I’ve been in Seattle this past week. It’s all greens, bridges, and clouds. If you’re wondering why Seattle is completely out of coffee and wine this week… that was me. I drank it all. It wasn’t pretty. Sorry.
Let’s go ahead and add “nervous breakdown” to the list of things we should never Google, or admit to Googling. Ooops. But, I mean… if you have the foresight to Googling it, does it mean that you’re probably not having one? Probably. Likely. Don’t look at me.
The Internet is a mad world. Here’s some:
• ‘Alex From Target’ and the Mess of Uncontrollable Fame. The internet is the weirdest place and I suppose now a random candid picture of you at work can lead to hundreds of thousands of social media followers and tweets from Ellen. But what do you even doooo with that!? “Fame has always been fickle; but in the past, ascending to internet stardom involved at least some effort on the part of a fame-seeker.”. Does anything mean anything anymore? Not rhetorical.
• “In short, people with A.D.H.D. may not have a disease, so much as a set of behavioral traits that don’t match the expectations of our contemporary culture.” A Natural Fix For ADHD
• It takes some comedic bravery to say the words Chris Rock does. There’s something beyond the humor though… always. Chris Rock Monologue on SNL
• On Kindness: My Mother Is Sick FYI: Really beautiful.
• Where do all of these stories even come from? People that are brave enough to go out and get them. The Committee to Protect Journalists says that 370 journalists have been killed in the last 10 years as a direct result of their jobs. Here’s that story.
• Broken Sleep: People once woke up halfway through the night to think, write or make love. What have we lost by sleeping straight through?
• Tomorrow we have another Baking Bootcamp! First we made Triple Berry Cinnamon Swirl Bread then Apple Pie Biscuits. Tomorrow we hitting up the savory side!
• The Kitchn has some lovely Thanksgiving inspiration. Not complicated or fussy. Just right.
• No You Are Not “Running Late”, You Are Rude And Selfish. Think about it.
• I’m going back to school with PBS and The Fault In Our Stars‘ John Green: Crash Course. Is this going to be on the test?
• Milk Stout and Sea Salt Caramels. Perfect.
I hope you sail through this Tuesday. Google all the cries for help you need to. Maybe just don’t me like me and tell aaalll of the Internet.
Cool. Byeee!
24 Responses
Seattle looks lovely, I’m jealous wish I could travel more. Have fun. Thanks for let it be Tuesday. Thanks for lovely inspiration for Thanksgiving very nice. Paulette
I loved the article on “Running Late,” I might accidentally leave a copy out and about in my office.
In defense of my fair city, it is a not so quietly kept secret, that Seattle rainy, makes you appreciate, Seattle sunny. On sunny days, there is no more beautiful place. You have to see it to believe it.
I laughed, I cried, I became hungry for pastries and caramels. Pretty much a perfect list, Joy. Happy Tuesday. XO
It’s sunny in Seattle as I’m writing this!
Loved the lateness article and promptly sent it to my husband. It will do no good but a girl can try. Were you visiting the troll when you took the bridge photo?
I think the one where you said “I’m running late” is my favorite. I think about this when people are late. I love google!
Hi Joy! I love your recipes but honestly, I am always anxious to see what links you will post each week. I hope one day I will have the pleasure of meeting you because you have such a vibrant and intelligent voice on the blog.
I hope you’re enjoying Seattle! I absolutely love it out here :)
A few times a year, I’ll find myself gripped by the feeling that the spaces in which I live are inadequate arenas for the occasions when I feel most alive. – On Kindess. Holy Smokes. Thanks, Joy.
“A few times a year, I’ll find myself gripped by the feeling that the spaces in which I live are inadequate arenas for the occasions when I feel most alive” – On Kindness – Holy smokes. Thanks, Joy.
I loved the article on “Running Late,” calling it what it is…Rude! Of course we are all late occasionally, but for those who habitually think their time is more valuable than the 20 people waiting for them, I hope they read this!
Thank you so much for this – for you. The “On Kindness” article landed on a day where I never needed it more. Someone who struggles with a sick mama, just as I do. Boundless wisdom and perspective in that article, and words for everyone on the spectrum of life. Seattle is a special place (though I’m in TX, part of my family is there) and I’ve no doubt you absorbed all of the beauty and deliciousness it offers! To cheesy to say you’re a “joy”? You know what I mean! :)
So excited for the savory baking bootcamp challenge!!!!! Still dreaming about the apple pie biscuits…
Loved the ‘On Kindness’ essay. Thanks for being awesome, Joy.
That article on broken sleep is so interesting – I’ve always noticed that I write the best very early in the morning while my mind id still fuzzy and wonder how that would translate into late night writing. Also, thanks for showing the love with my milk stout caramels as well!
I quit Facebook last May (and have never had a Twitter). I say this not to brag, but because it’s so refreshing to honestly have never heard of this Alex character or any of the other “famous” people mentioned in that article. It makes life so much less complicated. Although it is an interesting aspect of our culture, it’s scary to think that so much could happen to a person without their knowledge or consent!
As for the running late: I sooo sympathize with the author and agree that it is rude, at least it is in our and his cultures. In many cultures it’s expected! :)
I love that he called out his dentist.
Thanks for the interesting reads!
Happy Tuesday to you Joy! Excited to come visit you in Tulsa on Thursday!
Seattle makes me think of Frasier!
Thanks a lot for another list of interesting and inspiring links. These are like digital goodie bags!
I sometimes feel like I’m having some sort of breakdown, but then I’m a crier, so I can get pretty worked up over pretty much anything, haha. It’s just how some of us are wired, I guess… I actually had to blog about it just yesterday!
I hope the rest of your stay in Seattle will be filled with non-breakdowny thoughts, more coffee, more wine and lots of tasty treats. You deserve everything good, Joy.
I need that cinnamon swirl bread asap! I also can’t get over the entire Alex from Target… thing? There’s no other word for it. Incredibly weird.
I said “Amen” like 6 times reading the “running late” article. Habitual lateness is disrespectful and annoying!
I have a friend who recently moved to Seattle and I’ve been seeing her photos on Facebook, it’s a beautiful place to visit, but I’m not sure I would want to live there. Too dark. I have yet to see a photo with sun shining in it. Nervous breakdown there? I could see it! Hope the coffee and wine helped!
Would love to visit Seattle– and would love to make those biscuits. They look so yummy!
Thanks for the awesome round up. Definitely just went ahead and opened some of these into tabs. Hope you had a good time in Seattle, but the nervous breakdown part does not sound good!
rae of love from berlin
I’ve never been to Seattle…I always think of Seattle in a romantic sense…I blame Tom Hanks for this! ;)