Summer Bucket List, 2022!

BUCKET LIST buck•et list (noun): a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have accomplished during their lifetime.  Also, a 2007 comedic film featuring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson.

SUMMER BUCKET LIST sum•mer buck•et list (noun):  a list of things that a person would like to accomplish and experience during the summer months.  If done correctly, should involve water-guns, pool time, and roller-skates.

Hello friends!  We’re a few days into summer and already breaking heat records here in New Orleans.  It is THICK out there.  My afternoon walks have gotten a lot slower with a few breaks in the shade.  Summer reminds me to slow it all down mostly because it’s nearly impossible to act any faster.

Can I be honest? I need a break this summer. I am tired, like a deep-inside kind of tired. A few sweet women I work with (good lookin’ out Abby and Megan) are worried I’m on the verge of burnout. They might be right. Is that what this fundamental fatigue is? Yes, inescapably yes.

I’m slowing work down for myself this summer.  I must, since there’s simply no gas left in the tank. But can I tell you what does have gas? The new motorcycle Will bought me for my birthday.  An incredibly exciting and generous gift to celebrate completing last year’s summer bucket list goal of getting my motorcycle endorsement.

The invitation is to slow down and take care this summer. Emotions are high and bad news is so loud, it’s understandable to feel like you need to put your feet in the grass about it. I texted my parents today to ask where they want to go on mother-daughter and then father-daughter weekend vacations.  Let’s be with people we love – in the sun.  It’s been a wild two years.

Summer Bucket Lists are meant to be fun and aspirational. I feel like once the list is written, the dreams are set. They’ll happen, this summer or the next, or the next after that God willing.

Here’s what’s on my Summer Bucket List this year:

•  Go blueberry picking in Mississippi.  I will be taking my shoes off and putting my feet in the very Earth. I will come back with my tongue and fingertips stained purple, thank you.

  Go on lots of long motorcycle rides with Will.  I’ll be honest in saying that I don’t have a ton of confidence riding without Will yet.  You know how how race horses have their calming buddies that love on them before them before a race? Will is my calming horse except I’m not in a race, I’m just trying to get to 5th gear.  He rides behind me and keeps cars at a safe distance from me.  It’s also comforting to look in my rear view mirror and see him laughing at how dodgey my gear shifting is. I’ll be laughing at this come next summer when I’ll have the confidence to zoom zoom all over town on my own (with smarts and extreme caution).

•  Visit Arkansas for a camp or a dad + daughter trip.  It’s one of the most beautiful states and I want to go spend more time.

•  Watch a sunset from a sailboat. This is real bucket list stuff because sailboat!? In this economy!? Lol ok, we’ll see.

•  Eat oysters.  Easy enough here in the Gulf Coast but I’m that girl who asks the waiter how big the oysters are before I order them. I’m just always trying to recreate Maine oysters because there are none better.

•  Make a new friend.  It’s been a few years since I truly made a new friend (wait… is that true!? OOHHHH pandemic….) so it’s time to branch out and make a new, very good friend.  I have a few people in mind which sounds maybe a bit like dating but, well – that’s relationship building for ya!

•  Make small-batch no-churn ice cream because I’m on this small-batch kick and I have very little interest in turning on the oven. The oven is for sheet cakes, frozen pizza and Campfire Baked Bananas only this summer I dunno. I don’t make the rules (lol, yes I do).

What’s on your Summer Bucket List?   You can find more inspiration from Bucket Lists’ past here: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015.

xo Joy

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I Made This


41 Responses

  1. Sunsets and sailboats are on my list too! But at this rate, I’ll take a sunset from a Sea-Doo LOL!

    When you perfect making a very good friend as an adult, please share. Because all my friends are far away, too busy with their lives, and oh yes, I’m an adult who works from home. Help is appreciated (needed, more like)!!

  2. Joy! I can offer you a rare three-for-one!! Come visit my husband and I on Martha’s Vineyard. You can 1) make new friends (hi! it’s us! new friends!) 2) eat oysters (that we harvest ourselves straight out of Katama Bay!) and 3) watch the sun set from our sailboat (which happens to be moored in the very same oyster-filled bay!). This is a 100% real offer if you’re open to the idea of hangin’ with an internet stranger :)

    1. *clears throat* Is this uh… offer available to all of team Joy the Baker? Because…. my bags are already packed.

  3. Hi Joy! You continue to be an inspiration and I am definitely into the idea of a Summer Bucket List. This summer involves changing my work schedule, going from working over night to working days only, so things are going to be a bit hectic. My priorities this summer are reconnecting with family and friends, I have trips planned and concerts to attend. I’m also trying to work on having a daily routine for meditation and reconnecting with myself – which so often gets lost in the shuffle of the demands of my every day life.

  4. look after yourself, Joy, you are precious cargo. the only harm done is by not. I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing summer with all your favourite faces in all your favourite places. :) go forth & conquer your wonderful list! xOXo

  5. I make a list like this every summer! ? Have fun enjoying and checking off yours! ? My favorite is visiting the county fair in late July??

  6. You can come to Maine and accomplish oysters and making new friends. We have Chick night every Saturday night and it’s a wonderful thing. And an old Maine house with 5 beds and 5 baths that is not fancy but makes you melt into the porch couch every afternoon. You are welcome anytime !

  7. Aloha Joy!
    There is one word that can help cure burnout. “NO”
    And if you want you can add “thank you”
    Hard yes, if you are a people pleaser but essential when you are in burnout. When I was 40 I got myself a Little Rock ( spell ck kept capitalizing this so I left it! ?Arkansas ?) that said “no” and kept that by my phone (yes landline) now I am 60 and no is easy!
    Rest up Joy! And enjoy your summer bucket list!

  8. My summer goals are to train up for a 10K in February, which sounds a little insane but also helps preserve my sanity? I will be the first to admit that I never thought I would be that running person, but I absolutely love it and it really does help balance my brain (or at least I listen to lots of good music and think about a galaxy far, far away). I made your tomato tarte tatin yesterday and ate the whole thing in one sitting! It was incredible! I added some whole peeled garlic cloves just before I put on the crust so they’d be nice and roasted in the oven. 10/10 would recommend. <3

    1. Yes Maggie YES! Get after that 10k! I’m already proud of you. I also turned myself into a runner and you’re right about the brainspace! It helps balance for sure. And the tomato tarte tatin with whole roasted garlic sounds fantastic! I’m absolutely adding garlic my next bake. Thank you! Have a lovely summer running. Love to you!

  9. I always love seeing your summer bucket lists! Right now I only have one thing on mine (but it’s a big one!)- a 20-day trip to the UK, with most of it spent exploring Scottish islands and also a couple of days visiting some family and basically-family (including two super cute kids that I’m finally getting to meet in person)! This trip is 3 years in the making and to say I’m excited is an understatement. Also, I just resigned from my teaching job (due to severe burn out), so the rest of my summer will probably be spent trying to figure out what the heck I’m going to do for a job haha.

  10. Driving my puppy up to Santa Barbara for the weekend so she can run on Hendry’s Dog Beach! And making your small batch no-churn ice cream (recipe please!)

  11. Hi Joy, so admire you for recognizing the need to slow down and doing it! I read the ice cream recipe and it’s not clear to me if you are using an ice cream maker if you still need to repeat process twice? I’m thinking not. Thank you and stay cool!

  12. My boss lives in Arkansas! Maybe I should take a road trip?
    My summer bucket list consists of: baking at least once a week, learn 3 songs on my ukulele, and improve my practice of self care. I’ve always wanted to try oysters but wanted to try in an east coast state…maybe I could try at OBX this year! Thanks for the inspo!!

      1. Growing up in Mississippi, Arkansas was our vacationland — weirdly! Our favorites were Mt. Nebo State Park & Petit Jean, with some very kitschy wine tasting venues between here and there. I hope you enjoy your adventures!

  13. Hi Joy,
    I feel ya all the way on making a new friend. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately and it feels extra hard at 41 and yes, a lot like dating. I don’t live anywhere near NOLA (WA state) but I ride motorcycles and I am pretty sure we have at least 10 other things in common. Maybe it’s weird and bold of me because it’s 2022 on the internet but get in touch if it inspires you. I promise I am not creepy – just a regular gal who lives on a small farm in the mountains and dreams of one day having a bnb like MaryJane’s Farm. And a new friend.

  14. A lot of wonderful things you have planned on your summer bucket list. There’s a bit of everything you have in it. I actually want to have my organic tomatoes and cukes be prolific with many tomatoes and cukes this summer, so they need special care to keep them growing strong. I actually would like to make some peach ice cream since you don’t need fancy equipment to make it happen and we are coming into peach season. And the outdoor activities are not so clear cut yet, but I do enjoy some really good fireworks come July 4th. And I haven’t been to the beach in so long which would be fun too. Enjoy your bucket list. Sounds like a fun list of things to do.

  15. Always love your summer bucket lists. Thanks forthe inspiration! Take care of yourself and take it easy this summer. Our love to YOU.

  16. Arkansas is beautiful! Go and enjoy the hot springs while you’re there for some true r&r. Ordered your magazine yesterday so making recipes from that is going on my summer bucket list.

  17. Props to you for recognizing that you’re burning out and taking steps to take care of yourself!
    I love the variety of this bucket list. I’m going to update mine for this year. White water rafting is definitely on there every year!

      1. Hi Joy,

        Dreaming my summer bucket list which I made a couple weeks ago(inspired by you from years ago). Why only dreaming? Day 8 isolating with this darn virus! Total surprised haven’t been sick with so much as a cold for almost 3 years! Some things on my list; 1) Hire a personal trainer, get the bod strong again ( I want to try a surf lesson) 2) Take a road trip with my friend Judy, she’s up for anything, the perfect travel buddy 3) create, brainstorm and meditate ; I’ve been furloughed since March 2020 and decided to cut the cord and resign from my career of 20+ years. What’s next? 4) take a class, learn something new ( maybe that’s surfing?) Anyway, take that break and recharge. We Americans really have our priorities mixed up. :)

  18. Oh burnout is so hard. I had it after a couple striving years. The fatigue was crazy and a bit scary for me. I love that you are going to be resting this summer. One way I came back was to truly try to do the things I wanted and just listen to my body for what it needed. Spoiler alert it needed a lot of rest and to say no to some cool big projects. Take good care

    1. I’m still inspired to learn watercolor, yet again, after reading another beautiful summer bucket list of yours! I have young kids, so my bucket list involves introducing them to all the Good Humor ice cream bar classics.

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