout. I was loving the camaraderie of the group, and even though the workout was tough, I kept smiling. Someone jokily kept telling me to stop, and I took that as a compliment that only made me smile bigger.

  968. Joy you are awesome! The best compliment i have received is that my kids “seem so well behaved”. I’m glad others see what sometimes I miss!

  969. I’m excited about this giveaway! One of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten was when someone told me I was caring.

  970. You are so sweet – I love this. Best compliment…I appreciate it when someone compliments what I’m wearing, but recently someone complimented me on asking the right questions. That felt nice.

  971. I don’t know if it’s the best compliment, but my favorite compliment was when a cab driver in another city that I went to often for business recognized me by my laugh and said he always enjoyed having me in his cab because he could count on laughing at least once. Stay cool!

  972. Best compliment I have ever received – being told by my 4 year old niece that I have a beautiful heart and I am her best friend.

  973. The best compliment I ever receive is from my parents whenever they tell me they are proud of me. It is the best thing to hear that from the people who brought me into this world! :)

  974. I love you and this blog so much. And I love your giveaway rules :-)

    The best compliment I ever received? That I inspired someone to be themselves as fully as possible.

  975. Thanks for your generosity, Joy! :) My mentor told me recently that I would make a great vet, which is something I have been working my entire life for. It really meant a lot to me to hear her say that.

  976. I was recently helping with interviews, and one of the candidates let me know I had earlier been described as a Swiss Army Knife, as I was super versatile and wear many hats. Its one of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten, especially as of late!

  977. One of my advisors told me I wrote with pronounced honor and modesty. The compliment was in Spanish and sounded so dignified and generous and made me so incredibly pleased.

    What a lovely give-away! It makes me dream of beach cottage weekends. Fingers crossed!

  978. Lovely giveaway items!

    I think the best compliment I ever received was this, “I just want you to know that you are loved truly for who you are.”

  979. I have these long limbs which, combined with my hyper flexibility, make me really clumsy usually. Control over my body and how I move is something I really work on with my gym trainer. It was really gratifying when, a couple of months ago, this older woman came into the library where I was working. On her way out, she came up to me and said,”I just wanted to let you know that you remind me of a good friend of mine from my younger days. She was a beautiful dancer, so graceful. You move like a dancer, like her.” That is definitely the best and most original compliment I have ever received.

  980. first of all, I love that it is an “old school contest” :) I already follow you on Facebook and Twitter anyway ;)

    hmm the best compliment ever… I think it’s one from my boyfriend, who told me not so long ago that I write “as a professional writer” and I should try to publish the stuff I write. :)

  981. Best compliment ever = Every time when my mom tells me that I am a special kid. I am 34 years old and I still love to hear that.

  982. The best compliment I ever got was a simple one, but it was good to hear because I was having a bad day I work. I was told that my smile could light up a room. And working in a retail store, to get a compliment on your smile is a big deal

  983. I work in a super busy medical office and when a patient says Thank You for sitting down and talking to me or that it was really nice getting to know me, makes me feel like I just made a difference. Love the older generation, we can learn so much if we would just take a second out of our lives.

  984. the best compliment i have ever received was from my now fiance. He told me my skin was “absolutely breathtaking”. I used to have really bad acne, so you can imagine how much it meant to me!

  985. When my daughter looked at me and told me I was the prettiest woman in the world and believed it with all her heart. That felt amazing, especially knowing that in just a few years she won’t think that her mom is nearly as cool as she does now at age four.

  986. I was at a neighbor’s house at the end of a gathering, another neighbor chatted w/us briefly and left in a whirl of bubbly enthusiasm, and I exclaimed to the 1st neighbor, “She’s SO CHARMING!” and he said “You two are SO ALIKE.” Whaaaaa?!? Shocked.

    Which is apt for a comment on your blog ’cause YOU have plenty of that charm thing. Lots. =)

    Happy End o’ First-August-in-New-Orleans! xo

  987. I think the best compliment I’ve ever received was “Wow, you don’t look like you just had a baby.” I was in the bank and talking to one of the tellers and mentioned how I had a baby three weeks ago. I felt like a wreck because I had my post-baby pregnancy pooch and I had my frizzy, curly, not-washed-in-three-days hair up into two buns at the top of my head like a child (or princess leia). And I am pretty sure I had some sort of spit up on my shoulder. The person next to me in the adjacent line said that to me in the most genuine voice. I felt incredible.

  988. Someone in college once told me that not only was I one of the most beautiful women they had ever seen (total lie), but also one of the smartest – totally awesome and I still think back on it when I need a boost!

    Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

  989. The best compliment I ever received was probably that I am a very gracious person. It feels wonderful knowing that I possibly impacted someone in a positive way.

  990. A total stranger on the bus overheard me talking to a friend and said “You have a great speaking voice. Do you sing?” NO, I don’t, but thanks, best stranger ever! It was like the plausible version of “Are you a dancer?” for me :D

  991. When I had just moved to a new school in 6th grade someone who has turned into a lifelong friend told me I looked lovely in some Levi’s that were decidedly not lovely on me, but I didn’t know that. I’ve tried the same thing on people, though I mean it. (As did she, I’m sure.)

  992. Whenever someone compliments my parenting, either directly or by noting something about my child, that’s a huge compliment!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  993. Thanks Joy! Best compliment this week was from my hubby – “This is the best dinner we’ve had all week.” Boom.

  994. I recently had someone compliment my intelligence. That was an especially nice compliment because it takes a bit more effort than other good compliments of “you’re hair looks great today” or “I love your smile”. Thanks for reminding me to remember compliments!

  995. I was told once that even though I don’t talk often, when I do talk, everyone stops to listen. And I will never forget that!

    Thanks for the giveaway! and for making us all look back on remember the great things about ourselves.

  996. The best compliment I’ve ever received is not a traditional one. A boy I knew way back in 7th grade told me I was the nicest person he knew but could also be the meanest. I took it as a compliment because it showed he really paid attention to who I was and also because it gave me something to work on.

  997. A friend told me that I’m a great mom and that she looks up to me in that regard. I don’t think I’ve ever been paid a greater compliment! We all know motherhood is hard, and I doubt myself all the time, so when you are praised for your parenting, it really means the world!

  998. Hi Joy – love the giveaways and of course your blog! Your single pancake post was da bomb.

    Anyway, somebody told me recently that I was really good at describing food. It was the result of somebody asking me what kombucha is. I was quite flattered!

  999. My husband told me I was the best mother he could have ever picked for our children.

    Thank you for a great blog and for this simple style for a great giveaway.

  1000. the best compliment I ever got was being voted the most inspirational member of my team by my teammates. that action spoke louder than words

  1001. I love that this contest has a pay-it-forward theme to it :) What a lovely idea!
    “You have a wonderful way with language” – from a coworker after delivering a complex presentation to a tough crowd. As a lover of literature and hoarder of books, it still makes me blush a little to think about.

  1002. A friend, who is going through a breakup, told me recently, “you help me to see the sun when all I can see are the clouds.” Now I need to live up to that for myself!

  1003. Hmmmm that’s hard! Pretty much whenever someone says I resemble a beautiful person–such as Elizabeth Taylor and Elizabeth Hurley (i think they’re wrong but it’s super sweet of them to say regardless!)

  1004. I deal with some pretty scary health issues and my a friend told me that she was proud to have such a brave friend. She told me that I am an inspiration! I

  1005. I feel complimented everyday by my children ~ especially the teenagers~ they show up to the table every night, enjoying hand-crafted food & heart-felt conversation !! The littlest one tells me I’m the best mom in the world but then I simply remind her how that happens… I have the best kids!

    Thanks Joy!! Always enjoy your blog !

  1006. I get often get told that I should enter one of those TV reality cooking shows, such as Master Chef, etc.
    It always makes me feel really good to know that that someone thinks I cook that well, and what I cook tastes good and is appreciated.

  1007. The giveaway looks amazing! This may sound silly…but the best compliment I have received lately is when I walked into MAC and the girl working told me that my eyebrows looked really good. :)

  1008. These all look so fun! My recent best compliment was that I looked just like my Mom. She recently passed away and hearing that made me smile!

  1009. I don’t know why, but my favourite compliment is whenever anyone tells me I’m funny- it’s something I’m very self-conscious about, and I love it when I can make people laugh :)

  1010. Best compliment I have ever received? Giving my full name to someone, they said that it sounds like a name of a famous tennis player : )

  1011. The best compliment, I think, was this week, when my Mom said “You say you’re an adult and, indeed, you are”. Finally. And yeah, I’m 31.

    And I try to compliment friends (and strangers) more or less frequently. Today, I have to say that after reading you for almost 7 years, you’re still great. Thanks for all the recipes, stories and laughter.

  1012. I’ve recently lost around 28 lbs and someone at work told me I looked great and about 10 years younger. That made my week!

  1013. Happy Friday in August, indeed! One of the nicest compliments I’ve been given is that I’m a good listener. Which is wonderful because there’s so much going on around us and the world is a crazy place, right? That for someone to be content to have a good listener as a friend, well, that’s a revelation in and of itself! Thank you for making this part of the giveaway – it’s the most positive, pay-it-forward, smiling place on the internet today. (please don’t melt, your blog is delicious)

  1014. Best compliment? Reading an email from a current employee to one coming soon complimenting my leadership. I received the email as part of a forwarded email chain, maybe not even meant to be included. My goal was always to take care of my division so this meant a lot. I look forward to paying a compliment forward :). Thanks for hosting the giveaway! I love your style, especially the weekender bag.

  1015. This summer, students in a pre-college writing class that I was teaching gave me an incredible compliment on my feedback in response to their drafts. I strive to give feedback that is meaningful, honest, inquisitive, and specific, and that respects their ideas and use of language (mostly because this is the kind of feedback I want!). Several students walked into my class after reading my comments and told me that they’d never gotten such helpful responses to their writing — totally unprovoked, they complimented me on how specific and thought-provoking my words were. Pretty great.

  1016. That is a tough one! The one that immediately comes to mind is while working at a job I wasn’t sure anyone appreciated me at, one of our higher ups told me one day that “My attention to detail was wonderful and that it was truly appreciated because it helped the rest of my team do their work” and it made me feel SO so good.

    I’ll be sure to compliment a stranger this weekend! And cheers on yet another fabulous post and almost new book! can’t wait to get my hands on it and get it into my kitchen!

    Give TronCat a pat for me … he is too cute!

  1017. Was told this week by 4 separate people within 10 minutes of each other what wonderful job I had done on a report and how it was the first time they could see all of this stuff together and how amazingly useful it was. Really made my week.

  1018. I have a toddler and an infant and I woke up with disheveled hair feeling tired, used up and old. I came into my daughter’s room to get her out of her crib and she said “Oh mama, you look so beeeauuuutiful! I love your hair mama! I love your shirt mama!” Couldn’t have melted my heart any more after many sleepless nights!

  1019. yay giveaway! and yay Joy!
    My mother has described me as generous before, which I really treasure and hope to learn to be more and more generous as time goes on.

  1020. my husband tells me… that he’s the luckiest man in the world. The compliment makes me happy (and smile!) every time I hear him say it

  1021. Several times, a co-worker has said something like, “I wish I could work with you on all my projects!” That always makes me feel good about myself and my career.

  1022. To echo the sentiments of others: hooray for an old-school giveaway!

    One of my favorite compliments (btw, thank you for making me reflect; I’ve been feeling kinda down on myself lately) came from a guy in my church group in college. We were playing some random game with a big group, I can’t even quite remember what the game was (something like a question-and-answer thing) and one of the more popular guys in the group was asked who, of all the people there, he’d want to be stuck on a desert island with. Everyone was expecting some shallow answer or for him pick the hottest girl in the group, so I was completely caught off guard when he said my name. This happened like 12 years ago and I can still remember so clearly what he said, that he’d pick me because I was such a great conversationalist and that he’d never get bored talking to me. It seems silly, but for a girl who had been referred to as “that quiet, smart girl” all her life, it meant a lot.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  1023. After reading a paragraph or two out loud in a college Polish class, my Polish professor smiled and said, “Oh, Lusia, it’s beautiful. You sound like a Pole.” It made my day.

  1024. A lady I see regularly at work but don’t know stopped me in the hallway one day and said, ‘You always have the cutest top/sweater combinations!’ I was so surprised, and it made my day!

  1025. I was told by a parent of a student, that she wrote a letter to our school’s superintendent about how I was a “once in a lifetime teacher.”

  1026. After completing a gruelling, condensed nursing degree, one of my Grandmas told me I was wonderful and deserved the best. I have a great amount of respect for her and what she has accomplished in her life so hearing her say that meant so, so much to me.

  1027. My friend’s 8-year-old once asked to sit next to me on a long car ride because (he said) I didn’t talk to him like he was a kid. He’s 13 now and still one of my favorite people.

  1028. The first time I felt comfortable sharing my writing was with a good friend who I knew was a visual artist. She had been looking for something to inspire her to draw, and sent me this text after reading my work: “I’ve been begging the universe for someone like you and I’m so glad you’re finally here.” It made me feel like writing is what I’m meant to do.

  1029. My husband once told me (I was fresh out the shower) that I was so beautiful without any make up and that I really didn’t need any enhancement. Thanks, Babe :)

  1030. My now 6 year old (then 4) told me I was the best ever cooker in the whole world. It made me feel great because making dinner day in and day our with so and so doesn’t like this and such and such won’t eat that gets to be a real drag some days.

  1031. I work on an inpatient unit with adults with serious mental illness. The other day, I spent some time talking to an individual who was in the hospital with severe depression and anxiety. I pointed out all the good that he has done in his role as a volunteer in the community and serving on a board of a nonprofit agency. I listened to his concerns and reflected back to him with a different perspective. He told me, “I finally feel heard…you’re a good listener and I feel comfortable talking to you about these things I haven’t been able to tell anyone else”. Best compliment ever and reminds me why I love this work!

  1032. My favorite compliment; A close friend wrote me a letter a couple of months ago that said “You are one of my favorite people to talk to. You are wise and observant. You are very intelligent and dangerously humble” That was the best compliment I ever received. Thank you Joy for having this giveaway and making me dig though my memories for my favorite compliment. Joy, I think you are amazing and completely love your blog

  1033. This looks awesome! The best compliment I ever received was that I challenged people to be the best they can be. Thanks so much for this opportunity!!

  1034. weill this is such a fun Friday post! The best compliment for me was actually about my baking, someone told me that they forget they’re eating something homemade when they eat my desserts.

  1035. The best compliment I ever got was when a friend of mine, when I first got contacts, he looked into my eyes and he goes “Holy shit your eyes are fantastic!” I love gay men sometimes!

  1036. During my student teaching experience, my mentor teacher, whom I greatly respected, told me that he considered me his peer.

  1037. An acquaintance saw me at a stop light on my bicycle. She later told me that I had the most joyful “resting-face”. I told her, “Of course, I was riding my bike on a beautiful Pacific Northwest day to the coffee shop!” Perfect!

  1038. Random person telling me they loved my outfit! Now I never shy from telling people if I like their look – it is such a nice thing to get a little compliment.

  1039. I was walking around the house brushing my teeth in my pajamas, and my husband suddenly told me that he liked my legs. Seriously made my day (and the rest of my week).

  1040. The best compliment has to be the non-verbal compliment! Helped one of my employees through a tough time and at the end of it all, she just looked at me, teared up and threw her arms around me.

    Other than that it’s got to be Mr. Scale telling me I’ve just lost weight, haha!

  1041. My 6 year-old daughter told me after a swim at our public pool: “I like being with you and Daddy. You make me feel courageous”. She had jumped off the diving board for the first time. Best compliment ever!

  1042. Recently I had a friend tell me “You are a truly delightful person” completely out of nowhere. It seemed genuine and not embellished so I took it to heart.

  1043. Hi Joy!
    Happy August :) The best compliment that I have received is when a friend said to me “How you are is who you are”. I, at the moment, thought “what…” but realized she was telling me that I was genuine and that I didn’t hide behind a facade. Whether this was deserved or not, it meant a lot to me because more than a lot of things, I want to be authentic and fully human with those around me.
    Thanks for doing this awesome giveaway and making wonderful food,

  1044. Best compliment ever was a random friend telling me he enjoyed my mind! Non-appearance related compliments to a woman are always a big plus.

  1045. Ooh, it would be so cool to win since Monday is my birthday!

    Best compliment I’ve ever received.. Is tough because I’m blessed to have lots of people in my life who do. So I guess the best ones are those that have said how strong I am, that I am capable of getting through anything. A good skill to have in life, really.

  1046. When someone told me how great my kids were and what a great mom I was. As someone who never particularly wanted her own kids and worries often about just how well I do the job, it was something I needed to hear.

  1047. What a great giveaway! You are the best ever Joy!! The best compliment I received was just this week when I posted a saying on my FB “Be Somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody” and an old friend commented to me that I was that kind of person and that’s what she loves about me! Made me feel great :)

  1048. As much as I relish a comment about my makeup, etc., the best compliment was “she’s just got a little bit of whimsy” (not sarcastically). I’d like to think I bring a bit of whimsy to the everyday :)

  1049. “I like the way you think.” While we were working on a group project and I was new to the group. Booyah! Made me feel confident that I could contribute.

  1050. In a yoga training group one of my fellow yogis said “I love how we always know exactly where Kelsey stands on everything,” which could be a sign that I am supremely annoying but I took it to mean being true to myself and not afraid to voice my real opinion :)

  1051. I’ve been told in very stressful situations recently that I always keep people calm. I love that I exude that, even if it’s not what I’m truly feeling!

  1052. The best compliment I have ever received was that I had a beautiful smile by my cousin’s son! It was nice to hear after having so much dental work!

  1053. My favorite compliment is still when one of my professors let me know that the way I facilitated a class discussion drew people in and made their opinions welcome.

  1054. My boyfriend who calls himself the Cookie Monster always tells me I make the best chocolate chip cookies ever! This is thanks to your brown butter chocolate chip cookie recipe! :-)

  1055. The best compliment was from a parent of a former student who told ad smiley that was new to the neighborhood that they had to request me because they loved their year with me.

  1056. Best Compliment? Every time my husband tells me that he loves me more each day… because I know he really means it. And, every time he tells me, it makes me happier than anything else in the world.

  1057. Once my grandfather leaned in to whisper to me that he thought I had a great talent for writing and that I should never stop. It meant a lot to me because I was going through a writing slump and I’ve thought back to that moment many times since. It’s such a nice feeling when someone notices your talents.

  1058. The best compliment I have ever received was from my Dad (who is a very particular old Asian man). In this case, it wasn’t as much the words he said but his face when he first tasted the cookies I baked him. He was so happily surprised that the brown butter chocolate chunk cookies were actually good that all he said was “wow”. Then he ate four more cookies and two days later asked me to bake some more. I was very proud. A compliment on my cooking/baking from my Dad (the family cook)? Best. Compliment. Ever.

  1059. The best compliment was from a friend who said they like my nose I have always hated my nose, so it made me feel good to complimented on something that I had previously felt self-conscious about.

  1060. “You are truly adorable and funny … I enjoy spending time with you” That’s the best compliment I got and I truly enjoy and compliment a sweet smile – brightens up the day!

  1061. I’m almost 8 months pregnant and getting to the point where I just want to see my feet and drink a glass of wine already. At Starbucks this morning, the woman behind me in line reacted with genuine shock when I turned after paying and told me she’d never have thought I was pregnant from behind. Made my day/week/let’s be real, last 8 months.

  1062. Back in the days not long after I had just lost a bunch of weight & was still having some self-esteem issues, I’d gone to a (much younger) friend’s birthday party. I put on a new outfit & decided to just go with it, be myself, & try to have fun. A few days later, someone I didn’t know very well who had seen me at that party came up to me at the coffee shop & told me I lit up the entire room as soon as I walked in & that he couldn’t take his eyes off me the entire night. I know it’s cheesy & vain, but it was exactly what I needed.

  1063. Mine was when a complete stranger who got stuck sitting with me and my then 2 year old boy on the plane handed me a note after the plane landed and it read “your child is the best behaved boy I have ever sat with”. My heart burst….

  1064. The best compliment I received was from a former roommate and current close friend about how my generosity inspires her. I try to be a generous person and don’t often share that with others, it felt so good to hear someone I respect and love compliment me. PS – totally complimented the lady at the grocery store today on her lovely shade of nail polish!

  1065. The best compliments I’ve received are probably the ones that are made to my children. They make me happy :)

  1066. The greatest compliment I have ever received is when someone told me how much they admire my relationship with my family. Its amazing to have someone else recognize how joyful your relationships are, especially when you work hard to maintain them. xoxo

  1067. this is a tough one. probably one of the best compliments I’ve received is that I am funny–I love laughter and making people smile.

  1068. I had been having a bad, low self-esteem day and a friend that I didn’t even know that well wrote me a note and said, “I find you radiant!” I felt much better :)

  1069. When I was in college I went to dinner with the dean of my college. I’d been having a hard time, and he took me out to check in and see how I was doing. a few tables down there was a mom with a 5 year old, and they were enjoying their dinner (it was my favorite thai place). When they finished they walked over to our table, and the mom apologized profusely for bothering us, but she said her son wanted to say something to me. Needless to say I was a bit confused. The kid turns to me and says: “You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen!” I melted. My dean was totally floored. I thanked the kid and gave him a hug. Every time I get down on myself, I remind myself of that kid, now a teenager and hopefully getting treated super nicely by girls.

  1070. loving the giveaway swag! Best compliment ever..when I was teaching a student who always struggled told me that I was the only teacher that made sure he always understood…

  1071. A girl I know once was next to me and said, “Hey . . . you’re really short!” I gave her a quizzical expression and said “uh, thanks . . .” to which she replied, “No, I mean, I never really noticed. You don’t give off a short impression.” At that I smiled and said thanks again, quite genuinely this time. When you’re short (I’m close to 21 and am only 4’10”), it totally makes your day to hear you don’t give off a short impression. :D

  1072. Our 23 month old son is an incredibly picky eater unless it contains berries, bread or some combination of the two. Today, after making my first calzone for him, (bread, meat, cheese= PLEASE like this!) and even though he can’t say it yet, he took one bite, smiled a visible mouth filled grin and said, “MMmm!!” I know its small, but these tiny gestures of gratitude and joy felt like the best compliment and has made my day. :)

  1073. First of all, thanks for opening this up to us international (in this case, Canadian) readers.

    Secondly, the best compliment ever given was a friend saying “you’re an excellent listener.” There’s nothing better than offering up a safe space for someone you love to feel heard.

  1074. Not long before he died, my grandfather told me that I had become a remarkable young woman. I will never forget that.

  1075. A few years ago I was really upset and telling one of my sorority sisters, Kaitlin, who is older and I look up to, how one of my old high schools friends who i was tutoring kept using me for her own personal gain (long story), yet I couldn’t make myself stop helping her. She told me it was because I have a kind heart and want to see other people happy, and others who are not so kind see that and know they can take advantage.

    This compliment not only made me feel great, but opened my eyes. I make sure to compliment and thank others on being genuinely kind hearted individuals whenever I can :)

  1076. Hmm…a couple months ago, a guy told me I was “so f___ing adorable.” I’m a tall girl, curvy and kinda brainy. I’ve gotten pretty, attractive, sometimes even beautiful, but adorable? There was something sweet about being called that.

  1077. Hmm the compliment that stuck with me the most was someone telling me I had a beautiful smile and I was too nice to work at the place I was.
    I looovvee complimenting people! Why stop at just one person? :)

  1078. love this giveaway Joy! probably the best compliment i’ve ever received was recently by my mom. i had a gorgeous bridal shower given to me by my bridesmaids and received SO many gifts – i was so overwhelmed by the people who had come to support me and didn’t feel deserved it all. She said one thing to me – you are a giver. you make, you bake, you gift you share your time – people have an opportunity to give that love back to you today – this is their way of recognizing and appreciating all you’ve done for them. I thought it was so nice – to be recognized as a thoughtful/giving/caring person. :)

  1079. The best compliment I ever received was when a boy I liked described me by saying, “You’re like an angel with dirty wellies on!”

  1080. Many years ago when I started working a man in my department said I looked like a young Elizabeth Taylor. Thought it was pretty cool at the time.

  1081. First of all, thank YOU! For doing such an awesome giveaway and for you being you, I come for the food and stay cause of your humor and personality.

    As for the compliment, I have been told that I am a really good and loving friend. And that meant so much to me!

  1082. I saw a father, mother, son and the family dog at a park and they were trying to take a family selfie. I walked over and offered to take the photo for them. The mother complimented my willingness to share my time with strangers and just for paying attention to others. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to compliment ladies on their hair… we all have hair issues no matter short, long, curly, straight and when someone acknowledges a good hair day it makes you feel like a million bucks
    :) Thanks for the giveaway opportunity and sharing your delish recipes

  1083. Once upon a time, someone told me I had a nice smile. It was a passing remark. I was 17. I hadn’t learnt yet how to take a compliment and felt majorly awkward. Maybe I didn’t believe it. Now when given a compliment, I’ve learnt to take it with thanks, a smile and feel good about it. Years add wisdom. ;-) You take what you’re given.

  1084. The best compliment I’ve ever received is when my dentist told me I have one of the most beautiful smiles he’s ever seen! He must see so many patients, but I believe he was genuine and it made me feel so special!

  1085. I was living in Boston at the time, job hunting and feeling totally defeated. I stopped to grab a bite to eat and the sweet old man with the most amazing blue eyes who was serving me told me that I looked quite professional and would surely have the luck I needed today. Simple words that I really needed to hear at that moment to boost my confidence. Went and nailed the interview afterwards!

    As for a compliment today? Already done! But hey! What’s one more? Any

  1086. great giveaway! A photographer who was taking my head shots told me I have a great laugh. I always thought that was so sweet. Love your blog, keep up the great work!

  1087. My favorite compliment, “thank you for spending time talking with me, it made me feel better about “x”. You are very wise and I’m glad you married my friend you make him very happy.”

  1088. Once upon a time, someone told me I had a nice smile. I was 17 & didn’t know how to take a compliment. Maybe I didn’t believe it. It was a normal passing statement but it made me feel majorly awkward. I’ve since learnt to take compliments with thanks, and smile & feel good. ;-) Years add wisdom & confidence.

  1089. The other day I had my father and his wife over for coffee and cookies. They both said it was the best cookie they ever had. I gave them another dozen the next day.

  1090. Best compliment…the one I remember most was when my 6th grade teacher said I had a nice smile. I didn’t really like my smile, and so that compliment was a game-changer.

  1091. Hi Joy, thank you for such an amazing contest.. this is a fantastic giveaway, you are so thoughtful of your readers! I think the best compliment I’ve received was when I was working as a humdrum cashier at my parents’ humdrum corner store and a complete stranger said I have a beautiful smile. I never considered my smile anything out of the ordinary– I never followed up on my retainer after years of braces so I still have that overbite, so that compliment was really unexpected. Makes me smile more often though! I realize how something simple as a smile can really make a difference. BTW Joy, you too have a beautiful smile, your name definitely matches you.

  1092. My friends and I cook dinner at our local Ronald McDonald house once a month, and I ended up in charge of making sure people always had tasks to do. After one evening when we’d had more people in the kitchen than usual and therefore a more complicated dinner, one of my friends said “That came together really well. Have you ever considered a career in the military?” It always makes me laugh when I think of it.

  1093. I went back and visited my old coworkers recently, and several pulled me aside to say how much they missed me and how the team wasn’t the same. It’s silly and it’s such a small thing, but those words made me feel so valued for all the heart I put into the job and my coworkers (who are amazing!). I think some days we just go through and never tell people how much they mean to us (especially in a work setting), and this was so special. Cheesy but it made my heart fuzzy!

  1094. I was wearing a new dress the other night and went to a party at my dad’s house. I walked downstairs. My brother said to me that I looked like I was in the movies coming down the stairs in the nice dress. Let me tell you he NEVER says things like that so I was beaming! This is a great give-away. I’m going to buy some of those bark thins at Costco – they sound delicious and I’ve avoided them since I’m worried I might eat the whole bag. The Aloha sounds great too.

  1095. My last job was kind of rough. There wasn’t a lot of praise, just a lot of picking at the negatives, and it wore me down really bad. But then I started a new job, and the team was so full of praise for everything, it was so heart-lifting to hear! Not that there isn’t fair critique, but the balance just changed and the environment was so much better, I went from questioning if I should even continue my career to being regularly reminded I was good at it. The first compliment was just something about being good at working in a communal document…such a small thing, but it almost brought me to tears!

  1096. My kids give me the best compliments. “You make the best meals.” or “This is delicious!” or “That was the most fun!”
    Thank you!

  1097. “You have a funny face” from my niece, who was 4 at the time. She likes that I can make funny faces and make her laugh. It was the best compliment ever (and friends have commented that I make the best entertaining faces, haha). I’m goofy. I embrace it. :)

  1098. Someone recently complimented my eyebrows, which are very thick and I’ve never liked them. It was a good reminder to not be so hard on myself – bushy eyebrows and all!

  1099. Maybe it’s not a compliment so much as general validation — but nothing beats my mom telling me she’s proud of me. Cue waterworks!

  1100. A couple of years back, I was a one-woman-coffee-making-whirlwind. On this particular day it was a zoo and as I handed this dapper gent his coffee I apologized for the wait. His reply? “You’re worth the wait.” Cheesy? Perhaps but I was grinning from ear to ear the rest of the day.

  1101. I just saw my best friend from summer camp for the first time in 11 years. The last time we saw each other, we were both 19, crazy, wild, loud and in college. He came to visit last month and towards the end of the trip, we were up late sharing music and stories and talking about our goals in life…. Out of the blue, he told me how proud he was of me for the person I have become. I look up to Gene very much. It meant a lot to have him say this to me.

  1102. I soooo want to win this one!! The best compliment I’ve ever received is probably when my parents tell me they are proud of me – no matter how big or small the thing I accomplished was, it always makes me tear up immediately!!

  1103. One time my co-worker told me that she was really impressed with my posture. It made me really happy, because I secretly really love good posture and am really aware of my own.

  1104. Such a neat giveaway, thanks Joy. Best compliment? My 14 year old daughter telling me she hopes to one day be as good a mommy to her children as I am to her & her siblings. Very touching!

  1105. I think the best compliment I ever received was from my boss when I was an undergraduate assistant for a university program. She told me that if I had enough information, I could do her job. She really made me feel important and that she was proud of me.

  1106. Whoops, doing this on my phone and seemed to have posted on Facebook instead…weird.

    “You can do well in anything you set your mind to” – all the mentors in my life.

  1107. Last spring I called off my wedding and ended a relationship of 5 years. This year I am moving half way across the country to be with someone I love very much without a job lined up. One of my best friends looked at me and told me I was incredibly brave for doing so. I didn’t think I was, but I’m starting to believe it because of her.

  1108. This is an amazing giveaway!!!

    The best compliment I’ve ever gotten, or at least in recent memory, was given by a friend a few weeks ago. Her cousin is becoming my roommate, and when she found out apparently the quickest thing she could say was that I am “mega cool”. It’s a super simple compliment, but made me feel warm that a friend I haven’t seen in a while had that immediate reaction and then proceeded to sing my praises to my future roommate.

  1109. Best compliment came from my husband before we were dating: your smile lights up the room. His mother said the same thing when we met for the first time!
    Love this giveaway!!!

  1110. ‘You are a really great Mom.’ Every Mom needs to hear this from time to time. And it rarely happens. It needs to happen more. I try to compliment fellow mothers, especially new mothers as often as I can. We all need encouragement! ??

  1111. I went into work today with no make-up on (the horror) and my boss looked at me and said ‘wow, you look fresh – like you’re glowing’. I decided to wear minimal make-up for the rest of the day and it gave me a seeeerious confidence boost!

    Also – what an awesome giveaway!

  1112. My husband has said that my passion and drive for things in life are inspiring and that he admires these traits, a reason he loves me. To know that I can positively influence someone by my approach to life is a great compliment.

  1113. One time in Sear’s, one of the managers (a gentleman in his 60s) kept staring at me, and eventually he followed me down an aisle to tell me I looked just like “that beautiful actress from that movie”… Eventually he came back and said it was Marisa Tomei! That’s a great complete in my book :)

  1114. I was once told that I have a way of calmly handling situations and balancing work with fun. It was nice to hear such a practical comment when I don’t always feel so practical:)

  1115. I don’t know if the best compliment ever, but it’s definitely the best today: my 6 year-old son told me he loves to give me hugs because my skin is the softest!

  1116. I used to work at a ballet studio, and one of the little girls told me, “You have Sleeping Beauty hair.” Ohhh man did that tiny ballerina make my day!

  1117. Someone told me once that I had really nice hands, which I appreciated not only because it was a nice thing to say but also because my hands look like my mom’s.

  1118. It would have to be when my dad was watching me play with my son (4months old) and after a bit he said that my son was lucky to have a mom like me :)

  1119. The best compliment I ever received was being told that a certain lady would be proud of me if they were still alive. That lady was loved by everyone and being told that made me feel so happy!

  1120. This is really great giveaway! For me the best compliments are always given from children, they are honest and always say what they really mean. And people often tell me I look much younger than I am, even 10 years…

  1121. You’re awesome Joy!

    Joy, you’re just the best!

    I love it when people compliment me by saying that I am maturing and looking more like my Mother. She was beautiful.

    Sending smiles :)

  1122. I had made a skirt and it was the first thing I had ever sewn. Everyone loved it and didn’t even realized I had made it until I told them! I felt so accomplished!

  1123. Someone told me that I was great at styling, that I make even jeans and a t-shirt look good. It was great to hear because I love fashion, but I don’t have much money to buy much clothing

  1124. The best compliment that I’ve ever received is from Matt Moran when he was visiting Mumbai and I had the honor and chance to have him taste my nut free seed free macarons and when he ate them, he said, ” I need to tell Zumbo about it” This compliment absolutely changed my life and motivated me to come up with more challenging recipes! :)

    This is a great giveaway! August heat is killing me too! :'(

  1125. Last night my 9 year old stepson told me, “Julie – uhhhhh this eggplant pizza isn’t my favorite… I don’t really like it… but I love you!” Hahaha While perhaps not the best ever, it was a pretty good one. ;)

  1126. I always liked Halle Berry. The first time I cut my hair short someone complimented me on how nice I looked and then went on to say I looked like Halle Berry! Made my day.

  1127. During one of those team building activities at work where you have to write compliments on a piece of paper on someone’s back, one of my coworkers wrote “you are calming to me”. It has really stuck with me because it’s not a quality I would have ever thought I had, but I really value it.

  1128. When strangers at the store tell me I’m doing a good job raising my two kiddos… Nothing makes a mama struggling with the terrible twos feel better!

  1129. What a great way to run a contest. I think that the best compliment I’ve ever received is someone saying they found and liked my blog. I am very self conscious because I am working hard and am very aware I don’t have very many followers. To hear that one person liked it- that was pretty awesome.

    By the way… I really love your blog :)

  1130. I’m a new mom (my baby girl is 4 months old), and things are usually a little crazy and my nerves can get frayed. So the best compliment I’ve received lately is “You’re doing a good job, mom!” It’s come from friends, my husband and other moms who know I need to hear it. I try to remember to share that with other moms too.

  1131. I am lucky enough to work with the most curious and playful 4 year old little dude. He touches everything and loves motion – spontaneous trust falls are his game. He has a few developmental hurdles in his life, and so he doesn’t have many words. That said, he gives the most genuine compliments in the world, compliments that make my heart burst. Earlier this summer, we were on a carnival ride, his first time ever, and the pure joy that filled his giggles as he laughed hysterically the entire time, bubbling with fun as we both laughed until our bellies hurt, is definitely the best compliment anyone has ever shared with me – after all, who says you need words to share kindness?

  1132. There are so many lovely people who fill my life with kind words that it makes it difficult to pick just one compliment. Perhaps, though, the most memorable was when a stranger asked me for directions because I looked “wholesome, reliable, and like a woman who knows her directions.”

  1133. Awesome giveaway! My best compliment is more appreciation. As a teacher we hear more negative so students that go out of their way to Thank me or shake my hand at the end of the year are students I appreciate and know they are raised with manners. I have only maybe 5 a year of 150 students I see daily at the high school level.

  1134. Several people have told me that I am a person of joy which is so encouraging for me after years of struggling with depression. Every time someone says that I am just astounded at God’s faithfulness!

  1135. I’m not really sure I’ve ever received a best compliment. But, a lady did tell me I made beautiful babies!?

  1136. “when you walk in a room, i don’t know, you just SPARKLE” (from a girl friend). that or, “are you Brazilian?” (to clarify, I am not, but I think they are some of the most beautiful women in the world)

  1137. Mine is very simple but was exactly what I needed at the time. Grocery shopping with my 2 boy’s and Feeling Very tired and hungry. I was not giving in and getting them the “sugar” cereal they wanted. I was feeling frustrated and ready to go when another mom looked over and said “your doing a good job” those simple words were exactly what I needed in that moment.

  1138. Someone told me I was a good mom! As a mom who works outside the home (and is filled with the usual guilt this situation can bring), it made me more confident as a whole.

  1139. A dude friend (okay…maybe he was trying to be more than a friend) once told me that at first my smile was the most intriguing part of my face, but that on second look, my eyes are really beautiful and expressive. I always try to remember that when I feel like my huge smile (I have a lot of teeth) is overtaking the rest of my face :) Whew, it was embarrassingly difficult to write out a nice thing that a person said about me.

  1140. Best compliment: a colleague who became a super close friend telling me that when we first met, she was intimidated by me and my grown-up-looking sweaters. Interpretation: she thought I was on top of my business and seemed smart. That’s good enough, but she told me in a time when I was feeling like a fraud about being in graduate school, which made it the best ever.

  1141. The best compliment I’ve ever gotten came from my daughter when she was two. She held my face in her little hands and said, ” Wow, pretty eyes mommy!” Still makes me smile. Thank you, Joy, for helping me remember that! I needed it today.

  1142. A new acquaintance who works with my husband, told my husband that I was lovely because I was unabashedly myself in a group of strangers and I was the most honest/blunt person he had ever meant. I never really noticed it about myself before, but now I own it!

  1143. I’ve just recently got used to accepting complements with grace and without going ‘naaah’, but the best complement I’ve got was that I was the coolest person they’ve ever met. :)
    Btw, superb giveaway!

  1144. I finally had dinner with a girlfriend who’s husband passed away way too young and totally unexpectedly! So, to my girlfriend I want to say, I am truly blessed to call her friend and she is an amazing person given her current life goings-on!

  1145. A lovely lady in my book club once said I had the most passionate love for life that she had ever seen . It really made my day, week, year…

  1146. Hmm, best compliment ever? Not so much a compliment, but when another teacher overheard a group of my students repeating things I’d told them about how to present themselves clearly and confidently. Glad to know they were listening!

  1147. I’m a labor and delivery nurse. From time to time, my job becomes repetitive and I find myself just going through the motions. After a long and stressful delivery involving a surprise c/section, my patients mother pulled me into the hallway. She didn’t notice that I was tired, grumpy and ready to go home. Instead, she hugged me and told me I was a blessing from God to have been her daughters nurse that night. They even sent me flowers the next day. She turned my foul attitude right around!

  1148. My creative writing teacher once told me I was in the top 2% of writers he’s ever taught. It made me feel confident and more assured about my skills and talent.

  1149. Thank you so much for the fantastic giveaway. Best compliment – My son telling me I’m the best mama in the whole wide world.

  1150. I organized this organized run here in Philadelphia and when running it, one of the runners (big time runner who is well known all over the country) said how amazing it was that I took a seed of an idea and turned it into reality. He pointed out that not many people take the idea and make it real and that it was so impressive that I had. I had to pick my jaw up off the floor after that one. :D

  1151. A client told me I had a great smile on a particularly rough day and it completely changed my mood for the day – I need to remember that and spread the love!

  1152. I volunteer with Make A Wish, and on my first wish granting visit with a family, the little 4 year old girl we were meeting tugged on my arm and said she thought my partner and I were genies. It nearly made me cry right there and I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. :D

  1153. As I’m currently 21 weeks pregnant and nothing I own fits, my husband telling me that I’m beautiful and he loves how my body is changing as our baby girl grows is the best compliment I’ve ever received.

  1154. One compliment that I got when I was in high school still makes me happy to think about. I was going through a rough time, and once while spending time with my friends I finally felt completely at ease and happy. One of my friends told me, “when you’re happy, you glow.” It meant a lot to me then, and still does, because it had nothing to do with looks, only happiness!

  1155. A compliment I will never forget was by a guy in high school…let’s be real the best time to get a complement from a guy that you really like…saying I had a beautiful smile, and to never stop smiling.

  1156. The last time I was home, my mom said very seriously: “Angela, you’ve always been such a good pourer.” So if anyone needs liquid transferred from one container to another, I’m your gal!

  1157. Just back from maternity leave, feeling oversize and stressed, wearing my glasses which I hate because my eyes were too messed up from the stress for contacts, and a man at Fry’s walked up to me and said “You look really pretty.” That felt so good right then. Now I try to make a point of telling anyone, man or woman, when I think they look nice in hopes they’ll get a boost too.

  1158. The best compliment I ever received? That’s a toughie! Someone recently told me I was a strong and faithful wife through a difficult season of life. Also, it never hurts when someone tells you you’re pretty without makeup :D Great giveaway! You’re my favorite.

  1159. The best compliment I received was when I was younger…I always suffered from really bad acne and was made fun of for it terribly. I remember getting ready to go out one night with some girlfriends and while we were waiting for a table at a restaurant, an older woman walked over to me, pulled me aside, and said “You are beautiful. You are the only girl in this group who isn’t caked in make-up and I think you should know that your beauty is radiating across the room.” I had to go to the bathroom and cry (happy tears) until I had composed myself. It was lovely, and when I feel my confidence waning…I think back to that woman and her kind words. I think this contest is a great idea…sometimes we all need a reminder to pay it forward. Will definitely do that today!

  1160. All your giveaway items sound amazing! Best compliment I’ve received: my best friend telling me I am so smart and that she knows I can accomplish anything I want to.

  1161. When I was working in customer service for a government benefits program and I was able to help a claimant clear up some issues on her claim which allowed her payments to be released, she thanked me and told me I was Christ-like. It caused me to reflect on how I needed to be more so, but it definitely made my day!

  1162. To me and my now-husband when we announced our engagement, from a friend: “I’ve always liked you both so much, and I love you both even more when you’re together!”

  1163. The best compliment I ever received was my fiancee’s proposal. He told me: “You are the love of my life, the other half of my heart, my best friend, and the only person in the world I’m excited to spend the rest of my life with.” I’ve never heard sweeter words in my life :)

  1164. Any compliment I get on my son (specifically, his behavior)! It makes this exhausting, fabulous and oh, so thankless job worth every second.

  1165. We were having dinner with my in laws recently and my mother in law turns to me and says, “you are a great mother, it is a pleasure to see you with your son.” It made me have the warm fuzzies for days after.

  1166. Best compliments come from girlfriends who tell me they know they can always call me when they feel blue and I’ll have them laughing by the time we hang up!

  1167. Best compliment ever: a guy once told me he was a better person having met me. I swooned. He didn’t break up with his girlfriend though. Life goes on. Love your August faves!!

  1168. I’ve been a stay at home mom for the last ten years and was recently hired as a full time art teacher-the principal told me he hired me because out of the 200 people who applied I was the best fit. It felt great to hear that after so many years at home!

  1169. I love that your voice puts me at ease and allows me to drift into a peaceful somber. Though it would upset me at times when my mom would slowly fall asleep while we chatted in the late hours of the night, it made me realize that in moments of distress, or even chaos I can offer calming words to soothe any situation. Ever grateful and thankful mom. May the angels continue to bless you with their boundless love and light. I miss you every second of the day.

  1170. I hadn’t seen a guy friend of mine in a very long time, so upon his viewing my new (and rather drastic hair cut/color change) he said, “You look really beautiful.” That was kind of awesome. Great items in the giveaway, Joy! Have a lovely day :)

  1171. I think the best compliment I received was in 10th grade. A teacher told me that I had a great ability to work with a diverse group of people and bring them together. She said it which such passion and fervor that it felt almost over the top, but it was impossible not o believe her. This was so validating for me because I felt like it was something that came to me naturally, so to hear that someone else agreed, made a world of difference and led me to pursue helping others.

  1172. Last year after I had my second child, I found myself nursing my newborn while walking around a gymnasium full of parents and toddlers enjoying open playtime. I was trying to catch my 2 year old to see if he was the one running around with a disgusting smelling diaper. It was overwhelming, embarrassing, and frustrating. On our way out another mother stopped me and said that she saw my predicament and was amazed that I kept it together. It may not sound like much of a compliment, but I’ve never felt so proud. Some days are crazy and awful, but I can do it!

  1173. The best compliment I’ve ever received… I’m a weirdo and I don’t always appreciate the compliments about my appearance as much as I should, so the best ones are always about being there for someone, like “I’m really glad you were here today” or being recognized as having some sass or intelligence. One of my favorites was at work a couple of years ago. We had a “props” box and when someone, or the team did something awesome, a team member would put a positive message in the box and we’d read them at our next team meeting. My favorite was when a coworker complimented my creative, fun, and simple writing style on a blog post about our program.

  1174. While showing a new co-worker how to perform a task, she complimented my patience and said that my smile showed how much I enjoyed training her and my job. As patience has so long been a virtue that I’ve had to practice towards, it was definitely the best compliment I have ever received; talk about hard work being rewarded!

  1175. “I kinda wish you never had days off so you could be [patient’s name]’s nurse everyday.” It came at a perfect time on a stressful day and reminded me exactly why I love my job so much.

  1176. The best compliment I received was at work, when I was receiving my appraisal to see if I could stay with the company after a three-month probation.

    My manager said to me, “You put people at ease when you talk to them, and I like that”.

    I never thought I would have this power because I don’t think of myself in that way!

  1177. When a co-worker was leaving for a new job, she told me that working together was one of the best learning experiences she’d ever had and that my approach made people feel valued and motivated to do more. Not only was it very kind, but it came at a time when I was doubting what I was doing so it completely reinvigorated me!

  1178. I was really nervous about a new haircut I dared to try, but all the compliments I got after totally boasted my confidence. Change is good!

  1179. An older gentleman once went up to my dad and told him how beautiful his daughter was. My Dad turned to me and said not only beautiful but incredibly smart. It felt so good to have my Dad say that to me-especially as a hard working college student!

  1180. love these things, especially west elm and everlane. best compliment i ever received: “i only started to understand you when i realized that loyalty is one of the most important things to you.”

  1181. The best compliment I ever received was that I was going to “win this physical” from my doctor because i was dressed in workout gear:)

  1182. The best compliment I ever received came just after taking a spill into some shrubbery and landing on my bum. I was told that I always look graceful even when I’m falling down. Thanks so much for reminding me of this one. I should really let myself off the hook for feeling as though I’m a clumsy mess.

  1183. The best compliment i got was from a patient’s family who told me I had a great smile and it helped them to feel better.

  1184. Somebody once told me that my smile was my best feature. And she had no idea that that’s the thing I hate the most about myself! I will never forget that.

  1185. A family friend once told me I was warm and sweet like French toast! (A little strange, but it definitely made me feel good! Who doesn’t like French toast?!)

  1186. One time a big, strong Jamaican contractor (who was refinishing the floor in my apartment) told me I had a solid handshake. It was a great compliment, and even better with the accent!

  1187. I was waking out of the grocery store hold my bags and all sweaty when a guy on a bicycle rode by and said “hey you are really beautiful” and kept going. Not hitting on me. Not wanting a response. Just gone like that. It was very flattering and genuine.

  1188. The best compliment I have ever received is “you have so much to contribute, more than you even know”. This was from a dear friend and respected colleague. It made me feel excited and curious about the things she saw that I had yet to discover about myself and encourages me to keep working hard toward my career goals.

  1189. Oh Joy…thank you for being you!

    The best, most heart warming compliments are those, which say how we did everything we possibly could’ve for our daughter – all with love, dignity, and respect.

  1190. The best compliment I have received is when an older woman came up to me at work and said,”I love your hair color, you can’t buy that in a box” it made me approciate my natural beauty

  1191. Best compliments are the ones about my baking. I love hearing that people enjoy the food and appreciate the effort that goes into it.

  1192. When I was in our high school production of The King and I, there was a (backstage) costume malfunction that left me onstage with a elementary school kid ad-libbing for a minute until the costume situation was sorted out. Later, my drama teacher told me she would have been worried if it had been anyone else out there, but she knew that I could handle it. It’s good to remember that, now, as an adult with way more anxiety than I had as a teenager. Duh! Once I was confident and in charge, and I still can be!

  1193. A student I taught 5 years before told me that I was a very caring teacher. I loved hearing it!!! Love the giveaway and your blog!

  1194. One of my favorite, knows-the-answer-to-every-question-you-could-think-up professors once gave me back a paper with the comment: “I learned a lot from this paper.” And I think he meant it! Having someone you respect say they learned from you is such a confidence booster.

  1195. I’m not sure if it’s really the best compliment ever, but I got this really great dress, and I dressed up for work. I got complimented by nearly every single person I saw that day. By 5 pm, I was a glowing bundle of happy. People commented on the dress, where I got it, how great I looked in it. I even had one person tell me I looked hot. Not workplace appropriate maybe, but I was in such a good mood I only saw the good in it.

  1196. Adeline’s comment above about being “deliciously tiny” reminded me of my compliment! It may not be the best compliment I’ve ever received, but it was the most “unique” compliment I’ve heard in awhile. I was recently in a convenience store picking up some gatorade and saltines for my sick hubby. A man let me go ahead of him in line and said to me…”You got some nice height on you!” I paused, thought about how I had never heard that version of “you are so tall!” before (I’m 5’11”) and smiled and said “Thank you!” It was refreshing to hear it phrased in such a positive way. He then followed up by asking…”You have a tall prom date?” and I said– “Yes, I did, in fact- he’s my husband now!”

  1197. As I was driving in Northern California and when I pulled up to the toll booth to pay, the car in front of me had paid for me! Someone I didn’t even know.

  1198. Best compliment I ever received was from my dad, when I was home from college for a couple weeks. He told me, “Every time you come home, you remind me more and more of your mom.” If I grow up to be like my mom, I will consider my life a success.

  1199. The best compliment I have ever received is when a distant cousin told me that I looked like my grandmother. She’s such a wonderful lady and has recently been moved to hospice. I like to think that I inherited not only her eyes but her wit and ability to love everyone unconditionally.

  1200. A friend asked me how I got my feet so smooth. I have had the driest and most calloused feet since I was a kid so this made me oddly happy.

  1201. This one time in college when we were doing philanthropy work at a elementary school a 5 year old boy offered to be my date for my sorority formal that night and promised he would take me to Wienerschnitzel to get fries for dinner beforehand. It was so adorable I almost took him up on his offer :)

  1202. My rehearsal dinner was one big compliment fest. All of my friends told my husband how wonderful I was and how lucky he was to have me–I was a puddle of tears, but It was so nice!

  1203. Oooh what a fun giveaway!

    My favorite compliment that I have received was when I was waiting at a red light in my car and the drive in a nearby car grabbed my attention and then pointed to a sign that he wrote out on a piece of notebook paper that said “You are beautiful.” Totally made my day.

  1204. I am 6ft tall in my bare feet..okay just a shade it sometimes gets ackward and the comments hmmm..this one time I was in nairobi and this lady comes up to me gushing about how stunning she thought masai were (she thought I was masai :-) this made my day and up to 2de when I get those exclaiming not so nice comments..this perks me remembering this perks me right up!

  1205. The best compliment I’ve ever gotten was being told that I sang like Diana Ross at karaoke one night. Can’t get much better than that!

  1206. Best compliment I’ve ever received is that the way I say ‘thank you’ is sincere. I’m glad that people can tell that I mean what I say!

  1207. This morning a stranger on the street saw me walking and kinda bouncing on my feet and singing along to my music and stopped me to tell me he was so delighted to see someone so full of life. Made my day!

  1208. A friend in college said “you’re not like other girls- you’re a lady.” I still smile thinking about that.

  1209. Ran into an acquaintance I knew from tending bar and she mentioned, “You always wore the cutest dresses.” I love giving random compliments to strangers and will definitely do so today!

  1210. hi, joy! best compliment i’ve ever received…hmmmm…my mother-in-law told me once that i was the girl of her dreams for her son. :)

  1211. What a rad giveaway!

    The most memorable compliment I have ever received was in my teens. Was with my dad at a parent-teacher conference, going from table to table talking to all my teachers. We got to my English teacher, and he was talking about how well I was doing, and my dad laughed and said something like, “Yeah, she thinks she’s going to be a writer when she grows up.” He was expecting the teacher to laugh with him. . .

    But the teacher said completely seriously, “I don’t see why not!” And went on to compare my writing to S. E. Hinton or something.

    That validation gave me courage for years. :)

  1212. best compliment was from someone i mentored a while back, who said, “i don’t know anyone who doesn’t care what other people think of her as much as you” . . . which is to say, that i am my own person! hooray!

  1213. The best compliment I think I have resourced was while working with some patients at work, I was told I was helpful and genuinely seemed to care by not rushing out of the room and spending as much time with them as they needed. It’s always nice to be appreciated at work :)

  1214. I was walking on Venice Beach boardwalk and some random guy tells me I’m beautiful. Since I’m a 59yr old widow it’s not something I hear everyday.

  1215. A bit of a throwback, but when I was in high school, one of my favorite teachers (who knew I wanted to teach as well) said she looked forward to working alongside me in the future.

  1216. “I love your dress” a random girl at the grocery store told me this and made my night , also
    a co-worker told me once I should get a pay raise for all I did!, That was even better,

    love this contest, I will definitely share the love :)

  1217. Love this! I just got the following “compliment” from an ex-boyfriend on my Facebook profile pic: “brown chicken brown cow!” I think it’s a compliment, right?!?! :)

  1218. My sister told me that she thought I was a great Aunt and that she could never be as good at it as I am. Being that I only get to see my niece and nephew a few times a year, to know I was still doing a good job was huge!

  1219. When I was a teenager, someone from church told me I had a nice smile and it made me feel awesome at a time I thought I was super ugly and awkward. I *still* remember that and it makes me day.

  1220. Someone once told me I was the most thoughtful person they had ever met. I thought that was a pretty great compliment

  1221. I’ve always heard about seemingly mythical people who think freckles are cute, but no one has ever complimented me on mine until a couple days ago when a patron I was helping said out of nowhere, “You have awesome freckles!” Maybe it’s not the best compliment, but it’s my favorite so far.

  1222. It’s always nice hearing “you have a kind heart” – it just makes me want to continue to be a nice person and spread the joy!

  1223. My best compliment came from a friend, who was a stranger at the time. She told me that she had seen me in the lunch line, and that I ‘lead with a smile’ which made her feel comfortable asking if the seat next to me was taken (at a busy lunch spot). I confessed that I was smiling because I felt awkward and was trying to look natural and comfortable. We laughed and became fast friends.

  1224. One of the best compliments I have ever received is from a friend who told me (and continues to tell me) that I always say the tiniest snippets to cheer people up or make them feel better without even realizing it.

    Love your blog!

  1225. “you are growing up to look just like your grandmother,” said a close relative at my bita’s funeral. made us both well up with tears.

  1226. best compliment was from someone i mentored a few years ago, who said, “i don’t know anyone who doesn’t care more what other people think of her, than you.” which is not to say that he meant i live my life carelessly, but that i am my own person!

  1227. I love when someone will say you look different today, especially when it’s often after I’ve tried something different with my make-up, it’s always nice to know it hasn’t gone unnoticed (: xo

  1228. “As soon as you looked up and smiled at me, I knew it was all going to turn out okay.” Coming from my now husband when we met for the first time after our one night stand (which led to me getting pregnant). Funny how life turns out sometimes!

  1229. My fiance always gives me the best compliments. He told me other day how pretty I looked and it made me feel so happy to know that he loves me and loves my style!! I marry him in 2 months!! So excited!!

  1230. “Love your infectious positivity!” -my co-worker after my response to an unfavorable work situation this week.

    I had no idea my attitude on the matter was going to affect her and contagiously! I’ll never forget this one. ??

  1231. In a meeting with a potential thesis adviser, he said, “let me know if there is anything I can say to you to convince you to join my lab.” I was giddy for the rest of the day.
    Thank you for this fabulous giveaway!

  1232. Best compliment ever? My completely not talkative grandfather telling me that he always enjoyed our one-on-one chats, because it got him to open up!

  1233. Oh man I love everlane !! One of the best compliments I received was through word of mouth someone mentioning to a good friend “She doesn’t realize what an amazing individual she is, she’s gonna make a difference that one”

  1234. the best compliment i received was when i (by accident) found that my 8-year-old niece had hacked my iPhone and changed the name Siri calls me to “Best Auntie Ever.” heart=melted.

  1235. when my husband and i first started dating, he looked at me one day and out of nowhere said “you’re stunning”.

  1236. My favorite compliment is from this past Mother’s Day when I was hanging out with my mama and she said she’s my biggest fan!

  1237. The best compliment I’ve received: My friend telling me how much patience I’ve shown and how far I’ve come with my wacky, insane-o, but lovable rescue dog.

  1238. In my first year as an event planner/manager, I was constantly stressing that I was not doing justice to my clients’ visions. Then, after a particularly grueling week and a slightly stressful wedding complete with a sick bride and chances of rain, my client gave me a big hug and told me that she could not have envisioned a more prefect day and that everything came out exactly as she had wanted. She even cried! That incredible compliment helped me realize that I was good at my job and also that (some) people do recognize hard work.

  1239. The best compliment I’ve ever received was a new friend telling me how much they appreciated my authenticity – was so nice to hear!

  1240. I had a student bring me flowers with a note saying that I was the first teacher that seemed to really care for her as a whole person. That underlies the teacher that I try to be.

  1241. Today I was coming home from a long hot walk and saw only the top of my Shih Tzu’s (Teddie) head peeking out from our windowed door. When he saw me, he jumped up in pure joy to greet me. What a wonderful compliment to see the happiness that he expressed upon spotting me. BTW, you giveaway is lovely.

  1242. In 7th grade a boy in my class told me I had a nice smile, lol. I know this might not have been the ~best~ compliment I have ever recieved, but this this was the first time a boy had *ever* complimented me!! So it was kind of a big deal haha. Especially since when I think back to my middle school years I cringe from all the awkwardness!

  1243. One of the most memorable compliments I received was from my college hall director/boss/mentor. At the end of two years working together, she sent me off with the declaration that I am a “classy broad”. Coming from her, one of the strongest, classiest ladies I know, it meant so much more than just the two words on their own. I hope I live up to it. :)

  1244. Joy, you’re pulling out all the stops with this one. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve shown up at picnics this summer and had to sit on my jacket or tote.

    One of the best compliments I ever received was, “You’re really enigmatic.” I definitely wear my heart on my sleeve but I’m in my head a lot, so I appreciated that this person saw that there was more depth than met the eye. Also, it was from a cute boy, so that helped…

  1245. One time, my Granpa got sick. I was very sad and I thought he was going to “leave” us. Then again, he would say: “Don’t cry, you’ll ruin your pretty face”. Sometimes he says, “One more sleep then you’ll be the same height as me” and “Look at my granddaughter! She’s great with a piano.”

    My Granpa was always like that. He comforts us with reassuring words.

    Gosh. This got too long. But I hope everyone tries to reassure themselves that they are great :)

  1246. The best compliment I’ve ever received was from a student of mine. She said that I come across as very “passionate” about my job. I was so flattered, especially because I felt like I was having an “off” day and felt like I wasn’t getting through to any of my students that day–so it meant a lot to me that at least one student saw that I was really engaged and interested in my lectures. :) Also, I learned that not all students are apathetic. Some truly do care and pay attention!

  1247. Every time one of my critical care patients tells me I’m a good nurse. And close friends expressing their love for me. And seeing people enjoy food I’ve made for them. The best compliments are really just realizing how much others love and appreciate me. :)

  1248. Years ago, a barista at my favorite coffee shop told me that I had the best hair of their customers. It made my day! Especially since I’ve always been self conscious of my extra fine, quick to turn oily, never know what to do with hair!

  1249. A student who was learning English at the time and disliked school told me, “Ms. Vanessa, you’re fun! I like learning with you.” That compliment still makes me smile.

  1250. I want one of everything! such fun picks!

    my sweetest compliment: my husband telling me my inner beauty is more beautiful than my outer. I have a pretty sweet husband.

    I hope I win! :) Thanks for the chance!

  1251. I was told by a coworker that my positive attitude was inspiring. So whenever I’m feeling down, I remember that and force myself to act positive. Even if you’re faking it sometimes, it influcences those around you!

  1252. When I was a freshman in high school (many, many, moons ago), my art teacher said that if he ever has a daughter he hopes she grows up to be like me. That compliment has kept me going for over a decade.

  1253. Best compliment would probably be someone telling me I’m a good mom. Nice to know all these hours I’m putting in are paying off ;)

  1254. Joy you are such a JOY!!! (I bet you’ve never heard that one before but truly, you are!)

    Someone once told me, “you are such a good listener because not only do you hear with your ears but you hear with your eyes and heart.” Such a lovely thing to notice about a person and it makes me proud every time I think about that compliment.

  1255. A couple years ago, a lady complimented my outfit, and after I blushingly thanked her, she asked me if I was an artist. Made my day!

  1256. I was once told that I had really classic features, in a really nice way, and that stands out as a really nice and specific compliment!

  1257. Thank you for this post! It has made me realize how lucky I am. I have had some really lovely compliments but the best was when my grown up son told me I was one of his favorite people.

    I must also borrow from another commenter and tell you that you never fail to make my day better. So my compliment to a stranger is to you.

  1258. I was told that I have a very calming presence. It was great because I always feel the opposite and frazzled. The compliment made me feel like some kind of Zen-master, able to tackle anything and make the world a better place.

  1259. “I would never guess that you were an accountant” may not seem like the best compliment, but if you think of the stereotype you have of an accountant in your mind…you would understand.
    Love your blog Joy, you always make me feel good, because you are so filled with Joy, how aptly named you are…looking forward to the new cookbook.

  1260. Last year I came to Los Angeles to study (I’m from Brazil) by myself and without knowing anyone here. Before I left my aunt told me: “You’re so brave to be doing this”. It really made me more confident that even tough it was scary it was indeed a brave thing to do

  1261. Last week, at a bar, looking not so hot (it was Wednesday and I just needed a drink) two women came up to me and said that they loved everything about my “look.” I didn’t know I had a look, but it’s definitely confidence boosting!

  1262. One of my coworkers (shortly after she started working in the office) told me I was the nicest person she knows. Them’s some big shoes to fill!!! And do you know what – I think about it almost every day and it makes me want to continue being nice to everyone. Delightfully karmic.

  1263. You’ve got smashing taste…which is a compliment for you!
    The best I’ve received was being told by the gruff, stoic, completely unreadable president at work that she likes me and thinks I’m incredibly capable.

  1264. I’m not sure the best compliment I’ve ever had qualifies! It was right before I started a huge new job, and I was worrying a little bit to a really respected person in the field and someone I look up to a lot. She looked at me, and with complete surprise that I would feel worried, informed me that of course I would be successful. I remind myself of her confidence in me every day!

  1265. my adviser told me that I was one of the most intriguing students he’d ever had-as a student and as a person

  1266. I went to a bar w some friends in college once & the bouncer was apparently immediately smitten w me. He said, “please tell ur parents thank you for having u!” :)

  1267. Soul warming compliment from my parents, “We are proud of you and take much delight in your achievements, maybe more than that your intention, focus, concerns, and thoughtfulness and intelligence”

  1268. A lady stranger in a bar, years ago, told me that I was lovely and looked like Sherilyn Fenn. (Please note: I look _nothing_ like Sherilyn Fenn, now or then. However, Sherilyn Fenn is gorgeous and talented and that was a compliment I was delighted with.) ((Also noteworthy because in general I am entirely uninterested in feedback of any kind related to my appearance, from men _or_ women, but this was just a really great thing to hear.))

  1269. My friends know that I’m obsessed with my eyebrows so when a guy I liked told me I had “NICE EYEBROWS” I asked him if my friends told him to say didn’t. Hahaha I am an eyebrow obsessed freak.

  1270. Someone once told me I looked like a flemish painting. It was years ago, but it made me feel incredibly elegant.

  1271. My friend and old roomie just gave me the best compliment yesterday…she says when her life gets all crazy and chaotic, she tries to channel my organization and budgeting skills. She said she’s never known someone who works so hard to keep things so organized, and she thinks about that when she’s trying to get her life in order.

  1272. Hmmm, probably that I look like I enjoy being a mom! It’s true but I’m sure it doesn’t always show! ;) A getaway sounds simply lovely!

  1273. one of the nicest compliments I’ve ever had was about being someone’s friend and being supportive … it truly touched me as it never occurred to me to be anything different. :)

    I’ve not posted here before but eagerly look forward to your recipes and trying some!

  1274. Best compliment ever? Hmmm. I tend to really appreciate any compliment that I get. If someone says it out of no where, they must really mean it! I think my favorite compliments are usually the ones I get at work. Nothing like being appreciated for a strong work ethic!

  1275. The one day a year when my son was behaving out in public, I was told by a stranger that I had a nice little boy. ;) love it

  1276. I was told one day that I was a woman of courage when I was going through some tough times. Those words were extremely encouraging. Thanks for this fantastic giveaway Joy! :)

  1277. I think the best compliment I have ever gotten was my high school AP teachers asking if they could keep my work to show to their future classes as examples. Nothing better! Love your blog :)

  1278. My favorite compliment I get is that the way that I laugh is cute :) if I’m really tickled my laugh is accompanied by foot-stomping and hand-clapping.

  1279. One of the best compliments I have received was when someone chased me down a hallway at work to tell me that they liked my dress and that I always look so good. It came at a time when I was right out of college and trying so hard to be (and look!) professional.

  1280. The best compliment I’ve ever received was in college—I was the president of an organization and years after I graduated one of the next presidents told me she’d seen me as a role model of how to be a leader and a friend and be totally put-together doing it. It was the greatest thing. Lately, I’ve been making and handing out little cards to coworkers that say “you are doing a great job” and I can’t tell you how much something small can brighten a day.

  1281. The best compliment I ever received was from a former boss who told me that I have a knack of looking ahead and anticipating what needs to be done before it needs to be done. My worrying and planning paying off!

  1282. The best compliment I ever received was when I was in high school (there have been many since then but this one I remember as if it were yesterday). I was really insecure and down on myself in high school, I was wearing makeup one day (before I learned that less is more = ) one of my closest guy friends caught me at the end of the day and said “hey, you don’t need all that…you’re gorgeous.” It helped me start to snap out of my funk and start to really confront my insecurities. I still deal with body issues every now and then but then I’m reminded of his words that day…

  1283. At a meeting, my director referred to me as the resident genius. Ha! I’m far from it, but it still felt pretty good. It was nice to be complimented on my brain instead of just something external.

  1284. Thanks Joy! The best compliment lately was when a coworker commented that my presentation was awesomely thorough and easy to follow and execute.

  1285. A former co-worker told me, “You have blessed me, now it’s my turn to bless you!” She actively mentored me and helped me find a new job before she left the company. I miss her.

  1286. So the best complement I’ve ever gotten was two years ago at Rock’n’Bowl in New Orleans, on a Thursday night Zydeco night. It was the second time my guy friend and I had ever tried to go zydeco dancing–we had no idea what we were doing, we were just trying to mimic everyone else. Well, after an hour of stepping on each other’s feet, but getting used to the movements a little, an older man came up to us–he knew we were new since we were one of the youngest couples there–and asked us, “Have y’all been dancing a long time? You guys look so good out there! Keep at it!”

    boy did I thank him and boy did that compliment repeat over and over in my head for WEEKS afterwards. That compliment definitely encouraged me to keep going back to try zydeco dancing again, because honestly, I find it hard to believe we looked THAT good that night ;)

  1287. I hated my teeth growing up and finally in my late 20’s got braces. After they were off, most people who knew me commented on my teeth, which was nice, but the best compliment I got on them was from a lady in a jewelry store, who had never seen them in their prior state. It really made my day!

  1288. The best compliment that I’ve ever received… that’s a tough one! I’d have to say the best compliment is from my boyfriend, who told me that he loved that I was smart and had so many ambitions, something that had intimidated a lot of guys in the past. Great giveaway, hope I win!

  1289. The best compliment I’ve been receiving lately is from an old woman who sweeps a shop at the end of my street every Friday. Without fail, every week she says ‘You look beautiful today, have a wonderful Friday’ which is the perfect little pick-me up going into work.

  1290. At my new job, one of guys I work with stopped, looked at me, then turned to everyone else and said “This girl looks like a real life Disney Princess!”

    my dream is to be an animator for Disney, and next summer Im auditioning to be a park princess. So this compliment made my life!!!

  1291. I know most people may not take this as a compliment, but from a young age I’ve been told by multiple people that I am an old soul. I’ve come to take it as, I’m wise beyond my years. :)

  1292. I’ve had some elementary school students tell me that I’m the coolest substitute teacher ever and that I’m the best at art (though I’m just a doodler, to be honest). So that meant a lot to me!

  1293. I was recently complimented on my glasses! I’ve worn glasses for my whole life and most people just ignore them. To me they are an accessory I am required to wear :)

  1294. You have such beautiful taste! Love all these items. Best compliment I ever received was at a farewell from a student group in college, “You made me feel welcome here when I wasn’t sure I fit in.”

  1295. Growing up a shy and introverted individual, I received a compliment over my effervescent and joyful personality towards others. I hope to help other introverted strangers break out of their shell and embrace life :).

  1296. I had my daughter a little later in life than most. This past June some of the other Mothers and I were chatting after dropping off our munchkins when the subject came up for birthdays. I casually mentioned that I would be 38 (my daughter is 5 now) this July and a couple of the other Moms immediately piped up with “But you’re too cool to be that much older than we are!”.

  1297. My husband had his/our dog for 14 years (12 of them before we met). The night before she died last month we were both crying and loving on her, and he said: “[Dog] is so lucky you came into her life.” It was the sweetest most loving thing I’ve ever heard.

  1298. I love hearing those encouraging words…I’m doing a great job raising three kiddos:) and…compliments about the food I make and share!

  1299. Wowee, what a giveaway! Yes I think you’re a champ for August-ing in New Orleans. That is an accomplishment.

    Compliment: When training new employees (which is new to me) I’ve been told I have a really natural easiness about me that helps to make learning stress-free and exciting. As someone who used to teach for a living, this was cool to hear that it’s translating somehow in the land of lady business. Thanks, Joy!

  1300. I think the best compliment I’ve ever received was when my teacher named me her best English student, saying, “You’re one of the best writers I’ve ever had in class.” It just stuck with me—I can write!

  1301. “You look just like Millie and are a lovely to everyone as she was.” Millie was my grandmother- she passed away when I was 16 but I remember her as a beautiful, patient and loving woman. This comment came from a woman who I had just met but had been my grandmother’s closest friend when my grandfather was overseas during WWII. I am glad that I continue her legacy of grace.

  1302. I made a quilt for my nephew’s college graduation, and in his thank you note he said he couldn’t believe it was the first one I had ever made, and that it was his new favorite blanket!

  1303. Just the other day I was told I was “Basically a carbon copy of Katy Perry”. I’ll take it! :)

  1304. The best compliment I ever received was on the day I graduated from college. My dad, who is not big on feelings or emotions, pulled me aside and said “You know your mom and me are really proud of all that you have accomplished” It was a great moment that I’ll remember forever!

  1305. Thanks for the opportunity! One of the best compliments I ever received was when someone told me I looked like Nicole Kidman. Of course, it was a gay bar and they were playing Moulin Rouge all night so she may have been on the minds of a few of the guys, but hey, I’ll take it.

  1306. I work with older adults who care for loved ones with dementia. I will never forget the time one of my caregivers told me, “thank you for doing what you do. You actually care and understand us.” For everyone who view older adults as negative…please think twice! We are all human and everyone wants to be loved and cared about :-)

  1307. One of the best compliments I’ve received was a friend telling me I was made of strong stuff. And my husband telling me I’m a tremendous blessing to him and our family. That never gets old!

  1308. After working out diligently and eating more healthy, my family (who I hadn’t seen for awhile) said I looked great and that they wouldn’t even have recognized me if I hadn’t come up and said hi.

  1309. Here’s a recent favorite professional compliment. I’m moving into a new research area, and just wrote my first article on the subject. I sent it out to a colleague in that area, and he responded that the article was well written. I was overjoyed! :) Also, everything in the giveaway looks fabulous!

  1310. When I was a new RN and struggling with working nights, I had a patient tell me after a long 12 hour shift that I was a great nurse! The best he ever had! That complement affirmed I was doing a goo job and made me even more satisfied with my career choice. When I’m having a long day in the oncology unit now I think back to that patient and complement and always smile!

  1311. UGHH JOYYY YOU ARE SAAHHH COOL :O Anyway, best comment was probably when my uncle told me that he hoped his daughters would grow up to be like me. Such an ego boost :’)

  1312. Hello!
    I had a lovely elderly gentleman tell me that my personality was just divine. It made me so confident all week :)

    This giveaway is dreamy!

  1313. This giveaway is awesome! The best compliment I have ever received was when my stepmom told me that “I was a super mom.” Had a sweet baby boy 7/11 and he had a rocky start, but so blessed that he is doing great now!

    PS born on 7/11, he get’s a free slurpee on his birthday for life! Sounds like you could use one to beat the heat in Nola!

  1314. Such a fun giveaway! I got super excited when I saw the felt tips pens–i love those! Just yesterday I was told how happy the tech team at church was when they saw I was on the schedule to work as their stage manager this weekend since they know they can count on me. A wonderful compliment is wind beneath my wings. Love.

  1315. “I like your height” from a stranger passing on the street. Still think it was a strange interaction but it made me stand up a little straighter :)

  1316. A friend complimented my smile the other day, and it made me feel good because I’ve always been self conscious about it! Genuine compliments are so sweet.

  1317. I am a huge words person, so when my husband and I were at a party with all of our friends, he stopped everyone and turned to me and said loudly, “you are so beautiful”. And everyone went, “awwwwww”. It was so unexpected and genuine!

  1318. in college i had a contact malfunction on the way to an 8am stats class (double nemesis…8am class + required math). this was back in the day when you had to soak contacts in some kind of enzyme solution, and i didn’t manage to get it off before popping them into my eyes and bolting to class. within minutes i was blind in the bathroom, clawing at my eyes to get them out, when a complete stranger said, “let me help you.” she took me in her car to her eye doctor, and he saved my life!!! at least my vision. those words, “let me help you,” were golden! definitely the greatest compliment from a stranger! thanks for the amazing giveaway! xoxo

  1319. Someone once told me that she noticed laughter seemed to follow me wherever I went! Best compliment ever because I love to laugh and share my joy with others.

  1320. oh my goodness, welcome to NOLA in August and September. I’m actually driving in for two weeks on Tuesday and not looking forward to the weather at all.

  1321. When my 4 year old threw her arms around my neck and proclaimed “you’re the best mommy I ever had!”. I had no idea the competition was so fierce and I had just bought her a cake pop from the coffee place ;) it still made me feel sunny all day.

  1322. I had a student write me a note this past year right after our state testing. She told me that I’d taught her everything I possibly could and because of that she felt confident on her math test for the first time in her life.

  1323. Joy, you have absolutely no idea who i am but nevertheless I freaking love you! Even if I don’t win I still love you.

  1324. Best compliment I ever received…my husband telling me I was the person he had been looking for his entire life. How it made me feel…so incredibly loved and happy to be me! :)

  1325. The best compliment I ever received from from a nurse in labor & delivery. She told me I was one of the best patients she ever had. I’m not sure how I managed to get that distinction but after 23 hours of labor, I was gonna take it!

  1326. Best compliment? Recently? I’d have to say it was actually last night. I always straighten my hair because I just feel like I look a lot more “kept” than when my hair is out and curly and super lioness. Bar hopping last night, hair up in a messy bun (not straight), my new friend said… “let your hair out, it’s so big and beautiful and curly! I wish my hair was like that!” While the grass is always greener, her insistence was so flattering. Suffice it to say, I let my hair out for the rest of night!

  1327. “You are my favorite wife, ever” . I’m not even married to him and it’s a bit of an inside joke, but I still like it.

  1328. I think the biggest compliment I’ve ever gotten was being proposed to by my now-husband! For someone I love and respect so much to want to spend his life with me, well that’s a pretty huge compliment, right? :-)

    Thanks for the giveaway, Joy!

  1329. Wow, so many comments already! Love this giveaway and the subject of compliments. It’s amazing how something so easy to do can make you feel good. One that sticks out in my mind happened years ago. I was seeing one of my favorite musicians play and before the show when we said hi he said to me “you have a such a great smile, I bet you could sell anything with that smile.” It has stuck with me all these years! :)

    Happy Friday Joy!

  1330. Love this giveaway! As far as compliments go, hearing from a former supervisor that I was “one of the best we’ve had” made my week.

  1331. I struggled with anorexia for about a year or two while I was a teenager, and eventually recovered. While I was still trying to overcome the affliction and putting my self-confidence together, I had a conversation with my dad in the kitchen – I don’t remember if we were eating dinner or just having tea with each other, but I mentioned to him that sometimes I was self-conscious about my weight and what I eat, because people make insensitive comments. Of course, I did not want to tell him how often that “sometimes” was or how much it had affected me. I was trying to make it sound like not a big deal. But he said, “A lot of times, you just have to pay no attention to people. I never did anything when they said those things because I was sure that you could block them out.” And he doesn’t said that in a criticizing way, he was confident that I could do that. And there’s something about that confidence that really helped me through.

  1332. A tutoring client told me I was very positive and had great energy! I’d always wanted to be one of those people with great energy. :)

  1333. Beside “I love you byeeeee!” at the end of this blog post. My son telling me that I was very smart and pretty.

  1334. The best compliment I receive is from my grandparents who tell me I’m “so thoughtful” every time I call them… which is every week! They always appreciate me checking in and I appreciate their appreciation. I love being complimented on something I would do anyway.

  1335. The best compliment I ever received is my fiancé telling me that I make his life, and him better in every way. It sounds so corny, but he says it so genuinely. Sappy in the best kind of way :)

  1336. Just last weekend I was told by a complete stranger at a health food store that I have great energy radiating around me.

  1337. my first year of teaching was a total disaster so hearing this spring, after my second, that i had really made a difference for my students made me feel great.

  1338. LOVE YOUR BLOG!! Best compliment I ever got was that I had an “aura of a survivor and had the ability to help others survive.”

  1339. You are my favorite, Joy. Reading anything you write never fails to make my day. :)

    That being said, I think one of the best compliments I’ve ever received was from an audience member after a concert I did with my friend at an art museum. She ran up to me during the meet-and-greet and said, “You were FIERCE! There’s no way anyone else could have put on such a great show. I cried.” It made me warm and fuzzy to know I could make that much of an impact on someone. :)

  1340. A friend once told me I would make a great mom. Sometimes when I am having crappy mom days I remember that and helps give me a little boost

  1341. When I was in high school and we’d have to read aloud in English class, one of my classmates said that he wished I’d do all the reading because he liked hearing me do it. And then some other kids agreed! I was so flattered.

  1342. Best compliment I ever received was that I was trustworthy. Trust is so important these days. If someone trusts me, I know that is worth more than anything. If I were to ever break that trust, there’s nothing I could do to get it back.

  1343. I work in a kitchen wares store and one I hear a lot is that I “am so knowledgable”. It always makes me smile and feel respected in what I have chosen to do.

  1344. Your blog always makes me smile!

    When I got my job, I had to teach a 2nd grade class as a part of my interview. I learned that the students went out of their way to tell the principal they wanted me as their teacher! Best compliment ever, because you know 7-year-olds are honest :)

  1345. i am about to leave for my freshman year at a small liberal arts college, and i think the best compliment i’ve gotten to date was when an admissions counselor (not mine) from my college pulled my mom over at the accepted student visit day and said that my college essay was really meaningful and powerful and well written.

  1346. I sing music from the Balkans but I’m not from there, so when a Turkish audience member told me he thought I was from Turkey based on my singing, I was extremely flattered!

  1347. I once had a man in Paris come up and touch my hair and then tell me how beautiful I was. It was so weird and creepy then, still weird now but I totally take the compliment.

  1348. My former employers, a married couple, told me that if they would have had a daughter, they’d like to think she would have been just like me. That was so special to me. Loving your picks for this giveaway!

  1349. A woman I work with said she always wanted to be on projects with me because I was a hard worker and she trusted me more than anyone else.

  1350. I was told by a cab driver the other day that I look “really beautiful.” I’m 7 mos pregnant, so that felt pretty great….even when it took me 3 minutes to get myself out of the cab later on.

  1351. Any time my husband says I look cute as I’m leaving for work for the day, I’m giddy all day. (so any compliment from him is my favorite :) )

  1352. One of the best compliments I ever received was being told that I was excellent at interacting with small children and making families feel comfortable that I can take care of their precious kiddos. As a children and family portrait photographer, it’s something I definitely do not take for granted. :) Love this giveaway and for making me think happy thoughts today! Thanks, JTB.

  1353. I had a college professor tell me that I was not only one of her favorite students, but her dear pen pal (as we wrote back and forth while I lived abroad) and friend. She said I had an unmatched love of learning and strength of character that comes from years of perseverance. Her kind words are the best compliment I have received.

  1354. I saw this contest on your Facebook page. Fabulous contest ! The most memorable compliments that come to mind are from my sons. It has taken 29 and 31 years as a single Mom of 3 sons, and 2 are challenged. One mentally and one physically. Finally, the one, now with a child of his own said to me ” Mom I now know how hard you worked and what a good Mother you were now that I have my own son “. Love your blog and Facebook page !

  1355. I love everything in this giveaway! Most excellent selection :)

    Best compliment I’ve ever received was from my fiancé. We were hiking a particularly difficult trail and I was getting quite tired when he said I was like the beautiful wild flower by the trail who prevails through the rough times and elements.

  1356. Last night as we were falling asleep, my husband turned to me and said “you’re really beautiful”. it was so spontaneous that it was like he just had to share and that it make me love him more.

  1357. The best was my 30th birthday a few months ago. I was feeling old and unaccompanied, but a bunch of my close friends, unprompted by me, reminded me of all the amazing things I have achieved. It was the best way to start my 30s I could have imagined.

  1358. Um, I love all of these things! Best compliment ever? Probably not the weird guy on the street who told me I had nice feet….I think I’ll have to go with my husband telling me that I’m a wonderful wife/partner. <3

  1359. “You know, you’re a really good friend.” We should remember to say such things to the people we really care about, because it’s so nice to hear, but too rarely heard.

  1360. Oh I love this question – what a warm, fuzzy way to start our fridays :) Somebody I had met years ago told me they remember me for being charismatic and intelligent – I thought that was super flattering!

  1361. one time, when i was young and impressionable and insecure, i was at a concert with a close (equally quiet and awkward and weird,) when a random gentleman i had been talking to off and on all evening grabbed my face as i was leaving and said “your boyfriend is the luckiest guy in the world.” he went on to become a multiplatinum selling artist and it is one of my fondest memories.

  1362. Wow, I can’t remember the last time I got a compliment, for real. But I am definitely up for giving other people sincere, actual compliments! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  1363. Ugh I love these giveaway rules, you are a good human. My mom passed when I was 20 and the best compliment to receive is from people who knew her, telling me I look/act/love like she did.

  1364. My roommate once told me “I can’t imagine life without you” to be that much a part of someone else is a truly wonderful thing.

  1365. My dad tells people that I am the most interesting person he’s ever met. I think that’s really sweet and it means a lot every time I think about it.

  1366. This contest makes my heart happy.

    ” as long as you’re with me, I can handle anything.” That came from a very close friend at a very hard time in her life. Funny thing is, I’ve always felt the same about her.

  1367. The best compliment I get is whenever i bake something and bring it into work or to a friends’ potluck. I love watching people enjoy baked goods!

  1368. At work for our mid-year reviews, people get a questionnaire to answer anonymously about all their team members, and your teammates’ comments get shared with you. One review, someone wrote about me, “Lora makes the team 37% more fun.” (I can’t remember the percentage, but it was sizeable.) My manager and I were both pleased that I had an actual metric.

  1369. Got a very nice compliment just last weekend on my ability to handle stressful situations with a calm and cheerful attitude. It made my day!

  1370. My former dept chair called me and asked me to come and interview for a position because he thought I was better than all the people he had interviewed- I had been out of teaching for 8 years and it felt amazing that he thought I was that good! 28 years later it still makes me feel awesome!

  1371. One morning around 4am my friend came over after he’d been at the bar. He lives 12 hours away and doesn’t visit often enough so even though he woke me up I was thrilled for a visit even if it was only a few short hours before work. My friend is a comedian by nature so it wasn’t long until he had me laughing… And not “appropriate for 4am” laughter.
    I’ve always been sort of self conscious of my laugh. I think it sounds like this grating cackle. I said something to that effect and my friend suddenly turned from goofy to very serious, he bent down (he’s 6’8 to my 5’2) pressed his forehead against mine and said “your laugh is adorable and right now it’s the best sound in the world and I won’t go home until I’ve heard more of it” then he flipped right back to goofy and tickled me until I couldn’t breathe let alone laugh.

    That day I should have been tired and cranky from my lack of sleep but I wasn’t. I don’t remember any other day that the world seemed so bright. When I grabbed my morning coffee I couldn’t help but notice my Batista’s delightful giggle and told her I loved her laugh. She smiled but seemed surprised. She then confessed she’s always thought it was annoying. It was only 8am but somehow it felt my day had already come full circle.

  1372. You’re the nicest, Joy! I really like that the comments must be about compliments and that you encourage people to compliment others. It makes me smile.

    The best compliment I’ve ever received came from a 15-year-old I’d been tutoring. He told me he was actually sad our classes were over because I was the best teacher he’d ever had and he had learnt so much with me. Saying it made my day would be an understatement.

  1373. ‘You are the most extraordinary person I’ve ever met’. Yes, that was quite a nice one! Great giveaway, love your blog. ^^

  1374. One time I told a friend I was trying to learn to play piano, and she said to me, “I love how you never stop trying to improve yourself!”
    Actually in writing it looks sort of backhanded, but it was warm and wonderful and it made me feel bold, instead of foolish, about trying new things in my 40s.

  1375. I was standing outside my office gearing up for my bike ride home. As I put on my bike helmet, a guy walks past and says, “Safety is sexy!” and gives me a big smile. Now I never worry about helmet hair knowing that I am protecting my precious head and looking great while doing so!

  1376. The best compliment I have ever received was from a single mother of four grown up children, when she said, “you’re the most amazing pregnant women I have ever seen”.
    I was 8 months pregnant and had loved every pregnant month I had experienced so far, but her compliment gave me an extra boost of confident which I carried through to motherhood!
    Words can have profound effects on people xxx

  1377. My son was intended to compliment breakfast I cooked for him and he said instead “Mom, you never fail to disappoint.” Thanks Joy!

  1378. I’m into fitness and enjoy taking gym classes but you would probably never think I was the most healthy in the class. One of the best compliments I received was when a trainer subbed one of the regular classes I take and told me at the end that I did great and should maybe consider getting into teaching classes myself! It really felt like my hard work was being noticed.

  1379. When I lived in Nashville, I became friends with an elderly postal worker named Frank because I sent so much snail mail and so many care packages from his post office. When I was going through a break-up, he took me to get hot chocolate so I could tell him what happened. When I finished talking, he told me, “You don’t half-ass love. That’s a very good thing.”

  1380. Love the old school contest for those like me who a tech challange…I barely do facebook no twitter, snap chat or any other social media.
    Last month sitting in a restaurant a lady I did not know complimented me on my hair and in turned complimented my hair stylist could tell she appreciated it.

  1381. One of my coworkers compliment my makeup, so next time I was on the deparment store, I bought her the same eye shadows I had, and show her how to apply them, i´m not a makeup expert by any means but I like to share what I know : ) she was sooo happy, and it really made my day.

  1382. Joy – I just want you to know that you truly are a bright spot in my day and I’m so happy to see you in my feed; you’re always so positive and uplifting – thank you for just being you – HAPPY FRIDAY!! (((hugs)))

    ps i do know this doesn’t qualify me for the giveaway, but i don’t care and it wasn’t the point – just thankful for you

  1383. A co-worker paid me the nicest compliment to my fashion sense when she said, “Your sense of style reminds me of Audrey Hepburn.” Her nickname for me became Audrey. :)

  1384. Recently (I think to diffuse the blow of telling me I couldn’t have a promotion because there was no money in the budget – I work in a library), my boss told me I was a maverick in my field and he regrets every day that he can’t move me up the ladder faster.

  1385. The best compliment I received was being told by my friend that she was so lucky to have me as a friend. Made my heart happy.

  1386. I got my shortest hair cut ever resulting in a 17in braid for donation. My male boss is not the most expressive or giving of praise, like Grumpy Old Men status. His exact words “What did you do? Get a hair cut? It looks good.” My favorite of the day.

  1387. Once, in a room full of people, my husband’s grandfather (who passed away at the end of May) told me I had the widest appeal of anyone he’d ever met. So sweet!

  1388. This is great! Thanks so much! I was told I am really good at putting together outfits with bursts of color :)

  1389. The best compliment I’ve received…especially recently…is “Your daughter is so polite!” I feel like that’s a huge pat on the back for me as a parent (especially because it takes a lot of work to help kids with their manners!) and a huge pat on the back for my sweet girl :)

  1390. This guy standing behind me in line at Starbucks (a fairly rough looking character, dressed for some sort of construction work) looked at me and said ‘You smell fantastic.’ Not at all what I expected. Totally made my day.
    PS- The weekender bag is beautiful!!

  1391. The best compliment I’ve received is my MN employer allowing me to work from home, because I am so reliable and such a hard worker, when I moved to Hawaii.

  1392. When I was in college, I was told I was the most interesting person in the world! That felt awesome and a huge ego booster!

  1393. Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite compliment was when my 3 year old daughter said “This is absolutely delicious!” when I’ve cooked something for her…perhaps one of your dishes! We recently made your waffles with chocolate chips, almond butter, and bananas which she loved!

  1394. When people tell me I have a nice singing voice!! I’m pretty insecure about my singing, so typically I try to sound as obnoxious as possible, but when I try and get validated…….. I feel so awkward and yet warm and fuzzy inside! :^)

  1395. I was at a funeral for a family friend when an old friend of mine went to my mom and told her that she was so happy I was there, that everything just felt more peaceful with me being around. I don’t know that I can ever receive a higher compliment than that! And it makes me try and live my life in such a way that others will feel this way.

  1396. I was once waiting for the bathroom on an airplane and the woman next to me asked if I was a dancer because of the way I was standing. I wasn’t but she said I had a great dancer’s stance. I took it as a compliment because I wasn’t sure how else to take it.

  1397. The best compliment I ever received was when my 19 yr old son came during his freshman year of college and told me he loved me and missed me. It may seem minor but family is everything to me. As a parent, and especially during the teen years, I sometimes (ok, often times) feel like I’m not up to par. I don’t think he understood why that comment brought tears to my eyes.

  1398. Best compliement was when I was 4 yrs or so out of college and been with my company for the same time my boss told him he wanted to make me an associate when I got my professional license. 3 years later still working on passing those stupid tests but pretty sweet being so young in the field but trusted for something like that.

  1399. The best compliments are always about my hair (red, big, curly wurly) but my favourite was when someone told me my hair reminded them of a pre-raphaelite painting, awesome day! Fab giveaway by the way, all kinds of awesome x

  1400. I like being told I am hardworking. I feel it is the best way to achieve the things you want. Even if it makes me feel like Hermione Granger sometimes.

  1401. How completely FUN! I love all compliments (who doesn’t??) but for most unexpected and old -school, I ‘d have to pick a note I recieved last week at the winery that I work at. Three teachers from Texas on a first-ever road-trip to the west coast that I was chatting with wrote to me and said… “Thanks for being a wonderful, fun human who helped us along our route!”
    LOVED that!

  1402. A dear friend of mine is the type of person who will compliment random people whenever we’re out. She’s so honest about it too, and she’ll often let the person know she wouldn’t compliment if she didn’t mean it. Some people brush her off, while most people are delighted, but all of them are taken aback in some way.

    At first, I thought she lost her marbles & I sometimes wouldn’t want to be around because of my own awkwardness. It’s been three years since I’ve known her and she still does it to this day. I haven’t found the confidence to do the same, but I’ve come pretty close. It’s infectious for sure!

    Anyway, one of the best compliments I’ve received was from her, when we were first getting to know each other. She said we’d become best friends despite our difference in age. I asked how could she be so sure and she blurted, “You can just tell when someone is BBF material!”

    “Best Butt Friends?” I asked. “Whoops! I meant BFF!” she replied.

    As best friends now, we still laugh to this day about it.

  1403. I need that bag in my life…stat!

    The best compliment I’ve gotten is when people tell me I have a nice smile. Which is also a compliment for my parents since they spent a good chunk of change on braces to fix my buck teeth :)

  1404. The best compliment that really melts me inside is when I try a new recipe and my husband goes “MMMMM!!! THIS IS SO GOOD!!!” the minute he takes a bite :)

  1405. A woman once told me I had “bangin’ eyebrows”. Meant a lot to me because my eyebrows have never been even since I flattened a part of my forehead falling off a table as a kid..

    Great giveaway, joy. I love just reading all the compliments people have received :)

  1406. Best compliment would have to be from my kids, saying that I’m the best Mom. If your kids think you’re doing a good job then that’s all that matters.

  1407. My in laws telling me they’re proud and honored that I married their son, and that I’m a fantastic mother, that they appreciate all the hard work I do for our family!

  1408. The absolute best compliment I received was from my mom. She recently saw me with my newborn son and said that I was born to be a mother. The timing was great as I had been having some hormone-induced maternal doubts.

  1409. Amazing giveaway! Best compliment I’ve ever received was from my mother telling me how well I was handling a very stressful situation with my sick daughter.

  1410. My boyfriend is Brazilian and even though he speaks English fluently, he sometimes mixes up some words. When I first met him four years ago, we were on our first real date and everything was going really, really well. We were sitting next to each other having an ice cream when all of a sudden he turned to me and said “Mmm, you’re SO smelly!” It took me a minute to realize that he meant that I smelled nice and of course I started laughing like crazy. :) He was soooo embarrassed by the mistake, but his reaction was so adorable that I was completely smitten. I still wear the same perfume (he loves it) and he still calls me “smelly” to this day!

  1411. A grocery store cashier once told me, as he looks straight at me: “You have beautiful eyes!” It totally made my day!

    p.s. Thanks for making this contest open to everyone, everywhere!


  1412. Best compliment? That I have the biggest brightest smile, which made me smile even bigger than I already was :)

  1413. I was riding the train one day and had an older gentleman come up to me and tell me that I had the cutest nose he had ever seen. It was a bit random but very appreciated!

  1414. Best compliment I ever received was from my boss who told me I’m the “real deal” compared to the other people in my group. Good to know my hard work is recognized.

  1415. The BEST compliment I have ever received was in college from one of my friends after we had recently met. I was pretty bubbly/wired/crazed from the sheer happiness of being young and alive and he said to me “I bet you see colors brighter than most people.” It was so simple, but it will always stick with me. I remind myself of it often so that I make an effort to be happy and to show others happiness as well.

  1416. The best compliment I’ve had lately was my new publisher (eek!) telling me she stayed up until 3am reading my book as she HAD to know what happened at the end. After a fair few rejections from agents and other publishers, it was amazing to hear that someone loved it!

  1417. I love this!
    Someone once told me i have quiet confidence. I loved that, i felt like it described me perfectly.

  1418. The best compliment was when my husband told me what an amazing mom I am to our little girl, on a hard day this meant the world to me

  1419. Compliments on things I make feel great. I recently made homemade mustard for the first time, and it is always better to share special treats with friends if you know they will really like it.

  1420. I once befriended a guy over access to a piano during a study abroad. Once I returned to the states, I got a letter from him, solely for the purpose of telling me: “You’re beautiful.”

    …I still think of that and smile.

  1421. The best compliment I ever received was someone telling me they wished they could be as courageous as me (two years ago I left a city I couldn’t afford, a relationship that was going no where and a job that I hated to start a BRAND NEW LIFE). That was pretty “bonkers-awesome”. Happy Friday, Joy! XO

  1422. In the professional context I’ve been told I’m a “straight shooter and no bullshit.” Meant a lot to me because I really do try to be honest, never throw anyone under the bus and always take responsibility for my mistakes. Great giveaway!

  1423. In Yoga I was told I have a beautiful spine..never really thought about my spine..kind of took it for granted!!

  1424. I was at a Replacements’ concert in Chicago last year. They are my very favorite band of all time. During the concert a woman, I’d never met tapped me on the shoulder and said, “You look so happy.” And I was. It’s nice to know I can express that kind of joy to total strangers.

  1425. My 9 yr old son has always been great at giving me compliments (he’s a Valentine’s day baby, hence the love) Anywho..on a day when I feel I look the crappiest, he tells me he really likes my hair or my clothes and that he loves my cooking. I’m a lucky lady:)

  1426. A freshman at school (while I was a senior) told me I embody the reason he wanted to come to this school. It was incredibly kind and amazing to know that someone actually looks up to me!

  1427. This is so great! I love these kind of giveaways! My friend is the biggest complimentor, she is always so nice to tell me one thing positive, when I see her. I try to do the same as well, Even if I feel frumpy that day, and she sees me, she will tell me how good I look. That makes me feel so good!!

  1428. Awesome giveaway prizes! The best compliment that I ever received was almost five years ago when my boyfriend and I first started dating. He told me, “you make me believe in God.” I’m still not sure why it was such a big compliment to me and still is to this day, but it just made me feel so wonderful that I could give someone such hope and faith in something.


  1429. Up until my first year of university, I had social anxiety and was painfully shy. After completing a course of cognitive-behavioural therapy with a psychologist, I felt like a new person. However, my anxiety is still something that I have to fight every day. The best compliment I have received was from my best friend whom I have known since 7th grade, who told me that she admired my newfound confidence and wished that she could interact with new people with the same ease. I never thought I would hear that in a million years – it was so validating!

  1430. Years ago when I picking up my son after school and I heard the little girl next to him say, “is that your mom? She’s really pretty”.

  1431. Any time someone compliments me on my eyes, it feels like the best compliment I’ve ever gotten. It makes me *blush* =) Great giveaway!

  1432. Hi Joy,

    When my ex-colleague asked a boy I had worked with, what he would like to have for his goodbye party. He asked if I could come back. I moved to Thailand a few months earlier. When I heard that it made me wanna take the next plane to Holland. That was a great compliment to me.

    Lately I have been making a pie a week, just for fun. Today I made your cherry pie bars with blackberries, and they turned out great. Have a great weekend.


  1433. My boss recently told me that when I talk, people listen. I really appreciate that. Sometimes it’s hard to know if your words actually mean anything. Love this giveaway and love you!

  1434. the other day someone said “You have a great smile, thanks for sharing it”. I thought it was such a nice way of putting it and it made me feel great!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  1435. I have taught fitness classes for 20 years. For a short time, I had a young high school girl who would come to my classes religiously. Years later, she told me that she was going through a seriously bad situation at home and that my classes and my befriending her was a big part of what got her through it. Additionally, she went on to teach fitness classes herself and most incredibly, donated a kidney to the daughter of one of her students!

  1436. One of my best friends finally was able to marry his boyfriend of over a decade. At their wedding he made a point in his groom’s speech about how much I helped support him as he came out to friends and family and that he wouldn’t be getting married that day if it wasn’t for my support. Nothing has ever made me feel so valued and impactful!

  1437. I once overhead someone describe me as “that diminutive, attractive girl who is really really friendly.” It made my whole week to know that was what people were saying about me when I wasn’t around! It wasn’t the most moving compliment I’ve ever gotten but it was wonderfully affirming in that moment. Any time I doubt myself and what people might actually think of me, I remember that.

  1438. I recently lost about 20lbs, a co-worker of mine told me that I looked “Amazing!” That felt so great to hear that all my hard work was paying off! :)

  1439. The best compliment I’ve ever received was probably the other day when my husband turned to me with a smile and said, at random, “I’m so glad I married you.”

  1440. I was having breakfast with my mom at a littler diner type breakfast place here in Monrovia, CA. (CA misses you!).

    An older gentleman told me I “had a face pretty enough to be in the pictures.” He was very sweet.

    About 10 minutes later the older woman sitting next to me at the counter congratulated me on eating all of my giant pile of hash browns and bacon, saying “good job, honey! It’s so good to see a nice girl with a healthy appetite!”

    It was a pretty big day for breakfast compliments.

  1441. Hmm, I’m not sure about the best ever, but this week I have received feedback from an annual review, and the comments about how I am a great addition to the team were very heartwarming. :)

  1442. The best complement I ever received was my husband telling me that I am one of the strongest woman he knows besides his mother.

  1443. I think whenever someone compliments my cooking is a big deal. Yesterday my husband had 3 plates of dinner just because “it was so good”. And he’s a very skinny man. And then last month I went out for a drink, and I was feeling a little down, and 3 different people complimented the dress I was wearing. That felt nice :)

  1444. One time in a store, the cashier told me that she had been watching me with my kids and wanted to tell me what a good mom I was, how kind and patient I was with my children. In my head, I thought, “if you only knew.” But it was just what I needed on that particular day.

  1445. I think the greatest compliment I’ve ever received was from a dear friend that said that she thought I was like the Mom in The Family Stone and that my now young family would someday be like that. It just meant the world to me!!

  1446. I love this giveaway! All the best things, so much love! My best compliment ever: a friend told me that my eyes reminded her of a tropical sunset. It was super sweet and totally made my day!! (Until another “friend” said that the coloring meant I had toxins in my body. Boo, no! Lol)

  1447. All of these products are so lovely!

    One of the best compliments I have ever received was when my boss told me that my oral prelim presentation was a delight to attend. Huge compliment for a graduate student and it basically made my entire month better.

  1448. Before college, I worked in a coffee shop and told this older guy that was a regular I was going to major in journalism in college because if my love of newspapers. He replied, “Baby, with a face like that you would be better than Katie Couric.” It made me giggle and it’s my favorite compliment from a stranger.
    I’m going to go out and make people feel good today with all my dang compliments!

  1449. Best compliment: from my friend, who knows it takes a village to raise a baby, and she told me, “Thank you for being part of my village”

  1450. Can we talk about how sweet and feel-good this contest is? Such a lovely idea, especially the prompt to pay it forward.

    I don’t know if this is the best compliment I’ve ever received, but while walking in the quarter the other day, a stranger stopped to say I was beautiful – nothing creepy about it – made my day.

    Sidenote: just finished The Invention of Wings – so good!

  1451. I think my best compliment is “you really need to open a restaurant.” I have no intention to, but I am proud of my cooking!

  1452. Best compliment I’ve had recently is from my aunt telling me that animals love me because I have a kind voice. It just gave me the fuzzy feels.

  1453. The best compliment I ever recieved. Was when I would go out to dinner with my ex husband (who was my husband at the time) and the waitresses would say “what would you like to order? and your father? ” (We were the same age and it used to always happen no matter what restaurant we went to.

  1454. When someone I don’t know that well (but not a stranger) confides in me–I consider their candor a great compliment.

  1455. *giggle giggle* **raspberry**giggle giggle* from my 11 month nephew yesterday :) I’m taking it as high praise and gracious humor.

  1456. A girl this summer told me my hair had awesome mermaid waves then asked for tips on how to do her hair, and usually I’m terrible at hair so it totally made my day!

  1457. not exactly a compliment, but when I left the church I had been at for 14 years, my friends put together a book of letters and pictures for me. i was touched by their kind words.

  1458. I had two in one day recently…. The “have you lost weight?” is always great, them I was carded at the bar, I usually don’t!

  1459. I am making a tough decision about possibly switching jobs and just this morning my mom texted me: “You deserve every, single good thing they are offering you because you are brilliant and an amazing asset to LIFE let alone a company.”

    Oooh! Love my momma!!

  1460. Best compliment I’ve ever received was being told that I am kind hearted.
    Not sure it was meant as totally complimentary (It had gotten me into an awkward situation) but it is also part of why the person who said it loves me.
    It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy anyway.

    Love the giveaway. Love following your blog.
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  1461. Best compliment, eh? Hmm. I’ve been a single mom for 14 years to three wildly fun boys, now 20, 21, and 22. (Yeah, three boys in four years, what were we thinking?). My middle one told me last year that he didn’t feel the loss of his dad as he grew up because I made our family life full of love and security. Neatly floored me as I always assumed I could have done better.

  1462. I thought you were still in your twenties (and they meant it!). A just out of college colleague who is obviously clueless about age, since I’m 39. But it still hit my sweet spot!

  1463. I used to work with opportunity youth as an AmeriCorps member, and the best compliment I ever received from them was, “Miss, we really respect you.” That was hard earned respect and made 2 years of service, living on a stipend, and dealing with teenagers completely worth it.

  1464. A professor once told me that my independence and quirkiness reminded him of the female characters on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. So that was pretty much the best thing ever.

  1465. I think the best compliment that I’ve ever received is a woman that I babysit for telling a potential employer that I am “deeply responsible.” It’s great to know that people trust me with their kids, and that trust can translate to job responsibility as well.

  1466. When I met my husband, he told me that I saved him and was able open his eyes to the world. That to me is the greatest compliment because every day he is saving me. :)

  1467. As a teacher, the best compliments I’ve ever received have been from parents who have told me about changes they’ve seen in their child. Although it never happens as often as you’d hope, it’s the best feeling in the world to know you’ve helped positively with the education and development of a student. Gives a kick ass, glowing feeling that lasts all day! Thanks Joy for holding this contest, it seriously rocks.

  1468. My girlfriend once complimented me on my dedication to my workout routine, it made me want to work harder! And I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win! I’ve never won anything!

  1469. I remember being complimented on my muscular legs as a kid. I still have them, but didn’t always love them!

  1470. Hmmm… best & weirdest compliment was regarding my public speaking skills: “After hearing you speak, I understand how someone charismatic like Hitler could influence a whole nation.” Uhhh, thanks??? LOL!

  1471. Thanks for the much needed reminder to give compliments. Best compliment I ever received – my husband says I still turn him on after 30 years of marriage!

  1472. the other week a stranger complimented my obnoxious (beloved) maxi skirt as I was leaving work. it was a great start to my evening!

  1473. My mom told me once that she wished my older sisters were more like me. I never thought I measured up to them because she was always heaping praise upon them. Turns out, she felt they needed it more and that I was doing just fine on my own.

  1474. My little sister (MUCH younger than me) once told me “you’re always so nice to me!” It may not seem like a compliment but for some reason it made me feel so good to know that if I disappeared today she’d remember me as always being so nice to her :)

  1475. I work at a library and sometimes large groups of special needs people come in on a trip. I was helping one lady and she told me, “You are gorgeous.” After I finished helping her, her caregiver came and apologized for the inconvenience. Of course, there was no apology necessary. Love the “old school give away.”

  1476. Your kids are so adorable and well behaved. (at which point I laugh and say they have to be cute to get away with what they get away with).

  1477. I used to adjunct at a college in the Gender Studies department and one of my student’s told me I inspired her and made her feel like she had something to contribute to the world. I have never received a better compliment.

  1478. The best complement I ever received was at a book signing recently. I had my 5, 3 and 11 month old daughters in tow. The author looked at me and said ‘girl, did all of those come from you? You LOOK great!’
    Mind you that day I was having a not so swell on myself day. Made my week and reminded me that what I see in the mirror isn’t always what everyone else sees!

  1479. Best compliment I’ve received was a complete stranger stopping me outside of the pharmacy to tell me I looked beautiful! I did not feel beautiful that day, and could not stop smiling after she told me. It made me want to tell everyone that so they could feel that kind of joy!!

  1480. I will never get tired of hearing how young I look for my age… it is a compliment that sounds better the older I get!

  1481. I’ve been called a “mom” by many of my friends. Sometimes it’s not a good thing… but other times it’s a weirdly nice compliment!

    or, when I have my nails painted people tell me how nice it looks :)

  1482. The best compliment I have ever gotten was from a young lady who said she hoped to parent and love her children as I have mine…..:-)

  1483. After I had gotten off stage at the bellydance performance, a professional dancer in the show stopped me to tell me what a great dancer I was and that she could see how much I loved it, it showed through my movements and my face/facial expressions. Whenever I’m feeling down, I remember that and smile.

  1484. I guess you could call this a compliment but one night my boyfriend came home from hanging out with his guy friends and told me that his friends just kept going on and on about how I’m such a cool girl. And it just blessed me up from head to toe.
    I pull back to that compliment whenever I start to get insecure about whether or not people like me. At a time when I wasn’t around and those guys DIDN’T have to say anything about me at all (and ordinarily you’d expect a girlfriend bashing session), they were telling my guy that he had such a cool girlfriend.

  1485. Love the giveaway! That Weekender Bag is already on my “to buy” list. Yesterday someone asked me if I’m a dancer (I’m not). I thought it was nice to hear because I try to have good posture!

  1486. A few days ago my brother said that he would miss me so much when I left for college. That meant so much to me to hear that I was someone who really made a difference to him, and made me feel very lucky to have him as a brother!

  1487. Last weekend at my cousin’s wedding a woman came up to me and told me how amazing my dress was and how I looked in it then wanted to know where I got it because her 18 year old daughter would LOVE it for homecoming. I’m 33 so I took this as a boost to my ego (rather than a knock on me for being an old lady in a young persons dress!)

  1488. The best compliment I’ve ever received is when my atheist sister-in-law told me that I’m the best Christian that she knows.

  1489. The other day when I was walking to work a random (female) stranger complimented my outfit. It felt great, and I think we need more lady compliments! Pass it on! xo

  1490. I have been working hard over the last couple of years to get in shape and lose weight and am down about 55 lbs. I was walking by a friend not too long ago and he looked at me and said, “Shazam!”. Made me feel awesome and made me laugh!

  1491. JTB you’re the best!! I’ve been wanting to try the Aloha daily good for awhile now and you’ve basically thought of everything summer one would need. Best compliment I’ve ever received…. “the class was exactly what I needed, I think you’re my favorite yoga teacher” from one of my students, can’t ever beat that!

  1492. The best compliment I ever received was from one of my students telling me that I’d really helped her as a teacher.

  1493. A good friend of mine in high school told me I “have a smile like a tractor beam.” It was so nerdy and genuine and perfect, I have NEVER forgotten that moment or how gooey it made (makes!) me feel to this day.

  1494. The best compliment…”you have a beautiful smile!”
    The funniest…”you have beautiful blonde hair, is it real?” hehe

  1495. I work at a graduate school, and the Dean of Students (whom I don’t work for) told me she tried to nominate me for the monthly employee recognition award, but she was asked not to, since I had received the award a couple months before. I was honored that she, who doesn’t work with me that closely, wanted my hard work recognized.

  1496. I’m not entering – but the compliment thing got me to thinking.. it’s your turn!
    Joy, I just want you to know that getting your blog posts are like getting a random hug. I don’t even bake and I read your blog, because you’re funny and sweet and like the best type of girlfriend – but over the inter-webs. Thanks for keeping it real.

  1497. I was once told by an older man in the town I grew up in that I had my grandmother’s eyes. Made me tear up a little to think he remembered her and her eyes after she had been gone several years and that I made him think of her.

  1498. My best compliments have been from patients or clients. I am a nurse and I work with women during pregnancy and after delivery. Whenever a woman tells me I’ve made a difference in her life, I feel honored and proud of the work I do. Most recently, a woman thanked me for helping her get through a difficult start with breast feeding, and she told me she didn’t think she would have stuck with it had I not helped her. She of course stuck with it because of her commitment and desire, but I was able to make a small difference, which gave me great satisfaction. Love my work.

  1499. What a great giveaway! The best compliment I’ve ever received? Any compliment that comes my way! And I try to give them out daily as well … it’s the easiest way to bring a smile to someone’s face!

  1500. “You have the most perfect, feminine smile”…from a charming old man sitting in a diner watching me interact with my boyfriend over breakfast.

  1501. One time someone told me I am really good at making new people feel comfortable and welcomed in social situations.

    It made me feel thankful that they felt comfortable around me and enjoyed spending time in social situations with me.

    You’re great Joy!! I appreciate your blog for many, many reasons!

  1502. I have unusual light blue/gray eyes, so ever since I was a kid I get compliments on my eyes. but recently, a coworker and I became FB friends and she stopped me in the hall a couple weeks ago and said she was glad she sent me a friend request because I am really interesting. No one has ever told me I’m interesting, so I am still relishing it.

  1503. I was just standing (rather impatiently) in a shop waiting for my sister, and then a salewoman woman walked by and said “Ooh, you’re working it, girlfriend!”

    I walked with attitude all day :-)

  1504. you have great taste, joy! the compliments that make me feel good are when someone compliments my smile and my teeth are showing. I haven’t had braces for well over a decade but I still find myself smiling with a closed mouth a lot. So it means a lot when someone notices when I remember to let loose and show those chompers off.

  1505. There are a few that come to mind, but I think the best was given by a work colleague when we had to do those horrible cross-evaluations….he wrote, “Jayne is as honest and trustworthy as the day is long in June.” I thought that was pretty wonderful.

  1506. I recently lost about 8 pounds and since I am only 5 ft tall that is a lot of weight. Anyway I went to a birthday party for one of my husbands friends, and during the birthday party two of his friends told me that looked amazing and that I was glowing! It was so nice, helps to keep me motivated to stay on my diet and keep exercising.

  1507. Stopping to think about the best compliment you ever received is such a good way to start a Friday! I think for me it’s being told that I’m a good writer.

  1508. Back in high school – ages ago! – a guy I hardly knew told me I wasn’t like all the other girls because I was classy. I don’t remember how it came up but I remember the compliment!

  1509. One of the best compliments I’ve received in recent memory … a photographer told me I had a great natural smile. Wonderful giveaway Joy!

  1510. Best Compliment for me (and at a time I really needed it – so I guess it was God working overtime for me there!!) was from the nurse in the hospital where my lil girl (then 10 month old) was hospitalized that I am a very good mom..

  1511. This one is a throwback, but when I was in high school, one of my favorite teachers told me she looked forward to the day that she would teach beside me. I’m still pursuing my dream of teaching, so that was something I STILL cherish greatly, especially from someone who played such an influential role on my future at the time.

  1512. I took an adult dance class from my cousin (who is an actual dancer) and, despite the fact that I felt like a ridiculous, stumbling klutz, she told me I was great–and I could tell that she meant it.

  1513. I think one of the best compliments I’ve received was from my boss at the time. He told me I was a natural in the laboratory and that he could train me to be an excellent analytical chemist – this was while I was still finishing my degree and had only been interning for a couple months! Still makes me smile today.

  1514. “Wow, you make a meaaan waffle.” That’s what my boyfriend tells me every time I make him waffles and it makes my heart go pitter patter. I’m sure you make really good waffles too!!

  1515. When I was laid off from my dream job, in which there was no hope of being hired back, my confidence was really shaken. A colleague whom I have always admired called to give me a boost. She reminded me that my own skills and talent had lead me to some great places, and told me that some day others would be vying to work for me. It gave me the courage to wipe my eyes, stick out my chin, and carry on, even though it was big disappointment.

  1516. I work in a nursing home and the best compliment I’ve ever gotten was from a lady who rallied before passing. She told me I had a beautiful soul and thanked me before she passed two days later.

  1517. Thanks for a great giveaway. Greatest compliment was when my mom told me I had really done well for myself, had a great husband & life and that she was proud of me. She didn’t pass out compliments very often. She passed away a few days later.

  1518. I was told by my one of my students that taught while student-teaching that I’ve helped him
    understand “more of the important stuff about life” than anyone else in his life. I mean, he was a fourth grader so I’m not quite sure what these “life lessons” were that I taught him but what an amazing feeling to know that you made a difference is a child’s life! Made my day, and actually will probably one of those reminders I’ll come back to when times are tough!

  1519. About 10 years ago, one friend had come from the Netherlands to visit me in Paris and wanted to go to Disneyland, so I took her there. While in the bathroom, a little girl needed help to wash her hands but her mom was busy with her little brother, so I told her I’d lift her up so she could wash her hands and then she’d go join her mom to dry her hands, and that’s what we did. When I turned around, the mom said thank you with a smile, but my friend looked at me and said “I’ll be a great mom”. Best compliment ever, it left me speechless.

  1520. The best compliment I had was from a lady who told me I was a good daughter and never to change my feelings toward my mother. Made me feel great :D. Thanks for the giveaway, best luck to everyone and Happy Friday !!! :)

  1521. One compliment I’ve never forgotten is being told I had. “Candy Eyes”. It made me stop & ponder & yes it felt Very Nice! Now to find someone to compliment! Lots of someones!

  1522. Best compliment I ever received…”You have the most beautiful eyes; I could look into them forever.” Kind of cheesy sounding, but I love me some cheese! ;-)

  1523. Your freckles make my heart sing! a sweet old gent on the MBTA, Boston’s subway system in 1976. They say you can live for two months off a good compliment, for me its been 36 years!

  1524. All of this stuff looks fun – thanks for offering the Giveaway!
    To be honest, I cannot remember the last time someone complimented me on my appearance lol – I feel like I’m invisible most of the time!
    But I have been complimented recently by a friend who was complimenting me on my friendship with a younger mom with two kids. She said I was being a “supportive and kind friend” to this young woman – I hope that counts! Thanks again!!

  1525. A friend once told me that she admired how I look at the larger significance of things instead of getting bogged down in more superficial details–it was so meaningful coming from a person who is so thoughtful and intelligent herself :)

  1526. It’s so nice to read all of these comments – what a great reminder that a few sincere, kind words can really make a difference.

    I’ll always remember one compliment I received at the gym. This was a few years ago, when I was in the process of losing a significant amount of weight. I would go to the gym nearly every day, but on this particular day I was lacking motivation – my weight loss had plateaued, and I was feeling generally crummy. I was toiling away on the treadmill, but I was not feeling it. Then a woman approached me. I recognized her as a regular, but we had never spoken. She said “I’ve been watching you – you’ve been working so hard and you’re doing great! Keep it up!” It was an immediate boost. It made me feel like I wasn’t alone in my journey, and it made me proud of myself. Years later, I am still grateful for those kind words.

  1527. Love this idea! I love being told that I am a “go-to” friend. Nothing better than being a good friend. Thanks!

  1528. When I was in college, I interned at a huge nonprofit in the fundraising department, something I was very interested in but didn’t have a ton of experience with. The department head, who I really respected told me right before I left that I really “got it” and that I would go far in my career. It was the best compliment I’d ever received because it was from someone who really knew his stuff! 7 years later I’m now in the same position he was in (although at a much smaller nonprofit) and it still makes me smile to think about it. Compliments are so important!

  1529. I was once told that my happiness was infectious and pulled someone out of a funk. Spread the love I say!

  1530. Yesterday I was having a bad day and was having a moment with a friend. She told me I was always so willing to help and anticipate others needs!.

  1531. best compliment ever came from a former coworker who’s now one of my best friends. I was worried about my graduate school interview, and she was talking me through it. she said, “you’re impressive on paper, but you’re even better in person.” how nice!

    thanks for such a great giveaway, joy!

  1532. I feel enormously flattered and honored anytime someone says, “I feel like I can tell you anything.” I always take it as a compliment because to me, these words mean that there is a great level of trust, comfort, and openness, which means so very much to me. :)
    PS – Joy the Baker, you rule.

  1533. You have the greatest skin is the best compliment I have recieved. It was from a random person on the street!

  1534. Someone once told me I look like Allison Williams. I don’t, but I’m always going to hold onto it in my heart :)

  1535. “I love your outfit, the scarf really ties in the top and shoes. Adorable.” Best thing I’ve heard in a while :)

  1536. The last year has been of the most stressful — a move, difficult schedules, a never-ending adoption process, and a brain tumor and subsequent surgery and recovery. Several people have told me how encouraging it has been to seen the ways I handle stress with grace and poise. A true, undeserved compliment!

  1537. I’d probably say the best compliment was recently from my best friend who told me that she’s lucky to have me as a friend because I have a generous heart and a giving soul. Made my day!

  1538. The best compliment I ever got was from my mother. She told me that I am the best mom to my kids who are 8 and 11 years old.

  1539. The best compliment I received was given to me by my neighbour. I was out taking my dog (English Cocker-Basset mix) for a walk and she stopped me to say that I looked like Greta Garbo. Holy woah! I recently had my very long hair cut into a bob and was donning bright red lips. Now if only I can channel that everyday…

  1540. I love reading your post!! You always bring a smile to my face. The best compliment I have received is from my kids. They reach a point in High School where it is no longer cool to have your mom around. My Daughter told me she loves having me volunteer at school and will actually hug me at school.

  1541. Joy, your wit and positivity are contagious. Thank you! The greatest compliment I’ve ever received, was from my dad… He told me i was just like my mother!

  1542. Best compliment I ever received was from a former student who said I helped him see the world differently. That was a great thing to hear!

  1543. I know it may sound cheesy and obvious, but my 17 year old daughter recently told me how I was a great mom, which is really the biggest thing I want in life :-)

  1544. The best compliment I have received was a few months ago when I started my post-undergrad internship on campus. I was working with a grad student of my favorite professor. This professor has the worst memory for faces, but I still really wanted to make an impression on him somehow in hopes of a recommendation for grad school. He walked through the office we were working in and when the grad student introduced me, he remembered which of his classes I had taken and when I was in them. A small victory, and the BEST compliment. It gave me the confidence boost I needed to kick butt during my internship and to apply for a job I would have been too intimidated to otherwise!

  1545. The best compliment I ever received was yesterday when a homeless man said to me “Compliment for some spare change?” lol

  1546. I had a sweet old man working at Office Max tell me that I was a very happy person that made others happy! Definitely made my day and made me always think about how my take on life can affect others.

  1547. this is so fun, joy! best compliment i ever received… my partner telling me i inspired him to be the best form of himself!!

  1548. Taking the risk of being cheesy, every time my boyfriend looks at me and says “You are beautiful”. I shall pass on the compliment to someone else ! And thank you Joy for the old school giveaway ;) PS: Resist the summer melt-down by drinking mojito slushies !

  1549. A stranger at a concert stopped me and said “You are so beautiful.” and then walked away. I don’t know it it was the way he said it or what, but it has really stuck with me.

  1550. I live in a small rural town of fairly hardcore people and I over heard an older woman talking about me in the general store and she said to her friend, “now that is a REAL woman” and she was talking about ME. I have no idea how I inspired such a compliment or if it even was one but as I wrangled two kids through an breakfast scavenging mission at the general store it sure felt like one!

  1551. aah I want to throw it all into that weekend bag and head for the redwoods! Great give away & thanks for a little daydreaming fun

  1552. the best compliment I’ve received was when a friend told me she always calls me before a big decision because I give the best advice. Awww! loved it. happy summer!

  1553. Oh, what a lovely giveaway! The best compliment I ever received was being told I reminded this person of Barnabas from the New Testament, because I was always encouraging others. It made me feel wonderful, to think that someone thought of encouragement whenever they thought of me. What better way to be known?

  1554. I melt when I’m told I’m just like my mother. I’m the spitting image of her when she was my age, but the part I really love is that I’m told I behave like she does. I can only hope to be as kind and intelligent when I’m older.

  1555. The best compliments I ever got were from my students…those compliments were always straight from the heart. Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

  1556. “Girl, you look like a movie star!” I was rushing to work and heard the same line used on the next person who walked by, but still, for the moment I was super happy and it made my day!

  1557. Oh, this is such a wonderful giveaway. I love blankets, totes, books, and dooding supplies! What a nice way to pay it forward.

    The nicest compliments come from the people I care about most. When my mom or dad tell me they love me or tell me they are proud of me, when my husband tells me he loves me or that he thinks I’m beautiful, those are the most special to me. They light up my mental landscape for days.

  1558. The best compliment I ever received was when my guy friend told me that he admired how I always do what I want to do and don’t care what other people think!

  1559. When we first started dating, my now fiance told me “I just want to make out with your brain.” Weird, but fantastic.

  1560. One of my best friends from college once told me that I was “a veritable Death Star of wisdom” after I gave him some relationship advice. He’s gone now and at a time where I could really use his advice, this is the third day in a row something has brought him to mind. So thanks for that AND the chance to win. <3

  1561. A client at the dog shelter where I work said I had “beautiful energy, like a yoga teacher who absolutely loved life. That sort of calm, positive, glowing energy. ” I might have to get this tattooed on myself somewhere…

  1562. Idk. I dont thunk im good w compliments. I probably didnt believe it if i dont already know it. Maybe i should work on that!

  1563. The best compliment ever was from a little girl saying she wanted to be a princess, just like me. I was working my belly dancer job at a Persian restaurant. Adorable.

  1564. when inviting me to be part of a prestigious competition team, the captain told me “before I even knew how smart you were, I knew I wanted you as part of this team because of how you carry yourself. You’re always so poised and put together.”

    It still makes me proud to this day – thanks, Joy, for such a wonderful exercise :)

  1565. I love this. The best compliment I ever received was from a close friend when he pointed to the scar from my heart surgery and said, “That? That’s just a line. You’re still beautiful”. It was the best thing anyone could have told me at that moment.

  1566. I work at a drop-in centre for the homeless and those living in poverty. Every morning when we open the doors part of my job is to mingle with the folks who come. It’s lots of fun- chatting, sharing the first cup of coffee in the morning. Last week an older gentleman, fairly new to our centre, came in and I greeted him with a “Good morning (name redacted)”. He gave me the greatest smile and said that I had a great memory for names and thanked me for using his. He said that at the shelter where is currently staying he is just a number and to people on the street he’s just another person asking for change, but by using his name he felt like he really mattered. Greatest compliment ever and a good reminder on how a little kindness goes a long, long way to making someone’s day!

  1567. A good friend once told me I was witty. So nice to hear a compliment about a character trait that is not necessarily appearance-related. I strive to give those types of compliments. Hope you’re well, Joy!

  1568. A few years ago I was eating with a co-worker in a restaurant when a complete stranger came up to me, said he never does this and complimented me on my looks. That was it, no more from him but a smile as I sat in shock! Needless to say, it made my day :)

  1569. The best compliment I receive is when people stop me and just say you have a beautiful smile. It’s always some great older woman who is the sweetest thing ever and it always makes me smile even more! Thanks for the challenge and for having this contest! You’re the best, Joy!

  1570. this is so fun :) compliment, hmmm… i don’t know about best. but two nights ago we had a pickle party, i was teaching cousins how to can pickles. we bbq’d afterwards and ate some of my pickles i had made last year and everyone raved about them. i also made creamy cucumbers and my husbands aunt went right home and made them for supper last night. she normally doesn’t like creamy cucumbers!! i love when people talk about something i’ve made, makes my day!

  1571. An acquaintance recently thanked me for always being friendly and making her feel welcome in social settings where she didn’t really know the rest of the group. She was so genuine and appreciative of it, and it really meant so much to me. I didn’t even realize I was even making that effort, and I know how much I hate feeling out of place and awkward in different settings with new/different people. To know that I had made one person feel welcome and loved meant more to me than any compliment on my appearance, etc. (Although, I’m 6 months pregnant, and not feeling very attractive, so anyone who tells me how great I look is much appreciated. They don’t even have to mean it! That’s really all you should ever say to a pregnant woman.)

  1572. The best compliment I’ve ever received was at one of my daughter’s high school graduation, when my ex-husband’s mother said I did an excellent job raising our daughters (I have 2 children together with her son) and that she was proud of the young women they’ve become. I NEVER received any sort of compliment from her… ever. To have her acknowledge that my daughters are who they are because of how my now-husband and I have raised them (my ex-husband was never really an involved parent and would see them once or twice a year, on average) really meant a lot.

  1573. Great giveaway! The best compliment that I received recently was that I am considered a valuable asset to my company. It’s always a nice to receive positive feedback from your employer. Happy weekend!

  1574. I’m a pale lady of Eastern European Jewish decent and was once told by a Jamaican coworker, upon finding out that I was not from the Dominican Republic as he’d thought: “Well, you don’t act white. You act like you’re from the islands!”

    Still makes me laugh 7 years later.

  1575. I love reading the compliments people have received. Pretty heartwarming.

    When I was leaving my first job in my mid twenties, the college students I worked with threw me a going away shin-dig. I am awful with goodbyes; i find them heart-wrenching and come out of them looking like a blowfish. Anyway – they were a great group of about 25 students, diverse in every imaginable way possible. Very interesting job as I was pretty close to them in age so it made the line between friendship/boss kind of very fine! One of the students stood up and said, “I am often someone who gets passed over or someone people don’t pay a lot of attention to on campus. Susie never passed over me and always paid attention to me. It meant the world to me on days where I felt very sad and alone. When I broke my foot, she checked in on me every day and it motivated me to not feel so bad. Susie has given me good hope and made me realize how important this organization has been to my college experience.”
    I was a hot mess.. eyes so puffy I could hardly see, but good hugs and good memories to walk away with for a life time. By far the best compliment ever as I just was doing my thing the best I knew how. It’s awesome to know you make a difference in the lives of others!

    Sorry this was so long!

  1576. Best compliment I ever got was when a friend told someone else “My friend Gina could have fun by herself in a paper bag” LOL… I love it!!

  1577. I’ve been working out a lot lately, and when one of my clients said she almost didn’t recognize me it made me smile. It’s reassuring to knows hard work is paying off.

  1578. one of my best friends recently told me I had a big heart when I was going through a tough time and it really helped change my whole outlook to stop stressing the small stuff

  1579. This isn’t your standard compliment, but my Dad will leave me random voice-mail messages telling me how proud he is of me – not for anything specific I had recently done but just in general. It is the ultimate pick-me-up if I am having a bad day.

  1580. I had to miss a party for an old friend. I dreaded telling the friend planning the party I couldn’t go. But she made me feel special by telling me I would be missed. And it wouldn’t be a party without me.

  1581. My great-aunt told me I have beautiful eyes. Totally out of the blue and a compliment no one has ever given me. She’s a wonderful, old soul and now I strive to be more like her.

  1582. I am the mother of five daughters ages 32 thru 17. I value their feedback more than they could ever know. So when the call me their “rock” and say that I am the strongest and most intelligent person they have known I feel honored! I would hope ALL mothers could feel the same! We need to uplift each other with kind words of hope as well as encouragement. I have and will continue to pass this on!

  1583. Awesome giveaway!! My best compliment I’ve ever received – – – – When someone tells me I’m a great mom. I love hearing that, sometimes I wonder, well what did you expect!! But hearing that makes me think that they can see how happy my son and I are. And plus, I love hearing him tell the person – yep she sure it.
    My pay it forward for today wasn’t a compliment, but it still was a good deed. A coworker was heading downstairs for a coffee, and well I had just got one. At the hospital you get a free refill if its within 2 hours, so I gave her my receipt to get her coffee since I knew I wouldn’t make it down there myself. She was so excited to get a free coffee….but then again we all know….coffee is a very important part of the work day :)

  1584. Such a neat giveaway! In my first fiction class, my professor (who I adored) jokingly told me that he was going to steal a character description I’d written for one of his books. It was so weirdly validating!

  1585. I’d have to say my kids telling me I’m the “best mom on the planet.” And of course, their compliments and support inspire me to tell other people that I love their hair or their shoes or their shirt, or that what they shared is a great idea.

  1586. A little girl I babysit put a picture of me in her locker at school and told all of her friends that I was her sister :) so heartwarming to be loved by kids you adore!

  1587. A friend once commented that my canning skills earned me a coveted place in her (theoretical… I think) zombie apocalypse bunker. High praise!

  1588. This is amazing! Thanks for doing this Joy!

    Best compliment I’ve ever received though was from an older, very drunk man at my favorite dive bar in Atlanta. He came up to me and said, “Your eyes are perfectly spaced apart, just like Jackie O’s!” Can’t wait to pass it along today!

  1589. Just this morning my co-worker told me my make-up looked nice and that I looked “exotic”. :) Perhaps not the “best” compliment I’ve ever received, but the one that pops up in memory first….

    I LOVE this giveaway – all my favorite things – pens, paper, nail polish, lipstick….so fun!

  1590. GREAT giveaway! The best compliment I’ve received is when my friend told me “you need to have better self confidence because you’re gorgeous! my friend even said who’s that girl in your profile picture? she’s hot!!”


  1591. I was once told be a stranger – a boy – who was passing by me on the street that ‘ your mother has a beautiful daughter’. I don’t usually appreciate these comments but I thought this one was very creative and catchy :)

  1592. Back in high school, when I was just figuring myself out, a guy told me (in a non-flirting context) that if he had to use one adjective to describe me it would be “charismatic.” That has stuck with me forever!

  1593. Oh man, I want all of those things! Seriously, you have the best taste in things. And I’ve been looking for a weekend bag with no success; that one is perfect.

    Best compliment I can think of is my friend saying when he thinks of Flannery O’Connor he thinks of me.

  1594. One day I was getting a coffee. I ordered and the cashier said that I was such a pleasant person that she gave me a discount.

  1595. Someone once told me the reason they were finishing school was because I had inspired them to dream bigger and pursue their goals. Best. Compliment. Ever.

  1596. My husband told a group of people that I was a great mom. I completely lost it and cried in front of a bunch of strangers. He always shows us he loves us, but he doesn’t often say how he feels. So when, unbidden, he announced how he felt about me, I knew it was genuine. I try to return the favor as often as I can.

  1597. I am a hairdresser, and I am way into what I do. One of my regulars told her daughter that she didn’t care what she decided to do when she grew up, so long as she was half as passionate about her work as I am about mine. That made my day. :)
    Thanks for the opportunity to win, Joy! I have been saving for a kindle for ages now – to win one would make my summer! Xoxo

  1598. One of my favorite things about the South is that folks here do like handing out complements! That being said, the one person who complements my hair when I feel like it’s a bad hair day always makes my day.

  1599. I was at a country dance (square danceish) the other week and one of the guys who asked me to dance said he liked my smile so much he had to ask for a dance. It’s simple but it was the best!

  1600. best compliment was probably a friend telling me that she ‘really really liked my hair today’! I like to think that I put more effort in doing my hair than anything else in the morning really, so that felt really nice.

  1601. My parents weren’t exactly “normal” and I was really honoured when one of my teachers told me that she hoped her daughter turned out like me.
    It was good to hear that I was ok.

  1602. what a fantastic giveaway! Love all of the fun stuff (and the “no pressure” giveaway – makes me want to follow you more…)!

  1603. This is so wonderful! I think the best comment I’ve received recently is being told that I have a “retro face.” I’ve always been drawn towards vintage but didn’t know if I could rock it. That comment has completely changed the way I shop!

  1604. I am a nanny and about to be a middle school science teacher. Someone recently told me that there is no way my students won’t love me because I am so “myself” all the time. As much as it is nice to hear that I am beautiful or funny or sweet, hearing that was more meaningful and gave me the confidence I need to keep pursuing this path.

  1605. great give-away!! The best compliments are from my kids:) “Mama, you are the best baker EVER!” I’m told over and over. Makes my heart melt…

  1606. I had a conversation with a customer on the phone where I was trying to help him out with a problem he was having. Unfortunately I could not help him, but right before the line disconnected I overheard him saying to his wife ‘what a friendly woman’. It was not directed to me but because I overheard it caught me off guard and was a wonderful ending to my day (last customer). Loved it.

  1607. The best compliment I ever received was when someone, upon hearing that I grew up in Oregon, said “oh that makes sense. She looks like she grew up breathing fresh air.”

  1608. It made all the 5:30am workouts worth it, when someone I hadn’t seen in awhile said – wow, you look amazing!

  1609. My husband telling me I’m beautiful…and that was the first thing he noticed about me. I never thought it would be my looks that would attract someone.

  1610. Best compliment – Voted ‘cutest couple’ in our college dorm…and that boyfriend eventually became my husband. :)

  1611. What a fun give away! Yesterday, I was making my daily trip to the coffee shop (naturally) when a woman stopped me dead in the street and said, “you walk by my office window every day and I just have to tell you, you have the nicest clothes.” She was a perfect stranger. And so kind. It made my day.

  1612. The best compliment I’ve received had to have been from a friend of a friend. She had moved away and was visiting for the weekend; when she saw my friend she asked about me and said “Tell her I say hi – she’s a great person.” I’m terrible at taking compliments, so the fact that it wasn’t said directly to be, but about me made it seem all the more genuine.

  1613. Great idea and great giveaway — the best compliment I received was someone at my school telling me my laugh was his favorite sound on campus.

  1614. Best compliment I’ve ever received? Probably something along the lines of “I love that you take care of me.” But I also love when random people on the street say they like my dress. That’s good too. :)

  1615. A choir director once told me I was, “The perfect alto.” I’m not sure if that’s the best compliment I’ve ever received, but it really stuck with me. Not really striving for perfection, it always catches you off guard when such high praise floats your way!

  1616. Ohh. Toughie. I guess I don’t really internalize compliments enough to remember them on a long term basis. Settled Upon Answer: I get a little giddy/excited whenever someone sees my work and proceeds to tell me I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing, which is making jewelry. :)

  1617. my co-worker at the end of our shift made a comment on how much she enjoys working with me and it makes the day calm and smooth when I work with her. It made me feel good when she told me this.

  1618. Hi Joy, love your blog. Makes me laugh a lot. Today I made you cherry pie bars, and they turned out great. (Made them with blackberries instead). Two week ago I made my first ever cinnamon roles, most professional thing I ever baked! They were so goodlooking and great tasting.

    The compliment: my friend wrote to me the other day, that I gave her the feeling that she could fall back on me, I liked that.

    Have a nice day

  1619. When I was working in a homeless shelter a couple years ago, one of the very grouchy men in the breakfast line told me, “Amy, you are intrinsically happy.” It was beautiful.

    I was also told recently that I have great ankles, and I liked that too!

  1620. Just the other day, one of the doctors at work told me she appreciated my confidence and that she had absolute trust in my ability to care for her patients. It was just the boost I needed at the time!

    Also, thanks a million for throwing this giveaway! It’s awfully generous of you. :)

  1621. My father-in-law is a pretty reserved guy. Never really one to display his feelings, I always hoped that he liked/approved of me, but couldn’t really be sure. About a month or so after my husband and I got married (a small, immediate-family affair in my grandmother’s backyard garden), my husband and I received a letter in the mail from a name I didn’t recognize. Upon opening, we read the words of an old friend of my father-in-law, who had recently heard all about our small, unfussy wedding. My father-in-law disclosed to his friend that he had been to many weddings in his life, all large, ornate affairs, and how he found our tiny 6 person ceremony (with a trip to our favorite Thai restaurant after) to be one of the nicest he’d ever attended. We kept it small because that’s our style – it was just wonderful (reassuring, heart-warming, etc.) to know that it was also appreciated by others, too. I still reread that letter every once in awhile, almost two years later, and smile.

  1622. awesome giveaway joy! i guess in general my favorite compliment is always, ALWAYS, ‘you have really nice skin!’ because i had horrible acne for about 5-7 years of my life. it makes my teenage self go ‘thank GOD we beat that s***!’

  1623. From my love: “My love, my friend – a beautiful woman, a gentle spirit.” And from a stranger after my band played a show: “Your viola goes straight to my soul, it makes me want to weep.” Wow!

  1624. Best compliment in recent memory: Someone stopped talking midsentence in the middle of an office meeting and asked “Are your eyelashes REAL??!? They’re just so LONG!”. Yes, yes they are. :D

    Also, last week I made your Tomato Cobbler with Blue Cheese Biscuits and my boyfriend was FULL of compliments. Promises of marriage may or may not have been made. So thanks, Joy!

  1625. I work at a pediatric office and a few years ago a small child was sitting on the front counter as I was checking her in. She looked at me for a moment and said “I like your face”. Sweetest thing I’d ever heard and will never forget!

  1626. Someone once told me I was “filled with grace” – such a nice thing to hear! I’ve been meaning to compliment more strangers as I go about my day, so thank you for the reminder.

  1627. just this morning, my bf said he was so proud of me it made him teary-eyed (for going back to school and doing well!).

  1628. I think the best compliment I ever received was from my Aunt. I’ve been working so hard on my own wellness & fitness goals and I post about them all the time. I mean, Selfie Sunday in full effect even if it’s not a Sunday. It keeps my accountable when I post about my progress or a new recipe or workout. My Aunt then told me how much I’ve inspired her to keep up with her fitness, try new recipes and to give herself a break every once in awhile. It was really nice to hear that through me being so transparent & open, I’ve inspired someone to reach their goals. Now, every week I try and let a different person know they’ve inspired me and that they’re effort hasn’t gone unnoticed.

    By the way, you’re one of them. I heard of you from your podcast episode with Jess Lively and ever since then I’ve been an avid follower. Thanks for being super authentic and showing us fellow bloggers that it’s okay to be a bit quirky and to have fun along the way!

  1629. When one of my nieces was 4 she told me “I like you because you say funny things and you dress like a rainbow”! On my best days I agree on my worst days I try to remember her sweet words.

  1630. My friend was really sad once and I was trying to help her feel better. She told me I was “like Prozac in human form.”

  1631. It’s not a rafflecopter? #AWESOME
    I always like it when someone invites me to something and tells me it would be a perfect event/place/etc – and then it is. It’s great when people just get you.

  1632. Such a wonderful idea for a blog comment. I enjoyed reading through other people’s comments. Shame about the heat through..I remember feeling that way on our summer vacations to Pakistan when I was younger. Once I was convinced that my skin was peeling off because I was so itchy from all the sweat. I went to my mom bawling and she gave me a nice cold bath.

    The best compliment I have received was from an old man I helped organize papers for. He was a writing professor at a local college and as we went through all his poetry manuscripts he told me he looked forward to following my career as a writer. It made me feel like I was the real deal instead of just trying.

  1633. My father recently passed away, and I had so many people tell me how strong of a person I am. And it was really wonderful to hear people say that to me.

  1634. The best compliment I ever received was that I channeled my grandmother’s beauty and personified her strength.

    Thanks for all the great recipes and life advice! :)

  1635. I was at the doctor’s office last week and the nurse looked at me, then looked at her chart, then looked at me again and verified my name and birthday. She looked puzzled. I asked if everything was ok and she said she thought she had grabbed the wrong chart because she couldn’t believe I was 40! :-)

  1636. Joy- This giveaway RULES.

    The best compliment I received was last year when a student told me she was so glad I was her teacher and made me a card telling me why. GAH

  1637. one of the best compliments i’ve ever received would definitely be someone saying, “i don’t like cake, but i like your cake.” :)

  1638. The best compliment… Was seeing through the eyes of a there year old, we were on a walk and she politely asked me, “you have spots” though I couldn’t be sure at first I asked her again what she was saying. She repeated herself with a smile and I pointed to my arm, oh my freckles?
    She laughed and said yes you have spots!!
    I loved this because it reminded me to look at small details, be observant, keep a child like positive attitude :)

  1639. A few years ago, was having a bad day, just woke up feeling bad, on my way to the subway a total random stranger complimented me on the dress I was wearing that day, totally changed how the rest of the day went!

  1640. Oh man! The best compliment I’ve ever received is when a friend told me that it was my spark and zest that gave them the fuel they needed to keep going through a rough time.

  1641. People coming over to my house, seeing my garden and asking me how I am able to grow so much in such a small yard. Then every year asking me advice on their gardens :)

  1642. The best compliment I ever received came from my 6 year old. She and I were having some cuddle time one evening and she looked up at me and said, “Mommy, you’re so pretty and you smell like love.”

  1643. Someone (much cooler than me) once told me I was the most grounded, self-confident person they had met. I was pretty surprised and completely flattered!

  1644. I don’t think I have great taste in clothing, but a few people at work always tell me that I look great and that they love my outfits. I know it’s not much, but it makes me feel good, especially on days I second guess my choices!

  1645. This may not sound like much, but in high school, my body-image was pretty low. I had a violin solo for our Youth Symphony concert and wore a slightly sparkly, black dress. A boy who I had known since elementary school complimented me and said, “You look really nice tonight. You have the blackest hair I’ve ever seen.” It may sound trivial, but it meant the world to me. :)

  1646. Someone told me at work that I’m the best person to run into at the office because I always have a smile and a happy demeanor.

  1647. I received one of the best compliments recently and it was just telling me that i was a kind person. It was nice hearing that a little bit of effort actually showed .

  1648. I’m in training to become a professional ballet dancer. Long story short, I go to boarding School to train. All year, I felt that the teacher didn’t notice or care about me. At the end of the year,I received the hardest worker award, out of 34 competitors. That was the best compliment I have vet received. :)

  1649. I love to spin (yarn that is – old school!) and the best compliment I ever got was “you make it look so easy!”

  1650. The best compliment I have received is that they admire who I have become after losing a dear child of mine. I have overcome this trial because of the grace of God. That is the best compliment I have received.

  1651. great giveaway! best compliment recently was overhearing two younger girls say how classy I looked. made me feel SO GOOD.

  1652. New follower and love your blog!
    My best compliment came from my 4 year old who told me I looked beautiful (this while in an old bikini, that I hadn’t put on since having my 2 kids).

  1653. It was probably at work, while having a job performance review- someone referred to me as “a breath of fresh air”. I’m a loud Italian woman who’s jokingly over dramatic at times but I’m glad that someone thinks that’s wonderful for once instead of the usual “she talks too much”.

  1654. Compliments….”don’t ever dye your hair, it’s the most amazing colour!”.

    And one for you: my boyfriend is the discoverer of your blog and made your quadruple layer chocolate and raspberry cake. It. was. AMAZING. Thank you

  1655. That I’m a great mother – which makes my heart swell.
    I compliment at least one person every :) I know some pretty fabulous people.

  1656. My boyfriend tells me every day that I’m the best cook (totally not true), but it makes me feel great every time!

  1657. i hope this story doesnt make me sound conceited but: a man walked up to me in an airport and asked if i was a model. i tried not to laugh because i am definitely NOT a model and i thought maybe he was just a dirty old man, but he didnt leer or anything, no creepy vibes whatsoever, after i said “no” he replied “well you carry yourself very well, have a nice day.” its always stuck with me.

  1658. My best compliment was to be told how much I was missed by my old employees after I had moved to another state.

    Thanks for making this blog!

  1659. The best compliment I ever received came from my son when he was about 4. It was completely random, as many things are at that age! He ran into the kitchen where I was sitting, crawled into my lap, looked me in the eyes and said, “Mommy, you are A-okay!”, gave me a hug and scurried off. :-)

  1660. a few friends stayed with me this weekend and upon leaving told me i was a great host and an even better friend. i love being a good friend and it was so nice to have their appreciation. for the record, they’re amazing friends as well!

  1661. Joy, this is so fun! The prizes look great! The best compliment I have ever received is from my bestie who tells me often that we are best friend soul mates. She always gives me brutally honest fashion advice and encourages my coloring book and cat fetishes!

  1662. The best compliment I have ever gotten was more a facial expression than a sentence. The vera y fist time my boyfriend tried my home baked white bread… THAT face was everything!!

  1663. I was helping a little boy frost a cookie & said “that looks yummy.” He softly and sweetly said “you look yummy.” It was totally innocent (and hilarious!) I’ll never forget it!

  1664. What a great giveaway! Best compliment I’ve received? It’s always so nice to hear someone say my kids are well-behaved. I take that as a personal compliment!

  1665. Thanks Joy! Generous give away! The best compliment I’ve ever received was, “You’re a really good friend”.

  1666. I had a professor write a recommendation letter for me when I applied to grad school. In it, he wrote that while I didn’t get the best grade in the class or ace every exam, I was one of the best students he’d had because I was curious and engaged and hardworking. This is the one of the things I think about when I’m having a hard day at work, or when grad school was overwhelming. Additionally, he was an incredible prof who I still think about fondly.

  1667. I think the nicest compliment I’ve ever received was when someone told me that I had a kind spirit. Silly, but it warmed my heart!

  1668. One of my most wonderful friends told me once she did not know what she would do without me….made me feel like I contributed a little something to someone’s life!

  1669. Someone gentleman complimented what nice legs I have! It made me smile inside because I am under 5 foot! Really? I have such short stems!! But since then I show them off with great shorts, exercise and running! The happy feeling the man left me made me realize when I see something that makes me smile – tell the person!! Spread the happiness!!

  1670. A new friend told me that she could tell I was a compassionate person from the moment she met me. I’ll take that compliment.

  1671. Very cool giveaway. I think the nicest compliment I ever received was when I was feeling down in the dumps in my graduate program and thinking about dropping out, and a fellow student told me how valuable my work was and this was something I could truly succeed at…it really changed my path.

  1672. A little girl at a restaurant told me she loved my shoes (they were silver). I told her thank you and told her that I loved her’s as well. Her dad approached me five minutes later to thank me for being nice. Turns out she thought I was Cinderella. Best compliment I’ve ever received hands down.

  1673. Hi! I love your blog and have been reading for ages. I also bought the Revlon Gel Envy nail polish because you told me to and I love it. Thank you for letting me enter the giveaway!

    Best compliment: at my 5 year high school reunion a very fabulous classmate told me he was looking forward to seeing me because he figured I was doing something really interesting with my life.

  1674. “You are a sweet, nice, caring person that everyone is drawn to.” Said by my husband back before we even started dating each other.

  1675. best compliment – last winter a woman in a wine shop told me my outfit was so fabulous i looked like i should be in the batman tv show.

  1676. Enjoy your blog! I recently did some housecleaning in my e-mail account, unsubscribing from about 75% of my blog subscriptions. Yours was among the few I kept!
    Every time my son tells me that a dish I made was the best he ever had, despite the clear bias, I consider it the most precious compliment.

  1677. A cashier, who had beautiful hair herself, gave me the best compliment on my own hair. which was super sweet, especially since I’m very hair styling challenged,the best I can do is use a flat iron. Just really made my day! Wanted to walk out and do some Pantene hair flips.

  1678. One ordinary day, a guy, a complete sranger stopped me in the street and told me he thought I looked lovely; different (a good different) to most girls in London – nothing like that has ever happened to me before and hasn’t happened since…I went bright red and scuttled off but spent the rest of the day smiling.

  1679. Someone once said I make a million dollar pie crust. She’s a talented pastry chef and I take that compliment very seriously. :-)

  1680. Maybe not the best one ever, but the best one recently:

    A lot of my work involves emails with people I never meet. At a meeting I introduced myself to one person who I had been working with and he said, “you are really good at what you do”. It was wonderful to hear, because it wasn’t someone I work with every day who would take notice of what I do. The fact that my limited interaction with him made an impression made me feel great.

  1681. The best compliment I ever got was when my sister told me I was good at empathizing with anyone. I’ve always tried to see each person’s side, and it was nice to know that I’ve been at least somewhat successful!

  1682. It may not be exactly a compliment but my husband telling me he believes in me in my journey to become a doctor. He believes I can do it even though at times I myself have doubts. Love the giveaway!!

  1683. I think the compement that has stayed with me over the years was walking into an office, a woman coming out said “Wow – that color just looks fantastic on you!”. Perfect stranger. She was perfect too – one quick little sentence made my day and years later, I remember how nice it made me feel – and I definitely pass along that feeling to others whenever I can.

  1684. I’ve lost lost 70 pounds and someone who hasn’t seen me in about a year just saw me and said that I’m looking “kind of skinny.” Skinny – me! I have a long way to go but it made my whole day!

  1685. I love this! Sorry to hear that you’re boiling down in NOLA, but I totally feel you! I’m from Alabama and the humidity alone is enough to kill you.

    The nicest compliment I’ve ever received is when someone I barely knew told me that I was very easy to talk to. That’s huge for me because I’m incredibly socially awkward and also introverted, so I’m always worried that I’m unintentionally being rude or just generally sucking at keeping a conversation from sinking.

  1686. The compliment I received wasn’t actually said to me. It was told to my boss. One of the higher ups in our industry told her that her assistant (me) was amazing at her job. I often feel like I’m failing at my job, so it good to hear that I do a good job.

  1687. One day I made little french tarts for one of my friends that lived in france for five years, and she told me that they were exactly like ones she had in Paris. My week was made.

  1688. Ohh I think best compliment was a student in a collaborative project-based class I teach saying she felt like I was just another one of the students with just one of many opinions (I think some people teaching the class go for more dictator/minions). That’s what I was going for!

  1689. “You’re the craziest person I’ve ever met.” My college boyfriend, whom I loved a whole lot, told me that. I remember how profoundly happy it made me to know that he loved me for my crazy.

  1690. The best compliment I ever got was from my Mom, She told me she wished she could be more like me. (She is a worrier and I am more of a planner who hopes for the best.)

  1691. Hmm this is tricky… But my fiance told me that I had a “wild heart, full of passion and love” and I thought that was just rad.

  1692. The other day, my boss asked me what it’s like to work for someone who isn’t as smart as me. That was a great compliment!

  1693. yes, new orleans in august is the worst-just accept that you won’t feel like an actual human being again until mid-october. best compliment i’ve ever gotten-“you’re my favorite.” simple enough!

  1694. recently a 3-time published author read some of my work and told me that i definitely have the skill to write a book. talk about a game changer.

  1695. what a great giveaway! my best college friends once told me, “you’re always sincere and genuine. you keep it real!” i’m so lucky:)

  1696. My kids sometimes call me “bestest mommy in the whole wide world.” Granted, it’s usually when they want something, but it still feels pretty good.

  1697. The best compliment I ever received was when a friend we had over told me how cozy our house was. Just about mad me cry tears of happiness :)

  1698. The nicest compliment I’ve heard was from one of my besties. I had just lost about 30 lbs. and she hadn’t seen me in months. When I came downstairs in my new party dress she stopped dead in her tracks and said . . . . “so THIS is what pretty looks like”. Ohhhhhhhhh. I was worth all the hard work with that comment!

  1699. You have a magnificent pelt…talking about my hair. Interesting choice of words, but it made me laugh. ;)

  1700. Lovely give away!!

    Sometimes the best compliments are from strangers, and can really pick up your day. Last week I was having a horrible day and someone in the grocery store said come on, smile a little, you’re too beautiful not to smile. It really helped me put my day into perspective and try to find a little more happiness.

  1701. I threw a baby shower for a close girlfriend and she told me that I made her feel and look like a goddess! IMO there is no better compliment then helping others feel good!

  1702. So fun, Joy! The best compliment I ever received? Hmmm… Well, the most recent one was actually yesterday. I was meeting with my research advisor/professor, and he was giving me a mini-lecture on some kind of hard to understand stuff. He told me to go to the library and find this book that was like, the foundational document of my research, and when he said the name, I told him I had it on my kitchen table! He just stopped in his tracks, and looked at me and said, “Ok. Wow. You’re doing really well.” He is so super smart and I admire him so much that it really made my day! Now, I shall go on and spread the love. XO Joy!

  1703. These finds make a excellent lady survival kit! Thanks, Joy! I was once told that I have great insight into other people. I carry those words with me.

  1704. Wow, awesome giveaway!

    The best compliment I’ve ever received was from a stranger in a restaurant last weekend, who watched me wrangle my three impatient and increasingly hungry and antsy little kids while we endured some really lousy/slow service. As she was leaving, she not only said that my kids were wonderful, but also that she admired the way I was being so kind and patient with them (even though I felt like I was neither).

  1705. Besides comments from S.O.s, which I think are biased, a professor recently commented on an exam that it was some of the best work he had ever read. It made me feel like all of my hard work in graduate school was paying off.

  1706. Whoa! That’s a great giveaway! One of the best compliments I’ve received came from one of my former student’s parents. I was complimented on how responsive I was to the needs of her son (and her) and the others in my classroom. She sent a glowing letter to my principal and cc’d me. It was such a thoughtful letter and I really appreciated it. Off to compliment someone today!

  1707. Nothing better than hearing a stranger tell you “that color looks perfect on you” Simple and sweet.

  1708. I was recently told that the invitations I designed for my upcoming wedding were stunning, exquisite, and the prettiest thing they had ever received in the mail. Really made my heart sing!

  1709. just the other day a woman in the grocery store stopped me to say “your children look so well kept and happy. you are obviously doing a wonderful job!” BOOM!! still riding the high from that one…

  1710. The best compliment I’ve ever got is when I was trying on a corset, and the lady who was helping me lace it in the shop told me I had a “great butt”. Since I have a genuinely huge bum, that’s not a compliment I’ve received before and it really warmed me!

  1711. Someone told me that they loved my super short hair because it helped them know as a woman that they don’t need long hair to be beautiful. It made me feel awesome!

  1712. I was waiting for my coffee in the Starbucks drive-thru window and was putting on mascara while I wait. The male barista said “oh sweetie, you don’t need any makeup, you’re already beautiful”. Totally made my day!!!!

  1713. Someone once told me, “You make me want to be a better person”. I think I smiled extra big at all the strangers I walked by on my school campus that day.

  1714. I love it all. My favorite compliment was when someone told me that I was like a modern-day Joan of Arc. She’s one of my heroes, so it made my day.

  1715. The best compliments are those that take you by surprise. I was worried about moving far away from my home state for the first time in my life, and a good friend said to me, “I don’t know what you’re so worried about. You make friends easily wherever you go, and you are good at keeping in touch, so you won’t have lost us.” Whether or not it was true, it gave me the boost of confidence and encouraged me to stay in touch. That’s the best part about compliments, they are encouraging as much as they are flattering.

  1716. What a lovely idea — and a lovely giveaway! The best compliments I’ve ever gotten were always the most unexpected ones; I think my favorite was my 5-year-old nephew pointing to a model on the cover of an Athleta catalog and saying, “That’s you.” He pretty much got whatever he wanted after that. Heh.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  1717. A random stranger stopped me on the walk to work one morning and said “I pass you every day and you always look so pretty and stylish. I like waiting to see what you’re wearing every day.” This completely made my WEEK, not just my day! Vain, I know, and maybe a little stalkerish, but I was very flattered :)

  1718. Someone once told me that when she was around me, she just always felt good. That’s the person I strive to be everyday.

  1719. I have long, thick, curly light brown hair, that I love some days and hate others. Someone told me that I have mermaid hair. Who doesn’t want to be equated to a mermaid?

  1720. One I got a beautiful delivery of flowers from a coworker telling me that he appreciated the effort I put into a proposal. I’ve been at the company 8 years and that’s the first time that has ever happened. Made me feel like a million dollars.

  1721. I’m working on my PhD and I always felt scattered when I write. My advisor wrote in a letter of recommendation that I was “conceptually adventurous” which made me feel like there are strengths to my ADD challenges.

  1722. The blanket, the kindle and those BarkThins! I’m set for a wonderful late summer, home alone, reading session.

    My favorite compliment is when my 6 year old daughter tells me that I’m a “beautiful mommy.”

  1723. The best compliment I ever received was that my smile is the kind of smile that makes everyone around me want to smile! I loved that I could make people feel happy just by smiling :D

  1724. Recently I was in the waiting room of my doctor’s office with my kids, trying to keep them entertained while we waited to see the doctor. A woman near me had been watching us off-and-on the whole time. As she left, she said, “You are such a good mother. It warms my heart to watch you with your kids.” It made my day for sure!

  1725. Love this give away! When my kids were teens things were tough! The best compliment I ever received was from my daughter when she was 15 or 16. She said ‘mom, you are my best friend. I can always talk to you about anything’. To this day it makes me happy to think she was able to come to me with everything and we could talk through all the teen age drama!

  1726. Someone told me once that I had a really great laugh. I love people with great laughs…they’re contagious…so it felt great to have the same thing said about me :)

  1727. Hi! Just love your old fashioned giveaway idea! You’re the greatest!

    The best compliment I got was from someone I used to date after it ended, he told me “I thought you were a special blend of funny, gorgeous and smart, and your values were pure. I 100% knew you were making me a better person”

    Keep up your fantastic work!!

  1728. We were out at a restaurant a few weeks ago and the food was good! My 5 yr. old son said “This food is good, but not as good as your food, Mommy!” My husband agreed too. Wow- that sure made me feel good!

  1729. A friend of mine said to me one: I wish I knew how you did it, you just always look like you have your act together – trust me, I don’t, with a husband, to kids and a job I love, things are just seconds away from chaos, but I never want to have that ‘vibe’, I love that I manage to look calm and together, even when I’m not entirely sure I am.

  1730. Yesterday, a woman at work complimented me for an awards presentation I had hosted. I was really nervous (I’m very shy!) so her kind words meant a lot. Even better? It’s been a month since the presentation! She actually remembered and thought it was important enough to tell me now.

  1731. All compliments are wonderful to receive no matter how weird or small, for example one of my favourites came from a co-worker where I work in a cafe. One day while working in the kitchen I was folding up a breakfast burrito someone ordered. My coworker said “You always fold the best burritos.”
    At that moment I felt like I had achieved ultimate success in life.
    I knew my brother, a guy who (I’m proud to say) has a tattoo of a taco on his leg, would have been proud of his little sis in that moment. We do indeed love our mexican food.

  1732. Joy, this is so much fun! I love the prizes! The best compliment I have ever received is from my bestie who tells me often how we are best friend soul mates. She always gives me brutally honest fashion advice and supports my coloring book and cat fetishes.

  1733. Someone once told me that I was the most loyal person they know. And then my heart exploded because I work so hard at that. Also, I love being told I have good legs. A good superficial compliment goes a long way!

  1734. An older woman once stopped me in the grocery store to tell me I had beautiful eyes, and she asked me where I “got them.” I wasn’t sure what she meant, but I told her that my grandfather had similar blue eyes, and she told me that I should thank him because they were a wonderful gift. A bit odd, but very genuine and touching.

  1735. Somebody once told me that being around me just makes them feel good. It was in high school. To this day I strive to be that person:)

  1736. What a wonderful ensemble of getaway items. I will be wish listing these things. I love when I get compliments on my outfit, especially from strangers. It’s always nice to feel like a fashion guru, even if for just an afternoon.

  1737. Hi Joy! I’m sorry you’re melting, and I can share your pain (I live in Las Vegas). Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway!

    Best compliment ever was when I was in high school and a girl told me I had Pantene hair and asked me to do a hair whip/flip. LOL totally dating myself with that old 90’s commercial reference!

    Have an amazing day!

    p.s. we’re planning our wedding in NOLA, if we holla your name during our second line will you come join us? LOL total stalker move ;)

  1738. I am training someone new in my office who told me yesterday that I am a great trainer and make things very easy to understand. I always thought I was bad at explaining things so this was so nice to hear that I am being helpful!

  1739. “You’re such a good mother” from a little old lady who had been watching my son and I play at the park.

  1740. Just a couple of weeks ago a friend told me “you always give the best book recommendations”. Made this book lover really happy! :-) Awesome giveaway, Joy, thank you for a chance to win all that summer loveliness.

  1741. This might not be the “best” compliment I’ve gotten but it really started my day right today. “You’re hair looks really cute up today” It really made me feel good since I put it up the night before when I went to bed, and in the hectic life of getting a kid ready for daycare, I forgot to even look at a mirror. =)

  1742. Just last weekend at the beach, I was taking an evening stroll, and a woman on a bike sped past and said, “You look beautiful. You look really beautiful.” Later, she came up behind me to say that I really looked nice in my long dress…”very dramatic.” It was nice to hear, considering it’s a maternity dress and I am not and have never been pregnant!! Ha. It’s rare when other woman encourage us as women, so I’m all for compliments and acknowledging the positive in other people. It truly can make someone’s day. Thanks for the chance to win!

  1743. Love your pics for the summer getaway! Probably the compliment that most touched me is ‘you have such a caring heart’ . <3

  1744. I was out on a date recently and my date told me that I looked beautiful. I am 30 years old and no man has ever said that to me before and it made me feel truly incredible. I am still smiling about it.

  1745. I’m pregnant and this week my dad told me that I look like this drawing from “The Little Prince” of a snake that ate an elephant;) which means I’m slim just with the belly (my dad’s compliments are always this original;)

  1746. At my grandmother’s funeral – a cousin I hadn’t seen in a long time said “you have grown up to be such a smart, confident, lovely young woman. Whenever I feel really wonky or defeated by the world it resonates with me – like a shield of goodness

  1747. I’ve been over weight for too many years and started exercising and eating right. This morning while I was out walking/jogging my husband said “looking good mama” Made my day

  1748. A older woman once stopped me in the grocery store to tell me that I had beautiful eyes, and she asked me, “where did you get them?” I was a little confused, but I said that my grandfather had blue eyes, too, so that must be it, and she told me that I should thank him because they were a wonderful gift. It was a little off, but it was so genuine, and I still remember it to this day!

  1749. I love getting complimented on my cooking! When people tell me that something I made looks or tastes good, I think that’s the best. A really specific example is that my dad, a huge meat-eater, will often steal the vegetarian/vegan stir fries I make — which I definitely take as a compliment. And I think it’s great when people compliment me on my humor, or laugh at something I’ve said (hopefully not laughing at how bad a joke was, but I’ll take that too!) Anyway, this giveaway looks absolutely amazing. XO

  1750. I substitute teach and one day while working in a Kindergarten classroom a little one told me that I smelled like cupcakes.

  1751. A boy that I really like but am sort of having a rough time with told me a few weeks ago that “just because they’re different than mine doesn’t mean your feelings aren’t valid.” God, I wanted to cry when he said that.

  1752. Love this giveaway and everything in it! A 5-year-old once told me (while holding my hand), “you’re hilarious!” That’s pretty high praise coming from the kindergarten set.

  1753. I’m pregnant with my first and a woman I used to nanny for (who has obviously seen me be a “mommy” to her kids) said I’m going to be an amazing mom. That meant a lot.

  1754. My mother in law is one of those My Way or No Way people. She had 4 kids and ran a daycare for 20 years, so she is the authority when it comes to parenting. When she started watching my nephew and complained to me about his picky eating habits, she asked me for my advice by saying that she’s never met another mother who has raised such good eaters as I have. I nearly fell out of my chair as that is the only compliment I’ve ever received from her!

  1755. I think the best compliment that I can remember was just the other day…… my 3 year old grandson, Aiden, said “Mimi, this is the bestest frosting that I ever tasted!” Just melted my heart.

    Thanks for the “old school give away” You rock. AND I have to say – if I can’t read your blog every day (or every other day) – I feel like I’m missing something important…… like I forgot my ear rings or have a blue shoe & a black shoe on. Just missing something….. you know what I mean?

  1756. As a curly-haired girl, I’m always baffled with people say they wish they had my hair. But I love it…and then I straighten it. hahah

  1757. The best compliment I ever received? My grandma telling me that I make her feel proud and smile every time I call.

  1758. I was on a first date with a guy who called me a wordsmith, because (apparently) I had a very large vocabulary. Whaaat?! I was a little embarrassed, but also stoked, because – hello – wordsmith in da house!

  1759. When I was a hostess in New York, this man walked up to the desk to make a reservation and said, “my God, you’re gorgeous!” (I’m average, at best, but he was so kind! That was almost a decade ago, and I still remember how it made me stand little taller!)

  1760. I’ve never been really good with small talk and keeping a conversation going, and so it was nice to hear my friend tell me how great of a listener I was. She said that sometimes you don’t need advice and people trying to fix their problems, they just need someone who can listen and empathize.

  1761. I love everything in this giveaway! The best compliment I ever received came a few months ago, from a little girl who told me she stuck with piano lessons and started practicing more after hearing me play!

  1762. I love making people laugh, so for me it would have to be anytime I hear somebody say something along the lines of “you’re hilarious/so funny”. It makes my day to hear that!

  1763. A coworker thought I was so driven and mature for someone so young (he vastly underestimated my age by about ten years) I was glad he thought I was so much younger, although maybe I wasn’t acting my age, either way I still felt good!

  1764. The best compliment was when my older sister (always more sophisticated and always judgmental) said, “you’ve always had great taste”. She died ten years ago… but she still inspires me.

  1765. What a great giveaway! My recently mom told me I have a heart of gold. It really stuck with me and now I make sure I live up to that compliment everyday.

  1766. Years ago my friend and I made top ten lists for each other – a list of compliments in no particular order, for reading when we got insecure. I remember she wrote that my kindness and warmth lights up the room, and reading that always made me feel a bit better about myself.

  1767. At my bridal shower recently people were asked to write a memory they had of me. Someone wrote that every time they thought of me, I was smiling. Melted my heart (and made me smile, of course)

  1768. Love this giveaway! The best complement I’ve ever received was someone telling me they admired my spirit. It wasn’t someone I was close with and it meant a lot that people notice my “spirit” from afar :)

  1769. Hmmmmm, maybe the best compliment was when someone said, “you’re very timely. I can set my clock by you.” This giveaway is fabulous! Thanks for the opportunity.

  1770. A (relatively new, but fast and close) friend recently told me I was the first person they felt they didn’t have to pretend around, and that I was the kind of friend they used to dream about having but never thought they would. It was the nicest, best thing I’d ever heard.

  1771. The most frequent compliment is usually “beautiful eyes”. But my favorite is that my cooking or baking is phenomenal because I actually put effort into that!
    I try to compliment people as often as possible.i find that it’s beneficial in a workplace to compliment those who work with our for you, trick is to be genuine!

  1772. I was told I was so much like my granny, the strongest, most fun, beautiful woman I have ever known. No better compliment than that :)

  1773. The best compliment I ever received was “Your smile lights up a room”. Made it easier to smile all day long that day. :)

  1774. I always admire anyone who can do makeup really well, and one day someone told me that my winged eyeliner was perfect. It made my day. I always try to compliment people on tattoos and piercings when I can, I think they can be so beautiful.

  1775. Maybe not the best, but one of the most meaningful: The night my Dad (a true carnivore) ate my vegetarian chili and then had seconds because he thought it was so good and couldn’t believe I’d turned out to be such a good cook. :)

  1776. A little over a year ago I moved from Memphis, TN to St. Louis, MO. A few days before I left home I was sitting on the couch at my parent’s house when my mother walked in the living room. She sat next to me, and we talk about all things that were about to change in my life. Then, very randomly, she said “I am so proud of you”. I know that parents always say that stuff, but this time it felt different. In the previous years I had been having a hard time in school, I was dealing with a boss that seems to hate people in general (even though he owned a YOGA STUDIO!?), and I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. I felt like as the oldest of my parent’s children I was not meeting the expectations that were set for me. My mom pulled me close and told me that she admired the fact that I had never given up. She said that she knew I was not where I wanted to be in life, and yet I was still working towards figuring things out. Knowing that she was proud of me despite me thinking my life was a mess really gave me the courage I needed to make my first big move to a place where I knew no one. As cheesy as it sounds, I will never forget that moment. Love you mom…and thanks Joy for letting me share!

  1777. Best compliment is people often tell they like talking with me on the phone at work because I always sound so happy!

  1778. The best compliment I’ve received that I can remember is being told by a very close friend that the way I was handling a big life change (the end of a 3-year relationship) was inspiring to her to take more stock in how she lives her own life. I will most certainly pass that feeling on today! xo

  1779. Thanks for the giveaway. Best compliment – You’ve never made a bad cookie…now cakes on the other hand…not so much. Source: my teenaged son who has witnessed the many cakes that have tried to wend their way from my kitchen.

  1780. best complement i ever got: “you just make other people happy”…needless to say, it made me happy!

  1781. Best compliment ever….”Your daughter looks just like you!” ‘Cause basically she’s the prettiest kid in the world. :)

  1782. The best compliment ever was when my mom told me I inspired her.

    She’s a 2x marathon runner who put herself through nursing school and rose to the head of her division at one of the best hospitals in the nation – all while raising two kids as a sometimes single mom.

    It was pretty amazing.

  1783. One of my coworkers described me as a firecracker – which maybe isn’t a direct compliment, but it was nice to hear something that I rarely notice about myself, haha!

  1784. I cook Sunday dinner every Sunday ,having my parents and father in law over each week. It is a great tradition that my kids enjoy too. One Sunday my father said that the meal was the best meal
    he had ever eaten!! He said he truly meant it. He also said I should open a cafe in town, because I was such a good cook. What a wonderful thing to hear from your father!!!

  1785. As of late, a texted “you’re always right” unprompted from the resident teenager – not that I am, but it was nice that she trusts me that much underneath all the angst and drama :)

  1786. My boyfriend called me his “muse” to an older woman friend of ours… I loved that, after I checked the meaning in the dictionary! Love your blog!

  1787. The nicest thing anyone ever said to me was in college. I was telling a friend how excited I was since I’d spent the day washing my sheets and my nightgown and how I was going to take a shower and get into bed and everything would be super clean and smell amazing! I couldn’t wait! He looked at me with a slightly puzzled, slightly bemused expression and said, “Hannah, you enjoy the small things in life more than anyone else I know.” I still think of that every now and again when I find myself getting distracted by life’s big problems–that it’s a beautiful thing to slow down and appreciate the little luxuries.

  1788. My favorite compliment was from a former mentor who told me I was a hard worker. I really take pride in my work ethic, so it meant a lot to me.

  1789. One of the best compliments that I ever got was someone telling me that I was a brave person for booking solo trips to Greece and Thailand with tour groups where I knew no one.

  1790. I have a client who struggles with an eating disorder. She is the sweetest and kindest young lady and I have been helping her now for a while to learn how to eat and how to make delicious and healthy choices with her food, etc. One day, she came into my office and said to me “Put your hands on my face. Just go ahead and touch my face.” I put my hands on her cheeks and she smiled HUGELY. She said “This is what it feels like when you have made someone happier! This is the face and the dimples of a young woman who is different because of YOU.” I burst into tears. Because I had helped one young lady and if I didn’t accomplish one more special thing that day,the knowledge that I helped this young woman so drastically would be enough.

  1791. I think one of the best compliments I have ever received is when someone said something like “you have pointed me to Jesus.” That’s what my life is about, so I mean, best compliment ever! Joy — you rock! Love your blog and your heart, lady!!

  1792. The best compliment I ever received had to be from one of my students last semester. She told me that I was the best teacher, mentor, and friend she had ever had. It meant so much to be and brought tears to my eyes. She was a college student.

  1793. I was sitting in Starbucks with a black pencil skirt in and a perfectly handsome stranger said I had ” nice legs”. I think of that comment often especially now that I’m not in the working world and I’m retired.

  1794. Best compliment… ‘You’re kind of like a seal. With a beach ball. I feel like that’s how you approach life.’

  1795. I manage a large event each year that needs to stay on a tight schedule with hundreds of people running around and one of the volunteers told me that when I spoke to them, I had a very soothing voice that made them feel calm and relaxed.

    Inside I felt like I was rambling and making no sense, so that was the best thing to hear!

  1796. I had an old boss who once told my parents that he hoped his newborn daughter grew up to be like me. Um, major compliment! It was pretty great.

    In other news, JTB you’re awesome! So cool of you to do this giveaway, so cool of you to try to inject some happy and positivity into the world, so cool of you to help everyone get through the “stabby” part of summer.

  1797. Is it bad that I can’t think of a specific compliment? I don’t get a lot of conventional compliments generally, I guess. So I am going to think about this unconventionally and say that when my now husband agreed to buy a house together with me before we were married or even engaged, I thought that was a pretty huge compliment! I got a big ol stack of bricks instead of a diamond ;)

  1798. When we were first dating, my husband told me I was “hearty.” Back then, I was offended because I wanted to be dainty, not hearty. But, now I know that he was trying to tell me that he was glad that I am able to go on tons of outdoor adventures with him.

  1799. I love when people compliment my smile. It always makes my day because I work hard to take care of my teeth. :)

  1800. On two separate occasions actually, I’ve had a random stranger tell me that I seem like a really nice/pleasant person. For some reason, that was more flattering to me than being complimented on my hair or clothes, etc. Smile, everybody! :)

  1801. I am looking for jobs and one company I had interviewed with but ultimately turned down has been amazing at helping me look for what I really want and pumping my tires, writing an email to me saying “I know talent when I see it and you’re IT”. It really validated my skills and gave me new found confidence in the job search.

  1802. From a friend, “Boy how do you figure that out all the stuff know? you are really smart!” Gotta love Google!

  1803. joy, i know everyone always says this, but you’re the best. what a super rad way to go about a giveaway.

    the best compliment I’ve ever received would be when one of my coworkers told me they liked my style bc i’m always very real. No better compliment than that!

  1804. The person I’m currently dating said that talking with me, he felt like he was using his own voice for the first time in a long time. It was such a special compliment to receive.

    Thank you Joy!


  1806. Best compliment? You’re fun. My mom used to say it to me all the time when I was a wee babe, and then she said it to me again last weekend and I really appreciated it… it feels good to be fun.

  1807. AHHHH I want all of these things. Omigosh.
    Best compliment… I was complaining about my belly to my fiance, and he looked at me very seriously and said, “Your belly is cute, okay?” It was awesome ’cause he didn’t try to make me think I don’t have a substantial belly, just make me feel better about it. I think about that all the time.

  1808. I used to make cupcakes for the guy who worked the desk at my gym for his birthday..when I recently moved awat, he said that he looked forward to them all year.

  1809. This is going to sound kinda boring, but someone once told me I was the most broadly knowledgable person they knew. They could mention anything, anything at all, and I’d know just a little about it. I loved hearing that!

  1810. Funniest compliment ever- I was at a bachelorette party and told one of the girls that I don’t really dance because I don’t have rhythm. She looked at me and said “I can tell you’re good at sex.” It was hilarious.

  1811. Love this giveaway theme!

    The best compliment I received recently…My friends told me that I was a great cook after cooking them brunch!

  1812. My mom once told me I had a beautiful soul. Is it sad that my best compliment came from my mom? LOL. It was the way she said it, it just made me feel really good. :)

  1813. Basically, I need everything on this list. I’m dying for a new weekend bag, I need a new kindle, and what girl couldn’t use fun new nail polishes and lipsticks?
    Ok, the nicest compliments I ever receive are from my husband–behind my back. He’s not particularly affectionate or forthcoming with his feelings (I forgive him for this because: HIS HAIR). But every now and then, one of his friends or coworkers will tell me about how much he sings my praises when I’m not around. How he can’t wait for me to take over Giada on Food Network and ride my coattails. Of course, he wouldn’t be riding them, he’s made lots of sacrifices to get me on my way. But anyway, yeah. Fun giveaway! Thanks :) I like you :)

  1814. My first compliment as a teenager. A boy told me he liked the way my eyes crinkled when I laughed. Who notices stuff like that at that age. Very special!

  1815. i had a baby earlier this year and I haven’t lost all of the pregnancy weight yet. One day I was feeling a little agitated and depressed because I just wanted my pre-pregnancy clothes to fit. My husband told me I was gorgeous and that he loved my curves. I love this man!

  1816. The people that I work with are younger than me but I blend in and they are always shocked to find out how old I am. They always make me feel like I am aging gracefully!

  1817. Happy Friday! I have been told a few times that I remind people of a good friend that they have. It’s so great because it shows the potential of a brand new friendship!

  1818. The best compliment I received recently was from a wedding guest who gushed about how much she loved the book exchange at my wedding reception.. that happened 2 years ago! That was nice to hear and it brought up so many wonderful memories!

  1819. From a stranger…..” I’ve been watching you with your kids and you are a really good mom!” Could not have received a better compliment at this point in my life.

  1820. Best compliment ever? I can’t remember… But my husband exuberantly told me I was the best wife EVER in front of a bunch of people last week (all because I ironed his shirts). It’s nice to be appreciated. :)

  1821. My best friend told me what a joy and privilege it has been to grow up with me and watch me grow up into the fierce woman I am today (we’re only 23!)

  1822. a friend told me that she always feels better after talking with me. It felt so good that she was getting that out of our friendship.

  1823. The best complement I had received was when my foodie friend said that the cupcakes I had made were “INCREDIBLE!”. :-)

  1824. I am extremely, fall up the stairs, trip on smooth-as-glass walkway clumsy. The first time my best friends met my dad he tripped walking down a completely flat sidewalk…they started cracking up and said that I was just like my dad. He’s someone I strive to be like, whatever trait we’re talking about, so it made me feel oddly proud :)

  1825. I guess this counts as a complient – “Wow, your eyelashes are so long. Are they real?” I love it b/c it was rather unusual!

  1826. A stranger on the metro once told me that I looked like a “very pretty and peaceful lady.” It was so kind and unexpected!

  1827. Before traveling to a job interview in what would be a new town, my current employer gave me a letter of recommendation- which I did not read. Ultimately, I was awarded the position. During the phone conversation through which I was notified, my new employer made a point to say the letter contained one of the most glowing recommendations they had received. I still have no idea what exactly was written.

  1828. I rarely get complimented but the loveliest one I have ever gotten was when I was sitting at the local cafe and this tiny little girl comes up, holding her father’s hand, saying my bag smells like heaven.. after that we shared some of those heavenly cookies that were hiding in that bag. Not really a compliment per se but still a lovely memory that felt so good, and I guess that counts.

  1829. It’s not a specific compliment, but my husband wrote in a birthday card to me last year “You continuously take my breath away, and replace it with something better to breathe.” Oh man, I’ll remember that forever.

  1830. An old high school friend, upon observing my parents at a football game (band geek, what up!), said that he thought I was the perfect combination of both of them–my dad was silently sitting and reading a book, and my mom was on her feet, screaming her head off for the band. He thought it was the perfect encapsulation of my personality–half introvert/half life of the party, half misanthrope/half cheerleader. It’s stuck with me all these years because it was such a layered, complex, and true compliment.

  1831. My little brother told me that I am weird and cool all at the same time. It made my day! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  1832. I was asked by a gentleman if I was running a marathon. When I told him no, if said to keep up the great work. Made me feel better, and encouraged me to continue running.

  1833. Hm, that’s hard! Recently, it seems like the best compliment I’ve gotten is being carded (made my day). Maybe my husband telling me my food is good–he’s hard to please and we have very dissimilar tastes.

  1834. I worked in a group home for adults with developmental disabilities. My favorite little lady told me one day that I was her family. It broke my heart, but it made me feel like I was doing something right. She will always be my family.

  1835. Id say one came from my young cousin, who visited last year and this year, she said how she loved the food I made and had me make a cake that she liked so much the year before for her birthday this year!

  1836. Sometimes the best ones are from strangers- a guy walking by me in the airport said “geez you’re pretty” and it made my day because there was absolutely no reason for him to have to say it.

  1837. Joy, what a wonderful design for your giveaway! I’ve never sat down to consider my biggest compliment. I suppose it probably occurred last week, when colleagues I didn’t know personally took me aside at a conference to find out what [research] I was working on. They wanted to pick my brain, because they’d been impressed by something I’d written in the past. Definite confidence booster. And now, I’m happy to pass it on! Thanks Joy!

  1838. A guy I dated in college once told me that his favorite thing about me was the joy I brought to his life. I always thought that was so sweet:)

  1839. A month or two ago I went to a bridal shower with two of my friends, and I was nervous because I was bringing ruby slipper cupcakes to the event. As soon as I walked out of my house my friends said, “Oh my God you look gorgeous!”. Which instantly made my nerves go away. On top of that the entire night everyone was raving about my cupcakes! Two compliments in 5 hours, not bad :)

  1840. My best friend once told me that I was “really good at eating salad” because apparently I can eat things like large leaves of spinach without looking ridiculous. I never enter giveaways but this is hands down my favorite compliment I’ve ever received (particularly because I happen to think I’m pretty terrible at eating – and dropping in my lap – most other foods), and this was the perfect place to share it with the world.

  1841. What a lovely summer giveaway! My most recent favourite compliment was when a stranger stopped me on the street just to say they loved my dress.

  1842. Yes the heat and humidity are normal for August in New Orleans. I’m sorry to disappoint you but it’s like that for a while longer. I live in Mississippi and it is stifling. We’ve even had 80 to 90 degree days in December here. I have to say when someone says something about my kids I love it! I have a boy and a girl and when they tell me that my kids are cute or well behaved it makes my day!

  1843. I got the biggest kick when my friend’s 3 year old came over to my apartment for the first time and went “ooh, pretty” when she walked in. Home decorating skills FTW!

  1844. After a recent trip with my 30 year old son and his family, he said it was really nice to just hang out as “friends.” I really like that he thinks of me as his friend and thought it was a great compliment.

  1845. this giveaway is filled with some of my favorite things! the best compliment i ever received: i used to lead backcountry camping trips for high schoolers. one night a camper told me that i set an amazing example of a strong, confident woman for her. at the time she was only 15 and i was not at all feeling like a confident lady but it certainly shifted my perspective!

    love your blog!

  1846. This is great – love everything on the lsit! Even if I don’t win the giveaway, there’s nothing better than starting the day off reminding yourself that you’re awesome!

    The best compliment I ever received was from a boyfriend. He told me I’m a “stubborn, headstrong woman exactly like my mom.” He meant it as an insult… I didn’t take it that way.

  1847. I was walking into a store one day and this random girl sitting outside said “you have really pretty hair!” It definitly was unexpected and made me smile. ????

  1848. I love ALL OF THOSE THINGS- this giveaway is my spirit animal. Yesterday I was telling my roommate a story about my day and she said “you’ve been making me laugh so much lately and that’s been so good for me.” such a sweet thing to say, it stuck with me all day!

  1849. This is such a fun giveaway! The best compliment I’ve received? A professional I was shadowing my senior year of high school called me “aggressive.” Might sound strange, but as a super shy, awkward kid, it gave me a confidence boost to know I could be assertive and independent.

  1850. I don’t take compliments well but someone once told me I was gracious and kind…and it stuck with me.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  1851. The best compliment I have received is when a teacher told me “I hope my son turns out like yours.” Parenting is so hard and often so thankless that it is nice to have some affirmation every once in a while!

  1852. The best compliment I’ve ever received was an indirect compliment: my son, who has autism, telling me he loved me, for the first time ever, when he was 10 years old.

  1853. I am a teacher, so anytime a student says they’ve learned something new and useful in my class, that is the best compliment I can get!

  1854. Somebody once called me a mama bear. It’s funny, I don’t have children but I’m definitely a mama bear when it comes to my friends and family. I don’t know if they meant it as a compliment, but I sure took it as one! :)

  1855. I’ll never forget the time someone told me that I am the type of person that everyone is happy to see walk into a room. It made me feel great!

  1856. The best compliment I ever received is that I am a good aunt, it is also one I strive to hear many times in my life. Love those nephews!

  1857. What a FUN giveaway!

    The best compliment? Man… I always take it to heart when someone tells me I am funny or that they enjoy my humor. I love to make people laugh, so it’s gratifying to brighten someone’s day.

  1858. I was once told I’m a very good listener which made me feel wonderful because I truly love listening to people! Thanks for all your wonderful recipes. I love your blog!

  1859. Thanks for sharing these favorites, Joy. Highlight of my week/compliment was a when my friend’s four year old said, “Can I tell you a secret? You make my heart melt.”

  1860. This guy told me when our relationship was ending that I was too confident for him. He may not have meant it as a compliment, but it was eye-opening and wonderfully satisfying anyways!

  1861. Someone told me once that I would make a good mother someday! Even though that’s a long ways off, I really appreciated that they thought that about me.

  1862. I had a baby earlier this year and some of the pregnancy weight has yet to come off. One day I was feeling particularly depressed about how I looked and how I just wanted to be able to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes again. My husband told me I looked gorgeous and that he loved my curves. I love this man!

  1863. I once had someone tell me that she thought angels walk the earth hidden among us and that I must be her own personal one, I was 16 at the time, made me feel like I could make a difference in the world.

    This give away looks amazing! Especially the weekender bag, total sucker for bags!

  1864. What a wonderful idea! Joy, you are a bit of a genius! The best compliment, this reporter friend of mine (who I had a mad crush on) came to my exhibit, pointed at one of the photographs and said, “I know that moment well. You got it just right.” There is something super swell in a compliment by someone who you respect professionally, creatively and thinks it mad hot. :D

    Now…I”m off to see a live band in Hanoi, I will be sure to pass on the compliment to a random stranger (hopefully a cute one!)

  1865. The best compliment I have ever received is from my friends in NYC. One night after I had a conversation yet again with the most eccentric person in the place, whom everyone else was sort of avoiding, my friends told me I was too nice. That my face was too open, that I listened to people ramble on for too long, that I shouldn’t smile as much, because it seemed fake. Obviously, they didn’t mean it as a compliment :) But the way I was raised was that everyone is a person. Everyone deserves a smile, a chat, an acknowledgment that you recognize them as a fellow traveler through life. Most people are good at heart, and you just have to talk to them to see it.

  1866. Coaching college tennis, my “kids” called me Mom. Those girls played their hearts out for me, and we had lots and lots of fun. I’m not a mom, but the nickname really meant something -somehow it reflected all the love, respect, hard work….everything that went it to it, from all sides!

  1867. I was told that most every child would love to have an Aunt Maureen. I do not have children of my own but I have tended to my nieces and nephews like they are my own because I have felt when they are with me they are mine. Made me feel like I was doing a good job.

  1868. Someone once told me, about twenty minutes after meeting me, that I’d make a great mom someday. Although I am only 20 and the thought of motherhood scares the ever-loving crap out of me, it remains the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!

  1869. “You really have to step up your game”: a joke comment from my high school economics teacher after he handed me back a test on which I got full marks. It was my favourite class and I consistently got good grades in all my classes but it was the first time anyone indicated that they’d noticed!

  1870. The best compliment that I received recently was when I was having a bad day and feeling really down. I walked out of the grocery store in my work clothes, which I thought didn’t look very good, and a man did a double take and said “nice dress!” It made my perspective on my whole day and week change!

  1871. The best compliment I’ve ever received is, “you mesmerize me.” It’s simple, but such an all-encompassing, powerful word. It has always stuck with me and lifted me up, even though the person who said it to me is no longer a part of my life (and thinking about this now makes me wonder why..)

  1872. Such a great giveway with a positive message. the best compliment I have received was from my grandfather. he simply looked at me one day and told me that i had the sweetest personality.

  1873. Awesome giveaway!

    Last year, on the final day of my first year of teaching, I had a fellow teacher come up to me and say that she admired me and wished that her son had the chance to experience me as a teacher. After an emotionally draining year, it was the perfect thing to hear from someone that I admire.

  1874. Two come to mind- the first is kind of superficial, but I’ve had a few people tell me that I look like Zooey Dechanel. I totally don’t look like her (just have long brown hair, bangs and love vintage clothes), but I’ll take it!

    The second is whenever someone tells me they think I’m a good mom. It’s hard knowing if you’re doing the right thing when parenting so it feels really good when someone tells you that. It’s a little boost of confidence.

  1875. loving the old school blog giveaway!
    the best compliement i ever got was being told i looked like lucy liu. girl is fine!

  1876. The best compliment I’ve ever received was when a parent thanked me for “loving our daughter well” through my work as a youth volunteer leader at my church…I absolutely love being with teens and loving on them, but to have a parent recognize that it’s something I value was really cool!

  1877. The best compliments I’ve ever received are ones where people tell me I am so much like my mother. She is beautiful, smart, and kind and I have always hoped to grow up to be like her! It makes my day whenever someone says I remind them of her in some way.

  1878. I love the idea of this giveaway. One of my very favorite compliments I received is that someone told me I looked trustworthy because of my kind eyes (paraphrasing). Thanks for the chance to win!

  1879. I have some pretty deep acne scarring, fun times, and one day my then boyfriend told me that he liked that I “had texture.” I pretty much had to marry him at that point :)

  1880. My best compliment was probably on my last day of primary school and one of the teaches told that although we wouldn’t see each other much anymore, she would soon see my photo and a story of me doing something great in the news paper! She started crying so she gave me a hug and quickly walked off:( so nice!!

  1881. My partner expresses his love of my cooking by telling me I’m “amazing” and that I’ve “outdone myself” with every new tasty meal I cook….and he means it!
    Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  1882. I recently got carded at Whole Foods… I’m in my 40’s so I took that as a compliment! Great giveaway – love your blog and book!

  1883. A couple of years ago I was spending time at home with my family improving my merely-there baking skills. When I cooked a pie I went straight to my father and presented this “masterpiece”. My dad tried the pie and said it was not enough. Not enough pie for one person as it was so good he couldn’t stop eating. That was the best thing I’ve ever heard!

    Thank you so much, Joy, for your wonderful blog! I’ve tried to recreate a couple of things and they were really delicious!

  1884. Someone once asked, “are you a dancer?” Ok not really. A reader told me that I’ve changed their paradigm about natural parenting and made them excited about being a mama. It was so encouraging to hear that even one person was touched.

  1885. Someone once told me, “You’re very regal, like royalty.” Later, I learned later that he was referring to the way I carried myself, as in sitting up straight, head held up. I wasn’t trying to be “regal”, but I loved the compliment, nonetheless!

  1886. The best comment I ever received? One of my favorite professors in college said that I had the ability and personality to land that internship that I am working hard to get.

  1887. The compliments on my appearance or intellect are appreciated, but the compliments that have glorious effects on my soul, are from my sons when they express their love and appreciation at fate’s role in making me their mom. The compliment that stands out as the best was when my oldest shared his desire to find a woman who is half as loving & “bad-assed” as me, on FaceBook.

  1888. When my husband came home one day and saw a project that I had been working on and was really proud of, he said “You’re so creative!” That meant a lot to me, not just the words, but knowing that it was genuine.

  1889. Honestly I think you might be a little crazy to move to such a hot place just before the summer began! But I am a person who does not like extreme weather. Geez, that compliment question is hard…my husband always tells me he likes my cheekbones and I like that. But it totally melts my heart when my daughter tells me, “mommy I yike you, I yike you”.

  1890. One of our friends said I was the most moral person they knew. I thought that was a pretty nice compliment.

  1891. Someone told me the other day I had the best laugh. It was a fun compliment, because no one had ever told me that before

  1892. The best comment I ever received was being told that I am very funny. And I make really good cookies haha.

  1893. I’m a teacher and one of my assistant principals told me that if she had kids, she’d want them in my class. That stuck with me and I return to it when I need a confidence boost.

  1894. Best compliment I have ever received is the friendship of my older sister. We shared a room for 16 years growing up, so we were not always super friendly to each other. As we have gotten older we have both made an effort to foster a very real friendship and everytime I hear from her it just brightens my day!

  1895. When my husband and I first met years ago, one of the first things he said to me was “You have beautiful hands.” I’ve kept my nails painted and hands lotioned ever since. :)

  1896. A friend recently told me that I am an amazing Mommy, that I have a beautiful family and when she comes over it feels like home. That can keep me going for a long long time:)

  1897. In my first year of teaching, I was split between two buildings — morning at a high school teaching Spanish and in the afternoons pulling kids out for reading and math help at an elementary. I was wearing a purple jumper with a red shirt underneath because it was Valentine’s Day. A high schooler in the morning asked me if I was a member of the Red Hat Society (hehe), but a group of elementary school students in the afternoon made it all better by giving me squishy hugs and telling me my dress was “so pretty.” Now I’m in my 7th year as a full-time 4th grade teacher. :)

    Thank you for this giveaway, Joy!

  1898. i have been working out doing T25 workouts practically everyday since jan 6. a co-worker whom i don’t have much interaction with during the day walked up to me and told me i look great and that i’m wittling away! (yay for less fat!) it made my day!

  1899. Best compliment: I am currently 40+ weeks pregnant and a woman at the grocery store thought I was only 7 months pregnant! It made my day because everyone else is asking if I’m having twins!

  1900. The best complement I’ve ever received was when I was in London I was at a bar having a drink and lunch while reading a book, and gentleman came up and started to talking to me. We were having a good time and then he said your laugh is so loud. At first I was embarrassed because I do tend to laugh rather loudly and started to apologize when he went, no no it’s great! Most girls giggle or have this fake laugh, when you laugh you can really hear that you’re happy and you’re genuinely enjoying the conversation. Still the best complement I’ve received to this day! x

  1901. “If you don’t marry this girl, you’re an idiot” and then 4 men nodded in unison. I went to a baseball game with this guy I’m seeing and this is what 5 of his buddies did after 20 minutes of meeting me for the first time :)

  1902. “You’re much prettier than the other mommies” from my six year old… she is about to become an official teenager, I wonder if she still feels the same way?

  1903. I was having a really crumby day, leaving work feeling very exhausted in every way and a homeless man on the corner of Crosby St said “You look like a rare lotus flower. People should be told they are loved everyday. So to you rare lotus flower, I love you.”

  1904. This is such a great contest to take our mind off the rising temperatures and think of a nice cool September that is waiting around the corner. Joy, you are a joy :D Best of luck to all!

  1905. What a fun giveaway! I actually just got a great compliment this week; I was feeling frustrated and unattractive because my wavy/curly hair was doing its own thing in the humidity, and my manager stopped me in the hall and said, “Your hair looks so fantastic! I wish mine would curl like that.” Totally made my day, and helped me see myself in a more positive light.

  1906. the comment “you look so put together” on days where you got up late, had no time to shower, and spilled coffee on the first shirt you put on is ALWAYS a favorite.

    Love your list of favorites! I am currently a huge fan of the revlon polish as well :)

  1907. An author once told me I was self-possessed. I had to look it up first and then realized I was very flattered.

  1908. Once, within a week of one another, my 2 best friends both told me I was both thoughtful and comforting. Um, how great is that?

  1909. The best compliment I ever received also happens to be the weirdest I’ve heard from any of my students:
    “You are the best teacher I’ve ever had and I love you so much. If my mummy or daddy ever goes away and leave me, I only want you to take care of me and no one else ever ever ever ever ever. (Pause to breathe) Ever ever ever ever ever ever ever. Is that enough ‘ever’?”

  1910. I always love when people compliment something I’ve cooked. Sometimes the sound of silent chewing is the best compliment!

  1911. What a fabulous giveaway! Best compliment…let’s see, I’ve had several people tell me that I am wise and give great advice, that’s always very humbling and flattering!

  1912. What a lovely giveaway!! I think the best compliment I’ve ever received was actually after I’d complimented a coworker on her dress and she told me how nice of a compliment it was coming from me as I am so stylish. Which I really appreciated as I’m pretty sure I don’t match half the time….

  1913. What a fun giveaway! I think the best compliment I have ever received is related to me being a great friend. I think how the people around you view you is a more accurate reflection of who you are.

  1914. I was once told I that I have a beautiful aura! It was as if they were complimenting my whole being.
    p.s. you rock my socks Joy! I love the concept of this compliment giveaway :)

  1915. There was a time I was not feeling too good, so I thought of hitting the salon and having my hair cut. It totally made my day and lifted my spirits when a random person noticed and said, “you look gorgeous in your hair!” :)

  1916. The best compliment I got was on how beautiful being tall is. I’m six feet tall but I love high heels so am extra tall and endure looks and side comments but who cares? I was walking to my car when a woman in a van rolled down her window and told me how great it was that I was tall and wearing heels. Her granddaughter was in the car (probably mortified) and she told me how she’s always telling her tall granddaughter to stand up proud and that she was happy to see me wearing heels and just embracing my height. Glamazon and proud!

  1917. The best compliment I can think of at the moment is when I was unsure whether or not to train for my first half marathon, and a guy I was running with in a group hill workout said, “You’re really strong, you can definitely run a half.”

  1918. Someone once told me I was honest, and to keep being that way. I really loved this compliment because I hate people who are not honest with me. I don’t like those kinds of guessing games, and I wouldn’t want to use them on other people.

  1919. Awesome giveaway! I love hearing about and checking out others’ favorites! The best compliment I have ever received is when my husband tells me that I’m a great wife!

  1920. The other day, I went into Sephora looking for a new foundation and I told the sephora “consultant”(?) that I usually go for something with acne fighting powers. And she said to me “But I don’t see any acne.” I could have hugged her on the spot! Acne has been a sore source for me from my teenage years into adulthood and that tiny comment meant the world to me, as it’s something I feel like I have to fight everyday in order to feel like my best self!

  1921. Therapist: Where did you go to college?
    Me: I didn’t.
    Therapist: Wow you speak so well! I thought for sure, you were an English major.
    Me: thanks, I read a lot.
    Therapist: No, seriously! You speak better than some people I’ve met who have PhD’s.

    **Currently enduring the end of life process for a family member.

  1922. “i love you even when you drive me bananas,” uttered by my darling 2.5 yr daughter.

    thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  1923. I was told once that I am kind hearted, I cook well, and I am going to be a great mother. I don’t have a crazy nice complement, but I thought that was sweet :)

  1924. This is an awesome giveaway, thank you for offering it!

    Now, for the compliment – a family friend who recently had to relocate told me as we were saying our goodbyes, “you are the nicest person I’ve ever met.” I was so touched! How awesome is it to know that you’ve touched someone else by doing nothing more special than just being yourself? Needless to say, she will be sorely missed!

  1925. My first thought was of compliments on my appearance, but those aren’t really all that meaningful – I guess the most meaningful would be when an acquaintance told me I was a very empathetic person. I try as hard as I can to see things from other people’s viewpoints (though I definitely fail a lot of the time….it’s a journey right?), so it meant a lot to me.

  1926. The best compliment I’ve ever received? My teaching job was just eliminated. (I’m a Special Ed teacher.) When one of my past students heard the news, she said she wanted to write a letter to the principal. She told me that I was the best teacher she’d ever had. At the end of the day, that’s the most important thing to me.

  1927. Nice giveaway! I like your style and what an uplifting way to start Friday! The greatest compliment I’ve received was back in high school. I was on a retreat and got letters from my parents. I’d never heard my dad say it, but it wrote it down for all eternity: “I’m so proud of the woman you are becoming.” I was a hot mess….dad’s can do that to us, right:)

    p.s. i adore your blog, books, podcast, etc., with or without the give away. Keep being you JTB – you rock.

  1928. Great giveaway!! I started a new job, and on the board was a lady that was on the board of my previous job. She told the entire board that I knew what I was doing and that I was a great asset. She had always intimidated me and I wasn’t sure she had ever even noticed me before. It was pretty cool. Also, when people tell me I’m a good mother. Always nice when it comes at a time when I feel like I have no clue what I’m doing!

  1929. I was told once that when I hug someone, they can feel that I actually love them and care about them.

  1930. When I was around 20, I was at a very swanky wedding with my boyfriend and his (somewhat disapproving) parents. I didn’t know anyone except for them and the groom’s brother. I was completely out of my element and feeling very unsure and uncomfortable. We were seated at a table with a successful woman in her mid thirties. From our conversation, I could tell that she was very much like someone I hoped to be one day. Then at some point, age came up. She asked me how old I was. I told her that I was 20. She paused, looked a bit confused, and then told me that I was “extremely poised.” It was exactly what I needed to hear both at that event and at that time in my life.

  1931. The best compliment I receive is when someone who really doesn’t know our family that well mentions how special my son is and what a blessing he is. It encourages me as a parent and makes me feel like I’m doing something right!

  1932. My husband told me that if there was one character trait that he would want me to pass to our children it would be my resiliency. That I can bounce back from tough situations with a smile on my face. It made my whole week :)

  1933. The best compliment I’ve ever gotten was that I am a good mom. My girls are in their 20s and there have been so many times that I worried I’d made the wrong decisions regarding their happiness. Hearing that and seeing that my girls are wonderful people is the best!

  1934. love this!!! (what, no naturebox??? ;)

    am going to look out for those revlon polishes!

    apart from the lovely things my kiddos say to me, the most recent and lovely compliment I’ve gotten was from a woman at the airport last night who told me that I had a calm mommy energy and that I looked like I had it all together. truth was, after almost 20 hours of travel with three young kids, I was exhausted to the bone and had zero left in the reserves. but a totally wonderful thing to hear that it came off as “zen” to everyone else!

  1935. Oh joy, so much joy here! I’ve had a few people tell me my smile is infectious… when they see me smile they do too :) x Lucy

  1936. The best compliment I ever got was from my husband (who’s mom is a fabulous southern cook…the kind who has a dedicated bacon drippings jar): “You cook as well as my mom does!”

  1937. Hello all,
    The best compliment I ever got was from an older couple sitting across from us at dinner in a fancy restaurant. Our babysitter canceled so we took our two year old daughter with us. She behaved so well the women told us that our daughter was a “gem” she had not seen such a well behaved child in that setting. That made it my best birthday ever!

  1938. The other day I made a cake for my nieces birthday with her friends, when it came out for display the quietest girl in the room came up to me and said “did you make the cake?” I answered yes and she said “It’s so beautiful!” It just really touched me. She was so shy and she also said this in English, her second language, because she wasn’t sure if I understood French.

  1939. The best compliment I’ve received is, “Sometimes I think you see the world in different colors than other people do.” Now, I don’t know if this person meant it as a compliment, but I sure took it as one! I never really saw myself as a person who marched to the beat of her own drum, but one that faded into the crowed, until this compliment.

  1940. This is a pretty awesome batch of stuff…best compliment I’ve received recently was from my mother-in-law telling me that I am doing a great job with my 14-month old daughter. :)

  1941. Someone once gave me a compliment about my hair. She said that (apparently) I have a beautiful widowspeak. I had never heard of such a thing, and thought is was a weird thing to say… But ever since, like ten years or so, sometimes I look in the mirror i have a laugh about my hair. She can still make my day with that compliment! It made me realise that weird compliments are even more worth the effort of making because they make a lasting impression!

  1942. I was in New Orleans the weekend before Hurricane Katrina (Labor Day weekend). It was midnight and so hot and humid you could cut the air with a knife. Yuck.

  1943. This guy who worked at the concessions counter in a movie theater asked me if I ever straightened my hair (it’s curly). I started to say “I used to, but…” and he interrupted and said “Don’t. It’s beautiful.” That was over 10 years ago and I never forgot it. :)

  1944. My boss once told me ” you’re not afraid of anything!” To me this was very significant cause I work pretty hard to overcome challenges and face my fears….

  1945. Best compliment that I have received was someone told me that I was a good leader and that I will go far in life! I was blown away and it literally brought me to tears.

    Now on my way to go encourage someone else…

  1946. On a random Friday after work, I was walking in our downtown area to meet a group of friends. I guess I was smiling, because a complete stranger said, “Your smile and your cute dimples are just radiating happiness!” By far the kindest compliment (from a stranger) that I’ve received

  1947. I got a compliment on these great shoes i bought – she said – whatever you paid for those it was totally worth it! HA!

  1948. At the start of each dinner, my three year old son says “You’re a terrific cook, Mom.” Even though my husband trained him to say it, and even though he says it even if we’re having takeout pizza, it still warms my heart every time! It’s one of the best compliments because he seems to mean it and I know it’s training his heart to appreciate good things!

  1949. I think the best compliment anyone ever gave me was a guy that told me what he liked about me was that I was never satisfied with mediocre in my theatre performances, that I would push and push myself until I not only could deliver what I thought would be good, but what i thought the audience would enjoy. :)

  1950. An acquaintance/friend once told me that at any social gathering I consistently find the saddest person and hang out with them for the evening. At the time I was studying social work and it felt like that was a HUGE compliment…but think the hidden message was I’m not the most fun gal at a party :-)!
    I also LOVE the giveaway gifts-you have great taste!

  1951. Someone told me once that I have my grandmother’s eyes. Best compliment I could get….those eyes saw the world through a pretty incredible lens. One I’d like to see through too! :-)

  1952. When a Fellow at my office I inadvertently ended up mentoring told me that she would never have survived landing a full-time job and feeling confident going out into the world without me. It’s so awesome knowing you’ve helped someone, and it’s one of the first time I felt like I had actually
    “arrived” as a professional adult myself, haha. :)

  1953. I teach Sunday School at our church, grades 1, 2 and 3 (small dept) and years ago one of the Moms sent me a card thanking me for all I do for the class…the preparation, the crafts that go along with the lesson, contacting the child and family….While I don’t teach for the pats on the back, it was so nice to hear positive comments and appreciation…..

  1954. giveaway!!! :)
    the best compliment i have received was when my little sister told me she wanted to be just like me when she grew up. so lovely, i will never forget it.

  1955. Oh man. These goodies! I don’t know about *best* compliment I’ve ever received, but a very good co-worker (quickly turned friend) told me a couple of weeks ago that she looks up to me a lot, when I DEFINITELY don’t feel like I’ve got anything figured out. So that was really nice to hear. I also can’t stop myself from complimenting ladies if they’re wearing cute clothes/accessories. Like, I get all excited FOR them that they have excellent taste and made a great purchase. Scary.

  1956. These all look like such fun and amazing products! Probably the best compliment I’ve ever received was when my husband proposed to me and told me that he couldn’t imagine his life without me in it! (insert awwwww….) – Jinny

  1957. Old school blogs rock! You’r the coolest Joy!….I think the best compliment I’ve received lately, is what a bad a** cook I am! Making people smile, one meal at a time :) Cheers!

  1958. I’m not sure I can choose an absolute best. But one of the best was from a teacher who said that I always went right to the heart of the matter, getting past all the surface distractions to real understanding.

  1959. Man this is dorky but someone once told me that I have the kind of laugh that makes other people want to laugh too. I always liked that, though she might have meant that people laugh AT me. But I choose to take it as a compliment.

  1960. The best compliment that I have ever received has been “you look so natural with the baby.” As a new mom, I always feel like I can’t do anything right, so hearing this makes me smile.

  1961. So…when I make my go to chocolate chip cookies dough I usually keep it in the freezer and bake 2 at a time just for me and my husband. Last time I baked them they were at the freezer for a bit too long, maybe 2 my husband said to me: “Your cookie is 85 percent the usual”. He sure knows how to compliment a girl! :0)

  1962. my lovely husband told me the other night just before we went to bed that he’s made plenty of bad decisions but being with me is his best. swoon

  1963. You are like a cactus, it is hard to get close to you at first, but once someone does get close to you they realize you are really great on the inside.

  1964. I think the most memorable compliments are always ones that relate to an area that you’re self conscious about. I’ve always been self conscious about my rather dominant nose, but several years ago a lady I used to work for told me once that my face was unique and that I was lucky that I didn’t look like anyone else. That always stuck with me and whenever I go through moments of wanting that adorable little nose and perfect bone structure, I just remember that I am uniquely made and I should just own it! :)

  1965. I’m pretty sure the most wonderful compliment I ever received was from my mother-in-law. She told my husband that I was her “heart daughter”. I was so touched by the simplicity and sweetness; it completely brought me to tears.

  1966. My son & his Football buddies came home after practice one day. I had just baked pepperoni rolls for dinner. I walked into kitchen and saw Scott & his friends surrounding the counter where the rolls were cooling. All I could hear was his friends groaning with mouthes full, “OMG these are the best rolls ever!” Another time many years later, my 5 yr old grandson was visiting and he was sitting at dinner table and he said,” Grandma, could give me this recipe ?” It was the best complement ever!!!

  1967. Hmm… Winning a strawberry contest with a pie recipe of my own creation…. it was a compliment to my cooking skills and my creativity!

  1968. Recently, a friend told me that my peanut butter bacon pancakes were life changing. I didn’t tell him they were your peanut butter bacon pancakes. ;) oops.

  1969. well,, i dont know if its a compliment or a confidence booster from a friend…but lately i have been really frustrated with acne and i was telling her about how i feel esp at work because i see patients everyday and it feels like everyone is looking at my acne….she turned the table around and told me people are looking at you smile and talk – no one even noticed that you have acne, just smile because its very pretty. It just made my day..

  1970. I think my favorite compliment was one of my aunts telling my mom what a help I had been when my grandma was sick. I was in town from across the country and just wanted to do anything to help my aunt out…to make it easier. It was so wonderful that she sincerely told me mom that I was a big help to her.

  1971. from my mother, i almost cried, but she told me that i was the strongest person she knew and she wished she could be more like me.

  1972. Most recently, the best compliment I received was a promotion at my job. A sister plant was looking for someone who works in my department and my managers immediately recommended me for the job. It was a nice reassurance that all my hard work was appreciated.

  1973. What a wonderful giveaway! And I can tell you are doing it, just because – which is the best reason ever. Best compliment I’ve ever received……when the young people at work want to “hang out” with me – and I am old enough to be their grandmother. Well, at least, an oldish aunt!!

  1974. Here we go. … unfortunately it’s becoming rare these days to hear compliments from people around. However the best compliment that I hear and hear it quite often is from my dear husband who compliments my cooking and baking and it always makes me feel special when I hear him for instance telling me “this cake deserves 10/10” haha and I know his compliments are genuine. I agree that giving compliments to other ppl and putting a smile on their face will be the way to go! And you deserve a compliment as you are very generous person and thank you for sharing your recipes and I wish you all the best!

  1975. A couple of weeks ago my friend looked at me and out of the blue went ‘you are just such a nice person ‘. Made my day :) Cute idea for the give away comments Joy – only on this blog! :) xx

  1976. Best compliment? Hmm.. My dad always tells me I’m a girl that has to have too many irons in the fire. I’m not sure he means it as a compliment, but I usually take it to mean that I am talented in different areas and that he’s proud of that.

  1977. The best compliments are when you’re kind of self-conscious about something, so mine’s “you have SUCH pretty white teeth,” when my teeth are actually not white and kind of crooked. Also that this was said by a notoriously brutally honest tween totes helped.

  1978. From one of my ELL students in a note that said, “you are nice and you always help us.” I still have it and read it often!

  1979. I work with adult ed students, so anytime one of them tells me that I’ve helped them to reach one of their goals, I get the warm and fuzzies. Those are the best compliments!

  1980. The best compliment I’ve ever received: “Your earrings look like bananas.” I work in an elementary school, and my earrings looked NOTHING like bananas. I just love the randomness of kiddos.

  1981. Best compliment I have ever received was from a stranger on the subway in NYC saying “You look ready to tackle the day”… and I was! Got my job that day :) Love your blog, makes my day (and my food) much better!

  1982. Dear Sweet Beautiful Joy – Yes, this Hotter Than The Hinges of Hell weather is the norm for August here in New Orleans. If you can make it here in this heat, you can make it anywhere (that’s hot and humid) . . . have a good time in the Red Dress Run tomorrow and then Dirty Linen Night afterwards – it helps take your mind off the humidity.

    Anyhoozle, I can’t remember the best compliment I’ve received, but I get a lot of fun compliments on my rubber koi fish purse that I like to carry in the Summer season. It seems to give a lot of folks joy and some silly in their day and that makes me happy (which I’m happy to pay forward with complimenting other fun people).

    Rock on Mighty Warrior and thank you for the great blog!

  1983. Everything on here is perfection! Those bark thins are calling my name. And thank you for the old-school giveaway, I’m not on Facebook or Twitter so I miss out on a lot of fun giveaways and such. Somebody once told me I had doll eyes, i’ve always remembered that. Apparently if you have blue eyes and long eyelashes you qualify for such compliments.

  1984. Hmm, I was once told I was an earth mother personality. I loved it because it is so true – if someone has a problem, I want to feed them and then fix it.

  1985. A few weeks ago, a very good friend told me that he thinks I am a “joy to be around” because I am “so positive, always complimenting others and making sure they are taken care of”. I’ve never been told anything like that, and coming from this specific friend, on that specific day, was magic!

    It may be female instinct to look after people, but it was so nice to have it acknowledged :)

  1986. I have received the best compliment from my three kids (all boys, two of them teenagers):
    They think they have the best stay at home mom mix: ” Mom you are radiant, great athlete and cook, best reader, traveller and mom””

  1987. At a small concert I went to, while the band was in between songs and just chatting with the crowd, one of the members of the band pointed to exactly me and said that I had a great smile, it was kind of weird but also fun to hear.

  1988. I think the best compliment I’ve ever received was from a woman in my church choir. She told me that I was humble and had a kind heart. At that point in my life, I really needed that.

  1989. One of my nursing school classmates that I had known for a couple months in college told me that I was the kindest and nicest person that she has ever met, and that she didn’t know that someone that kind existed anywhere in the world. Needless to say, we’re still best friends. :) Thanks Joy!

  1990. The best compliment I received recently was at Walmart (!) from a lady who complimented me on how good I looked. The thing is, I am hugely pregnant with twins, and had also hurt my toe, so I was waddling/limping through the store. That lady made my week!!!

  1991. Thank you for this contest! One of my best compliments came from a woman in the boot camp class I teach. She had changed after class & was waiting for me. She says “come here I need to talk to you”. I immediately get a little nervous. She proceeds to turn around & she says “Look at my butt! It looks pretty good & I haven’t been able to wear these jeans in years. You have given me back my body & best of all my confidence. I thank you so much”

  1992. I would never, ever sit at my desk and try to think of compliments people have given me, so I’m liking this exercise!

    The first one that came to mind was – after my grandmother died – I started to cry in an inappropriate place (because that’s how it goes), and a friend came over and kind of shielded me from the other people around and gave me a hug and I was a little embarrassed and like, “Thanks for the hug,” and he said, “I’d hug you anytime if it would help, Alex.”

    Is that a compliment? It felt like one at the time!

    Love the giveaway, Joy! Happy August!

  1993. Joy, you are well named!
    The best compliment I received taught me something about myself: at primary school an assistant didn’t just say I had chosen good colours but that I had a good eye for colour. That comment has stuck with me for years and given me confidence to trust myself with clothes.

  1994. I have practiced yoga for decades and a young woman came up to me in class and said “you are so strong and consistent.” It made my day! Lots of love from my family and friends, but that coming from a stranger made me feel very empowered.

  1995. I don’t know if it counts exactly as a compliment but my 22 month daughter said “I love you Mommy” for the first time yesterday. I absolutely melted!

  1996. The best compliment I’ve received (and still do!) is that I look and act like my mom. She was always the most gorgeous and kind woman to me growing up and being compared to her just blows my mind!

  1997. The first time my boyfriend told me I’m beautiful. No one had ever said it like that to me, and I’m super insecure, he completely changed how I see myself. And a little tip to beat the heat, put your clothes in the freezer. It doesn’t cool you down for long, but it’s an amazing few minutes.

  1998. The best compliment(s) I’ve ever gotten are on my cooking … more often than not with recipes from this site! Love your stuff. Cool giveaway!

  1999. The best compliment I’ve ever received has been from a couple different people that have said I am one of the nicest people they have ever met.

  2000. When my daughter, who is 15 said I was a very pretty mom. Just to get a compliment from your 15 year old is a feat, heck just to get her to have a long conversation is a feat. :)

  2001. Just yesterday a dear friend, who I have known a very long time, said she has never seen my hair looking better but my favorite compliments are when people tell me my children are kind and respectful. It makes me feel like I am doing something right.

  2002. This is the best giveaway!

    The best compliment I ever received was from a random friend in college. I had just started wearing a new foundation and my friend walks up and says, “Wow! Your skin looks so good, it looks like it was Photoshopped on your face!” Needless to say, I couldn’t stop laughing. It was awesome!

  2003. Such a fun giveaway! Most awesome compliment… well it was creepy at the time but now it’s just funny! I was walking down the street in Puerto Rico and got stopped by a little kid who was staring at me and making extreme eye contact (like not blinking). He asked, “Excuse me… are your eyes real?” I said yes and he responded, “Oh… pretty” and then walked away. I guess my blue eyes were a shock to him!

  2004. Although I’m not positive this is the best compliment I’ve ever received, it is the most recent. About two weeks ago a young gentleman told me, “I really like your smile.” Of course that made me smile even wider. Never underestimate the power of a smile. It just might change someone’s day. :-D

  2005. My friend filled out one of those cake vs. pie brackets & in her top pie slot she specifically listed my pecan pie as slapyourmama good. Questionable phrasing, but I took it as a high compliment.

  2006. A friend of mine said, “You are the most inspirational person in my life. I would never have signed up for a 5k, but I just signed up for my first one because of you. Thank you for sticking up for me that time I was being bullied.” It just goes to show that you never really know how much of an impact you are making in the world with your actions but until someone tells you, just know that every action you do really can make a difference! I feel like this is a very appropriate comment for this entry as ironic as it is. This is a lovely giveaway and such an awesome thing to do for August. I have loved your blog for years and finally mastered how to make “biscuits/scones” from scratch thanks to you! Have a wonderful weekend.

  2007. Not so long ago, a spunky young girl I’d never met, skipped past me in the hallway. Then she stopped, turned around, and said, “I like your shoes.” It was such a sweet gesture that caught me totally off-guard and such a great reminder to lift others up, without worrying what they might think of a stranger’s compliment.

  2008. My little niece said to her mother about me… “We haven’t seen Auntie Tracy in a while I think she needs to come for a sleep over… I love Auntie Tracy she is so soft”

  2009. When I had short hair, very short hair, some stranger guy at the gym told me I had great ears, and that my haircut was perfect for me. I blushed.
    Happy Friday, Joy!

  2010. I adore this contest! So happy and so simple.

    One of my favorite compliments I ever received was from a co-worker. She had recently decided to leave the company, so we had a going-away party for her. We were having a really nice conversation and reminiscing about the good times and the crazy times we have spent together. In the middle of our conversation, she grabbed me and gave me a huge hug and said, “I think you’re incredible – please go do big things.”

    So happy and so simple – loved it (and her) so much!

  2011. Leaving a job once, I was showered with (far too many) kind words – I think the one compliment that stood out the most was someone saying I was like an angel who came in and touched the lives of everyone I worked with. It was a bit shocking to hear that comparison, but she was being sincere. Love reading these comments! Happy August!

  2012. When my niece was younger (around 4 or 5) and we would go out somewhere together, she would always ask me to go along if anyone assumed I was her mother. “Let them think you’re my Mom, OK?” It melted me! She loved her mom of course, but it was wonderful that she loved me, her aunt, too and I could “pretend” mom anytime. Loved it!

  2013. It was very recently – I was told I went out of my way to acknowledge something special in everyone I meet. I loved that I was doing this without evening being aware.

  2014. Not necessarily a compliment, but one that always makes me happy is people enjoying the food you make. I love to bake, but don’t want usually want to be left eating a whole batch of __fill_in_the_blank__ by myself, so I usually save a small portion for myself and give the rest away to friends. Most recent example of deliciousness acknowledgment: I recently made greek yogurt lemon pound cake with fresh blueberries and gave it to a friend. I saw him a few days later and he was so thankful, saying it had been completely consumed as the best breakfast every day that week. I asked him if he had shared with his roommate as instructed and he just gave me a mischievous smile.

  2015. Just recently I posted a photo that my hairstylist took of my haircut to FB. (fake selfie!) and someone I respect greatly but hadn’t heard from in a long time commented, “beautiful inside and out!” So nice of this person. Then my hairstylist thanked me for sharing the photo because he said he had three requests through FB for appointments! Perfect!

  2016. The best compliment I ever received was being called brave by my friend. I don’t consider myself to be the biggest risk-taker but after recently graduating from college, I decided to leave the only city I’ve ever lived in move to a city I’d never set foot in. It felt nice to be reminded that yes, I can be brave!

  2017. Love this!! One of the best compliments I’ve ever received was ‘whenever I make you smile, I feel like I’ve done good in this world’

  2018. One of the most memorable compliments I received was years ago when I was walking down the street, feeling very sad because of a recent breakup (I might even have been crying), and a guy ran out of a restaurant as I was passing it, handed me a flower, and said “you are too beautiful to look so sad”, and promptly went back into the restaurant. Such a lovely thing for him to have done, with no strings attached.

  2019. Years ago I went disco skating–(roller skating to disco music while dressed up in disco flare)–with some friends. I borrowed a long vintage leather coat that was trimmed with faux fur to top off my plaid bell bottoms. I certainly looked the disco part and was having a blast. Who doesn’t love rollerskating? My night was made when a 10-year-old girl approached me at the drinking fountain. She looked like she wanted to say something to me, so I said, “Hi” and asked her if she was having fun. She didn’t even answer my question. She just blurted out, “Are you a movie star?” It melted my heart. I told her “no.” And her response was even better, “Oh, cause you look just like one.” Best.Compliment.Ever! I love kids!!

  2020. Nicest compliment I’ve ever gotten is that I’m even more beautiful on the inside than just what’s on the outside! So true of so many people but so rare to hear!

  2021. The best one was when a coworker looked at my adult son and said “your an awesome guy, your mama did a great job”. It’s nice to know my hard work paid off!

  2022. Last week was out 12 year wedding anniversary. We went out to dinner and the server said, “What, did you get married when you were 12!?” That was nice. :) Awesome giveaway!

  2023. Wonderful to see you’ve tasked us with spreading the love today, Joy! Initiating good karma and positive energy makes SUCH a huge difference in your day! Favorite compliment I’ve ever received was that I’m wise beyond my years. I love having a youthful energy yet tendency to look at bigger picture things – brings such a peace to my mid-twenties.

  2024. This is a wonderful giveaway. I received a number of lovely compliments today on my skirt. It’s a good feeling on a Friday.

  2025. My friend who really struggles with manic depression told me “your friendship makes me happy” and I know not many things do, so that meant a lot. Last night at a bar I saw this woman wearing a strapless seersucker striped dress and she was working it. I told her she looked great- she hugged me. Made my day.

  2026. Someone once told me that because of my work, their life was better. That’s the best thing I could ever hope for. I can’t feel anything but gratitude when I think of that.

    P.S. I hope you know that your work does the same thing for me. You were the reason I started baking, wanted to blog and made a time bank. Thanks Joy!

  2027. When people tell me that i’m so easy to talk to, it always makes me happy to know that people feel like they can come to me!

  2028. The best compliment I ever received was when a coworker told me I always seemed joyful and happy to be at work!

  2029. Yay! So fun! I’ve loved reading the comments so far. So one of the best compliments I’ve recently received was from my 8 year old daughter. After an evening shower, I threw on a pair of pj pants and an old t-shirt of my husband’s, and she said with a hug, “Oh! You look pretty” (sweet little thing…)

  2030. My mom was feeling under the weather the other day and so I tended to her needs as I naturally would; making her meals, giving her water, and setting up a movie for her to watch. This morning she thanked me for what I did and told me that I have the most serving heart.

  2031. I think the best compliments change the way you see yourself. A coworker once called me athletic–in passing, like it was a fact for all to see–and for someone who’s always struggled with weight that was an odd and beautiful day I won’t soon forget.

  2032. Over the course of 4 years I lost 55lbs, became a runner, and workout consistently 5 days a week. I have invented a lifestyle that I love and that I plan to maintain for as long I am alive. I have had many compliments regarding my “new physique” however the compliments that mean the most are those of people telling me how I have inspired them to start making healthier choice in their lives. The feeling of knowing people feel positive because of you is amazing and that alone is such a reward. :)

  2033. My favorite compliment? A young friend once told me that she loves to read because of a book that I introduced to her.

  2034. “You make me feel not so sad” – 4 yr old with parents going through a divorce and constantly fighting

  2035. Best compliment ever came from a friend of my boyfriend…he told me, about a year and a half after the fact, that the birthday cake I made for my bf’s birthday party was the best cake he has ever had. He said he only remembers 2 cakes that he’s ever eaten (which, what?!): that one and a batman cake he had when he was 8. Amazing.

  2036. The best compliment I received lately was “You are an incredible addition to our team and I trust you”… So good to hear from your boss!

  2037. The best compliment I ever receive is when people tell me how beautiful my kids are. That always makes me happy.

  2038. It felt so good when my boss told me that it was obvious I took the time to really get to know my students-joys of a first year teacher!

  2039. When I cooked a meal for someone, they said they would pay to eat it. Like in a restaurant. Dang!

    Thanks for this giveaway, Joy!

  2040. After completely screwing up a brownie recipe an having to improvise, I was told they were the best brownies ever. And one person even called me “My Queen”.

  2041. I love being told that I am a good friend. Good friends are hard to come by and hearing that I am one is just so lovely.

  2042. My ex-wife always took control of the kitchen. Of course it was HER kitchen. Now I live alone with my children and have MY VERY OWN kitchen. Everybody was saying that my kids will always eat stuff from a can (or frozen) for now on. Well I surprised everyone by cooking everything from scratch! Thanks to recipes blogs (including your own). Peoples I know just say “WOW” and it’s good enough a compliment after all they said! Hey! I even made my own bread yesterday, the classic way, NOT in a bread machine!

  2043. I’m 6.5 months pregnant, so any compliment on “how sweet and perfectly pregnant” I look, vs the dreaded “look how much you’ve grown!” is well received.

  2044. A friend of mine recently told me how much she respected how I stand up for those things that I am passionate about…it really made me feel wonderful to hear her say that.

  2045. I enjoy the compliments about how smart I am, something that I’ve had to work at versus, my eyes or hair are pretty. But those are great too!

  2046. I love when my husband says I look beautiful in the morning with pjs on and hair an absolute mess. Makes me love him even more.

  2047. I was once told that I should have my legs insured. Granted, my legs are my best feature, but that was a first! And incredibly flattering :)

  2048. the best compliment i’ve ever received was from a 6 year old i used to babysit for. she said i had the most beautiful princess curls ever! sooo cute.

  2049. My 3 year old daughter recently said “Mommy, I live in a wonderful world because you’re in it.” That melted my heart:-)

  2050. On Monday at the bus stop very early a total stranger told me I looked very “put together”. On a Monday morning that is saying something!

  2051. Best compliment ever? How about one that made my not-so-good day? Had one of those chin-dragging days and a lovely person left a note on my blog say ingthey look forward to seeing me in their inbox because I’m so encouraging and inspiring. Wow! If that didn’t get my chin off the ground what would?

    Joy…does it help to soak your feet in ice water? Somewhere I think I heard that. Oh…and that ice thing you hang around your neck. Then again…both of those things seem like punishment to already heat beaten soul. Be cool.

  2052. This is great! The give-away is awesome and I’m really enjoying all of the comments. The best compliments for me probably come from children because they are so darn honest that you know it is sincere. My 4 year old told me once, Mommy you cook the best food ever. (This coming from the same child who patted me on the butt when getting dressed and in the proudest voice ever, said ‘you’re getting so big’). She meant that as a compliment, but um – maybe not so much.

  2053. I have a darling husband who even after 7 years of marriage tells me every day that I am beautiful or wonderful or smart or funny….cumulatively I think it adds up to the nicest compliment ever :-)

  2054. When I was twenty something and traveling solo in Paris, an old man stopped me in the street, grabbed my arm and told me I was beautiful. Then he just walked away. It was amazing. I then sat in a park and ate some treats I had just bought after waiting in the long line at Poilane. Life moment made.

  2055. After coming through some rough years in my life I was told that my face glows and shows how happy I am right now. I want to radiate that joy to people around me by my actions not just mere talk. Although a compliment is awesome!

  2056. Love this giveaway! One of the best compliments I have received was when a little kid asked me if I was another kid’s mom (and this mom is REALLY beautiful). Kinda sad that that was one of my best compliments?? Maybe. But it still felt really awesome.

  2057. Last winter, I finally got to spend some time with by best friend who lives on the opposite coast. After watching television, while we were just goofing off and getting ready to go back to our respective coasts, he told me that I was his favorite person. It made me really happy.

  2058. I was out for a birthday dinner with my mom and my sons (they were teenagers) and when we left a woman at another table complimented me on how wonderful my kids are. They helped my mom with her cane, chair, purse, coat and waited for dinner by talking with us and not whipping out their phones and texting or playing games.

  2059. when my sister in law told me i’m the best gift giver and sends me pictures of my nephews loving the presents they get from me :)

  2060. I get told I look like an intern pretty often. It used to bother me, but at 34, I’ll take it for as long as I can!

  2061. The mayor of the large city I live in watched me do an appellate argument representing the city and immediately called the chair of my firm to rave about it. Made years of sleepless nights seem worth it!

  2062. Hm…it’s hard to pick a best compliment, but one of the ones I get most frequently (and enjoy most) is that people love my hair. I grew up a swimmer in Houston, so I always had some mad-crazy frizz insanity going on. A year or two ago, I cropped it all off into a short pixie that I love, and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when other people love it, too! :)

  2063. One of my closest friends once told me, “I admire the way you put your whole heart into everything you do.” That was really validating for me, and made me want to do everything even better!

    Also, I’ve noticed you say booyahkah ALL the time. I thought I was the only person, aside from Buddy Valastro, who said that. Now I have another reason to love you! ;)

  2064. I was rehabbing a baby bird and he died. I was very upset while at work. I was lamenting to my co-worker “I’m to sensitive”. She responded “you have a tremendous respect and admiration for life. You want all creatures to thrive and be happy. To love as hard as you is a gift from God. Enjoy and treasure this, for many do not have the compassion or love you posess. That is my best compliment. To have someone point out that what you think is a flaw or shortcoming, they find is a gift to treasure. Thanks to my friend Terry for inspiring me to be me and embrace it!

  2065. Best compliment received lately was that I must be good at my job if my business is successful as it is after just a year!

  2066. Love this giveaway! I teared up when I was told, “you always succeed at whatever you put your mind to do.” As said by my husband.

  2067. I know I should probably think of a time when someone told me I was smart or a good person or whatever but if I’m being honest, here’s the best compliment I’ve received: On a date once a gazillion years ago a guy said to me “Your eyes knock me out.” SWOON.

    I’m glad that paying it forward is part of this challenge. :)

  2068. One of the best compliments ever came after I served someone your brown butter chocolate chip cookies! they said that my cooking made them feel good to the bottom of their soul.

  2069. My niece told me once that she loves that I always make everyone feel special. I thought, really? What a nice thing to say! It’s not something that I think about, I guess. And randomly, I always say hi to people I don’t know or smile, and my husband thinks it’s funny because I don’t even know them. But maybe it makes their day. Great giveaway!

  2070. The best comment I might have ever received is that I am persistent about caring for my friends and family and wanting the best for them despite situations.

  2071. Every now and then my dad will tell us that someone told him what wonderful kids he has. It’s a roundabout way to receive a compliment, but I so appreciate that he passes along the message!

  2072. i was at a mardi gras party sporting my new vogue glasses. a gay gentleman danced up next to me and told me i reminded him of a younger Tina Fey. it absolutely made my night!

  2073. My hubby is the type that would rather die than complement anyone, say he is sorry, etc. He will be needing a lung transplant some time in the future, and complements me on how well I take care of him. I could probably tell this in a way to pull your heartstrings, but after being with him for 25 years, you can pretty much imagine what a shocker this is for me.

  2074. I’ve been in Italy all summer and a friend of a friend was chatting with me one day towards the beginning of the summer. He asked about my day and I said I just spent the day sketching. He looked at me quizzically and said “Sei tranquilla, osservi la gente e pensi.” Which comes out to you’re quiet, you watch people and you think. I don’t know if he meant it as a complement but it was the nicest most honest assessment of myself I’ve heard, from practically a stranger.

  2075. The best compliment I have ever received. Mom is in a nursing home and I go about four times a week and the aides and nurses have said that my mother is blessed with a good daughter and I have not forgotten her and that she raised me right. Now that is one great compliment to me and mom. Paulette

  2076. My husband says nice things to me all the time but the best was when a former boss told me that my brain works in weird ways but I always get everything done. I took that as a compliment. Maybe not the best one but definitely one of the weirder ones.

    Great giveaway. Please don’t melt. I’d miss you.

  2077. You never fail to surprise me…great giveaway idea! The best compliment…”You make me want to be a better person.” And they weren’t just trying to get laid ;) Love to you and everyone.

    Oh, and I like and follow you everywhere anyway!

  2078. I once had someone ask me if I would consider running for a local elected position. That was a compliment that I never thought I would receive! It made me feel great.

  2079. One day as my beau and I were walking to work, a woman (in her car) stopped us, in a crosswalk, to tell us that we were the most adorable couple she had ever seen. We have no clue who she was but she was so happy and proud to tell us. We giggle all the way into work and still joke about it as we cross in crosswalks to this day.

  2080. Love this giveaway and comment topic! The most meaningful compliment I’ve received is when someone told me that my friendship (not just sibling-ship) with my brothers inspired them to make amends with their family.

  2081. Best compliment: After a particularly trying dinner with my husband and kiddos (the kiddos were misbehaving), an older gentleman came up to us and said: “You are doing a great job.”

  2082. We had some friends visit for the weekend and as they were leaving they said, “everything was so delicious!” It made me so happy to know the meals stood out to them. I’m glad to have made their bellies happy.

  2083. The best compliment I received was after I posted a photo on FB of a ladyfinger cake with piped pastry cream & fresh berries: “Sandy, it’s time to quite your day job and open a bakery.”

  2084. I’m a nurse and one day the father of one of my patients took my hands and told me that my compassion was my gift to the world. I will never forget that day so long as I live.

  2085. My dad once told me that I reminded him of his grandfather. Considering the fact that his grandfather was his role model and one of the best people he ever knew, it was such a meaningful complement. I almost cried!

  2086. This is awesome! Best compliment: I wish I could have a pocket size you to take out whenever I wanted to have fun.

  2087. Best compliment: I always bounce back. 25 years later, and I still remind myself of that 1 compliment.

  2088. One day I was wearing these lime green highlighter type pants, and the administrative assistant told me that she loved my pants and that I pull them off so well.. Like no one else could… I thought that compliment was way above and beyond a typical compliment.. She could have just said I like your pants.

  2089. Best compliment was my fiance telling me how lucky she is to have found me! And I returned the compliment of course!

  2090. I think the best compliment I’ve ever given is my mum telling me how much talking to me on Skype is helping her cope. It’s such a great feeling that I can be there for her when she needs me after all she’s done for me through the years.
    Such a lovely giveaway Joy :)

  2091. Just the other day a stranger told me I was wearing the “most beautiful dress I have ever seen!” It’s from Target….Target for the win! It was on a day where I was particularly stressed and having to spend my lunch at a Jiffy Lube. #neverfun but that comment turned the day around! It’s the little things! Also, I want all the things. What a perfect giveaway!

  2092. I served as a Community Health Promoter in the Peace Corps in Nicaragua. I was teaching basic health and hygiene in the schools at the time. I happened to be waiting at the bus stop when a woman approached me, asking me if I was the Gringa Teacher. When I said yes, she said her young daughter was pretending to be me and teaching all of her friends, family members and dolls about the healt topics I had talked about recently. It was by far, my proudest moment and the biggest compliment I could ever receive!

  2093. I LOVE all the things you chose to give away! Best compliment ever was from someone who thought they were putting me down and said that all I ever did was talk about God and give Him credit for everything good that ever happened. It was meant to be hurtful but made my week!

  2094. Awesome giveaway!

    Best compliment: when my best friend who lives across the country told her 3-year-old son that I was visiting soon, he said that he couldn’t wait because I am the very best friend in the whole entire world! I loved the enthusiasm.

  2095. hm, the best compliment I ever received? probably my mom telling me that I’m the best daughter she could have ever hoped for and she wouldn’t change a thing about me no matter what!

  2096. I recently had a close friend who has had really rough time tell me that I was part of home to her. It feels like such an accomplishment to be able to say that I’ve helped provide shelter and stability and warmth and sustenance (all things that home means to me).

  2097. Yesterday, I was saying good bye to a friend who is moving away to go to graduate school. I was a wee bit upset and may have shed a few tears. I apologized for crying and she said “There’s no need to apologize! That’s why I love you, because you have a big heart.” Made me pretty happy yesterday, as does your blog, Joy! Thanks for the non-tricky giveaway!

  2098. At a teenage sleepover a friend said that if she could have anyone on her side, she’d pick me because “once Rachel’s on your side, she’s *on* your side.” Being publicly recognized for loyalty was an unexpected and treasured compliment.

  2099. I made tacos for a fiance and 4 friends last night. They’re convinced “these are so awesome you should open a taco truck!” Pretty good for an Italian that used to hate cilantro. :D

  2100. I love children and can’t wait to be a mom myself. My sister is pregnant, due in September and I’ve been having a hard time being patient waiting for that little girl to get here! The best compliment that I’ve received is that I am going to be the best aunt! I can’t wait!

  2101. A colleague recently told me that I was earnest, which I appreciate as I try to be genuine and honest in my life. It was nice to know that others saw that.

    This giveaway looks fantastic!

  2102. My hair is somewhat of an unusual color and I feel like woman compliment me mosy when I feel it looks like a hot mess. Makes me feel good and I love when women compliment each other.

  2103. As a teacher, I receive nice notes at the end of the year. However, this past year one of my high school students wrote me a super long letter explaining how her fear of my standards turned into total respect for how I challenged her to grow and open her mind. She understood my methods of getting them to participate and give them a safe environment to share, learn, and grow. I love those notes, but hers touched my heart in a way no other has in 25 years of teaching. Oh, and the cutest was a fifth grade gal in my first few years of teaching who wanted to marry me! Cute.

  2104. I work as a Kindergarten aide, and a student told me that something I was wearing was her favorite outfit of mine, ever! And then she told me she loved me!!

  2105. My most amazing compliment isn’t really one that I can take credit for, but it melts my heart just the same. I am overjoyed when someone tells me how fantastic my two grown children are – how kind, respectful, hardworking, caring they are, and what a fantastic mother my oldest is. I have such a grateful heart!

  2106. Hooray for giveaways! One of the best compliments I ever received was a colleague telling my 9 year old daughter that the work I do and my collaboration with others had been a tremendous asset to her.

  2107. My son came home on the late school bus, which drops off kids that are on the sports teams after practice. He told me that the bus driver commented to him that I was really nice. I told him that I didn’t think I had met her before. He said that she used to work as a bagger at the grocery store near our house and that when I came in there I was always nice to her (and a lot of people weren’t very nice). I really appreciated the complement and the message it shared with my son, that you should treat people well, you don’t always know how your attitude can influence others.

  2108. I was once told that I had beautiful feet! Who knew perfectly per portioned toes were such a coveted asset! Thank you for always making my day a little more delicious and bright!

  2109. Someone once told me I have a “clever but gentle” sense of humor. This made me really happy because it meant that 1. I was funny 2. I was smart and 3. I was funny, but not at the expense of others. :)

    P.S. It’s pretty cold/nice here in California. :) I’m going to New Orleans for a conference next month and am pretty nervous about burning to death there!

  2110. It came yesterday as we discussed our soon-to-be 49 years of marriage. He said, “I can’t wait until we celebrate our 50th anniversary next year, or our 87th many years from now!” (Yesterday would have been my parents’ 87th anniversary)

  2111. a few weeks ago, I was spending time with several other mommies as we waited for our little girls to finish their dance class. As we wait, we chat, and there’s a mom (or two) who LOVE to talk with me, but are not …easy to be cheerful towards. Anyway, as I was leaving with kid in tow a few weeks ago, one of the other moms pulled me aside and said how gracious all the other mommies thought I was (this was HUGE as I am NOT naturally a gracious person!)

  2112. I just finished graduating from college…..let’s just say it was a huge accomplishment seeing I am over the age of 40!!! My husband who is one of the smartest people I know and well accomplished himself, was very, very proud of me for not only graduating with high marks, but also landing an amazing job in the health care field!!! When he saw what I had to do for the class, he acknowledge that he could not do what I was doing!!That meant a lot to me!!!

  2113. As a trained and looking for a job teacher, it has been a frustrating year and a half looking for a job. But the thing that keeps me going is that everytime I work with kids I am told (by parents who don’t even know that I am an unemployed teacher) that I should be a teacher. It’s a great motivator.

  2114. best compliment… my fiance’s uncle who is a super health freak and never eats sweets saying the cupcakes I made were the only baked good worth cheating for!

  2115. The lady at the market to my son, tell your sister her food is ready! :) That made me smile, I’m 46. Love that lady.

  2116. The best compliment I received was from a funny friend who told me that I am funny– and that my sense of humor is subtle and cutting. :)

  2117. What a wonderful giveaway. Thanks!! I’m going to have to go pick up some of the nail polish regardless. The best compliment? That I work hard for everything I have gotten. Someone was accusing me of being spoiled (going to a good college, having a nice, well-paying job) and my sister stepped in and said that I have these great things because I worked hard for every single one. It made me feel so loved, to see how proud my sister was of me!

  2118. I’ve had people tell me that I’m a great gift-giver, and that I’ve given some of the best public toasts/speeches they’ve ever heard. Those compliments always mean so much to me. I like to put a lot of thought into my gifts, and always try to get something that is unique to the recipient’s tastes and interests…and I always try to view a public speaking opportunity as a great honor and responsibility, even if it’s only for 2 minutes – so I also like to put a lot of thought into what I what to convey with my words.

    And I’ve also been told that I can pop, lock, and drop it in heels and a dress like no one else…so, you know, that was a pretty great compliment too.

  2119. A couple of years ago a good friend of mine told me, i used to be her role model while growing up, because she always thought of me as a very smart and talented person.
    I never knew, but it felt cool :-)

  2120. What a fantastic giveaway with some great items! The best comment I received was when I was miserably hot in August and was told that I was the cutest pregnant lady ever. It made me feel so much better because I was certain I was just an enormous sweating blob by that point.

  2121. About a week ago, I was in Target trying to carry everything in my hands (I have a no cart rule at target!). A nice older man asked if I wanted a cart, to which I politely declined, as I had everything I already needed. Of course I got distracted by an end cap on the way to the checkout and all of a sudden he was right up near me and told me I had the most beautiful legs. I said thank you, but he said, don’t thank me, thank your mother. And off he went. I passed the story on to my mom and I think it made her day more than it made mine :)

  2122. Years ago, a young, 7-year-old friend of mine told me that the clothes I made for my children’s store were beautiful. When I asked him if he would marry me when he grew up, he very seriously answered “yes, if you’re not dead.”

  2123. It may not be the “best” compliment I ever received, but it’s the oldest and most heartfelt I can recall. When I was a teenager, I would stop in the neighborhood drug store for the latest “Teen Beat” magazine. One afternoon as I ran to the magazine rack at the back of the store, the pharmacist looked up from his work and told me that I had the nicest smile he’d seen all day. That was over 35 years ago and I still remember how deeply his words touched me.

  2124. great giveaway! I’ve been following your blog for a while now and I have to tell you that it has quickly risen to the top of my favorites list. I love the photos, recipes, and writing! Keep up the great work!

  2125. Love an old fashioned giveaway! Those widget things are just too complicated.
    I usually have a hard time graciously accepting compliments (yes, I’m one of “those” people…) but the best compliment I ever received was when one of my friends said that I was a great gift-giver! I legitimately spend way more time than one would consider normal for gift shopping/creating (because they ALL need to be special/practial/preferably DIY) so I was happy to hear that the effort is not wasted. :)

  2126. Ooohh, this is a good one!!

    The best compliment that I’ve ever received: A good friend of mine told me that I am the most generous person she knows. That meant a lot to me as making other people happy makes me happy. Guess I’m doing something right :-)

  2127. A man I passed on the street a few years ago said that I brought happiness to the world because of my smile :)

  2128. “You’ve got sass, girl!” I am actually not entirely sure if it was actually a compliment, but it sounded nice to this northern girl’s ears. . . . .

  2129. I love the positive energy this is giving off – great idea!!!

    “I like your face” is the compliment I received and whenever I think back on it it always makes me smile and laugh

  2130. On the eve on my wedding (almost 3 years ago), a friend of my mother’s (she was older and had been married for several years, absolutely lovely) told me that I reminded her of the woman in Proverbs 31 (biblical reference!). Now, after reading and re-reading that chapter of the Bible, I am beyond honored that this woman would have that opinion of me. And while I may question the validity of that compliment sometimes, her words have inspired me to make an effort to be the godly woman that Proverbs 31 speaks of.

    I’m very excited about your August Getaway Giveaway! There are definitely some goodies in there that I’ve had my eye on! Thanks Joy!

  2131. Great giveaway! One day I put on a little bit of red lip gloss (which I hardly ever wear). When I walked past my 6 year old son he stopped dead in his tracks and said “you’re wearing lipstick”. Then he ran downstairs and yelled to his sister “did you see mom??? She looks soooo pretty!” It made me smile :)

  2132. this is such a nice way to do a giveaway! the nicest compliment i ever received was when i was going through a rough time and a girl (who i didn’t even know all that well) noticed and told me that God only presents us with the challenges He knows we are equipped to face, and that i must have a really strong character in order to get through it. such a nice thing to hear! i’ve since passed on the same compliment to others going through similar hardships.

  2133. I’m a substance abuse counselor, so anytime I receive a call back from a patient to tell me they’re doing good and that I helped them, that’s the best compliment in the world for me

  2134. The best “compliment” I’ve received recently still makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to think about it. Recently I was at a family gathering with my boyfriend’s folks, and his three year old nephew, who I had only met briefly and who is typically very shy around people he doesn’t know well, spontaneously grabbed my hand in the middle of all the hubbub and dragged me away, asking to “go play trucks.” It felt like an awesome compliment that he felt so comfortable playing with me, and I think it was the best possible way to be welcomed into the family.

  2135. The best compliment I’ve ever received would probably be from my husband who frequently says I’m beautiful!

  2136. My nerdy internet obsessed boyfriend once said to me: I love you more than computers. I would rather live without computers than without you!
    So you can imagine that meant a lot! haha :D

  2137. I recently was told I was beautiful by a stranger on the street. He may have been crazy, but he seemed sincere enough to make my day.

  2138. A boy, who would later break my heart, once told me he liked the fact that I didn’t wear makeup. It felt like such a genuine way of saying “I like you just the way you are” and it has always stuck with me.

  2139. What an amazing giveaway!
    I made your turkey bacon meatloaf last night and it was awesome, such a great recipe.
    The best complement I have received? This morning my son said I was the best mom ever, so that was pretty rad!

  2140. Sweet giveaway. I think the best compliment I ever got was when a friend told me I ask really good questions. That one has stuck with me and helped to guide my life choices.

  2141. Love this blog so much. I never miss a post and have both cookbooks on their way to me :-). As for the best compliment I ever received – I was once told that I had the face of an angel – in Paris – by a yummy older Italian gentleman.

  2142. This is a really great idea :) I’d say best compliment I’ve ever received was when I was nominated by a group to lead our organization. Felt really good knowing that my contributions in the past had made an impact on our members.

  2143. it probably isn’t the BEST compliment i’ve ever received, but earlier this week one of my dear friends sent me a text to tell me she just watched a new food/cooking show called Food Fighters, and that i should be on it – her comment, “you would rock!” made my night :)

  2144. I was having a dinner party with some friends I hadn’t seen in while. One of my athletic friends walks in the door and says with a smile goes “when did you get buff?” It made me feel really good, as I’ve been working out a lot over the last few months but hadn’t really noticed the changes in my body as a result.

  2145. Hi, what a thoughtful giveaway. My top compliment was from my son, who told me I was great mum. Happy with that’s.

  2146. My sister in law recently told me I was a great mom! I also got a compliment on my new hair color, even though I thought it looked awful.

  2147. It’s dumb that this is the first thing that comes to mind, but here it is. My friend and I were in Australia last year and we were on a bus chattering away and someone came up to us and told us that we had lovely accents! We thought it was so funny, ironic, and sweet!

  2148. One of my best friends told me that the more she got to know me, the more she liked me. I think that’s a pretty good one.

  2149. My sister gave me this one and she’s not one to heap praise at all, tells it exactly as it is – she said I was the most considerate child ever (and here by child I suppose she’s referring to the fact that I love to cook AND clean for my family.) I guess I just have that domestic bone in me!

  2150. This reminds me that I should write down the compliments for my “feel good file”. Best one I can remember- a supervisor commented on my patience with teaching others. It felt good because I have been working on my patience for years!

  2151. I’m not sure if this is the best complement, but It’s always fulfilling when someone tells me i’m a dedicated, hard worker and an assent to my school :)

  2152. I’m a third grade teacher, and hearing my students’ parents say their son/daughter loves to come to school is the best compliment I could get!

  2153. I make it a daily habit to compliment strangers. I feel like if you are thinking someone looks good you should tell them. One day a random stranger told me I looked amazing and the outfit was the perfect look for me. And it felt great. Not the compliment nearly as much as the fact that I knew then how people felt when I stopped them and said similar things. And it was an amazing feeling and I was so happy that I might have made other people feel that way!

  2154. I’m sure there are other, but at the moment, I can only think of something last week! I’ve been taking tap dancing classes and feeling pretty bad about them – I’m not very coordinated and I’ve always thought of myself as a terrible dance, but last week the instructor scolded me when I said, “I can’t dance,” and she told me I was a crazy fast learner and that I’m dancing very well! And then another student told me as we were walking out that she thought I was doing really well, just as good as her and she had taken tap before. It was nice, because instead of just being about appearance, it was something that I’ve been working hard at!

  2155. My daughter-in-law said I was a true blessing in her life and very special to her. She said this before she was my daughter-in-law. She wrote it in an email and I still save that email from 2009.

  2156. Might not be the best compliment I’ve ever received, but a couple weeks ago after admitting patients all night (I’m a med student) the physician I was working with told me I did “solid work”. I considered it high praise from someone I greatly respect.

  2157. This is cheesy, but I loved hearing “you are totally glowing” during pregnancy.

    Joy, your blog is the best!

  2158. A student told me at the end of my first year of teaching: Miss, I hated reading and writing until your class. Now, I understand why it’s so good. I don’t think you’re weird anymore for making us read. I get it.

  2159. I love a “no strings attached” giveaway and I especially love your blog.Your writing, humor, gentle spirit and recipes are inspiring. Thanks, Joy!

  2160. Best compliment – I’ve cooked my entire life and I’ve cooked professionally for the last 14 years but cooking for kids is a challenge. So when my son’s friends come for lunch and say “you’re the best cook ever!” And “yeah this is really good!” I feel like it’s the best compliment I could receive.

  2161. The best compliment I ever got was in a silly school peer group exercise where someone else was asked to say what colour you were like. I was told that I was like the colour of the sky, constantly changing but always captivating. If you can cast your mind back to those sort of dumb peer-support exercises, you can see how a poetic comment like that stood out – and it came from someone I didn’t even know thought much of me!

    PS – also love the old school giveaway! woot!!

  2162. I’m a high school teacher and the best compliment I ever received was from a mother as her son introduced me to her. She said “oh, it’s lovely to meet my son’s anchor in stormy seas”.

  2163. When I was in high school I had a teacher write a letter of recommendation for me and in the letter he wrote that he hoped his daughter would grow up to be like me. Def one of the best compliments you can give someone :)

  2164. I had a dinner party recently and one of my friends who is an amazing cook ate 3 plates of food. Best compliment of the night because he is such a discerning foodie!

  2165. I had trouble coming up with one at all (hello, neuroticism!), but a coworker once came to me with an ethical question about work because she thought I would have the best moral compass, and that was really flattering.

  2166. This is a very sweet giveaway, I’m loving the potential winnings and the thought behind the competition.

    Recently my boyfriend has been having a really tough time at work so I’ve been dropping a lot of my own stuff to be there for him and cushion the blow as best I can. He’s said a few times how appreciate he is of it and how generous I am… isn’t that a lovely thing to be considered :).

  2167. This is such a lovely idea! Not only are you brightening up our days (remembering a compliment always gives me a warm glow!) but you’re helping us to brighten others! :-)
    The nicest compliment that I have ever had was probably not the most obvious, but at the time it meant the most to me. I was struggling with what to do with my life, workwise, just coming out of a difficult relationship and feeling like I’d made a huge mistake, and getting to grips with having moved home after a stint abroad. Life felt tricky, and I thought I was floundering. One day, discussing with a vague acquaintance at a party that I was thinking of moving towns, or maybe changing job direction, they said to me: “I find it really inspiring how you see every obstacle in your life as a genuine opportunity to change it for the better, and you take every ending as a new beginning. It seems like the recipe to happiness to me”. I was a bit dumbfounded, I just thought I had no idea what I was doing! Nice to hear how she saw it though.

  2168. The very best compliment… hmm, that’s hard. I could share a funny but rather tacky story involving a skin-tight bright green sequined dress but I think I’ll stick to a more recent one: both my kids insist that my legs are the cosiest bodypart possible and insists on snuggling with them each and every night. Weird! But I do take it as a compliment!

  2169. one of the best compliments I got was “I thought people here couldn’t stand up for themselves. you just proved me wrong.”
    also I love everything in this bundle of gifts. Pick me! Pick me!

  2170. When I was leaving the grocery store when my two little girls were quite tiny (and I was feeling rather frazzled), a very elderly woman approached me to tell me how wonderfully I was handling my girls and all I was doing right then. It was so meaningful…it’s probably been 8 years and it was the first thought for “best compliment” that popped into my head. It made a real difference that day. I will remember to pass on a positive truth to someone today. :)

  2171. This is a great giveaway! You have excellent taste. One of the best compliments I’ve ever received is that I am one of the best friends someone could have.

  2172. What a lovely giveaway Joy! And such a thoughtful message as well. I think with compliments it is so easy to shrug them off and this is a great way to get your readers to actually think what compliments people have given us. I was asked to be Godmother to my friends’ little boy recently and that felt like such a wonderful compliment.

  2173. Mine came from my son recently: “Mom, you are old, but you look young.” A backhanded compliment is still a compliment, right?

  2174. Beautiful giveaway, Joy! I was hanging out with some friends and one of them told me that I have a really calm and beautiful voice. That was the nicest compliment I received :)
    Love from Germany!

  2175. Love the absence of the Rafflecopter here… :) The best compliment I received is,” You are lovely in so many ways.” It was a simple and heartfelt compliment that came from the LAST person I’d ever expect to hear that from. That made it even better.

  2176. Not my most recent compliment, but I’ll never forget being 8 years old, in my mom’s salon when a male hair stylist said I was such a classy little girl. All these years, I’ve tried to live up to it, ha!

  2177. Thanks for the giveaway! Best compliment ever – “I didn’t believe that you could improve our business, but I stand corrected.”

  2178. Someone at work told me once how she always enjoys bumping into me because when I say, “hi, how are you?”, I stop and listen, and actually care what her answer is. She said it’s always wonderful to chat with someone who cares. That made me feel so great!

  2179. What an imaginative collection of goodies. All I have tried, I enjoy. Have several moleskins including one for watercolor.

    My best compliment was when a friend of my daughter suggested that I should be the recipient of one of her retiring show Papillons,. I had never met the dog’s owner but figured she was making a judgement based on knowing my daughter. The dog has been a loyal and constant companion. Small enough to fit into a grocery bag and be taken anywhere.

  2180. Best compliment ever (by a fellow student): “Just wanted to let you know that you gave some of the most insightful comments in class this quarter.”

  2181. Great stuff on here! Your blog was the first one I ever read. I haven’t missed a day since. My favorite compliment is when people tell me I have a comforting presence. I love to think I make people feel good!

  2182. Best compliment? After taking off all of my make up and my boyfriend sees me and says ‘wow, you’re just so pretty’. Not before, when I thought I looked better but after!

  2183. On a magic winter night in Paris, I was walking along Seine with a boy who I had been in love with for ages but never had got the chance to get close to. We strolled around for ever and it was amazing, but as we talked I realized that he was (no matter how much I like myself) way too good for me.
    We had met for a drink like friends, and I just put down every other intention straight away, and thought that I’d be grateful just for the chance to be his friend, if I could.

    Some months of friendship later, he told me that he had known from the start that I was the love of his life, but he didn’t dare saying anything before..
    Because on that cold winter night, he had realized that I was too good for him and that he should be content just being my friend.
    This is the biggest compliment someone ever gave me; the most perfect person in my eyes seeing me the same way.. and it still makes me smile when I think of it.
    Mikaela from Sweden

  2184. Someone once complimented my voice, saying it is extremely soothing. I thought this was a great compliment given I cringe at hearing the sound of my own voice!!

  2185. someone once told me: “you look like a dallop of daisies”. i thought it was delightful and it totally made my day!

  2186. The best compliment I’ve ever received was from one of my 8th grade students, who told me I was a goddess of librarianship and she didn’t even know how I existed. Though, since I am currently eight months pregnant, I enjoy any statement that doesn’t start with “You’re so big.”

  2187. The best compliment I’ve received was when one of my patients told me that I had a genuine smile and I really care about people.

    I love your giveaway!!

  2188. I had somebody tell me “you’re doing your own thing.” It’s not the most direct compliment but I think about it often.

  2189. My favorite compliments are when anyone compliments my laugh, because I laugh a lot, but the best one was when someone said they liked my goofy laugh – because it is kind of goofy, and they like it anyway!

  2190. The best compliment i ever received was that my hair color was awesome and i should dye it ever.
    I was very happy ’cause i’m not blonde, but not really a brunette, is something in the between really weird u.u

  2191. The best compliment I ever received was from a store clerk. I was discussing how my husband was always nervous when I would go to work at 3 am, alone and downtown in a major city (e.g., not the safest area, even in the daytime). The clerk said “I can’t blame him. You’re too pretty to be out at that time of night alone.”

  2192. Best compliment: “you are so patient and calm.” I am a nervous mess 90% of the time so I appreciated it.

  2193. Standing next to a woman at the grocery store and she looks at me and very seriously… “you are a very pretty girl”.

  2194. Mmm… The best compliment I’ve ever recived? I think it was something like: “Oh, Valentina where did you get those sandals? They’re the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen…” But it was said by a boys who was wearing Crocs, so I actually think that my sandals where absolutely gorgeous!

    By the way, I want to say to you that i really love your blog, not only for your amazing recipes, but also for the first parts of the posts! They are funny and smart and lovely! So, go girl! You rock!
    Best wishes from Italy!

  2195. I was once walking through town and a random guy just walked right up to me and said “you have really great eyebrows!” One of the best compliments I’ve ever received, I’ve always remembered it, plus I’ve never plucked or shaped or bothered with my eyebrows at all, and that made me confident that I don’t need to!

  2196. Met my husband online. Best compliment? I asked what was going on his mind when he first asked me out and quoth he, “I was peeing in my panties!”

  2197. Best complement I ever received came from a student who said they’d heard the material before but never understood it until I presented it. “You must be a magic teacher”

  2198. Best compliment ever: My two year old, who is a very picky eater, told me that dinner was ‘very, very good’. Somehow that’s even better than hearing compliments about my cooking from my husband or friends. :-) By the way, Joy: your blog never fails to inspire me and I am in total awe of your creative output! Summergreeings from Bavaria to steamy New Orleans!

  2199. Best compliment I’ve ever received was probably when a random girl I did not know approached me in the bus to tell me I was pretty. To have someone go out of their way to do that doesn’t happen very often.

  2200. During a big holiday dinner my Mom, who was not prone to public declarations, said “I must have done something right, we raised two pretty great girls”. That’s all I need.

  2201. An elderly gent once told me I was “cuter than a passel of puppies underneath a red wagon”. Certainly the most descriptive compliment I’ve ever received!

  2202. The best compliment I ever received was simply ‘you’re beautiful’ in a non creepy way from a stranger. It made me feel wonderful!

  2203. I remember that I almost bawled when I was told that I make my parents proud every single minute just by being the person that I am..I coildn’t have asked for more..I hope I continue to do so till the end..

    Been following your blog for years now and I am sure you evoke the same sentiment!

  2204. Mine came from one of my students. My students (high school freshmen) were doing a free-write to practice brainstorming and I threw out some options. Jokingly, I told students they could always write about how I was the best teacher ever. One of my more “behavioral” students laughed and said “yeah right”. He ended up using the prompt and saying that I was “helpful, describtive (sic), and annoying” as his supporting arguments. Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to elaborate on annoying – that was my favorite part. You know that you are doing you job when your students see some merit in your annoyance.

  2205. The best compliment I ever received was from a friend who said ” You are always there with a shoulder to lean on and always take the time to listen to anyone who needs to be heard.” It made me so happy that I got all teary!

  2206. A stranger in passing told my husband he’s the luckiest man in the world as we shared a gelato on the sidewalk the night of our anniversary.

  2207. The best compliment I ever recieved…hmm…would probably have to be that I’m a great mama. It’s such a thankless job that it’s nice to hear someone say you’re doing okay at it every once in a while! Awesome giveaway!!!

  2208. A random women approached me on the weekend and said “I know I am not a man, and don’t take this the wrong way, but I think you have such a hot body.”
    It made me smile :) Always nice when your hard work pays off and people take notice.

  2209. The greatest compliment I received was from a friend. We don’t see or hear each other all that often and when we meet we just randomly talk about the small things in life. Nothing all too heavy.

    When I saw her again some time ago, we started talking about small things first, but this time I wanted to share with her that I was having troubles with my graduation and future career choice. Before I could say anything she suddenly stopped me in the conversation and told me “you always look so happy, you are one of the most happy people I know ” and then told me that it inspires here to not let things get to here too easily because my radiance made her happy too. I was really surprised to hear that because, like everyone else, I sometimes have worries on my mind.

    But since my happiness made her happy I decided not to tell her about my worries. In stead I decided to be more happy without needing a reason for it. Just because I can and it inspires people and, yes, why would you let things get you down when you can just as well focus on the things that get you up. And boy, did that theory work. It’s like a positivity drug. Once I got hooked all the things started falling in its place. Maybe it’s just an illusion but I always think back to that moment when I realize how happy I am.

    And I think the best compliment I’m going to give today is a link for my friend to this comment :).

    P.s. Normally I’m not this corny, but hey, it might inspire some more people on the way!

  2210. Being 7 months pregnant…in the summer….is none too glamorous, so lately the best compliment I got was from my car mechanic who greeted me with “hey pretty lady, beautiful smile.” Great giveaway – thanks Joy!

  2211. The best compliment I’ve ever received was that I have gorgeous eyes. Growing up I always just thought they were brown, but after that I noticed they actually have hints of yellow, hazel, and are just different!

  2212. Hm…best compliment? I think that the one tht I like most is when people admire my confidence, even when I feel like I don’t have any.

  2213. Recently I was wearing my new pair of high waisted shorts and I was really nervous about it because my thighs and hips are on the bigger side and I can be quite self conscious about showing them off. Anyway a classmate of mine who is very fitness minded and has the ideal body type that I’m prone to envy said to me “I love your legs, they’re so feminine and gorgeous” and I was so touched by it that I honest to god had to choke back tears, I never hear comments like that and it honestly made my whole week.

  2214. I had just learned how to sew, and I knew I wasn’t very good. But somehow, I made a wrap dress in a funky, paisley print that turned out pretty nice. The best compliment was hearing people say they liked the dress and seem even more surprised when they found out it was homemade!

  2215. My little brother (he’s 14) once told me that I was “pretty smart, pretty attractive, and all that jazz.” It’s made me smile so many times.

  2216. My best compliment came my my first boss in high school. I was working in a bakery, rolling danish pastries, when he turns to me and says, “Ellie, you’re going to me someone someday.” It still makes me smile when I think of it.

  2217. A friend once told me that I am one of the bravest people she knows. She was referring to that time I jumped out a plane with a parachute.

  2218. I was walking back to work from a coffee break the other day, and a random (male) stranger chased after me – I thought I must have left something behind but he just wanted to tell me I had great legs! It was a bit weird and a bit nice :)

  2219. You are a really nice person. What a great idea to focus in on complimenting another person. It is the yoga way:)

  2220. The best compliment I’ve received is when schools I work in are openly excited to have me back the next year, and fret that I might get switched. Nice to know that my efforts are appreciated.

  2221. Best compliment was when I had my four boys out shopping and an older woman came up to me and said they are so well behaved. She also told me it takes a special momma to raise 4 boys. She was a blessing on a day that was not easy and I needed to hear it.

  2222. At a wedding a few weeks back a new friend/near stranger ask my man what he loved best about me “She goes for what she wants” was his response. It was awesome to be seen in a way that I don’t see myself, and to know that actually it’s true.

  2223. Great giveaway! I think the best compliment I’ve ever received is that I’m a thoughtful friend and good listener, by a friend who was going through some stuff and needed someone to lend an ear. That meant a lot to me.

  2224. Being told I’m clever by a senior colleague I really respect was pretty flattering! Great giveaway Joy, stay cool!

  2225. A stranger once told me that I have beautiful teeth! Teeth, can you imagine?! And it stuck with me, because I’ve hated my imperfect teeth, and even took out some extra college loan to cover invisalign! But there you have it, teeth.
    This is the best idea, too, because I’ll be sure to watch out for some good lookin’ teeth today, and share the love :)

  2226. One of my college professors once told me “you are erudite without being an egghead.” The choice of words made me laugh, but it also made me feel less self conscious about enjoying learning and doing well in school.

  2227. As med students, during training, it is often implied (or directly stated) that we are incompetent, unknowledgable, or useless. Once, one of my supervisors turned to leave the room just as I was about to start doing something, and someone asked her why. She said, “Oh, I don’t need to be here. This student is very competent.”

  2228. Best compliment ever? When my husband tells me how great of a mother I am. For some reason, coming from him, he means so much more than friends or family saying it.

    I feel that we are all obligated to tell peoe nice things about themselves. If I’m out and totally go,”Wow, I love your outfit.” “Excuse me, you smell amazing.” I’ll get an odd glance sometimes but people always smile. Ain’t nothing wrong with being nice. :)

  2229. The best comments for me involve my baking. I love when people tell me that something I baked for them is the best thing they’ve ever had!

  2230. A friend told me that she had read a blog I had done about some recent travels, and that she was amazed and impressed with how well I wrote. I was glowing with happiness!

  2231. OMG, I just love every single thing above, is it allowed to shriek Oprah-giveaway-style?!
    The best compliment: You can do anything you want, you’ll be great and I will love you no matter what you choose to do with your life.
    Happy weekend from Holland! x

  2232. When I was writing my thesis at uni, I was meeting with my supervisors and feeling very in over my head, and pretty dumb! Just as I was leaving, and feeling pretty stressed out, one of supervisors said I should seriously consider further study as I was a ‘talent’! It made me realize I actually could do it! :)

  2233. I still think of this sweet, shy girl in school who used to get picked on and I would fiercely come to her defense when I saw her being bullied. Summer break was over and first day of school I saw her in the bathroom and she was wearing makeup for the first time. I told her how wonderful she looked, and she said ” I’ve always wanted to look pretty like you”…. It was a real tear jerker for me and still is,and goes with the phrase Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.

  2234. Please don’t melt yet, I love reading your blogs… :>

    Anyway, I get compliments lately, mainly due to a lot of after-pregnancy “I-serious-cannot-help-it” weight loss. They make me feel uncomfortable though, mainly due to the questions after, of “how I did it?!?”… I do love getting compliments on my dresses though, (and I get those too luckily) I love my dresses. :) Will pass some compliments on, they indeed are a good thing. I will start with hubby today, ’cause I might be too snarky like… most of the time to him.

  2235. Best compliment? That I’m a good daughter. It’s always so good to know I can repay all the love and great things my parents have done for me.

  2236. You have some pretty awesome taste in giveaways, and as a person who gave up facebook 3 years ago, I’m super appreciative of the old fashioned format!

    As for the best compliment I ever received, I once had a customer at work tell me “you have a very elegant walk.” It seemed like such a random thing to comment on, but every now and then, I still think about it.

  2237. The best compliment I ever got was when one of my friends told me I was going to make an excellent mother one day (I am 30 and no kids, but I hold out hope it will come true!)

  2238. I had found a cat near a railroad station when I lived in Japan. After a trip to the vet I found out she had a heart condition and wasn’t likely to see her one year birthday. I took her for a check up every week, got (3) medications she got twice a day, and she lived to be almost two years old! Her vet told me that I was the most patient and caring owner she had ever met (and that was saying something coming from a country that really cares for their animals). I was happy, she was happy, and my cat got a really good, pampered, but short little life.

    I try to pass on happiness everyday, because compliments are free and awesome. Whether it’s thanking my local coffee shop for a particularly amazing latte, or tutoring my English students when they really nail the accent, it’s always a way to be positive and give to people.

    Man, do I sound preachy. It’s just true!

  2239. An elderly lady from my synagogue told me that my daughter was the best behaved girl she’d seen in years. She wished that people taught manners these days, and told me that I was doing an amazing job. As a single mom, it felt SO good to be validated by an older woman who’d already raised a family of her own.

  2240. I hear so many people complain about their mother-in-law so when mine says I am doing a great job at parenting and that she trusts my decisions, I take that as a pretty darn good compliment.

  2241. This is so lovely :) I will be sure to dish out the compliments more than usual today!

    The best compliment someone ever gave me was that I was ‘really enthusiastic, in an endearing way’. I think that’s one of the best things to be, so I’m so glad that someone thinks I am!

  2242. Most *memorable* compliment: a random guy on the street stopped me and said, “Da**, you IS tall!”
    What a great giveaway! Love your blog!

  2243. Best compliment I’ve ever received was when someone told me I was amazing at anything I tried doing!
    Awesome giveaway, by the way!

  2244. The best compliment ever?…. Hmmm… Someone once asked me if I was over 18 years old so I was allowed to buy cigarettes… I was 29 at the time.
    Thanks for the great giveaway, your blog is an everyday inspiration Joy!

  2245. My 91 year old father recently told me, after I had helped him with something that he is no longer able to do, that there was a time when I was a teenager when he didn’t know what he would do with me and now he doesn’t know what he would ever do without me. His words touched me so much.

  2246. Someone once told me that my words (from my poetry) were powerful. That meant so much to me, as someone who loves words and believes wholeheartedly in their potential

  2247. The most unexpected compliment I ever got was from an old gentleman who stopped me going past him and said he just had to tell me how wonderful my hair smelled. The best was probably from a three year old who wanted to marry me…?nic

  2248. Oh how cool :) the best compliment was about my hand writing – that it looked like printed (yeah, my handwriting is awesome :D)

  2249. when i was a freshman in high school i made the varsity basketball team (there was no JV team because the school was so small). of all the girls who tried out, there was one girl cut…and it wasn’t me! later on in the season, the team captain (who was a big, scary senior) turned to me at a pre-game dinner at Captain Bob’s and said, “you don’t talk that much, but when you do you’re really funny.” i turned 35 this year and i still find myself remembering what she said.

  2250. Oh duh I totally forgot to post about the compliment thing (in which case please ignore my previous comment, sorry!) – well last week a dude told me “You’re not short, you’re DELICIOUSLY TINY” (I’m 4’11, I’m short) Made my day, he managed to make it sound unsleazy, funny and flattering all at once ha.

  2251. I never ever ever ever post on things like this, but I just couldn’t help myself with this one! Not only because everything looks super amazing, but because everything you do is always done so nicely and with such thoughtfulness :)

    I think one of the best compliments I have received was just recently. I’m a PhD student & I taught my first uni class last semester in Drama. I was super nervous about it & worried that the students wouldn’t respond to me & that I would mess something up. Anyway! In the end of semester student feedback one of the comments said that I was a great teacher and always helped them when they needed it. I felt so happy that I had been helpful, it whatever small way it may have been!

  2252. You have no idea how happy I am to see an old-school blog giveaway. I miss the days of comments only!

    Also, I like your style, girlfriend. I want everything on that list. Tell us more about your latest purchases and style/stationery crushes please!

  2253. I think the best compliment I’ve ever gotten is that I have very beautiful hair. I never thought so. Curly horsehair that truly has it’s own life and is not manegable at all. But so many people have complimentet me for my hair, so I am starting to believe they actually mean it! And I’m starting to work with my curls instead of working against them with a hot hot hot damaging straitening iron. Nice to get compliment on my hair when I’ve wished for flat flat and straight blond hair all my life.

  2254. Best compliment…in a thank you note for a wedding gift…..the couple wrote how they hoped their marriage and married life will be an image of ours. They have used us as their role models. Awesome!

    Your giveaway would be like winning the lottery! Off to extend a compliment today!

  2255. I was told once that when in a conversation with someone, I am not just waiting for my turn to talk- it feels as if I’m actually listening to the other person and taking it in. I was insanely flattered. Thank you!

  2256. Ah, the compliment… There is a weird guy in my town who owns a number of used-book shops. I was browsing the titles one day and he came and said to me “Lady, you have such wonderful eyes. Allow me to give you a gift.” He gave me a book “How to potty-train your child in a week”.

    Sometimes I still wonder about the secret meaning of this :D

    My Kitties send all the best to your Kitten <3

    P.S. And my compliment to a stranger: I really, really like your blog!

    @Cats274 on Twitter

  2257. I was walking to work the other day and a jogger passed me, slowed down, took her headphones out and told me I smelled so good! Made me smile :)
    I will compliment someone when I get my lunch today!

  2258. My boyfriend said he feels like Indiana Jones bacause he has found the holy grail of girlfriends. Heart melt!

  2259. I teach kids to swim as a spare time job and when I’m at work I always wear my “uniform” (sports shorts, club t-shirt and a swimsuit underneath) and have my hair in a ponytail – not exactly fancy. Then one day I met one of the kids in town and she looks at me and says: “Wow you are actually pretty!” haha :-)

  2260. Best compliment is from my daugther, she’s so full of love. She said mom I love you so much, I can’t tell you how much, because then I’m gonna explode.

  2261. I’m not sure if this really counts as a compliment, but I was walking down the stairs at school once, and I passed these three guys and they started singing ‘You’re Beautiful’ by James Blunt! I thought that was really sweet! Take care x

  2262. What a super cool and colourful giveaway! The best compliment was from my best friend, who said even if I’ve got a serious problem going on, I’m always happy and shine like a light so that no one ever knows so I never bring others down. It was about 5 years ago, but I never forgot it and it helps me during tough times as you can imagine. Happy Frrrrryday!! (fry is better than fri, don’t you think..) X

  2263. When I was younger, and quite unsure of myself, I’d gotten a new haircut and was wearing a gorgeous backless top out to a fancy bar. These two fantastic older gay men came up to me as I was ordering a drink and said ‘darling, we just want you to know that we love your outfit, you are just the cutest thing here’. Every girl needs to start a night out with a compliment like that!

  2264. Best compliment I’ve gotten would have to be that I was an angel. (if you knew me you’d laugh because I’m a vulgar mess haha) buuuuut, I was working at a retail clothing store at the time, and a girl who happened to be deaf came in and sadly, and quite unfortunately, I did not know sign language but I smiled brightly, calmed her down, (the poor darling was almost in tears) spoke slowly so she could read my lips and had her choose a fun marker for her to write with so she could explain what she needed and what the event was. It was for her school’s dance, and I went by her personality and found a beautiful dress that she absolutely loved! She was so excited she hugged me and kept thanking me. She was seriously so adorable it was beyond words. Her mother ended up coming into the store the next day and sought me out to immediately give me a big hug and told me that her daughter had went to dozens of stores and NO ONE would be patient and work with her because she was deaf, (those people totally suck) and ended up feeling defeated and awful about herself. When she got home with her new dress, she ran into her room, put it on and surprised her mom! It made them both cry because she felt beautiful in her dress and it radiated off of her. Her lovely mother held my hands and told me I was an angel, and I brought joy into their lives with a small act of kindness. Just goes to show you we ALL have opportunities to make an impact on someone’s life regardless of the act. I’ll never forget those two lovely ladies, and I honestly believe I was given a wonderful gift to be able to put a smile on their beautiful faces and be a tiny part in a moment in their lives. And with that, thank you for the opportunity to share my little story and you’re awesome for encouraging random acts of kindness as I find those make a much bigger impact than we’ll ever know. Cheers!

  2265. Someone asked me where I bought my dress – and I had made it. It made my day! Such a lovely giveaway to enjoy in the last month of hot weather here in the UK =)

  2266. When I was 9, my dad chaperoned my class field trip to Busch Gardens. He and I were waiting in line for a ride and an older girl (who seemed SO COOL to a 4th-grader) turned around and told my dad, “You have the prettiest daughter.” This compliment was given 15 years ago and I still remember it. Now, as an adult, I always make a point to compliment random little girls’ parents on how pretty or stylish or smart they are (so that their daughter overhears, of course).

  2267. My friend from school once said that dark circles under my eyes match my brown eyes very harmonious. I found it actually poetic. I still consider this one as the best compliment I’ve ever heard to myself, because it’s weird but nice and I liked that.

  2268. Probably when my boss told me they’d all passed around my cover letter (which I thought was pretty standard) when I applied, because it was so well-written!

  2269. I love this idea for your giveaway :) one of the best compliments I’ve eve received was from someone who “knew I was from the Midwest because people from there are just the nicest coolest people!” :)

  2270. I’ve never entered a giveaway before!, but I like to tell about this one compliment :), which was, I guess, a little backhanded. This friend of a friend I had just met told me, “I didn’t think you were especially pretty at first, but after a while that you’d been talking, I realized how gorgeous you were.”

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  2271. The best compliment I’ve ever had has to be my business partner telling me he would never have been able to put on our event without my hard work

  2272. Just want to first say thanks for catalyzing some positive interactions. We all need a little reminder sometimes. :)

    Best compliment: “I know I text you to tell you all the time, but I wish we were stationed at Fort Benning and I could be your neighbor again and all would be right in the world” -a friend on how hard it is making new friends after we both moved across the country.

  2273. I once had serious post haircut regret after cutting my long hair into a bob until my guy flatmate walk past my room and said “wow new hair. Looks really good”. Stopped me feeling the need to paper bag my head. Still makes me smile 4 years later.

  2274. When lots and lots of years ago, my best friend told me he’s learnt so many things from me that he wants to call me his master Yoda haha :)

  2275. Everyone else seems to think I have hand-modeling hands and I just smile and say thank you. What they don’t know is my hands are always super dang awkward in all photographs #

  2276. Ooh what lovely things! I die for Moleskine notebooks (‘easily satisfied’? Me?!) I think one of the best, and most surprising compliments I ever got came from an ex-boyfriend, after we broke up. He said I was one of the best people he’d ever met, because I had so much integrity. I have to keep working to deserve that…

  2277. I was told I looked like john Lennon, wait that isn’t it, mainly because he was a dude and I am not. My 5 year old nephew told me I was cool!

  2278. What a great giveaway! The best compliment I ever received was when my boss told me she thought I was a great teacher. I really respect her experience and skills, so it meant a lot to hear she saw potential in me.

  2279. The best compliment I’ve ever received was when I moved here to the states from another country and I told them my name was Fressa. I didn’t know how to speak English, but my teacher told me she loved my name. My name is a mix of my dad’s and mom’s first names and it turns out to be Strawberry in Spanish! I’m so glad my parents names mixed into a nice word in another language! I’m glad my name doesn’t translate to onion or translate to smelly. ;)

  2280. best compliment? i was told i was ‘really, really, really, really nice.’ pretty standard, right? this was from a 5 year old i’d been helping my friend look after, and it really made me smile because i actually don’t have a clue with small children!

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